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nerican  Printing  House  for  the 


Louisville       *       Kentucky 


The   Congress  of  the    United    States, 

The  General  Assembly  of  Kentucky 



The  Governors  of  the  States  of  the  Union 

For  the  Year  Ending  June  30,    1933 

Published   April,    1934 

American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind, 
Louisville,  Ky. 




JOHN  W.   BARR,   Jr. 



Secretary    and    Superintendent 
A.  C.  ELLIS 



Publications   Committee 


Advisory  Committee  to  Act  in   Cooperation   with 
Publications   Committee 

J.   T.    HOOPER 
JOHN   F.   BLEDSOE        EDWARD   M.  VAN  CLEVE        H.   M.   McMANAWAY 






And,    ex-officio,   every   Superintendent   or   Principal   of   a    Public    Institution 
for  the    Education   of  the    Blind   in  the    United   States. 




Their  number  of  pupils,  and  the  amount  of  the  quota  of  each  for 
the    year   ending    June    30,     1933,    according    to    the    law    of    Congress 

approved  March  3,    1879,  June  25,    1906,  August  4,  1919,  and  Decem- 
ber 22,  1927,  entitled  "An  Act  to  promote  the  Education  of  the  Blind": 

No.  of  Amount  of 

Pupils  Quota 

Alabama  School  for  the  Blind 1  67  $    1 ,990.30 

Alabama  School  for  the  Negro  Deaf  and  Blind.  ...  37  44097 

Arizona  School  for  the  Deaf  and  Blind 18  214.52 

Arkansas  School  for  the  Blind 1  50  1 ,787.70 

Atlanta  Public  Schools,  Dept.  for  the  Blind II  131.10 

Buffalo  Board  of  Education,  Classes  for  the  Blind.  .  18  214.52 

California  School  for  the  Blind 110  1,31 0.98 

Chicago  Public  Schools,  Dept.  for  the  Blind 75  893.B5 

Cincinnati  Public  Schools,   Classes  for  the  Blind.  .  .  10  I  19.18 

Cleveland  Public  Schools,  Dept.  for  the  Blind 29  345.62 

Colorado  School  for  the  Deaf  and  Blind 63  750.83 

Connecticut  School  for  the   Blind 67  798.51 

Connecticut  Nursery  for  the   Blind 4  47.67 

Detroit  Public  Schools, 

Braille   and   Sight-Saving    Dept 46  548.23 

Duluth  Public  Schools,  Classes  for  the  Blind 2  23.84 

Elizabeth  Public  Schools,  Class  for  the  Blind 5  59. 5^ 

El  Paso  Public  Schools,  Dept.  for  the  Blind 5  59.59 

Florida   School  for  the   Blind 77  917.69 

Georgia  Academy  for  the  Blind    109  1 ,299.06 

Idaho  School  for  the  Deaf  and  Blind 22  262.20 

Illinois  School  for  the  Blind 261  3,1  10.60 

Indiana   School  for  the  Blind 167  1 ,990.30 

Instituto  Puertorriqueno  de  Ninos  Ciegos, 

Dept.  de  Sanidad   (Puerto   Rico) 43  512.47 

Iowa   School   for  the   Blind 169  2,014.14 

Jersey  City  Public  Schools,  Classes  for  the  Blind.  12  143.02 

Johnstown  Public  Schools,  Dept.  for  the  Blind 18  214.52 

Kansas   School   for  the   Blind 125  1 ,489.75 

Kentucky  School  for  the  Blind I  50  1 ,787.70 

Long  Beach  Public  Schools,  Class  for  the  Blind.  ...  2  23.84 

Los  Angeles  Public  Schools,  Dept.  for  the  Blind.  .  .  50  595.90 

Louisana  State  School  for  the  Blind 82  977.28 

Louisiana  State  School  for  Negro  Blind 34  405.20 

Maryland   School   for  the   Blind 144  1,716.19 

Michigan  Employment  Institution  for  the  Blind.  ...  37  440.97 

Michigan   School   for  the   Blind 181  2,157.16 

Milwaukee  Public  Schools,   Dept.  for  the  Blind.  ...  10  J  19.18 


Minneapolis  Public  Schools,  Dept.  for  the  Blind.  .  .  43  512.47 

Minnesota  School  for  the  Blind I  20  1 ,430. 1 6 

Mississippi  School  for  the  Blind 72  858.10 

Missouri   School   for  the   Blind 96  1 ,  1 44. 1  3 

Montana  School  for  the  Deaf  and   Blind 22  262.20 

Nebraska   School  for  the   Blind 56  667.40 

Newark  Public  Schools,  Dept.  for  the  Blind    16  190.69 

New   Mexico   Institute  for  the   Blind 105  1,251.39 

New  Orleans  Public  Schools,  Classes  for  the  Blind  10  I  19.18 

New  York  Institute  for  the  Education  of  the  Blind  1 59  1 ,894.96 

New  York  State  School  for  the  Blind 1 65  1 ,966.47 

New  York  City  Public  Schools,  Dept.  for  the  Blind  93  1,108.37 

North  Carolina  School  for  the  Blind  and  the  Deaf  242  2,884.16 

North  Dakota  School  for  the  Blind 37  440.97 

Ohio  State  School  for  the  Blind 216  2,574.29 

Oklahoma  School  for  the  Blind 147  1,751.95 

Oklahoma   Deaf,   Blind  and   Orphan's   Home  for 

Colored    Children     II  131.10 

Oregon  State  School  for  the  Blind 43  512.47 

Paterson   Public  Schools,  Dept.  for  the  Blind 17  202.61 

Pennsylvania   Institution  for  the   Instruction  of 

the  Blind    230  2,741.14 

Perkins   Institution   and    Massachusetts   School  for 

the  Blind    268  3,194.02 

Piney  Woods  Country  Life  School 15  1 78.77 

Royer-Greaves  School  for  the  Blind 19  226.44 

School  for  Deaf  and  Blind  (Philippine  Islands).  ...  20  238.36 

South  Carolina  School  for  the  Deaf  and  Blind 99  1,179.88 

South  Dakota  School  for  the  Blind 53  63 1 .65 

St.  Cloud  Public  Schools,  Dept.  for  the  Blind II  131.10 

Tennessee  School  for  the  Blind 207  2,467.03 

Territorial  School  for  Deaf  and  Blind  (Hawaii) 22  262.20 

Texas  School  for  the  Blind 227  2,705.39 

Texas  Deaf  and  Dumb  and  Blind  Institute  for 

Colored  Youths    119  1 ,4 1 8.24 

Toledo  Public  Schools,  Classes  for  the  Blind 12  143.02 

Utah   School  for  the   Blind 27  32 1 .79 

Virginia  School  for  the  Deaf  and  the  Blind 92  1,096.46 

Virginia  School  for  Colored  Deaf  and   Blind 28  333.70 

Washington  State  School  for  the   Blind 1 02  1,21  5.64 

Western  Pennsylvania  School  for  the  Blind 157  1,871.13 

West  Virginia  Schools  for  the  Deaf  and  the  Blind .  112  1 ,334.82 
West  Virginia  State  Schools  for 

Colored    Deaf   and    Blind 20  238.36 

Wisconsin  School  for  the  Blind 261  3,1  10.60 

Youngstown   Public  Schools,   Dept.  for  the  Blind.  .  .  12  143.02 

Total 6,293  $75,000.00 

Per  Capita— $  I  1.918 



July  I,  1932  to  June  30,  1933 

No.  of  For  What 

Date  Voucher           TO  WHOM   PAID  Purpose  Amounts 


July    30  9244  Pay-roll  for  July,  1932  Services                 $5,238.37 

July    30  9246  Miller  Paper  Co.  Paper                       5,806.47 

Aug.  31  9247  Pay-roll  for  August,  1932  Services                   6,088.33 

Sept.  30  9248  Pay-roll  for  Sept.,  1 932  Services                   4,808.33 

Oct.  31  9250  Pay-roll  for  October,  1932      Services  4,543.33 

Nov.  30  9251  Seaman  Paper  Co.  Paper                          585.75 

Nov.  30  9252  American  Zinc  Co.  Zinc  Plate  Blanks    1,155.52 

Nov.  30  9253  Pay-roll  for  Nov.,  1932  Services                   4,543.33 

Nov.  30  9254  Queen  City  Paper  Co.  Paper                        1 ,042.92 

Dec.  31  9255  Pay-roll  for  Dec,  1932  Services                   3,573.33 


Jan.    31  9256  The  Holliston  Mills  Bindery  Materials     536.10 

Jan.    31  9257  The  Whitaker  Paper  Co.  Paper                         437.20 

Jan.    31  9258  Queen  City  Paper  Co.  Bindery  Materials     583.82 

Jan.    31  9259  Edward  M.  Smith  Bindery  Materials      107.32 

Jan.    31  9260  Miller  Paper  Co.  Paper                       3,932.02 

Jan.    31  9261  Pay-roll  for  January,  1 933  Services                   4,513.33 

Feb.  28  9262  The  Holliston  Mills  Bindery  Materials  1,194.85 

Feb.   28  9263  Miller  Paper  Co.  Paper                        1,230.48 

Feb.  28  9264  Revere  Copper  Brass  Co.  Brass  Plate  Blanks       1 25.65 

Feb.   28  9265  Pay-roll  for  Feb.,  1933  Services                   4,468.33 

Mar.  31  9266  Seaman  Paper  Co.  Paper                          577.12 

Mar.  31  9267  Louisville  Paper  Co.  Paper                          229.93 

Mar.  31  9268  American  Zinc  Co.  Zinc  Plate  Blanks       749.90 

Mar.  31  9269  Pay-roll  for  March,  1933  Services                   3,215.00 

Apr.  30  9270  The  Whitaker  Paper  Co.  Paper                          431.38 

Apr.  30  9271  Miller  Paper  Co.  Paper                        1,559.42 

Apr.  30  9272  Pay-roll  for  April,  1933  Services                   3,165.00 

May  31  9273  Pay-roll  for  May,  1 933  Services                   3,100.00 

May  31  9274  Seaman  Paper  Co.  Paper                          379.99 

May  31  9275  Miller  Paper  Co.  Paper                          368.68 

May  31  9276  Miller  Paper  Co.  Paper                       2,160.89 

June  30  9277  The  Holliston  Mills  Bindery  Materials     411.60 

June  30  9278  Pay-roll  for  June,  1933  Services                       197.85 

June  30  9279  Pay-roll  for  June,  1 933  Services                    3,849.40 

Total    $74,990.94 

Federal  Taxes  on   Checks 9.06 

GRAND  TOTAL $75,000.00 





July  I,   1932  to  June  30,   1933 


Trade    Customers $  72,83  I .  I  8 

Quota    Institutions 5,293. 1  8 

Cash    Sales 1,145.24 

Scrap    Material    Sales 138.17 

Interest    348.46 

United    States   Government 75,000.00 

Refunds      501.86 

TOTAL  RECEIPTS $  I  55,258.09 

CASH  BALANCE  JULY   I,    1932 6,089.40 

TOTAL  CASH  TO  ACCOUNT  FOR .$161,347.49 



Materials     $  33,274.33 

Pay-rolls     75,074.26 

Manufacturing  Expense   2,8  13.11 

Repairs    3,687.30 

Miscellaneous    Expense    6,383.82 

Postage      1,102.07 

Interest    108.00 

Freight   and    Drayage 3,259.41 

Refunds  Accounts   Receivable 60.78 

Equipment     1,199.07 

Traveling    Expense    1 ,076.78 

New  Stereograph    Machines 8,966.36 

Notes    Payable 3,500.00 


CASH  BALANCE  JUNE  30,   1933 20,842.20 

TOTAL  CASH  ACCOUNTED  FOR. .$161,347.49 


July  3,    1933 

The  Annual  Meeting  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  of  the  American 
Printing  House  for  the  Blind  was  held  at  the  Pendennis  Club,  Louisville, 
Kentucky,  July  3,  1933,  at  one  p.  m.,  with  the  following  members 

Mr.  John  W.  Barr,  Jr.,   President,   Louisville,   Kentucky. 

Mr.  Edward  M.  Van  Cleve,  Vice-President,  Principal,  New  York 
Institute  for  the  Education  of  the  Blind,  New  York,  New  York. 

Mr.  John  F.  Bledsoe,  Superintendent,  Maryland  School  for  the 
Blind,   Overlea,    Maryland. 

Mr.  A.  J.  Caldwell,  Superintendent,  Louisiana  School  for  the  Blind, 
Baton   Rouge,   Louisiana. 

Mr.  Harry  Dumesnil,  Louisville,   Kentucky. 

Mr.  Stuart  Duncan,    Louisville,    Kentucky. 

Prof.  R.  P.  Halleck,  Louisville,   Kentucky. 

Mr.  R.  C.  Ballard  Thruston,   Louisville,   Kentucky. 

The   Minutes  of  the   previous   meeting   were    read   and   approved. 

The  following  report  was  then  read  by  the  President,  summarizing 
the  accomplishments  of  the  Printing  House  for  the  past  year: 





The  1932-1933  fiscal  year  of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the 
Blind  has  been  marked  by  certain  definite  accomplishments  which  may 
be  enumerated  as  follows: 

1.  Acceptance  by  the  Printing  House  of  the  uniform  braille 
system  adopted  at  the  London  Type  Conference  and  known  as 
standard  English  braille.  This  forward  step  has  established  the 
leadership  of  the  Printing  House  in  an  international  movement  to 
give  the  English-speaking   blind   peoples  a   uniform   type. 

2.  An  Exchange  Agreement  has  been  worked  out  between 
the  National  Institute  for  the  Blind  of  London,  England,  and  the 
American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  the  two  largest  braille 
presses  in  the  world,  whereby  the  two  presses  will  exchange  em- 
bossed plates  upon  a  preferential  basis  to  the  mutual  advantage 
of  the  sightless  readers  of  both  the  British  Empire  and  the  United 

3.  This  year  has  witnessed  the  production  and  distribution 
of  the  greatest  volume  of  embossed  literature  in  the  history  of 
the  institution.  It  is  noteworthy  that  more  than  $150,000  worth 
of  books  and  tangible  apparatus  have  been  manufactured  and 
sold  during  the  year.  This  great  volume  of  business  has  made 
possible  a  specialization  of  effort  which  has  resulted  in  a  better 
service  at  lower  cost. 

4.  Materials  and  processes  have  been  standardized  to  such 
an  extent  that  the  Executive  Committee  has  felt  justified  in  author- 
izing the  Superintendent  to  purchase  large  quantities  of  metal, 
paper  and  bindery  supplies  at  the  unusually  low  prices  which  now 
prevail.  This  action  was  taken  in  the  hope  that  the  necessity  of 
raising  catalog  prices  might  be  avoided  in  the  event  that  there  is 
a    marked    rise   in   commodity   prices. 

5.  Certain  necessary  improvements  in  the  physical  plant 
have  been  made.  During  the  year  a  new  Iron  Fireman  has  been 
installed  in  the  furnace,  and  all  of  the  windows  and  doors  of  the 
building  have  been  weatherstripped  and  caulked.  All  outside 
woodwork  has  been  painted,  and  the  stone  and  brickwork  cleaned. 
A  sound-proof  floor  has  been  laid  in  the  stereotyping  room,  and 
additional  office  space  provided  by  clearing  a  part  of  an  old  stock- 
room. Special  equipment  in  the  bindery,  and  in  the  map  and  ster- 
eotyping departments,  have  resulted  in  greater  production,  to- 
gether with  an  improvement  in  the  quality  of  the  embossed  books 
and  tangible  apparatus. 

6.  A  serious  effort  has  been  made  to  improve  the  personnel 
of  the  Printing  House.  With  the  expansion  in  volume  of  business 
has  come  the  opportunity  to  make  certain  additions  to  the  staff. 
In  the  clerical  and  stereotyping  departments  there  has  been  a 
tendency  to  require  higher  educational  standards  for  all  applicants. 
The  minimum  educational  requirement  for  a  beginner  in  the  stereo- 
typing department  is  a  standard  high  school  education.  During 
the  year  three  college  graduates  have  been  added  to  the  staff, 
and  several  employees  are  being  encouraged  to  take  a  year's 
leave   of  absence   for  further   study. 

Pursuant  to  a  resolution  passed  at  the  last  Annual  Meeting,  the 
President  and  Superintendent  have  acted  as  a  special  committee  to 
classify  all  positions  by  name,  number,  position  and  salary.  A  class- 
ified pay-roll  has  been  prepared  and  recorded  in  the  Minutes  of  the 
last  meeting.  In  preparing  the  classified  list,  due  consideration  was 
given  to  each  position  and  employee.  A  serious  effort  was  made  to 
remove  inequalities  in  the  compensation  of  certain  employees.  Instead 
of  fixing  salaries  on  a  seniority  basis,  a  scale  was  worked  out  which 
takes  into  consideration  the  value  of  the  service  rendered  and  places 
emphasis  upon  accomplishment  rather  then  length  of  service.  The  new 
classified  pay-roll  will  be  effective  on  and  after  August    I,    1933. 

During  the  past  year  the  Executive  Committee  has  acted  for  the 

Board  of  Trustees  in  the  interim  between  the  Annual  Meetings,  and 
this  brief  report  is  made  in  order  that  the  Board  may  gain  some  idea 
of  what  has  been   accomplished. 

Respectfully  submitted, 

JOHN  W.  BARR,  Jr. 


Upon  motion,  the  above  report  was  approved  and  ordered  filed. 

Mr.   Edward   M.  Van   Cleve,   Chairman   of  the   Music   Committee, 

made   the   following    report   which,    upon    motion,    was    also    approved: 





For  various  reasons  the  Music  Committee  has  functioned  only  in 
an  advisory  capacity  during  the  year.  No  work  has  been  done  in  the 
way  of  producing  new  plates,  and  the  Printing  House  has  confined  itself 
to  the  filling  of  orders  out  of  stock  on  hand.  However,  a  few  reprints 
have  been  necessary  in  order  to  supply  the  demands  of  our  customers. 

A  policy  of  exchange  of  plates,  referred  to  and  encouraged  in  the 
action  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  at  the  meeting  a  year  ago,  having  been 
put  in  force  through  agreement  with  the  National  Institute  for  the 
Blind  of  Great  Britain,  it  is  now  possible  for  the  American  Printing 
House  to  use  the  music  plates  of  that  organization.  The  English  collec- 
tion is  the  largest  in  the  world,  and  there  is  reason  to  hope  that  the 
music  teachers  in  the  United  States  will  benefit  from  the  opportunity 
to  use  reprints  from  the  English  collection.  It  has  been  suggested  by 
the  Secretary  of  the  Printing  House  that  some  thought  should  be  given 
to  a  definite  plan  for  selecting  titles  to  be  borrowed  from  the  English. 

Other  examples  of  the  value  of  exchange,  or  loan  of  plates,  are 
the  arrangement  now  made  with  the  Perkins  Institution  that  all  of  the 
music  plates  embossed  there  will  be  made  available  for  loan  to  the 
A.  P.  H.;  and  the  New  York  Institute  for  the  Education  of  the  Blind 
continues  to  donate  all  of  its  music  plates  to  the  A.  P.  H. 

There  remain  several  titles  upon  an  approved  list  of  books  and 
music  to  be  embossed  which  for  some  reason  or  other  have  necessarily 
been  held.  It  is  suggested  that  the  Secretary  of  the  Printing  House 
be  requested  to  make  the  necessary  arrangements  to  have  all  of  these 

Looking  to  the  future,  and  with  the  prospect  above  indicated  that 
a  large  number  of  titles  will  be  made  generally  available  through  the 
Printing  House  on  account  of  the  reciprocity  established  with  the 
English  and  with  the  Perkins  Institution,  the  suggestion  is  now  made  that 
there  be  issued  to  the  schools  of  America  a  call  for  suggestions  as  to 

what  shaff  be  affempfed  in  the  way  of  further  embossing  for  fhe   use 
of  our  schools. 

For  the  Music  Committee, 



The  following  report  of  the  Superintendent  was  then  read  and  the 
recommendations  contained   therein   discussed: 




The  attached  report  of  production  and  costs  of  the  American 
Printing  House  for  the  Blind  tor  the  fiscal  year  1932-1933  shows  that 
the  institution  has  established  new  production  records  in  nearly  every 
department.  It  is  particularly  noteworthy  that  for  the  first  time  in  the 
history  of  the  Printing  House  the  amount  of  embossed  books  and 
tangible  apparatus  sold  to  the  free  ciruclating  libraries  amounts  to 
almost  as  much  as  that  furnished  to  the  schools  and  institutions  for  the 
education  of  the  blind.  The  production  of  educational  literature  no 
longer  constitutes  the  major  portion  of  the  business  of  the  Printing 
House.  It  is  therefore  obligatory  that  the  Trustees  of  the  American 
Printing  House  for  the  Blind  give  careful  thought,  not  only  to  the  needs 
of  the  schools  and  classes  for  the  blind,  but  also  to  the  peculiar 
demands    of   the    free    circulating    libraries    which    serve    adult    readers. 

Pursuant  to  a  resolution  passed  at  the  last  Annual  Meeting  of  the 
Board  of  Trustees,  the  Superintendent  of  the  Printing  House  attended 
the  Type  Conference  held  in  London,  England,  in  July,  1932.  Although 
not  a  regularly  appointed  delegate  to  the  Conference,  the  Superin- 
tendent was  accorded  the  privilege  of  attending  the  meetings,  and 
was  treated  with  every  courtesy  and  consideration  by  both  the  English 
and  American  conferees.  During,  and  after,  the  Conference,  advan- 
tage was  taken  of  the  opportunity  to  visit  braille  printing  establish- 
ments and  circulating  libraries  in  England,  Scotland  and  France.  By 
visiting  presses  and  libraries  engaged  in  work  similar  to  our  own,  the 
Superintendent  gained  much  helptul  information  which  will  be  of  very 
great  value  to  him  in  the  management  of  the  American  Printing  House 
tor  the   Blind. 

After  the  Type  Conference  had  completed  its  work,  an  Exchange 
Agreement  was  drawn  up  between  the  American  Printing  House  for 
the  Blind  and  the  National  Institute  for  the  Blind  whereby  embossed 
plates  may  be  exchanged  between  the  two  institutions.  Briefly  stated, 
the  terms  of  the  Agreement  provide  that  either  press  may  have  the 
preference,  or  "first  call,"  on  all  braille  plates  manufactured  by  the 
other.  The  borrower  is  expected  to  pay  all  expenses  of  transportation, 
and  to  take  reasonable  precaution  to  ensure  the  safe  return  of  the  plates. 

The  presses  also  agree  not  to  duplicate  titles  printed  by  each  other, 
and  to  submit  beforehand  projected  publication  lists  in  order  that  un- 
necessary duplication  may  be  avoided.  The  Agreement  has  been 
officially  approved  by  the  governing  Board  of  the  National  Institute 
for  the  Blind  and  by  the  Executive  Committee,  acting  for  the  Board 
of  Trustees,  of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  and  by 
September   I,    1933,  the  actual  exchange  of  plates  will  be  in  operation. 

The  Type  Conference  prepared  and  adopted  a  code  book  for  the 
guidance  of  transcribers  and  embossers  of  standard  English  braille. 
Unfortunately,  the  code  book  contains  several  rules  which  are  subject 
to  different  interpretations.  Many  difficulties  have  arisen  out  of  the 
attempts  of  the  several   presses  to   interpret  these   rules. 

If  we  &re  to  have  a  desirable  degree  of  uniformity  of  practice 
between  English  and  American  embossers,  it  is  absolutely  necessary 
that  there  be  set  up  in  this  country  a  uniform  type  committee  with  full 
authority  to  settle  all  questions  relating  to  type.  At  the  recent  meet- 
ing of  the  American  Association  of  Workers  for  the  Blind,  definite 
steps  were  taken  to  organize  a  type  committee  which  would  consist 
of  Iwo  members  appointed  by  the  American  Association  of  Workers 
for  the  Blind,  Iwo  members  by  the  American  Association  of  Instructors 
of  the  Blind,  and  one  by  the  American  Foundation  for  the  Blind.  The 
Superintendent  of  the  Printing  Mouse  and  the  managers  of  the  other 
braille  presses  insisted  that  the  Committee  appoint  a  Referee,  an 
expert  braillist,  to  decide  all  questions  of  form  and  practice  in  accord- 
ance with  a  code  of  rules  established  by  the  Type  Committee.  The 
purpose  of  a  Referee  is  to  ensure  that  embossers  will  be  able  to  secure 
a  prompt,  definite  and  official  decision  on  any  question  arising  out  of 
the  interpretation  of  the  official   rules. 

One  of  the  most  serious  questions  of  interpretation  that  has 
arisen  is  that  of  syllabication.  There  seems  to  be  a  difference  of 
opinion  among  the  members  of  the  American  Special  Type  Commis- 
sion, which  negotiated  with  the  English,  as  to  whether  contractions 
should  be  used  which  overlap  syllables.  In  the  absence  of  any  official 
authority  to  settle  the  question,  the  American  Printing  House  for  the 
Blind  has  followed  the  policy  of  full  syllabication  as  outlined  in  the  rules 
governing  revised  braille  grade  M/2.  It  is  the  opinion  of  the  Super- 
intendent that  this  policy  should  be  pursued  until  a  uniform  type  com- 
mittee is  established  with  authority  to  rule  upon  this  and  other  ques- 
tions. If,  and  when,  a  uniform  type  committee  is  established,  the 
Printing  House  should  accept  its  rulings  and  subscribe  to  the  decisions 
of  the  Referee. 

Owing  to  the  fact  that  50  per  cent  of  the  gross  output  of  the 
Printing  House  goes  to  the  free  circulating  libraries,  more  consideration 
should  be  given  to  the  needs  of  adult  readers.  It  is  therefore  sug- 
gested that  the  Publications  Committee  be  authorized  to  prepare,  in 
addition  to  a  list  of  school  books,  a  long  list  of  titles  of  general  liter- 
ature  suitable   for  general    library   use.      This   will    enable   the    Superin- 

tendent  to  meet  the  needs  of  the  circulating  libraries  by  printing  from 
the  list  those  books  for  which  there  is  sufficient  demand  to  justify  first 
editions  large  enough  to  include  the  entire  production  cost,  and  df 
prices  in  line  with  the  catalog  prices  of  the  several  braille  presses. 

The  acceptance  of  interpoint  printing  and  the  adoption  of  standard 
English  braille  has  tended  to  render  obsolete  many  titles  printed  on  one 
side  of  the  page  and  embossed  in  braille  grade  M/2.  It  is  therefore 
absolutely  necessary  that  some  thought  be  given  to  the  matter  of 
obsolescence.  This  problem  has  been  thoroughly  discussed  with  our 
Auditors,  and  I  shall  now  quote  from  the  last  Annual  Report  of  Mel- 
drum  &  Mefdum: 

"Obsolescence,  both  in  text  and  type,  has  become  such  an 
increasingly  irresistible  factor  in  establishing  the  life  of  stereo- 
graph plates,  that  the  depreciation  rate  thereon  heretofore  estab- 
lished is  now  wholly  inadequate,  and  we  suggest  that  the  Board  of 
Trustees,  by  official  action  authorize  the  Superintendent  in  conjunc- 
tion with  the  Auditors  to  revise  the  existing  rate  to  meet  present  re- 
quirements and  also  to  apply  it  retroactively  and  thereby  reduce 
to  a  conservative  present  value,  the  stock  of  stereograph  plates 
on  hand  and  adjust  any  resultant  loss  thereby  sustained  by  a 
charge  thereof  against  either  'Surplus'  or  'Capital  Investment' 
account,  at  the  discretion  of  the  Auditors. 

"We  further  suggest  that  like  authority  be  issued  for  deter- 
mining the  entirely  obsolete  stereograph  plates  and  stock  on  hand 
printed  therefrom  and  for  the  elimination  thereof  from  the  'Stereo- 
graph Plates'  and  'Inventory'  of  'Finished  and  Unbound  Stock' 
assets,  and  the  adjustment  through  'Surplus'  or  'Capital  Invest- 
ment' of  any  resultant  net  loss  thereby  sustained." 

It  is  respectfully  suggested  that  the  Board  of  Trustees  authorize 
the  auditors  to  take  such  steps  as  necessary  to  remedy  the  situation. 

Respectfully  submitted, 
A.  C.  ELLIS, 
Secretary  and  Superintendent. 

Upon  motion,  the  above  report  was  accepted  and  ordered  fifed. 

From  the  Superintendent's  Report  it  was  noted  that  there  is  an 
ever-increasing  demand  from  the  circulating  libraries  for  interesting 
literature  suitable  for  adult  readers.  To  meet  this  need,  the  Publications 
Committee  was  authorized  to  prepare  a  special  Publication  List  of 
general  literature  suitable  for  the  circulating  libraries  which  are  served 
by  the  Printing  House.  This  List,  when  prepared,  will  be  advertised  to 
the  schools  and  libraries,  and  first  editions  will  be  printed  whenever 
orders  are  received  for  as  many  as  25  copies  of  any  title  on  the  list. 

Attention  was  called  to  the  fact  that  the  adoption  of  standard 
English    braille    grade    2    and    bi-page    printing    has    accelerated    the 

obsolescence  of  embossed  plates  and  finished  stock  now  on  hand  to 
such  a  point  that  the  scale  of  depreciation  now  employed  is  no  longer 
adequate.  Accordingly,  upon  motion,  the  Superintendent,  in  conjunc- 
tion with  the  Auditors,  was  authorized  to  "revise  the  existing  rate  (of 
obsolescence)  to  meet  present  requirements  and  to  reduce  the  stock  of 
stereograph  plates  on  hand  to  a  conservative  present  value,  and  adjust 
any  resultant  loss  thereby  sustained  by  a  charge  thereof  against  either 
'Surplus'  or  'Capital  Investment'  account,  at  the  discretion  of  the  Audi- 
tors." Authority  was  also  issued  further  "for  determining  the  entirely 
obsolete  stereograph  plates  and  stock  on  hand  printed  therefrom  and 
for  the  elimination  thereof  from  the  'Stereograph  Plates'  and  'Inventory' 
of  'Finished  and  Unbound  Stock'  assets,  and  the  adjustment  through 
'Surplus'  or  'Capital  Investment'  of  any  resultant  net  loss  thereby  sus- 

Upon  motion  by  Mr.  Van  Cleve,  it  was  voted  that  the  Printing 
House  enter  into  a  cooperative  plan  with  the  Braille  Institute  of  America 
for  the  publication  of  a  suitable  braille  dictionary.  It  was  understood 
that  such  a  plan  would  be  drawn  up  into  a  formal  statement  and  signed 
by  the  Executive  Officers  of  both  institutions. 

The  Superintendent  and  Secretary  stated  that  a  rough  draft  of  the 
By-Laws  and  Resolutions  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  of  the  Printing  House 
now  in  force  had  been  compiled.  It  was  pointed  out,  however,  that 
this  compilation  could  not  be  approved  except  by  a  special  meeting 
called  for  that  purpose,  according  to  Article  111  of  the  present  By-Laws, 
passed  July  12,  1888,  and  now  in  force.  It  was  the  feeling  of  all 
present  that  the  By-Laws  and  Resolutions  should  be  revised  and  brought 
down  to  date,  and  that  all  obsolete  provisions  and  requirements  be 
eliminated.  Upon  motion,  it  was  ordered  that  the  Secretary,  not  later 
than  November  I,  1933,  send  out  mimeographed  copies  of  the  rough 
draft  of  the  compilation  of  By-Laws  with  the  request  that  the  super- 
intendents send  in  by  January  I,  1934,  any  suggestions  or  additions 
to  be  incorporated  in  a  second  draft.  It  was  further  directed  that  the 
second  draft  embodying  all  suggestions  be  codified  and  a  copy  of 
same  mailed  to  each  member  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  not  later  than 
April  I,  1934.  The  Secretary  was  also  directed  to  issue  a  call,  under 
date  of  April  I,  1934,  for  a  special  meeting  of  the  Board  of  Trustees, 
to  be  held  immediately  preceding  the  next  Annual  Meeting  of  the 
Board,  for  the  specific  purpose  of  approving  the  proposed  codification 
of  the  By-Laws. 

Upon   motion,   the  following  officers  were   unanimously  re-elected: 

Mr.  John  W.  Barr,  Jr.,  President 
Mr.   Edward  M.  Van  Cleve,  Vice-President 
Citizens   Union    National   Bank,   Treasurer 
Mr.   A.  C.   Ellis,   Secretary 

The  following  committees  were  elected  for  the  period  of  one  year 
only,     pending    the    adoption     of    the     proposed     codification     of    the 


Publications  Commftfee: 

Mr.   G.    E.    Lineberry,    Chairman* 

Mr.   B.  S.  Joice 

Mr.  George  S.  Wilson 
Advisory  Committee  (to  act  in  cooperation  with  the  Publica- 
tions Committee): 

Mr.  John  F.  Bledsoe 

Mr.  A.  J.  CafdwelT 

Mr.  H.  M.  McManaway 

Mr.  Edward  M.  Van  Cleve 

Music  Committee: 

Mr.   Edward  M.  Van  Cleve,  Chairman 
Mr.   Gabrief  Farrefl,  Jr. 
Mr.   R.  W.  Woofston 

Upon  motion,  the  Executive  Committee  was  authorized  to  invest, 
from  time  to  time,  any  excess  funds  in  the  Generaf  Account  of  the 
American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind  in  the  securities  of  the  United 
States  Government,  ft  was  further  provided  that  the  President  draw 
up  a  plan  for  safeguarding  the  withdrawals  from  the  Trust  Fund  so 

Upon  motion  of  Mr.  Van  Cfeve,  the  actions  of  the  Executive 
Committee  in  aff  matters  pertaining  to  the  American  Printing  House 
for  the  Blind  for  the  past  fiscaf  year  were  approved.  The  Executive 
Committee  was  further  authorized  to  act  for  the  Board  of  Trustees  in 
the  interim  between  the  Annual  Meetings  in  Jufy,   1933  and  Jufy,    1934. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  adfoumed. 
JOHN  W.  BARR,  Jr. 

A.  C.  ELLIS, 




FOR  THE  FISCAL  YEARS  1931-1933 

I93J                   1932  1933 

Number  of  Plates 

Stenographed .           51 ,402               52,484  70,722 

Number  of  Pages  Printed 8,504, 1  83          9,363,597  I  0,700,067 

Number  of  Volumes  Bound..  .  .           51,644               36,197  40,114 

Number  of  Titles  Published.  .  .                  100                       95  93 

Number  of  Pamphlets  and 

Magazines  Published    .... 58,646  71,026 

Tangible  Apparatus  Shipped: 
Maps  (wood,  dissected 

and  relief)   19                       22  33 

Slates     2,215                 1,468  1,553 

Styluses   4,597                 4,282  3,191 

Valuation  of  Shipments: 

To   Schools    $102,062.92  $84,326.67  $77,641.25 

To   Libraries    32,991.48          53,104.18  75,374.99 

Cash   Sales    618.30            1,11 5.89  1 ,248.99 

Total $  1 35,672.70  $  I  38,546.74  $  I  54,265.23 

Total    Operating    Cost $  I  25,884.87  $  1 23,025.70  $  1 40,6 1  8.98 

Total  Amount  of  Pay-Rolls          $  62,076.36  $  64,637.68  $   73,386.92 



MARCH   15,  1934 

Alabama    School    for   the    Blind,   Talladega,   Ala. — J.    S.    Ganey,    Prin. 

Alabama  School  for  Netjro   Deaf  and   Blind,  Talladega,  Ala. — Charles 
E.  Jones,  Prin. 

Arizona    School    for    the    Deaf    and    Blind,    Tucson,    Arizona — Robert 
D.  Morrow,  Supt. 

Arkansas  School  for  the  Blind,  Little  Rock,  Ark. — W.  M.  Brown,  Supt. 

Atlanta    Public    Schools,    Department    for    the    Blind,    Atlanta,    Ga. — - 
J.  J.  Childs,  Teacher. 

Buffalo  Board  of  Education,  Classes  for  the  Blind,  Elementary  School 
No.  24,  Buffalo,  N.  Y—  Frederick  Schultz,  Prin. 

California  School  for  the  Blind,  Berkeley,  Calif. —  R.  S.  French,  Prin. 

Chicago    Public    Schools,    Department    for   the    Blind,    Chicago,    111. — 
John  B.  Curtis,  Supervisor. 

Cincinnati    Public  Schools,   Classes  for  the   Blind,   Cincinnati,  Ohio — 
Estella   Lawes,  Director. 

Cleveland  Public  Schools,  Department  for  the  Blind,  Cleveland,  Ohio — 
Helen  J.  Coffin,  Supervisor. 

Colorado   School   for  the    Deaf  and    Blind,   Colorado   Springs,    Colo. — 
A.  L.  Brown,  Supt. 

Connecticut    School    for   the    Blind,    Hartford,    Conn. — Gordon    Hicks, 

Connecticut    Nursery   for   the    Blind,    Farmington,    Conn. — Lillian    M. 
Russell,  Supt. 

Detroit  Public  Schools,  Braille  and  Sight-Saving  Department,  Detroit, 
Mich.— Mrs.  Gladys  Dunlop  Matlock,  Supervisor. 

Duluth   Public  Schools,  Classes  for  the  Blind,   Duluth,  Minn. —  Nellie 
L.  Feetham,  Supervisor. 

Eklutna  Industrial  School  for  the  Blind,  Eklutna,  Alaska — Charles  R. 
Smith,  Supt. 

Elizabeth  Public  Schools,  Class  for  the  Blind,  Wm.  Livingston  School 
No.  10,  Elizabeth,  N.  J. — Alma   B.  Stursberg,  Teacher. 

El   Paso  Public  Schools,  Department  for  the  Blind,  El  Paso,  Texas — 
H.   M.   Blon,   Purchasing   Agent. 

Florida  School  for  the  Blind,  St.  Augustine,  Fla. — Clarence  J.  Settles, 

Georgia   Academy   for  the    Blind,    Macon,   Ga. — G.    F.    Oliphant,    Prin. 


Idaho  State  School  for  the  Deaf  and  Blind,  Gooding,  Idaho — P.  C. 
Potts,  Supt. 

Illinois  School  for  the  Blind,  Jacksonville,  111. —  R.  W.  Woolston,  Supt. 

Indiana  School  for  the  Blind,  Indianapolis,  Ind. — Geo.  S.  Wilson, 

Instituto  Puertorriqueno  De  Ninos  Ciegcs,  Departmento  De  Sanidad 
Santurce,  Puerto  Rico — Loaiza  Cordero,  Director. 

Iowa  School  for  the  Blind,  Vinton,  Iowa — Francis   Eber  Palmer,  Supt. 

Jersey  City  Public  Schools,  Classes  for  the  Blind,  Public  School 
No.  30,  Jersey  City,  N.  J. — Anna   Mahlenbrock,  Teacher  in  Charge. 

Johnstown  Public  Schools,  Department  for  the  Blind,  Johnstown, 
Pa. — Jean   Porterfield,  Teacher. 

Kansas  School  for  the  Blind,  Kansas  City,  Kan. — Olive  I.  Thompson, 

Kentucky  School  for  the  Blind,  Louisville,  Ky. — Catherine  Moriarty, 

Long  Beach  Public  Schools,  Classes  for  the  Blind,  Long  Beach, 
Calif.— Mary   E.  Tate,  Teacher. 

Los  Angeles  Public  Schools,  Department  for  the  Blind,  Los  Angeles, 
Calif. — Frances    Blend,   Supervisor. 

Louisiana  State  School  for  the  Blind,  Baton  Rouge,  La,— A.  J.  Cald- 
well,   Supt. 

Louisiana  State  School  for  Negro  Blind,  Scotlandville,  La. — A.  J. 
Caldwell,  Supt. 

Maryland  School  for  the   Blind,  Overlea,  Md. — John   F.  Bledsoe,  Supt. 

Michigan  Employment  Institution  for  the  Blind,  Saginaw,  W.  S., 
Mich.— John  F.  Hill,  Supt. 

Michigan  School  for  the  Blind,  Lansing,  Mich. — Joseph  Cauffman, 

Milwaukee  Public  Schools,  Department  for  the  Blind,  Milwaukee, 
Wis. — Carrie   B.   Levy,  Supervisor. 

Minneapolis  Public  Schools,  Department  for  the  Blind,  Minneapolis, 
Minn. — George    F.    Meyer,   Supervisor. 

Minnesota  School  for  the  Blind,  Faribault,  Minn. — Mendus  R.  Vevle, 

Mississippi  School  for  the  Blind,  Jackson,  Miss. — M.  L.  Batson,  M.  D., 

Missouri  School  for  the   Blind,  St.  Louis,  Mo. — S.  M.  Green,  Supt. 

Montana  School  for  the  Deaf  and  Blind,  Boulder,  Mont. —  Howard 
Griffin,    Pres. 

Nebraska  School  for  the  Blind,  Nebraska  City,  Nebr.— N.  C.  Abbott, 


Newark  Public  Schools,  Department  for  the  Blind,  Newark,  N.  J. — 
Janet  G.  Paterson,  Supervisor. 

New  Mexico  Institute  for  the  Blind,  Alamogordo,  N.  M. — P.  A.  Smoll, 

New  Orleans  Public  Schools,  Classes  for  the  Blind,  John  Dibert 
School,  New  Orleans,  La. — Elfrieda   Dieck,   Prin. 

New  York  Institute  for  the  Education  of  the  Blind,  999  Pelham  Park- 
way, New  York,  N.  Y.—  Edward   M.  Van  Cleve,  Prin. 

New  York  State  School  for  the  Blind,  Batavia,  New  York — C.  A. 
Hamilton,  Supt. 

New  York  City  Public  Schools,  Department  for  the  Blind,  131  Living- 
ston Street,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. — Frances   E.  Moscrip,   Inspector. 

North  Carolina  School  for  the  Blind  and  the  Deaf,  Raleigh,  N.  C. — 
G.   E.   Lineberry,  Supt. 

North  Dakota  School  for  the  Blind,  Bathgate,  N.  D. — B.  P.  Chappie, 

Ohio  State  School  for  the  Blind,  Columbus,  Ohio — W.  G.  Scarberry, 

Oklahoma  School  for  the  Blind,  Muskogee,  Okla. — Mrs.  O.  W.  Stewart, 

Oklahoma  Deaf,  Blind  and  Orphan's  Home  for  Colored  Children,  Taft, 
Okla. — N.  J.  Caesar,  Supt. 

Oregon  State  School  for  the  Blind,  Salem,  Ore. — Walter  R.  Dry,  Supt. 

Paterson  Public  Schools,  Department  for  the  Blind,  Paterson,  N.  J. — 
Katherine  Taylor,  Teacher. 

Pennsylvania  Institution  for  the  Instruction  of  the  Blind,  Overbrook, 
Pa.— O.  H.  Burritt,  Prin. 

Perkins  Institution  and  Massachusetts  School  for  the  Blind,  Water- 
town,   Mass. — Gabriel    Farrell,    Director. 

Piney  Woods  Country  Life  School,  Piney  Woods,  Miss. — Laurence  C. 
Jones,  Supt. 

Royer-Greaves  School  for  the  Blind,  King  of  Prussia,  Pa.— Mrs.  Jessie 
R.  Greaves,  Prin. 

School  for  Deaf  and  Blind,  Pasay  Rizal,  P.  I. — Julia   Hayes,  Prin. 

South  Carolina  School  for  the  Deaf  and  Blind,  Cedar  Spring,  S.  C. — 
Laurens  Walker,  Supt. 

South   Dakota  School  for  the   Blind,  Gary,  S.  D—  Otis  O.   Rule,  Supt. 

St.  Cloud  Public  Schools,  Department  for  the  Blind,  St.  Cloud,  Minn. — 
H.  B.  Gough,  Supt. 

Tennessee  School  for  the  Blind,  Nashville,  Tenn. — I.  S.  Wampler, 

Territorial  School  for  Deaf  and  Blind,  Honolulu,  T.  H. — Mabel  V. 
Lacy,  Supt. 


Texas  School  for  the  Blind,  Austin,  Texas — W.   E.  Allen,  Supt. 

Texas  Deaf  and  Dumb  and  Blind  Institute  for  Colored  Youths,  Austin, 
Texas — J.   D.   Martin,   Supt. 

Toledo  Public  Schools,  Classes  for  the  Blind,  Toledo,  Ohio— Gertrude 
F.  Kanney,  Teacher. 

Utah   School  for  the   Blind,  Ogden,   Utah — Frank   M.    Driggs,   Supt. 

Virginia    School    for   the    Deaf    and    the    Blind,    Staunton,    Va. — H.    M. 
McManaway,   Supt. 

Virginia    School    for   Colored    Deaf   and    Blind,   Newport    News,   Va. — 
Wm.  C.   Ritter,  Supt. 

Washington    State    School    for    the     Blind,    Vancouver,    Wash. — Mrs. 
Jeanne  E.  Chapman,  Supt. 

Western    Pennsylvania    School    for   the    Blind,    Pittsburgh,    Pa. — B.    S. 
Joice,  Supt. 

West  Virginia  Schools  for  the   Deaf  and  the   Blind,  Romney,  W.  Va. — 
A.   E.   Krause,  Supt. 

West   Virginia    State    Schools   for   Colored    Deaf   and    Blind,   Institute, 
W.  Va.— J.  L.  Hill,  Supt. 

Wisconsin    School   for   the    Blind,   Janesville,    Wis. — Frank    M.    Longa- 
necker,  Supt. 

Youngstown   Public  Schools,  Department  for  the  Blind,  Youngstown, 
Ohio — S.  P.  Creps,  Director. 







American  Printing  House  For  The  Blind,  Bnc. 
1839  frankfort  avenue 




Explanatory  Notes  4 

Section  A — Grades  Mil    5 

Section   B— Grades  IV-VI  11 

Section  C — Grades  VII-IX    (Junior   High   School) 19 

Section   D— Grade    X-Adult    i-28 

Section    E — Ungraded    Titles 44 

Explanatory  Notes 

The  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind  has  had  many  requests 
for  suggested  reading  lists  of  its  publications  suitable  for  individual 
grades.  In  1932,  in  an  effort  to  meet  this  need,  we  revised  our  Catalog  of 
General  Publications  to  include  the  proper  reading  grades  for  each  book. 
In  this  Catalog,  however,  the  titles  were  listed  according  to  the  Dewey 
Decimal  Classification  as  set  forth  by  the  American  Library  Association, 
and  not  by  individual  grades.  We  have,  therefore,  herewith  compiled  our 
complete  list  of  book  publications  as  of  May  1,  1933,  into  five  sections  as 
follows  (no  book  being  listed  more  than  once  throughout  the  composite 

SECTION  A— Grades   MM 

SECTION  B— Grades   IV-VI 

SECTION  C— Grades  VII-IX    (Junior    High    School) 

SECTION  D— Grades  X-Adult    (Senior   High   School   and   Adult) 

SECTION  E— Ungraded   Titles 

The  wide  range  of  tastes  and  abilities  of  the  children  of  a  particular 
school  grade  makes  it  inadvisable  to  compile  lists  for  each  separate  grade, 
for  this  would  too  narrowly  confine  the  reading  limits  of  the  available 

In  addition  to  this  composite  list,  separate  reprints  of  the  several 
sections  have  been  printed  for  the  use  of  teachers  and  others,  and  may 
be  had  upon  request  from  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind. 

May  15,  1933. 

Graded  List  of  Braille  Publications 


This  list  has  been  compiled  as  an  aid  to  teachers  making  selections 
of  books  to  be  read  in  the  first  three  grades.  It  is  the  first  section  of  a 
composite  list  of  the  several  grades,  i.e.,  I-X-Adult  and  Ungraded,  in 
which  each  title  in  the  General  Catalog,  with  its  reading  range  indicated 
in  Roman  numerals,  has  been  assigned  to  a  particular  set  of  grades,  no 
book  being  listed  more  than  once  throughout  the  entire  series  of  lists. 
It  should  be  borne  in  mind,  therefore,  that  this  is  a  skeleton  list  of 
braille  titles  for  the  first  three  grades  available  from  the  American 
Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  and  should  be  supplemented  in  individual 
cases  by  reference  to  the  list  for  Grades  IV-VI,  and  the  Ungraded  list. 
For  detailed  information  in  regard  to  each  title,  refer  to  the  Catalog  of 
General  Publications,  1932  and  the  1933  Supplement. 

Non- Fiction 


CHILD  HEALTH  ALPHABET  by  Mrs.  Frederick  Peterson.  Grade  1.* 

CHO-CHO  AND  THE  HEALTH  FAIRY  (Six  Stories)  by  Eleanor  Glen- 
dower  Griffith.     Grade  1.     (MI-IV) 

Adelborg.     Grade  1.     (Ml) 

JOURNEY  TO  HEALTH  LAND,  A  by  James  Mace  Andress  and  Annie 
Turner  Andress.     Grade  1.     (I-MI) 

RHYMES  OF  CHO  CHO'S  GRANDMA  by  Mrs.  Frederick  Peterson.  Grade 
1.     (Il-lll) 

Mace  Andress  and  Annie  Turner  Andress.     Grade  1.     (MM) 


STORIES  OF  GREAT  AMERICANS  by  Edward  Eggleston.  Grade  1. 


AROUND  THE  WORLD  WITH   THE   CHILDREN    (an   introductory   geo- 
graphy)  by  Frank  George  Carpenter.     (Il-lll) 
LITTLE    FOLKS   OF   MANY    LANDS   by   Lula    Maude   Chance.     Grade   1. 


HISTORY   STORIES   OF   OTHER    LANDS   edited    by   Arthur  Guy   Terry. 
Grade   1.     (IMV): 


STORIES    OF    COLONIAL    CHILDREN    by    Mrs.    Mary    Louise     (Pratt) 

Chadwick.     (III-IV) 

*If  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  1'/2. 



ALDINE   READERS  by  Frank  Ellsworth  Spaulding  and  Catherine  Turner 
Bryce.     Grade  1: 

BOOK       I— (I) 

BOOK     II— (II) 

ALDINE    SUPPLEMENTARY    READERS    by    Catherine    Turner    Bryce, 
Grade  1: 


BEACON   READERS,  THE  by  James  Hiram  Fassett: 

BEACON    PRIMER:    VOLS.   I   AND    II.     Grade   1.      (I) 

BEACON    FIRST    READER.     Grade   1.      (I) 

BEACON    SECOND    READER.     Grade   1.      (II) 

CHILD'S   OWN    WAY   SERIES:    WAG   AND   PUFF— A    PRIMER   by    Mar- 

jorie   Hardy.     Grade   1.     (Mil) 
CHILD'S  WORLD  SERIES,  THE  by  Sarah  Withers,  Hetty  S.  Browne  and 
William    Knox  Tate: 

PRIMER.     Grade  1.     (I) 

FIRST   READER.     Grade   1.     (I) 

SECOND   READER.     Grade   1.      (II) 

THIRD  READER.     (Ill) 
CLASSIC  FABLES  edited  by   Edna   Henry   Lee  Turpin.     (MM) 
ELSON     BASIC    READERS     (Life-reading    Service)     by    William     Harris 
Elson,  Lura   E.  Runkel  and  William   S.  Gray: 

PRIMER.     Grade  1.     (I) 

FIRST   READER.     Grade  1.     (I) 

SECOND  READER.     Grade  1.     (II) 

THIRD   READER.     Grade  1.     (Ill) 
EVERYDAY  CLASSICS  by  Franklin  T.  Baker,  Ashley  H.  Thorndike  and 

PRIMER.     Grade  1.     (I) 

FIRST  READER.     Grade  1.     (I) 

SECOND  READER.    Grade  1.     (II) 

THIRD   READER.     (Ill) 
FAIRY  WAND,  THE  by  Frank  Ellsworth  Spaulding  and  Catherine  Turner 

Bryce.     (MV) 
GORDON   READERS,  THE  by  Emma  K.  Gordon  and  Marietta  Stockard: 

FIRST   READER.     Grade  1.     (I) 

SECOND  READER.     Grade  1.     (II) 
LEARN  TO  STUDY  READERS,  THE  by  Ernest  Horn  and  Grace  Shields: 

BOOK   I.     Grade  1.     (Ml) 
LITTLE   CHILDREN'S   BIBLE,  THE.     Grade   1.      (MM) 
MONROE'S  NEW  PRIMER  by  Lewis  Baxter  Monroe.     (I) 
PAGE    STORY    BOOK,   THE    edited    by    Frank    Ellsworth    Spaulding    and 

Catherine  Turner  Bryce.     (MV) 
PATHWAY  TO    READING   SERIES,  THE   by    Bessie   B.  Coleman,   Willis 
L.  Uhl  and  James  F.  Hosic: 

PRIMER.     Grade   1.     (I) 

FIRST  READER.     Grade  1.     (I) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/z. 



SECOND  READER.     Grade  1.     (II) 

THIRD   READER.      (Ill) 
READING    LITERATURE    SERIES    adapted    and    graded    by    Hariette    T. 
Treadwell   and   Margaret   Free: 

FIRST  READER.     Grade  1.     (I) 

SECOND   READER.     Grade  1.     (II) 

THIRD   READER.      (Ml) 
RIDDLE  BOOK   FOR  SILENT  READING,  A  by  Lily  Lee  Dootson.     Grade 

1.     (Ml) 
RIVERSIDE    READERS:    THIRD    READER   by   James    H.   VanSickle   and 

Wiihelrnina   Stegmiller    (Assisted   by    Frances   Jenkins).     Grade    1 

STANDARD  BIBLE  STORY  READERS  by  Lillie  A.  Faris: 

BOOK       I— THE   PRIMER.     Grade  1.     (I) 

BOOK     II—  THE   FIRST   READER.     Grade  1.      (I) 

BOOK    IN— THE    SECOND    READER.      (II) 

BOOK    IV— THE   THIRD   READER.     (Ill) 
THIRD  SILENT  READER  by  William  Dodge  Lewis,  Albert  Lindsay  Row- 

land  and  Ethel  H.  (Maltby)   Gehres.     (III-IV) 
WINSTON     COMPANION     READERS:     FIRST     READER     by     Ethel     H. 

(Maltby)   Gehres  and  Sidney  Grant  Firman.     (I) 
WINSTON    READERS    SERIES    by    Sidney    Grant    Firman    and    Ethel    H. 
(Maltby)   Gehres: 

WINSTON    PRIMER.     Grade   1.      (I) 

WINSTON    FIRST   READER.     Grade  1.      (I) 

WINSTON   SECOND  READER.     Grade  1.     (I!) 


ALDINE    LANGUAGE    SERIES:     FIRST    BOOK— PART    I    by    Catherine 

Turner  Bryce  and   Frank  Ellsworth   Spaulding.     Grade  1.     (Ill) 
LIVE   LANGUAGE   LESSONS:    FIRST   BOOK  by   Howard   Roscoe   Driggs. 

OPEN    DOOR    LANGUAGE    SERIES,    THE:    FIRST    BOOK    by    Zenos    E. 

Scott,    Randolph    T.   Congdon,    Harriet    E.    Peet    and    Laura    Frazee. 

SPELL-TO-WRITE  SPELLING   BOOKS,  THE:    BOOK  II   by  Ambrose   Leo 

Suhrie  and    Robert   Philip   Koehler.      (III-IV) 



CHILD'S    DAY,   A    (a   book   of   rhymes)    by   Walter    DeLaMare.     Grade    1. 

FAIRIES  AND  CHIMNEYS  by   Rose   Fyleman.     Grade   1.     (II-IV) 
I  WONDER  WHY?  by  Elizabeth  Gordon.     Grade  1.     (Ml) 
JOHN  GILPIN  by  William  Cowper.     Grade  1.     (I-III) 


by   Emilie   Poulsson.     Grade  1.      (I-III) 


BOOK    OF    NATURE    MYTHS,    THE    by    Florence    Holbrook.      Grade    1. 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/^ 



Juliette  Cooke.     (II-IV) 


NATURE  STUDY:    BOOK  I  by  John  Bradford  Craig.     (Ill) 

CHILD'S    BOOK    OF    NUMBERS,   A    by    John    Charles    Stone.      Grade    1. 


ADVENTURES   OF   JOHNNY   T.   BEAR,  THE   by    Margaret   J.    McElrcy. 

Grade   1.*      (I-II) 
AESOP    FOR    CHILDREN,   THE.      (II-VI) 
ARLO  by  Bertha  Browning  Cobb  and  Ernest  Cobb.     (IMV) 
BABY    ELEPHANT  AND  THE  ZOO   MAN   by   C.   E.   Kilbourne.     Grade   1. 

BABY   KANGAROO   AND    LILLY    LAMB   by   C.    E.    Kilbourne.      Grade    1. 

BABY   LION    AND    THE    BUMP-HEAD    ANIMAL    by    C.    E.     Kilbourne. 

Grade  1.     (I-II) 
BABY   MONKEY  AND  THE  WILY  WOLF  by  C.  E.  Kilbourne.     Grade  1. 

BABY  OSTRICH   AND    MR.  WISE   OWL   by  C.   E.   Kilbourne.     Grade    1. 

BOJABI  TREE,  THE  by   Edith   Rickert.     Grade  1.     (Mil) 
BOOK    OF    FABLES    AND    FOLK    STORIES,    THE    by    Horace     Elisha 

Scudder.     (IMV) 
BOOK    OF    NURSERY    RHYMES,    THE    by    Charles    Welch.      Grade    1. 

CHARLIE  AND   HIS  COAST    GUARDS    by    Helen    Hill    and    Violet    Max- 
well.    Grade  1.     (IMV) 
CHARLIE  AND   HIS   FRIENDS     by     Helen     Hill     and     Violet     Maxwell. 

Grade  1.     (I-IV) 
CHARLIE  AND   HIS   KITTEN  TOPSY  by  Helen  Hill  and  Violet  Maxwell. 

Grade  1.     (I-V) 
CHARLIE  AND   HIS   PUPPY   BINGO  by  Helen   Hill  and  Violet  Maxwell. 

Grade  1.     (MM) 
CHARLIE  AND  THE  SURPRISE  HOUSE  by  Helen  Hill  and  Violet  Max- 
well.    Grade  1.     (III-IV) 
COCK,    THE    MOUSE    AND    THE    LITTLE    RED    HEN,    THE    retold    by 

Felicite    Lefevre.     Grade   1.      (MV) 
COSY-TIME  TALES  by  Natalie  Joan.     Grade  1.     (II-IV) 
DIXIE  KITTEN  by  Eva  March  Tappan.     (III-IV) 

DUTCH  TWINS,  THE  by  Mrs.  Lucy   (Fitch)    Perkins.     Grade  1.     (II-IV) 
EARLY  CANDLELIGHT  STORIES  by  Sella  C.  Shetter.      (I-IV) 
FAIRY  STORIES  AND  FABLES  by  James  Baldwin.    Grade  1.     (IMV) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  1'/2. 

CRADES  i-m 


Clark   Potter.     Grade   1.      (il-IV) 
GINGERBREAD  HOUSE,  THE  by  Catherine  Mars.    Grade  1.     (I-II) 
HOW  THE  ANIMALS  CAME  TO  THE  CIRCUS  by  Elizabeth  Gale,  Crade 

1,     (Mil) 
JATAKA  TALES  retold  by  Eileen  C  Babbitt.     {11 -V) 
JUPIE  FOLLOWS  HIS  TALE  by  Neely  McCoy.     Grade  1.     (IMV) 
LITTLE  BLACK  SAMBO,  THE  STORY  OF  toy  Mrs.  Helen  Bantserman. 

Grade  1.     (I-II) 
LITTLE   BOOK  OF  CHRISTMAS,  A  toy  John  Kendricfc:  Bangs.    Oracle  1„ 

LITTLE    GIRL    BLUE    fey   Mrs.   Josephine    (Scribner)    Gates.      Grade    L 

LITTLE  GOODY  TWO  SHOES,  THE  HISTORY  OF  by  Oliver  Goteteroitto* 

Grade  1.     fl-V) 
LITTLE  SALLY  WATERS  by  Etne!  Calvert  Phillips.     Grade  1,     <II-V) 
LITTLE  WOODEN    DOLL,    THE    by    Mrs.    Margery    (Williams)     Bianco, 

Grade   1.      (I-II) 
LOST  MONKEY,  THE  by  Lucsa  Webster  Rice.     Grade  1,     '(11-11 1) 
MAGIC  FERNS  AND  OTHER  FAIRY  TALES,  THE  by  Francis  J.  Olcott 

and   Others.      (MV) 
MERRY    SCOUT    AND    OTHER    STORIES,    A    by    Edna    Payson    BretL 

Grade  1.     {1-111) 
MOTHER  STORIES  by  Maud  Lindsay.     Grade  1.     (I-Vl) 
NURSERY  TALES  FROM  MANY  LANDS  by  Eleanor  Louise  Skinner  and 

Ada  Maria  Skinner.     Grade  1.     (Il-IV) 
OLD    MOTHER    WEST   WIND    by    Thornton    Waldo    Burgess.      Grade    1. 

PAN  AND  SANTA  CLAUS  by  Julia  Ellsworth  Ford.     (1-111) 
PEGGY  STORIES  by  Mildred   Batchelder.     Grade  1.     (1-111) 
PEREZ  THE  MOUSE  by  Louis  de  Coloma  (adapted  from  the  Spanish  by 

Lady   Moreton).     Grade    1.      (1-11) 
PETER  PAN;    retold  from   Sir  James  Barrie's  Famous  Play;    edited  and 

arranged  by   Frederick  O.   Perkins.      (Il-IV) 
PETER-PEA  by  Nadeja  J.  Grishina  Givago.    Grade  1.     (l-lll) 
PRETTY    POLLY     FLINDERS    by    Mary    Frances    Blaisdell.      Grade    1* 

PRINCE  AND  ROVER  OF  CLOVERFIELD  FARM  by  Helen  Fuller  Orton. 

Grade  1.     (l-lll) 
RHYMES  AND  STORIES  compiled  by  Marion   Florence  Lansing.     Grade 

1.     («-V) 
SANDMAN,    THE:     HIS    FARM    STORIES    by    William    John    Hopkins, 

Grade  1.     (I-IV) 
SARAH'S  DAKIN  by  Mabel  Louise  Robinson.     (Il-IV) 
STORIES  OF  GREAT  MEN  AND  DEEDS  by  Selected  Authors.     Grade  1. 

STORIES  OF   MOTHER  GOOSE  VILLAGE  by  Madge  A.  Bigham.     Grade 

1.     (Ml) 
STORIES  OF  THE  RED  CHILDREN  by  Dorothy  Brooks.  Grade  1.    (Il-V) 
STORY  OF  LIVE    DOLLS,    THE    by    Mrs.    Josephine    (Scribner)    Gates. 
Grade  1.     (IMV) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/z* 



SUSANNA'S  AUCTION   (from  the  French).     Grade  1.     (Mil) 
TOMMY  TINKER'S  BOOK  by  Mary  Frances  Blaisdell.     Grade  1.     (Mil) 
TWO  LITTLE  INDIANS  by  Emma  M.  Maguire.     Grade  1.     (Il-lll) 
UNDER  THE  STORY  TREE  by  Mabel  Guinnip  LaRue.     Grade  1.     (I) 

Margery   (Williams)    Bianco.     Grade  1.     (Ml) 
WEE   ANN,   A   STORY    FOR    LITTLE   GIRLS   by    Ethel   Calvert   Phillips. 

WONDERFUL  LOCOMOTIVE,  THE  by  Cornelia  Lynde  Meigs.     Grade  1. 


*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/2 


Graded  List  of  Braille  Publications 


This  list  has  been  compiled  as  an  aid  to  teachers  making  selections 
of  books  to  be  read  in  Grades  Four  to  Six  inclusive.  It  is  the  second  sec- 
tion of  a  composite  list  of  the  several  grades,  i.e.,  I-X-Adult  and  Un- 
graded, in  which  each  title  in  the  General  Catalog,  with  its  reading  range 
indicated  in  Roman  numerals,  has  been  assigned  to  a  particular  set  of 
grades,  no  book  being  listed  more  than  once  throughout  the  entire  series 
of  lists.  It  should  be  borne  in  mind,  therefore,  that  this  is  a  skeleton 
list  of  braille  titles  for  Grades  Four  through  Six  available  from  the  Ameri- 
can Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  and  should  be  supplemented  in  individ- 
ual cases  by  reference  to  the  lists  for  Grades  l-lll  and  VII-IX  (Junior 
High  School),  and  the  Ungraded  list.  For  detailed  information  in  regard 
to  each  title,  refer  to  the  Catalog  of  General  Publications,  1932  and  the 
1933  Supplement. 



BOY  SCOUTS  OF  AMERICA   (Handbook  for  Blind  Boys).*     (IV-VIII) 


BIOGRAPHY  STORIES  FOR  BOYS  by  Selected  Authors.     (V-VIII) 
BOYS   AND   GIRLS   OF   COLONIAL    DAYS    by    Carolyn    Sherrin    Bailey. 

CHILDREN   OF   HISTORY:    LATER  TIMES,  THE  by   Mary   F.  Hancock. 



BIG    PEOPLE   AND    LITTLE    PEOPLE    OF    OTHER    LANDS    by    Edward 

Richard  Shaw.     (Il-V) 
HOME  AND  WORLD  SERIES  by  James  Franklin  Chamberlain.     (IV-V): 




HUMAN    GEOGRAPHY:     BOOKS    I    AND    II    by    Joseph    Russell    Smith. 


NEW  GEOGRAPHIES:   FIRST  BOOK  by  Ralph  Stockton  Tarr  and  Frank 

Martin   McMurry.     (IV-VI) 
SNOW   BABY,  THE  by  Mrs.  Josephine   (Diebitsch)    Peary.     (IV-VI) 
WILD     LIFE     UNDER     THE     EQUATOR     by     Paul     Belloni     DuChaillu 


*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/2, 



YOUNG  AMERICAN  READERS  by  Mrs.  Jans-  (Eayre)   Fryer:: 

OUR  TOWN  A^D  CfVIC  DUTY  £l?f-V| 


CHILD'S    HISTORY    OF    THE    WORLD,    A    fey    V/frgil     Mores    Hilfyer% 

ENGLISH    HISTORY    STORY    BOOK    by    Albert    Frarrklm    Bfaisdell    and 

Francis  Kingsley   Ball.     (IY-VI) 
FIFTY  FAMOUS  STORIES  RETOLD  Sry  James  Baldwin,     (}f-Wy 
STORIES  OF  AMERICAN    LIFE  AND  ADVENTURE   by   Edward    Eggles- 

torr.     (Ill-V) 
STORIES  OF  LATER    AMERICAN    HrSTORY    by    Wilbur    Fisk    Gordy.. 

STORIES  OF  THE  PFLGRIMS  by  Margaret  Blarache  Pumphrey.     C»l-V) 
STORY    OF   THE  THIRTEEN    COLONIES    hy    Helene    Adeline    Guerber. 

WIGWAM  STORIES  compiled  by  Mary  Catherine  Judd.     (fV-VI) 



BEACON  READERS,  THE  by  James  Hiram  Fassett: 


CHILD'S  WORLD  SERIES,  THE  by  Sarah  Withers,  Hetty  S.  Browne  and 
William   Knox  Tate.* 


FIFTH   READER.     (V) 
ELSON    BASIC    READERS    (Life-Reading    Service)    by    William    Harris 
Elson,  Lura   E.  Runkel  and  William  S.  Gray: 

BOOK   FOUR.     (IV) 

BOOK   FIVE.     (V) 

BOOK  SfX.     (VI) 
LEGENDS  OF  THE  RED  CHILDREN  by  Mrs.  Mary  Louise  (Pratt)  Chad- 
wick.      (III-IV) 

Hetty  S.  Browne  and  John  Colvin  Metcalf.     (VI) 
PATHWAY  TO  READING  SERIES  by  Bessie  B.  Coleman,  Willis  L.  Uhl 
and  James   F.  Hosic: 

FOURTH    READER.      (IV) 

FIFTH   READER.     (V) 

RIVERSIDE  READERS:   FOURTH   READER  by  James  H.  VanSickle  and 

Wilhelmina   Seegmiller    (Assisted    by   Frances   Jenkins).     Grade   1. 

STANDARD  BIBLE  STORY  READERS  by  Lillie  A.  Faris: 

BOOK      V— THE   FOURTH    READER.      (IV) 

BOOK   VI— THE   FIFTH    READER.      (V) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  1'/2. 




ALDINE    LANGUAGE    SERIES    by    Catherine    Turner    Bryce    and    Frank 
Ellsworth    Spaulding: 

FIRST  BOOK— PART   II.      (IV) 

SECOND   BOOK.      (V-VI) 
GRADED    SCHOOL    SPELLER:    PART    I    by    Frank    Ellsworth    Spaulding 

and   William   D.   Miller.     Grade   1.      (Il-V) 

Horn   and    Ernest  James   Ashbaugh.      (I-VIII) 
LIVE  LANGUAGE   LESSONS  by   Howard    Roscoe   Driggs: 

SECOND   BOOK.     (IV) 

THIRD    BOOK.      (V) 
OPEN    DOOR    LANGUAGE    SERIES,   THE    by   Zenos    E.   Scott,    Randolph 
T.  Congdon,  Harriet  E.  Peet  and  Laura  Frazee: 


THIRD   BOOK.      (V) 
SPELL-TO-WRITE    SPELLING    BOOKS,    THE:    BOOK    III     (Fifth    Year) 

by  Ambrose  Leo  Suhrie  and   Robert  Philip  Koehler.     (V-Vl) 



MISCELLANEOUS    SELECTIONS    by    Mrs    Margery    (Williams)     Bianco 
and  Others.     Grade  1.     (lil-VI) 


BOOK  OF  JOYOUS  CHILDREN,  THE  by  James  Whitcomb  Riley.     Grade 

1.     (IV-V) 
CHILD'S  GARDEN   OF  VERSES,  A  by   Robert  Louis  Stevenson.      (Il-V) 
COLONIAL   PLAYS   FOR  THE   SCHOOL   ROOM    by   Mrs.   Blanche    (Shoe- 
maker)  Wagstaff.     (VI-VII) 
I'LL  TRY  by  Elinor  Murphy.     (Ill-Vl) 
JOHNNY  APPLESEED  AND  OTHER  POEMS  by  Vachel   Lindsay.     Grade 

1.     (IV-VMI) 
LITTLE    PRINCESS,    THE    (from    "A    Treasury    of    Plays    for    Children," 

M.  J.  Moses,  Ed.)   by  Mrs.  Frances  (Hodgson)   Burnett.     (IV-VI) 
PEACOCK  PIE  by  Walter  DeLaMare.     Grade  1.     (IV-VIII) 
POEMS  FOR  CHILDREN  by  Walter  DeLaMare.     (III-VIII) 
POEMS  THAT  EVERY  CHILD  SHOULD  KNOW  by  Mary  Elizabeth  Burt. 

SELECTED    VERSE    (For    School    Grades    Four    to    Seven)    by    Selected 

Authors.     (IV-VII) 
by  Mary  Isabella  Lovejoy.     (IV-VI): 




SILVER    PENNIES    (A    collection    of   modern    poems   for   boys   and    girls) 

by  Blanche  Jennings  Thompson.     Grade  1.     (Ill-Vl) 
TAXIES  AND  TOADSTOOLS  by  Rachel  Lyman  Field.     Grade  1.     (Ill-Vl) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  1'/2. 



CHILD'S  BOOK  OF  MYTHS,  A  by  Mrs.  Margaret  (Evans)   Price.     Grade 

1.     (Ill-V) 
HEROES,    OR    GREEK    FAIRY   TALES    FOR    MY    CHILDREN,    THE    by 

Charles   Kingsley.     (IV-VI) 
NORSE  STORIES  by  Hamilton  Wright  Mabie.     (V-VII) 
TANGLEWOOD  TALES  by  Nathaniel  Hawthorne.     (IV-VIM) 


ANIMALS  by  Carolyn  D.  Wood.     (IV-VII) 

BEYOND  THE  PASTURE  BARS  by  Dallas  Lore  Sharp.     (IV-VI) 
BILLY  AND  JANE:    EXPLORERS— BOOKS   I   AND   II    by  James  Speed. 

Grade  1.     (Ill-V) 
BURGESS  BIRD  BOOK  FOR  CHILDREN,  THE  by  Thornton  Waldo  Bur- 
gess.    (IV-VI) 
NATURE  STUDY  by  John  Bradford  Craig: 
BOOK     II.     (IV) 
BOOK   III.     (V) 
TRAINING     OF     WILD    ANIMALS,    THE     by     Frank    Charles     Bostock. 

APPLIED  ARITHMETIC  by  Oliver  Sexton  Smith.     (IV-V) 
ESSENTIALS  OF  ARITHMETIC  by  George  Albert  Wentworth  and  David 
Eugene  Smith: 
PRIMARY     BOOK     (Vol.     I— Grade     1;     Vols.     H-V— Grade     1</2.) 

MODERN   ARITHMETIC   (with   Monroe's  Standardized   Tests)    by   Bruce 
Mervellon  Watson  and  Charles   Edgar  White: 
PRIMARY     BOOK     (Vol.     I— Grade     1;     Vols.     Il-V— Grade     1>/2.) 




by  William  Lewis  Nida.     (IV-V) 
ABDALLAH   AND  THE   DONKEY    (A  tale   of  woe   and   joy  for   children 

from   eight  to   eighty   years)    by    Frau    Kathe    (Schronberger)    von 

Dombrowski  zu  Papros  und  Krusvic.     Grade  1.     (IV-VI) 

Duncan.     (V-VIII) 
ADVENTURES   OF   A    BROWNIE,   THE    by    Mrs.    Dina    Maria    (Mulock) 

Craik.     Grade  1.     (Ill-V) 
ALICE'S    ADVENTURES    IN    WONDERLAND    by    Lewis   Carroll,    pseud. 

ANDERSON'S  FAIRY  TALES  by  Hans  Christian  Anderson.     (II-VI) 
ANIMAL  STORIES  by  Selected  Authors.     (II-VI) 
ARABIAN    NIGHTS,  THE  by   Padraic  Colum    (Edited  and   Selected   by.) 

AT  THE  BACK  OF  THE  NORTH  WIND  by  George  Macdonald.     (IV-VI) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/2. 



BEARS  OF  BLUE  RIVER,  THE  by  Charles  Major.     (Ill-V) 

BIRDS'  CHRISTMAS  CAROL,  THE  by  Mrs.  Kate  Douglas   (Smith)   Wig- 

gin.     (III-VI) 
BLACK  BEAUTY  by  Anna  Sewell.     (IN-VI) 
BOGA — THE   ELEPHANT  by  Frau  Kathe   (Schronberger)   von  Dombrow- 

ski  zu  Papros  und  Krusvic.     Grade  1.     (Ill-V) 
BOYS  OF  OTHER  COUNTRIES  by  Bayard  Taylor.     (IV-VI) 
CHRISTMAS  LEGENDS  AND  STORIES  by  Selected  Authors.     (IV-VII) 

Mary   Eleanor   (Wilkins)    Freeman.     (IV-VI) 
COLONIAL     STORIES     RETOLD     FROM     ST.     NICHOLS     by     Selected 

Authors.     (V-VIII) 
CUCKOO    CLOCK,    THE    by    Mrs.    Mary    Louisa    (Stewart)    Molesworth. 

DOCAS,    THE    INDIAN    BOY    OF    SANTA    CLARA    by    Genevra    Sisson 

Snedden.     (Ill-V) 
DR.  GANDER   OF  YOUNGLAND  by  General   Bennett  Henderson  Young. 

DOG  OF  FLANDERS,  A  by  Louisa  DeLaRamee.     (IV-VII) 
DONKEY   JOHN    OF   THE   TOY   VALLEY   by   Margaret   Warder   Morley. 

EAST   O'   THE    SUN    AND   WEST   O'   THE    MOON,   AND    OTHER    NOR- 
WEGIAN   FOLK  TALES  edited  by  Mrs.  Gudrun  Thorne-Thomsen. 
ESKIMO  TWINS,  THE  by  Mrs.  Lucy  (Fitch)    Perkins.     Grade  1.     (Il-V) 
EVERYBODY'S   LONESOME  by  Clara   Elizabeth   Laughlin.     (Ill-V) 
FAIRY  TALES  by  Rudyard  Kipling  and  Others.     (IV-VI) 

STORIES  by  Howard  Pyle  and  Others.     (Ill-V) 
GARDEN  BEHIND  THE  MOON,  THE  by  Howard  Pyle.     (IV-V) 
GOLDEN    GOOSE    AND    OTHER    FAIRY    TALES,    THE    by    Eva    March 

Tappan.     Grade  1.     (IV-V) 
GOOD  OLD  STORIES  FOR  BOYS  AND  GIRLS  edited  by  Elva  Saphronia 

Smith.     (IV-VII) 
GRIMM'S    FAIRY   TALES   by   Jacob    Ludwig    Karl    Grimm    and    Wilhelm 

Karl  Grimm    (Brothers  Grimm).     (Ill-V) 
HANS    BRINKER   OR    THE    SILVER    SKATES   by    Mrs.    Mary    (Mapes) 

Dodge.     (V-VII) 
HAPPY   PRINCE  AND  OTHER  TALES,  THE  by  Oscar  Wilde.     (V-VM) 
HARI,  THE  JUNGLE  LAD  by  Dhan  Gopal  Mukerji.     (V-VII) 
HEIDI  by  Frau  Johanna  (Heusser)   Spyri.     (IH-VI) 
HEIR    OF    LINNE    AND    OTHER    STORIES,   THE    by    Elizabeth    Wilson 

Grierson.     (IV-VII) 
HOLIDAYS  IN  STORY  AND  VERSE  by  Selected  Authors.     (V-VII) 
HOUSEHOLD    STORIES    by    Jacob    Ludwig    Karl    Grimm    and    Wilhelm 

Karl    Grimm.      (Brothers   Grimm).      (Ill-V) 
IN  THE   DAYS  OF  THE  GIANTS  by  Abbie  Farwell  Brown.     (IV-V) 
IN  THE  DAYS  OF  THE  GUILD  by  Louise  Lamprey.     (IV-VIM) 
INDIAN  WHY  STORIES  by  Frank  Bird  Linderman.     (IV-V) 
IRISH  TWINS,  THE  by  Mrs.  Lucy  (Fitch)   Perkins.     Grade  1.     (Ill-V) 

=*If  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/2. 



JACK  THE   GIANT   KILLER   AND   OTHER   STORIES   by   Selected   Auth- 
ors.    Grade  1.     (Ill-V) 
JAPANESE    TWINS,    THE    by    Mrs.    Lucy    (Fitch)     Perkins.      Grade    1. 

JOHNNY  BEAR  AND  OTHER  STORIES  by  Ernest  Thompson  Seton  and 

Others.     (IV-VI) 
JUNGLE   BOOK,   THE   by    Rudyard    Kipling.      (IV-VII) 
JUST  SO  STORIES  by  Rudyard  Kipling.     (IV-VI) 
KARI,  THE    ELEPHANT  by   Dhan   Gopal    Mukerji.      (IV-VII) 
KING  OF  THE  GOLDEN   RIVER,  THE  by  John   Ruskin.     (IV-VII) 

tia   Peabody  Hale.     (IV-VII) 
LIGHT  PRINCESS,  THE  by  George  Macdonald.     (IV-VI) 
LITTLE  CURLY   HEAD,  THE   PET    LAMB   by   Frau   Johanna    (Heusser) 

Spyri.     (IV-VI) 
LITTLE   GIRL  OF  LONG  AGO,  A  by  Eliza  Orne  White.     (Ill-V) 
LITTLE    LAME    PRINCE,    THE    by    Mrs.    Dina    Maria     (Mulock)     Craik. 

LITTLE   LORD    FAUNTLEROY    by    Mrs.    Frances     (Hodgson)     Burnett. 

LITTLE   TONINO  by   Helen   Hill   and   Violet   Maxwell.     Grade  1.      (IV-VI) 
LONESOMEST   DOLL,  THE  by  Abbie   Farwell   Brown.     Grade   1.      (Ill-V) 
MAGIC    FEATHER    AND    OTHER    INDIAN    TALES,    THE    by    Margaret 

Compton  and  Others.     Grade  1.     (IV-VII) 
MAGIC   FOREST,  THE  by  Stewart   Edward  White.     (V-VI) 
MEMOIRS    OF    A    LONDON    DOLL.    WRITTEN    BY    HERSELF    by    Mrs. 

Fairstair,  pseud.      (Richard   Henry   Home).      (IV-V) 
MERRYLIPS  by  Beulah  Marie  Dix.     (V-VII) 

MONI  THE  GOAT-BOY  by  Frau  Johanna   (Heusser)   Spyri.     (IV-VI) 
MORE  STORIES  FOR  GIRLS  bv  Mrs.  Kate  Douglas  (Smith)   Wiggin  and 

Others.     Grade  1.     (V-VIM) 
OLD    ENGLISH   TALES   RETOLD  by   Harriet   Buxton   Barbour.      (V-VI) 
OLD    INDIAN   LEGENDS  by  Zitkala-Sa.     (IV-VI) 

OLD  SETTLER  STORIES  by  Mabel   Elizabeth   Billings  Fletcher.     (IV-V) 
OTTO  OF  THE  SILVER  HAND  by  Howard  Pyle.     (V-VII) 
PETER  PAN  AND  WENDY  by  Sir  James  Matthew  Barrie,  bart.     (V-VII) 
PINNOCHIO    by    Carlo    Lorenzini     (Charles    Collodi,    pseud.)       Grade    1, 

PLAYMATES  IN  PRINT  selected  and  adapted  by  Edna  Whiteman.  Grade 

1.      (III-IV) 
POOR   GENTLEMAN,  THE  by   Ian    Hay   Beith.      (IV-VIII) 
PRINCESS  AND  CURDIE,  THE  by  George  Macdonald.     (IV-VI) 
PRINCESS   AND  THE   GOBLIN,   THE    by   George    Macdonald.      Grade    1. 

PUPPY  DOGS'  TALES  by  Frances  Kent.     (Ill-V) 

THE  by  Dorothy  Rowe.     (Ill-V) 
REBECCA    OF    SUNNYBROOK    FARM    by    Mrs.    Kate    Douglas    (Smith) 
Wiggin.     (V-VIII) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/2. 



RED  CAP  TALES   by   Samuel    Rutherford   Crockett.      (V1-V11) 

RED  FEATHER'S  ADVENTURES  by  Jane  Curtis  Gifford  and    E.  George 

Payne.     (IV-VII) 
ROCKY   BILLY   (The  story  of  the  bounding  career  of  a   Rocky  Mountain 

goat)    by   Helling   Clancy  Holling.     Grade   1.      (III-IV) 
RUMPTY    DUDGET'S   TOWER:    A   FAIRY  TALE   by  Julian    Hawthorne. 

Grade  1.     (ill-V) 
SATURDAY'S  CHILDREN    by   Helen   Coale  Crew.      (IV-VM) 
SECOND  JUNGLE   BOOK,  THE  by  Rudyard   Kipling.      (iV-Vtl) 
SECRET  GARDEN,  THE  by  Mrs.  Frances  (Hodgson)   Burnett.)      (V-Vlll) 
SEVEN  LITTLE  SISTERS,  THE  by  Jane  Andrews.     (It-V) 
SHAGGYCOAT  by  Clarence  Hawkes.     (V-VIJ) 
SHASTA  OF  THE  WOLVES  by  Olaf  Baker.     (IV-VIll) 
SOKAR  AND  THE  CROCODILE    (A  fairy  story  of   Egypt)   by  Mrs.  Alice 

Woodbury  Howard.     Grade  1.     (IV-V!) 
STORIES  FOR   GIRLS:    BOOKS   !   AND   li   by   Marion   Florence   Lansing 
and  Others.     (Ill  VIM) : 

BOOK     I— Grade  1„ 

BOOK   II— Grade  1'/2. 
STORIES  FOR  HOLIDAYS  by  Selected  Authors.     (V-VN) 
STORY  OF  DOCTOR  DOOLITTLE,  THE  by  Hugh   Lofting.     (III-VI) 
STORY  OF  ROLAND,  THE   by  James  Baldwin.     (V-VI!) 
STORY  OF  SIEGFRIED,  THE  by  Jc.mes   Baldwin.     (V-VII) 
SWISS  FAMILY   ROBINSON,  THE  by  Johann   David   Wyss.      (IV-VII) 
TALES    OF    LAUGHTER    by    Mrs.    Kate    Douglas    (Smith)    Wiggin    and 

Nora  Archibald  Smith,  eds.     (tll-VI) 
TALES  FROM  SILVER  LANDS  by  Charles  Joseph   Finger.     (V-VII) 
TAPESTRY    ROOM,   THE    by    Mrs.    Mary    Louisa    (Stewart)    Molesworth. 

TEN   BOYS  by  Jane  Andrews.     (Ill-V) 

THUMBELINA  by  Hans  Christian  Anderson.     Grade  1.     (IV-VI) 
TOBY  TYLER  OR  TEN  WEEKS  WITH  A  CIRCUS  by  James  Otis  Kaler. 

TWO   LITTLE  CONFEDERATES,  THE  by  Thomas  Nelson   Page.   (IV-VI) 
UNDER   THE    LILACS   by    Louisa    May   Alcott.      (V-VII) 
VOYAGES  OF  DOCTOR  DOOLITTLE,  THE  by  Hugh  Lofting.     (IV-VI) 
WANTED  A   MOTHER  by  Clarence   Hawkes.     (IV-VII) 
WATER  BABIES,  THE  by  Charles  Kingsley.     (V-VII) 
WEE    WILLIE    WINKIE    AND    OTHER    STORIES    by    Rudyard    Kipling. 

WHAT   HAPPENED   IN  THE  ARK   by   Kenneth   M.  Walker  and   Geoffrey 

M.  Boumphrey.     (IV-VI) 
WHAT     HAPPENED    TO     INGER     JOHANNE     by     Dikken     Zwilgmeyer. 

WHEN   GRANNY    WAS    A    LITTLE    GIRL    by    Mrs.    Annie    E.    (Pidgeon) 

Searing.      (V-VII) 
WIND  BOY  by  Mrs.  Ethel  Augusta   (Cook)    Eliot.     (V-VII) 
WIND    THAT    WOULDN'T    BLOW,   THE    (Stories    of   the    Merry    Middle 

Kingdom    for    Children    and    Myself)    by    Arthur    Bowie    Chrisman. 


*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  1'/2. 



WFNNIE-THE-POOH    by  Alan  Alexander   Milne.      (Ifl-VI) 

WONDER  CHILDREN,  THE  by  Charles  Joseph   Bellamy.     (MT-Vf) 

WONDER  CLOCK,     THE  by  Howard   Pyle.     (IV-VI) 

WONDERFUL  ADVENTURES  OF  NILS,  THE  by  Selma  Ottiliana  Lovisa 

Lagerlof.     (TV-VIM) 
WONDERFUL  CHAIR    AND   THE   TALES    IT   TOLD,   THE    by    Frances 

Browne.     (IV-V) 
YOUNG   LUCRETLA  by  Mrs.  Mary   Eleanor   (Wilfcins)    Freeman*.     (V-Vl) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/2 


Graded  List  of  Braille  Publications 




This  list  has  been  compiled  as  an  aid  to  teachers  making  selections 
of  books  to  be  read  in  the  Junior  High  School.  It  is  the  third  section  of 
a  composite  list  for  the  several  grades,  i.e.,  I-X-Adult  and  Ungraded,  in 
which  each  title  in  the  General  Catalog,  with  its  reading  range  indicated 
in  Roman  numerals,  has  been  assigned  to  a  particular  set  of  grades,  no 
book  being  listed  more  than  once  throughout  the  entire  series  of  lists* 
It  should  be  borne  in  mind,  therefore,  that  this  is  a  skeleton  list  of  braille 
titles  for  Grades  Seven  through  Nine  available  from  the  American  Print- 
ing House  for  the  Blind,  and  should  be  supplemented  in  individual  cases  by 
reference  to  the  lists  for  Grades  IV-VI  and  X-Adult  and  the  Ungraded  list. 
For  detailed  information  in  regard  to  each  title,  refer  to  the  Catalog  of 
General   Publications,  1832  and  the  1933  Supplement. 



ALICE   IN   ORCHESTRALIA  by  Ernest   LaPrade.*      (Vl-VIM) 
LISTENER'S  GUIDE  TO   MUSIC,  THE   by   Percy  Alfred   Scholes.      (VII- 

OUTLINES  OF   MUSIC   HISTORY  by  Clarence  Grant  Hamilton.      (Vl-X- 



HEALTH  AND  SAFETY  by  Mrs.  Frances  Gulick  Jewett.     (V-VI1I) 
HISTORIC   INVENTIONS  by   Rupert  Sargent   Holland.     (V-VIII) 
JUNIOR    TRAINING    FOR    MODERN    BUSINESS    by    John    G.    Kirk   and 

Mary  A.  Waesche.     (IX-X) 
PHYSIOLOGY,    HYGIENE    AND    SANITATION    by    Mrs.    Frances   Gulick 

Jewett.     (VI-IX) 
ROMANCE  OF   LEATHER,  THE.     (Vlll-X-Adult) 


ABRAHAM    LINCOLN    CENTENNIAL,    February    12,    1809— February    12, 

1909,  by  Lillian  Clara  Bergold.     (V-VIII) 
ADRIFT  ON  AN  ICE-PAN  by  Sir  Wilfred  Thomason  Grenfell.     (VII-IX) 
ADVENTURES    OF    BUFFALO    BILL,    THE    by    Col.    William    Frederick 

Cody.      (VI-VIII) 
AMERICANIZATION   OF  EDWARD  BOK,  THE   by   Edward  William   Bok. 

BOYS'  LIFE  OF  EDISON,  THE  by  William  Henry  Meadowcroft.  (VI-VIII) 
DANIEL    BOONE:    WILDERNESS    SCOUT    by    Stewart    Edward    White. 

FROM      IMMIGRANT     TO      INVENTOR     by     Michael      Idvorsky     Pupin. 


*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  1J/2- 



HERO  TALES  FROM  AMERICAN  HISTORY  by  Theodore  Roosevelt  afYd 

Henry  Cabot  Lodge.     (VM-IX) 
HEROES  OF  TODAY  by  Mary  Rosetta  Parkman.     (VM-IX) 
HITTING  THE  DARK  TRAIL  by  Clarence  Hawkes.     (VII-X) 
INDIAN  BOYHOOD,  AN  by  Charles  Alexander  Eastman.     (Vl-X-Adult) 
MAKING  OF  AN  AMERICAN,  THE  by  -Jacob  August  Riis.     (Vlf-lX) 
MY  THfRTY  YEARS   IN   BASEBALL  by  John  J.  McGraw.     (VI-VMI) 
ON  THE  TRAIL  OF  WASHINGTON  by  Frederick  Trevor  Hill.     (VI-VIII) 
STORY  OF  A   PIONEER,  THE  by  Anna  Howard  Shaw.     (Vfl-X) 
STORY  OF   MY  BOYHOOD,  THE  by  John   Burroughs.     (VII-VII!) 
STORY  OF   MY   BOYHOOD  AND  YOUTH,  THE  by  John   Muir.   (VMI-IX) 
STORY  OF   MY      LIFE,     THE     by      Helen     Adams     Kefler.       Grade     2- 

THEODORE  ROOSEVELT   (from  "True  Stories  of  Great  Americans")   by 

Edmund   Lester  Pearson.     (VII-VIII) 

maker.     (Vlf-X) 


ADVANCED  GEOGRAPHY  by  Frank  Morton  McMurry  and  Almon  Ernest 

Parkins.     (VIII-X) 
ADVENTURES  IN  ALASKA  by  Samuel  Hall  Young.     (Vf-VIfT) 
ALHAMBRA,  THE  by  Washington  Irving.     (VIMX) 
DAVID  GOES  TO  GREENLAND  by  David  Binney  Putnam.     (Vf-Viri) 
DAVID  GOES  VOYAGING  by  David   Binney  Putnam.     (VI-VIII) 
Burnham  Allen.     (V-VIII): 






NEW    PHYSICAL    GEOGRAPHY    (Revised    edition)    by    Ralph    Stockton 

Tarr  and  Oscar  Diedrich  Von  Englen.     (IX-X) 
OREGON  TRAIL,  THE  by  Francis  Parkman.     Grade  2.     (Vf-X-Adu!t) 
TWO     YEARS     BEFORE     THE     MAST     by     Richard     Henry     Dana,     Jr- 


VAGABOND   JOURNEY   AROUND   THE   WORLD,   A   by    Harry   Alversor* 

Franck.     (IX-X) 
WILD  LIFE  ON  THE  ROCKIES  by  Enos  Abijah  Mills.     (VII-VIII) 


COMMERCE  AND  INDUSTRY  by  Joseph  Russell  Smith.     (VIII-X) 
COMMUNITY  LIFE  AND  CIVIC  PROBLEMS  by   Howard  Copeland   Hill. 


Hedley  Robson.     (VIII-X) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/2' 



ETIQUETTE,  JR.  by  Mary  E.  Clark  and  Margery  C.  Quigley.     (V-IX) 
NEW  CIVICS,  THE  by  Roscoe  Lewis  Ashley.     (Vlll-X) 


AMERICAN   HISTORY,  INTRODUCTION  TO  by  James  Albert  Woodburn 

and  Thomas   Francis  Moran.      (VI-VIII) 
ANCIENT  HISTORY  by  Philip  VanNess   Myers.      (Vlll-X-Adult) 
CONQUEST  OF  GRANADA,  THE  by  Washington   Irving.     (VII-IX) 
DECLARATION    OF   INDEPENDENCE  i  Bound  together; 



Atkinson.     (VI-VIII) 
FIRST  BOOK  IN  AMERICAN  HISTORY,  A  by  Charles  Austin  Beard  and 

William   Chandler   Bagley.      (V-VIII) 
FIRST  COURSE  IN  AMERICAN  HISTORY,  A  by  Jeannette  Rector  Hodg- 

don.     (VI-VIII): 
FOLLOWING   COLUMBUS    (Stories   of   Exploration    and    Settlement)    by 

William  Lewis  Nida.     (V-VIII) 
FOLLOWING  THE   FRONTIER   (Stories  of  the  Westward  Movement)   by 

William   Lewis  Nida.      (V-VIII) 
HISTORY   ADVENTURES  by   Rupert  Sargent  Holland.      (Vl-VIll) 
HISTORY  OF  THE  AMERICAN   PEOPLE,  THE  by  Charles  Austin  Beard 

and  William   Chandler  Bagley.      (V1-1X) 

Rogers  Clark  Ballard  Thruston.     (V-VIII) 
OUR  ANCESTORS  IN  EUROPE  by  Jennie  Hall.     (V-VIII) 
STORIES  OF  ANCIENT  PEOPLES  by  Emma  Josephine  Arnold.     (Vll-X) 
STORY   OF  THE  GREEKS,  THE  by  Helen  Adeline  Guerber.     (VI-VIII) 
STORY    OF    MANKIND,    THE    by    Hendrik    Willem    VanLoon.       (Vll-X- 

STORY  OF  OUR    COUNTRY,    THE    by    Ruth    West    and    Willis    Mason 

West.     (V-V111) 



ELSON  READERS:  BOOK  SEVEN  by  William  Harris  Elson  and  Chris- 
tine M.  Keck.     (VII) 

LITERARY    WORLD    SERIES,    THE:     SEVENTH     READER  by     Sarah 

Withers,  Hetty  S.  Browne  and  John  CoWin  Metcalf.  (VII) 


COMPOSITION   AND  RHETORIC  by  William  Maddux  Tanner.     (VII-IX) 

Lamont  F.  Hodge  and  Arthur  Lee.     (VI1-V11I) 
GRADED   SCHOOL   SPELLER:    PART   II   by   Frank   Ellsworth   Spaulding 

and  William   D.  Miller.     (V1-1X) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  aire  in  braille  grade  V/^. 



SENTENCE  AND  THEME  by  Charles  Henshaw  Ward.     (VII-IX) 
SENTENCE    BOOK     (to    be    used     in    conjunction    with    "Sentence    and 

Theme")    by  Charles   Henshaw  Ward.      (VII-IX) 
SPELL-TO-WRITE  SPELLING  BOOKS,  THE:    BOOK  IV   (Sixth  Year)   by 

Ambrose   Leo  Suhrie  and   Robert   Philip   Koehler.     (VII-VIII) 



ESSAY  ON   BURNS  by  Thomas  Carlyle.     (VIUX) 

ESSAY  ON   CHAUCER  by  James  Russell  Lowell.     (VII-IX) 

ESSAY  ON   DRYDEN  by  James  Russell  Lowell.     (VII-IX) 

ESSAY  ON    POPE  by  James  Russell  Lowell.     (VII-IX) 

ESSAY  ON   SHAKESPEARE    ONCE    MORE    by    James    Russell    Lowell. 

ESSAY  ON  SPENSER  by  James  Russell   Lowell.     (VII-IX) 
FAREWELL  ADDRESS  by  George  Washington  >    Bound  together; 

FIRST  BUNKER  HILL  ORATION  by  Daniel  Webster  \      Iv.   (Vll-X) 


ABRAHAM    LINCOLN    (a  play)    by  John   Drinkwater.      (V-X-Adult) 
CHILD  LIFE  IN  POETRY  by  John  Greenleaf  Whittier.     (VII-IX) 
ranged by  Francis  Turner  Palgrave.     (VII-VIII) 

Burns.     (Vll-X) 

ENOCH  ARDEN  by  Alfred  Tennyson,  1st  baron.     (Vlll-X) 
EVANGELINE  by  Henry  Wadsworth  Longfellow.     (VII-IX) 
GOLDEN  TREASURY,  THE:    BOOKS  I   AND   III   by  Francis  Turner  Pal- 
grave.    (VII-VIII) 
IDYLLS  OF  THE  KING  by  Alfred  Tennyson,  1st  baron.     (VII-IX) 
JULIUS  CAESAR  by  William  Shakespeare.     (Vlll-X-Adult) 
LADY  OF  THE  LAKE,  THE  by  Sir  Walter  Scott,  bart.     (Vll-X) 
MERCHANT  OF  VENICE,  THE  by  William  Shakespeare.     (Vll-X-Adult) 
MIDSUMMER    NIGHT'S    DREAM,    A    by    William    Shakespeare.      (Vl-X- 

MILES   STANDISH    AND   OTHER    SELECTIONS    by    Henry    Wadsworth 

Longfellow.     Grade  1.     (VII-VIII) 
ONE-ACT  PLAYS  compiled  and  edited  by  George  A.  Goldstone.     (Vll-X) 
PINKIE  AND  THE  FAIRIES  by  W.  Graham  (  (from    <«A    Treasury   of 

Robertson.  )  pjays     f0P     Children") 

SEVEN  OLD  LADIES  OF  LAVENDER  )   r«„„h  trt««+w*n 

TOWN,  THE  by  Henry  Cuyler  Bunner.  (  Bound  to9ether 
POEMS  AND  SONGS— SELECTED  by  Robert  Burns.     (Vll-X) 
PRINCESS,  THE   (A  medley)   by  Alfred  Tennyson,  1st  baron.     (VIII-IX) 
PRISONER    OF    CHILLON,   THE    by    George    Gordon    Noel    Byron,    Lord 
Byron.     (VII-IX) 

♦If  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/2. 




by  Samuel  Taylor  Coleridge  f      Bound  together; 

POEMS   (miscellaneous)   selected  by  Clarence  I  Iv.  (Vl-X) 

Stratton  " 

SELECTED  POEMS  OF  EDGAR  GUEST(  from  "All  that  Matters,"  "Just 
Folks,"  "The  Path  to  Home,"  and  "A  Heap  O'Livin'").     (V-X) 

SNOW-BOUND  (a  winter  idyll)  by  John  Greenleaf  Whittier.     (Vll-X) 

SONG  OF  HIAWATHA,  THE  by  Henry  Wadsworth  Longfellow.  (VI-VIII) 

TALES  FROM  SHAKESPEARE  by  Charles  and  Mary  Lamb.     (Vl-VMI) 

TALES  OF  A  WAYSIDE  INN  by  Henry  Wadsworth  Longfellow.  (VII- 

THIS  SINGING  WORLD  (An  anthology  of  modern  poetry  for  young  peo- 
ple), edited  by  Louis  Untermeyer.     (IV-IX) 

THROUGH  MAGIC  CASEMENTS  by  George  Sand  Carhart  and  Paul  A. 
McGhee,  comps.     (VII-IX) 

VISION  OF  SIR  LAUNFAL,  THE  by  James  Russell  Lowell.     (VII-IX) 


THE  TALE  OF  TROY  by  Padraic  Colum.     (VI-VIII) 

GOLDEN  AGE  OF  MYTH  AND  LEGEND,  THE  by  Thomas  Bulfinch. 

STORIES  OF  THE  MONTHS  AND  DAYS  by  Reginald  C.  Couzens. 

YOUNG  FOLK'S  BOOK  OF  MYTHS,  THE  by  Mrs.  Amy  Cruse.     (VI-VIII) 


MESSAGE  TO  GARCIA,  A  by  Elbert  Hubbard.     (V-VIII) 



FIELD  AND  FOREST  FRIENDS  by  Clarence  Hawkes.     (VI-VIII) 

FIRST  STEPS  IN  SCIENTIFIC  KNOWLEDGE  by  Paul  Bert.     (Vlll-tX) 

GENERAL  SCIENCE  by  Otis  William  Caldwell  and  William  Lewis  Eick 
enberry.     (Vll-VIll) 

LITTLE  BIRD  BLUE  by  William  Lovell  Flnley  and  Mrs.  Irene  (Barnhart) 
Finley.     Grade  1.     (Vl-X) 

OUR  ANIMAL  FRIENDS  AND  FOES  by  William  Atherton  DuPuy.  (VI 

SCIENCE  REMAKING  THE  WORLD  by  Otis  William  Caldwell  and  Ed- 
win  Emery  Slosson.     (VIII-X) 

WILD  FOLK  by  Samuel  Scoville,  Jr.     (V1I-V1I1) 

ALGEBRA,   FIRST   YEAR   by   Webster   Wells   and   Walter  Wilson    Hart. 

BROWN-ELDRIDGE     ARITHMETICS     (GRADES     Vll-VIll)     by     Joseph 

Clifton  Brown  and  Albert  C.  Eldridge.     (Vll-VIll) 

Wentworth  atid  David  Eugene  Smith.     (Vll-VIll) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/2. 




ADVENTURES  OF   HUCKLEBERRY   FINN,  THE  by  Samuel   Langhorne 

Clemens.     (VII-IX) 
ADVENTURES  OF  TOM  SAWYER,  THE  by  Samuel  Langhorne  demons. 

mas  Bulfinch.      (VII-IX) 
ALICE  OF  OLD  VINCENNES  by  Maurice  Thompson.     (Vlll-X) 
ANNE  OF  GREEN  GABLES  by  Lucy  Maud  Montgomery.     (VII-VIII) 
AS  THE  CROW  FLIES  by  Cornelia  Lynde  Meigs.     (VI-IX) 
BAR  SINISTER,  THE  by  Richard  Harding  Davis.     (Vll-X-Adult) 
BARNABY  LEE  by  John   Bennett.     (VI-VIII) 

BIOGRAPHY  OF  A  GRIZZLY,  THE  by  Ernest  Thompson  Seton.  (VI-VIII) 
BLAZED  TRAIL,  THE  by  Stewart  Edward  White.     (VII-IX) 
BLUEBONNET  BEND  by  Augusta  Huiell  Seaman.     (VII-IX) 
BOB,  SON  OF  BATTLE  by  Alfred  Ollivant.      (Vlll-X) 
BOY  SCOUTS  AND  OTHER  STORIES,  THE  by  Richard  Harding  Davis. 

CALEB  WEST,  MASTER  DIVER  by  Francis  Hopkinson  Smith.  (VII-VIII) 
CALL    OF    THE    OFFSHORE    WIND,    THE    by    Ralph    Delahaye    Paine. 

CAP,    THE    RED    CROSS    DOG,    AND    OTHER    STORIES    by    Georgene 

Faulkner  and  Others.     Grade  1.     (IV-X) 
"CAPTAIN  COURAGEOUS"  by  Rudyard  Kipling.     (VI-IX) 
CARDIGAN  by  Robert  William  Chambers.     Grade  2.     (VIM-X-Adult) 
CASTING    AWAY    OF    MRS.    LECKS    AND    MRS.    ALESHINE,    THE    by 

Frank    Richard   Stockton.      (VII-IX) 
CHECKERBOARD    SQUARE    AND    OTHER    STORIES,    THE    by    George 

Kennon  and  Others.     Grade  1.     (VI-VIII) 
CHILDREN  OF  DICKENS,  THE  by  Samuel  McChord  Crothers.     (VI-VIII) 
CHRIST  LEGENDS  by  Selma  Ottiliana   Lovisa  Lagerlbf.     (Vll-X) 
CHRISTMAS  CAROL,  A  by  Charles  Dickens.      (VII-IX) 
CHRISTMAS    STORIES    (from    "Twenty-four    Unusual    Stories    for    Boys 

and  Girls")  by  Anna  Coggswell  Tyler.     (V-VIII) 

Langhorne  Clemens.     (IX-X) 
COURAGE    OF    THE    COMMONPLACE,    THE    by    Mrs.    Mary    Raymond 

(Shipman)    Andrews.     Grade   1.      (Vlll-X) 
COVERED  WAGON,  THE  by  Emerson  Hough.     (Vll-X-Adult) 
CRIMSON  SWEATER,  THE  by  Ralph  Henry  Barbour.     (VI-VIII) 
DARK  FRIGATE,  THE  by  Charles  Boardman   Hawes.     (VII-IX) 
DAVID  COPPERFIELD  by  Charles  Dickens.     (VII-IX) 
DEAR  ENEMY  by  Jean  Webster.     Grade  1.     (Vll-X) 

by  Edgar  Allen   Poe  /         Bound  t       thep. 

PURLOINED  LETTER,  THE  by  Edgar  Allen  Poe    > 
MASQUE  OF  THE  RED  DEATH,  THE  (  ,v'   (V,IX> 

by  Edgar  Allen  Poe  J 

DR.  PETE  OF  THE  SIERRAS  by  Mary  Montague  Davis.     (VI-VII) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/2. 



EIGHT  COUSINS  by  Louisa   May  Alcott.     (V-VIM) 

EMMELINE  by  Elsie  Singmaster.     (VI-IX) 

EPIC  OF   KINGS,  THE  retold  by   Helen  Zimmern.      (Vl-Vlll) 

FAIR   BARBARIAN,  A  by  Mrs.   Frances   (Hodgson)    Burnett.     (Vll-X) 

54-40  OR  FIGHT  by  Emerson  Hough.     (VJI-X-Adult) 

FIRST  DOWN   KENTUCKY  by  Ralph   Delahaye   Paine.     (Vll-Vlll) 

FLAG,  THE   by   Homer  Greene.      (VI-IX) 

FORGE  IN  THE  FOREST,  THE  by  Padraic  Colum.     (V-VIII) 

FOUR  FEATHERS,  THE  by  Alfred   Edward  Woodley  Mason.   (V-X-Adult) 

1492  by   Mary  Johnston.      (IX-X) 

GOLD   BUG,  THE  by  Edgar  Allen   Poe.     (VII-IX) 

GREAT  QUEST,  THE  by  Charles  Boardman   Hawes.     (VII-IX) 


TAINS,  THE  by  Nathaniel   Hawthorne.      (VI-VIII) 
GREEN   TIMBER  TRAILS  by  Wiiliam   Gerard   Chapman.      (VII-IX) 
GREYFRIAR'S  BOBBY  by  Mrs.  Eleanor  (Stackhouse)   Atkinson.   (VII-IX) 
HE  KNEW   LINCOLN  by  Ida  Minerva  Tarbell.     (VII-IX) 
HELEN'S  BABIES  by  John   Habberton.     (VII-VMI) 
HIS   SOUL    GOES    MARCHING    ON    by    Mrs.    Mary    Raymond    (Shipman) 

Andrews..    (IX-X) 
HOOF  AND  CLAW  by  Charles  George   Douglas  Roberts.      (VI-VIII) 
HOOSIER  SCHOOL   BOY,  THE  by  Edward   Eggleston.     (V-VII!) 
HOOSIER  SCHOOLMASTER,  THE  by  Edward   Eggleston.      (V-VIM) 
HOUSE  OF  SEVEN  GABLES  by  Nathaniel   Hawthorne.     (V-VIM) 
HUGH    WYNNE   by   Silas   Weir   Mitchell.      (Vll-Vlll) 

IN    DESERT   AND  WILDERNESS   by   Henryk   Sienkiewicz.      (Vl-X-Adult) 
IVANHOE  by  Sir  Walter  Scott,  bart.     (VII-X) 
JACQUELINE  OF  THE  CARRIER   PIGEONS  by  Augusta   Huiell  Seaman. 

JIM   DAVIS  by  John   Masefield.     (VII-IX) 
JO'S  BOYS  by  Louisa  May  Alcott.     (V-VIII) 
JUST   DAVID  by   Mrs.   Eleanor   (Hodgman)    Porter.      (VMI-X) 
KATRINKA  by  Helen   Eggleston   Haskell.     (V-VIII) 
KELLER'S  ANNA  RUTH   by  Elsie  Singmaster.     (VI-IX) 
KENILWORTH    by   Sir  Walter   Scott,   bart.      (VII-X) 
KIDNAPPED  by   Robert  Louis  Stevenson.     (Vll-Vlll) 
KIM  by  Rudyard   Kipling.     (VIMX) 

Thomas  Malory.     (Vl-X) 
KINGS  IN   EXILE  by  Charles  George  Douglas  Roberts.     (Vll-Vlll) 
KING'S  WISH,  THE  by  Thomas  Guthrie  Marquis.     (Vlll-X) 
LAD:   A   DOG  by  Albert  Payson  Terhune.      (VII-X) 
LANCE  OF  KANANA,  THE,  ARDAVAN  by  Henry  Willard  French.  Grade 

1.      (VI-IX) 
LAST  OF  THE  MOHICANS,  THE  by  James  Fenimore  Cooper.     (Vll-Vlll) 
LEGEND  OF  SLEEPY  HOLLOW,  THE  by  Washington   Irving.     (VI-IX) 
LITTLE  BOY  LOST,  A  by  William   Henry  Hudson.     (VI-VIII) 
LITTLE  WOMEN   by   Louisa   May  Alcott.      (V-VIII) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/2* 



LOST,  A  BROTHER  by  Emelie  Benson  Knipe  and  Alden  Arthur  Knipe. 


MAN   WHO  WOULD  BE   KING,  THE  by  Rudyard   Kipling.      (IX-X) 

MAN   WITHOUT  A  COUNTRY,  THE  by   Edward   Everett  Hale.     (VI-IX) 

MASTER  SIMON'S  GARDEN:   PART  I  by  Cornelia  Lynde  Meigs.  (VII-IX) 

MASTER   SKYLARK  by  John    Bennett.      (VI-VIII) 

MEHITABLE   by    Katharine   Adams.      (VI-VIII) 

MEN  OF  IRON  by  Howard  Pyle.     (VI-VIII) 


MIDSUMMER   by   Katharine  Adams.      (VI-VIII) 

MISS  MINERVA  BROADCASTS  BILLY  by  Mrs.  Emma  (Speed)  Samp- 
son.     (V!l-X-Adult) 

MRS.  WIGGS  OF  THE  CABBAGE  PATCH  by  Mrs.  Alice  Caldwell 
(Hegan)    Rice.     (VII-VIII) 

MOBY  DICK  by  Herman  Melville.     (Vlll-X) 

NEW  MOON,  THE  by  Cornelia  Lynde  Meigs.     (VI-VIII) 

OLD  FASHIONED  GIRL,  AN  by  Louisa  May  Alcott.     (V-VIII) 

ard Stockton  and  Others.     Grade  1.     (V-VIII) 

OLDER  GIRLS  STORIES  by  Selected  Authors.     (VII-IX) 

PATRIOTIC  STORIES  AND  POEMS  by  Wythe  Williams  and  Others. 

PEARL   LAGOON,  THE   by  Charles   Bernard   Nordoff.      (VI-VIII) 

PENROD  by  Booth  Tarkington.     (VI-IX) 

PERFECT  TRIBUTE,  THE  by  Mrs.  Mary  Raymond  (Shipman)  Andrews. 

PHOEBE  by  Mrs.  Alice  Caldwell  (Hegan)   Rice.     (VI-VIII) 

PILGRIM'S   PROGRESS,  THE  by  John   Bunyan.      (IV-X-Adult) 

POLARIS  by   Ernest  Harold   Baynes.      (V-VIII) 

POLLYANA   by   Mrs.   Eleanor    (Hodgman)    Porter.      (V-VIII) 

PRAIRIE  ROSE,  A  by  Bertha   Evangeline  Bush.     (VI-VIII) 

PRESTER  JOHN   by  John   Buchan.     (Vll-X-Adult) 

PRINCE  AND  THE  PAUPER,  THE  by  Samuel  Langhorne  Clemens. 

QUIN  by  Mrs.  Alice  Caldwell  (Hegan)   Rice.     (VI-VIII) 

RAMONA  by  Mrs.  Helen    (Hunt)   Jackson.     (Vlll-X) 

RED   BELTS  by  Hugh   Pendexter.      (Vlll-X) 

ROBINSON   CRUSOE  by  Daniel   Defoe.      (V-VIII) 

ROSE   IN    BLOOM    by   Louisa   May  Alcott.      (VI-VIII) 

SCARLET  COCKEREL,  THE   by  Clifford   MacClellan   Sublette.      (VII-IX) 

SCOTTISH    CHIEFS,  THE   by  Jane   Porter.      (Vll-X) 

SILAS  MARNER  by  George  Eliot,  pseud.     (Vlll-X) 

SILVER  SHELL,  THE  by  Mary  Ellen  Chase.     (VI-VIII) 

man  and  Others.     (V-VIII) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  1|/2. 



SKETCH   BOOK,  THE  by  Washington   Irving.     (VIMX) 

SLOWCOACH,  THE  by   Edward   Verall   Lucas.     (VI-VIII) 

SOLDIER   RIGDALE  by   Beulah   Marie   Dix.     Grade   1.      (V-VIII) 

SPY,  THE:    A  TALE  OF  THE   NEUTRAL  GROUND  by  James  Fenimore 

Cooper.     (VII-VIII) 
STICKEEN  by  John   Muir.     (VI-VIII)  / 

COMET  by  Samuel  Arthur  Derieux.  (Adult)  {  Bound  to9ether;  Iv. 
STORY  OF  A  BAD  BOY,  THE  by  Thomas  Bailey  Aldrich.  (VI-VIII) 

STORY  OF  THE  OTHER  WISE   MAN,  THE  by  Henry  VanDyke.     Grade 

1.      (VIII-IX) 
TALE  OF   NEGATIVE  GRAVITY,  A  by  Frank   Richard   Stockton.     Grade 

1.      (IX-X) 
TALE  OF  TWO  CITIES,  A  by  Charles  Dickens.     (Vlll-X-Adult) 
TALISMAN,  THE   by   Sir  Walter  Scott,  bart.      (VIMX) 
TANGLED  THREADS,  THE  by  Mrs.  Eleanor  (Hodgman)   Porter.  (V-VIII) 
TATTOOED  MAN,  THE  by  Howard   Pease.     (VI-VIII) 
TENNESSEE'S  PARTNER  by  Bret  Harte.     (VIMX) 
TIMOTHY'S  QUEST  by  Mrs.  Kate  Douglas  (Smith)  Wiggin.     (Vl-X) 
TO  HAVE  AND  TO  HOLD  by  Mary  Johnston.     (IX-X) 
TOM  BROWN'S  SCHOOL  DAYS  by  Thomas  Hughes.     (Vl-X) 
TOTO  AND  THE  GIFT  by   Katharine  Adams.     (VII-VIII) 
TREASURE  ISLAND  by  Robert  Louis  Stevenson.     (VI-IX) 
TRUMPETER  OF  KRAKOW,  THE  by  Eric  P.  Kelly.     (VII-IX) 
TWENTY-FOURTH,  THE  by  George  Helgeson  Fitch.     Grade  1.     (VIH-X) 
TWENTY   THOUSAND    LEAGUES    UNDER    THE    SEA    by    Jules    Verne. 

TWICE  TOLD  TALES  by  Nathaniel  Hawthorne.     (Vlll-X) 
UNCLE  JED,  CADDIE  MASTER  by  Joseph  Chapman.     Grade  1.     (V-VIII) 
UNCLE    REMUS    (his  songs  and   his  sayings)    by   Joel    Chandler    Harris. 

WE   MUST   MARCH   by   Mrs.   Honore    (McCue)    Willsie   Morrow.      (Vll-X- 

WHEN    FATHER    AND    MOTHER    REBELLED   by    Mrs.    Eleanor    (Hodg- 
man)  Porter.     Grade  1.     (V-VIII) 
WHEN   POLLY  ANN    PLAYED   SANTA   CLAUS  by  Mrs.  Eleanor    (Hodg- 
man)   Porter.     Grade  1.     (V-VIII) 
WHITE  FANG  by  Jack  London.     (Vlll-X-Adult) 
WHITE  INDIAN  BOY,  THE  by  Elijah  Nicholas  Wilson.     (VII-IX) 
WILD  ANIMALS  I   HAVE  KNOW  by   Ernest  Thompson   Seton.     (V-VIII) 
WISP,  A  GIRL  OF  DUBLIN  by  Katharine  Adams.     (VI-VIII) 
WOLF  by  Albert  Payson  Terhune.      (Vll-X) 
YOUNG  TRAILERS,  THE  by  Joseph  Alexander  Altsheler.     (VI-VIII) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/& 


Graded  List  of  Braille  Publications 




This  list  has  been  compiled  as  an  aid  to  teachers  and  others  making 
selections  of  bocks  to  be  read  in  the  Senior  High  School  and  by  adults. 
It  is  the  fourth  section  of  a  composite  list  for  the  several  grades,  i.e., 
I-X-Adult  and  Ungraded,  in  which  each  title  in  the  General  Catalog, 
with  its  reading  range  indicated  in  Roman  numerals,  has  been  assigned 
to  a  particular  set  of  grades,  no  book  being  listed  more  than  once 
throughout  the  entire  series  of  lists.  It  should  be  borne  in  mind,  there- 
fore, that  this  is  a  skeleton  list  of  braille  titles  for  senior  high  school  and 
adult  reading  available  from  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind, 
and  should  be  supplemented  in  individual  cases-  by  reference  to  the  list 
for  Grades  VII-IX  (Junior  High  School)  and  the  Ungraded  list.  For  de- 
tailed information  in  regard  to  each  title,  refer  to  the  Catalog  of  General 
Publications,  1932  and  the  1933  Supplement. 

Non- Fiction 



AND    II    by    Jeane     Baptiste    Arban    and     Herbert    L.    Clarke.* 

ART  OF  THE  SINGER,  THE  by  William  James  Henderson.     (Adult) 
AUCTION   BRIDGE  COMPLETE  by  Milton  C.  Work.     (Adult) 

AND  THE  NEW  by  William  Gorham   Rice.     (X-Adult) 
COMPLETE  HISTORY  OF  MUSIC,  A  by  Winton  James  Baltzell.     (Adult) 
ory  Mason.      (X-Adult) 
HARMONY    BOOK    FOR    BEGINNERS    by    Preston    Ware    Orem.      (IX-X- 

HOW  TO  LISTEN  TO  MUSIC  by  Henry  Edward  Krehbeil.     (Adult) 
LISTENING  TO  MUSIC  by  Douglas  Moore.     Grade  2.     (X-Adult) 
MUSICAL  TERMS  IN   EVERYDAY  USE  by  Russell   King   Miller.     (IX-X- 


by  F.  A.  Porter.     (X-Adult) 
NEW    HOYLE,  THE:    STANDARD   GAMES  edited   by   Paul    H.  Seymour. 

Grade  2.      (Adult) 

REGULATING  AND  ADJUSTING  by  Cader  G.  Cox.     (X-Adult) 
ORGAN,  THE  by  Sir  John  Stainer.     (X-Adult) 
OUTLINES  OF   HARMONY:    PART  I— CHORDS  by  Russell   King   Miller. 

PIANO   METHOD   FOR   BEGINNERS  by  Alexander   Lambert.      (X-Adult) 
RECREATION   (address  delivered  at  the  Harvard  Union,  Dec.  8,  1919)  by 

Edward  Grey,  1st  Viscount.     (Adult) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  1'/2. 



TREATISE    ON    STRICT    COUNTERPOINT,    A.:     PARTS    1    AND    II    by 
Francis    Edward   Gladstone.      (Adult) 


ART    OF    SELLING,   THE    by   Arthur    Frederick    Sheldon    and    Gerald    R. 

McDowell.     (Adult) 
BASKETRY  BOOK,  THE  by  Mary  Miles  Blanchard.     (Adult) 
BOOK   OF   POTATO   COOKERY,  THE   by   Mrs.   Mary    L.   Wade.      (Adult) 
BROODING    AND    REARING    CHICKS    by    John    Cameron    Graham    and 

Fred.  H.  Cockeil.     (Adult) 
BUSINESS  ARITHMETIC  by  George  Washington  Miner,  Fayette  Herbert 

Elwell  and   Frank  Charles  Teuton.     (IX-X-Adult) 
BUSINESS   CORRESPONDENCE   by    Bert  Clifford    Bean,    Ed.      (Adult) 
BUSINESS     ENGLISH     AND    CORRESPONDENCE    by     Roy    Davis    and 

Clarence   H.   Lingham.   (Adult) 
CLINICAL  OSTEOPATHY  by  Carl   P.  McConnell,   Ed.     (Adult) 
CURRY  TOUCH  TYPEWRITING  by  James  S.  Curry.     (IX-X) 

by  Georgia  Robertson.     (Adult) 
HUMAN  MECHANISM,  THE  by  Theodore  Hough  and  William  Thompson 

Sedgwick.     (Adult) 
LAYMAN'S    HANDBOOK    OF    MEDICINE,    A    by    Richard    Clarke    Cabot. 

LESSONS   ON    MESSAGE   by    Margaret   D.   Palmer.      (Adult) 
MASSAGE  by  Nellie   Elizabeth   MacAfee.     (Adult) 
MICROBE  HUNTERS  by  Paul  Henry  DeKruif.     (IX-X-Adu!t) 
POULTRY  KEEPING  by  Harry  R.  Lewis.     (Adult) 

PRACTICAL  POULTRY-FARMING  by  Louis  Merwin   Hurd.   (Vll-X-Adult) 
SCIENTIFIC  COURSE   IN   TYPEWRITING,  A  by  Oliie   Depew.      (IX-X*) 
STAND  CONCESSIONS   by   Lela  T.   Brown.      (Adult) 

Samuel   Soils   Cohen,  Ed.  '  Bound   together; 


MASSAGE  by  John  R.    Mitchell.  ) 


Herman   Bucholz.     (Adult) 

MAKE  THEM.     (Adult) 


Carl   Sandburg.      (VII  l-X-Aduit) 

ALEXANDER  HAMILTON   (American  Statesmen  Series)   by  Henry  Cabot 

Lodge.     Grade  2.     (X-Adult) 
AMERICAN   IDYLL,  AN   by  Mrs.  Cornelia  Stratton   Parker.     (Adult) 

(from  "3arnum")   by  Morris  Robert  Werner.     (Adult) 
BEETHOVEN   THE  CREATOR   by   Romain   Roiland.      (X-Adult) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/2. 



BENJAMIN  FRANKLIN   (American  Statesmen  Series)  by  John  T.  Morse, 

Jr.     Grade  2.     (X-Adult) 
BLIND   BOY  WHO   BECAME  A   GREAT   PHYSICIAN,  A   by  John    Kidder 

Rhodes.      (IX-X-Adult) 
CLASSIC  AMERICANS  by   Henry  Seidel   Canby.      (Adult) 
CRUCIBLES  by   Bernard  Jaffe.     (X-Adult) 
DAMAGED   SOULS  by   Gamaliel    Bradford.      (Adult) 
DISRAELI   by  Andre   Maurois.      (Adult) 
EDUCATORS    AND    BENEFACTORS    OF    THE    BLIND    by    Edward     E. 

Allen,  Richard  Slayton   French,  and  Others.     (X-Adult) 
END    OF    GENERAL    GORDON,    THE    (from    "Eminent    Victorians")     by 

Lytton  Giles  Strachey.     (Adult) 
FLORENCE     NIGHTINGALE     (from     "Eminent    Victorians")     by     Lytton 

Giles  Strachey.     (Adult) 
GEORGE  WASHINGTON:  VOLS.  I  AND  II   (American  Statesmen  Series) 

by  Henry  Cabot  Lodge.     Grade  2.     (X-Adu!t) 
HUNGER   FIGHTERS  by  Paul   Henry  DeKruif.     Grade  2.      (X-Adult) 
JOHN  BURROUGHS'  TALKS  by  Clifton  Johnson.     (Adult) 
JOHN,  VISCOUNT   MORLEY  by  John   H.  Morgan.     (Adult) 
LEADING  AMERICAN   INVENTORS  by  George  lies.     (Adult) 
LEADING  AMERICAN   MEN  OF  SCIENCE  edited  by  David  Starr  Jordan. 

LETTERS    OF    FRANKLIN    K.    LANE,    THE    by    Franklin    Knight    Lane. 

LIFE    AND    LETTERS    OF    WALTER    H.    PAGE:     PARTS    I    AND    II    by 

Burton  Jesse    Hendrick.      (Adult) 
LIFE  OF  JOHN  MARSHALL,  THE:   PARTS  l-IV  by  Albert  Jeremiah  Bev- 

eridge.     (Adult) 
LINCOLN  AND  SLAVERY  by  Albert  Enoch  Pillsbury.     (Adult) 
MAN   ROOSEVELT,  THE  by  Frances  Ellington   Leupp.     (Adult) 
MARBACKA  by  Selma  Ottiliana  Lovisa  Lagerlbf.     (Vlll-X-Adult) 
MIDSTREAM:   MY  LATER  LIFE  by  Helen  Adams  Keller.     (X-Adult) 
MY  EXPERIENCES  AT  SCOTLAND  YARD  by  Sir  Basil   Home  Thomson. 

MY    GARDEN    OF    MEMORY    by    Mrs.    Kate    Douglas    (Smith)    Wiggin. 

OUR    PRESIDENTS:     Brief    Biographies    of    Our    Chief    Magistrates    by 

James    Morgan.      Grade   2.      (X-Adult) 
PERSONAL    MEMOIRS    OF    ULYSSES    S.    GRANT:     PARTS    I    AND    II. 

ROMANTIC    COMPOSERS,    THE    by    Daniel    Gregory    Mason.      Grade    2. 

SAMUEL  ADAMS   (American   Statesmen  Series)    by  James   Kendall   Hos- 

mer.     Grade  2.     (X-Adult) 
SEVEN  AGES  OF  WASHINGTON,  THE  by  Owen  Wister.     (IX-X-Adult) 
WHITE  HOUSE  GANG,  THE  by  Earle  Looker.     Grade  2.     (X-Adult) 
WOODROW    WILSON    AS    I    KNOW    HIM    by    Joseph    Patrick    Tumulty. 


*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/2. 




by   Vernon   Quinn.      (Adult) 
DAUGHTER    OF    THE    SAMURAI,    A    by     Esther     (Inagaki)     Sugimoto. 

ENGLAND   THE    UNKNOWN    ISLE    by    Paul    Cohen-Portheim.     Grade    2. 

HUMANITY   UPROOTED  by   Maurice   Hindus.     (Adult) 
INDIA:    LAND   OF   THE    BLACK    PAGODA    by    Lowell    Jackson    Thomas. 

JUNGLE  DAYS  by  Charles  William   Beebe.     (Adult) 
RESTLESS   PACIFIC,  THE  by   Nicholas   Roosevelt.      (Adult) 
ROYAL  ROAD  TO   ROMANCE,  THE   by   Richard   Halliburton.      (Adult) 
WHITE     SHADOWS     IN     THE     SOUTH     SEAS     by     Frederick     O'Brien. 



AMERICAN    COMMONWEALTH,    THE     (abridged    edition)     by    James 

Bryce,  Viscount.     (X-Adult) 
BLIND    RELIEF    LAWS:    THEIR   THEORY   AND    PRACTICE    by    Robert 

B.  Irwin  and   Evelyn  C.  McKay.     (Adult) 
BUSINESS  LAW  by  Alfred  William  Bays.     (Adult) 
CHARITY  VISITOR,  THE  by  Amelia  Sears.     (Adult) 

FOR   THE   BLIND.      (Adult) 
ELEMENTARY     ECONOMICS     (revised     edition)     by     Charles     Manfred 

Thompson.      (X-Adult) 

and  George  Ray  Wicker.     (X-Adult) 

OF    WORKERS    FOR    THE    BLIND,    REPORT    OF,    June    22-26, 

1925.     (Adult) 
FROM  HOMER  TO  HELEN  KELLER  by  Richard  Slayton  French.     Grade 

2.     (Adult) 
HISTORY  OF   ECONOMICS,  THE  by  Othmar  Spann.      (Adult) 


by   Isabel   W.  Kennedy.     (Adult) 
MAKING   OF  THE   CONSTITUTION,  THE   by  Charles  Warren.      (Adult) 
MANUAL    OF    PARLIAMENTARY    PRACTICE    by    Luther    S.    Cushing. 

NEW  WORLD,  THE  by  Isaiah  Bowman.     (X-Adult) 
PACIFIC  AREA,  THE  by  George  Hubbard   Blakeslee.     (Adult) 
PLATO'S  AMERICAN    REPUBLIC   by   Douglas  Woodruff.      (Adult) 
PRINCIPLES    OF    ECONOMICS:     VOLS.    I    AND    II    by    Frank    William 

Taussig.      Grade    2.      (Adult) 
PROBLEM    OF    UNEMPLOYMENT,   THE    by    Paul    Howard    Douglas   and 

Aaron    Director.      (Adult) 
REAL  BUSINESS  OF  LIVING,  THE  by  James  Hayden  Tufts.     (IX-X) 
ROBERT'S  RULES  OF  ORDER  by  Henry  M.  Robert.     (Adult) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/z. 



SECOND   TWENTY   YEARS   AT    HULL    HOUSE,   THE,   Sept.,    1909-Sept., 

1929    by    Jane    Addams.      (IX-X-Adult) 
SOCIAL  LIFE  AND  INSTITUTIONS  by  Joseph   Kinment   Hart.     (Adu!t) 
SOCIAL  WORK  WITH   FAMILIES  by  Frank  Dekker  Watson,  Ed.  (Adult) 
STANDARD     ETIQUETTE     FOR    ALL    OCCASIONS    by     Ethel     Cushing 

Brant.      (X-Adult) 
STATE,   THE;    Elements   of    Historical    and    Practical    Politics   by   Wood- 
row  Wilson.      (X-Adult) 
UNDERCURRENTS   IN   AMERICAN    POLITICS  bv  Arthur  Twining   Had- 

ley.      (X-Adult) 
WHAT  IS  SOCIAL  CASE  WORK?  by  Mary  Ellen  Richmond.     (Adult) 
V/HAT  IT  IS  LIKE  TO  BE  BLIND  by  Annesley  Burrowes.     (Adult) 


AMERICAN  HISTORY,  AN  by  David  Saville  Muzzey.     (X-Adult) 
ANCIENT    TIMES:    A    HISTORY    OF    THE    EARLY    WORLD    by    James 

Henry  Breasted.     Grade  2.     (IX-X-Adult) 

Burke.     (IX-X-Adult) 
CAN  AMERICA  STAY  AT  HOME?  by  Frank  Herbert  Simonds.     Grade  2. 

COLUMBUS  CAME   LATE   by  Gregory   Mason.     Grade  2.      (Adult) 

Francis   Parkman.     Grade   2.      (X-Adult) 
EUROPE   SINCE  WATERLOO   by   William    Stearns   Davis.      (X-Adult) 
HALF  CENTURY  OF  CONFLICT,  A:   VOLS.  I  AND  II   by  Francis  Park- 
man.     Grade  2.     (X-Adult) 

Estabrook  Chancellor.     (Adult) 
HISTORY   OF    EUROPE,  ANCIENT  AND    MEDIEVAL   by   James    Harvey 

Robinson  and  James  Henry  Breasted.     (X-Adult) 
HISTORY  OF  THE  AMERICAN   FRONTIER  by   Frederic   Logan   Paxson. 

HISTORY    OF    THE    UNITED    STATES,    A    by    John    Holladay    Latane. 

LOOKING  FORWARD  by  Franklin  Delano  Roosevelt.     Grade  2.     (Adult) 
MEDIAEVAL     AND     MODERN     HISTORY     by     Philip     VanNess     Myers. 

MODERN    HISTORY   by   Carleton   Joseph    Huntley   Hayes  and    Parker  T. 

Moon.      (Adult) 
NEW   MAP  OF  ASIA,  THE  by   Herbert  Adams  Gibbons.      (Vlll-X-Adult) 
NEW    MAP    OF    EUROPE,   THE    by    Herbert    Adams    Gibbons.      (Vlll-X- 
OUR  TIMES:   PARTS  l-lll  by  Mark  Sullivan.     (Adult): 
PEKING  DUST  by   Ellen   Newbold   LaMotte.      (X-Adult) 

1925  by  Arthur   Meier  Schlesinger.      (X-Adult) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/2- 



RECENT    HISTORY    OF    THE    UNITED    STATES    by    Frederic    Logan 

Paxson.      (X-Adult) 

(from  "France  and  Ourselves")   by  Herbert  f  Bound  together; 

Adams  Gibbons  y 

WHAT   CONFRONTS   FRANCE    (from   "France  and     I  lv"    <Adult) 

Ourselves")    by   Herbert    Adams    Gibbons  T 

RISE  OF  AMERICAN  CIVILIZATION,  THE  by  Charles  Austin  Beard  and 

Mary   Ritter  Beard.     (Adult) 
SHORT   HISTORY  OF   ENGLAND,  A    (revised   edition)    by   Edward   Potts 

Cheyney.      (X-Adu!t) 
STORY  OF  THE  GREAT  WAR,  THE  by  Roland  Greene   Usher.     (Vlll-X- 



ACTUAL   BUSINESS   ENGLISH   by   P.  H.   Defendall.      (Adult) 
COMPOSITION  AND  RHETORIC  by  Alfred   Marshall   Hitchcock.     (IX-X) 
ESSENTIALS  OF  ENGLISH   GRAMMAR  by   Elsie  Gemmill.     (IX-X) 
MASTERING    ENGLISH    by    Frances   Clendening    and    Maude    Clendening 

Lower.     (X-Adult) 
SELF-CULTIVATION    IN    ENGLISH  by  George  Herbert  Palmer.     (Adult) 
SUCCESSFUL    SPEAKING    by    William    Phillips    Sandford    and    William 

Hayes  Yeager.     (IX-X-Adult) 
SYNONYMS  AND  ANTONYMS  by  Edith  Bertha  Ordway.     (Vlll-X-Adult) 



ACRES  OF  DIAMONDS  by  Russell   Herman  Conweil.      (Adult) 
AMERICAN     LITERATURE     (A    Text-book    for    Secondary    Schools)     by 

Percy   H.   Boynton.      (X-Adult) 

Macy.     Grade  2.     (Adult) 
AUTOCRAT    OF    THE    BREAKFAST    TABLE,    THE    by    Oliver    Wendell 

Holmes.      (Adult) 
CHIMNEY  POT  PAPERS  by  Charles  Stephen   Brooks.      (Adult) 
CHOICE  READINGS  by  Robert  McLean  Cumnock,  Ed.     (Vlll-X-Adult) 

THE.     (Adult) 
DREAM   LIFE  by  Donald  Grant  Mitchell  {Ik  Marvel,  pseud.)      (Adult) 
ESSAY    ON    ADDISON    by   Thomas    Babington    Macauley,    1st    baron.    <X- 

ESSAY  ON   COMPENSATION  by   Ralph   Waldo   Emerson.      (IX-X-Adult) 
ESSAY  ON   HISTORY,  AN   by  Ralph  Waldo   Emerson.      (IX-X-Adult) 
ESSAY   ON    MILTON    by    Thomas    Babington    Macauley,    1st   baron.      (X- 

ESSAY  ON  SELF-RELIANCE  by  Ralph  Waldo   Emerson.     (IX-X-Adult) 

RUSKIN.      (X-Adult) 

*Jf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/2„ 



HANDBOOK    ON    STORY    WRITING,    A    by    Blanche    Colton    Williams. 

HISTORY    OF    AMERICAN     LITERATURE    by     Reuben     Post     Halleck. 

HISTORY  OF  AMERICAN   LITERATURE  SINCE  1870,  A  by  Fred   Lewis 

Pattee.     Grade  2.     (X-Adult) 
HOUSE-BOAT  ON  THE  STYX,  THE  by  John   Kendrick  Bangs.     (Adult) 
MODERN    FAMILIAR    ESSAYS   by  William    Maddux  Tanner,   Ed.     Grade 

2.     (X-Adult) 
NEW  AMERICAN   LITERATURE,  1890-1930,  THE  by  Fred   Lewis  Pattee. 

Grade  2.     (X-Adult) 
NEW  ENGLISH   LITERATURE  by  Reuben  Post  Halleck.     (Adult) 
PHILOSOPHY  OF  CLOTHES,  THE   (from  "A  Tale  of  a  Tub")    by  Jona- 
than Swift.     (Adult) 
REVERIES    OF    A    BACHELOR    by    Donald    Grant    Mitchell    (Ik    Marvel, 

pseud.)      (Adult) 
RISE  AND  FALL  OF  THE   MUSTACHE,  THE  by  Robert  Jones  Burdett. 

SESAME  AND  LILLIES  by  John  Ruskin.     (Adult) 

Joseph  Addison  and   Sir  Richard  Steele.     (Adult) 
SIZING  UP  UNCLE  SAM  by  George  Helgeson  Fitch.     (Adult) 
SPEAKING  OF  OPERATIONS  by  Irvin  Shrewsbury  Cobb.     (Adult) 
STORY  OF  ENGLISH   LITERATURE,  THE  by  Edmund   Broadus.     Grade 

2.     (IX-X-Adult) 
SUMMER  GHOSTS  AND  WINTER  TOPICS  by  Felix  Emanuel  Schelling. 

THREE  ADDRESSES  by  Woodrow  Wilson.     (IX-X) 
WHAT  CAN  LITERATURE  DO  FOR  ME?  (revised  edition)  by  C.  Alphon- 

so   Smith.      (Adult) 

ALCHEMIST,  THE  by  Ben  Jonson.      (Adult) 
ALEXANDER'S    FEAST    by    John    Dryden.      (Adult) 

AMERICAN  POETS,  1630-1930  edited  by  Mark  VanDoren.  Grade  2.  (Adult) 
COMUS  by  John  Milton  \  Bound   together;    Iv. 

ARCADES  by  John   Milton  \  (IX-X-Adult) 

AS  YOU   LIKE  IT  by  William  Shakespeare.     (Vlll-X-Adult) 
CANTERBURY  TALES,  THE  by  Geoffrey  Chaucer.     (Adult) 
DESERTED  VILLAGE,  THE  by  Oliver  Goldsmith.     (Vlll-X-Adisit) 
DOCTOR  JOHNSON   (a  play)   by  Edward  Newton.     (Adult) 
ENJOYMENT  OF   POETRY,  THE   by   Max   Eastman.      (Adult) 
EPICOENE:    OR  THE  SILENT  WOMAN  by  Ben  Jonson.     (Adult) 
FAERIE  QUEENE,  THE:    BOOK   I,  CANTO  1   by   Edmund   Spenser.     (X- 

HAMLET  by  William  Shakespeare.     (VIN-X-Adult) 
HENRY  THE  EIGHTH  by  William  Shakespeare.     (Vlll-X-Adult) 
JOSIAH   ALLEN'S  WIFE  by  Marietta   Holley.     (Adult) 
KING'S  HENCHMAN,  THE  by  Edna  St.  Vincent  Millay.     (Adult) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  1»/2. 



L'ALLEGRO  by  John  Milton  \ 

IL  PENSEROSO  by  John   Milton  (        Bound  together;   Iv. 


by  John  Milton  7 


edited  by  Charles  Swain  Thomas.     (X-Adult) 
MACBETH    by   William    Shakespeare.      (VIM-X-Adult) 
MILESTONES  by  Arnold  Bennett  and  Edward   Knoblauch.     (X-Adult) 
MODERN     BRITISH    POETRY,    third    revised    edition,    edited    by    Louis 

Untermeyer.     Grade   2.      (X-Adult) 
NEW   POETRY,  THE  edited  by  Harriet  Monroe  and  Mrs.  Alice   (Corbin) 

Henderson.     Grade  2.     (X-Adult) 
OLD    ENGLISH    BALLADS   AND    FOLK    SONGS    selected    and    edited    by 

William   Dallam   Armes.     Grade  2.      (Adult) 
OXFORD    BOOK    OF   AMERICAN    VERSE,   THE   compiled    by    Bliss   Car- 
man.    (X-Adult) 
PARADISE  LOST:    BOOKS  l-IV  by  John  Milton.     (IX-X-Adult) 
POETRY  CURE,  THE  compiled  by  Robert  Haven  Schauffler.     (X-Adult) 
RICHARD   III   by  William   Shakespeare.      (Vlll-X-Adult) 
ROMEO  AND  JULIET  by  William  Shakespeare.     (Vlll-X-Adult) 
SHE  STOOPS  TO  CONQUER  by  Oliver  Goldsmith.     (IX-X-Adult) 
SHORTER  POEMS  OF  ALFRED  TENNYSON,  THE  by  Alfred  Tennyson, 

1st  baron.     (Vlll-X-Adult) 
SOHRAB  AND  RUSTUM  by  Matthew  Arnold.     (Adult) 
SPELL  OF  THE  YUKON,  THE  by  Robert  William  Service.     (Adult) 
SUPPRESSED  DESIRES  by  Susan  Glaspell.     (Adult) 
WAPPIN'  WHARF  (from  "Frightful   Plays")   by  Charles  Stephen   Brooks. 



CALM   YOURSELF  by  George   Lincoln   Walton.      (Adult) 

CONQUEST  OF  FEAR,  THE  by  Basil  King.     (Adult) 

COURAGE  by  Sir  James  Matthew  Barrie,  bart.     (IX-X-Adult) 

HOW  TO  LIVE  ON  TWENTY-FOUR  HOURS  A  DAY  by  Arnold  Bennett. 

HOW  TO  USE  YOUR  MIND  by  Harry  Dexter  Kitson.     (Adult) 
HUMAN  NATURE  AND  CONDUCT  by  John  Dewey.     (Adult) 
IF  YOU  ARE  UP  AGAINST  IT— GO  AROUND  by   Frank  Crane.     (Adult) 
MIND   IN    THE    MAKING,   THE    by   James   Harvey    Robinson.      (X-Adult) 
PRIMER  OF  PSYCHOLOGY  by  Edward  Bradford  Titchener.     (Adult) 
SELECTED    PAPERS    ON     PHILOSOPHY:     CHAPS.    I-V    AND    VII     by 

William  James.     (Adult) 
STORY  OF  PHILOSOPHY,  THE  by  William  James  Durant.     (Adult) 
TALKS    TO    STUDENTS    ON    SOME    OF    LIFE'S    IDEALS    by    William 

James.     (Adult) 
WHAT  CAN  A  MAN  BELIEVE?  by  Bruce  Barton.     (Adult) 
WHY    WE    BEHAVE    LIKE    HUMAN    BEINGS   by    George    Amos    Dorsey. 


*Jf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/2. 




ASTRONOMY  by  John  Charles  Duncan.     (Adult) 

BIRD   SONG    (New  York   State    Museum    Handbook   No.  7)    by   Aretas   A. 

Saunders.     (Adult) 
CREATIVE  CHEMISTRY    (selected   chapters  from):    DESCRIPTIVE   OF 
by   Edwin    Emery  Slosson.      (X-Adult) 
ELEMENTARY  CHEMISTRY  by  Hollis  Godfrey.     (Adult) 
ELEMENTS   OF    GEOLOGY    by    Eliot    Blackwelder   and    Harlan    H.    Bar- 
rows.     (Adult) 
FIRST  COURSE  IN   PHYSICS,  A  by  Robert  Andrew  Millikan  and   Henry 

Gordon  Gale.     (Adult) 
FLIGHTS  FROM   CHAOS  by  Harlow  Shapely.     (X-Adult) 
FRUIT    OF    THE    FAMILY    TREE,    THE    by    Albert    Edward    Wiggam. 

MAN  AND  THE  STARS  by  Harlan  True  Stetson.     (Adult) 
MARVELS    OF    MODERN    CHEMISTRY    by    Beverly    Leonidas    Clarke. 

lor.    (Adult) 
MYSTERIOUS  UNIVERSE,  THE  by  Sir  James  Jeans.     (Adult) 
NEW   BIOLOGY  by  William   Martin  Smallwood,   Ida   L.  Reveley  and  Guy 

A.  Bailey     (Adult) 
OUTLINE  OF  SCIENCE,  THE  by  James  Arthur  Thomson,  Ed.     (Adult) 
PRACTICAL  BOTANY  by  Joseph  Young   Bergen  and  Otis  William  Cald- 
well.    (Adult) 
SHORT  HISTORY  OF  SCIENCE,  A  by  William  Theodore  Sedgwick  and 

Harry  Walter  Tyler.     (X-Adult) 
SHORT  TALKS  ON  SCIENCE  by  Edwin  Emery  Slosson.     (X-Adult) 
UNIVERSE  AROUND  US,  THE  by  Sir  James  Jeans.     (X-Adult) 


ALGEBRA,  A  SECOND  BOOK   IN    (Enlarged  edition)   by  Fletcher  Durell 

and   E.  E.  Arnold.     (X-Adult) 
PLANE   GEOMETRY    by    George    Wentworth    and    David    Eugene    Smith. 



ADAM   BEDE  by  George   Eliot,  pseud.     (Adult) 

ADVENTURES   IN   SOLITUDE  by  Ray  Stannard   Baker   (David  Grayson, 

pseud.)     (Adult) 
AGE   OF   INNOCENCE,  THE   by   Mrs.    Edith    Newbold    (Jones)    Wharton. 

ALICE-FOR-SHORT  by  William   Frend  DeMorgan.     Grade  2.     (X-Adult) 
ALL  PASSION  SPENT  by  Victoria  Sackville-West.     (Adult) 
ANCIENT  HIGHWAY,  THE  by  James  Oliver  Curwood.     (X-Adult) 
ARROW  OF  GOLD,  THE  by  Joseph  Conrad.     (Adult) 
AS  IT  WAS  IN  THE  BEGINNING  by  Arthur  Cheyney  Train.     (Adult) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  1'/2. 



AUTUMN  CROCUSES  by  Anne  Douglas  Sedgwick.     (Adult) 

BACK   OF    BEYOND   by   Stewart    Edward   White.      (Adult) 

BASQUE  PEOPLE  by   Mrs.   Dorothea   Frances    (Canfield)    Fisher.     Grade 

2.     (Adult) 
BEGGARS'  GOLD  by   Ernest   Poole.      (Adult) 
BELLAMY  TRIAL,  THE  by  Frances  Noyes  Hart.     (Adult) 
BELLED   BUZZARD,  THE   (frcm   "The   Escape  of   Mr.  Trimm")    by    Irvin 

Shrewsbury    Cobb.      (Adult) 
BENEFITS  FORGOT  by  Mrs.  Honore   (McCue)  \ 

Willsie  Morrow  (  Bound  together;    Iv. 

SCAR  THAT  TRIPLED,  THE  by  William  Gunn  (  (Adult) 

Shepherd  / 

BEN   HUR,  A  TALE  OF  THE  CHRIST  by  Lewis  Wallace.     ( VI  l-X-Adult) 
BENT  TWIG,  THE  by  Mrs.  Dorothea  Frances  (Canfield)    Fisher.     (Adult) 
SLACK  CAMEL,  THE  by  Earl   Derr  Siggers.     (Adult) 
BLADES  by  George  Barr  McCutheon.     (Adult) 
BLIND  MAN'S  EYES,  THE  by  William   Briggs  MacHarg  and   Edwin   Bal- 

mer.     (X-Adult) 
BLUE  CIRCLE,  THE  by  Elizabeth  Jordan.     (Adult) 

BLUE   STREAK,  THE  by  John   Chesterfield   Hines  )   Bound  together;    Iv. 
ONE   MAN   DOG,  THE  by  John  Chesterfield   Hines  j  (Adult) 

BORROWED  MONTH,  A  by  Frank  Richard   Stockton.     (IX-X-Adult) 
BOSS  OF  THE  LAZY  Y,  THE  by  Charles  Alden  Seltzer.     (Adult) 
BRIDGE    OF   SAN    LUIS    REY,   THE    by    Thornton    (Niven)    Wilder.      (X- 

BROTHER  SAUL  by  Dorm   Byrne.     (Adult) 
BRUSHWOOD  BOY,  THE  by  Rudyard   Kipling.     (X-Adult) 
BURIAL  OF  THE  GUNS,  THE  by  Thomas  Nelson  Page.     (Adult) 
BURIED   ALIVE   by   Arnold    Bennett.      (X-Adult) 
CANTERVILLE  GHOST,  THE  by  Oscar  Wilde.     (Adult) 
CAPTAIN    BLOOD  by   Rafael   Sabatini.      (X-Adu!t) 
CAPTIVE   IN   THE  CAUCASUS,  A  by  Count   Lyof    \ 

Nikolaevich  Tolstoi  (    Bound  together;   Iv. 

WHERE    LOVE    IS,   THERE    GOD    IS    ALSO    by        i  (Adult) 

Count    Lyof    Nikolaevich  Tolstoi  / 

CAROLINIAN,  THE  by  Rafael  Sabatini.     (X-Adult) 
CHANGELING,  THE  by  Donn  Byrne.     (Adult) 
CHANGING   ROAD,  THE  by  Harold   MacGrath.     (Adult) 
CHINESE  COAT,  THE  by  Jennette  Lee.     (Adult) 

CIRCULAR  STAIRCASE,  THE  by  Mrs.  Mary  (Roberts)   Rinehart.  (Adult) 
CLEOPATRA  by  Sir  Henry  Rider  Haggard.     (Adult) 

CLOISTER  AND  THE  HEARTH,  THE  by  Charles   Reade     (Vlll-X-Adult) 
CONN   OF  THE  CORAL  SEAS  by   Beatrice   Ethel   Grimshaw.      (Adult) 
CONQUERER,  THE  by   Mrs.  Gertrude   Franklin   Horn   Atherton.      (Adult) 
CONQUEST  OF  CANAAN,  THE  by  Booth  Tarkington.     (Adult) 
CRANFORD    by    Mrs.    Elizabeth    Cleghorn    (Stevenson)    Gaskell.      (IX-X- 
CRISIS,  THE   by   Winston   Churchill.      (VM-X-Adult) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/2. 



CROSSING,  THE  by  Winston  Churchill.     (Vll-X-Adult) 
CUTTERS,  THE  by   Mrs.  Bess  (Streeter)   Aldrich.     (Adult) 
DAVID  HARUM  by  Edward  Noyes  Westcott.     (IX-X) 
DAY  WITH    FATHER,  A  by  Francis  Ellington   Leupp.     (IX-X) 
DEBT,  THE  by  Mrs.   Edith   Newbold    (Jones)    Wharton.      (Adult) 
DIAMONDS  AND  DIAMONDS  by  Robert  Kerr  Kennedy.     (Adult) 
DIARY    OF    A    PROVINCIAL    LADY,    THE    by    E.    M.    Delafield,    pseud. 

DOCTOR  NYE  OF  NORTH  OSTABLE  by  Joseph  Crosby  Lincoln.  (Adult) 

DREAMERS  OF  THE  GHETTO  by  Israel  Zangwill.     Grade  2.     (Adult) 

DRIFT  FENCE,  THE  by  Zane  Grey.     Grade  2.'    (Adult) 

DRUMS  by  James  Boyd.     (Adult) 

EDITH    BONHAM    by    Mary   Hallock    Foote.      (Adult) 

EMIGRANTS  by  Johan  Bojer.     (Adult) 

ENCHANTED  CANYON,  THE  by  Mrs.  Honore   (McCue)   Willsie  Morrow. 

ENCHANTED  CHILDREN,  THE  by  Vivian  T.  Pomeroy.     (Adult) 
FACE  IN  THE  WINDOW,  THE  by  William  ) 

Dudley  Pelley  (^     Bound  together;    lv. 

DEVIL'S  TOOLS,  THE  by   Melville  Davisson        (  (Adult) 

Post  ) 

FAINT  PERFUME  by  Zona  Gale.     (Adult) 
FAIR  HARBOR  by  Joseph  Crosby  Lincoln.     (Adult) 
FAMOUS  MODERN  GHOST  STORIES  compiled  by  Dorothy  Scarborough. 

FANNY  HERSELF  by  Edna  Ferber.     (Adult) 

Chaplin.     (Adult) 
FLOWING  GOLD  by  Rex  Ellingwood  Beach.     (Adult) 
FOREVER  FREE  by  Mrs.  Honore  (McCue)  Willsie  Morrow.     (Adult) 
FRIENDLY  ROAD,  THE  by  Ray  Stannard  Baker  (David  Grayson,  pseud.) 

FROM  BASEBALL  TO  BOCHES  by  H.  C.  Witwer.     Grade  1.     (Adult) 
FROM  THE  LIFE  by  Harvey  Jerrold  O'Higgins.     (Adult) 
GALLEGHER  by  Richard   Harding  Davis.  s 

MY  DISREPUTABLE   FRIEND   MR.  RAEGEN   by  l    ^^v..?*6!^,^  '*" 

Richard  Harding   Davis  /  iv-m-A-Aauitj 

GENTLE   GRAFTER,  THE   by   O.   Henry,   pseud.      (William    Sydney   Por- 
ter).     (Adult) 

GEORGIAN     HOUSE,    THE    by     Frank    Arthur    Swinnerton.      Grade    2. 

GIFT,  THE  by  Margaret  Prescott  Montague.     (Adult) 
GILMAN  OF  REDFORD  by  William  Stearns  Davis.     (Adult) 
GOAT  FEATHERS  by  Ellis  Parker  Butler.     (Adult) 

GOD'S  COUNTRY  AND  THE  WOMAN  by  James  Oliver  Curwood.  (Adult) 
GO-GETTER,  THE  by  Peter  Bernard  Kyne.     (Adult) 
GOOD    SAMARITAN,    A    by    Mrs.    Mary    Raymond    (Shipman)    Andrews. 


*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/2, 



GOOD  SPORTS  by  Mrs.  Olive   Higgins  Prouty.     (Adult) 

GREAT    IMPERSONATION,   THE    by    Edward    Phillips   Oppenheim.      (X- 

GREAT  PRINCE  SHAN,  THE  by  Edward  Phillips  Oppenheim.     (X-Adult) 

GREEN   MANSIONS  by  William   Henry  Hudson.     (Adult) 

HAPPY   MOUNTAIN,  THE  by  Maristan  Chapman.     (IX-X-Adult) 

HARBOR,  THE  by   Ernest  Poole.     (Adult) 

HAUNTED  BOOKSHOP,  THE  by  Christopher  Darlington  Morley.  (Adult) 

HAWKEYE,  THE   by   Herbert  Quick.      (Adult) 

HER  SECRET  by  Will   Payne.     (IX-X-Adult) 

HEYDAY    OF    THE    BLOOD,    THE    (from    "Hillsboro    People")    by    Mrs. 
Dorothea   Frances    (Canfield)    Fisher.      (Adult) 

HIGH   FIRES  by  Marjorie  Barkley  McClure.     (Adult) 

HONORABLE    MR.   TAWNISH,  THE   by   Jeffery    Farnol.     Grade   1.      (X- 

HOPALONG  CASSIDY  by  Clarence  Mulford.     (Adult) 

HYPATIA  by  Charles  Kingsley.     (Adult) 

I,  JAMES  LEWIS,  by  Gilbert  Wolf  Gabriel.     (Adult) 

IF  I  WERE  KING  by  Justin  Huntley  McCarthey.     (Adult) 

IF  WINTER  COMES  by  Arthur  Stuart  Menteth  Hutchison.     (Adult) 

Stories")    by  Honore  de   Balzac.      (Vlll-X-Adult) 

INDIAN    DRUM,  THE   by   William    Briggs    MacHarg    and    Edwin    Balmer. 

INDIAN  SUMMER  OF  A   FORSYTE   (from  "The   Forsyte  Saga")   by  John 
Galsworthy.      (Adult) 

ISRAEL    DRAKE   AND   OTHER   STORIES   by    Katharine    Mayo   and    Har- 
vey Jerrold   O'Higgins.      (Adult) 

I'VE  COME  TO  STAY  by  Mrs.  Mary  Marvin   (Heaton)   Vorse.     (Adult) 

JANE  EYRE  by  Charlotte  Bonte.     (X-Adult) 

JAVA  HEAD  by  Joseph  Hergesheimer.     (Adult) 

JUMPING  FROG,  THE  by  Samuel  Langhorne  ^  „ 

Clemens  \  Bound  tosether;    Iv. 

QUALITY  by  John  Galsworthy  f  (IX-X-Adult) 

KAZAN   by  James  Oliver  Curwood.      (Adult) 

KEEPER  OF  THE  BEES,  THE  by  Mrs.  Gene  Stratton-Porter.     (Adult) 

KENTUCKY  CARDINAL,  A   by  James  Lane  Allen.     (Adult) 

KINDRED  OF  THE  DUST  by  Peter  Bernard  Kyne.     (Adult) 


Jack  Lalt  f    Bound  together;    Iv. 

IT  WASN'T  HONEST,  BUT  IT  WAS  SWEET  by  (  (Adult) 

Jack  Lait  ' 

LAST  DAYS  OF  POMPEII,  THE  by  Edward  George  Earle  Lytton,  Bulwer- 
Lytton,  1st  baron.     (Vlll-X-Adult) 

LEAVENWORTH   CASE,  THE  by  Anna   Katharine  Green.      (Adult) 

LIFE  OF  THE  PARTY,  THE  by  Irvin  Shrewsbury  Cobb.     (Adult) 

LITTLE  MINISTER,  THE  by  Sir  James  Matthew  Barrie,  bart.     (Vlll-X- 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/2. 



LITTLE    SHEPHERD    OF     KINGDOM     COME,    THE    by    John     Fox,    Jv. 

LONE  STAR   RANGER,  THE  by  Zane  Grey.      (Adult) 

LORNA    DOONE   by    Richard    Doddridge    Blackmore.      (Vlll-X-Adult) 

LOVE   OF   LIFE   by  Jack   London.      (IX-X-Adult) 

LOVE  STORIES  by   Mrs.  Mary   (Roberts)    Rinehart.      (Adult) 

LOVER  OF  MUSIC,  A  by  Henry  VanDyke.     (Adult) 

LUCA  SARTO  by  Charles  Stephen   Brooks.     (Adult) 

MADAME  CLAIRE  by  Susan  Ertz.     (Adult) 

MAGIC  STORY,  A  by  Frederick  VanRensselaer  Dey  x  Bound  t       ther.    |v> 

HAVE  YOU   AN    EDUCATED   HEART?  by  Gelett        K  (Adult) 

Burgess  J 

MAID   IN  WAITING  by  John  Galsworthy.     (Adult) 

MAN  OVERBOARD  by  Francis  Marion  Crawford       )    Bound  together;    Iv. 

UPPER  BERTH,  THE  by  Francis  Marion  Crawford     \  (Adult) 

MANSION,  THE   by   Henry   VanDyke.      (Adult) 

MARCHING  ON   by  James  Boyd.     (Vlll-X-Adult) 

MARIA  CHAPDELAIN'E  by   Louis   Hemon.      (Adult) 

MARY'S    NECK    by   Booth   Tarkington.      (X-Adu!t) 

MASQUERADER,  THE   by    Katherine   Cecil   Thurston.      (Adult) 

MASTER  OF  THE  INN,  THE  by  Robert  Herrick.      (Adult) 

MATRIACH,    THE;    a    chronicle    by    Gladys    Brouwyn    Stern.      Grade    2. 

L1,000,000  BANK-NOTE,  THE   by  Samuel  } 

Langhorne  Clemens  (   Bound   together;    Iv. 

ESQUIMAU'S   ROMANCE,  THE  by  Samuel  (  (Adult) 

Langhorne  Clemens  / 

MISS  LULA  BETT  by  Zona  Gale.     (Adult) 

MISS  PINKERTON   by   Mrs.  Mary    (Roberts)    Rinehart.      (X-Adult) 

MR.  DOWNEY   SITS   DOWN   by    L.   H.   Robbins         >  Bound  t        th  |v> 


by  James   Mahoney  / 

MRS.  RED  PEPPER  by  Mrs.  Grace  Louise  (Smith)   Richmond.     (X-Adult) 

MONSIEUR   BEAUCAIRE  by  Booth  Tarkington.     (X-Adult) 

MOTHER   MASON   by  Mrs.  Bess   (Streeter)   Aldrich.     (Adult) 

MY   GARDEN    DOCTOR   by   Frances   Duncan.      (IX-X-Adult) 

MYSTERY    AT    THE    BLUE    VILLA,    THE    by    Melville    Davisson    Post. 

NERVOUS  WRECK,  THE  by  E.  J.  Rath.     (Adult) 

NEVER  THE  TWAIN  SHALL  MEET  by  Peter  Bernard   Kyne.     (Adult) 
NEW  YORK  AND  RETURN  by  Harold   Everett       ) 

Porter   (Holworthy   Hall,  pseud.)  [  Bound  together;    Iv. 

WHAT   IS  WASTED  TIME?  by   Harold    Everett        (  (Adult) 

Porter   (Holworthy   Hall,  pseud.)  .; 

NIGHT  OUT,  A  by  Edward  Peple.     (Adult) 

OBJECT:    MATRIMONY  of   Montague    Marsden    Glass.      (Adult) 
ODD  NUMBER,  THE  by  Guy  de  Maupassant.     (Adult) 
OLD  CURIOSITY  SHOP,  THE  by  Charles  Dickens.     (Vlll-X-Adult) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  iyz. 



OLD  JUDGE  PRIEST  by  Irvin  Shrewsbury  Cobb.     (Adult) 

Lewis  f  Bound  together;    Iv. 

GOLD  MOUNTED  GUNS  by  F.  R.  Buckley  /  (Adult) 

TOWERS   OF   FAME   by   Elizabeth    Folsom  ) 

ONE  OF  OURS  by  Willa  Siebert  Cather.     (Adult) 
ORPHAN  ANGEL,  THE  by  Mrs.  Elinor  (Hoyt)   Wylie.     (Adult) 
PARDNERS  by  Rex  Ellingwood  Beach.     (Adult) 

PEOPLE  OF  THE  MIST,  THE  by  Sir  Henry  Rider  Haggard.     (Adult) 
PHILOSOPHY  FOUR  by  Owen  Wister.     (Adult) 
PICKWICK   PAPERS  by  Charles  Dickens.      (Adult) 
PIECES  OF  EIGHT  by  Richard   LeGalliene.     (Adult) 
POWER  AND  THE  GLORY,  THE  by  Sir  Gilbert  Parker.     (Adult) 
PRESIDENT  IS  BORN,  A  by  Fannie  Hurst.     (Adult) 
PRIDE  AND   PREJUDJCE  by  Jane  Austen.      (X-Adult) 
PRISONER  OF  ZENDA,  THE  by  Anthony   Hope   Hawkins.     (X-Adult) 
PRUE  AND   I  by  George  William  Curtis.     (Adult) 
PURE  GOLD  by  Ole  Edvert  Rolvaag.     (Adult) 
QUO  VADIS  by  Henryk  Sienkiewicz.     (X-Adult) 
RE-CREATION    OF    BRIAN    KENT,    THE    by    Harold    Bell    Wright.      (X- 

RED    PEPPER    BURNS   by    Mrs.   Grace    Louise    (Smith)    Richmond.      (X- 

RED  ROCK  by  Thomas  Nelson   Page.     (Adult) 

Alexander   Jessup,   Comp.     Grade   2.      (X-Adult) 
RESCUE,  THE  by  Joseph  Conrad.     (Adult) 
RIDERS  OF  THE  PURPLE  SAGE  by  Zane  Grey.     (Adult) 
RIDIN'    KID   FROM    POWDER    RIVER,  THE   by   Henry    Herbert    Knibbs. 

RIGHT  OF  WAY,  THE  by  Sir  Gilbert  Parker.     (Adult) 
RIVERMAN,  THE  by  Stewart  Edward  White.     (Adult) 
ROAD   AGENT,   THE    (from    "The    Killer")    by    Stewart    Edward    White. 

ROMANTIC    COMEDIANS,   THE    by    Ellen    Anderson    Gholson    Glasgow. 

ROUGH    HEWN   by   Mrs.  Dorothea   Frances   (Canfield)    Fisher.     Grade  2. 

RUPERT  OF  HENTZAU  by  Anthony  Hope  Hawkins.     (X-Adult) 
SALUTE  TO  ADVENTURERS  by  John  Buchan.     (Adult) 
SCARAMOUCHE   by    Rafael    Sabatini.      (X-Adult) 
SCATTERGOOD  BAINES:   CHAPS.  I-IV  by  Clarence  Budington   Kelland. 

SEA  WOLF,  THE  by  Jack  London.     (IX-X-Adult) 
SEATS  OF  THE  MIGHTY  by  Sir  Gilbert  Parker.     (Adult) 
SECRET  SHARER,  THE   (from  " 'Twixt  Land  and  Sea")   by  Joseph  Con- 
rad.    (Adult) 
SELECTED    STORIES    FROM    "ACCIDENTALS"    by    Mrs.    Helen    Ganse- 

voort  (Edwards)   Mackay.     (Adult) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  1'/2. 




1919  by  O.  Henry,  pseud.     (William  Sydney  Porter.)      (X-Adult> 
SENTIMENTAL  TOMMY   by  Sir  James   Matthew   Barrier  bart,      (Vlll-X- 

.007  (from  "The  Day's  Work")  by  Rudyard  Kipling  Bound  together-    lv 
SHIP    THAT    FOUND    HERSELF,    THE    (from         > 

"The    Day's    Work")    by  Rudyard   Kipling       J  (> 

SHADOWS  ON  THE   ROCK  by  Willa  Siebert  Catcher.     (lAdult) 
SHAVINGS  by  Joseph  Crosby  Lincoln.     (Adult) 
SHEAVES  by   Marie  Conway  Oemle*.      (JX-X-Adult) 
SHOES  by  O.  Henry,  pseud.     (William  Sydney   \ 

Porter)1  (      Bound  together;    lv- 

MOMENT   OF    VICTORY,   THE    by   O.    Henry,    I  ^Adult) 

pseud.      (William-   Sydney  Porter)  / 

SHOW  BOAT  by  Edna  Ferber.     (Adult) 
SINFUL  PECK  by  Morgan  Robertson.       (Adult) 
SNAKE  DOCTOR,  THE  by  Irvin  Shrewsbury  Cobb.     (Adsilt) 
SOAKED  IN  SEAWEED  by  Stephen  Butler  Leacock  \ 

ZENOBIA'S  INFIDELITY  by  Henry  Cuyler  Bunner    ( Bound  together;    lv. 
CAPTAIN  TRISTRAM'S  SHIPBUILDING  by  Robert   /  /A  .   IA>, 

Wade  (  <Adu,t> 

PIGS  IS  PIGS  by  Ellis  Parker  Butler  / 

SOLDIERS  OF  FORTUNE  by  Richard  Harding  Davis.     (Adult) 
SON   OF  THE   MIDDLE   BORDER,  A   by   Hamlin   Garland.      (Adult) 
SONG  OF  OUR  SYRIAN  GUEST,  THE  by  William  Allen  Knight.  (Adult) 
SOUNDINGS  by  Arthur  Hamilton  Gibbs.     (Adult) 
SPANISH   GOLD  by  James  Owen  Hanney.     (G.  A.  Birmingham,  pseud.) 

Grade    1.      (Adult) 
SPOILERS,  THE  by  Rex  Ellingwood  Beach.     (Adult) 
SPRIGHTLY    ROMANCE   OF    MARSAC,  THE   by    Mofly    Elliott   Seawetl. 

STOLEN   STORY,  THE  by  Jessie   Lynch  Williams.     (X-Adult) 
STRANGE    CASE   OF    DR.   JEKYLL   AND    MR.   HYDE    by    Robert    Louis 

Stevenson.     (Adult) 
SUSAN'S   ESCORT  by   Edward   Everett  Hale  ^  Bound  together;    |v- 

MY  DOUBLE  AND  HOW   HE  UNDID   ME  by  \  *   ... 

Edward  Everett  Hale  J  (Adult) 

T.  TEMBARON  by  Mrs.  Frances  (Hodgson)   Burnett.     (Adult) 
THAT'S  MARRIAGE  by  Edna  Ferber  \  Bound  together;   lv. 

FROG  AND  THE  PUDDLE,  THE  by  Edna  Ferber  \  (Adult) 

$30,000  BEQUEST,  THE  by  Samuel  Langhorne 


Clemens  I  Bound  together;   lv. 

DANGER  OF  LYING   IN   BED,  THE  by  Samuel         )  (Adult) 

Langhorne  Clemens  1 

THREE    THINGS,   THE    by    Mrs.    Mary    Raymond    (Shipman)    Andrews. 

Grade  1.     (X) 
THRUSH    IN   THE    HEDGE,  THE    (from   "The    Happy    End")    by   Joseph 

Hergesheimer.      (Adult) 
TIME  SPIRIT,  THE  by  John  Collins  Snaith.     (Adult) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  ail  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/2» 



T I ME  S  H  AV  E  C  H  A  NO ED  by  E I m er  Da v is.     ( Adult) 

TRAWLER,  THE  by  James  Brendon  Connoltey       ^  Bound  t       ther.    ^ 
COMMANDEERING  OF  THE  LUCY  FOSTER,         >  ,     ,   .  .      ' 

THE  by  Jamrs   Brendon  ConnoTley  7  t*auitj 

TURKEY   RED   by   Frarrcre  Gilchrist  Wood  }   Bound  together;  lv, 

CAMEUS  BACK,  THE  by  S.  Scott  Fitzgerald  \  (Adult) 

UNCLE  JOE'S   LINCOLN  "by   Edward   Alfred  "Sterner.     '(VI II -X- Adult) 
UNCLE    SAM    OF    FREEDOM    RIDGE    by    Margaret    Prescott  Montague, 

VALLEY  OF  THE  GIANTS,  THE  by  Peter  Bernard  Kyne.     (Adult) 
VALLEY  OF  THE  MOON,  THE  'by  Jack  London.     (IX-X-Adurt) 
VAN  DEM  ARK'S  FOLLY  by  Herbert  Quick.     (Adult) 
VANITY  FAIT*  by  William  Makepeace  Thackeray.     (X-Adult) 
VICAR  OF  WAKEFIELD,  THE  by  Oliver  Goldsmith.     (VU'jf-X-Adult) 
VINEGAR  SAINT,  THE  by  Hughes  Mearns.     (Adult) 
VIRGINIAN,  THE  by  Owen  Wister.      (V'lll-X-Achilf) 
VOICE  FROM  THE  DARK,  A  by  Eden  Phillpotts.     (Adult) 
WANDERER  OF  THE  WASTELAND,  TH  E  by  Zane  Grey.     (Adult) 
WANTON  MALLY  by  Booth  Tarlcington.     Grade  2.     (Adult) 
WEDDING  GIFT:    A   FISHING   STORY  by  John  Taintor  Foote.     (Adult) 
WHEN    KNIGHTHOOD   WAS    IN    FLOWER    by   Charles    Major,      (IX-X- 


WHITE  HERON,  A  by  Sara  Ome  Jewell  l  „         .  _ 

J  I  Bound  together     Tv. 

OTHER    ROOM,   THE  by  TVirs.  Wlary   Marvin  >  .     "  FA 

(Heaton)    Vorse  )  (Ackllt* 

WHITE  OAKS  OF  JALTSIA  by  Mazo  DeLaRoche.     \ Adult) 
WIDOW  LEROUGE,  THE  by  Emile  Gaboriau.     (Adult) 
WILLIAM  by  Emily  Hilda  Young.     { Adult) 
WILLIAM    THE    CONQUEROR    (from    "The   Day's   Work")    by    Rudyard 

Kipling.     (X-Adult) 
WITH   FIRE  AND  SWORD  by  Henryk  Sienkiwtcz.     Grade  2.     (Adult) 
WOMEN  by  Booth  Tarkington.     (Adult) 
WONDERFUL  YEAR,  THE  by  William  Jofan  Locke.     (Adult) 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  ail  book's  are  in  braille  grade  ii/2*> 


Graded  List  of  Braille  Pullications 


The  following  list  is  comprised  of  a  number  of  books  which  are 
available  from  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  but  which 
have  been  considered  unnecessary  to  grade.  It  is  the  fifth  section  of  a 
composite  list  for  the  several  grades,  i.e.,  I-X-Adult  and  Ungraded,  irs 
which  each  title  in  the  General  Catalog,  with  its  reading  range  indicated 
in  Roman  numerals,  has  been  assigned  to  a  particular  set  of  gradesr 
no  book  being  listed  more  than  once  throughout  the  entire  series  of  lists. 
It  is  purely  supplementary  in  character,  consisting  only  of  primers  on 
braille  and  braille  music,  books  in  foreign  languages,  etc.;  all  other  titles 
being  contained  in  Sections  A  to  D  of  the  composite  list.  For  detailed  in- 
formation in  regard  to  each  title,  refer  to  the  Catalog  of  General  Pub- 
lications, 1932  and  the  1933  Supplement. 

Non- Fiction 

BRAILLE  MUSIC  CHART,  compiled  by  direction  of  the  Special  Commit- 
tee on  Braille  Music,  American  Foundation  for  the  Blind,  No- 
vember 1,  1929;  Based  on  the  Notation  Musicale,  International 
Braille,  as  Recommended  by  the  Paris  Conference  on  Braille 
Music,  April,  1929;  Approved  by  the  Music  Committee  of  the 
A.  P.  H.,  November  1,  1929.     (Embossed  and  ink-print) 

KEY  TO  BRAILLE  MUSIC  NOTATION  by  Louis  W.  Rodenberg.  (Pre- 
pared under  the  Supervision  of  Robert  B.  Irwin,  American 
Foundation  for  the  Blind,  1925.)      (Embossed  and  ink-print) 

signs  unfamilar  in  the  United  States,  authorized  after  the 
recommendations  of  the  Paris  Conference  on  Braille  Music, 
April,   1929).      (Embossed   and    ink-print) 

PRIMER  OF  BRAILLE  MUSIC,  Authorized  Edition,  1930,  compiled  by 
Direction  of  the  Special  Committee  on  Braille  Music,  American 
Foundation  for  the  Blind,  New  York,  November  1,  1929;  Based 
on  the  Braille  Music  Chart;  Signs  Internationally  Authorized. 
(Embossed  and  ink-print) 



BRAILLE  ALPHABET   CARDS,   Grade   1'/2,   with    ink-print   explanations. 


BRAILLE  CONTRACTION   DRILL  by  H.   Randolph   Latimer. 

BRAILLE   LETTER  DRILL  by  H.  Randolph  Latimer. 



revised  and  Edited  jointly,  by  the  British  National  Uniform 
Type  Committee  and  the  American   Committee  on   Grade   Two, 

Hi  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/z, 



representing  the  A.  A.  I.  B.,  the  A.  A.  W.  B.,  and  the  American 
Foundation  for  the  Blind;  Braille  Edition  Authorized  by  the 
American  Committee.     Grade  2. 





EDITION,    abridged    from    the    Funk    and    Wagnall's    Standard 

Dictionary  by  J.  C.  Fernald. 


L'ABBE    CONSTANTIN    (with    vocabulary)    by    Ludovic    Halevy 

LISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY,  revised  and  rewritten  with  ad- 
ditional selections  for  reading  and  illustrations  by  C.  A.  Char- 

CONTES  CHOISIS  (Edited  with  Notes,  Questionnaire,  Exercises  and 
Vocabulary   by   W.  D.   Head)    by  Alphonse    Daudet. 

CONTES   GAIS    (with   vocabulary)    edited   by    Emile    Blaise   deSauze. 

cabulary)  edited  by   Emiie   Blais  deSauze. 

CRIME  DE  SYLVESTRE  BONNARD,  LE  (with  vocabulary)  by  Anatole 

ELEMENTARY  FRENCH  READER  (with  exercises  and  vocabulary)  by 
Everett   Ward    Olmstead    and    Francis    Brown    Barton. 

EUGENIE   GRANDET    (with   vocabulary)    by   Honore  de    Balzac. 

FRANCAIS  ET  SA  PATRIE,  LE  (for  elementary  schools  and  colleges) 
by  L.  Raymond  Taibut. 

FRENCH  VERBS  AND  VERBAL  IDIOMS  (with  vocabulary)  by  Baptiste 
Mereas  and   E.  Jules  Meras. 

HUIT  CONTES  CHOISIS   (with  vocabulary)   by  Guy  de   Maupassant. 

LIVRE  DE  MON  AMI,  LE— LE  LIVRE  DE  PIERRE  (with  vocabulary 
by  O.  G.  Guerlac)   by  Anatole  France. 

MON  ONCLE  ET  MON  CURE  (abridged  and  edited  with  notes,  vocab- 
ulary and  English  exercises  by  Therese  F.  Colin  and  Margaret 
E.  N.  Fraser)   by  Jeane  delaBrete. 

PREMIER  LIVRE,  LE  (with  vocabulary)  by  Albert  Amedee  Meras  and 
Baptiste  Meras. 

QUATREVINGT-TREIZE  (with  vocabulary  by  C.  Fontaine)  by  Victor 
Marie   Hugo,  comte. 

SECOND  LIVRE,  LE  (with  vocabulary)  by  Albert  Amedee  Meras  and 
Baptiste   Meras. 

TARTARIN    DE  TARASCON    (with   vocabulary)    by   Alphonse    Daudet. 

TULIPE  NOIRE,  LA  (new  edition  with  exercises,  notes  and  vocabulary) 
by  Alexandre  Dumas. 

VOYAGE  DE  MONSIEUR  PERRICHON,  LE  (edited  with  notes,  exercises 
and  vocabulary  by  Victor  E.  Francois)  by  Eugene  Labiche  and 
Edouard   Martin. 

GERMAN  GRAMMAR   (with  vocabulary)    by  Calvin  Thomas. 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  1J/2. 



GERMAN    PROSE   COMPOSITION    (with   vocabulary)    by   James   Alburn 

IMMENSEE   (with  vocabulary)   by  Theodor  Storm. 
MARCHEN    (with  vocabulary)    by   Hans  Christian  Andersen. 
MARCHEN,  DER  (with  vocabulary)  by  John  Wolfgang  von  Goethe. 
MARCHEN   UND  ERZAHLUNGEN:   PART  I   (with  vocabulary)  by  Helen 

Adeline  Guerber. 
TAUCHER,   DER    (with   vocabulary)    by  Johann   Christoph    Friedrich  von 

W1LHELM  TELL   (edited  with  Fragen,  Notes  and  Vocabulary  by  Robert 

Waller   Deering)    by  Johann   Christoph    Friedrich   von    Schiller. 


AENEID,  THE:   BOOKS  l-VI   (with  vocabulary)   (edited  by  C.  E.  Bennett) 

by  Virgil. 
ARGONAUTS,   THE    (from    "Latin   for   Today")    by    Mason    D.   Gray   and 

Thornton   Jenkins. 
CAESAR'S  GALLIC  WARS:    BOOKS  l-IV   (with  vocabulary;    re-edited   by 

J.    B.   Greenough,    Benjamin    L.    D'Ooge   and    M.   G.    Daniell),    by 

Julius  Caesar. 
CICERO:    SIX   ORATIONS    (Allen   and   Greenough's    Edition;    special    vo- 
cabulary by  J.   B.  Greenough;    revised   by  J.   B.  Greenough   and 

G.  L.   Kittredge)   by  Marcus  Tullius  Cicero. 
ELEMENTS  OF  LATIN   (with  vocabulary)   by  Benjamin  Leonard  D'Ooge. 
NEW    LATIN    COMPOSITION,   A    (with    vocabulary)    by    Charles    Edwin 

NEW  LATIN  GRAMMAR  by  Charles  Edwin  Bennett. 
ROMAN  TALES  RETOLD  by  Walter  Alison   Edwards.     Grade  1. 


AMERICA-ESPANOLA    (with   vocabulary)    by   Miguel    Romera-Navarro. 

CAPITAN  VENENO,  EL  by  Pedro  Antonio  de  Alarcon. 

CORRESPONDENCIA  PRACTICA  by  Medora  Loomis  Ray  and  Ruth  A. 

FIRST  BOOK  IN   SPANISH,  A  by  James  Pyle  Wickersham  Crawford. 

FIRST  SPANISH  COURSE  by  Elijah  Clarence  Hills  and  Jeremiah  Denis 
Mathias  Ford. 

FIRST  SPANISH  READER  (with  notes,  vocabulary  and  exercises) 
edited  by  Everett  Ward  Olmstead  and   Edward  H.  Sirich. 

FORTUNA  by  Enrich  Perez  Escrich  *     (Edited   with    notes,   di- 

ZARAGUETA  by  Miguel  Ramos  Carrion  and  i  rect  method,  exercises 
Vital   Aza  f    and   vocabulary   by    Eli- 

VOCABULARY  COVERING  "FORTUNA"  AND  /  Jah  c-  Hil,s  and  Louise 
"ZARAGUETA"  by  Elijah  C.  Hills  \  Oemhardt.)  Bound  to- 
and  Louise  R.  Oeinhardt.  )  gether;    3v. 

SOMBRERO  DE  TRES  PICOS,  EL  (edited  with  introduction,  footnotes, 
exercises  and  vocabulary  by  Charles  B.  Qualia)  by  Pedro  An- 
tonio de  Alarcon. 

SPANISH  COMPOSITION  (text  only)  by  James  Pyle  Wickersham  Craw- 

TEMAS  ESPANOLES  by  James  Pyle  Wickersham  Crawford. 

*If  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/2. 



TRIP  TO  LATIN  AMERICA,  A  (with  vocabulary)  (in  very  simple  Span- 
ish)   by  Ventura   Fuentes  and  C.  E.  Francois. 


Service  for  the  Blind,  Library  of  Congress. 




GRAY  ORAL  READING  CHECK  TESTS  by  William   S.  Gray: 
SETS   Mil:   Nos.  1-5.     Grade  1. 
SETS   ll-IV:    Nos.  1-5. 
MONROE'S    STANDARDIZED    SILENT     READING     TESTS     by     W.     S. 
TEST   I:    Forms  1-2 
TEST   II:    Forms  1,-2 
STANFORD    ACHIEVEMENT    TESTS    by    Truman    L.    Kelley,    Giles    M. 
Ruch  and    Lewis   M.  Terman: 
PRIMARY    EXAMINATION:    FORM    A— Tests  1-3.  Grade   1. 
PRIMARY    EXAMINATION:    FORM    B— Tests   1-3.  Grade   1. 
ADVANCED    EXAMINATION:    FORM    B— Tests  1-3. 
Perkins  Hayes. 

*lf  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  books  are  in  braille  grade  V/2. 








American  Printing  House  For  The  Blind 


1839  Frankfort  Avenue 
Louisville,  Kentucky 

Table  of  Contents 






A.  Non-Fiction:  13 

Arts,    Fine .  .  13 

Arts,    Useful     14 

Biography     16 

Description    and   Travel     19 

Economics  and   Sociology    21 

History 22 

Language    25 

Alphabets,    Primers   and    Readers    25 

English      . 29 

French    31 

German     32 

Latin     33 

Spanish 33 

Literature      34 

Prose — Including   Wit  and    Humor  and   Catalogs....  34 

Drama    and    Poetry     37 

Philosophy   and    Psychology    42 

Educational   Tests  and    Measurements    42 

Religion    and    Mythology 44 

Religion    44 

Mythology      47 

Science   and    Mathematics    47 

Science     47 

Mathematics 50 

B.  Fiction  51 



A.  Appliances:  87 

Kindergarten     87 

Writing    87 

B.  Maps  88 


A.  By  Subject  90 

B.  By  Author  92 

C.  By  Title  '  ]  6 

Explanatory  Notes 

The  titles  have  been  classified  according  to  the  Dewey  Decimal 
Syfetem,  the  main  divisions  of  Non-Fiction  being  rearranged  in  alphabeti- 
cal  instead  of  numerical  order. 

Publishers  and  copyright  dates  are  indicated  in  bold  face.  (A 
list  of  publishers  with  their  addresses  appears  on  page  7). 

The  date  of  our  first  edition  is  enclosed  in  brackets  following  the 
date   of   copyright. 

Initials  enclosed  in  parentheses  following  the  date  of  first  publi- 
cation in  braille  indicate  by  whom  the  first  edition  was  paid  for  or  the 
plates  loaned.      (See  page   1  1    for  explanation  of  abbreviations) . 

If  not  indicated  as  grade  1 ,  all  titles  are  understood  to  be  in 
braille  grade    1  Vz. 

Reading  grades  for  each  title  are  indicated  by  Roman  numerals 
for  Grades  l-X,  or  as  Adult. 

Unless  page  sizes  are  indicated  as  otherwise,  they  are  understood 
to  be  the  regulation   11"  x  11". 

A  complete  catalog  of  Braille  Music  is  published  under  separate 

Books  may  neither  be  borrowed  nor  exchanged. 

When  payment  accompanies  order  always  include  postage.  Any 
differences  between  the  postage  sent  and  the  amount  actually  used 
will  be  refunded  in  stamps,  or  a  bill  will  be  sent  for  further  remittance. 

Be  sure  to  indicate  whether  you  wish  shipment  to  be  made  by 
express,  freight  or  parcel  post. 

All  books  of  a  religious  nature  have  been  plated  at  the  order  and 
expense  of  individuals  and  organizations.  No  funds  of  the  Americanj 
Printing  House  for  the  Blind  are  used  to  emboss  religious  literature. 


Address  List  of  Publishers 

Allyn  and   Bacon,   Boston. 

Altemus — Henry  Altemus  Co.,   Philadelphia. 

American   Book  Co.,   New  York. 

American   Foundation  for  the   Blind,    New  York. 

American   Publishing  Co.,    Hartford,   Connecticut. 

Appleton — D.  Appleton  &  Co.,   New  York. 

Atlantic  Monthly  Co.,   Boston. 

Balliere,  Tindall  and  Cox,   London,   England. 

Barde  and   Hopkins,   New  York. 

Blakiston — P.   Blakiston's  Sons  £r  Co.,   Philadelphia. 

Bobbs-Merrill    Co.,     Indianapolis,     Indiana. 

Boni — Albert  and  Charles  Boni,   New  York. 

Boni   and   Liveright,    New  York. 

Book  Supply  Co.,  Chicago. 

Browne — F.  C.   Browne  &  Co.,  Chicago. 

Bulletin   Co.,   Philadephia. 

Burt — A.    L.    Burt   Co.,    New  York. 

Cape  and  Smith — Jonathan  Cape  and  Harrison  Smith,   New  York. 

Century  Co.,   New  York. 

Chicago  School  of  Civics  and  Philanthropy,  Chicago. 

Child   Health  Organization  of  America,   New  York. 

Chirstian  Life   Literature  Fund,   Philadephia. 

Collins  Clear  Type  Press,  London  and  Glasgow. 

Cosmopolitan   Book   Corporation,   New  York. 

Crowell — Thomas  Y.  Crowell  Co.,  New  York. 

Cundy-Bettoney  Co.,   Boston. 

Curry — j.  S.  Curry  Co.,  Cleveland,  Ohio. 

Curtis  Publishing  Co.,   Philadelphia. 

Dent — J.  M.  Dent  &  Sons,  London. 

Ditson — Oliver  Ditson  Co.,  New  York. 

Dodd,  Mead  &  Co.,  New  York. 

Doran — George  H.   Doran  Co.,   New  York. 

Doubleday — Doubleday,    Doran    &   Co.,    Garden    City,    New   York. 

— Doubleday,    Page   &   Co.,    (See   Doubleday,    Doran   &   Co.). 
Duckworth  and  Co. 
Duffield  &  Co.,  New  York. 
Dutton — E.   P.   Dutton   &   Co.,    New  York. 
Educational    Publishing  Co.,    Boston. 
Elder— Paul   Elder  &  Co. 
Flanagan — A.   Flanagan  Co.,  Chicago. 
Funk  and  Wagnalls  Co.,   New  York. 
Garden   City   Publishing   Co.,   Garden   City,    New  York. 
Gjnn  Gr  Co.,   Boston. 
Grosset  &  Dunlap,    New  York. 
Hall  and  Locke  Co. 
Hanf— Wilber   Hanf,   Philadelphia. 
Harcourt,   Brace  &  Co.,  New  York. 


Harper  &  Bros.,   New  York. 

Harrap— George  G.  Harrap  &  Co.,   Ltd.,   London,    Bombay,   Sidney. 

Heath — D.   C.    Heath  and   Co.,    New  York. 

Holt— Henry   Holt  &  Co.,    New  York. 

Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,   New  York. 

International   Magazine  Co.,   New  York. 

Jack — T.  C.  and  E.  C.  Jack,  Ltd.,  London  and  Edinburgh. 

Jacobs — George  W.   Jacobs  &  Co.,    (See   Macrae-Smith   Co.) 

Johnson   Publishing   Co.,    Richmond,   Virginia. 

Judd — Orange  Judd  Publishing  Co.,  New  York. 

Knopf — Alfred  A.  Knopf,   Inc.,  New  York. 

Lane — John  Lane  Co.,   New  York    (See  Dodd,  Mead  &  Co.) 

Lippincott — J.   B.   Lippincott  Co.,   Philadelphia. 

Little,   Brown  &  Co.,   Boston. 

Longman's  Green  and  Co.,   New  York. 

Lothrop,  Lee  and  Shepard  Co.,   Boston. 

Lyons  and   Carnahan,    New  York   and   Chicago. 

McBride — Robert   M.   McBride  and   Co.,    New  York. 

McClure's  Magazine,  New  York. 

McClurg — A.   C.   McClurg  &  Co.,   Chicago. 

McGraw-Hill  Book  Co.,  New  York. 

Maclndor  Publishing  Co.,   Kansas  City,   Kansas. 

McKay— David    McKay   Co.,    Philadephia. 

MacMillan   Co.,    New  York. 

Macrae-Smith   Co.,    Philadelphia. 

Magnus  Brush  Materials,  604  West  Lake  Street,  Chicago. 

Medici — The  Medici  Society  of  America,  Ltd.,  Boston. 

Merrill — Charles   E.   Merrill   Co.,    New  York. 

Milton   Bradley  Co.,  Springfield,   Massachusetts. 

Moffat,  Yard  &  Co.,    (See  Dodd,   Mead  &  Co.) 

Morehouse  Publishing  Co.,   Milwaukee,  Wisconsin. 

Morrison — Frank   E.   Morrison,    New  York. 

Morrow — William   Morrow  &  Co.,    New  York. 

Nelson — Thomas  Nelson  &  Sons,  New  York. 

New  England  Conservatory  of   Music,    Boston. 

Newson  &  Co.,   New  York. 

Northwestern  Publishing  House,  Milwaukee,  Wisconsin. 

Olcott  Publishing  Co.,  Charlestown,  West  Virginia. 

Oxford  University  Press,   New  York. 

Page — L.  C.  Page  &  Co.,   Boston. 

Penn  Publishing  Co.,  Philadelphia. 

Pennsylvania   Institution  for  the  Instruction  of  the  Blind,  Overbrook, 

Pictorial   Review  Co.,    New  York. 
Pilgrim   Press,    Boston. 
Presser — T.    Presser   Co.,    Philadelphia. 
Public  School   Publishing  Co.,   Bloomington,   Illinois 
Putman — G.    P.    Putman's   Sons,    New   York. 
Quinn  and   Boden  Co. 
Rand   McNally  &  Co.,   Chicago. 
Reilly  £r  Lee  Co.,  Chicago. 


Revell — Fleming  H.   Revell   Co.,    New  York. 

Review  and    Herald    Publishing   Association,    New   York. 

Roberts  Bros. 

Robertson,  The   Kenesaw,    Washington,    D.   C. 

Row,  Peterson  Cr  Co.,  Chicago 

Ryerson  Press,  Toronto,  Canada. 

Sanborn — Benjamin    H.    Sanborn   £r   Co.,   Chicago. 

Schirmer — G.   Schirmer  &  Co.,   New  York. 

Scott,   Foresman  &  Co.,   Chicago. 

Scribner's — Charles  Scribner's  Sons,  New  York. 

Sears — J.  H.  Sears,   New  York. 

Shaw — A.  W.  Shaw  Co.,  Chicago. 

Sheldon — The  Sheldon  School,  Chicago. 

Silver,  Burdett  Cr  Co.,  Boston. 

Silver  Publishing  Society,    Pittsburgh,    Pennsylvania. 

Simon  and  Schuster,   Inc.,  New  York. 

Small,   Maynard  &  Co.,   Boston. 

Standard  Player  Action  Co.,  New  York. 

Standard   Printing  Co.,    Louisville,    Kentucky. 

Standard    Publishing   Co.,    Cincinnati,    Ohio. 

Still — A.  T.  Still    Research    Institute,   Chicago. 

Stokes — Frederick  A.  Stokes  Co.,  New  York. 

Unity  School  of  Christianity,  Kansas  City,  Missouri. 

University  Publishing  Co.,  Lincoln,  Nebraska. 

Viking  Press,  New  York. 

Wanamaker — John  Wanamaker,   Philadelphia. 

Watt — C.    Howard   Watt,    New   York. 

Wheeler  Publishing  Co.,  Chicago. 

Winston — John  C.  Winston  Co.,  Philadelphia. 

World  Book  Co.,  Yonkers-on-Hudson,  New  York. 

Yale  University  Press,  New  Haven,  Connecticut. 

Explanation  of  Abbreviations 

The  following  abbreviations  or  initials  inclosed  in  parentheses, 
following  the  date  of  first  publication  in  braille,  indicate  by  whom  the 
first  edition  was   paid   for  or   the   plates   loaned. 

A.B.S. — American  Bible  Society,  Astor  Place,   New  York  City. 

A.C. — Mrs.  Andrew  Carnegie. 

A.E.P.— Albert   E.    Pillsbury. 

A.F.B. — American   Foundation   for   the   Blind,    125    East  46th   Street,    New 
York   City. 

A.L.A. — American   Library  Association,   Chicago,    Illinois. 

A.R.C. — American    Red   Cross,    Pittsburgh,    Pennsylvania. 

6.C.L. — Braille    Circulating    Library,    Richmond,    Virginia. 

B.  of  E.C.O. — Board  of  Education  of  Cleveland,  Ohio. 

B.T.C. — Braille  Transcriber's  Club,   Kenwood  Alumnae,  Albany,  New  York. 

B.T.S, — Bible  Training  School,   South   Lancaster,    Massachusetts. 

C.A.C.,  C.O.S. — Cleveland  Alumnae  Chapter,   Chi  Omega  Sorority,   Cleve- 
land, Ohio. 

C.L.H. — Mr.  and  Mrs.   Charles  L.   Huston. 

C.L.L.F. — Christian   Life   Literature   Fund. 

C.P.S.— -Cincinnati  Public  Schools. 

Ch.P.S. — Chicago  Public  Schools. 

CI. P.S.— • Cleveland    Public   Schools. 

D.O.I. N.Y. — Daughters  of  Ohio  in  New  York. 

D.P.L. — Detroit    Public    Library. 

D.W.L.B. — Detroit  Welfare  League  of  the  Blind. 

E.L.S.M.— -Evangelical   Lutheran  Synod  of  Missouri,  Ohio  and  other  states. 

E.S.H.— Edward   S.    Harkness. 

H.C.S.— Hadley   Correspondence   School,    Winnetka,    Illinois. 

H.M.C.— -Home   Missions  Council,   Staunton,   Virginia. 

H.M.P. — Howe   Memorial    press,    Boston,    Massachusetts. 

H.P.S. — Howe   Publishing  Society,   Cleveland,   Ohio. 

j.L.  of  D. — Junior  League,   Detroit,   Michigan. 

J.L.  of  L. — Junior  League,   Lexington,   Kentucky. 

J.P.S.A. — Jewish  Publication  Society  of  America. 

J.W.C.  of  A., N.J. — Junior  Woman's  Club  of  Arlington,   New  Jersey. 

K.C.C. — Kenwood    Graduating   Class — 1900,    Kenwood    Acadamy,    Albany, 
New  York. 


L.C.D.  and  D.  W.  L.  B. — Lion's  Club  of  Detroit,  Michigan  and  the  Detroit 
Welfare  League  of  the  Blind. 

L.C.    of    P.W.,L.I.,N.Y. — Lion's    Club    of    Port    Washington,    Long    Island, 
New  York. 

L.  of  C. — Library  of  Congress. 

L.C.  of  M.,  L.IM  N.Y. — Lion's  Club  of  Mineola,   Long  Island,   New  York. 

L.C.  of  W.P.,  N.Y.—Lion's  Club  of  White  Plains,   New  York. 

M.C.C.    and    T.S.C. — Matinee    Circle    Club    and    the    Trefoil    Smile    Club, 
Philadelphia,    Pennsylvania. 

M.S.B. — Michigan  School  for  the  Blind. 

N.R. — Miss  Nina  Rhoades. 

N.W.L.C.  of  D.M.- — Northwest  Lions*  Club  of  Detroit,  Michigan. 

N.Y.B.S. — New  York  Bible  Society. 

N.Y.I.E.B. — New    York    Institute    for    the    Education    of    the    Blind,    999 
Pelham  Parkway,  New  York  City. 

N.Y.S.L. — New  York  State  Library,  Albany,   New  York. 

P.E.C. — Protestant  Episcopal  Church. 

P.I.I.B. — Pennsylvania  Institute  for  the  Instruction  of  the  Blind,  64th  and 
.  >.  v;    '         Malvern  Avenue,  Overbrook,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania. 

R.C.B. — R.  C.   Ballard  Thruston. 

S.B.M. — Susan   B.   Merwin. 

S.P.E.R.L. — Society  for  Providing  Evangelical   Religious  Literature. 

T.R.H. — Mrs.  Thomas  R.   Hartley,   Pittsburgh,    Pennsylvania. 

T.R.P. — Mrs.  Thomas  R.  Proctor,   Ithaca,  New  York. 

T.S.B. — Texas  School  for  the  Blind,  Austin,  Texas. 

U.S.C. — Unity  School  of  Christianity,   Kansas  City,   Missouri. 

U.S.V.B. — United  States  Veterans  Bureau. 

W.N.— Waldo  Newcomer. 


List  of  Publications 


ARTS,  FINE   (Including  Recreation) 

ALICE  IN  ORCHESTRAL! A.  Ernest  LaPrade  (Foreword  by  Walter 
Damrosch).  Doubleday,  Page  fir  Co.,  1925.  [1926].  One- 
side.     VI-VIII.     2  vols;  210  pp $5.60 

Batiste   Arban   and    Herbert    L.    Clarke.      Cundy-Bettoney   Co., 

1930.      [1931].      One-side.      Adult. 

PART  I— 10%"xl0%";  3  vols;  309  pp 9.00 

PART  II—  10^"xl0y2";  4  vols;  422  pp 12.00 

ART  OF  THE  SINGER,  THE.  William  James  Henderson.  Charles 
Scribner's  Sons,  1906.  [1930].  One-side.  Adult.  2  vols; 
230  pp 6.05 

AUCTION  BRIDGE  COMPLETE.  Milton  C.  Work.  John  C.  Win- 
ston Co.,  1926.  [1927].  (A.R.C.)  One-side.  Adult.  7 
vols. ;   882   pp 1 9.20 

BOY  SCOUTS  OF  AMERICA    (Handbook   for   Blind   Boys).     1924. 

[1925].      One-side.      IV-VIII.      12";    1    vol;    106  pp 3.35 

BRAILLE  MUSIC  CHART.  Compiled  by  Direction  of  the  Special 
Committee  on  Braille  Music,  American  Foundation  for  the 
Blind,  November  1,  1929;  Based  on  the  Notation  Musicale, 
International  Braille,  as  Recommended  by  the  Paris  Confer- 
ence on  Braille  Music,  April,  1929.  Approved  by  the  Music 
Committee  of  the  A.   P.   H.,   November   1,    1929. 

Embossed — 1    vol ;   24   pp 75 

Ink-Print — 1    vol;    24   pp 50 

AND  THE  NEW.  William  Corham  Rice.  Dodd,  Mead  & 
Co.,  1925.     [1927].     One-side.     3  vols;  379  pp 8.25 

COMPLETE  HISTORY  OF  MUSIC,  A  (for  schools,  clubs  and  private 
reading).  Winton  James  Baltzell.  T.  presser  Co.,  1905. 
[1928].     One-side.     Adult.      9  vols;   1133  pp 29.20 

HARMONY   BOOK   FOR   BEGINNERS.      P.   W.   Orem.      T.    Presser 

Co.,    1916.      [1928].      One-side.      IOV2";   2  vols;   226  pp...    5.80 

HOW  TO  LISTEN  TO  MUSIC  (hints  and  suggestions  to  untaught 
lovers  of  the  art).  Henry  Edward  Krehbeil.  Charles  Scrib- 
ner's Sons,  1923.  [1926].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Adult. 
4  vols;   432    pp 9.75 

KEY  TO  BRAILLE  MUSIC  NOTATION.      L.  W.   Rodenberg. 

Embossed — One-side.    lO1/^";   2  vols;   312   pp 5.00 

Ink-Print — 1    vol ;   1 04  pp 5.00 

MUSICAL  TERMS   IN   EVERDAY   USE.      R.    K.    Miller.      One-side. 

IOI/2";   1   vol;  40  pp 65 


ARTS,  FINE   (Including  Recreation) 

MY  THIRTY  YEARS  IN  BASEBALL.  John  j.  McCraw.  Boni  and 
Liveright,  1923.  [1926].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  VI-VIII. 
4   vols;   429   pp    9.70 

FORTE,   THE.       F.    A.    Porter.       New    England    Conservatory, 

1916.      [1926].     One-side.      }0V2";   1    vol;    128  pp 3.30 

ORGAN,  THE.  (An  Organ  Instructor).  Sir  John  Stainer.  Oliver 
Dstson  Co.,  1910.  [1926].  One-side.  lO1/*";  3  vols; 
335     pp 8.85 

OUTLINES     OF     HARMONY.       Part     1:     Chords.       R.    K.    Miller. 

[1924].       (P.I. LB.)       One-side.       10";    1     vo!;    68    pp 1.05 

OUTLINES  OF  MUSIC  HISTORY.     Clarence  Grant  Hamilton.  Oliver 

Ditson  Co.,    1924.      [1927].      One-side.     6  vols;   738   pp 19.10 

PIANO    METHOD.      A.    Lambert.         G.    Schirmer    &    Co.,     1907. 

[1926],      One-side.       lOVz";    3    pamphlets;    149    pp 2.70 

PRIMER  OF  BRAILLE  MUSIC.  Authorized  Edition,  1930.  Com- 
piled by  Direction  of  the  Special  Committee  on  Braille  Music, 
American  Foundation  for  the  Blind,  New  York,  November  1, 
1929;  Based  on  the  Braille  Music  Chart.  Signs  Internation- 
ally Authorized. 

Embossed — 1    vol ;    42    pp 1 .25 

Ink-Print — 1    vol ;   39  pp 2.00 


Action  Co.      [1927].     One-side.     Adult.    1    vol;    125  pp 3.20 

RECREATION  (Address  Delivered  at  the  Harvard  Union,  Dec.  8, 
1919).  Edward  Grey,  1st  Viscount.  Houghton  Mifflin  Co., 
1920.  [1930].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  Adult.  10";  pam- 
phlet;   41     pp 65 


ART  OF  SELLING,  THE.  Arthur  Frederick  Sheldon  and  Gerald 
R.  McDowell.  Sheldon  School,  1923.  [1925].  One-side. 
Adult.      12";   4   vols;   415   pp 13.15 

BASKETRY  BOOK,  THE.  (Twelve  lessons  in  reed  weaving).  Mary 
Miles  Blanchard.  Charles  Scribner's  Sons,  1914.  [1926]. 
One-side.      Adult.      2   vols;    1 80    pp 5.00 

BOOK  OF  POTATO  COOKERY,  THE.  Mrs.  Mary  L.  Wade.  A.  C. 
McClurg  Co.,  1918.  [1920].  (N.Y.S.L.)  One-side.  Adult. 
12";    1    vol;    78   pp 2.35 

BROODING  AND  REARING  CHICKS.  John  Cameron  Graham  and 
Fred  H.  Cockell,  [1919].  (A.L.A.)  One-side.  Adult. 
6";    1    vol;    90   pp 1.85 

BUSINESS  CORRESPONDENCE.  B.  C.  Bean,  Ed.  A.  W.  Shaw 
Co.,  1911.  [1920].  (A.L.A.) .  One-side.  Adult.  12"; 
3  vols;  268  pp 7.75 

BUSINESS    ENGLISH    AND    CORRESPONDENCE.      Roy    Davis    and 

C.    H.   Lingham.      Cinn   &   Co.,    1921.      [1924].      One-side. 
Adult.      12";  5  vols;  606  pp 18.55 



CHILD  HEALTH  ALPHABET.  Mrs.  Frederick  Peterson  Child 
Health  Organization  of  America,  1918.  [1921].  Grade  1. 
One-side.      Il-lll.      6";   pamphlet;   25    pp 45 

CHO-CHO  AND  THE  HEALTH  FAIRY  (Six  Stories).  Eleanor 
Glendower  Griffith.  Child  Health  Organization  of  America, 
1919.  [1921].  Grade  1.  One-side.  III-IV..  6";  1  vol; 
82     pp 2.05 

CLINICAL  OSTEOPATHY.  Carl  P.  McConnell,  Ed.  A.  T.  Still 
Research  Institute,  1917.  [1924],  (U.S.V.B.)  One- 
side.     Adult.      12";   1  1    vols;    1405   pp 36,90 

CURRY  TOUCH  TYPEWRITING.  J.  S.  Curry.  J.  S.  Curry  Co., 
1913.  [1930].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  IX-X.  10";  2 
vols;    120    pp 3.25 

COOKING.  Georgia  Robertson.  Robertson,  1915.  [1926]. 
One-side.      Adult.       12";    2    vols;    247    pp 7.50 

HEALTH    AND   SAFETY.      Frances    Gulick    Jewett.      Ginn    &    Co., 

1916.      [1921].     One-side.     V-VIII.      1 2";  2  vols;    1 84  pp.  .    6.00 

HISTORIC  INVENTIONS.      Rupert  S.   Holland.      George  W.  Jacobs 

&  Co.,  1911.      [1920].      (A. LA.)    One-side.      V-VIM.      12"; 

3    vols;    340    pp 9.20 

HUMAN  MECHANISM,  THE;  its  physiology  and  hygiene  and  the 
sanitation  of  its  surroundings.  Theodore  Hough  and  W.  T. 
Sedgwick.  Ginn  &  Co.,  1918.  [1925].  One-side.  Adult. 
12";    8    vols;    909    pp 28.20 

JOURNEY  TO  HEALTH  LAND,  A.  James  Mace  Andress  and  Annie 
Turner  Andress.  Ginn  &  Co.,  1924.  [1931].  Grade  1. 
One-side.      I-III.     2  vols;  204  pp 5.50 

Mary  A.  Waesche.  John  C.  Winston  Co.,  1925.  [1929]. 
(P.I.I.B.)      One-side.      IX-X.      12";  6  vols;  638  pp 17.55 

LAYMAN'S  HANDBOOK  OF  MEDICINE,  A.  Richard  Clarke  Cabot, 
M.  D.  Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,  1916.  [1924].  (H.P.S.) 
One-side.      Adult.      10";    11    vols;    799    pp 20.20 

LESSONS  ON  MASSAGE.  Margaret  D.  Palmer.  Balliere,  Tindall 
and  Cox,  1918.  [1919].  (A.L.A.)  One-side.  Adult. 
12";   3   vols;   316   pp 8.70 

MASSAGE.      Nellie  Elizabeth  MacAfee.      Reed  and  Witting,   1917. 

[1919].      (A.L.A.)      One-side.     Adult.      6";    1    vol;   54  pp...    1.25 

MICROBE  HUNTERS.     Paul  deKruif.  Harcourt,  Brace  &  Co.,  1926. 

[1929].      Interpoint.      IX-X;  Adult.      3  vols;  764  pp 10.95 

PHYSIOLOGY,     HYGIENE     AND     SANITATION      (from     "Gulick 

Hygiene    Series").       Frances    Gulick    Jewett.       Ginn    &    Co., 

1916.     [1922].     One-side.     VI-VIII.      1 2";  3  vols;  375  pp.  .  11.40 

POULTRY  KEEPING.     Harry  R.  Lewis.     J.  B.  Lippincott  Co.,  1915. 

[1919].     (A.L.A.).    One-side.    Adult.    6";  4  vols;  542  pp... 10.25 

Mace  Andress  and  Annie  Turner  Andress.  Child  Health 
Organization  of  America,  1920.  [1921].  Grade  1.  One- 
side.     I-III.     6";   1    vol;   101    pp 2.40 



fir  Bacon,  1923.  [1925].  One-side.  IX-X.  12";  2  vols; 
1 67     pp 5.60 

STAND  CONCESSIONS.     Lela  T.  Brown.    American  Faundation  for 

the  Blind,  1930.     [1930].      (J.L.  of  D.)      Interpoint.     Adult. 

1    vol;    136  pp 1.95 

TICS. S.  S.  Cohen,  Editor.  P.  Blakis- 
ron's Sons  &  Co.,  1904.  [1919]. 
(A.L.A.)      One-side.      Adult. 

V  Bound  together.  1 2 

PRINCIPLES,     METHODS     AND     THERA-   )  i   vol •   1  (?0  dd  2  80 

PEUTICS     OF     MASSAGE.       John     R.  ' 
Mitchell.      P.   Blakisron's  Sons  &  Co., 
1904.     [1919].      (A.L.A.)      One-side. 


de.    1 

Herman    Bucholz,    M.    D.       P.    Blakisron's    Sons    Co.,     1904. 

[1920].     (H.P.S.)     One-side.     Adult.    10";  2  vols;   128  pp. .  .    3.35 

TO  MAKE  THEM.  Magnus  Brush  Materials,  1930.  [1930]. 
(P.I.I.B.)      One-side.     Adult.      Pamphlet;    1 8  pp 35 


ABRAHAM  LINCOLN.  Carl  Sandburg.  Pictorial  Review  Co., 
1926.  [1927].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  VII-IX.  10  vols; 
1031     pp 23.50 

ABRAHAM  LINCOLN  CENTENNIAL,  February  12,  1 809-February 
12,  1909.  (For  Boys  and  Girls).  Lillian  C.  Bergold.  Edu- 
cational Publishing  Co.,  1908.  [1921].  One-side.  V-VIII. 
12";    1    vol;    73    pp 2.55 

ADRIFT  ON  AN  ICE-PAN.  Wilfred  T.  Crenfell.  Houghton 
Mifflin  Co.,  1909.  [1928].  One-side.  VII-IX.  1  vol; 
64    pp 1.95 

ADVENTURES  OF  BUFFALO  BILL,  THE.  Col.  William  F.  Cody. 
Harper  fir  Bros.,  1904.  [1928].  One-side.  VI-VIII.  2 
vols;  202  pp 5.45 

AMERICAN  IDYLL,  AN.  (Life  of  Carleton  H.  Parker)  Cor- 
nelia S.  Parker.  Atlantic  Monthly  Co.,  1917.  [1924]. 
(H.P.S.)      One-side.     Adult.      10";   3   vols;   316  pp 7.15 

of  a  Dutch  Boy  Fifty  Years  After).  Edward  Bok.  Charles 
Scribner's  Sons,  1922.  [1930].  Interpoint.  VI-VIII. 
4    vols;    767    pp 10.00 

Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,  1920.  [1927]..  (H.P.S).  One- 
side.     Adult.     6  vols;   641    pp 14.50 



A.  L.  Burt  Co.  [1926].  One-side.  VI-VIII.  12";  3  vols; 
268   pp 8.85 

MIDGET  (from  "Barnum")).  Morris  Robert  Werner.  Quinn 
and  Boden  Co.,  1923.  [1924].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  Adult. 
10";    1    vol;    101     pp    2.30 

BIOGRAPHY  STORIES   FOR    BOYS.      Selected   Authors.       [1928]. 

(H.P.S.)      One-side.      V-VIII.      10";    1    vol;   66   pp 1.70 

BLIND    BOY   WHO    BECAME    A    GREAT    PHYSICIAN,    A.      John 

Kidder    Rhodes.      Thomas    Y.    Crowell    Co.,    1923.       [1923]. 
(P.I.I.B.)      One-side.     IX-X.    Adult.     10";  pamphlet;  26  pp.  .      .45 

BOYS  AND  GIRLS  OF  COLONIAL  DAYS.  Carolyn  Sherrin  Bailey. 
A.  Flanagan  Co.,  1917.  [1926].  (H.P.S.)  One-side. 
IV-VI.      10";   2   vols;    193    pp 5.70 

BOYS'  LIFE  OF  EDISON,  THE.  William  Henry  Meadowcroft. 
Harper  &  Bros.,  1921.  [1928].  One-side.  VI-VIII.  3 
vols;    426    pp 10.75 

Little,  Brown  &■  Co.,  [1922].  One-side.  V-VI.  12";  1 
vol;      123     pp 3.75 

DAMAGED  SOULS.  Gamaliel  Bradford.  Houghton  Mifflin  Co., 
1923.  [1926].  (D.W.L.B.)  One-side.  Adult.  4  vols; 
341     pp 8.20 

Doubleday,  Page  &  Co.,  1922.  [1927].  One-side.  VI-VIII. 
3  vols;  407   pp    10.35 

DISRAELI.  (a  picture  of  the  Victorian  Age).  Andre  Maurois. 
(Translated  by  H.  Miles).  D.  Appleton  &  Co.,  1927.  [1928]. 
(J.L.  of  D.)      Interpoint.     2  vols;  535  pp 7.50 

END  OF  GENERAL  GORDON,  THE.  (from  "Eminent  Victorians"). 
Lytton  Strachey.  G.  P.  Putnam's  Sons.  [1922].  (A.L.A.) 
One-side.      12";   1    vol;   144  pp 3.70 

ESSAY  ON  ADDISON.  Thomas  Babington  Macauley,  1st  Baron. 
(Edited  and  Annotated  by  C.  W.  French).  Macmillan  Co., 
1898.      [1925].     One-side.     Adult.      12";  3  vols;  278  pp.  ..    9.05 

ESSAY  ON  MILTON.  Thomas  Babington  Macauley,  1st  Baron. 
(Edited  and  Annotated  by  C.  W.  French).  Macmillan  Co., 
1898.     [1925].     One-side.     Adult.      12";  2  vols;   189  pp.    ..    6.15 

FLORENCE  NIGHTINGALE  (from  "Eminent  Victorians").  Lytton 
Strachey.  G.  P.  Putnam's  Sons.  [1922].  (A.L.A.)  One- 
side.      12";    1    vol;  88  pp 2.55 

FOREVER  FREE  (A  Novel  of  Abraham  Lincoln).  Honore  Willsie 
Morrow.  William  Morrow  &  Co.,  1927.  [1930].  One- 
side.     Adult.      6  vols;  774  pp 19.85 

FROM  IMMIGRANT  TO  INVENTOR  (Story  of  the  Life  of  the 
Author).  Michael  Pupin.  [1925].  (H.P.S.)  One-side. 
VII-VIII.      10";    8  vols;    759   pp 17.70 

and  Henry  Cabot  Lodge.  Century  Co.,  1895.  [1921].  One- 
side.      VII-IX.      12";   2   vols;   237    pp ..    7.30 



HEROES   OF   TODAY.      Mary   R.    Parkman.      Century    Co.,    1907. 

[1920].      (A.L.A.)      One-side.     VII-IX.      12";  2  vols;  238  pp.  6.35 

HITTING  THE  DARK  TRAIL.     Clarence  Hawkes.      Henry  Holt  & 

Co.,  1915.      [1922].     One-side.    VI I -X.     12";   1    vol;   146  pp.   4.30 

)OHN  BURROUGHS'  TALKS.  Clifton  Johnson.  Houghton  Mifflin 
Co.,  1922.  [1923].  One-side.  Adult.  12";  3  vols; 
389     pp 11.75 

JOHN,  VISCOUNT  MORLEY.     John  H.  Morgan.    Houghton  Mifflin 

Co.      [1925].      One-side.      Adult.      12";  2  vols;  280   pp 8.30 

LETTERS    OF    FRANKLIN     K.     LANE,    THE.       Franklin    K.    Lane. 

[1925].      (H.P.S.)      One-side.  Adult.      10";  5  vols;  515  pp.. 11.75 

LIFE  AND  LETTERS  OF  WALTER  H.  PAGE.  Burton  J.  Hendrick. 
Doubleday,    Page   &   Co.,    1922.      One-side.      Adult. 

PART  I— [1923].      (A.L.A.)       12";  5  vols;  600  pp 16.00 

PART  II— [1924].      (U.S.V.B.)      1  2";  5  vols;  640  pp 16.80 

LINCOLN  AND  SLAVERY.  Albert  E.  Pillsbury.  Houghton  Mifflin 
Co.,    1913.      [1923].       (A.E.P.)       One-side.      Adult.       12"; 

1  vol ;     61     pp 2.00 

MAKING  OF   AN   AMERICAN,   THE.      Jacob   A.    Riis.     Macmillan 

Co.,  1901.     [1930].     One-side.     VII-IX.     5  vols;  575  pp.  ..  15.05 

MAN  ROOSEVELT,  THE.  Frances  Ellington  Leupp.  D.  Apple- 
ton  &  Co.,  1904.  [1921].  (A.L.A.)  One-side.  Adult. 
12";  3  vols;  324  pp 8.90 

MARBACKA.  Selma  Lagerlof.  (Translated  by  Velma  S.  Howard). 
Doubleday,  Page  &  Co.,   1926.      [1928].     One-side.     Adult. 

3  vols;  397  pp 10.15 

MIDSTREAM:  MY  LATER  LIFE.  Helen  Keller.  Doubleday,  Doran 
&  Co.,  1929.  [1930].  (L.C.  of  W.P.,  N.Y.)  Interpoint. 
Adult.      2   vols;    561    pp 6.75 

MY  GARDEN  OF  MEMORY.  Kate  Douglas  Wiggin.  Houghton 
Mifflin  Co.,  1923.  [1926].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  IX-X; 
Adult.      10";  9  vols;   891    pp 20.55 

MY  THIRTY  YEARS  IN  BASEBALL.  John  J.  McCraw.  Boni  & 
Liveright,  1923.      [1926].      (U.S.V.B.)      One-side.     VI-VIII. 

4  vols;  429  pp 9.70 

ON  THE  TRAIL  OF  WASHINGTON.  Frederick  Trevor  Hill.  D. 
Appleton  &  Co.,  1910.  [1928].  One-side.  VI-VIII.  2 
vols;    301    pp 6.30 

Century  Co.,  1 895.      [1927].      (U.S.V.B.)    One-side.     Adult. 

PART  I — 12";  7  vols;  836  pp 18.40 

PART  11—12";  7  vols;  861    pp 18.85 

SEVEN  AGES  OF  WASHINGTON,  THE.  Owen  Wister.  Macmillan 
Co.,     1907.       [1925].       One-side.       IX-X;      Adult.        12"; 

2  vols;    1 77   pp 5.85 

STORIES  OF  GREAT  AMERICANS.  Edward  Eggleston.  American 
Book  Co.,  1895.  [1919].  Grade  1.  One-side.  II-IV. 
12";   1    vol;    152  pp 4.45 

STORY  OF  MY  BOYHOOD,  THE.  John  Burroughs.  Doubleday, 
Page  &  Co.,  1922.  [1931].  One-side.  VII-VIII.  12"; 
2  vols;  1 96  pp 6.30 



STORY  OF  MY  BOYHOOD  AND  YOUTH.  John  Muir.  Hough- 
ton Mifflin  Co.,  1913.  [1928].  One-side.  VIII-IX.  3 
vols;    325    pp 8.60 

THEODORE  ROOSEVELT  (from  "True  Stories  of  Great  Ameri- 
cans"). Edmund  Lester  Pearson.  Macmillan  Co.,  1920. 
[1922].      One-side.      VII-VIII.      12";    1    vol;    151    pp 4.40 

dore Roosevelt.  Charles  Scribner's  Sons,  1919.  [1920]. 
(N.Y.S.L.)      One-side.      V-IX.      12";  2  vols;    1 94  pp 5.50 

Wanamaker.  John  Wanamaker,  1918.  [1927].  (P.I. LB.) 
One-side.     Vll-X.      10";   1    vol;   1 00  pp 2.30 

WOODROW  WILSON  AS  I  KNOW  HIM.  Joseph  P.  Tumulty. 
Doubleday,  Page  Cr  Co.,  1921.  [1926].  (U.S.V.B.)  One- 
side.     Adult.     9  vols;  1  083  pp 23.80 


ADVANCED  GEOGRAPHY.  Frank  M.  McMurry  and  A.  E.  Parkins. 
Macmillan  Co.,  1921.  [1923].  One-side.  VIII.  12"; 
8  vols;   1 021    pp 30.90 

ADVENTURES  IN  ALASKA.  S.  Hall  Young.  Fleming  H.  Revell 
Co.,  1919.  [1920].  (N.Y.S.L.)  One-side.  VI-VIII.  12"; 
1    vol;    142    pp 3.65 

ALHAMBRA,  THE.     Washington  Irving.     A.  L.  Burt  Co.      [1926]. 

One-side.     VII-IX.     7   vols;   867   pp 22.40 

AROUND  THE  WORLD  WITH  THE  CHILDREN    (an   Introductory 

Ceography) .  Frank  G.  Carpenter,  Litt.  D.  American  Book 
Co.,  1917.  [1919].  One-side.  Il-lll.  12";  1  vol; 
1 49    pp 4.35 

CHARM.      Vernon    Quinn.      Frederick   A.    Stokes    Co.,    1924. 

[1926].      (U.S.V.B.)      One-side.     Adult.     5  vols;    561    pp... 12.55 


R.Shaw.      1900.     One-side.      Il-V.     6";  2  vols;   152  pp 3.85 

DAUGHTER  OF  THE  SAMURAI,  A.  Esther  Inagaki  Sugimoto. 
Doubleday,  Page  &  Co.,  1925.  [1928].  (H.P.S.)  One- 
side.     Vlll-X.     5  vols;  544  pp 12.25 

DAVID  GOES  TO  GREENLAND.  David  Binney  Putnam.  G.  P. 
Putnam's  Sons,  1926.  [1927].  Interpoint.  VI-VIII.  1 
vol;    153    pp 2.45 

DAVID  GOES  VOYAGING.  David  Binney  Putnam,  G.  P.  Put- 
nam's Sons,  1925.      [1927].      (H.P.S.)      One-side.     VI-VIII. 

10";   1    vol;  85  pp 2.05 



B.  Allen: 

ASIA:    CHINA    AND   THE    CHINESE.      Cinn    &    Co.,    1916. 

[1923].        (H.P.S.)        One-side.       V-VIII.       10";     1     vol; 

97     pp . 2.25 

ASIA:  INDIA  AND  CEYLON.     Cinn  &  Co.,   1918.      [1923]. 

(H.P.S.)      One-side.     V-VIII.      10";   1    vol;   87   pp 2.05 

NEW     EUROPE,     THE.       Ginn     &     Co.,     1920.         [1922]. 

(CI.P.S.)      One-side.     V-VIII.      12";  4  vols.      476  pp 12.70 

NORTH  AMERICA.  Ginn  &  Co.,  1922.  [1930].  One- 
side.      V-VIII.      5    vols;    576    pp ....15.10 

1918.  [1923].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  V-VIII.  10"; 
1   vol;  69  pp 1.75 

HOME  AND  WORLD  SERIES.      James   Franklin   Chamberlain: 

HOW  WE  ARE   CLOTHED.      Macmillan   Co.,    1923.    [1928]. 

One-side.      IV- V.      2  vols;    195   pp 5.30 

HOW  WE  ARE  FED.  Macmillan  Co.,  1923.  [1928].  One- 
side.      IV-V.     2  vols;  209  pp 5.60 

HOW  WE  ARE  SHELTERED.     Macmillan  Co.,  1924.   [1928]. 

One-side.      IV-V.     2  vols;    1 76  pp 4.90 

HOW  WE  TRAVEL.  Macmillan  Co.,  1924.  [1928].  One- 
side.      IV-V.     2  vols;  220  pp.    5.80 

HUMAN  GEOGRAPHY,  j.  Russell  Smith.  John  C.  Winston  Co., 
1921.      [1930].      (H.P.S.)      One-side.      IV-VI. 

BOOK  I— PEOPLES  AND  COUNTRIES.     10";  7  vols;  617  pp.  .14.70 
BOOK  II— REGIONS  AND  TRADE.      10";    10  vols;  952  pp.  .22.20 

HUMANITY  UPROOTED.  Maurice  Hindus.  Jonathan  Cape  & 
Harrison  Smith,  1929.  [1931].  (L.  of  C.)  Interpoint. 
Adult.     3  vols;  617  pp 6.50 

INDIA:  LAND  OF  THE  BLACK  PAGODA.  Lowell  Thomas.  Cen- 
tury Co.,  1930.  [1931].  One-side.  Vlll-X;  Adult. 
4   vols;    507   pp 13.05 

JUNGLE    DAYS.      William    Beebe.       1925.       [1928].        (H.P.S.) 

One-side.     Adult.      10";  3  vols;  258  pp 6.20 

LITTLE  FOLKS  OF  MANY  LANDS.  Lula  Maude  Chance.  Ginn 
&  Co.,  1904.  [1929].  Grade  1.  One-side.  Il-V.  1  vol; 
81    pp 2.30 

NEW  GEOGRAPHIES — First  Book.  Ralph  S.  Tarr  and  Frank  M. 
McMurray.  Macmillan  Co.,  1920.  [1924].  One-side. 
IV-VI.      12";  6  vols;  589  pp 18.95 

NEW  PHYSICAL  GEOGRAPHY  (Revised  Edition).  Ralph  S.  Tarr 
and  O.  D.  Von  Englen.  Macmillan  Co.,  1926.  [1929].  One- 
side.      IX-X.      10   vols;    1254   pp 32.35 

ROYAL  ROAD  TO  ROMANCE,  THE.  Richard  Halliburton.  Bobbs- 
Merrill  Co.,  1925.  [1926].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  Adult. 
6  vols;  528  pp 12.55 

SNOW  BABY,  THE.     Josephine   Peary.      Frederick  A.   Stokes   Co., 

1901.      [1923].     One-side.      II-IV.      12";  pamphlet;  42  pp.  .      .90 



TWO  YEARS  BEFORE  THE  MAST.  Richard  H.  Dana,  jr.  A.  L. 
Burt  Co.  [1925].  (T.R.P.)  One-side.  VII-IX.  12"; 
5   vols;    630   pp 16.60 

Franck.  Century  Co.,  1910.  [1926].  (U.S.V.B.)  One- 
side.     IX-X.     10  vols;  1277  pp 27.70 

WHITE  SHADOWS  IN  THE  SOUTH  SEAS.  Frederick  O'Brien. 
Century  Co.,  1919.  [1925].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Adult. 
12";  4  vols;  535  pp 13.90 

WILD  LIFE  ON  THE  ROCKIES.  Enos  Abijah  Mills.  Houghton 
Mifflin  Co.,  1909.  [1928].  One-side.  VII-VIII.  2  vols; 
256    pp 6.55 

WILD  LIFE  UNDER  THE  EQUATOR.  Paul  DuChaillu.  Harper 
Cr  Bros.,  1910.  [1920].  One-side.  V-VII.  12";  2  vols; 
225    pp 7.00 


BUSINESS  LAW.  Alfred  William  Bays.  Macmillan  Co.,  1919. 
[1924].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Adult.  12";  3  vols; 
387    pp 10.15 

CHARITY  VISITOR,  THE.  Amelia  Sears.  Chicago  School  of  Civics 
and  Philanthropy,  1913.  [1924].  (H.P.S.)  One-side. 
Adult.      10";  2  vols;    138   pp 3.55 

COMMERCE  AND  INDUSTRY,  j.  Russell  Smith.  Henry  Holt  fir 
Co..  1922.  [1926].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Vlll-X. 
9  vols;   1 094  pp 24.00 

Cinn  &  Co.,  1922.  [1924].  One-side.  VIM.  12";  6 
vols;    736    pp 22.45 

ERS FOR  THE  BLIND.  [1924].  (Ch.P.S.)  One-side. 
Adult.      1 0";  pamphlet;   1  3  pp 25 


Parliamentary  Reader.  Ethel  H.  Robson.  Atlantic  Monthly 
Press,  1923.  [1927].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  Vlll-X:  10"; 
4  vols;  461    pp 10.25 

ELEMENTARY  ECONOMICS  (Revised  Edition).  Charles  Manfred 
Thompson,  Ph.  D.,  LL.  D.  Benjamin  H.  Sanborn  &  Co., 
1924.      [1929].     One-side.     Adult.     7  vols;  870  pp 21.95 

June  22-26,  1925.  [1928].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  5  vols; 
506    pp 1 1 .60 

ETIQUETTE,  JR.  Mary  E.  Clark  and  Margery  C.  Quigley.  Double- 
day,  Page  &  Co.,  1926.  [1928].  One-side.  VII-IX. 
3   vols;    353    pp 9.20 


Isabel  W.   Kennedy.      [1929].       (P.I.I.B.)       One-side.    Adult. 

10";   pamphlet;   33   pp 50 



and  Debate  in  Deliberative  Assemblies) .  Luther  S.  Cushing. 
John  C.  Winston  Co.,  1914.  [1919].  (A.LA.)  One-side. 
Adult.      12";   2   vols;    197    pp . 5.55 

MY  EXPERIENCES  AT  SCOTLAND  YARD.  Basil  Thomas.  Double- 
day,  Page  &  Co.,  1923.  [1925].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side. 
X;    Adult.      12";  4  vols;  412  pp 11.45 

NEW   CIVICS,   THE.      Roscoe   L.   Ashley.      Macmillan   Co.,    1921. 
[1924].        (U.S.V.B.)        One-side.       X-XII;      Adult.        12";    , 
6   vols;   766   pp 20.10 

REAL  BUSINESS  OF  LIVING,  THE.     James  H.  Tufts.     Henry  Holt 

&  Co.,  1918.      [1931].     One-side.     IX-X.     7  vols;  841    pp.  .21.85 

ROBERT'S  RULES  OF  ORDER.  Henry  M.  Robert.  Scott,  Fores- 
man  &  Co.,  191 5.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Adult. 
12";  4  vols;  415   pp ...11.50 

to  Sept.,  1929  (with  a  record  of  a  growing  world  conscious- 
ness). Jane  Addams.  Macmillan  Co.,  1930.  [1931].  One- 
side.     IX-X;  Adult.     5  vols;  621    pp 16.05 

SOCIAL  LIFE  AND  INSTITUTIONS  (An  Elementary  Study  of  So- 
ciety).  Joseph  K.  Hart.  World  Book  Co.,  1924.  [1931] 
One-side.      Adult.      5  vols;   710  pp 17.90 

SOCIAL  WORK  WITH  FAMILIES.  Frank  D.  Watson  (Editor  in 
charge) .  American  Academy  of  Political  and  Social  Science, 
1918.  [1924].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  Adult.  10";  6 
vols;   468    pp 11.55 

Brant.  J.  H.  Sears  &  Co.,  1925.  [1926].  (U.S.V.B.) 
One-side.     Adult.      2  vols;  235   pp 5.20 

WHAT  IS  SOCIAL  CASE  WORK?      Mary  E.    Richmond.      [1924]. 

(H.P.S.)      One-side.      Adult.      10";   3   vols;   309   pp 7.05 

WHAT  IT  IS  LIKE  TO  BE  BLIND.  Annesley  Burrowes.  Curtis 
Publishing  Co.,  1920.  [1920].  (D.P.L.)  One-side.  Adult 
12";   pamphlet;   48   pp 85 

YOUNG  AMERICAN  READERS.     Jane  Eayre  Fryer: 

Winston  Co.,  1919.  [1927].  One-side.  IV-VI.  3 
vols;  374  pp 9.65 

OUR    HOME    AND    PERSONAL    DUTY.      John    C.    Winston 

Co.,  1918.     [1927].     One-side.     IV-VI.     2  vols;  246  pp.  .    6.35 

OUR   TOWN    AND    CIVIC    DUTY.      John    C.    Winston    Co., 

1918.      [1927].     One-side.      Ill-V.      3  vols;  337  pp 8.90 


AMERICAN  HISTORY,  AN.      David  Saville  Muzzey.      Cinn  fir  Co., 

1920.     [1924].     One-side.    X;  Adult.    12";  7  vols;  993  pp.  .29.45 

burn  and  Thomas  Francis  Moran.  Longmans,  Green  fir  Co., 
1916.      [1928].      One-side.      VI-VIII.      3   vols;   444   pp 11.10 


ANCIENT  HISTORY.     Philip  VanNess  Myers.     Ginn  fir  Co.,  1916. 

[1924].     One-side.     Vlll-X;    Adult.    1 2";  8  vols;  1042  pp..  .  31.40 

CHILD'S  HISTORY  OF  THE  WORLD,  A.  V.  M.  Hillyer.  Century 
Co.,  1924.  [1931].  (P.I. LB.)  One-side.  IV-VIII.  10"; 
5  vols;  505  pp 11.60 

CONQUEST  OF  GRANADA,  THE.     Washington  Irving.     A.  L.  Burr 

Co.      [1926].     One-side.     VII-IX.     8  vols;  931    pp 24.35 

John  C.  Winston  Co.,   1914.     [1919]. 

(A.L.A.)       One-side.     VII-IX.                  (    Bound  together.  12" 
DECLARATION  OF   INDEPENDENCE.    John  (   Pamphlet;    37    pp 70 

C.  Winston     Co.,      1914.        [1919]. 
(A.L.A.)      One-side.      VII-IX. 

ENGLISH  HISTORY  STORY  BOOK.  Albert  Franklin  Blaisdell  and 
Francis  K.  Ball.  Little,  Brown  &  Co.,  1912.  [1927].  One- 
side.     IV-VL     2  vols;   1  83  pp 5.05 


Atkinson.      Ginn    &    Co.,    1912.       [1927].      One-side.      VI- 

VIII.      6  vols;   710   pp 18.50 

FIFTY  FAMOUS  STORIES  RETOLD.  James  Baldwin.  American 
Book  Co.,  1896.  [1919].  One-side.  Il-V.  12";  2  vols; 
1  66     pp 5.60 

FIRST  BOOK  IN  AMERICAN  HISTORY,  A.      Charles  Austin   Beard 

and    William    C.    Bagley.       Macmillan    Co.,     1920.       [1921]. 
One-side.      V-VIII.      12";   3   vols;   439   pp 12.95 

FIRST   COURSE    IN    AMERICAN    HISTORY,    A.     Jeannette    Rector 

D.  C.    Heath    &   Co.,    1908.       [1930].      One-side.      VI -VII  I. 

3    vols;    364    pp 9.45 

BOOK   II — THE   NATIONAL   PERIOD.      D.   C.    Heath    &   Co., 

1922.      [1930].     One-side.     Vl-Vill.   4  vols;  457   pp 12.00 

FOLLOWING  COLUMBUS  (Stories  of  Exoloration  and  Settlement). 
William  Lewis  Nida.  Macmillan  Co.,  1923.  [1930].  One- 
side.     V-VIII.      3  vols;  376  pp 9.70 

FOLLOWING  THE  FRONTIER  (Stories  of  the  Westward  Move- 
ment). William  Lewis  Nida.  Macmillan  Co.,  1924.  [1930]. 
One-side.      V-VIII.      4    vols;    429    pp 11.40 

HISTORIC  ADVENTURES.  Rupert  S.  Holland.  George  W.  Jacobs 
Co.,  1913.  [1920].  (A.L.A.)  One-side.  VI-VIII.  12"; 
3    vols;    334    pp 9.1 0 

son.  Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,  1924.  [1927].  (U.S.V.B.) 
One-side.     X;    Adult.      13  vols;    1  659  pp 36.00 

HISTORY   OF    THE    AMERICAN    PEOPLE,    THE.      Charles    Austin 

Beard  and  William  C.   Bagley.  Macmillan  Co.,   1906.    [1923]. 
One-side.      VI-IX.      12";    7    vols;   955    pp 28.50 




Brief  History  of  the  United  States  Designed  for  Adults  who 
are  Voters).  William  E.  Chancellor.  American  Book  Co., 
1920.  [1920].  (A.L.A.)  One-side.  Adult.  12";  2 
vols;   1 76  pp 5.10 

HISTORY  OF  THE  UNITED  STATES,  A.  John  Holladay  Latane, 
Ph.  D.,  LL.  D.  AHyn  &  Bacon,  1926.  [1928].  One-side. 
Adult.      1  1    vols;    1446  pp 36.95 

HISTORY  STORIES  OF  OTHER  LANDS.  Arthur  Guy  Terry  (Ed.) 
Row,  Peterson  &  Co.,  1915.  [1924].  Grade  1.  One-side. 

BOOK    I— TALES    FROM    FAR    AND    NEAR.       12";     1     vol; 

56   pp 2.15 

BOOK  II— TALES  OF  LONG  AGO.   12";   1   vol;  67  pp 2.40 

MEDIAEVAL  AND  MODERN  HISTORY.  Philip  VanNess  Myers. 
Ginn  &  Co.,  1923.  [1925].  One-side.  Vlll-X;  Adult. 
12";    10  vols;    1244   pp 37.85 

MODERN  HISTORY.  Carleton  Joseph  Huntley  Hayes  and  Parker 
T.  Moon.  Macmillan  Co.,  1923.  [1930].  One-side.  Adult. 
13    vols;    1720    pp 43.90 

NEW  MAP  OF  ASIA,  THE.  Herbert  Adams  Gibbons.  Century 
Co.,  1919.  [1931].  (L.  ofC.)  Interpoint.  Adult.  4  vols; 
762   pp 8.00 

NEW  MAP  OF  EUROPE,  THE.  Herbert  Adams  Gibbons.  Century 
Co.,  1914.  [1931].  (L.  of  C.)  Interpoint.  Adult.  3 
vols;  697   pp 7.00 

THE.  R.  C.  Ballard  Thruston.  [1927].  (R.C.B.)  One- 
side.     V-VIII.      Pamphlet;   59  pp 70 

OUR  ANCESTORS  IN  EUROPE.  Jennie  Hall.  Silver,  Burdett  &  Co., 
1916.  [1922].  (C.P.S.)  One-side.  V-VIII.  10";  6 
vols;     546     pp 12.90 

OUR   TIMES.      Mark    Sullivan. 

PART  I — THE  TURN  OF  THE  CENTURY.  Charles  Scribner's 
Sons,  1926.  [1931].  (A.F.B.)  Interpoint.  Adult. 
4   vols;    1158    pp 10.00 

PART  II — AMERICA  FINDING  HERSELF.  Charles  Scribner's 
Sons.,  1927.  [1931].  (A.F.B.)  Interpoint.  Adult.  6 
vols;     1378     pp 10.00 

PART  111 — PRE-WAR  AMERICA.  Charles  Scribner's  Sons, 
1930.  [1931].  (A.F.B.)  Interpoint.  Adult.  5  vols; 
1164     pp 10.00 

PEKING  DUST.     Ellen  N.  LaMotte.     Century  Co.,  1919.      [1921]. 

(A.L.A.)      One-side.      X;    Adult.    12";      2  vols;    191    pp 5.40 


FRANCE,     THE.      (from     "France    and 

Ourselves").        Herbert     A.      Gibbons. 

Century    Co.,     1920.       [1920].        (A. 

L.A.)      One-side.      Adult.  V  Bound    together.    12; 

/pamphlet;    58    pp....    1.00 
WHAT       CONFRONTS       FRANCE        (from 

"France     and     Ourselves").        Herbert 

A.     Gibbons.         Century      Co.,       1920 

[1920].       (A.L.A.)      One-side.  Adult. 



RISE  OF  AMERICAN  CIVILIZATION,  THE.  Charles  A.  Beard  and 
Mary  R.  Beard.  Macmillan  Co.,  1927.  [1931].  (L.  of  C.) 
Interpoint.      Adult.      16  vols;  about   3600  pp 35.50 

SCHOOL  HISTORY  OF  TEXAS,  A.  Eugene  C.  Barker,  Charles  Shirley 
Potts  and  Charles  W.  Ramsdell.      Row,  Peterson  &  Co.,   1925. 

[1926].       (T.S.B.)      One-side.      VI-VIII.      6  vols;   635   pp...  14.40 

SHORT  HISTORY  OF  ENGLAND,  A.  (Revised  Edition).  Edward 
Potts  Cheyney.  1919.  [1925].  (M.S.B.)  One-side.  X; 
Adult.      13"xl0";  9  vols;    1030  pp 31.90 

ston.  American  Book  Co.,  1895.  [1920].  One-side. 
Ill-V.      12";  2  vols;    181    pp 5.95 

STORIES  OF  ANCIENT  PEOPLES.  Emma  J.  Arnold.  American 
Book  Co.,  1901.  [1922].  One-side.  Il-lll.  12";  2  vols; 
248     pp 7.55 

STORIES  OF  COLONIAL  CHILDREN.  Mara  L.  Pratt.  Educational 
Publishing  Co.,  1908.  [1920].  (P.I.I.B.)  One-side.  III- 
IV.      10";  2  vols;    184  pp 4.30 

Charles  Scribner's  Sons,  1923.  [1927].  One-side.  V-VI. 
4   vols;    474    pp 12.35 

STORIES  OF  THE  PILGRIMS.  Margaret  Pumphrey.  Rand  McNally 
&   Co.,    1910.       [1925].      One-side.       Ill-V.       12";    2    vols; 

1  90     pp 6.1 5 

STORY  OF  THE  GREAT  WAR,  THE.  Roland  C.  Usher..  Macmil- 
lan Co.,  1919.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Vlll-X; 
Adult.      12";  3  vols;  392  pp 10.25 

STORY  OF  THE  CREEKS,  THE.  Helene  Adeline  Cuerber.  Amer- 
ican  Book  Co.,   1896.      [1919].      One-side.      VI-VIII.      12"; 

2  vols;    301    pp 8.80 

STORY  OF  MANKIND,  THE.  Hendrick  William  VanLoon.  Mac- 
millan Co.,  1923.  [1925].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  VI- 
VIII.      12";  5  vols;  616  pp 16.30 

STORY  OF  OUR  COUNTRY,  THE.  Ruth  West  and  Willis  Mason 
West.  Allyn  &  Bacon,  1926.  [1930].  One-side.  V-VIII. 
9   vols;    1  178    pp 30.15 

Cuerber.  American  Book  Co.,  1898.  [1919].  One-side. 
V-VII.      12";   3   vols;   451    pp 13.20 

American  Book  Co.,  1905.  [1919].  One-side.  Ill-V.  12"; 
2   vols;    218    pp 6.85 

WIGWAM  STORIES.     Mary  Catherine  Judd    (Comp.)      Cinn  &  Co., 

1901.      [1920].     One-side.      IV-VI.      1 2";  2  vols;  237  pp.  .  .    7.30 

Alphabets,  Primers  and  Readers 

ALDINE  READERS.  Frank  E.  Spaulding  and  Catherine  T.  Bryce: 
BOOK  I— Newson  &  Co.,  1916.    (1930].     Grade  1.     (H.P.S.) 

One-side.      I.      10";  2  vols;    107    pp 3.00 

BOOK  II— Newson  &  Co.,  1918.    [1930].    Grade  1 .    (H.P.S.) 

One-side.      II.      10";   2   vols;    103    pp 2.95 



BOOK  III— Newson  Cr  Co.,  1918.  [1930].  Grade  1.    (H.P.S.) 

One-side.      III.      10";  4  vols;  294  pp 7.40 

ALDINE  SUPPLEMENTARY   READERS.      Catherine  T.    Bryce: 

FABLES    FROM    AFAR.      Newson    &   Co.,    1910.       [1930]. 
Grade      1.         (H.P.S.)        One-side.        III.        10";    2    vols; 
118     pp 3.20 

THAT'S   WHY   STORIES.      Newson   &   Co.,    1910.      [1930]. 

Grade  1.      (H.P.S.)      One-side.      II.      10";  2  vols;   102  pp..    2.95 

BEACON   READERS,  THE.      James   H.   Fassett: 

BEACON  PRIMER.  Cinn  &  Co.,  1912.  [1918].  Grade  1. 
(P.I.I.B.)      One-side.      I.     6";  2  vols;    139  pp. 

Vol.   I — Pamphlet;  43   pp 60 

Vol.    II— Bound;    96    pp 1.95 

BEACON    FIRST    READER.      Cinn    &    Co.,    1913.       [1918]. 

Grade   1.      (P.I.I.B.)      One-side.      I.      6";  3  vols;   187   pp..    4.20 

BEACON   SECOND   READER.     Cinn   &   Co.,    1914.      [1918]. 

Grade  1.      (P.I.I.B.)      One-side.      II.     6";  2  vols;  228  pp..    4.45 

BEACON    THIRD    READER.      Ginn    fir    Co.,    1914.       [1919]. 

One-side.      III.      12";   2   vols;   214   pp. 6.75 

BEACON   FOURTH   READER.     Cinn   &  Co.,    1917.      [1919]. 

One-side.      IV.      12";  2  vols;  270  pp 8.10 

BEACON    FIFTH    READER.      Cinn    &    Co.,    1918.       [1920]. 

One-side.     V.      12";  2  vols;  261    pp 7.85 

BRAILLE  ALPHABET  CARDS.     Grade  1  Vz,  with  ink-print  explana- 
tions.     [1922],     One-side.     3Vi"x6V2".     Each   1  c;  or  1 00.  .  .      .50 

BRAILLE  ALPHABET  SHEETS.     Grade   P/a.      [1918].       (P.I.I.B.) 

One-side.      9";  2  pp.      Each  2c;  or   100    1.00 

BRAILLE  CONTRACTION  DRILL.     H.  Randolph  Latimer.   [1920]. 

One-side.      6";   pamphlet;    16  pp 40 

BRAILLE  LETTER  DRILL.      H.  Randolph  Latimer.      [1919].     One- 
side.      6";  pamphlet;    1  6  pp 40 


WAG  AND  PUFF — A  PRIMER.  Marjorie  Hardy.  Wheeler 
Publishing  Co.,  1926..  [1928].  Grade  1.  One-side.  I. 
6" ;    1    vol ;  80  pp 2.00 

CHILD'S  WORLD,  THE.       (See  also  "The  Literary  World  Series") 
Sarah  Withers,    Hetty  S.    Browne  and  William    Knox  Tate: 

PRIMER.      Johnson   Publishing  Co.,    1917.      [1930].        Grade 

1 .     One-side.      I.      6";  2  vols;    1 90  pp 4.60 

FIRST    READER.      Johnson    Publishing    Co.,    1917.       [1930]. 

Grade    1.      One-side.      I.      6";   2  vols;   223    pp 5.25 

SECOND  READER.     Johnson  Publishing  Co.,   1917.      [1930]. 

Grade   1.     One-side.      II.     3  vols;  242  pp 6.90 

THIRD    READER.      Johnson    Publishing   Co.,    1917.       [1930]. 

One-side.      III.      3    vols;    285    pp 7.80 

FOURTH  READER.     Johnson  Publishing  Co.,   1920.      [1930]. 

One-side.      IV.      5   vols;    540   pp 14.35 

FIFTH    READER.      Johnson    Publishing   Co.,    1920.       [1930]. 

One-side.      V.      5  vols;   700   pp 17.70 



CLASSIC    FABLES.      Edna    Henry    Lee   Turpin.     Charles    E.    Merrill 

Co.,  1904.      [1920].     One-side.      I-III.      1 2";   1    vol;  70  pp.  .    2.50 


[1918].      One-side.      9";    pamphlet;    4    pp 10 


ELSON     BASIC     READER     (Life-Reading    Service)— PRIMER. 

William  H.  Elson,  Lura  E.  Runkel  and  William  S.  Cray. 
Scott,  Foresman  &  Co.,  1930.  [1931].  Grade  1.  One- 
side.      I.      7";   3   vols;   263    pp 6.45 

ELSON  BASIC  READER  (Life-Reading  Service)— BOOK  ONE. 
William  H.  Elson  and  William  S.  Cray.  Scott,  Foresman 
&  Co.,  1930.  [1931].  Crade  1.  One-side.  I.  2  vols; 
121    pp 3.75 

ELSON  BASIC  READER  (Life-Reading  Service) — BOOK  TWO. 
William  H.  Elson  and  William  S.  Cray.  Scott,  Foresman 
&  Co.,  1931.  [1931].  Crade  1.  One-side.  II.  3  vols; 
217      pp 6.35 

ELSON  BASIC  READER  (Life-Reading  Service) — BOOK 
THREE.  William  H.  Elson  and  William  S.  Cray.  Scott, 
Foresman  &  Co.,  1931.  [1931].  Crade  1.  One-side. 
3  vols;  335  pp 8.85 

ELSON  BASIC  READER  (Life-Reading  Service)— BOOK  FOUR. 
William  H.  Elson  and  William  S.  Cray.  Scott,  Foresman 
&  Co.,  1931.     [1931].     Interpoint.     IV.    2  vols;  484  pp 7.00 

ELSON  BASIC  READER    (Life-Reading  Service) — BOOK  FIVE. 

William    H.    Elson   and   William    S.    Cray.      Scott,    Foresman 
&  Co.,  1931.    [1931].    Interpoint.    V.    4  vols;  752  pp 12.00 

ELSON  READER — BOOK  SIX.  William  H.  Elson  and  Christine 
M.  Keck.  Scott,  Foresman  &  Co.,  1920.  [1922].  One- 
side.     VI.      12";  5  vols;  656  pp 19.75 

ELSON  READER— BOOK  SEVEN.  William  H.  Elson  and 
Christine     M.     Keck.       Scott,     Foresman      6*      Co.,      1921. 

[1922].      One-side.      VII.      12";   6  vols;    863    pp 25.50 


PRIMER.  Fannie  W.  Dunn,  Franklin  T.  Baker  and  Ashley  H. 
Thorndike.  Macmillan  Co.,  1922.  [1928].  Grade  1. 
One-side.      I.      6";    1    vol;    89    pp 2.20 

FIRST  READER.  Fannie  W.  Dunn,  Franklin  T.  Baker  and 
Ashley  H.  Thorndike.  Macmillan  Co.,  1922.  [1928]. 
Crade    1.      One-side.      !.      2  vols;    124   pp 3.80 

SECOND   READER.      Franklin   T.    Baker,    Ashley   H.   Thorndike 
and   Mildred    Batchelder.      MacmiUan   Co.,    1922.      [1928].     " 
Grade    1.      One-side.      II.      2   vols.;    1 69    pp 4.75 

THIRD  READER.  Franklin  T.  Baker  and  Ashley  H.  Thorn- 
dike. Macmillan  Co.,  1917.  [1928].  One-side.  III. 
3    vols;    304    pp 8.20 

FAIRY  WAND,  THE.  Frank  E.  Spaulding  and  Catherine  T  Bryce. 
Newson  and  Co.,  1918.  [1920].  One-side.  I-IV.  6"; 
pamphlet;    26    pp 45 



CORDON   READERS.      Emma   K.   Cordon  and   Marietta   Stockard: 
CORDON  FIRST  READER.  D.  C.  Heath  &  Co.,  1917.  [1922]. 

Grade   1.      (P.I.I.B.)      One-side.      I.      1 0";   1    vol;   107  pp.  .    2.40 

CORDON    SECOND    READER.      D.    C.    Heath    &   Co.,    1918. 

[1928].     Grade   1.     One-side.      II.     2  vols;   1 86  pp 5.10 

KEY  TO    BRAILLE    FOR    READING   AND   WRITING,    Grade    P/2. 

[1918].      (P.I.I.B.)      One-side.      10";  pamphlet;  28  pp .65 

LEARN  TO  STUDY  READERS,  THE.  Book  I.  Ernest  Horn  and 
Grace  Shields..  1921.  [1930].  Grade  1 .  (C.P.S.)  One- 
side.      I-II.      10";   1    vol;  91    pp 2.15 

LEGENDS  OF  THE  RED  CHILDREN.  Mara  L.  Pratt.  American 
Book  Co.,  1915.  [1920].  One-side.  III-IV.  12";  1  vol. 
79   pp 2.70 

LITERARY  WORLD,  THE.  (See  also  "The  Child's  World  Series") . 
Sarah  Withers,   Hetty  S.   Browne  and  John  Colvin   Metcalf: 

SIXTH    READER.      Johnson    Publishing   Co.,    1919.      [1930]. 

One-side.      VI.      6    vols;    790    pp 20.20 

SEVENTH  READER.     Johnson   Publishing  Co.,   1919.    [1930]. 

One-side.      VII.      7    vols;    814   pp 21.30 

MONROE'S  NEW  PRIMER.      Monroe.      American   Book  Co.,   1910. 

[1922].        (H.M.P.)       One-side.       I.       6";     1     or    2    vols; 
or  unbound  for  slicing;  69  pp. 

1  volume     1.50 

2  volumes      1.90 

Unbound    for    slicing     1.10 

PACE  STORY  BOOK,  THE.  Frank  E.  Spaulding  and  Catherine  T. 
Bryce,  (Editors).  Charles  Scribner's  Sons,  1906.  [1921]. 
One-side.      I-IV.      12";    1    vol;    125   pp 3.80 

PATHWAY  TO  READING  SERIES.      Bessie   B.   Coleman,   Willis   L. 
Uhl    and    James    F.    Hosic: 
PRIMER.     Silver,  Burdett  &  Co.,   1925.      [1928].      Grade    1. 

One-side.      I.      6";  2  vols;  213   pp 5.05 

FIRST    READER.      Silver,    Burdett    &    Co.,     1925.       [1928]. 

Grade   1.      One-side.      I.      1    vol;  77   pp 2.10 

SECOND   READER.      Silver,    Burdett   &   Co.,    1925.       [1928]. 

Grade   1.     One-side.      II.     2  vols;   165  pp 4.65 

THIRD    READER.      Silver,    Burdett    &    Co.,    1925.       [1928]. 

One-side.      III.      3  vols;  254  pp 7.15 

FOURTH    READER.      Silver,    Burdett  &  Co.,    1926.      [1928]. 

One-side.      IV.      5   vols;   495   pp 13.40 

FIFTH    READER.      Silver,    Burdett    &    Co.,    1926.       [1928]. 

One-side.      V.      4  vol ;   566  pp 14.30 

SIXTH    READER.      Silver,    Burdett    &    Co.,    1926.       [1928]. 

One-side.      VI.      5   vols;   659   pp 16.85 

READING  LITERATURE  SERIES.     Adapted  and  Graded  by  Hariette 
T.  Treadwell   and   Margaret   Free: 
FIRST    READER.       Row,    Peterson    &    Co.,     1911.       [1928]. 

Grade    1 .      One-side.      I.     2  vols;    1  1 0  pp 3.00 

SECOND   READER.      Row,    Peterson    &   Co.,    1912.       [1928]. 

Grade    1.      One-side.      II.      2  vols;   201    pp.       5.40 

THIRD    READER.       Row,    Peterson    &    Co.,    1912.       [1928]. 

One-side.      III.     2  vols;  217  pp 5.75 



RIDDLE  BOOK  FOR  SILENT  READING,  A.  Lily  Lee  Dootson. 
Rand  McNally  fir  Co.,  1925.  [1928].  Grade  1 .  One-side. 
I-II.     6";   1    vol;  99  pp 2.40 

RIVERSIDE  READERS.  James  H.  VanSickle  and  Wilhelmina  Seeg- 
miller    (Assisted  by   Frances   Jenkins)  : 

THIRD    READER.       Houghton    Mifflin    Co.,    1911.       [1930]. 

Grade  1.      (H.P.S.)      One-side.      III.      10";  3  vols;  247  pp.    6.00 

FOURTH   READER.      Houghton   Mifflin   Co.      [1930].      Grade 

1.      (H.P.S.)      One-side.      IV.      10";   5  vols;   339  pp 8.75 

THIRD  SILENT  READER.  William  Dodge  Lewis,  Albert  Lindsay 
Rowland  and  Ethel  H.  Maltby  Gehres.  John  C.  Winston  Co., 
1927.      [1929].     One-side.      III-IV.      3  vols;  310  pp 8.30 

WINSTON  COMPANION  READERS.  Ethel  H.  Maltby  and  Sidney 
G.   Firman: 

FIRST    READER.      John    C.    Winston    Co.,    1923.       [1931]. 

(H.P.S.)      One-side.      I.     2  vols;   143  pp 3.65 

WINSTON   READERS.     Sidney  G.   Firman  and  Ethel   H.   Maltby: 

WINSTON  PRIMER.     John  C.  Winston  Co.,   1920.      [1926]. 

Grade    1.      One-side.      I.      7" ';    1    vol;  71    pp 1.80 

WINSTON    FIRST    READER.      John    C.    Winston    Co.,    1920. 

[1926].      Grade    1.      One-side.      I.      1    vol;   55  pp 1.75 

WINSTON   SECOND  READER.      John  C.  Winston   Co.,    1918. 

[1926].      Grade   1.      One-side.      II.      2  vol;    158  pp 4.50 


ACTUAL  BUSINESS  ENGLISH.      P.   H.   Defendall.      Macmillan  Co., 

1923.      [1929].     One-side.      Adult.      4  vols;   454  pp 11.95 

ALDINE  LANGUAGE  SERIES.  Catherine  T.  Bryce  and  Frank  E. 

ALDINE   FIRST   LANGUAGE   BOOK.      Newson   &  Co.,    1913. 


PART    I— Grade     1.        (H.P.S.)        One-side.       III.        10"; 

2  vols;   1  62  pp 3.95 

PART  II—  (H.P.S.)    One-side.   IV.    10";   3  vols;  212  pp....    5.40 

ALDINE  SECOND  LANGUAGE  BOOK.     Newson  &  Co.,  1914. 

[1930].        (H.P.S.)        One-side.       V-VI.        10";     5     vols; 

418     pp 10.10 

BUSINESS    ENGLISH    AND    CORRESPONDENCE.       Roy    Davis    and 

Clarence   H.    Lingham.      Cinn   &  Co.,    1921.      [1924].      One- 
side.      IX-X;    Adult.      12";  5  vols;  606  pp 18.55 

COMPOSITION  AND  RHETORIC.  Alfred  M.  Hitchcock.  Henry 
Holt  &  Co.,  1917.  [1930].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  IX-X. 
10";    13   vols;    1  1  63   pp 27.55 

COMPOSITION   AND   RHETORIC.      William    M.  Tanner.      Ginn   & 

Co.,  1922.      [1926].     One-side.     VII-IX.     9  vols;   1227  pp.. 31. 15 




Lamont  F.  Hodge  and  Arthur  Lee.  Charles  E.  Merrill  Co., 
[1930].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  VII-VIII.  10";  8  vols; 
712     pp 16.90 

court,  Brace  &  Co.,  1920.  [1925].  One-side.  IX-X. 
12";  2  vols;  224   pp 6.95 

EXERCISES  IN  ENGLISH  GRAMMAR.  [1930].  (C.P.S.)  One- 
side.      VIII-IX.      10";    1    vol;   71    pp 1.80 

GRADED  SCHOOL  SPELLER.  Frank  E.  Spaulding  and  William  D. 

PARTI.     Ginn  &  Co.,  1914.      [1920].     Crade  1 .      (H.M.P.) 

One-side.      Il-V.     9";  4  vols;  216  pp 6.05 

PART   II.      Ginn   &  Co.,    1914.      [1922].       (H.M.P.)      One- 
side.     VI-IX.      9";  4  vols;  410  pp 9.35 

LIVE  LANGUAGE  LESSONS.      Howard   R.   Driggs: 

FIRST    BOOK.     University    Publishing    Co.,    1915.       [1920]. 

(P.I.I.B.)      One-side.      III.      10";  4  vols;  373   pp 8.75 

SECOND  BOOK.     University  Publishing  Co.,   1917.      [1920]. 

(P.I.I.B.)      One-side.      IV.      10";   4  vols;   393   pp 9.10 

THIRD    BOOK.      University    Publishing   Co.,    1917.       [1922]. 

(P.I.I.B.)      One-side.     V.      1 0";  6  vols;  641    pp 14.50 

1928.  [1928].  (P.I.I.B.)  One-side.  10";  pamphlet; 
86  pp 1.35 

NEWARK  PHONIC  DRILLS.  [1922].  (H.M.P.)  One-side. 
6";   1   or  2  vols,  or  unbound;  80  pp. 

1  volume    1 .70 

2  volumes 2.10 

Unbound    for    slicing     1 .30 

OPEN  DOOR  LANGUAGE  SERIES,  THE.  Zenos  E.  Scott,  Ran- 
dolph T.  Congdon,   Harriet  E.   Peet  and   Laura   Frazee: 

FIRST  BOOK.     Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,   1928.     [1929].    One- 
side.      III.      5   vols;    546   pp 14.45 

SECOND  BOOK.    Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,  1927.    [1929].    One- 
side.      IV.      5  vols;   611    pp 15.85 

THIRD  BOOK.    Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,   1928.     [1929].    One- 
side.      V.      7    vols;   970   pp 24.55 

SELF-CULTIVATION  IN  ENGLISH.  George  Herbert  Palmer. 
Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,  1909.  [1931].  One-side.  Adult. 
Pamphlet;    49    pp 90 

SENTENCE  AND  THEME.     C.   H.  Ward.      Scott,   Foresman  &  Co., 

1923.       [1924].     One-side.     VII-IX.     1 2";  5  vols;  754  pp.  .22.10 

SENTENCE  BOOK  (to  be  used  in  conjunction  with  "Sentence  and 
Theme").  C.  H.  Ward.  Scott,  Foresman  and  Co.,  1923. 
[1924].      One-side.      VII-IX.      12";    1    vol;    122   pp 3.70 



and   Robert   Philip    Koehler: 

BOOK   II.    John   C.   Winston   Co.,    1921.     [1930].      (H.P.S.) 

One-side.      III-IV.      10";   pamphlet;   38   pp 60 

BOOK  III.   (Fifth  Year).  John  C.  Winston  Co.,  1921.  [1930]. 

(H.P.S.)       One-side.      V-VI.       10";    pamphlet;    51    pp 75 

BOOK  III.    (Sixth  Year).  John  C.  Winston  Co.,  1921.  [1930]. 

(H.P.S.)       One-side.      VII-VIII.      10;   pamphlet;    55    pp.    ..      .80 

POCKET  EDITION.  (Abridged  from  the  Funk  and  Wagnall's 
Standard  Dictionary).  J.  C.  Fernald,  L.  H.  D.  Funk  and 
Wagnalls  Co.,   1926.      [1931].      Interpoint.     4  vols;  936  pp..  11. 70 

SUCCESSFUL  SPEAKING.  (A  Text  for  Secondary  Schools) .  Wil- 
liam Phillips  Sandford  and  William  Hayes  Yeager.  Thomas 
Nelson  &  Sons,  1927.  [1931].  One-side.  IX-XII.  3 
vols;    351    pp 9.15 


L'ABBE  CONSTANTIN  (With  Vocabulary).  Ludovic  Halevy.  Henry 
Holt  &  Co.,  1918.  [1922].  (P.I.I.B.)  One-side.  10"; 
3  vols;  431    pp 9.10 

ENGLISH-FRENCH  VOCABULARY.  (Revised  and  rewritten 
with  additional  selections  for  reading  and  illustrations) .  C. 
A.  Chardenal.  Allyn  &  Bacon,  1920.  [1930].  One- 
side.      9    vol ;    1119    pp 28.90 

CONTES  CHOISIS.  Alphonse  Daudet.  (Edited  with  Notes,  Ques- 
tionaire,  Exercises  and  Vocabulary  by  W.  D.  Head).  Mac- 
millan  Co.,   1919.     [1929].     One-side.      3  vols;  450  pp.    ...11.25 

CONTES  GAIS  (With  Vocabulary).  E.  B.  deSauze  (Editor). 
John  C.  Winston  Co.,  1924.  [1930].  (C.P.S.)  One-side. 
10";    3    vols;    338    pp 7.55 


(With   Vocabulary).      E.    B.   deSauze.      John   C.   Winston    Co., 

1919.      [1930].      (H.P.S.)      One-side.      1 0";  4  vols;  577  pp.  10.00 

LE  CRIME  DE  SYLVESTRE  BONNARD  (With  Vocabulary).  Anatol 
France.  Henry  Holt  &  Co.,  1904.  [1921],  (P.I.I.B.) 
One-side.      10";   5  vols;   680  pp 14.55 

ELEMENTARY  FRENCH  READER  (With  Exercises  and  Vocabu- 
lary) .  Everett  Ward  Olmstead  and  Francis  Brown  Barton. 
Henry  Holt  &  Co.,  1920.  [1930].  One-side.  4  vols; 
654  pp 1 6.1 5 

EUGENIE  GRANDET  (With  Vocabulary).  Honore  de  Balzac. 
Henry  Holt  &  Co.,  1915.  [1923].  One-side.  12";  4 
vols;    583    pp 1 7.20 

FRENCH  VERBS  AND  VERBAL  IDIOMS  (With  Vocabulary).  B. 
and  E.  Meras.  Sturgis  and  Walton  Co.,  1909.  [1919]. 
(P.I.I.B.)       One-side.       12";  2  vols;    1 99  pp 5.60 



HUIT  CONTES  CHOISIS  (With  Vocabulary).  Guy  de  Maupassant. 
D.  C.  Heath  &  Co.,  1900.  [1923].  (P.I.I.B.)  One-side. 
12";   2  vols;  243   pp 6.45 

LE  LIVRE  DE  MON  AMI— LE  LIVRE  DE  PIERRE.  Anatole  France. 
(Vocabulary  by  O.  C.  Cuerlac).  Henry  Holt  &  Co.,  1916. 
[1930].       (P.I.I.B.)       One-side.      4   vols;    366   pp 8.60 

MON  ONCLE  ET  MON  CURE".  Jeane  de  la  Brete.  (Abridged 
and  Edited  with  Notes,  Vocabulary  and  English  Exercises  by 
Therese  F.  Colin  and  Margaret  E.  N.  Fraser) .  D.  C.  Heath 
fir  Co.,   1901.      [1^29].      One-side.      5  vols;   549  pp 14.55 

LE  PREMIER  LIVRE  (With  Vocabulary).  A.  A.  and  B.  Meras. 
American  Book  Co.,  1915.  [1919].  (P.I.I.B.)  One-side. 
12";  2  vols;  217   pp 5.95 

QUATREVINCT-TREIZE.  Victor  Hugo.  (Paris,  Nelson,  Editeurs). 
(With  Vocabulary  by  C.  Fontaine).  [1925].  (P.I.I.B.) 
One-side.      12";  6  vols;   785   pp 20.50 

LE  SECOND  LIVRE  (With  Vocabulary).  A.  A.  and  B.  Meras. 
American  Book  Co.,  1916.  [1921],  (P.I.I.B.)  One-side. 
10";   3  vols;   377   pp 8.20 

TARTARIN  DE  TARASCON  (With  Vocabulary)  Alphonse  Daudet. 
American   Book  Co.,    1902.      [1923].       (P.I.I.B.)      One-side. 

Book — 12";    1    vol;    121    pp 3.20 

Vocabulary — 2   vols;    1  53    pp 3.80 

LA  TULIPE  NOIRE.  (New  Edition  with  Exercises,  Notes  and 
Vocabulary).  Alexandre  Dumas.  D.  C.  Heath  &  Co.,  1899. 
[1929].      One-side.      7   vols;   922   pp 23.55 


DAS  MARCHEN  (With  Vocabulary).  John  Wolfgang  von  Goethe.. 
D.  C.  Heath  &  Co.,  1904.  [1925].  One-side.  12";  2 
vols:     1 92    pp 6.20 

DER    TAUCHER     (With    Vocabulary).       johann    Christoph     Friedrick 
Schiller.      D.  C.  Heath  &  Co.    [1925].    One-side.     12";  pam- 
phlet; 44  pp 95 

GERMAN  GRAMMAR  (With  Vocabulary).  Calvin  Thomas.  Henry 
Holt  &  Co.,  1895,  1898,  1901.  [1925].  One-side.  12"; 
8   vols;    1002   pp 30.45 

GERMAN  PROSE  COMPOSITION  (With  Vocabulary).  James 
A.  Chiles.  Cinn  &  Co.,  1914.  [1924].  One-side.  12"; 
3    vols;    310   pp 9.25 

IMMENSEE     (With    Vocabulary).      Theodor   Storm.      Ginn    &    Co., 

1901.      [1924].     One-side.      12";  2  vols;   1 72  pp 5.70 

MARCHEN  (With  Vocabulary).  Hans  Christian  Andersen.  D.  C. 
Heath  &  Co.,  1893.  [1925].  One-side.  12";  3  vols; 
411    pp 12.25 

MARCHEN  UND  ERZAHLUNGEN— Part  I.  (With  Vocabulary). 
Helene  Adeline  Guerber.  D.  C.  Heath  &  Co.,  1916.  [1925]. 
One-side.      12";   3   vols;   343    pp 10.65 

WILHELM  TELL.  Friedrich  Schiller.  (Edited  with  Fragen,  Notes 
and  Vocabulary  by  Robert  Waller  Deering)  .  D.  C.  Heath 
&  Co.,  1915.     [1931].    One-side.     6  vols;  917  pp 22.85 



AENEID,  THE — Books  I- VI.  (With  Vocabulary).  Virgil.  (C. 
E.  Bennett,  Editor).  Allyn  fir  Bacon,  1904.  [1928].  One- 
side.      12";   1  1    vols;    1  1  92  pp 37.40 

CAESAR'S  GALLIC  WARS— Books  l-IV.  (With  Vocabulary). 
Julius  Caesar.  (Allen  &  Creenough's  Edition).  (Re-edited 
by  j.  B.  Creenough,  Benjamin  L.  D'Ooge  and  M.  C.  Daniell.) 
Cinn  &  Co.,  1904.  [19251.  One-side.  X.  12";  10  vols; 
1080     pp 33.20 

CICERO;  SIX  ORATIONS.  Marcus  Tullius  Cicero.  (Allen  and 
Creenough's  Edition;  Special  Vocabulary  by  j.  B.  Creenough; 
revised  by  J.  B.  Creenough  and  C.  L.  Kittredge).  Cinn  fir 
Co.,  1902.      [1926].  One-side.     XI.      12";  9  vols;   1074  pp.  .32.95 

ELEMENTS  OF  LATIN  (With  Vocabulary).  Benjamin  L.  D'Ooge. 
Cinn  &  Co.,  1921.  [1924].  (P.I.I.B.)  One-side.  10"; 
8  vols;  910  pp 20.25 

NEW  LATIN  COMPOSITION,  A.  (With  Vocabulary).  Charles 
E.  Bennett.  Allyn  fir  Bacon,  1919.  [1929].  One-side. 
12";    3    vols;   418    pp 12.45 

NEW  LATIN  GRAMMAR.      Charles   E.    Bennett.      Allyn   &   Bacon, 

1918.      [1926].      One-side.      12";   6  vols;   669   pp 20.85 


Henry   Holt   fir   Co., 

10";    4   vols;    455 

(With  Vocabulary).  Romera- Navarro. 
1919.  [1921].  (P.I.I.B.)  One-side. 


EL   CAPITAN    VENENO.      Antonio    Pedro    de    Alarcon.       Benjamin 

H.  Sanborn  Co.,  1920.      [1931].     One-side.     5  vols;  491    pp.  13.30 

FIRST  BOOK  IN  SPANISH,  A.  J.  P.  Wickersham  Crawford. 
Macmillan  Co.  [1924].  (P.I.I.B.)  One-side.  12";  6 
vols ;    626    pp 1 7.30 

FIRST  SPANISH  READER  (With  Notes,  Vocabulary  and  Exercises). 
Everett  Ward  Olmsted  and  Edward  H.  Sirich  (Editors). 
Henry  Holt  &  Co.,  1924.  [1930].  (T.S.B.)  One-side. 
4  vols;   482   pp •• 12.50 

FORTUNA.  Enrich  Perez  Escrich.  (Edited 
with  Notes,  Direct  Method  Exercises 
and  Vocabulary  by  Elijah  C.  Hills  and 
Louise  R.  Oeinhardt) .  D.  C.  Heath  fir 
Co.,    1920.      (T.S.B.)      1    vol;    95    pp. 

ZARACUETA.  Miguel  Ramos  Carrion  and 
Vital  Aza.  (Edited  with  Notes,  Direct 
Method  Exercises  and  Vocabulary  by 
Elijah  C.  Hills  and  Louise  R.  Oein- 
hardt). D.  C.  Heath  fir  Co.,  1920. 
(T.S.B.)      2  vols;  203  pp. 

AND  "ZARACUETA."  Elijah  C.  Hills 
and  Louise  R.  Oeinhardt.  (T.S.B.) 
One-side.      2  vols;    1  1  1    pp. 


May    be    ordered    separately 
or    as   a    whole. 

>  Fortuna      2.60 

Zaragiieta    5.45 

Vocabulary     4.85 


EL  SOMBRERO  DE  TRES  PSCOS.  Pedro  Antonio  de  Alarcon. 
(Edited  with  introduction,  Footnotes,  Exercises  and  Vocabu- 
lary by  Charles  B.  Qualia).  Johnson  Publishing  Co.,  1927. 
[1930].       (T.S.B.)       One-side.      5   vols;    502   pp 13.55 

SPANISH  COMPOSITION  (Text  Only).  J.  P.  Wickersham  Craw- 
ford. Henry  Holt  &  Co.,  1910.  [1922].  (P.I. LB.)  One- 
side.     10";   1   vol ;  1  30  pp 2.80 

TEMAS  ESPANOLES.  j.  P.  Wickersham  Crawford.  Henry  Holt  & 
Co.,  1922.  [1923],  (P.I.I.B.)  One-side.  12";  1  vol; 
138  pp •  • 3.50 

TRIP  TO  LATIN  AMERICA,  A.  (With  Vocabulary).  (In  very 
simple  Spanish).  V.  Fuentes  and  V.  E.  Francois.  Henry 
Holt  Cr  Co.,  1917.  [1922].  (P.I.I.B.)  One-side.  10"; 
3    vols;     358     pp 7.90 

Prose — Including  Wit  and  Humor  and  Catalogs 

ACRES  OF  DIAMONDS.  Russell  H.  Conwell.  Harper  &  Bros., 
1915.  [1919].  (A.L.A.)  One-side.  Adult.  12";  1  vol; 
71    pp 2.20 

AESOP    FOR    CHILDREN,    THE.       Rand    McNally    &    Co.,     1919. 

[1926].      II-VI.      2  vols;    176  pp 4.90 

AMERICAN  LITERATURE  (A  Text-Book  for  Secondary  Schools). 
Percy  H.  Boynton.  Cinn  &  Co.,  1923.  [1931].  One-side. 
X-XII.      8   vols;    1052    pp 26.90 

Holmes.  Collins  Clear  Type  Press.  [1925].  One-side. 
Vll-X;    Adult.      12";  3  vols;  415  pp 12.35 

vice  for   the    Blind,    Library   of    Congress.       Interpoint.       12"; 

1  vol;  229  pp.       (This  embossed  edition  is  procurable  on   loan 

from  the  Library  of  Congress  or  by  purchase  from  the  A.P.H.)  .       .30 

CHIMNEY  POT  PAPERS.  Charles  S.  Brooks.  Yale  University  Press, 
1919.        [1920].        (N.Y.S.L.)        One-side.       Adult.        12"; 

2  vols;   174  pp 5.10 

CHOICE   READING.      Robert   McLean   Cumnock.      A.    C.    McClurg, 

1923.      [1925].     One-side.     V-VIII.      1 2";  7  vols;  928  pp. .  .27.85 

BACON,  THE.  Francis  Bacon.  (F.  A.  Howe,  Editor).  D.  C. 
Heath  &  Co.,  1908.  [1929].  One-side.  Adult.  5  vols; 
604     pp 1 5.70 

DREAM    LIFE.      D.   C.    Mitchell    (Ik    Marvel,    Pseud).      A.    L.    Burt 

Co.      [1927].      One-side.      Adult.      3   vols;  341    pp 8.95 


Literary      30 

Music 30 



ENJOYMENT  OF  POETRY.  Max  Eastman.  Charles  Scribner's 
Sons,  1921.  [1931].  (A.F.B.)  Interpoint.  Adult.  2 
vols;    341     pp .  . 5.00 

ESSAY  ON  BURNS.     Thomas  Carlyle.  Charles  E.  Merrill  Co.,  1910. 

[1925].     One-side.     VII-IX.      12";  2  vols;   1 72  pp 5.75 

ESSAY  ON  CHAUCER.     James  Russell   Lowell.      Houghton   Mifflin 

Co.,   1913.      [1926].     One-side.      VII-IX.      1    vol;    133   pp...    3.40 

ESSAY    ON    COMPENSATION.       Ralph    Waldo    Emerson.       A.    L. 

Burt  Co.     [1926].     One-side.     IX-X;    Adult.     1   vol;  45  pp.  .    1.35 

ESSAY  ON    DRYDEN.      James   Russell    Lowell.      Houghton    Mifflin 

Co.,   1910.     [1926].    One-side.    VII-IX.    2  vols;   189  pp.....    5.15 

ESSAY  ON   HISTORY,  AN.      Ralph   Waldo   Emerson.      A.   L.   Burt 

Co.   [1926].     One-side.      IX-X;    Adult.      1    vol;   51    pp 1.65 

ESSAY  ON   POPE.      James  Russell   Lowell.      Houghton   Mifflin  Co., 

1913.      [1926].     One-side.     VII-IX.      1    vol;    111    pp 2.95 

ESSAY  ON  SELF-RELIANCE.     Ralph  Waldo  Emerson.     A.  L.  Burt 

Co.      [1926].     One-side.      IX-X;    Adult.      1    vol;  61    pp 1.90 

ESSAY  ON  SHAKESPEARE  ONCE  MORE.  James  Russell  Lowell. 
Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,  1910.  [1926].  One-side.  VII-IX. 
2   vols;    1 60   pp 4.55 

ESSAY  ON   SPENSER.      James    Russell    Lowell.      Houghton    Mifflin 

Co.,  1913.      [1926].     One-side.     VII-IX.     2  vols;   184  pp.    ..    5.05 

FAREWELL  ADDRESS.  George  Washington. 
(W.  E.  Simonds,  Editor).  Henry  Holt 
&  Co.,  1911.  [1925].  One-side. 
VII-VIII.  f    Bound  together.    12"; 

FIRST    BUNKER    HILL    ORATION.       Dan-  <    1    vol;    h 
iel  Webster.     (W.  E.  Simonds,  Editor) . 
Henry    Holt    &    Co.,    1911.       [1925]. 
One-side.      VII-VIII. 

American  Book  Co.,  1911.      [1924].     One-side.     Adult.   12"; 

5  vols;    597    pp 1 8.30 

HOUSE-BOAT  ON  THE  STYX,  THE.  John  Kendrick  Bangs.     Harper 

6  Bros.,    1923.       [1926].       (J.L.L.)       One-side.      Adult.      2 

vols;     181     pp 4.25 

Bennett.  Doubleday,  Doran  fir  Co.,  1910.  [1931].  One- 
side.     Adult.      1    vol;   76   pp 2.20 

JOSIAH  ALLEN'S  WIFE.  Marietta  Holley.  American  Publishing 
Co.,  1877.  [1925].  One-side.  Adult.  12";  5  vols;  548 
pp. 17.15 

LEGEND  OF  SLEEPY  HOLLOW,  THE.  Washington  Irving.  Gros- 
set  &  Dunlap,  1906.  [1921].  One-side.  VI -IX.  12"; 
pamphlet;    5 1    pp 1 .05 

MESSAGE  TO  GARCIA,  A.      Elbert  Hubbard.      Thomas  Y.   Crowell 

Co.,  1924.     [1930].    One-side.    V-VIII.    Pamphlet;    10  pp.    ..       .25 

MISCELLANEOUS    SELECTIONS.       Selected    Authors.       [1922]. 

Grade  1.      (H.P.S.)      One-side.     VI-VIII.    10";  1   vol;  95  pp. .  .    2.20 



NEW  ENGLISH  LITERATURE.  Reuben  Post  Halleck.  American 
Book  Co.,  1913.  [1925].  One-side.  Adult.  12";  7  vols; 
932  pp 27.95 

PATRIOTIC  STORIES  AND  POEMS.  Selected  Authors.  [1922]. 
Grade  1.  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  V-VIII.  10";  1  vol; 
16    pp 1.90 

PHILOSOPHY  OF   CLOTHES,   THE.    (from    "A   Tale   of   a   Tub"). 

Jonathan  Swift.  E.  P.  Dutton  fir  Co.  [1927].  One-side. 
Adult.     Pamphlet;  28  pp 55 

PICKWICK    PAPERS,    THE.       Charles    Dickens.       Macmillan     Co. 

[1930].     One-side.     Adult.      15  vols;  2043   pp 51.90 

PLATO'S  AMERICAN  REPUBLIC.  J.  Douglas  Woodruff.  E.  P. 
Dutton  Cr  Co.,  1926.  [1930].  (L.C.  of  M.,  L.I.,  N.  Y.) 
Interpoint.      Adult.       1    vol;    151    pp 2.10 

QUO  VADIS  (A  Tale  of  the  Time  of  Nero) .  Henryk  Sienkiewicz. 
(Translated  from  the  Polish  by  Dr.  S.  A.  Binion).  Thomas 
Y.  Crowell  Co.,  1924.  [1930].  One-side.  X;  Adult. 
10  vols;   1291    pp 33.10 

RECREATION  (Address  Delivered  at  the  Harvard  Union,  Decem- 
ber 8,  1919).  Edward,  1  st  Viscount  Crey.  Houghton  Miff- 
lin Co.,  1920.  [1930].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  Adult. 
10";   pamphlet;  41    pp 65 

REVERIES  OF  A  BACHELOR.  D.  C.  Mitchell.  (Ik  Marvel,  Pseud). 
Charles  Scribner's  Sons,  1889.  [1926].  One-side.  Adult. 
4   vols;    382    pp 10.40 

RISE  AND  FALL  OF  THE  MUSTACHE,  THE.  Robert  Jones  Bur- 
dette.  Bobbs-Merrill  Co.,  1912.  [1927].  One-side.  X; 
Adult.      1    vol ;   1 00  pp 2.70 

SESAME   AND   LILLIES.      John    Ruskin.      Houghton    Mifflin    Co., 

1900.      [1925].     One-side.      12";    1    vol;    141    pp 4.20 


Joseph  Addison  and  Richard  Steele.  (Edited  with  Notes  and 
an  Introduction  by  Zelma  Cray).  Macmillan  Co.,  1899. 
[1927].     One-side.     Adult.      2  vols;   278   pp 7.05 

SIZING  UP  UNCLE  SAM.     Ceorge  Fitch.     Frederick  A.  Stokes  Co., 

1914.      [1920].      (A.L.A.)      Adult.      12";  2  vols;  243   pp...    6.45 

SKETCH    BOOK,    THE.      Washington    Irving.      Collins    Clear   Type 

Press.      [1925].     One-side.     VII-IX.     12";  5  vols;   594  pp.. 18.25 

SPEAKING  OF  OPERATIONS.  Irvin  S.  Cobb.  George  H.  Doran 
Co.,  1915.  [1929].  (A.L.A.)  One-side.  Adult.  12"; 
pamphlet;  45  pp 80 

Couzens.  Frederick  A.  Stokes  Co.  [1931].  One-side. 
VI-VIII.      2  vols;    192   pp 5.25 

SUMMER  GHOSTS  AND  WINTER  TOPICS.  Felix  E.  Schelling. 
J.  B.  Lippincott  Co.,  1924.  [1925].  (B.T.C.)  One-side. 
VI-VIII.     2  vols;   192  pp 2.45 

TALES  FROM  SHAKESPEARE.  Charles  and  Mary  Lamb.  A.  L. 
Burt  Co.  [1921].  One-side.  VI-VIII.  12";  4  vols; 
474    pp 14.55 


THREE  ADDRESSES.  Woodrow  Wilson. 

1.  The  Condition   of   Peace 

2.  Address  at  Washington's  Tomb,  July  4,   1918 

3.  Extension  of  Suffrage  to  Women 

[1919].      (P.I. LB.)      One-side.     IX.      1 2";  pamphlet;  25  pp.  .      .50 

WHAT  CAN  LITERATURE  DO  FOR  ME?  (Revised  Edition).  C. 
Alphonso  Smith.  Doubleday,  Doran  fir  Co.,  1924.  [1931]. 
One-side.     Adult.      3   vols;   384  pp 9.10 

Drama  and  Poetry 

ABRAHAM  LINCOLN  (A  Play).  John  Drinkwater.  Houghton 
Mifflin  Co.,  1910.  [1920].  (N.R.)  One-side.  V-X; 
Adult.      12";    1    vol;    101    pp 2.80 

ALCHEMIST,  THE.  Ben  Jonson  (Edited  by  Felix  E.  Schelling). 
D.  C.  Heath  &  Co.,  1903.  [1931].  One-side.  Adult.  3 
vols;    403    pp 1 0.25 

ALEXANDER'S   FEAST.      John    Dryden.      Oxford    University   Press. 

[1928].     One-side.     Adult.     Pamphlet;   12  pp 30 

ARCADES.  John  Milton.  Houghton  Miff- 
lin  Co.,  1899.  [1927].  One-side. 
IX-X;  Adult.  ^  Bound  together.   1    vol; 

COMUS.      John   Milton.      Houghton   Mifflin  ( ]  32   pp"    ' 
Co.,  1899.    [1927].    One-side.    IX-X; 

AS  YOU  LIKE  IT.  William  Shakespeare.  (Introduction  and  Notes 
by  H.  N.  Hudson;  Edited  and  Revised  by  E.  C.  Black  (Glas- 
gow) with  the  cooperation  of  A.  J.  George  (Amherst).  Cinn 
&  Co.,  1908.  [1930].  One-side.  Vlll-X;  Adult.  12"; 
3    vols;    342    pp 10.60 

BOOK  OF  JOYOUS  CHILDREN,  THE.  James  Whitcomb  Riley. 
Bobbs-Merrill  Co.,  1902.  [1931].  Grade  1.  One-side. 
IV-V.      1    vol;    110   pp 2.90 

CANTERBURY  TALES,  THE.  (omitting  the  two  prose  tales), 
(from  "The  Student's  Chaucer")  Geoffrey  Chaucer. 
Oxford  Edition,  1929.  [1931].  (L.  of  C.)  Interpoint. 
Adult.     5  vols;  about  1  1  50  pp 12.50 

1907.  [1930].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  Adult.  10";  pamph- 
let;   4    pp 15 

CHILD   LIFE.      John    Greenleaf   Whittier.      Houghton    Mifflin    Co., 

1871.      [1922].     One-side.     VII-IX.      12";  2  vols;  280  pp.  .    8.30 

Turner  Palgrave  (Selected  and  Arranged  by).  Macmillan 
Co.,  1928.     [1931].     One-side.     VII-VIII.     4  vols;  543  pp.  .  13.80 

CHILD'S  DAY,  A.  (A  Book  of  Rhymes).  Walter  De  La  Mare. 
Henry  Holt  &  Co.  [1928].  Grade  1.  One-side.  1 1 -IV. 
Pamphlet;    43    pp 90 

CHILD'S  GARDEN  OF  VERSES,  A.  Robert  Louis  Stevenson.  Rand 
McNally  Cr  Co.,  1919.  [1926].  One-side.  Il-V.  1  vol; 
74  pp 2.15 

COLONIAL  PLAYS  FOR  THE  SCHOOL  ROOM.  Blanche  Shoemaker. 
Educational  Publishing  Co.,  1912.  [1920].  One-side.  VI- 
VII.      12";   pamphlet;   47   pp 1.00 



ert Burns.  Charles  E.  Merrill  Co.  [1925].  One-side. 
Vll-X.      12";   pamphlet;    54  pp 1.10 

DESERTED  VILLAGE,  THE.  Oliver  Goldsmith.  (Edited  with  Intro- 
duction and  Notes  by  R.  N.  Whiteford)  .  Macmillan  Co., 
1905.      [1926].     One-side.     Vlll-X;    Adult.      1    vol;  73  pp.  .    2.15 

DOCTOR  JOHNSON  (A  Play).  A.  Edward  Newton.  Atlantic 
Monthly  Press,  1923.  [1931].  One-side.  Adult.  1  vol; 
1  54     pp 3.85 

ELEGY   WRITTEN    IN    A    COUNTRY    CHURCH-YARD.      Thomas 

Cray.      [1928].      One-side.      VII-VIII.      Pamphlet;    11    pp.    ..      .25 

ENOCH  ARDEN.      Alfred   Lord  Tennyson.      Houghton    Mifflin   Co., 

1914.      [1926].     One-side.     Vlll-X.      1 2";   1    vol;  53  pp.  ...  .    2.05 

EPICOENE:    OR    THE    SILENT    WOMAN.       Ben    Jonson.       E.    P. 

Dutton  &  Co.      [1927].     One-side.     Adult.     2  vols;  212  pp.  .    5.65 

EVANGELINE.  Henry  Wadsworth  Longfellow.  Houghton  Mifflin 
Co.,  1916.  [1922].  One-side.  VII-IX.  12";  2  'vols; 
171     pp j 5.70 

FAERIE    QUEENE,    THE.       Book    I,    Canto    1.       Edmund    Spenser. 

Macmillan  Co.,  1903.      [1927].     One-side.      1    vol;   133  pp...    3.40 

FAIRIES  AND  CHIMNEYS.  Rose  Fyleman.  George  H.  Doran  Co., 
1920.  [1928].  Grade  1.  One-side.  II-IV.  6";  1  vol; 
66    pp.     ....    1 .70 

GOLDEN   TREASURY,   THE.      (Selected   from    the    Best  Songs   and 

Lyrical    Poems    in    the    English    Language)     Book    I  and    Book 

III.       Francis    Turner    Palgrave.       Macmillan     Co.  [1931]. 
One-side.      VII-VIII.      2  vols;    199   pp. 

Book      I 2.55 

Book    III     . .    2.85 

HAMLET.     William  Shakespeare.     Macmillan  Co.,  1908.      [1925]. 

One-side.     Vlll-X;    Adult.      12";  5  vols;  434  pp 14.40 

HENRY  THE  EIGHTH.  William  Shakespeare.  American  Book 
Co.,  1904.  [1920].  (P.I.I.B)  One-side.  Vlll-X;  Adult. 
12";   1   vol;  141    pp 3.60 

I  WONDER  WHY?  Elizabeth  Cordon.  Rand  McNally  Cr  Co., 
1916.  [1926].  Grade  1.  One-side.  I-II.  6";  pamphlet; 
34  pp 55 

IDYLLS   OF    THE    KING.      Alfred    Lord    Tennyson.       (Introduction 
and    Notes    by    H.    W.    Boynton).       Allyn    &    Bacon,    1923. 
[1926].        (H.P.S.)        One-side.       VI1I-IX.        10";     7     vols; 
497     pp ,  .  .12.65 

I'LL     TRY.       Elinor     Murphy.        Century     Co.,      1921.        [1922]. 

(P.I.I.B.)      One-side.      Vll-X.      10";  pamphlet;   30  pp 50 

JOHN  GILPIN.     William  Cowper.      Frederick  A.  Stokes  Co.    Grade 

1.      One-side.      V-VIII.      6";   pamphlet;   35   pp .       .60 

JOHNNY    APPLESEED    AND    OTHER    POEMS.      Vachel    Lindsay. 
Macmillan   Co.,    1928.      [1931].      Crade    1.      One-side.     IV- 
VIII.      2   vols;    153    pp .  .; 4.40 



JULIUS   CAESAR.      William   Shakespeare.      Houghton    Mifflin    Co., 

1911.      [1922].      One-side.      Vlll-X;    Adult.      12";   2   vols; 

1  80    pp 5.90 

JUMPING    FROG,   THE.      Samuel    L.   Clem-  \ 

ens    (Mark   Twain).      Harper  fir   Bros.,  i 

1903.      [1920].      (A.L.A.)     One-side,  f 

Adult.  \Bound   together.    12 

QUALITY.  John  Galsworthy.  Charles 
Scribner's  Sons,  1912.  [1920].  (A 
L.A.)      One-side.     Adult. 

/pamphlet;  28  pp 55 

KING'S  HENCHMAN,  THE.  Edna  St.  Vincent  Millay.  Harper  &• 
Bros.,  1927.  [1930],  (L.C.  of  P.W.,  LI.,  N.Y.)  Inter- 
point.      Adult.       1    vol ;    1 29    pp. 1 .90 

LADY  OF  THE  LAKE,  THE.      (In  Six  Cantos).      Sir  Walter  Scott. 

[1930].      (H.P.S.)      One-side.     Vll-X.     10";  3  vols;  294  pp.    6.80 

LALLEGRO.  John  Milton.  Houghton 
Mifflin  Co.,  1899.  [1927].  One-side. 
Vll-X;   Adult. 

IL   PENSEROSO.      John    Milton.      Houghton 

Mifflin  Co.,    1899.    [1927].   One-side.   V  Bound   together.     1 

Vll-X;  Adult.  /vol;  74  pp.   .  . 2.15 

TIVITY. John  Milton.  Houghton 
Mifflin  Co.,  1899.  [1927].  One-side. 
Vll-X;    Adult. 

LITTLE  PRINCESS,  THE.  (from  "A  Treasury  of  Plays  for  Child- 
ren"). Frances  Hodgson  Burnett.  (Montrose  J.  Moses,  Edi- 
tor). Little  Brown  &  Co.,  1921.  [1922].  (P.I.I.B.) 
One-side.      IV-VI.      10";    1    vol;    120  pp 2.65 


Charles  Swain  Thomas    (Editor).   Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,    1913. 

[1931].      One-side.     XI-XII;    Adult.      2  vols;  259  pp. 6.65 

MACBETH.     William  Shakespeare.     Macmillan  Co.,  1898.   [  1  924]. 

One-side.     Vlll-X;    Adult.      12";  2  vols;  269  pp 8.05 

MERCHANT  OF  VENICE,  THE.  William  Shakespeare.  Houghton 
Mifflin  Co.,  1911.  [1922].  One-side.  Vll-X;  Adult. 
12";   2  vols;    168   pp 5.65 

MIDSUMMER  NIGHT'S  DREAM,  A.  William  Shakespeare.  Hough- 
ton Mifflin  Co.  1911.  [1922].  One-side.  Vl-X;  Adult. 
12";    1    vol;    149    pp 4.35 

Longfellow.  1911.  [1922].  Crade  1.  (H.P.S.)  One- 
side.  VII-VIII.      10";  2  vols;    150   pp 3.75 

MILESTONES.  Arnold  Bennett  and  Edward  Knoblauch.  1912  by 
Arnold  Bennett  and  Edward  Knoblauch.  [1923].  (H.P.S.) 
One-side.      Adult.       10";    3    vols;    177    pp 4.80 

PARADISE    LOST— Books    l-IV.      John    Milton.     Houghton    Mifflin 

Co.,   1899.      [1927].     One-side      IX-X.     2  vols;  286  pp 7.20 



PEACOCK   PIE.      Walter   DeLaMare.     Henry   Holt   &   Co.     [1928]. 

Grade   1.     One-side.      IV-VIII.      1    vol;  87   pp 2.40 

PINKIE     AND    THE     FAIRIES      (from     "A  V 

Treasury  of   Plays  for  Children").   W. 

Graham, Robertson.  (Montrose  J.  Moses 

Editor).     Little,    Brown    &   Co.,    1921. 

[19233.     (P.I.I.B.)    One-side.    Vlll-X. 

V  Bound  together.   12": 
SEVEN      OLD      LADIES      OF      LAVENDER  >  ]    vo|.    ]%3   1D  345 

TOWN,    THE.        (from     "A    Treasury  ' 

of   Plays  for  Children")    Henry  Cuyler 
y     Bunner.     (Montrose  J.   Moses,  Editor). 

Little,   Brown   &  Co.,    1921.     [1923]. 

(P.I.I.B.)      One-side.     Vlll-X. 

POEMS  AND  SONGS— Selected.  Robert  Burns.  (Edited  with 
Notes  and  an  Introduction  by  P.  M.  Buch,  jr.)  Macmillan 
Co.,  1908.      [1929].     One-side.     Vll-X.     6  vols;  675  pp... 17.75 

POEMS  FOR  CHILDREN.      Walter  DeLaMare.     Henry  Holt  &  Co., 

1930.      [1931].     One-side.      MI-VIM.      3  vols;    287   pp 7.80 

Burt.  Crossett  &  Dunlap,  1904.  [1922].  One-side.  I V-VI. 
12";   3  vols;  446  pp 13.10 

PRINCESS,  THE.  (A  Medley).  Alfred  Lord  Tennyson.  (Edited 
with  Notes  and  an  Introduction  by  W.  Farrand,  A.  M. 
(Princeton).  Macmillan  Co.,  1899.  [1926].  One-side. 
VIM-IX.     4  vols;  407  pp 10.95 

Pr.lSONER  OF  CHILLON,  THE.      Lord   Byron.      Charles   E.   Merrill 

Co.,  1911.     [1928].     One-side.     VM-IX.     Pamphlet;  33  pp.  .      .60 

RICHARD     III.      William     Shakespeare.        Macmillan     Co.,     1916. 

[1925].     One-side.     Vlll-X;  Adult.      12";  2  vols;  260  pp. .  .    7.85 


Samuel     Taylor     Coleridge.        [1930]. 

(H.P.S.)       Vl-X;  Adult. 

\  Bound  together.   1  0 

POEMS       (Miscellaneous).         C.      Stratton  (  ]    vo1;    n3    PP 2.50 

(Selected     by).       [1930].        (H.P.S.) 

Vl-X;    Adult. 
ROMEO    AND    JULIET.       William    Shakespeare.       Macmillan    Co., 

1917.      [1925].      One-side.      Vlll-X;   Adult.       12";   2   vols; 

236    pp 7.25 

SELECTED  POEMS  OF  EDGAR  GUEST  (from  "All  that  Matters," 
"just  Folks,"  "The  Path  to  Home,"  and  "A  Heap  O'Livin'  "). 
Edgar  Guest.  Reilly  &  Lee  Co.  [1923].  (A.L.A.)  One- 
side.     V-X.     6";  2  vols;  1  62  pp 3.40 

SELECTED  VERSE  (for  School  Grades  Four  to  Seven).  Selected 
Authors.  [1923].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  IV-VII.  10"; 
1    vol ;    1 07    pp 2.40 

REN. Mary  I.  Lovejoy.  American  Book  Co.,  1895.  [1919]. 
(P.I.I.B.)      One-side.      IV-VI.      10";  4  vols;  343   pp. 

Vol.    I — Songs    of    Spring     2.00 

Vol.    II — Songs    of    Summer    2.20 

Vol.    Ill — Songs    of   Autumn     2.00 

Vol.    IV — Songs    of    Winter     2.05 

Total      8.25 



SHE  STOOPS  TO  CONQUER.  Oliver  Goldsmith.  (Edited  with  In- 
troduction and  Notes  by  R.  N.  Whiteford).  Macmillan  Co., 
1905.      [1926].     One-side.      IX-X.      2  vols;    196   pp 5.30 

Tennyson.  (Edited  with  Notes  and  Introduction  by  Charles 
Read  Nutter).  Macmillan  Co.,  1903.  [1931].  One-side. 
Vlll-X;    Adult.     4  vols;  461    pp 12.10 

SILVER  PENNIES  (A  Collection  of  Modern  Poems  for  Boys  and 
Girls.)  Blanche  Jennings  Thompson.  Macmillan  Co.,  1925. 
[1929].     Grade    1.     One-side.      III-VIII.      2  vols;    188   pp...    5.15 

SNOW-BOUND  (A  Winter  Idyll).  John  Greenleaf  Whittier. 
[1931].  (M.S.B.)  One-side.  Vll-X.  10";  pamphlet; 
44   pp 70 

SOHRAB  AND  RUSTUM.     Mathew  Arnold.    Houghton  Mifflin  Co., 

1911.        [1923].         (P.I.I.B.)        One-side.        Adult.        10"; 
pamphlet;    52    pp 75 

SONC  OF  HIAWATHA,  THE.  Henry  Wadsworth  Longfellow. 
Macmillan  Co.,  1905.  [1920].  One-side.  VI -VI 1 1. 
12";    2    vols;    244    pp 7.45 

SPELL  OF  THE  YUKON,  THE.  Robert  Service.  Barse  and  Hop- 
kins, 1907.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Adult.  12"; 
1     vol ;    82    pp 2.45 

SUPPRESSED  DESIRES.  (A  Comedy  in  Two  Scenes).  Susan  Glaspell. 
(In  collaboration  with  G.  C.  Cook.  This  play  may  not  be 
produced  without  payment  of  royalty.  Dramatic  rights  held 
by  Susan  Glaspell,  Provincetown,  Massachusetts).  Small, 
Maynard  &  Co.,  1920.  [1925].  (H.P.S.)  One-side. 
Adult.      1 0";   pamphlet;   54   pp 80 

TALES  OF  A  WAYSIDE  INN.  Henry  Wadsworth  Longfellow.  (New 
Edition  with  Full  Teaching  and  Study  Equipment  by  Barbara 
Grace  Spayd).  Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,  1928.  [1931]. 
One-side.     Vlll-X;    Adult.     4  vols;  472  pp 12.30 

TAXIES  AND  TOADSTOOLS.  Rachel  Field.  Doubleday,  Page  & 
Co.,  1926.  [1928].  Grade  1.  One-side.  III-VI.  1  vol; 
77     pp 2.20 

THIS  SINGING  WORLD  (An  Anthology  of  Modern  Poetry  for 
Young  People).  Louis  Untermeyer  (Editor).  Harcourt, 
Brace  &  Co.,  1923.  [1929].  One-side.  IV-IX.  4  vols; 
531    pp 13.55 

TEN.     Emilie  Poulsson.      Lothrop,    Lee   Cr  Shepard   Co.,    1924. 

[1931].      Grade   1.     One-side.      I-III.      1    vol ;  98  pp 2.65 

THROUGH  MAGIC  CASEMENTS.  George  S.  Carhart  and  Paul 
A.  McGhee.  Macmillan  Co.,  1926.  [1930].  (C.A.C., 
C.O.S.  of  C,  O.)       Interpoint.      VII-IX.      4  vols;  976  pp 12.20 

VISION  OF  SIR  LAUNFAL,  THE.  James  Russell  Lowell.  Mac- 
millan Co.,  1900.  [1923].  One-side.  VII-IX.  12"; 
1    vol;   60   pp 2.25 

WAPPIN'  WHARF  (from  "Frightful  Plays").  Charles  S.  Brooks. 
Harcourr,  Brace  &  Co.,  1922.  [1925].  (H.P.S.)  One- 
side.      Adult.      10";    2   vols;    138    pp 3.55 



CALM  YOURSELF.     George  Walton.      Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,   1913. 

[1923].         (E.S.H.)        One-side.       Adult.        6";     pamphlet; 

62    pp.     60 

CONQUEST  OF  FEAR,  THE.  Basil  King.  Doubleday,  Page  &  Co., 
1921.  [1926].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  Adult.  10";  3 
vols;    270    pp .    6.40 

COURAGE.      Sir  James  M.   Barrie.      Charles  Scribner's  Sons,    1922. 

[1923].       (E.S.H.)       One-side.       IX-X;     Adult.      6";    1    vol; 

69   pp. 65 

HOW  TO  USE  YOUR  MIND.  Harry  D.  Kitson,  Ph.  D.  J.  P. 
Lippincott  Co.,  1921.  [1926].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side. 
Adult.     2  vols;   255   pp ....  5.55 

HUMAN  NATURE  AND  CONDUCT.  John  Dewey.  Henry  Holt 
&    Co.,     1922.       [1926].        (U.S.V.B.)        One-side.       Adult. 

4  vols;  53 1    pp 1 1 .40 

IF  YOU  ARE  UP  AGAINST  IT—GO  AROUND.  Dr.  Frank  Crane. 
Thomas  Y.  Crowell  Co.,  1919.  [1919].  (A.L.A.)  One- 
side.      Adult.      12";   pamphlet;    17    pp .40 

MIND  IN  THE  MAKING,  THE.  James  Harvey  Robinson.  Harper 
&  Bros.,  1921.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  X;  Adult. 
12";   2   vols;   221    pp 6.00 

PRIMER  OF  PSYCHOLOGY.  Edward  Bradford  Titchener.  Mac- 
millan  Co.,  1925.  [1931].  One-side.  Adult.  6  vols; 
687      pp 1 7.30 

V  AND  VII.  William  James.  E.  P.  Dutton  &  Co.  [1922]. 
(A.L.A.)       One-side.      Adult.      12";    1    vol;    144   pp 3.70 

STORY  OF  PHILOSOPHY,  THE.  Will  Durant,  Ph.  D.  Simon  & 
Schuster,     1927.        [1928].        (W.N.)        Interpoint.       Adult. 

5  vols;    1338    pp 16.40 

James.  Henry  Holt  &  Co.,  1900.  [1929].  (H.P.S.)  One- 
side.     Adult.      10";   1   vol;   124  pp ,,..'...    2.70 

WHY  WE  BEHAVE  LIKE  HUMAN  BEINGS.  George  A.  Dorsey, 
LL.  D.,  D.  Harper  &  Bros.,  1925.  [1929].  (N.W.L.C. 
of  D.,   M.)       Interpoint.      Adult.      5  vols;    1  126  pp 14.25 

Educational  Tests  and  Measurements 

CRAY  ORAL  READING  CHECK  TESTS.  William  S.  Cray.  Public 
School  Publishing  Co.  [1927].  One-side.  (Each  set  in 
separate   cover) : 

Set  1 — Nos.   1-2-3-4-5. 

Crade    1 . 

6  pp. 

Set   II — Nos.    1-2-3-4-5. 

Grade    1 

6   pp. 

Set   III— Nos.    1-2-3-4-5. 


1.      8   pp. 

Total — 20     pp. 

SET  II— Nos.   1-2-3-4-5. 

6  pp. 

Set  III— Nos.   1-2-3-4-5. 

6  pp. 

Set   IV— Nos.    1-2-3-4-5. 

6   pp. 

Total — 18    pp 






Monroe.      One-side. 

Test   I — Form    1 .      7   pp. 
Test  I — Form  2.     8  pp. 
Test   II — Form    1.      7   pp. 
Test   II — Form   2.      7   pp. 

Total — 29    pp 50 

STANFORD  ACHIEVEMENT  TESTS.  Truman  L.  Kelley,  Giles  M. 
Ruch  and  Lewis  M.  Terman.  World  Book  Co.  Copyright  in 
Great   Britain;   all   rights   reserved.      One-side.       (Each    test    in 

separate    cover.)  .,    S 

Test    1 .     Grade   1 .    1 0  pp. 
Test  2.      Grade    1 .      6   pp. 
Test   3.      Grade    1 .      £  pp. 

Total — 22    pp. 44 

Test    1.      Grade    1.      10   pp. 
Test  2.      Grade    1 .      6   pp. 
Test   3.      Grade    1.      6   pp. 

Total — 22    pp 44 

Test   1.      12   pp. 
Test  2.      9  pp. 
Test  3.      1  1    pp. 

Total — 32    pp.     64 

Test    1.      12   pp. 
Test  2.      9  pp. 
Test   3.      11    pp. 

Total — 32   pp 64 


Samuel    Perkins  Hayes,   Ph.   D.      P.I.I.B.      [1923].       (P.I.I.B.) 
One-side.      10";   20   tests;   27   pp. 
Sample  Sheet  Arithmetic: 

1.  Addition,   Subtraction,    1    pp 03 

2.  Multiplication,    Division,    1    pp 03 

Arithmetical    Ingenuity,    1    pp 03 

Silent    Reading   No.    1 ,    1    pp 03 

Silent   Reading   No.   2,    1    pp 03 

Silent   Reading   No.   3,    1    pp 03 

Silent   Reading   No.   4,     1     pp 03 

Silent   Reading   No.   5,  2  pp 06 

Silent   Reading   No.   6,    1    pp 03 

Silent   Reading   No.   7,  2  pp 06 

Silent   Reading   No.   8,  2  pp 06 

Silent   Reading   No.    9,   2   pp 06 

Verbal   Ingenuity,  2pp 06 

Practical   Information  Pressey  Test  9,    1    pp 03 

Word   Completion   Pressey  Test  6,    1    pp 03 

Moral   Judgment,    2    pp 06 

Logical    Judgment,    2    pp 06 

Harlan's  Test  of  Information   in   American    History,    1    pp.    .  .       .03 

Trabue  Completion  Test,   Scale   B,    1    pp 03 

Trabue  Completion  Test,   Scale  J,    1    po     03 

Total — 27     pp 



SOPHIA.  (Roman  Catholic).  Maud  Monahan.  Longman's 
Green  fir  Co.  [1926].  (K.C.C.)  One-side.  Pamphlet; 
18    pp 35 

"The  Book  of  Common  Prayer  of  the 
Protestant  Episcopal  Church"). 

[1922].       (P.E.C.)       One-side.  (  Bound  together.   12". 

SERVICE   OF    HOLY   COMMUNION     (from  (  2   vols;    240   pp 6A0 

"The  Book  of  Common   Prayer  of  the 
Protestant  Episcopal  Church"). 

[1922].      (P.E.C.)      One-side. 

DAILY  BIBLE  STUDIES— Volumes  I  and  II.  Rev.  Floyd  W. 
Tomkins,      (Editor).       Morehouse    Publishing    Co.: 

Vol.  I— [1929].      (P.E.C.)      Interpoint.      1    vol;  210  pp 2.70 

Vol.  II— [1931].      (P.E.C.)      Interpoint.      12";   1    vol;   163  pp.   2.55 

DAY  UNTO  DAY.     George  Mattheson,   D.   D.      Fleming  H.   Revell 

Co.      [1925].      (H.M.C.)      One-side.      12";  2  vols;   1 91    pp. .  . 

EPISCOPAL  CHURCH,  THE.  Thomas  F.  Cailor,  S.  T.  D.  More- 
house Publishing  Co.  [1923].  (P.E.C.)  One-side.  12"; 
1    vol;    116   pp 3.10 

FINDING  THE  CHRIST  IN  OURSELVES.  H.  Emilie  Cady.  Unity 
School  of  Christianity.  [1931].  (U.S.C.)  Interpoint. 
Pamphlet;  27   pp 35 

HAND  THAT  INTERVENES,  THE.  W.  A.  Spicer.  Review  and 
Herald  Publishing  Association,  1918.  [1919].  Grade  1. 
(B.T.S.)      One-side.      12";   5  vols;  502  pp 14.05 

♦HOLY  BIBLE,  AUTHORIZED  VERSION.  (Set  forth  in  1611  and 
commonly  known  as  the  King  James  Version).  [1930]. 
(A.B.S.)       Interpoint.      20   vols 

REVISED  VERSION.      [1930].    (A.B.S.)    Interpoint.   20   vols. 

HYMNS,  A  SELECTION  OF  (One  Hundred  Hymns  from  the  "Hym- 
nal of  the  Protestant  Episcopal  Church").  [1924].  (P.E.C.) 
One-side.      12";   1    vol ;   1 30  pp 3.40 

(S.P.E.R.L.)       One-side.       1    vol;    60   pp 

NERS: I  Tim.  1:15.  [1927].  (C.L.H.)  One-side.  9"; 
pamphlet;     13    pp 30 

TICAL  CHRISTIANITY.      H.    Emilie   Cady.      Unity   School   of 

Christianity.     [1926].      (U.S.C.)      One-side.     2  vols;  213  pp.       4.80 

♦Copies  may  be  obtained  from   the  American    Bible   Society,   Astor   Place, 
New  York  City. 



LITANY,  THE    (from   "The   Book  of  Com- \ 
mon  Prayer  of  the  Protestant  Episcopal 
Church").     [1923].       (P.E.C.)     One- 

[     Bound    together.     6" 
PENITENTIAL    OFFICE,    THE     (from    "Thef     pamphlet;   32   pp...  .40 

Book  of  Common  Prayer  of  the  Protes- 
tant Episcopal  Church").  [1923]. 
(P.   E.   C.)      One-side. 

LITTLE  CHILDREN'S  BIBLE,  THE.     Macmillan  Co.,  1924.  [1931]. 

Grade    1.      One-side.      2  vols;    151    pp 4.35 


Martin  Luther.  (With  short  explanations  by  Rev.  W.  Dall- 
mann).  Northwestern  Publishing  House.  [1926].  (E.L. 
S.M.)      One-side.      7";    1    vol.   or  pamphlet;   85   pp 95 


DOCTRINE  OF  THE  TRINITY,  THE.  Wilber  Harf.  [1927]. 
(P.I.I.B.)      One-side.      1  0";  pamphlet;  34  pp 55 

EVERLASTING   YEA,   THE.      [1927].       (P.I.I.B.)       One-side. 

1 0";   pamphlet;    1  6  pp 30 

COD'S  DAY  AND  THE  SOUL  OF  MAN.      [1927].      (P.I.I.B) 

One-side.      1  0";  pamphlet;   1  7  pp 35 

III.— GIDEON.  Wilber  Hanf.  [1927].  (P.I.I.B.)  One- 
side.      10";  pamphlet;  24  pp 45 


IT    TAKES     TRIBULATION     TO     MAKE     A 
[1925].      (P.I.I.B.)      One-side.     10";  1   vol;  61   pp 95 

WORDS.      [1927].       (P.I.I.B.)      One-side.      10";    pamphlet; 

18   pp 35 

*McCONKEY,    REV.    JAMES    H.,    SERMONS    AND    PRAYERS    OF. 
Silver  Publishing  Society.      (B.C.L.)  : 
Beauty  for  Ashes. 
Believing  is  Seeing. 
Blessed  Hope. 
Blessing  of    Doing,    The. 
Book  of  Revelation,  The. 
Dedicated    Life.   The. 
Eternal   Life,   The. 

Father's    House,    The. 
Fifth    Sparrow,    The. 
Fragments  of  the  Word. 
Give   God   a   Chance. 
God's    lewel-Case. 
God-Planned   Life,   The. 

Highway   of   Guidance,   The. 
Holy  Ground. 
If  We   Neglect. 

*Write  to  Rev.   McConkey,    1013   Bessemer   Building,   Pittsburgh,   Pennsyl- 
vania,  if  you  wish  to  order  any  of  the  above  titles. 



*ln  and  Out. 
Jacob's    Struggle. 
Lame  Feet. 
Law   and   Grace. 
Ministry  of  Suffering,  The. 
New  Commandment,  The. 
Prayer     (Large    Edition). 
Prayer    (Small   Edition). 
Spirit-Filled   Life,   The. 
Sure   Shepherd,   The. 
Surrendered   Life,  The. 

Three-Fold  Secret  of  the   Holy  Spirit,  The. 
Way  of  Victory,   The. 
Word,  The:  How  to  Study  It — How  to  Teach   It. 

MAN  OF  GALILEE,  THE — A  New  Enquiry.  George  Reuben  Wend- 
ling.  Olcott  Publishing  Co.,  1907.  [1927].  (H.M.C.) 
Interpoint.      Adult.      1    vol ;    1 32   pp 

OUR  WONDERFUL  CHURCH.  Gertrude  Hollis.      [1927].     (P.E.C.) 

Interpoint.      1    vol ;   115  pp 1 .75 

REASON   WHY,   THE.      R.   A.    Laidlaw.      Christian    Life    Literature 

Fund.       [1928].        (C.L.L.F.)        Interpoint.       9";     pamphlet; 

95    pp 1.05 

SEEKING  LIFE  AND  OTHER  SERMONS.  Rt.  Rev.  Phillip  Brooks, 
D.  D.  E.  P.  Dutton  &  Co.,1904.  [1926].  (T.R.H.)  One- 
side.      5  vols;   582  pp 1 2.90 

STANDARD  BIBLE  STORY  READERS.      Lillie  A.   Faris: 

BOOK    I— THE    PRIMER.      Standard    Publishing    Co.,     1925. 

[1931].     Grade  1.     One-side.      I.      1    vol;  59  pp 1.85 

BOOK    II— THE    FIRST    READER.      Standard    Publishing    Co., 

1925.  [1931].    Grade  1.    One-side.     1    vol;73pp 2.15 

BOOK  III— THE  SECOND  READER.    Standard  Publishing  Co., 

1926.  [1931].     One-side.      II.      lvol;89pp 2.45 

BOOK   IV— THE   THIRD    READER.     Standard    Publishing   Co., 

1927.  [1931].      One-side.      III.      1    vol;    1  1 5   pp 3.00 

BOOK  V— THE  FOURTH   READER.    Standard   Publishing  Co., 

1928.  [1931].     Interpoint.      IV.      lvol;134pp 2.20 

BOOK   VI— THE    FIFTH    READER.     Standard    Publishing   Co., 

1929.  [1931].      Interpoint.      V.      1.   vol;  200   pp 3.00 

TALKING  WITH  GOD.  j.  J.  Kensington  (With  Introduction  by 
Very  Rev.  E.  Rousmaniere,  D.  D.,  Dean  St.  Paul's  Cathedral, 
Boston).  Morehouse  Publishing  Co.,  1918.  [1925]. 
(P.E.C.)       One-side.      Pamphlet;    50    pp. 80 

WANDERING    JEW,    THE.       Rabbi     Joseph  \ 

Krauskopf.        Bulletin     Co.        [1924]. 
(J.P.S.A.)       One-side.      Adult. 

LOYALTY     OF     THE     JEW,     THE.       Rabb' I    Bound   together     12" 

Joseph        Krauskopf.         Bulletin        Co.  /  ^^-li.,.?  ^n  ™         '         on 
[1924].     (J.P.S.A)     One-side.    Adult.  (   p 

Purvis,  D.  D.  Bulletin  Co.  [1924]. 
(J.P.S.A.)      One-side.     Adult. 

*Write  to  Rev.   McConkey,    1013    Bessemer  Building,   Pittsburgh,    Pennsyl- 
vania,  if  you  wish  to  order  any  of  the  above  titles. 



WHAT  CAN  A  MAN  BELIEVE?     Bruce  Barton.    Bobbs-Merrill  Co., 

1927.     [1930].     (A.C.)     Interpoint.    Adult.    2  vols;  320  pp. .  .    4.40 

WHAT  IS  THE  CHRISTIAN  RELIGION?     E.  L.   Parsons,   Bishop  of 

California.       Morehouse    Publishing    Co.       [1928].        (P.E.C.) 
Interpoint.     9"x9V2";   1    vol;  87  pp 2.45 


BOOK  OF  NATURE  MYTHS,  THE.  Florence  Holbrook.  Houghton 
Mifflin  Co.,  1902.  [1921].  Grade  1.  (P.I.I.B.)  One- 
side.      II-IV.      10";  2  vols;  245  pp 5.35 

AND  THE  TALE  OF  TROY.  Padraic  Colum.  Macmillan  Co., 
1918.      [1928].      One-side.      VI-VIII.      3   vols;   308  pp 8.25 

CHILD'S  BOOK  OF  MYTHS,  A.  Margaret  E.  Price.  Rand  Mc- 
Nally  &  Co.,  1924.  [1927].  Grade  1.  One-side.  Ill-V. 
1   vol;   134  pp 3.40 

GOLDEN  ACE  OF  MYTH  AND  LEGEND,  THE.  (Being  a  Revised 
and  Enlarged  Edition  of  "The  Age  of  Fable").  Thomas 
Bulfinch.  George  G.  Harrap  &  Co.,  Ltd.  [1931].  One-side. 
VI-IX.     7  vols;  950  pp 24.15 

J.  Cooke.  A.  Flanagan  Co.,  1920.  [1920].  One-side. 
Ill-V.      12";   1    vol;   1  1 5  pp 3.55 

NORSE    STORIES.       Hamilton    Wright    Mabie.       Roberts    Brothers, 

1882.       [1921],       (P.I.I.B.)       One-side.      V-VII.       10";     1 

vol ;    1  54   pp 3.20 

TANGLEWOOD  TALES.     Nathaniel  Hawthorne.     Thomas  Nelson  & 

Sons.      [1919].     One-side.      IV-VIII.      12";   1    vol;   128  pp.    ..    3.85 

YOUNG  FOLK'S  BOOK  OF  MYTHS,  THE.  Amy  Cruse.  Little, 
Brown  &  Co.,  1926.  [1931].  One-side.  VI-VIII.  4  vols; 
473     pp 12.35 


ADVANCED  GEOGRAPHY.  Frank  M.  McMurry  and  A.  E.  Parkins. 
Macmillan  Co.,  1921.  [1923].  One-side.  VIM.  12"; 
8   vols;    1021    pp 30.90 

ANIMALS.      Carolyn    D.    Wood.      Cinn    &    Co.,    1912.       [1920]. 

One-side.     IV-VII.      12";  2  vols;  1 97  pp 6.30 

BEYOND  THE  PASTURE  BARS.      Dallas  Lore  Sharp.      Century  Co., 

1914.      [1920].     One-side.      IV-VI.      12";   1    vol;   105  pp 3.30 

BILLY  AND  JANE:  EXPLORERS— Books  I  and  II.  James  Speed. 
D.  C.  Heath  &  Co.,  1924.  [1927].  Grade  1.  One-side. 

BOOK  1—1   vol;   143  pp 3.60 

BOOK  11—2  vols;    1  85  pp 5.10 



BIOGRAPHY  OF  A  GRIZZLY.  Ernest  Thompson  Seton.  Century 
Co.,  1900.  [1922].  One-side.  VI -VI 1 1.  12";  1  vol; 
61    pp 2.25 

gess. Little,  Brown  &  Co.,  1919.  [1920],  One-side.  IV-VI. 
12";   3   vols;   345   pp 10.70 

CREATIVE  CHEMISTRY  (Selected  Chapters  from)— DESCRIPTIVE 
TRIES. Edwin  Emory  Slosson.  Century  Co.,  1919.  [1930]. 
(C.P.S.)      One-side.     X-XII.      10";   1    vol;  85  pp 2.05 

ELEMENTARY  CHEMISTRY.  Hollis  Godfrey.  Longmans  Green 
Cr  Co.,  1909.  [1924].  One-side.  XI-XII;  Adult.  12"; 
6   vols;    696    pp 21 .50 

ELEMENTS  OF  GEOLOGY.  Eliot  Blackwelder  and  Harlan  H. 
Barrows.  American  Book  Co.,  1911.  [1925].  One-side. 
Adult.      12";  4  vols;  514  pp 15.55 

FIELD  AND  FOREST  FRIENDS.  Clarence  Hawkes.  F.  C.  Browne 
Cr  Co.,  1913.  [1920].  One-side.  VI-VIII.  12";  1  vol; 
117    pp 3.60 

FIRST  COURSE  IN  PHYSICS,  A.  Robert  A.  Millikan  and  Henry 
G.  Gale.  Ginn  &  Co.,  1906.  [1924].  One-side.  XI-XII. 
12";  7   vols;   759  pp.    23.80 

Lippincott  Co.,  1887.  [1931].  One-side.  VI 1 1 -IX.  6 
vols;  728  pp 1 8.90 

GENERAL  SCIENCE.  Otis  W.  Caldwell  and  William  L  Eicken- 
berry.  Ginn  &  Co.,  1918.  [1923].  One-side.  VII-VIII. 
12";   4  vols;   508   pp 15.40 

B.  Allen: 

ASIA:    CHINA    AND   THE    CHINESE.      Ginn    &    Co.,    1916. 

[1923].        (H.P.S.)       One-side.       V-VIII.       10";     1     vol; 

97     pp 2.25 

ASIA:  INDIA  AND  CEYLON.     Ginn  &  Co.,   1918.      [1923]. 

(H.P.S.)      One-side.     V-VIII.      10";    1    vol;  87   pp 2.05 

NEW  EUROPE,  THE.     Ginn  &  Co.,  1920.  [1922].      (CI. PS.) 

One-side.      V-VIII.      12";   4  vols;   476   pp 12.70 

NORTH  AMERICA.     Ginn  &  Co.,  1922.     [1930].     One-side. 

V-VIII.   5  vols;   576  pp 15.10 

1918.  [1923].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  V-VIII.  10"; 
1    vol;   69   pp 1.75 

HEALTH    AND    SAFETY.      Frances    Gulick    Jewett.      Ginn    &    Co., 

1916.      [1921].     One-side.     V-VII.      12";  2  vols;    1 84  pp. ..    6.00 

HOOF  AND  CLAW.     Charles  George  Douglas  Roberts.      Macmillan 

Co.,  1919.      [1928].     One-side.     VI-VIII.     3  vols;  345  pp. ..    9.05 

HUMAN  GEOGRAPHY.  J.  Russell  Smith.  John  C.  Winston  Co., 
1921.      [1930].      (H.P.S.)      One-side.      IV-VI: 

BOOK  I — PEOPLES  AND  COUNTRIES.     10";  7  vols;  617  pp.  .14.70 
BOOK  II — REGIONS  AND  TRADE.      10";  10  vols;  952  pp 22.20 



HUMAN  MECHANISM,  THE;  Its  Physiology  and  Hygiene  and  the 
Sanitation  of  its  Surroundings.  Theodore  Hough  and  W.  T. 
Sedgwick.  Cinn  &  Co.,  1918.  [19251.  One-side.  Adult. 
12";   8  vols;   909   pp 28.20 

KINGS    IN    EXILE.      Charles   George    Douglas    Roberts.       Macmillan 

Co.,    1910.      [1928].      One-side.      VII-VIII.      3   vols;   356   pp.   9.30 

LITTLE  BIRD  BLUE.  W.  L.  Finley  and  Irene  Finley.  Houghton 
Mifflin  Co.,  1915.  [1926].  Grade  1.  One-side.  I-IV. 
6";   pamphlet;    56   pp 90 

MAN  AND  THE  STARS.  Harlan  True  Stetson.  McGraw-Hill 
Book  Co.,  1930.  [1931].  One-side.  Adult.  3  vols; 
365    pp , 9.45 

[1924].  (Ch.P.S.)  One-side.  Adult.  10";  pamphlet; 
28   pp 40 

MICROBE    HUNTERS.       Paul    deKruif.       Harcourt,     Brace    &    Co., 

1926.      [1929].      Interpoint.      IX-X;  Adult.     3  vols;  764  pp.  .  10.95 

MYSTERIOUS  UNIVERSE,  THE.     Sir  James  Jeans.     Macmillan  Co., 

1930.       [1931].      One-side.      Adult.      2    vols;    255    pp 6.55 

NATURE    STUDY.       John     Bradford    Craig.       Maclndor    Publishing 
Co.,    1920: 

BOOK  I — [1930].       (C.P.S.)      One-side.      111.      10";   2  vols; 

1 23     pp 3.30 

BOOK  II — [1930].      (C.P.S.)      One-side.      IV.      10";  2  vols; 

1 32    pp 3.45 

BOOK  III— [1930].      (C.P.S.)      One-side.     V.      10";  2  vols; 

157    pp 3.85 

NEW  BIOLOGY.  W.  M.  Smallwood,  Ida  L.  Reveley  and  Guy  A. 
Bailey.  Allyn  &  Bacon,  1924.  [1929].  One-side.  XI -XI  I; 
Adult.    11    vols;    1384    pp 35.65 

NEW  GEOGRAPHIES — First  Book.  Ralph  S.  Tarr  and  Frank  M. 
McMurry.  Macmillan  Co.,  1920.  [1924].  One-side. 
IV-VI.      12";   6  vols;   589   pp 18.95 

NEW  PHYSICAL  GEOGRAPHY  (Revised  Edition).  Ralph  S.  Tarr 
and  O.  D.  VonEnglen.  Macmillan  Co.,  1926.  [1929].  One- 
side.      IX-X.      1  0   vols;    1  254    pp 32.35 

OUR  ANIMAL  FRIENDS  AND  FOES.  William  Atherton  DuPuy. 
(Introduction  by  E.  W.  Nelson).  John  C.  Winston  Co., 
1925.      [1930].     One-side.     VI-VIII.     4  vols;  456  pp 12.00 

OUTLINE  OF  SCIENCE,  THE.  James  A.  Thomson.  G.  P.  Put- 
nam's Sons,  1922.  [1925].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Adult. 
12";    13   vols;    1796  pp ' 46.30 

Hygiene  Series").  Francis  Gulick  Jewett.  Cinn  &  Co., 
1916.      [1922].     One-side.     VI-VIII.      1  2";  3  vols;  375  pp.  .  1 1.40 

PRACTICAL  BOTANY.  Joseph  Y.  Bergen  and  Otis  W.  Caldwell. 
Ginn    &    Co.,    1911.       [1927].      One-side.      XI-XII;     Adult. 

7    vols;    861     pp.    . 22.30 



SCIENCE  REMAKING  THE  WORLD.  Otis  W.  Caldwell  and  Edwin 
Emory  Slosson.  Garden  City  Publishing  Co.,  1923.  [1931]. 
One-side.      Vlll-X.      4   vols;    509    pp 13.10 

SHAGGYCOAT.      Clarence    Hawkes.       George    W.    Jacobs    &    Co., 

1906.      [1921].      One-side.      V-VII.      12";    1    vol;    142   pp...    4.20 

TRAINING  OF  WILD  ANIMALS,  THE.  Frank  C.  Bostock.  Cen- 
tury Co.,  1903.  [1928].  One-side.  V-VII  I.  2  vols; 
218     pp 5.80 

WILD  ANIMALS  I  HAVE  KNOWN.  Ernest  Thompson  Seton. 
Crosset  &  Dunlap,  1  895.  [1921].  One-side.  V-VII  I.  12"; 
2   vols;   222   pp 6.90 

WILD   FOLK.      Samuel   Scoville,    jr.      Little,    Brown    &   Co.,    1922. 

[1928].      One-side.      VII-VIII.      2   vols;   287    pp 7.25 


ALGEBRA,  FIRST  YEAR.  Webster  Wells  and  Walter  W.  Hart. 
D.  C.  Heath  Cr  Co.,  1912.  [1924].  (Ch.P.S.)  One-side. 
IX.      10";    11    vols;   660  pp 17.80 

ALGEBRA,  A  SECOND  BOOK  IN  (Enlarged  Edition).  Fletcher 
Durell     and     E.     E.     Arnold.       Charles    E.    Merrill    Co.,    1926. 

[1930].      One-side.      X-XII.      8    vols;    962    pp 30.00 

APPLIED    ARITHMETIC.      Oliver    S.    Smith.       Lyons    &    Carnahan, 

1918.      [1926].      One-side.      IV-V.      12";   6  vols;   728   pp... 22.25 

C.    Brown    and    Albert    C.    Eldridge.       Row,    Peterson    &    Co., 

1925.      [1930].       (C.P.S.)       One-side.      VII-VIII. 

VII— 10";  4  vols;   345  pp 8.25 

VIM — 10";   4  vols;   377   pp 8.80 

CHILD'S  BOOK  OF  NUMBERS,  A.  John  C.  Stone.  Benjamin  H. 
Sanborn  &  Co.,  1924.  [1928].  Grade  1..  One-side.  I -II. 
2  vols;    1 57   pp 4.50 

ESSENTIALS    OF    ARITHMETIC.      George    Wentworth    and    David 
PRIMARY  BOOK.    Ginn  &  Co.,  1914.    [1919].    Vol.   I,  Grade 

1;    Vols.    Il-V,    Grade    1  Vi.       (P.I.I.B.)       One-side.       III- 

IV.      10";   5  vols;  467   pp 10.95 

INTERMEDIATE    BOOK.       Ginn     &     Co.,     1915.        [1921]. 

(P.I.I.B.)      One-side.    V-VI.     10";  4  vols;  545  pp 11.65 

ADVANCED  BOOK.     Ginn  &  Co.,   1915.      [1922].    (P.I.I.B.) 

One-side.     VII-VIII.      12";  4  vols;  371    pp 10.60 

MODERN     ARITHMETIC      (With     Monroe's     Standarized     Tests). 

Bruce  M.  Watson  and  Charles  E.  White.      D.  C.  Heath  &  Co., 

1922.      [1928]. 

PRIMARY  BOOK.    Vol.   I,  Grade   1;  Vols.    11 -V,  Grade   P/2. 

One-side.      III-IV.      5   vols;   529   pp 14.10 

INTERMEDIATE  BOOK.    One-side.    V-VI.    5  vols;  567  pp 14.90 

PLANE  GEOMETRY.  George  Wentworth  and  David  Smith.  Ginn 
fir  Co.,  1913.  [1924].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  X-XI.  10"; 
8  vols;  620  pp 1 5,35 



ACE.  William  Lewis  Nida.  A.  Flanagan  Co.,  1918.  [1931]. 
One-side.      I V-V.      1    vol ;    1 39   pp 3.50 

ABDALLAH  AND  THE  DONKEY  (A  Tale  of  Woe  and  Joy  for 
Children  From  Eight  to  Eighty  Years).  Baroness  Dombrowski 
(KOS,  Pseud).  Macmillan  Co.,  1928-1930.  [1930].  Grade 
1 .      One-side.      IV-VI.      2   vols;    1  69   pp 4.75 

ADAM    BEDE.      George    Eliot.      Thomas    Y.    Crowell    Co.     [1929]. 

One-side.      Adult.      9  vols;    1251    pp 31.65 

ADVENTURES  OF  BILLY  TOPSAIL,  THE.  Norman  Duncan.  Flem- 
ing H.   Revell  Co.,   1916.      [1928].       (H.P.S.)       V-VIII. 

PART  I — 10";  2  vols;   1  99  pp 4.60 

PART  11—10";  2  vols;  1  93  pp 4.50 

ADVENTURES  OF  A  BROWNIE,  THE.  Mrs.  Dina  Maria  (Mulock) 
Craik.  Harper  &  Bros.  [1928].  Grade  1.  One-side.  Ill-V. 
1    vol ;   1 43  pp 3.60 

Comrade).  Samuel  L.  Clemens  (Mark  Twain).  Harper  & 
Bros.,  1912.      [1927].     One-side.     VII-IX.     5  vols;  634  pp.  .  16.30 

ADVENTURES  OF  JOHNNY  T.  BEAR,  THE.  Margaret  j.  McElroy. 
E.  P.  Dutton  fir  Co.,  1926.  [1931].  Grade  1.  One-side. 
I-II.      1    vol;   73   pp 2.15 

ADVENTURES    OF    TOM    SAWYER,    THE.       Samuel     L.     Clemens 

(Mark    Twain).       Harper    &    Bros.,    1917.       [1927].      One- 
side.     VII-IX.     4  vols;  452  pp 11.90 


Thomas    Bulfinch.       Lothrop,    Lee    fir    Shepard    Co.      [1929]. 
One-side.      VII-IX.     7   vols;   832   pp 21.65 

ACE  OF  INNOCENCE,  THE.  Edith  Wharton.  Henry  Holt  &  Co., 
1915.  [1922].  (A.L.A.)  One-side.  Adult.  12";  4  vols; 
463     pp 12.45 

ALICE'S  ADVENTURES  IN  WONDERLAND.  Lewis  Carroll.  Macrae- 
Smith  Co.      [1926].      One-side.      IV-VI.      2  vols;    176  pp 4.90 

ANCIENT  HIGHWAY,  THE.  James  Oliver  Curwood.  Cosmospoli- 
tan  Book  Corporation,  1925.  [1926].  (U.S.V.B.)  One- 
side.     Adult.     5  vols;  592  pp 13.05 

ANDERSEN'S  FAIRY  TALES.      Hans  Christian  Andersen.      Macrae- 

Smith  Co.      [1928].     One-side.      II-VI.     7  vols;  733  pp 19.60 

ANIMAL  STORIES.  Selected  Authors.  [1928].  (H.P.S.)  One- 
side.      II-VI.      10";  2  vols;    1 96  pp 4.55 

ANNE  OF  GREEN  GABLES.    Lucy  Maud  Montgomery.     L.  C.   Page 

fir  Co.,  1908.    [1928].    One-side.    VI I -VI 1 1.  5  vols;  629  pp...  16.20 



ARABIAN  NIGHTS,  THE.  Padraic  Column  (Edited  and  Selected 
by).  Macmiilan  Co.,  1923.  [1928].  One-side.  V-VI. 
4   vols;    534   pp 1 3.60 

ARLO.     Bertha    B.   and   Ernest  Cobb.    G.    P.   Putnam's   Sons,    1915. 

[1931].     One-side.      II-IV.      2  vols;    175   pp 4.85 

ARROW  OF  GOLD,  THE.  Joseph  Conrad.  Doubleday,  Page  & 
Co.,  1919.  [1927].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  Adult.  10"; 
7  vols;  659  pp 1 5.40 

AS  IT  WAS  IN  THE  BEGINNING.  Arthur  Train.  Macmiilan  Co., 
1921.  [1922].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  Adult.  10";  2 
vols;    1  66  pp 4.00 

AS   THE   CROW   FLIES.      Cornelia    Meigs.      Macmiilan    Co.,    1927. 

[1930].      One-side.      VI-IX.      4   vols;    457    pp 12.00 

AT  THE  BACK  OF  THE  NORTH  WIND.  George  Macdonald. 
Macmiilan  Co.,  1924.  [1924].  One-side.  IV-VI.  4  vols; 
537     pp 13.65 

AUTUMN  CROCUSES.  Anne  Douglas  Sedgwick.  Atlantic  Monthly 
Co.,  1919.  [1920].  (A.L.A.)  One-side.  Adult.  12"; 
1    vol ;   62   pp 2.05 

BABY  ELEPHANT  AND  THE  ZOO  MAN.  C.  E.  Kilbourne.  Penn 
Publishing  Co.,  1915.  [1919]  Grade  1 .  (P.I.I.B.)  One- 
side.      I-II.      6";   pamphlet;    25    pp 40 

BABY  KANGAROO  AND  LILLY  LAMB.  C.  E.  Kilbourne.  Penn 
Publishing  Co.,  1915.  [1919].  Grade  1 .  (P.I.I.B)  One- 
side.      I-II.      6";  pamphlet;   32  pp 50 

Penn  Publishing  Co.,  1915.  [1919].  Grade  1.  (P.I.I.B) 
One-side.      I-II.     6";   pamphlet;    19   pp 30 

BABY  MONKEY  AND  THE  WILY  WOLF.  C.  E.  Kilbourne.  Penn 
Publishing  Co.,  1915.  [1919].  Grade  1 .  (P.I.I.B.)  One- 
side.      I-II.      6";   pamphlet;   34   pp 50 

BABY  OSTRICH  AND  MR.  WISE  OWL.  C.  E.  Kilbourne.  Penn 
Publishing  Co.,  1915.  [1919].  Grade  1 .  (P.I.I.B.)  One- 
side.      I-II.    6";    pamphlet;    33    pp 50 

BACK   OF    BEYOND.      Stewart    E.    White.      Curtis    Publishing    Co. 

[1927].         (P.I.I.B.)        One-side.        Adult.        12";     4     vols; 

464    pp 1 2.50 

BARNABY    LEE.      John    Bennett.      Century    Co.,    1902.       [1928]. 

One-side.      VI-VIII.      5    vols;    579    pp 15.15 

BAR  SINISTER,  THE.  Richard  Harding  Davis.  Charles  Scrib- 
ner's  Sons,  1916.  [1923].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  Vll-X- 
Adult.      10";   1    vol ;  74  pp 1 .85 

BEARS  OF    BLUE   RIVER,   THE.      Charles    Major.      Macmiilan    Co., 

1901.      [1927].     One-side.      Ill-V.      2  vols;  247   pp 6.40 

BEGGARS'  GOLD.     Ernest  Poole.     Macmiilan  Co.,   1921.      [1924] 

(U.S.V.B.)      One-side.     Adult.      12";   2  vols;   224   pp '.  .    6.10 

BELLAMY  TRIAL,  THE.      Frances  Noyes  Hart.      Doubleday,   Doran 
'         &  Co.,  1927.      [1930].     One-side.     Adult.     5  vols;  71  1   pp. ..  17.95 

\  Bound 
iry  / 


BELLED  BUZZARD,  THE  (from  "The  Escape  of  Mr.  Trimm"). 
Irivin  S.  Cobb.  George  H.  Doran  Co.,  1913.  [1924]. 
(U.S.V.B.)      One-side.     Adult.      12";  pamphlet;  26  pp 50 

BENEFITS  FORGOT  (A  Story  of  Lincoln 
and  Mother  Love).  Honore  Willsie 
Morrow.  Frederick  A.  Stokes  Co., 
1917.      [1930].      (H.P.S.)      One-side.    V  Bound   together.    10". 

SCAR  THAT  TRIPLED/THE      (A  True  Story  (  ]    vol;    104   pp 2*35 

of  the  Great  War).  William  C.  Shep- 
herd. Harper  &  Bros.,  1917.  [1930]. 
(H.P.S.)       One-side. 

BEN  HUR,  A  TALE  OF  THE  CHRIST.  Lew  Wallace.  Harper  fir 
Bros.,  1922.  [1925].  One-side.  VI I -X;  Adult.  12"; 
7  vols;  899  pp 27.15 

BENT  TWIG,  THE.  Dorothy  (Canfield)  Fisher.  Grosser  &  Dun- 
lapp,  1915.  [1927].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  Adult.  10"; 
10   vols;    1050    pp 23.85 

BEYOND  THE  PASTURE  BARS.      Dallas  Lore  Sharp.      Century  Co., 

1914.      [1920].     One-side.      IV-VI.      12";   1    vol;   105  pp 3.30 

BIRDS'  CHRISTMAS  CAROL,  THE.  Kate  Douglas  Wiggin.  Hough- 
ton Mifflin  Co.,  1916.  [1921].  One-side.  III-VI.  12"; 
1    vol ;    59   pp 2.20 

BLACK  BEAUTY.     Anna  Sewell.  George  W.  Jacobs  &  Co.   [1923]. 

One-side.      III-VI.      12";  2  vols;   245   pp 7.50 

BLACK  CAMEL,  THE.  Earl  Derr  Biggers.  Bobbs-Merrill  Co., 
1929.  [1931].  (A.F.B.)  Interpoint.  Adult.  2  vols; 
479     pp 5.00 

BLADES.      Ceorge   Barr   McCutcheon.      Dodd,    Mead   &   Co.,    1928. 

[1930],      One-side.      Adult.      5  vols;   679  pp 17.25 

BLAZED  TRAIL,  THE.  Stewart  E.  White.  Doubleday,  Page  & 
Co.,  1902.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  VII-IX.  12"; 
4  vols;  502  pp 1 3.25 

BLIND  MAN'S  EYES,  THE.  William  MacHarg  and  Edwin  Balmer. 
A.  L.  Burt  Co.,  1916.  [1927].  One-side.  X;  Adult.  10"; 
6   vols:    622    pp 14.15 

BLUE     CIRCLE,     THE.        Elizabeth     Jordan.      Century    Co.,     1922. 

[1930]      One-side.      Adult.      3    vols;    460   pp 11.45 

BLUE  STREAK,  THE.  Jack  Hines.  Ceorge  \ 
H.  Doran  Co.,  1917.  [1919].  (A.L.  ) 
A.)      One-side.     Adult.  I     >ound   together.    12"; 

ONE     MAN     DOG,      THE.        Jack      Hines.  (   Jamphlet;   44   pp'    ■•      '80 
Ceorge   H.    Doran   Co.,    1917.    [19I9J.    I 
(A.L.A.)       One-side.      Adult.  ' 

BLUEBONNET  BEND.     Augusta  Huiell  Seaman.  Century  Co.,   1925. 

[1926].      One-side.      VII-IX.      2   vols;    255    pp 6.55 

BOB,    SON    OF    BATTLE.      Alfred    Ollivant.       Doubleday,    Page    & 

Co.,  1898.  [1929].  One-side.  Vlll-X.  4  vols;  494  pp. ..  12.75 
BOGA— THE    ELEPHANT.      Baroness    Dombrowski     (KOS.,    Pseud.) 

Macmillan     Co.,     1928.        [1930].       Grade     1.  One-side. 

Ill-V.      2    vols;    138    pp 4.10 



BOJABI  TREE,  THE.  Edith  Rickert.  Doubleday,  Page  &  Co., 
1923.  [1928].  Grade  1.  One-side.  I -I  If.  6";  pamphlet; 
40   pp 65 

BOOK  OF  FABLES  AND  FOLK  STORIES,  THE.  Horace  E.  Scudder, 
Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,  1919.  [1920].  One-side.  II-IV. 
12";     1     vol :     135    pp 4.05 

BOOK  OF  NURSERY  RHYMES,  A.  Charles  Welch.  D.  C.  Heath 
&  Co.,  1901.  [1920].  Grade  1.  One-side.  I-II.  6"; 
2   vols;    233    pp 5.45 

BORROWED  MONTH,  A.  Frank  R.  Stockton.  Charles  Scribner's 
Sons,  1894.  [1919].  (P.I. LB.)  One-side.  IX-X;  Adult. 
7";    1    vol;    108  pp 2.10 

BOSS  OF  THE  LAZY  Y,  THE.  Charles  Alden  Seltzer.  A.  C.  Mc- 
Clurg  Co.,  1915.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Adult. 
12";   2   vols;   297   pp 7.55 

BOY  SCOUTS  AND  OTHER  STORIES,  THE.  Richard  Harding  Davis. 
Charles  Scribner's  Sons,  1917.  [1923].  One-side.  V-VIII. 
12";  2   vols:    191    pp 6.20 

BOYS  OF  OTHER  COUNTRIES.  Bayard  Taylor.  G.  P.  Putnam's 
Sons,  1912.  [1920].  One-side.  IV-VI.  12";  2  vols; 
170   pp 5.70 

BRIDGE  OF  SAN  LUIS  REY,  THE.  Thornton  Wilder.  Albert  and 
Charles  Boni,  Inc.,  1927.  [1928].  (H.P.S.)  One-side. 
X;    Adult.     2  vols;  1  86  pp 4.35 

BROTHER    SAUL.      Donn    Byrne.      Century    Co.,    1927.       [1931]. 

One-side.     Adult.     6  vols;  772  pp 19.80 

BRUSHWOOD  BOY,  THE.  Rudyard  Kipling.  Doubleday,  Page  & 
Co.,  1907.  [1921].  (A.L.A.)  One-side.  Adult.  12"; 
pamphlet;     56     pp 1 .00 

BURIAL  OF  THE  GUNS,  THE.  Thomas  Nelson  Page.  Charles  Scrib- 
ner's Sons,  1894.  [1919].  (A.L.A.)  One-side.  Adult. 
12";   pamphlet;   43    pp 80 

BURIED  ALIVE.      Arnold    Bennett.      George    H.    Doran    Co.,    1923. 

[1927].      (H.P.S.)      One-side.     X;    Adult.    4  vols;  388  pp..  .    9.00 

CALEB  WEST,  MASTER  DIVER.  F.  Hopkinson  Smith.  Houghton 
Mifflin  Co.,  1898.  [1922].  (A.L.A.)  One-side.  VII- 
VIII.      12";  3  vols;  382  pp 10.05 

CALL  OF  THE  OFFSHORE  WIND,  THE.  Ralph  Delahaye  Paine. 
Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,  1918.  [1929].  One-side.  VMI-X. 
5  vols;  558  pp 14.70 

CANTERVILLE  GHOST,  THE.  Oscar  Wilde.  G.  P.  Putnam's 
Sons,  1921.  [1924].  v  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  Adult.  10"; 
1     vol ;    68    pp 1 .75 

Faulkner  and  Others.  [1922].  Grade  1.  (H.P.S.)  One- 
side.      IV-X.      10";   1    vol;  90  pp 2.15 

CAPTAIN  BLOOD.     Rafael  Sabatini.      Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,  1922. 

[1925].       (U.S.V.B.)       One-side.      X;     Adult.       12";   4   vols; 

513     pp 13.45 



"CAPTAINS  COURAGEOUS".      Rudyard  Kipling.      Doubleday,  Page 

&  Co.,  1897.      [1929].     One-side.   VI-IX.      3  vols;  342  pp...    9.00 

Leo  Nikolaevich  Tolstoi.  Hall  &  Locke  J 
Co.,  1902.  [1924].  (H.P.S.)  One-  I 
side.     Adult.  \  Bound   together.    10"; 

WHERE   LOVE    IS,   THERE   COD   IS   ALSO.  (]    vol;   98   pp  2'25 

Count  Leo  Nikolaevich  Tolstoi.  Mac-  1 
millan  Co.,  1922.  [1924].  (H.P.S.)  1 
One-side.     Adult.  / 

CAROLINIAN,     THE.      Rafael     Sabatini.       Houghton     Mifflin    Co., 

1925.      [1926].     One-side.     X;    Adult.      7  vols;  823  pp 21.50 


Frank  R.  Stockton.     Century  Co.,   1 898.      [1923].      (A.L.A.) 
One-side.      VII-IX.      12";   2   vols;   251    pp 6.60 

CHANGELING,  THE.     Donn  Byrne.     Century  Co.,   1 923.      [1925]. 

(H.P.S.)      One-side.     Adult.      10";    1    vol;  95   pp 2.20 

CHANCING   ROAD,   THE.      Harold    MacCrath.      Doubleday,    Doran 

&  Co.,  1927.      [1930].     One-side.     Adult.     3  vols;  376  pp. .  .    9.70 

CHARLIE  AND  HIS  COAST  GUARDS.  Helen  Hill  and  Violet  Max- 
well. Macmillan  Co.,  1925.  [1931].  Grade  1.  One-side. 
II-IV.      2   vols;    170   pp 4.75 

CHARLIE  AND  HIS  FRIENDS.  Helen  Hill  and  Violet  Maxwell. 
Macmillan  Co.,  1927.  [1931].  Grade  1.  One-side.  I-IV. 
2   vols;    1 70    pp 4.75 

CHARLIE  AND  HIS  KITTEN  TOPSY.  Helen  Hill  and  Violet  Max- 
well. Macmillan  Co.,  1922.  [1927].  Grade  1.  One-side. 
I-V.      1    vol;   92   pp 2.55 

CHARLIE  AND  HIS  PUPPY  BINGO.  Helen  Hill  and  Violet  Max- 
well. Macmillan  Co.,  1923.  [1931].  Grade  1.  One- 
side.      I-III.      1    vol;    140   pp 3.55 

CHARLIE  AND  THE  SURPRISE  HOUSE.  Helen  Hill  and  Violet  Max- 
well. Macmillan  Co.,  1926.  [1931].  Grade  1.  One-side. 
III-IV.      2    vols;    204    pp 5.50 

Authors.  [1922].  Grade  1.  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  VI- 
VIII.      10";    1    vol;   92   pp 2.15 

CHILD  HEALTH  ALPHABET.  Mrs.  Frederick  Peterson.  Child 
Health  Organization  of  America,  1918.  [1921].  Grade  1. 
One-side.      I l-lll.      6";  pamphlet;  25  pp 45 

CHILDREN  OF  DICKENS,  THE.  S.  McChord  Crothers.  Charles 
Scribner's  Sons,  1925.  [1928].  One-side.  VI-VIII.  2 
vols;     304     pp 7.60 

CHINESE    COAT,    THE.      Jennette    Lee.       Charles    Scribner's    Sons, 

1920.      [1930].      One-side.      Adult.      2   vols;    1 59   pp 4.55 

CHO-CHO  AND  THE  HEALTH  FAIRY  (Six  Stories).  Eleanor 
Glendower   Griffith.      Child    Health    Organization    of    America, 

1919.       [1921].       Grade     1.       One-side.       III-IV.       6";     1 

vol ;    82    pp 2.05 



CHRIST    LEGENDS.      Selma    Lagerlof.      Henry    Holt    &    Co.,    1908. 

[1926].       (H.P.S.)      One-side.      10";   3   vols;   311    pp 7.10 

CHRISTMAS  CAROL,  A.    Charles  Dickens.  A.  L.  Burt  Co.   [1921]. 

One-side.     VII-IX.      12";    1    vol;    1 29  pp 3.90 

CHRISTMAS  LEGENDS  AND  STORIES.  Selected  Authors.     [1924]. 

(H.P.S.)       One-side.      IV-VII.       10";    1    vol;    84    pp 2.00 

Wilkins.  [1924].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  IV-VI.  10";  1 
vol;   91    pp 2.15 

CHRISTMAS  STORIES  (from  "Twenty-four  Unusual  Stories  for 
Boys  and  Girls").  Anna  Coggswell  Tyler.  (Arranged  and 
told  by).  Harcourt,  Bruce  &  Co.,  1921.  [1930].  (J.W.C. 
of  A.,    N.J.)       Interpoint.      V-VIII.      1    vol;   68   pp 1.25 

CIRCULAR  STAIRCASE,  THE.  Mary  Roberts  Rhinehart.  Grosser 
&  Dunlap,  1908.  [1925].  (D.W.L.B.)  One-side.  Adult. 
4  vols;  435  pp 9.80 

Adelborg.  (Translated  by  Ada  Wallace).  Longmans,  Green 
&  Co.  [1923].  Grade  1.  One-side.  I-II.  6";  pamphlet; 
12   pp ' 25 

CLEOPATRA.     H.  Rider  Haggard.  Longmans,  Green  &  Co.   [1924]. 

(U.S.V.B.)       One-side.      Adult.       12";    3    vols;    430    pp 11.00 

CLOISTER  AND  THE  HEARTH,  THE.  Charles  Reade.  Oxford 
University  Press.  [1927].  One-side.  Vlll-X;  Adult.  13 
vols;    1748    pp 44.50 

Lefevere  (Retold  by).  Macrae-Smith  Co.  [1928].  Grade  1. 
One-side.      I-IV.      6";  pamphlet;  22  pp 40 

Authors.  Century  Co.,  1905.  [1920].  One-side.  V-VIII. 
12";   1    vol ;   1  40  pp 4.1 5 

CONN  OF  THE  CORAL  SEAS.  Beatrice  Grimshaw.  Macmillan  Co., 
1922.  [1924].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  Adult.  10";  7 
vols;     620    pp 14.75 

uel    L.    Clemens     (Mark    Twain).       Harper    &    Bros.,     1917. 

[1925].        (U.S.V.B.)        One-side.        IX-X.        12";     4     vols; 

494     pp 13.10 

CONQUEROR,  THE.  Gertrude  Atherton.  Frederick  A.  Stokes 
Co.,  1916.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Adult.  12"; 
6   vols;    862    pp 22.05 

CONQUEST  OF  CANAAN,  THE.  Booth  Tarkington.  Harper  & 
Bros.,  1905.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Adult.  12"; 
3    vols;    368    pp 9.75 

COSY-TIME     TALES.      Natalie    Joan.        Thomas     Nelson     &     Sons. 

[1928].      Grade    1.      One-side.      I l-IV.      1    vol;   78   pp 2.25 

COURAGE  OF  THE  COMMONPLACE,  THE.  Mary  Raymond  Ship- 
man  Andrews.  Charles  Scribner's  Sons,  1911.  [1920]. 
Grade  1.      (H.P.S.)      One-side.     Vlll-X.      1 0";   1    vol;  68  pp. .  .    1.75 



COVERED  WAGON,  THE.  Emerson  Hough.  Curtis  Publishing 
Co.,  1922.  [1924].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  Vll-X;  Adult. 
10";    6    vols;    568    pp 13.25 

CRANFORD.     Mrs.  Elizabeth  C.  Caskell.     A.  L.  Burt  Co.      [1927]. 

One-side.      IX-X;  Adult.     4  vols;  449  pp 1 1.80 

CRIMSON  SWEATER,  THE.      Ralph   Henry  Barbour.      Century  Co., 

1906.      [1928].      One-side.      VI-VIII.     4   vols;    467    pp 12.20 

CRISIS,  THE.     Winston  Churchill.     Macmiilan  Co.,   1901.   [1927]. 

One-side.      Adult.      9  vols;    1083    pp 28.15 

CROSSING,    THE.       Winston    Churchill.       Macmiilan     Co.,     1904. 

[1927].     One-side.     Adult.      10  vols;   1 288  pp 33.05 

CUCKOO  CLOCK,  THE.  Mrs.  Mary  Louisa  (Stewart)  Molesworth. 
Macmiilan  Co.,  1893.  [1926].  One-side.  IV-VI.  2 
vols;  238  pp 6.20 

CUTTERS,  THE.    Bess  Streeter  Aldrich.  D.  Appleton  &  Co.,   1926. 

[1929].      One-side.      Adult.      3   vols;   301    pp 8.10 

DARK  FRIGATE,  THE.      Charles   Boardman    Hawes.      Little,    Brown 

&  Co.,  1923.      [1927].     One-side.     VII-IX.      3  vols;  41 4  pp.  10.50 

DAVID  COPPERFIELD.  Charles  Dickens.  Scott,  Foresman  & 
Co.,  1919.  [1924].  One-side.  VII-IX.  12";  11  vols; 
1624   pp 47.80 

DAVID   HARUM.     Edward    Noyes   Westcott.     D.   Appleton    &   Co., 

1898.      [1925].      One-side.      IX-X.      12";   4  vols;   473   pp...  14.55 

DAY  WITH  FATHER,  A.  Francis  Ellington  Leupp.  Charles  Scrib- 
ner's  Sons,  1914.  [1919].  (A.L.A.)  One-side.  IX-X. 
6" ;    1    vol ;    92   pp 1.85 

DEAR    ENEMY.      Jean    Webster.      Century    Co.,    1915.       [1920]. 

Grade  1.      (H.P.S.)      One-side.     Vll-X.      1 0";  6  vols;  41  9  pp.  10.70 

DEBT,    THE.       Edith    Wharton.       Charles    Scribner's    Sons,     1910. 

[1920].        (A.L.A.)        One-side.        Adult.        6";     pamphlet; 

54    pp 75 


Edgar  Allen    Poe.     Century   Co.,    1901. 

[1919].      (A.L.A.)     One-side.      IX-X; 

PURLOINED    LETTER,    THE.       Edgar    Allen  [   D  .  ,w 

Poe.      Century    Co.,     1901.       [1919].    >  *0un?   t-°fetner-    12 
(A.L.A.)       One-side.       IX-X.  /I    vol;    73    pp 2.25 

MASQUE     OF     THE     RED     DEATH,     THE.  1 

Edgar  Allen   Poe.     Century   Co.,    1901.    / 

[1919].      (A.L.A.)      One-side.     IX-X;  7 

DIAMONDS  AND   DIAMONDS.      Robert    Kerr    Kennedy.       [1920]. 

(A.L.A.)      One-side.     Adult.     6";  pamphlet;  36  pp 55 

DOCAS,  THE  INDIAN   BOY  OF  SANTA   CLARA.      Cenevra   Sisson 

Snedden.      D.   C.    Heath    &   Co.,    1899.       [1931].      One-side. 

Ill-V.      2   vols;    174   pp 4.85 

DR.  GANDER  OF  YOUNCLAND.  General  Bennett  H.  Young. 
Standard  Printing  Co.,  1921.  [1924].  (S.B.M.)  One-side. 
III-VI.      12";  2  vols;   1  94  pp 5.50 



DOCTOR    NYE.      Jospeh   C.    Lincoln.      D.   Appleton    &   Co.,    1923. 

[1924].        (U.S.V.B.)        One-side.       Adult.        12";     4     vols; 

515    pp 13.50 

DR.   PETE  OF  THE  SIERRAS.      Mary   Montague   Davis.      Macmillan 

Co.,   1928.      [1930].     One-side.     VI-VII.      2  vols;  284  pp...    7.15 

DOG  OF  FLANDERS,  A.  Louisa  DeLaRamee.  J.  B.  Lippincott 
Co.,  1915.  [1919].  One-side.  IV- VI  I.  12";  1  vol; 
68    pp 2.45 

DONKEY  JOHN  OF  THE  TOY  VALLEY.  Margaret  W  Morlev. 
A.  C.  McClurg  Co.,  1909.  [1927].  One-side.  IV-VI.  2 
vols;    227    pp 5.95 

DRUMS.      James   Boyd.      Charles  Scribner's  Sons,    1925.      [1927]. 

One-side.      Adult.      8    vols;    928    pp 24.30 

DUTCH  TWINS,  THE.  Lucy  Fitch  Perkins.  Houghton  Mifflin  Co., 
1911.  [1920].  Grade  1.  One-side.  II-IV.  6";  2  vols; 
229   pp 5.40 

EARLY  CANDLELIGHT  STORIES.  Stella  C.  Shetter.  Rand  McNallv 
&  Co.,  1928.  [19281.  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  I-IV.  10";  2 
vols;      1 99     pp 4.60 

NORWEGIAN  FOLK  TALES.  Mrs.  Cudrun  Thorne-Thomsen. 
Row,  Peterson  &  Co.,  1912.  [1929].  (H.P.S.)  One-side. 
Il-V.     10";  2  vols;  151   pd 3.75 

EDITH    BONHAM.      Mary   Hallock    Foote.      Houghton    Mifflin    Co., 

1917.      [1930].     One-side.     Adult.     4  vols;  505  pp 13.00 

EIGHT  COUSINS.     Louisa  M.  Alcott.      Little,  Brown  &  Co.,   1901. 

[1928].     One-side.     V-VIII.     4  vols;  445   pp 11.75 

EMIGRANTS.        johan     Bojer.        Century     Co.,      1925.        [1927]. 

(H.M.C.)      One-side.     Adult.      10";   6  vols;   634  pp 14.35 

EMMELINE.       Elsie    Singmaster.       Houghton     Mifflin     Co.,     1916. 

[1922].      (H.P.S.)      One-side.     VI-IX.      1 0";  2  vols;   127  pp.    3.35 

ENCHANTED  CANYON,  THE.  Honore  (Willsie)  Morrow.  Fred- 
erick A.  Stokes  Co.,  1921.  [1922].  (H.P.S.)  One-side. 
Adult.      10";    8   vols;   742   pp 17.40 

ENCHANTED   CHILDREN,    THE.      Vivian    T     Pomeroy        Houghton 

Mifflin    Co.,    1925.       [1926].      One-side.      Adult.       2    vols; 

154   pp 4.35 

EPIC  OF  KINGS,  THE.  (Retold  from  Firdusi's  "Shahnameh")  . 
Helen  Zimmern,  (Retold  by).  Macmillan  Co.,  1926.  [1928]. 
One-side.      VI-VIII.      4   vols;   496   pp 12.80 

ESKIMO  TWINS,  THE.  Lucy  Fitch  Perkins.  Houghton  Mifflin 
Co.,  1914.  [1928].  Grade  1.  One-side.  Il-V.  2  vols; 
1  57     pp 4.50 

EVERYBODY'S  LONESOME.  Clara  E.  Laughlin.  Fleming  H. 
Revell  Co.,  1910.  [1919].  (A.L.A.)  One-side.  Ill-V. 
12";    1    vol;   77   pp 2.35 



FACE   IN   THE   WINDOW,   THE.      William 

Dudley  Pel  ley.     Consolidated   Magazine 

Coro.,    1920.     [1924].    (H.P.S.)    One-    , 

side.      Adult.  \  Bound   together.    10" 

/  1    vol;    87    pp 2.05 

DEVIL'S    TOOLS,    THE.      Melville    Davisson  / 

Post.       D.     Appleton     fir     Co.,      1918. 

[1924].     (H.P.S.)     One-side.     Adult. 

FAINT  PERFUME.    Zona  Gale.    D.  Appleton  fir  Co.,  1923.   [1924]. 

(H.P.S.)      One-side.     Adult.      10";  3  vols;  225  pp 5.60 

FAIR  BARBARIAN,  A.  Frances  Hodgson  Burnett.  Charles  Scrib- 
ner's  Sons  [1923].  One-side.  VI I -X.  12";  2  vols; 
202     pp 6.45 

FAIR   HARBOR.      Joseph   C.    Lincoln.      D.   Appleton   &   Co.,    1922. 

[1924].        (U.S.V.B.)        One-side.       Adult.        12";     5     vols; 

574     pp 15.50 

FAIRY  STORIES  AND  FABLES.  James  Baldwin.  American  Book 
Co.,    1895.       [1919].      Grade    1.      One-side.       1 1 -IV.       12"; 

2  vols;    1 74    pp 5.75 

FAIRY  TALES.  Selected  Authors.  [1922].  (H.P.S.)  One- 
side.      I-IV.      10";   1    vol;  97  pp 2.25 

FAMOUS  MODERN  GHOST  STORIES.  Dorothy  Scarborough.  C.  P. 
Putnam's  Sons,  1921.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side. 
Adult.      12";   4   vols;   432   pp 11.85 

FANNY  HERSELF.      Edna  Ferber.      Frederick  A.  Stokes  Co.,   1917. 

[1930].      One-side.      Adult.      5  vols;   624   pp 15.50 

FIFTY  FAMOUS  STORIES  RETOLD.  James  Baldwin.  American 
Book  Co.,  1896.  [1919].  One-side.  Il-V.  12";  2  vols; 
1  66    pp 5.60 

54-40   OR    FIGHT.      Emerson    Hough.      Bobbs-Merrill    Co.,    1909. 

[1924].        (U.S.V.B.)        One-side.       Vll-X;      Adult.        12"; 

3  vols;    391     po 10.20 

FIRST    DOWN    KENTUCKY.       Ralph    Delahaye    Paine.       Houghton 

Mifflin  Co.,   1921.      [1931].      One-side.      VII-VIII.      4  vols; 

533     pp 1  3.60 

Chaplin.  Little,  Brown  &  Co.,  1887.  [1925].  One-side. 
Adult.       12";    2   vols;   253    pp 7.65 

FLAC,    THE.      Homer    Greene.      George    W.    Jacobs    &    Co.,    1917. 

[1920].      One-side.      VI-IX.      12";  2  vols;   258   pp 7.80 

FLOWING  GOLD.      Rex  Beach.      Harper  &  Bros.,    1922.      [1927]. 

(U.S.V.B.)       One-side.      Adult.      6   vols;    745    pp 16.25 

FOLK  TALES.  Selected  Authors.  [1928].  (H.P.S.)  One- 
side.      Ill-V.      10";    1    vol;    1 20   pp 2.65 

FOREVER  FREE  (A  Novel  of  Abraham  Lincoln).  Honore  (Willsie) 
Morrow.  William  Morrow  &  Co.,  1927.  [1930].  One-side. 
6   vols;    774    pp 19.85 

FORGE   IN  THE   FOREST,  THE.      Padraic   Colum.      Macmillan   Co., 

1925.       [1926].      One-side.      V-VIII.       1     vol;    87    pp 2.40 



FOUR  FEATHERS,  THE.     A.   E.  W.  Mason.    Macmillan  Co.,   1902. 

[1924].       (U.S.V.B.)       One-side.      VIII-IX.       12";     4     vols; 

459   pp 1 2.40 

1492.      Mary    Johnston.      Little,    Brown    &    Co.,    1922.       [1924]. 

(U.S.V.B.)      One-side.      IX-X.      12";  4  vols;  431    pp 11.80 

FRIENDLY  ROAD,  THE.      David  Grayson.   DoubJeday,  Doran  &  Co., 

1913.      [1930].      One-side.      Adult.      3   vols;   356   pp 9.30 

FROM  BASEBALL  TO  BOCHES.  H.  C.  Witwer.  Small,  May- 
nard  &  Co.,  1918.  [1919].  Grade  1.  (P.I.I.B.)  One- 
side.      Adult.      9";    pamphlet;    37    pp 60 

FROM   THE    LIFE.      Harvey   J.    O'Higgins.      Harper   &    Bros.,    1919. 

[1925].       (H.P.S.)      One-side.      Adult.      10";    1    vol;    112  pp..    2.50 

CALLECHER.         Richard       Harding      Davis. 

Charles  Scribner's  Sons,   1891.   [1923]. 

(H.P.S.)      One-side.     Vlll-X;    Adult.      , 

\  Bound   together.    1 0    , 
MY    DISREPUTABLE    FRIEND    MR.    RAE-   >1    vol      101    pp  2  30 

GEN.     Richard   Harding   Davis.    Charles   ' 

Scribner's       Sons,       1891.  [1923]. 

(H.P.S.)      One-side.     Vlll-X;    Adult. 

GARDEN  BEHIND  THE  MOON,  THE.  Howard  Pyle.  Charles 
Scribner's  Sons,  1923.  [1927].  One-side.  IV-V.  2  vols; 
186      pp 5.10 

GENTLE  GRAFTER,  THE.  Sidney  Porter  (O.  Henry,  Pseud). 
Doubleday,  Page  &  Co.,  1908.  [1927].  One-side.  Adult. 
2    vols;    282    pp 7.10 


Clark  Potter.      E.  P.  Dutton  &  Co.,   1923.      [1931].  Grade   1. 
One-side.      II-IV.      4  vols;    370   pp 10.15 

GIFT,  THE.      Margaret  Prescott  Montague.      Atlantic   Monthly  Co., 

1919.        [1920].         (N.Y.S.L.)        One-side.        Adult.        12"; 
pamphlet;    23    pp 50 

CILMAN  OF   REDFORD.      William   Stearns   Davis.      Macmillan   Co., 

1927.      [1931].      One-side.      Adult.      8  vols;    1027   pp 26.35 

GINGERBREAD  HOUSE,  THE.     Catherine  Mais.      Funk  &  Wagnalls 

Co.      [1926].     Grade   1.     One-side.      I-II.      2  vols;  202  pp.  .    5.45 

COAT  FEATHERS.  Ellis  Parker  Butler.  Houghton  Mifflin  Co., 
Copyright  1919  by  Ellis  Parker  Butler.  [1920].  (N.Y.S.L.) 
One-side.      Adult.      12";   pamphlet;    16  pp 40 

GOD'S  COUNTRY  AND  THE  WOMAN.  James  Oliver  Curwood. 
Doubleday,  Page  &  Co.,  1915.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B.)  One- 
side.      Adult.      12";   3   vols;   296   pp 8.30 

CO-GETTER,  THE.  Peter  B.  Kyne.  Cosmospolitan  Book  Corp., 
1921.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Adult.  12"; 
pamphlet;  53  pp 95 

COLD  BUG,  THE.     Edgar  Allen  Poe.     Century  Co.,  1901.   [1922]. 

(H.P.S.)      One-side.      VII-IX.      10";    1    vol;   89   pp 2.10 

Tappan  (Translated  from  Swedish  by)  .  Houghton  Mifflin 
Co.,  1905.  [1928].  Grade  1.  One-side.  IV-V.  2  vols; 
236     pp 6.15 



(Editor).  Lothrop,  Lee  fir  Shepherd  Co.,  1919.  [1928]. 
One-side.      IV-VII.      3   vols;   404   pp 10.30 

GOOD  SAMARITAN,  A.  Mary  Raymond  Shipman  Andrews.  A.  L. 
Burt  Co.,  1906.  [1919].  One-side.  IX-X.  12";  pamph- 
lt;    38    pp 75 

GOOD  SPORTS.  Olive  Higgins  Prouty.  Frederick  A.  Stokes  Co., 
1919.  [1920].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  Adult.  10";  1  vol; 
80    pp 1 .95 

GREAT   IMPERSONATION,   THE.      E.    Phillips  Oppenheim.      Little, 

Brown   fir  Co.,    1920.       [1920].       (N.Y.S.L.)       One-side.      X; 
Adult.      12";   3   vols;   353    pp 9.45 

GREAT  PRINCE  SHAN,  THE.  E.  Phillips  Oppenheim.  Little, 
Brown  &  Co.,  1922.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  X; 
Adult.     12";  2  vols;  294  pp 7.50 

GREAT  QUEST,  THE.  Charles  Boardman  Hawes.  Little,  Brown 
fir  Co.,  1921.  [1928].  One-side.  VII-IX.  5  vols; 
618    pp 16.00 

MOUNTAINS,  THE.  Nathaniel  Hawthorne.  Houghton 
Mifflin  Co.,  1889.  [1928].  One-side.  VI-VIII.  1  vol; 
118    pp 3.10 

GREEN    MANSIONS.      William    Henry    Hudson.      Alfred    A.    Knopf 

1916.      [1927].      One-side.      Adult.      4   vols;    509    pp 13.10 

GREEN  TIMBER  TRAILS.     William  Gerard  Chapman.  Century  Co., 

1919.      [1928].      One-side.      VII-IX.      3   vols;   284   pp 7.75 

CREYFRIAR'S  BOBBY.     Eleanor  Atkinson.      Harper  &  Bros.,   1912. 

[1928].      One-side.      VII-IX.      3    vols;    393    pp 10.05 

GRIMM'S    FAIRY    TALES.       Brothers    Grimm.       Rand    McNally    & 

Co.,  1913.      [1929].     One-side.      Ill-V.     3  vols;  436  pp 10.95 

Charles  Scribner's  Sons,  1896.  [1922].  One-side.  V-VII. 
12";    3    vols;    377    pp 11.45 

HAPPY    MOUNTAIN,    THE.      Maristan    Chapman.      Viking    Press, 

1928.      [1930],     One-side.      IX-X;    Aduit.     4  vols;  486  pp.  .  12.60 

HAPPY  PRINCE  AND  OTHER  TALES,  THE.  Oscar  Wilde.  Duck- 
worth &  Co.  [1924],  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  V-VI.  10"; 
1    vol ;    59    pp 1 .60 

HARBOR,  THE.      Ernest   Poole.      Macmillan   Co.,    1915.      [1928]. 

(H.P.S.)      One-side.     Adult.      7  vols;  695  pp 16.00 

HARI,  THE  JUNGLE  LAD.  Dhan  Gopal  Mukerji.  E.  P.  Dutton 
&  Co.,  1924.  [1925].  (LCD.)  One-side.  V-VII.  2 
vols;    1 99    pp 4.60 

HAUNTED  BOOKSHOP,  THE.  Christopher  Moreley.  Doubleday, 
Page  &  Co.,  1919.  [1920].  (N.Y.S.L.)  One-side.  Adult. 
12";   3   vols;   291    pp 8.20 

HAWKEYE,    THE.       Herbert    Quick.       Bobbs-Merrill     Co.,     1923. 

[1931].     One-side.     Adult.     7  vols;  913   pp 22.35 



HE    KNEW   LINCOLN.      Ida    M.    Tarbell.       Macmillan    Co.,    1907. 

[1920].        (A.L.A.)        One-side.       VI I -IX.       6";     pamphlet; 

58    pp 70 

HEIDI.  Johanna  Spyri.  (Translated  by  Helene  S.  White).  Thomas 
Y.  Crowell  Co.,  1913.  [1926].  One-side.  IM-VI.  6 
vols;    586    pp 1 5.90 

HEIR  OF  LINNE  AND  OTHER  STORIES,  THE.  Elizabeth  W.  Crier- 
son.  [1924].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  IV-VII.  10";  1  vol; 
68   pp 1.75 

HELEN'S     BABIES.       John     Habberton.      A.     L.    Burt     Co.,     1881. 

[1921].     One-side.      VII-VIII.      12";  2  vols;    1 84  pp 6.00 

HER   SECRET.      Will    Payne.      International    Magazine    Co.,    1920. 

[1920].       (A.L.A.)       One-side.      IX-X;    Adult.      6";    1     vol; 

72   pp 1 .55 


Charles     Kingsley.       Medici    Society,     Ltd.       [1929].       One- 
side.     IV-VI.     2  vols;  275  pp 6.95 

HEYDAY  OF  THE  BLOOD,  THE  (from  "Hillsboro  People").  Doro- 
thy (Canfield)  Fisher.  Henry  Holt  &  Co..  1915.  [1922]. 
(A.L.A.)       One-side.      Adult.      6";   pamphlet;    36   pp 55 

HIGH  FIRES.      Marjorie  B.   McClure.      Little,   Brown  &  Co.,    1924. 

[1927].      (H.P.S.)      One-side.     Adult.      1  0";  7  vols;  680  pp.  .  1  5.75 

HIS  SOUL  GOES  MARCHING  ON.  Mary  Raymond  Shipman 
Andrews  International  Magazine  Co.,  1921.  [1922]. 
(N.Y.S.L.)      One-side.     X.      12";   1    vol;  65  pp 2.10 

HOLIDAYS  IN  STORY  AND  VERSE.     Selected  Authors.      [1924]. 

(H.P.S.)      One-side.     V-VII.      10";   1    vol;  74  pp 1.85 

HONORABLE  MR.  TAWNISH,  THE.  Jeffery  Farnol.  Little. 
Brown  &  Co.,  1913.  [1920].  Grade  1.  (H.P.S.)  One- 
side.     X;  Adult.      10";  2  vols;    135  pp 3.50 

HOOF  AND  CLAW.     Charles  George  Douglas  Roberts.      Macmillan 

Co.,   1914.      [1928].     One-side.     VI-VIII.      3  vols;  345  pp..    9.05 

HOOSIER  SCHOOL  BOY,  THE.  Edward  Eggleston.  Charles  Scrib- 
ner's  Sons,  1883.  [1925].  One-side  V-VII  I.  12";  2 
vols;     1 65     pp 5.55 

HOOSIER  SCHOOLMASTER,  THE.  Edward  Eggleston.  Orange 
Judd    Publishing    Co.,    1913.       [1926].      One-side.       V-VII  I. 

3  vols;  365  pp 9.45 

HOPALONG  CASSIDY.  Clarence  Mulford.  A.  L.  Burt  Co.  Copy- 
right, 1910  by  A.  C.  McClurg  Co.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B.) 
One-side.     Adult.      12";  3  vols;  407   pp 10.55 

HOUSEHOLD  STORIES  (from  the  Collection  of  the  Brothers 
Grimm).  Jacob  Ludwig  Karl  Grimm.  (Translated  by  Lucy 
Crane).  Macmillan  Co.  [1928].  One-side.  Ill-V.  4 
vols;    509    pp 13.10 

HOUSE  OF  SEVEN  GABLES,  THE.  Nathaniel  Hawthorne.  Scott, 
Foresman  &  Co.,   1919.      [1923].     One-side.  V-VIII.      12"; 

4  vols;    510   pp 15.45 


HOW  THE  ANIMALS  CAME  TO  THE  CIRCUS.  Elizabeth  Cale. 
Rand  McNally  &  Co.,  1917.  [1926].  Grade  1.  One- 
side.      I -1 1 1.      Pamphlet;   54   pp 95 

HUGH  WYNNE.    S.  Weir  Mitchell.    Century  Co.,   1922.     [1924]. 

(U.S.V.B.)      One-side.     VII-VIII.      12";   5  vols;  624   pp 16.50 

HYPATIA.     Charles  Kingsley.     A.  L.  Burt  Co.     [1923].      (A.L.A.) 

One-side.     Adult.      12";  6  vols;  733   pp 19.45 

IF    I    WERE    KING.       Justin    McCarthy.       Harper    &    Bros.,    1918. 

[1928].        (U.S.V.B.)        One-side.       Adult.        12";     2     vols; 

237      pp 6.35 

IF  WINTER  COMES.      A.   S.   M.    Hutchison.      Copyright    1921    by 

A.  S.  M.  Hutchison.      [1922].       (H.P.S.)      One-side.      Adult. 

10";   8   vols;   758   pp 17.70 

IN  THE  DAYS  OF  THE  GIANTS.  Abbie  F.  Brown.  Houghton 
Mifflin  Co.,  1902.  [1928].  One-side.  IV-V.  2  vols; 
285   pp 7.20 

IN  THE  DAYS  OF  THE  GUILD.  Louise  Lamprey.  Frederick  A. 
Stokes  Co.,  1918.  [1928].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  IV-VIII. 
10";   2  vols;   233   pp 5.15 


"Short    Stories")        Honore    de     Balzac.       Boni    &     Liveright. 
[1924].       (U.S.V.B.).      One-side.       12";    1    vol;    71    pp 2.20 

INDIAN  DRUM,  THE.  William  MacHarg  and  Edwin  Balmer. 
Little,  Brown  &  Co.,  1917.  [1926].  One-side.  X;  Adult. 
12";   4  vols;   449   pp 13.95 

INDIAN  SUMMER  OF  A  FORSYTE  (from  "The  Forsyte  Saga"). 
John  Calsworthy.  International  Magazine  Co.,  1920.  [1927]. 
(H.P.S.)      Adult.      10";  2  vols;   122  pp 3.25 

INDIAN  WHY  STORIES.      Frank   B.   Lindeman.     Charles  Scribner's 

Sons,  1915.      [1922].     One-side.      IV-V.      12";   1    vol;    126  pp   3.80 

IRISH  TWINS,  THE.  Lucy  Fitch  Perkins.  Houghton  Mifflin  Co., 
1913.  [1928],  Grade  1.  One-side.  Ill-V.  2  vols; 
158   pp 4.50 

ISRAEL  DRAKE  AND  OTHER  STORIES.  Katharine  Mayo  and 
Harvey  J.  O'Higgins.  [1924].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  Adult. 
10";    1    vol ;    93    pp 2.20 

IVANHOE.      Sir   Walter   Scott.      Macmillan    Co.,    1900.       [1922]. 

One-side.      Vll-X.      12";   6  vols;   831    pp 24.75 

I'VE  COME  TO  STAY.  Mary  Heaton  Vorse. .    Century  Co.   [1922]. 

(H.P.S.)      One-side.      Adult.      10";   2  vols;    172  pp 4.10 

Authors.  Henry  Altemus  Co.,  1905.  [1920].  Grade  I. 
One-side.      Ill-V.     6";  2  vols;    1 60  pp 4.00 

man. Macmillan  Co.,  1910.  [1928].  One-side.  VI-VIII. 
2   vols;    254    pp 6.55 

JANE    EYRE.      Charlotte    Bronte.      E.    P.    Dutton    &   Co.      [1926]. 

One-side.     X;  Adult.     9  vols;   11  68  pp 29.90 



JAPANESE  TWINS,  THE.  Lucy  Fitch  Perkins.  Houghton  Mifflin 
Co.,  1912.  [1928].  Grade  1.  Ons-side.  Ill-V.  1 
vol ;    1 43    pp 3.60 

JATAKA   TALES.      Ellen    C.    Babbitt     (Retold    by).      Century    Co., 

1912.      [1927].      One-side.      Il-V.      1    vol;   73   pp 2.15 

JAVA    HEAD.      Joseph    Hergesheimer.       Alfred    A.     Knopf,     1918. 

[1924].        (U.S.V.B.)        One-side.       Adult.        12";     3     vols; 

297    pp 8.35 

JIM  DAVIS.     John  Masefield.      David  McKay.      [1927].  One-side. 

VII-IX.      2  vols;   275   pp 7.00 

JOHNNY  BEAR  AND  OTHER  STORIES.    Selected  Authors.   [1924]. 

(H.P.S.)      One-side.      10";   1    vol;  86  pp 2.05 

JO'S   BOYS.      Louisa    M.     Alcott.       Little,     Brown     &     Co.,     1914. 

[1928].      One-side.      V-VIII.      5   vols;   602   pp 15.65 

JOURNEY  TO  HEALTH  LAND,  A.  James  Mace  Andress  and  Annie 
Turner  Andress.  Cinn  &  Co.,  1924.  [1931].  Grade  1.  One- 
side.      Mil.     2  vols;  204  pp 5.50 

JUNGLE    BOOK,    THE.       Rudyard     Kipling.       Century    Co.,     1894. 

[1921].      One-side.      IV-VII.      1 2,r7  2  vols;   230   pp 7.10 

JUPIE  FOLLOWS  HIS  TALE.     Neely  McCoy.  Macmillan  Co.,   1928. 

[1930].      Grade    1.      One-side.      II-IV.      1    vol;   97   pp 2.65 

JUST   DAVID.      Eleanor   H.    Porter.      Houghton    Mifflin   Co.,    1916. 

[1924].        (P.I.I.B.)        One-side.       Vlll-X.        10";     3     vols; 

379     pp 8.25 

JUST   SO    STORIES.      Rudyard    Kipling.       Doubleday,    Page    &    Co., 

1912.      [1929].      One-side.      IV-VI.      2  vols;    191    pp 5.20 

KARI,   THE   ELEPHANT.      Dhan   Copal    Mukerji.      E.    P.    Dutton   & 

Co.,   1922.      [1928].      One-side.      IV-VII.      1    vol;    109   pp...    2.90 

KATRINKA.  Helen  E.  Haskell.  E.  P.  Dutton  &  Co.,   1915.   [1928]. 

One-side.      V-VIII.      3   vols;   382   pp 9.80 

KAZAN.  James  Oliver  Curwood.  Cosmospolitan  Book  Corp., 
1914.  [1926].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Adult.  3  vols; 
368   pp 8.05 

KEEPER  OF  THE  BEES,  THE.  Gene  Stratton-Porter.  Doubleday, 
Page  &  Co.,  1925.  [1927].  One-side.  Adult.  6  vols; 
815     pp 20.70 

KELLER'S    ANNA    RUTH.       Elsie    Singmaster.       Houghton     Mifflin 

Co.,    1926.      [1930].      One-side.   VI-IX.      3    vols;    378    pp....    9.75 

KENILWORTH.  Sir  Walter  Scott.  A.  L.  Burt  Co.  [1  927].  One- 
side.      Vll-X.      10  vols;    1  170   pp 30.55 

KENTUCKY  CARDINAL,  A.  (A  Story) .  James  Lane  Allen.  Mac- 
millan Co.,  1922.  [1926].  One-side  Adult.  12";  1  vol; 
91     pp 3.00 

KIDNAPPED.     Robert  Louis  Stevenson.  Macrae-Smith  Co.    [1928]. 

One-side.     VII-VIII.     4  vols;  466  pp 12.20 

KIM.      Rudyard   Kipling.      1901.      [1926].       (H.P.S.)       One-side. 

Vlll-X.      7    vols;    674    pp. 15.65 



KINDRED  OF  THE  DUST.  Peter  B.  Kyne.  Cosmospolitan  Book 
Corp.,  1920.  [1922].  (A.L.A.)  One-side.  Adult.  12"; 
4   vols;   444    pp 12.10 


Sir  Thomas  Malory.  (Edited  by  Clifton  Johnson).  Mac- 
millan  Co.,  1916.  [1930].  One-side.  VI -X.  4  vols; 
531    pp 13.55 

KING  OF  THE  GOLDEN  RIVER,  THE.  John  Ruskin.  Thomas  Y. 
Crowell  Co.  [1919].  One-side.  IV-VII.  12";  pamphlet; 
46  pp 1.00 

KINGS   IN    EXILE.      Charles   Ceorge    Douglas    Roberts.      Macmillan 

Co.,  1910.     [1928].     One-side.     VII-VIII.     3  vols;  356  pp. ..    9.30 

KING'S   WISH,   THE.      Thomas   Guthrie    Marquis.      Ryerson    Press, 

1924.      [1928].      One-side.      Vlll-X.    2   vols;   226   pp 5.95 

LAD:  A  DOG.     Albert  Payson  Terhune.    E.  P.  Dutton  &  Co.,  1919. 

[1922].     One-side.      Vll-X.      12";   3   vols;  370  pp 11.30 

LANCE  OF  KANANA,  THE,  ARDAVAN.  Henry  Williard  French 
(Translated  by).  Charles  Scribner's  Sons,  1892.  [1920]. 
Grade   1.      (H.P.S.)      One-side.     VII.      10";  3  vols;   184  pp...    4.90 

Jack  Lait.  Doubleday,  Page  &  Co.,  1 
1916.     [1920].      (A.L.A.)      One-side.   I 

Adult-  \  Bound  together.  6"; 

IT     WASN'T     HONEST,     BUT     IT     WAS  f  pamph,et;    30   pp     "      A5 
SWEET.     Jack    Lait.     Doubleday,    Page   I 
&     Co.,     1916.       [1920].       (A.L.A.)     1 
One-side.      Adult.  / 

LAST  DAYS  OF  POMPEII,  THE.  Sir  Bulwer  Lytton.  Collins  Clear 
Type  Press.  [1927].  One-side.  Vlll-X;  Adult.  8  vols; 
993    pp 25.65 

LAST  OF  THE  MOHICANS,  THE.  James  Fenimore  Cooper.  C.  P. 
Putnam's  Sons  [1925].  One-side.  VII-VIII.  12";  5  vols; 
656  pp 19.75 


Lucretia  P.  Hale.  Little,  Brown  &  Co.,  1914.  [1929]. 
One-side.      IV-VII.      2  vols;   266  pp 6.80 

LEAVENWORTH  CASE,  THE.  Anna  Katherine  Green.  G.  P.  Put- 
nam's Sons,  1906.  [1926].  One-side.  Adult.  7  vols; 
707     pp 19.05 

LIFE  OF  THE  PARTY,  THE.  Irvin  S.  Cobb.  Curtis  Publishing  Co., 
1919.  [1924].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  Adult.  10";  1  vol; 
95     pp 2.20 

LIGHT    PRINCESS,    THE.       George    Macdonald.       MacmiUan     Co., 

1926.      [1927].      One-side.      IV-VI.      1    vol;   92   pp 2.55 

LITTLE  BIRD  BLUE.  W.  L.  and  Irene  Finley.  Houghton  Mifflin 
Co.,  1915.  [1926].  Grade  1.  One-side.  I-IV.  6"; 
pamphlet;    56    pp 90 

LITTLE  BLACK  SAMBO,  THE  STORY  OF.  Helen  Bannerman. 
Frederick  A.  Stokes  Co.  [1923].  Grade  1.  One-side. 
I-II.      6";  pamphlet;    16  pp 30 



LITTLE  BOOK  OF  CHRISTMAS,  A.  John  Kendrick  Bangs.  Little, 
Brown  &  Co.,  1912.  [1919].  Grade  1.  (P.I.I.B.)  One- 
side.      II-IV.      12";   1   vol;  97  pp 2.75 

LITTLE  BOY  LOST,  A.  William  Henry  Hudson.  Alfred  A. 
Knopf,  1918.  [1926].  One-side.  VI-VIII.  2  vols; 
219    pp 5.80 

LITTLE  CURLY  HEAD,  THE  PET  LAMB.  Johanna  Spyri.  Thomas 
Y.  Crowell  Co.,  1919.  [1926].  One-side.  IV- VI.  1  vol; 
84    pp 2.35 

LITTLE  CIRL  BLUE.  Josephine  Scribner  Gates.  Houghton  Mifflin 
Co.,  1910.  [1925].  Grade  1.  One-side.  I-V.  6"; 
pamphlet;    25    pp 45 

LITTLE  CIRL  OF  LONG  AGO,  A.  Eliza  Orne  White.  Houghton 
Mifflin  Co.,  1924.  [1926].  One-side.  1 1  l-V.  2  vols; 
1  89   pp 5.1 5 

1924.  [1928].  Grade  1.  One-side.  I-II.  6";  1  vol; 
94  pp 2.30 

LITTLE  LAME  PRINCE,  THE.  Mrs.  Dina  Maria  (Mulock)  Craik. 
J.  B.  Lippincott  Co.,  1918.  [1919].  One-side.  Ill-V.  12"; 
1    vol ;   1  32  pp 3.95 

LITTLE  LORD  FAUNTLEROY.  Frances  Hodgson  Burnett.  Charles 
Scribners  Sons,  1913.  [1926].  One-side.  IV-VII.  3 
vols;    350    pp 9.15 

LITTLE  MINISTER,  THE.  Sir  James  M.  Barrie.  Thomas  Y.  Cro- 
well Co.  [1925].  One-side.  VI  ll-X;  Adult.  12";  4  vols; 
504   pp 1 5.30 

LITTLE  SALLY  WATERS.  Ethel  Calvert  Phillips.  Houghton  Mifflin 
Co.,  1926.  [1927].  Grade  1.  One-side.  I  l-V.  2 
vols;    1 70   pp 4.75 

Charles  Scribner's  Sons,  1903.  [1928].  One-side.  VIII- 
IX.      4   vols;   557   pp 14.10 

LITTLE  TONINO.  Helen  Hill  and  Violet  Maxwell.  Macmillan 
Co.,  1928-1930.  [1930].  Grade  1.  One-side.  IV-VI. 
3    vols;    251     pp 7.05 

LITTLE  WOMEN.     Louisa  M.  Alcott.     Little,  Brown  &  Co.,  1910. 

[1920].     One-side.     V-VIII.      12";  6  vols;  833  pp 24.80 

LITTLE  WOODEN  DOLL,  THE.  Margery  (Williams)  Bianco.  Mac- 
millan Co.,  1925.  [1926].  Grade  1.  One-side.  I-II.  6"; 
pamphlet;    39    pp 65 

LONE  STAR  RANCER,  THE      Zane  Grey.      Harper  &   Bros.,    1914. 

[1924].        (U.S.V.B)        One-side.       Adult.        12";     4     vols; 

438    pp 11.95 

LONESOMEST  DOLL,  THE.  Abbie  F  Brown.  Houghton  Mifflin 
Co.,  1901.  [1927].  Grade  1.  One-side.  Ill-V.  1  vol; 
87   pp 2.40 

LORNA  DOONE.  Richard  Dodderidge  Blackmore.  Thomas  Y. 
Crowell  Co.,  1893.  [1927].  One-side.  Vlll-X;  Adult. 
12   vols;    1528   pp 39.30 


LOST,  A  BROTHER.  Emelie  Benson  Knipe  and  Alden  A.  Knipe. 
Macmillan  Co.,  1928.  [1929].  One-side.  VI-IX.  3 
vols;    385    pp 9.90 

LOST  MONKEY,  THE.  Lucia  Webster  Rice.  Newson  fir  Co., 
1930.  [1930].  (N.Y.I. E.B.)  One-side.  Il-lll.  10"; 
2   vols;    1 28    pp 3.40 

LOVE  OF  LIFE.  Jack  London.  Macmillan  Co.,  1905.  [1919]. 
(A.L.A.)  One-side.  IX-X;  Adult.  12";  pamphlet; 
34  pp 65 

LOVE  STORIES.  Mary  Roberts  Rhinehart.  George  H.  Doran  fir  Co., 
1919.  [1919].  (A.LA.)  One-side.  Adult.  12";  3  vols; 
337    pp 9.15 

LOVER  OF  MUSIC,  A.     Henry  VanDyke.      Charles  Scribner's  Sons. 

[1920].      (H.P.S.)      One-side.     Adult.      10";   1   vol;  57  pp...    1.55 

LUCA  SARTO.     Charles  S.  Brooks.     Century  Co.,  1920.      [1923], 

(H.P.S.)      One-side.      Adult.      10";   5   vols;   466   pp 10.90 

Harte.  Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,  1903.  [1927].  One-side 
Vlll-X.     3  vols;  331    pp 8.75 

MADAME    CLAIRE.       Susan    Ertz.       D.    Appleton    fir  Co.,    1923. 

[1927].     (H.P.S.)     One-side.    Adult.     10";  5  vols;  421    pp.. .10.15 

Authors.  [1922].  Grade  1.  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  IV-VII. 
10";   1    vol ;  97  pp 2.25 

Authors.  LI  924].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  I-IV.  10";  1 
vol ;   83    pp 2.00 

MAGIC  FOREST,  THE.     Stewart  E.  White.      Macmillan  Co.,   1903. 

[1923].      (H.P.S.)      One-side.     V-VI.      10";    1    vol;  79  pp..  .    1.95 

MAGIC  STORY,  A.     F.  VanRensselaer  Dey.  \ 

Frank    E.    Morrison,    1908.       [1925].    J 

(H.P.S.)       One-side.      Adult.  f 

mmm   \  Bound  together.   10   ; 
HAVE     YOU     AN     EDUCATED     HEART?   >  ]    v0|.   84  pp 2.00 

C.    Burgess.     Thomas   Y.    Crowell    Co.,   I 

1923.      [1925].      (H.P.S)      One-side.   1 

Adult.  / 

MAN   OVERBOARD.      F.   Marion   Crawford.  \ 

Macmillan  Co.,  1903.    [1924].     (U.S.   I 

V.B.)      One-side.     Adult.                           \  Bound  together.    1 0"; 
UPPER    BERTH,    THE.      F.    Marion    Craw-   /l    vol;    102   pp 2.85 

ford.     Macmillan  Co.,  1903.    [1924].   \ 

(U.S.V.B.)      One-side.     Adult.  J 

MAN  WHO  WOULD  BE  KING,  THE.  Rudyard  Kipling  Copy- 
right 1899  by  Rudyard  Kipling.  [1923].  (H.P.S.)  One- 
side.      IX-X.      10";   1    vol;  77   pp 1.90 

MAN  WITHOUT  A  COUNTRY,  THE.  Edward  Everett  Hale. 
Little,  Brown  fir  Co.,  1898.  [1920].  One-side.  VI-IX. 
12";    1    vol;  70  pp 2.50 



MANSION,    THE.       Henry    VanDyke.       Harper    &     Bros.,     1911. 

[1920].        (H.P.S.)        One-side.       Adult.        10";     pamphlet; 

56    pp 85 

MARCHING   ON.      James    Boyd.      Charles    Scribner's    Sons,    1927. 

[1930].     One-side.     Vlll-X;    Adult.      5  vols;   666  pp 17.00 

MARIA  CHAPDELAINE  (A  Tale  of  the  Lake  St.  John  Country). 
Louis  Hemon,  (Translated  by  W.  H.  Blake).  Macmillan 
Co.,    1924.      [1931].      One-side.      Adult.     2   vols;   278   pp...    7.05 

MASQUERADER,  THE.  Katherine  Thurston.  Crosset  and  Dunlap, 
1904.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Adult.  12";  3 
vols;    386    pp 10.10 

MASTER  OF  THE  INN,  THE.  Robert  Herrick.  Charles  Scrib- 
ner's  Sons,  1908.  [1922],  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  Adult. 
10";    1    vol;  66  pp 1.70 

MASTER  SIMONS  GARDEN — Part  I.  Cornelia  Meigs.  Macmillan 
Co.,  1916.  [1928].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  VII-IX.  2 
vols;     1 79    pp 4.25 

MASTER  SKYLARK.     John  Bennett.     Century  Co.,  1897.   [1922]. 

One-side.      VI-VIII.      12";   3   vols;   329   pp 10.30 

MEHITABLE.     Katharine  Adams.     Macmillan  Co.,  1920.      [1928]. 

One-side.      VI-VIII.      4    vols;    496    pp 12.80 

Fairstair  (Pseud).  (Editor).  (Introduction  by  Clara  White- 
hill  Hunt).  Macmi'lan  Co.,  1922.  [1926].  One-side. 
IV-V.      2    vols;    1 62    pp 4.60 

MEN  OF   IRON.      Howard   Pyle.      Harper  &  Bros.,    1891.    [1922]. 

One-side.      VI-VIII.      12";  2  vols;  297   pp 8.70 

Charles  Scribner's  Sons,  1911.  [1922].  One-side.  V-VIII. 
12";  4  vols;  497   pp 15.10 

MERRYLIPS.     Beulah  Marie  Dix.     Macmillan  Co.,  1906.      [1922]. 

(H.P.S.)      One-side.      V-VII.      10";   5   vols;   425   pp 10.20 

MERRY  SCOUT  AND  OTHER  STORIES,  A.  Edna  Payson  Brett. 
Rand  McNally  Co.,  1922.  [1926].  Grade  1.  One-side. 
I-III.      Pamphlet;    52    pp 95 

MIDSUMMER.      Katharine  Adams.   Macmillan  Co.,    1921.    [1928]. 

One-side.      VI-VIII.      3   vols;   340   pp 8.95 

£1,000,000    BANK-NOTE,    THE.    Samuel^ 
L.    Clemens     (Mark    Twain).      Harper 

&    Bros.,    1917.       [1927].       (H.P.S.)    I 


One-side.      Adult.  V  Bound   together.    10"; 

ESQUIMAU'S     ROMANCE,     THE.  Samuel/1    vol;    88   pp 

L.    Clemens     (Mark    Twain).  Harper1 

Cr    Bros.,     1917.       [1927].  (H.P.S.) 
One-side.      Adult. 

MISS   LULA    BETT.       Zona     Gale.        D.     Appleton    &     Co.,    1920. 

[1924].      (U.S.V.B)      One-side.     Adult.      12";  2  vols;   184  pp  5.30 

MISS  MINERVA  BROADCASTS  BILLY.  Emma  S.  Sampson.  Reilly 
&  Lee  Co.,  1925.  [1927].  One-side.  Vll-X;  Adult. 
2  vols;  273  pp 6.95 


ry  I 


MOBY   DICK.      Herman    Melville.      Dodd,    Mead   &   Co.      [1924]. 

(U.S.V.B.)      One-side.      Vlll-X.      12";  7   vols;   934  pp 24.30 

MONSIEUR  BEAUCAIRE.  Booth  Tarkington.  Doubleday,  Page 
&  Co.,  1901.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  X;  Adult. 
12";    1    vol;   60  pp 2.00 

MORE  STORIES  FOR  GIRLS.     Selected  Authors.      [1922].     Grade 

1.      (H.P.S.)      One-side.     V-VIII.      10";    1    vol;    102   pp 2.35 

MOTHER  MASON.  Bess  Streeter  Aldrich.  D.  Appleton  &  Co., 
1924.  [1927].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  Adult.  10";  3  vols; 
298     pp 6.85 

MOTHER  STORIES.      Maud    Lindsay.      Milton    Bradley   Co.,    1900. 

[1919].     Grade   1.      (P.I.I.B.)      One-side.   I-VI.    7";  2  vols; 

249     pp 4.80 

Robbins.  Doubleday,  Page  &  Co., 
1922.  [1923].  (H.P.S.)  One-side. 
Adult.  \  Bound   together.    10" 

WILFRED     REGINALD    AND    THE     DARK  (  1   vol;  79  pp 1.95 

HORSE.  James  Mahoney.  Century 
Co.,  1921.  [1923].  (H.P.S.)  One- 
side.      Adult. 

MRS.  RED  PEPPER  (Sequel  to  "Red  Pepper  Burns").  Grace  S. 
Richmond.  A.  L.  Burt  Co.,  1913.  [1921].  (D.O.I. N.Y.) 
One-side.     X;    Adult.      12";  3  vols;  341    pp 9.20 

MRS.  WIGCS  OF  THE  CABBAGE  PATCH.  Alice  (Hegan)  Rice. 
Century  Co.,  1901.  [1925].  One-side.  VI  l-VI  1 1.  12"; 
1     vol;    100    pp 3.20 

MY  GARDEN  DOCTOR.  Frances  Duncan.  Grosset  &  Dunlap,   1914. 

[1924].      (U.S.V.B.)    One-side.      IX-X;    Adult.      12";   1    vol; 

1 43    pp 3.65 

MYSTERY  AT  THE  BLUE  VILLA,  THE.  Melville  Davisson  Post. 
D.  Appleton  &  Co.,  1919.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side. 
12";   3   vols;   377    pp 9.95 

NERVOUS  WRECK,  THE.      E.   J.    Rath.      C.   Howard  Watt,    1923. 

[1923].      (H.P.S.)      One-side.     Adult.      1  0";  5  vols;  51  5  pp. .  1 1.75 

NEVER  THE  TWAIN  SHALL  MEET.  Peter  B.  Kyne.  Cosmopoli- 
tan Book  Corp.,  1923.  [1926].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side. 
Adult.      4  vols;   516  pp 11.15 

NEW  MOON,  THE.  (The  Story  of  Dick  Martin's  Courage,  His 
Silver  Sixpence  and  His  Friends  in  the  New  World).  Cornelia 
Meigs.  Macmillan  Co.,  1924.  [1929].  One-side.  VI-VIII. 
3    vols;    336   pp 8.85 

Porter.    Thomas  Y.  Crowell 

[1920].     (A.LA.)     One-side.     Adult.   ^  Bound  together.    12". 

WHAT  IS  WASTED  TIME?  Holsworthy  ^  pamph,et;  41  pp'  ' 
Hall.     Thomas   Y.    Crowell   Co.,    1919. 

[1920].      (A.LA.)     One-side.     Adult. 

NIGHT   OUT,    A.      Edward    Peple.      Moffat,    Yard    &    Co.,    1915. 

[1919].         (A.LA.)        One-side.        Adult.        6";     pamphlet; 

48   pp 65 

4.      Eleanor    H.  \ 
*ell  Co.,  1919.  / 

le-side.     Adult.   \  Boun 



NURSERY  TALES  FROM  MANY  LANDS.  Eleanor  L  and  Ada  M. 
Skinner.  Charles  Scribner's  Sons,  1917.  [1928].  Grade  1. 
One-side.       II-IV.      2    vols;    139    pp 4.10 

OBJECT:   MATRIMONY.      Montague  Class.      Curtis   Publishing  Co. 

[1919].      (A.L.A.)      One-side.     Adult.     6";   1    vol;   101    pp...    2.00 

ODD  NUMBER,  THE.  Guy  de  Maupassant.  Harper  &  Bros., 
1917.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Adult.  12";  2 
vols;    1 59    pp 4.80 

OLD  CURIOSITY  SHOP,  THE.     Charles  Dickens.     A.   L.   Burt  Co. 

[1927].      One-side.      Vlll-X;    Adult.      10   vols;   928   pp 25.50 

OLD  ENGLISH  TALES  RETOLD.  Harriet  Buxton  Barbour.  Mac- 
millan  Co.,  1924.  [1926].  One-side.  V-VI.  3  vols; 
293     pp 7.95 

OLD  FASHIONED  GIRL,  AN.  Louisa  M.  Alcott.  Little,  Brown  &  Co. 

[1921].      One-side.      V-VI  1 1.      12";   3   vols;   452   pp 13.25 

OLD  INDIAN  LEGENDS.     Zitkala-Sa.  Ginn  &  Co.,   1901.   [1919]. 

(P.I.I.B.)      One-side.      IV-VI.      10";    1    vol;    115   pp 2.55 

OLD  JUDGE  PRIEST.     Irvin  S.  Cobb.     George  H.  Doran  Co.,  1916. 

[1924].        (U.S.V.B.)        One-side.       Adult.        12";     3     vols; 

427     pp 10.95 

OLD  MOTHER  WEST  WIND.  Thornton  W.  Burgess.  Little,  Brown 
&  Co.,  1910.  [1928].  Grade  1.  One-side.  II-IV.  2 
vols;     1 30     pp 3.95 


(from      "The      Popular      Magazine"). 
O.    F.    Lewis.      Street    &    Smith    Corp. 

[1925].       (H.P.S.)     One-side.     Adult. 

COLD     MOUNTED     GUNS.        (from     "The  \  Bound  together.    10" 

Red   Book").    F.   R.   Buckley     [1925].   /]    vol-   82   pp  '     2.00 

(H.P.S.)      One-side.     Adult. 

TOWERS    OF    FAME.        (from     "McClure's 
Magazine").  Elizabeth         Folsom. 

""925L      (H.P.S.)      One-side.     Adult. 

Stockton  and  Others.  [1922].  Grade  1.  (H.P.S.)  One- 
side.     V-VI  1 1.      10";    1    vol;   92   pp 2.15 

OLD   SETTLER   STORIES.      Mabel    Elizabeth    Fletcher.       Macmillan 

Co.,   1917.      [1926].      One-side.      IV-V.      2  vols;    181    pp....    5.00 

OLDER   GIRLS   STORIES.      Selected   Authors.       [1928].       (H.P.S.) 

One-side.      Vll-X.      10";   2  vols;   208   pp 4.75 

ONE  OF  OURS.     Willa  Cather.     Alfred  A.  Knopf,   1922.     [1924]. 

(U.S.V.B.)       One-side.      Adult.      12";   4   vols;   541    pp 14.00 

ORPHAN   ANGEL,  THE.      Elinor  Wylie.      Alfred  A.   Knopf,    1925. 

[1927].     One-side.     Adult.     6vols;718pp 18.65 

PAN   AND  SANTA   CLAUl      Julia    Ellsworth    Ford.      E.    P.    Dutton 

&  Co.      [1930].      (A.F.B.)      Interpoint.      I-III.     1   vol;  21    pp.         .50 

PARDNERS.     Rex  Beach.     A.  L.  Burt  Co.,  1905.      [1924].      (U.S. 

V.B.)      One-side.      Adult.      12";   2  vols;    191    pp 5.40 




PEARL  LAGOON,  THE.     Charles  Nordhoff.      Little,   Brown   &  Co., 

1924.      [1928].     One-side.     VI-VIII.      3  vols;  348  pp 9.10 

PEGGY  STORIES.  Mildred  Batchelder.  (Foreword  by  Dorothy 
Canfield  Fisher).  Charles  Scribner's  Sons,  1924.  [1931]. 
Grade   1.      One-side.      I-III.      1    vol;   76  pp 2.20 

PENROD.     Booth  Tarkington.     Crosset  &  Dunlao,   1914.      [1920]. 

(A.L.A.)      One-side.      VI-IX.      12";   3   vols;    310    pp 8.60 

PEOPLE  OF  THE  MIST,  THE.  H.  Rider  Haggard.  Longmans, 
Green  &  Co.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Adult.  12"; 
5   vols;    611     pp 16.20 

PEREZ  THE  MOUSE.     Lady  Moreton.    Dodd,  Mead  &  Co.   [1929]. 

Grade    1.      One-side.      II-IV.      6";    pamphlet;    38    pp 65 

PERFECT  TRIBUTE,  THE.  Mary  Raymond  Shipman  Andrews. 
Charles  Scribner's  Sons,  1906.  [1919].  One-side.  VI I -X. 
12";   pamphlet;   31    pp 70 

PLAY.  Frederick  O.  Perkins.  (Edited  and  Arranged  by). 
Silver,  Burdett  &  Co.,  1916.  [1921].  One-side.  II-IV.  6"; 
1    vol ;    112    pp 2.65 

PETER  PAN  AND  WENDY.  Sir  James  M.  Barrie.  Charles  Scrib- 
ner's Sons,  1921.  [1928].  One-side.  V-VII.  3  vols; 
304     pp 8.20 

PETER-PEA.      N.    G.    Grishina.       Frederick    A.    Stokes    Co.,    1926. 

[1928].     Grade   1.      II-IV.      Pamphlet;  49  pp 90 

PHILOSOPHY     FOUR.       Owen     Wister.        Macmillan     Co.,    1903. 

[1923].      (H.P.S.)      One-side.     Adult.      1 0";   1   vol;  78  pp. .  .  .    1.90 

PHOEBE.      Alice    Hegan    Rice.      Atlantic    Monthly    Co.       [1923]. 

(E.S.H.)      One-side.     VI-VIII.      6";  pamphlet;  50  pp 50 

PIECES  OF  EIGHT.  Richard  LeGallienne.  Doubleday,  Page  &  Co., 
1918.  [1924].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  Adult.  10";  4 
vols;    417     pp 9.1 5 

PILGRIMS    PROGRESS,    THE.       John    Bunyan.       A.    L.    Burt    Co. 

[1921].      One-side.      IV-X;    Adult.      12";  4  vols;   470   pp.      14.15 

PINOCCHIO.      C.   Collodi.      Ginn   &  Co.,    1904.      [1923].      Grade 

1.       (H.P.S.)      One-side.      Ill-V.      10";  2  vols;  272   pp 5.80 

PLAYMATES  IN  PRINT.  Edna  Whiteman.  (Selected  and  Adapted 
by).  Thomas  Nelson  &  Sons,  1926.  [1927].  Grade  1. 
One-side.      III-IV.      1    vol;   1 38  pp 3.50 

POLARIS.     Ernest  Harold  Baynes.     Macmillan  Co.,  1922.      [1928]. 

One-side.     V-VII  I.      1    vol;  97   pp 2.65 

POLLYANA.     Eleanor  H.  Porter.  L.  C.  Page  &  Co.,  1913.   [1926]. 

One-side.     V-VII  I.     3  vols;  374  pp 9.65 

POOR  GENTLEMAN,  THE.  Ian  Hay  Beith.  (!an  Hay,  Pseud). 
Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,  1928.  [1930].  One-side.  IV-VIII. 
3    vols;    442    pp 11.10 

POWER  AND  THE  GLORY,  THE.  Gilbert  Parker.  Harper  & 
Bros.,  1925.  [1927].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Adult.  5 
vols;    615    pp 13.45 



PRAIRIE  ROSE,  A.      Bertha  E.   Bush.      Little,   Brown  fir  Co.,    1925. 

[1927].      One-side.      VI-VIII.      3   vols;   341    pp 9.55 

PRESIDENT  IS  BORN,  A.      Fannie   Hurst.      Harper  fir  Bros.,    1928. 

[1930].      One-side.      Adult.      7   vols;   907    pp 23.25 

PRESTER    JOHN.      John    Buchan.      George    H.    Doran    Co.,    1910. 

[1927].     One-side.     Vll-X;    Adult.      3  vols;  434  pp      9.90 

PRETTY  POLLY  FLINDERS.  Mary  F.  Blaisdell.  Little,  Brown  fir 
Co.,  1914.  [1927].  Grade  1.  One-side.  I-IV.  1  vol; 
1 30    pp 3.35 

PRIDE  AND  PREJUDICE.     Jane  Austen.  Macrae-Smith  Co.   [1927]. 

One-side.     X;    Adult.     6  vols;  754  pp 19.45 

Orton.  Frederick  A.  Stokes  Co.,  1921.  [1931].  Crade  1 . 
One-side.      I -1 1 1.      1    vol;  81    pp 2.30 

PRINCE  AND  THE  PAUPER,  THE.  Samuel  L.  Clemens  (Mark 
Twain).  Harper  &  Bros.,  1881.  [1921].  One-side.  VI- 
VIII.     12";  3  vols;  318  pp 10.05 

PRINCESS  AND  CURDIE,  THE.  George  Macdonald.  J.  B.  Lip- 
pincott  Co.,  1908.  [1928].  One-side.  IV-VI.  3  vols; 
325     pp 8.60 

PRINCESS  AND  THE  GOBLIN,  THE.  George  Macdonald.  J.  B. 
Lippincott  Co.,  1907.      [1927].     Grade  1 .     One-side.      IV-VI 

3  vols;    379    pp 9.75 

PRISONER    OF    ZENDA,    THE.      Anthony    Hope.       Henry    Holt    fir 

Co.,  1898.      [1926].     One-side.     X;  Adult.     3  vols;  388  pp..    8.90 

PRUE    AND    I.      George    William    Curtis.      Macmillan    Co.,    1919. 

[1925].      One-side.      Adult.       12";   2   vols;    242    pp 7.40 

PUPPY    DOGS'    TALES.       Frances    Kent.       Macmiilan    Co.,     1922. 

[1923].      One-side.      Ill-V.      12";   2   vols;   251    pp 7.60 

PURE  GOLD.  O.  E.  Rolvaag.  (English  text  by  Sivert  Erdahl  and 
O.  E.  Rolvaag).  Harper  &  Bros.,  1930.  [1931].  One-side. 
Adult.      4  vols;   548   pp 1  3.90 

QUIN.     Alice  Hegan   Rice.      Century  Co.,    1921.      [1924].       (U.S. 

V.B.)      One-side.      VI-VIII.      12";   3   vols;   387    pp 10.15 

QUO  VADIS  (A  Tale  of  the  Time  of  Nero).  Henryk  Sienkiewicz. 
(Translated  from  the  Polish  by  Dr.  S.  A.  Binion).  Thomas 
Y.  Crowell  Co.,  1924.  [1930].  One-side.  X;  Adult. 
10  vols;    1291    pp 33.10 

REN, THE.  Dorothy  Rowe.  (Introduction  by  L.  C.  Porter). 
Macmillan  Co.,  1925.  [1928].  One-side.  Ill-V.  10"; 
2   vols;    1 29    pp 3.40 

RAMONA.      Helen    Hunt    Jackson.       Little,    Brown    fir    Co.,    1912. 

[1925].      One-side.      Vlll-X.       12";    5    vols;    670    pp 20.10 

REBECCA  OF  SUNNYBROOK  FARM.  Kate  Douglas  Wiggin. 
Houghton    Mifflin    Co.,    1903.       [1928].      One-side.    V-VIII. 

4  vols;   462    pp 12.10 



RE-CREATION  OF  BRIAN  KENT,  THE.  Harold  Bell  Wright. 
Book  Supply  Co.,  1919.  [1920].  (D.O.I. N.Y.)  One- 
side.     X;    Adult.      12";   3   vols;   304  pp 3.50 

RED   BELTS.      Hugh    Pendexter.      Doubleday,    Page    &    Co.,    1920. 

[1923].        (H.P.S.)        One-side.       Vlll-X.        10";     6     vols; 

500  pp 12.10 

RED  CAP  TALES.      S.  R.  Crockett.  Macmillan  Co.,   1904.   [1927]. 

One-side.      VI-VII.      5   vols;    546   pp 14.55 

RED  FEATHER'S  ADVENTURES.  jane  Curtis  Cifford  and  E. 
George  Payne.  Lyons  &  Carnahan,  1925.  [1929].  One- 
side.      1    vol ;    1 02   pp 2.75 

RED  PEPPER  BURNS.     Grace  S.  Richmond.     A.  L.  Burt  Co.,  1910. 

[1920].      (A.L.A.).      One-side.      X;    Adult.      12";    2    vols; 

192    pp 5.45 

RED  ROCK.     Thomas  Nelson  Page.     Charles  Scribner's  Sons,  1  898. 

[1924].        (U.S.V.B.)        One-side.       Adult.        12";     7     vols; 

841     pp 22.40 

RESCUE,   THE.      Joseph   Conrad.      Doubleday,    Page   &   Co.,    1921. 

[1924].        (U.S.V.B.)        One-side.       Adult.        12";     5     vols; 

583   pp 1 5.65 

RHYMES  AND  STORIES.  Marion  Florence  Lansing.  Cinn  & 
Co.,  1907.  [1920].  Grade  1.  One-side.  I-V.  6"; 
2   vols;    247    pp 5.75 

RHYMES  OF  CHO-CHO'S  GRANDMA.  Mrs.  Frederick  Peterson. 
Child  Health  Organization  of  America,  1920.  [1921]. 
Grade   1.      One-side.      Il-lll.      6";   pamphlet;   38   pp 65 

RIDERS  OF  THE  PURPLE  SAGE.  Zane  Grey.  Harper  &  Bros., 
1912.  [1926].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Adult.  5  vols; 
637     pp 1  3.80 

RIDIN'  KID  FROM  POWDER  RIVER,  THE.  Henry  H.  Knibbs. 
Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,  1919.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B)  One- 
side.     Vlll-X;    Adult.      12";   5  vols;   543   pp 14.85 

RIGHT  OF  WAY,  THE.      Gilbert   Parker.      Harper  &   Bros.,    1901. 

[1924].        (U.S.V.B.)        One-side.       Adult.        12";     4     vols; 

534     pp 1  3.90 

RIVERMAN,  THE.  Stewart  E.  White.  Doubleday,  Page  &  Co., 
1908.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Adult.  12";  4 
vols;    477     pp 12.75 

ROAD  AGENT,  THE.  (from  "The  Killer").  Stewart  E.  White. 
Doubleday,  Page  &  Co.,  1920.  [1920].  (A.L.A.)  One- 
side.      Adult.      6";   pamphlet;   56   pp 65 

ROBINSON   CRUSOE.      Daniel    Defoe.      George   W.   Jacobs   &   Co., 

1921.      [1921].     One-side.     V-VIII.      1 2";  4  vols;  462  pp.  .  14.30 

ROCKY  BILLY.  (The  Story  of  the  Bounding  Career  of  a  Rocky 
Mountain  Goat).  Holling  Clancy  Holling.  Macmillan  Co., 
1928.  [1930].  Grade  1.  One-side.  III-IV.  2  vols; 
1 60    pp 4.55 

ROMANTIC  COMEDIANS,  THE.      Ellen  Glasgow.     Doubleday,  Page 

fir  Co.,  1926.      [1927].     One-side.    Adult.     4  vols;  475  pp. ..  1 3.35 



ROSE  IN  BLOOM.  (A  Sequel  to  "Eight  Cousins").  Louisa  M. 
Alcott.  Little,  Brown  &  Co.,  1918.  [1928].  One-side. 
VI-VIII.      5   vols;   573    pp 15.05 

Mace  Andress  and  Annie  Turner  Andress.  Child  Health 
Organization  of  America,  1920.  [1921].  Grade  1.  One- 
side.     Mil.     6";  1   vol;   101   pp 2.40 

thorne. Frederick  A.  Stokes  Co.,  1924.  [1926].  Grade  1. 
One-side.      Ill-V.      1    vol;   64  pp 1.95 

RUPERT  OF  HENTZAU  (Sequel  to  the  "Prisoner  of  Zenda"). 
Anthony  Hope.  Henry  Holt  &  Co.,  1898.  [1926].  One- 
side.     X;   Adult.     4  vols;  513  pp 13.50 

SALUTE  TO  ADVENTURERS.  John  Buchan.  George  H.  Doran 
Co.,   1915.      [1924].      (U.S.V.B.)      One-side.     Adult.      12"; 

3  vol;    385    pp 10.10 

SANDMAN,  THE:  HIS  FARM  STORIES.  William  j.  Hopkins. 
L.  C.  Page  &  Co.,  1902.  [1920].  Grade  1.  One-side. 
I-IV.      12";    1    vol;    105    pp 3.30 

SARAH'S  DAKIN.  Mabel  L.  Robinson.  E.  P.  Dutton  &  Co., 
1927.  [1928].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  II-IV.  10";  3 
vols;  330  pp 7.40 

SATURDAY'S  CHILDREN.  Helen  Coale  Crew.  Little,  Brown  & 
Co.,    1927.      [1928].       (H.P.S.)       One-side.      IV-VI.       10"; 

4  vols;  394  pp 9.10 

SCARAMOUCHE.      Rafael   Sabatini.      Houghton   Mifflin  Co.,    1921. 

[1925].       (U.S.V.B.)       One-side.      X;     Adult.       12";    5   vols; 

572    pp 1 5.45 

SCARLET  COCKEREL,  THE.      Clifford   M.   Sublette.      Little,   Brown 

&  Co.,  1925.     [1928].     One-side.     VII-IX.     3  vols;  441   pp. .  1 1.05 

SCATTERGOOD  BAINES — Chapters  l-IV.  Clarence  Budington 
Kellend.  Harper  &  Bros.,  1921 .  [1931].  (A.F.B.)  Inter- 
point.     Adult.      1    vol ;   1  94  pp 2.00 

SCOTTISH   CHIEFS,  THE.      jane   Porter.      Thomas   Y.   Crowell   Co. 

[1927].      One-side.      Vll-X.      16   vols;    1 925   pp 50.00 

SEATS  OF  THE  MIGHTY,  THE.  Gilbert  Parker.  (Edited  by  W. 
N.  Otto).  D.  Appleton  &  Co.,  1927.  [1928].  One-side. 
Adult.      6    vols;    807    pp 20.55 

SEA  WOLF,  THE.  Jack  London.  Macmillan  Co.,  1904.  [1924]. 
(U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  IX-X;  Adult.  12";  4  vols; 
448     pp 12.15 

SECOND  JUNGLE  BOOK,  THE.  Rudyard  Kipling.  Doubleday, 
Page  &  Co.,  1895.  [1921].  One-side.  IV-VII.  12"; 
2   vols;   286    pp 8.45 

SECRET  GARDEN,  THE.  Frances  Hodgson  Burnett.  Crosset  & 
Dunlap,  1911.  [1922].  One-side.  V-VII.I.  12";  3  vols; 
354   pp 1 0.90 

SECRET  SHARER,  THE.  (from  "  'Twixt  Land  and  Sea").  Joseph 
Conrad.  J.  M.  Dent  &  Sons.  [1921].  (A.L.A.)  One-side. 
Adult.      12";    1    vol;   73   pp 2.25 


) .      Rud-  \ 
e  &  Co.,  I 

Dne-side.  f 

\  Bound 


Duffield  &  Co.,  1915.  [1920].  (A.LA.)  One-side. 
Adult.      1  2";  pamphlet;  55  pp 95 

STORIES,  1919.  Sydney  Porter  (O.  Henry,  Pseud).  Double- 
day,  Page  &  Co.,  1920.  [1920].  (A.LA.)  One-side. 
X;    Adult.      12";  2  vols;   157  pp 4.75 

SENTIMENTAL  TOMMY.  Sir  James  M.  Barrie.  Charles  Scrib- 
ner's  Sons,  1924.  [1927].  One-side.  Vlll-X;  Adult. 
6  vols;    695    pp 18.20 

SEVEN  LITTLE  SISTERS,  THE.     Jane  Andrews.  Cinn  &  Co.,  1916. 

[1920].     One-side.      Il-V.      12";    1    vol;    104  pp 3.30 

.007.       (from    "The   Day's  Work"). 

yard   Kipling.    Doubleday,   Page 

1905.      [1920].      (A.LA.)     One 

IX-X.  \  Bound   together.    12" 

SHIP  THAT  FOUND  HERSELF,  THE.    (from  /  pamphlet;  58  pp.  1.00 

"The  Day's  Work" 

Doubleday,  Page  f 

(A.LA.)       One-. 

SHADOWS  ON  THE  ROCK.  Willa  Cather.  Alfred  A.  Knopf, 
1931.  [1931].  (L.  of  C.)  Interpoint.  Adult.  2  vols; 
413     pp 4.00 

SHASTA   OF   THE   WOLVES.      Olaf    Baker       Dodd,    Mead    &    Co., 

1919.      [1928].      One-side.      IV-VIII.      2   vols;   249   pp 6.40 

SHAVINGS.     Joseph  C.  Lincoln.  D.  Appleton  &  Co.,  1918.   [1921]. 

One-side.      Adult.      12";   4   vols;   514   pp 13.50 

SHEAVES.  (A  Comedy  of  Manners).  Marie  Conway  Oemler. 
Century  Co.,  1928.  [1930].  One-side.  IX-X;  Adult. 
5   vols;    576   pp - 15.10 

SHOES.     Sydney  Porter    (O.  Henry,  Pseud).  \ 

Doubleday,  Page  &  Co.,  1909.   [1919].   J 

(A.LA.)        One-side.       Adult.  f 

\  Bound   together.    12"; 
MOMENT    OF    VICTORY,    THE.       Sydney  >  pamph!et°  48  pp.    . /.      ,85 

Porter    (O.   Henry,   Pseud).   Doubleday,  I 

Page  &  Co.,  1909.    [1919].    (A.LA.)    1 

One-side.      Adult.  / 

SHOW    BOAT.       Edna    Ferber.       Doub&eday,    Page    &    Co.,     1926. 

[1927].        (LCD.     &     D.W.L.B.)        One-side.       Adult.        6 

vols;    658    po 14.80 

SILAS  MARNER.  George  Eliot  (Edited  bv  W.  Patterson  Atkin- 
son). Allyn  &  Bacon,  1890.  [1926].  (C.P.S.)  One- 
side.      Vlll-X.      10";    5    vols;    449    pp 10.65 

SILVER   SHELL,    THE.      Mary    Ellen    Chase.       Henry    Holt    &    Co., 

1930.      [1931].      One-side.      Adult.      2  vols;   277    pp 7.00 

SINFUL     PECK.       Morgan     Robertson.        Harper     &     Bros.,    1903. 

[1924].        (U.S.V.B.)        One-side.       Adult.        12";     2     vols; 

287      pp 7.35 

Authors.  [1928].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  V-VIII.  10"; 
1     vol;    101     pp 2.30 



SLOWCOACH,  THE.     Edward  Verrall  Lucas.  Macmillan  Co.,  1910. 

[1928].      One-side.      VI-VIII.      3   vols;    340   pp 8.95 

SNAKE  DOCTOR,  THE.  irvin  S.  Cobb.  Doubleday,  Page  &  Co., 
1923.  [1923].  (E.S.H.)  One-side.  Adult.  6";  1  vol; 
83   pp 75 

SOAKED  IN  SEAWEED.  Stephen  Leacock. 
John  Lane  Co.  [1919].  (A.L.A.) 
One-side.      Adult. 

ZENOBIA'S     INFIDELITY.       Henry    Cuyler  , 
Bunner.         Charles      Scribner's      Sons. 

[1919].      (A.L.A.)     One-side.     Adult.  V  Bound  together.    12"; 
CAPTAIN      TRISTRAM'S      SHIPBUILDING/    ]     vo1:    71     pp.     .       .    2.20 
Robert   Wade.      Atlantic    Monthly   Co. 

[1919].      (A.L.A.)     One-side.     Adult. 

PICS  IS  PICS.  Ellis  Parker  Butler.  A.  L. 
Burt  Co.,  1906.  (1919].  (A.L.A.) 
One-side.      Adult. 

SOKAR  AND  THE  CROCODILE  (A  Fairy  Story  of  Egypt).  Alice 
Woodbury  Howard.  Macmillan  Co.,  1928.  [1930].  Grade 
1.      One-side.      IV-VI.      Pamphlet;   52   pp .95 

SOLDIER    RICDALE.      Beulah    Marie   Dix.      Macmillan    Co.,    1899. 

[1920].      Grade    1.       (H.P.S.)       One-side.      V-VIII.       10"; 

6  vols;  463  pp 11.45 

SOLDIERS  OF  FORTUNE.  Richard  Harding  Davis.  Charles  Scrib- 
ner's Sons,  1 897.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Adult. 
12";  3   vols;   322  pp 8.85 

SON  OF  THE  MIDDLE  BORDER,  A.     Hamlin  Garland.      Macmillan 

Co.,    1917.      [1930].      One-side.      Adult.      7   vols;   854  pp... 22.15 

SONG  OF  OUR  SYRIAN  GUEST,  THE  William  Allen  Knight. 
Pilgrim  Press,  1906.  [1930].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  Adult. 
1 0";    pamphlet;    23    pp 40 

SOUNDINGS.      A.    Hamilton   Gibbs.      Little,    Brown    &   Co.,    1925. 

[1928].       (H.P.S.)       One-side.      Adult.      5   vols;    539   pp 12.15 

SPANISH  COLD.  J.  O.  Hanney,  (G.  A.  Birmingham,  Pseud). 
George  H.  Doran  Co.,  1919.  [1923].  Grade  1.  (H.P.S.) 
One-side.      Adult.       10";    5    vols;    522    pp 11.85 

SPOILERS,   THE.      Rex   Beach.      Harper  &   Bros.       [1924].       (U.S. 

V.B.)       One-side.      Adult.      12";    3   vols;   378   pp 9.95 

SPRIGHTLY  ROMANCE  OF  MARSAC,  THE.  Molly  Elliott  Sea- 
well.  Charles  Scribner's  Sons,  1896.  [1926].  One-side. 
Vlll-X;  Adult.     2  vols;   175  pp 4.85 

more  Cooper.  George  W.  Jacobs  &  Co.  [1926].  One- 
side.      VII-VIII.      3   vols;   920   pp 24.10 

STICKEEN.      John    Muir.      Copyright 
by    John     Muir.        [1923]. 
One-side.      VI-VIII.  V  Bound  together.    10"; 

COMET.      Samuel   A.   Derieux.      Doubleday,^1     vol;    83    pp 200 

Page  &  Co.,    1922.    [1923].    (H.P.S.) 
One-side.      Adult. 

right    1901  ^ 
(H.P.S.)    I 





STOLEN  STORY,  THE.  Jessie  L  Williams.  Charles  Scribner's 
Sons,  1899.  [1924].  [U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  X;  Adult. 
1 2" ';    pamphlet;    46    pp 85 

STORIES  FOR  GIRLS.     Selected  Authors: 

BOOK     I— [1922].       (H.P.S.)       Grade     1.       One-side.       III- 

VIII.   10";   1    vol;   101    pp 2.30 

BOOK    II—  [1929].       (H.P.S.)       One-side.       III-VIII.       10"; 

1     vol ;     1 22    pp 2.65 

STORIES  FOR  HOLIDAYS.     Selected  Authors.      [1929].      (H.P.S.) 

One-side.      V-VII.      10";   2  vols;    1 59   pp 3.90 

STORIES  OF  GREAT  MEN  AND  DEEDS.  Selected  Authors.    [1922]. 

Grade    1.       (H.P.S.)      One-side.      II-IV.      10";    1    vol;   93   pp..    2.20 

Rand  McNally  Co.,  1903.  [1920].  Grade  1.  One-side. 
I-II.       12";    1    vol;    102    pp 3.25 

STORIES  OF  THE  RED  CHILDREN.  Dorothy  Brooks.  Educa- 
tional Publishing  Co.,  1908.  [1923].  Grade  1.  One-side. 
Il-V.      6";    1    vol;    100   pp 2.40 

STORY  OF  A  BAD  BOY,  THE.  Thomas  Bailey  Aldrich.  Houghton 
Mifflin  Co.,  1914.  [1921].  One-side.  VI-VIII.  12"; 
2  vols;  263   pp 7.90 

STORY  OF  DOCTOR  DOOLITTLE,  THE.  Hugh  Lofting.  Frederick 
A.  Stokes  Co.,  1920.  [1926].  One-side.  III-VI.  2 
vols;    1 64    pp 4.65 

Pyle.  Charles  Scribner's  Sons,  1903.  [1922].  One-side. 
VI-VIII.      12";  4  vols;  466  pp 14.40 

STORY  OF  LIVE  DOLLS,  THE.  Josephine  S.  Gates.  Bobbs-Mer- 
rill  Co.,  1920.  [1927].  Grade  1.  One-side.  II-IV.  1  vol; 
64  pp 1.95 

STORY  OF  THE  OTHER  WISE  MAN,  THE.  Henry  Van  Dyke. 
1895.  [1922].  Grade  1.  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  VIII-IX. 
10";    1    vol;    58    pp 1.60 

STORY   OF    ROLAND,   THE.      James    Baldwin.      Charles    Scribner's 

Sons,  1911.    [1928].    One-side.    V-VII.    5  vols;  622  pp 16.05 

STORY  OF  SIEGFRIED,  THE.  James  Baldwin.  Charles  Scribner's 
Sons,  1910.  [1920].  One-side.  V-VII.  12";  3  vols; 
346    pp 10.70 

Louis  Stevenson.  Charles  Scribner's  Sons,  1905.  [1924]. 
(U.S.V.B.)       One-side.      Adult.       12";    1    vol;    115    pp 3.10 

SUSANNA'S  AUCTION  (from  the  French).  (Preface  by  the  New 
York  Children's  Book  Shop).  Macmillan  Co.,  1923.  [1926]. 
Grade   1.     One-  side.      I-V.      6";  pamphlet;   39  pp 65 

SUSAN'S    ESCORT.      Edward    Everett    Hale. 

Harper     &      Bros.,      1897.        [1924]. 

(H.P.S.)      One-side.     Adult. 

\  Bound   together.    1 0    , 
MY  DOUBLE  AND  HOW   HE   UNDID  ME.  >  i    vo|.   8|   pp 2.10 

Edward   Everett   Hale.   Harper   &   Bros., 

1897.      [1924].      (H.P.S.)      One-side. 




SWISS  FAMILY  ROBINSON,  THE.  Johann  David  Wyss.  (Trans- 
lated by  Mrs.  H.  B.  Paull).  Macrae-Smith  Co.  [1929]. 
One-side.      IV-VII.      9   vols;    1061    pp 27.70 

TALE  OF  NEGATIVE  GRAVITY,  A.  Frank  R.  Stockton.  Charles 
Scribner's  Sons,  1 894.  [1919].  Grade  1 .  (P.I.I.B.)  One- 
side.      IX-X.     6";    1    vol;  89  pp 1.80 

TALE  OF  TWO  CITIES,  A.  Charles  Dickens.  Macmillan  Co., 
1906.  [1922].  One-side.  Vlll-X;  Adult.  12";  5  vols; 
645     pp 19.50 

TALES  OF  LAUGHTER.  Kate  Douglas  Wiggin  and  Nora  A. 
Smith  (Editors).  Doubleday,  Page  &  Co.,  1908.  [1927]. 
One-side.      Ill-V.     6  vols;   832   po 21.05 

TALES  FROM  SILVER  LANDS.  Charles  J.  Finger.  Doubleday,  Page 
&  Co.,  1924.  [1928].  One-side.  V-VII.  3  vols; 
330     pp 8.75 

TALISMAN,  THE.  Sir  Walter  Scott  (Edited  by  Frederick 
Treudley,  A.  B.)  Macmillan  Co.,  1904.  [1926].  One-side. 
Vlll-X.      12";  5  vols;  516  pp 16.40 

TANGLED  THREADS,  THE.  Eleanor  H.  Porter.  Houghton  Mifflin 
Co.,  1919.  [1920].  (A.L.A.)  One-side.  V-VIII.  12"; 
2   vols;   266   pp 6.90 

TAPESTRY  ROOM,  THE.  Mrs.  Mary  Louisa  (Stewart)  Moles- 
worth.  Macmillan  Co.,  1893.  [1926].  One-side.  3  vols; 
301    pp 8.10 

TATTOOED    MAN,    THE.      Howard    Pease.       Doubleday,    Page    & 

Co.,  1926.      [1928].     One-side.     VI-VIII.     4  vols;  477  pp... 12.40 

TEN    BOYS.      Jane    Andrews.       Frederick    A.    Stokes    Co.,    1913. 

[1923].      One-side.      Ill-V.      12";   2  vols;   200   pp 6.40 

TENNESSEE'S  PARTNER.      Bret  Harte.      Paul   Elder  &  Co.,    1907. 

[1920].        (H.P.S.)        One-side.       Vlll-X.       10";     pamphlet; 

25    pp 45 

THAT'S  MARRIAGE.  Edna  Ferber.  Double- 
day,  Page  &  Co.,  1918.  [1919]. 
(A.L.A.)      One-side.      Adult.  ^  Bound  together.    1 2" 

FROG    AND    THE    PUDDLE,    THE.       Edna  (  pamphlet;  57  pp.    .     .    1.00 
Ferber.   Doubleday,  Page  fir  Co.,   1918. 
[1919].      (A.L.A.)     One-side.    Adult. 

American  Book  Co.,  1905.  [1919].  One-side.  Ill-V 
12";    2   vols;    218    pp 6.85 

$30,000      BEQUEST,  THE.        Samuel 

Clemens     (Mark  Twain).       Harper 

Bros.       [1919].  (A.L.A.)      One- 
Adult.  V  Bound   together.    12" 

DANCER  OF  LYINC  IN   BED,  THE.     Sam-  /  pamph,et;  52  PP*    *  *95 

uel  L.  Clemens    (Mark  Twain).  Harper  f 
&    Bros.       [1919].       (A.L.A.)       One- 
side.      Adult. 

THREE  THINGS,  THE.  Mary  Raymond  Shipman  Andrews.  Little, 
Brown  Co.,   1916.      [1920].     Grade   1.       (H.P.S.)      One-side. 

X.      10";    1    vol;  73   pp 1-85 


.1      L\ 
er    &   I 

-side,  I 

\  Bound 


THRUSH  IN  THE  HEDGE,  The.  (from  "The  Happy  End").  Joseph 
Hergesheimer.  Alfred  A.  Knopf,  1919.  [1920].  (A.L.A.) 
One-side.      Adult.      12";   pamphlet;   43    pp 80 

THUMBELINA.     Hans  Christian  Andersen.      Macmillan  Co.,   1928. 

[1930].     Grade   1.      One-side.      IV-VI.      Pamphlet;  30  pp 60 

TIME  SPIRIT,  THE.  John  Collins  Snaith.  D.  Appleton  fir  Co., 
1918.  [1920].  (N.Y.S.L.)  One-side.  Adult.  12";  3 
vols;     374    pp 9.90 

TIMES  HAVE  CHANCED.  Elmer  Davis.  R.  M.  McBride  fir  Co., 
1923.  [1926].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  Adult.  10";  5  vols; 
450     pp 1 0.65 

TIMOTHY'S  QUEST.  Kate  Douglas  Wiggin.  Houghton  Mifflin 
Co.,  1918.  [1922].  One-side.  VI-VIII.  12";  2  vols; 
1 72     pp 5.70 

TO  HAVE  AND  TO  HOLD.  Mary  Johnston.  Houghton  Mifflin 
Co.,  1900.  [1925].  One-side.  IX-X.  12";  4  vols. 
488    pp 14.90 

Copyright  1909  by  James  Otis  Kaler.  [1922].  (H.P.S.) 
One-side.      IV-VI.      1  0";  4  vols;  31  8  pp 7.80 

TOM  BROWNS  SCHOOL  DAYS.  Thomas  Hughes.  Harper  fir 
Bros.,  1911.  [1923].  One-side.  VI-VIII.  12";  4  vols; 
472    pp 14.50 

TOMMY  TINKER'S  BOOK.  Mary  F.  Blaisdell.  Little,  Brown  fir  Co., 
1911.  [1927].  Grade  1.  One-side.  I-III.  1  vol; 
1 25   pp 3.20 

TOTO  AND  THE  GIFT.     Katharine  Adams.     Macmillan  Co.,  1926. 

[1927].      One-side.      VII-VIII.      3    vols;    360    pp 9.35 

TRAWLER,  THE.      J.   B.  Connelley.  Charles 

Scribner's  Sons,   1907.      [1920]. 

P.S.)      One-side.     Adult. 

V  Bound  together.    10    , 
COMMANDEERING    OF    THE    LUCY    FOS-    >]    vo|.   80   pp  1  95 

TER.     J.   B.  Connelley.    Charf 

ner's  Sons,  1907.      [1920]. 

One-side.     Adult. 

TREASURE  ISLAND.  Robert  Louis  Stevenson.  Charles  Scribner's 
Sons,  1917.  [1922].  One-side.  VI-IX.  12";  2  vols; 
298    pp 8.75 

TRUMPETER  OF  KRAKOW,  THE.  (A  Tale  of  the  Fifteenth  Cen- 
tury).  Eric  P.  Kelly.  Macmillan  Co.,  1928.  [1930]. 
One-side.      VII-IX.      3   vols;    352   pp 9.20 

TURKEY     RED.       Francis    Gilchrist    Wood.  \ 

Pictorial    Review   Co.,    1920.    [1922].   I 

(H.P.S.)       One-side.      Adult.                     \  Bound  together.    10"; 
CAMEL'S    BACK,   THE.      S.    Scott    Fitzger-  /'    vol;    100   pp 2.30 

aid.       Curtis     Publishing     Co.,     1920.   I 

[1922].       (H.P.S.)     One-side.    Adult./ 

TWENTY-FOUR,  THE.     George  Fitch.  Little,  Brown  &  Co.,   1917. 

[1922].      Grade    1.       (H.P.S.)       One-side.       Vlll-X.       10"; 

2    vols;    1 88    pp 4.40 


Charles  \ 
].     (H.    1 

JCY    FOS-  Vj 
harles  Scrib-   i 
].      (H.P.S.)    \ 


Charles  Scribner's  Sons.  [1920].  (A.L.A.)  One-side. 
VII-IX.      12";  4  vols;  504  pp 13.20 

TWICE    TOLD   TALES.      Nathaniel    Hawthorne.      A.    L.    Burr    Co. 

[1926].      One-side.      Vlll-X.      8   vols;   91  1    pp 23.95 

TWO  LITTLE  CONFEDERATES,  THE.  Thomas  Nelson  Page. 
Charles  Scribner's  Sons,  1916.  [1920].  One-side.  IV-VI. 
12";     1     vol;     147    pp 4.30 

TWO  LITTLE  INDIANS.  Emma  M.  Maguire.  A.  Flanagan  Co., 
1923.  [1930].  Grade  1.  (N.Y.I.  E.B.)  One-side.  Il-lll. 
10";    3    vols;    142    pp 4.20 

UNCLE  JED,  CADDIE  MASTER.  Joseph  Chapman.  Curtis  Pub- 
lishing Co.  [1919].  Grade  1.  (M.C.C.  &  T.S.C.)  One- 
side.     V-VIII.     6";  pamphlet;    18  pp 30 

UNCLE  JOES  LINCOLN.  Edward  Alfred  Steiner.  Fleming  H. 
Revell  Co.,  1918.  [1930].  (B.  of  E.C..O.)  One-side. 
Vlll-X;    Adult.      10";  2  vols;   178  pp 4.25 

UNCLE  REMUS  (His  Songs  and  His  Sayings).  Joel  Chandler  Harris. 
D.  Appleton  &  Co.,  1921.  [1928].  One-side.  V-VIII. 
3    vols;    363    pp 9.40 

UNCLE  SAM  OF  FREEDOM  RIDGE.  Margaret  Prescott  Montague. 
Atlantic  Monthly  Co.,  1921.  [1921].  (A.L.A.)  One-side. 
Adult.      6" ;    1    vol ;   67   pp 1 .45 

UNDER  THE   LILACS.      Louisa    M.  Alcott.      Little,    Brown    &   Co., 

1919.      [1928].     One-side.      V-VII.      4  vols;   507   pp 13.05 

UNDER  THE  STORY  TREE.     Mabel  Guinnip  LaRue.  Macmillan  Co. 

[1930].     Grade  1.      (N.Y.I. E.B.)      One-side.      I.     8";   1   vol; 

1  09     pp 2.45 

VALLEY  OF  THE  GIANTS,  THE.  Peter  B.  Kyne.  Grosset  & 
Dunlap,  1918.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Adult. 
12";  4  vols;   488   pp 12.15 

VALLEY  OF  THE  MOON,  THE.  Jack  London.  Macmillan  Co., 
1913.  [1926].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  IX-X;  Adult.  9 
vols;   1015  pp 22.65 

VANDEMARK'S     FOLLY.        Herbert     Quick.        Bobbs-Merrill     Co., 

1922.      [1930].      One-side.      Adult.      6  vols;   733   pp 19.00 

VANITY  FAIR.      William   Makepeace  Thackeray.      A.   L.   Burt  Co. 

[1927].      One-side.      X;    Adult.      15   vols;    1876   pp 48.40 


Margery    (Williams)    Bianco.     George  H.  Doran  Co.      [1926]. 

Grade   1.     One-side.      I-II.      6";  pamphlet;  44  pp 70 

VICAR  OF  WAKEFIELD,  THE.  Oliver  Goldsmith.  Macmillan  Co., 
1899.  [1925].  One-side.  Vlll-X;  Adult.  12";  3  vols; 
352     pp 10.85 

VINEGAR  SAINT,  THE.  Hughes  Mearns.  Penn  Publishing  Co., 
1919.  [1926],  (P.I.I.B.)  One-side.  Adult.  10";  4 
vols;    443    pp 9.95 

VIRGINIAN,  THE.    Owen  Wister.    Macmillan  Co.,  191 1.      [1925]. 

(U.S.V.B.)     One-side.    Vlll-X;  Adult.      12";  5  vols;  587  pp...  15.75 



VOICE  FROM  THE  DARK,  A.  Eden  Phillpotts.  Macmillan  Co., 
1925.  [1926].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Adult.  4  vols; 
465     pp 1 0.30 

VOYAGES  OF  DOCTOR  DOOLITTLE,  THE.  Hugh  Lofting.  Fred- 
erick A.  Stokes  Co.,  1922.  [1926].  One-side.  IV-VI. 
4   vols;    453    pp 1 1 .90 

WANDERER  OF  THE  WASTELAND,  THE.  Zane  Grey.  Harper 
Cr  Bros.,  1923.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Adult. 
12";    5    vols;    612    pp 16.25 

WANTED  A  MOTHER.      Clarence   Hawkes.      George  W.   Jacobs  & 

Co.      [1921].     One-side.      IV-VII.      1 2";  2  vols;    1 80  pp 5.90 

WATER    BABIES,   THE.      Charles    Kingsley.      J.    B.    Lippincott   Co., 

1917.      [1928].      One-side.      V-VII.      3   vols;  405   pp.. 10.30 

WE  MUST  MARCH.  (A  Novel  of  the  Winning  of  Oregon). 
Honore    Willsie    Morrow.       William     Morrow    Cr    Co.,     1925. 

[1930].      One-side.      Vll-X;    Adult.      7   vols;   852   pp 22.10 

WEDDING  GIFT:  A  FISHING  STORY.  John  Taintor  Foote.  D. 
Appleton  Cr  Co.,  1924.  [1927].  (H.P.S.)  One-side.  Adult. 
10";    1    vol ;    67    pp 1 .75 

WEE  ANN,  A  STORY  FOR  LITTLE  GIRLS.  Ethel  Calvert  Phillips. 
Houghton    Mifflin    Co.,     1919.       [1926].       One-side.      Il-V. 

2  vol ;    1 24    pp 3.80 

Copyright  1899  by  Rudyard  Kipling.  [1923].  (H.P.S.) 
One-side.      II-VIII.       10";    1    vol;    107    pp 2.40 

WHAT    HAPPENED    IN    THE    ARK.       Kenneth    M.    Walker    and 

Geoffrey  M.  Boumphrey.     E.  P.  Dutton  Cr  Co.      [1927].    One- 
side.      IV-VI.      2   vols;   244   pp 6.30 

WHAT  HAPPENED  TO  INGER  JOHANNE.  Dikken  Zwilgmeyer. 
Lothrop,  Lee  Cr  Shepherd  Co.,  1919.  [1922].  (H.P.S.) 
One-side.      V-VII.      10";   4  vols;   296  pp 7.45 

Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,  1919.  [1926].  Grade  1.  One-side. 
V-VII  I.      6";    pamphlet;   46    pp 75 

WHEN  GRANNY  WAS  A  LITTLE  GIRL.  A.  E.  P.  Searing. 
Doubleday,   Page  Cr  Co.,    1926.      [1927].      One-side.    V-VII. 

3  vols;    352    pp 9.20 

WHEN  KNIGHTHOOD  WAS  IN  FLOWER.    (Marion  Davies  Edition). 
Charles   Major.      (Rewritten   and    Rendered    into   Modern    Eng- 
lish     from      Sir      Edwin      Caskoden's      "Memoirs").       Bobbs- 
Merrill    Co.,     1907.       [1928].       One-side.       IX-X;       Adult. 

4  vols;    528    pp 13.50 

WHEN  POLLY  ANN  PLAYED  SANTA  CLAUS.  Eleanor  H.  Porter. 
Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,  1919.  [1926].  Grade  1.  One-side. 
V-VII!.      6";  pamphlet;  42  pp 70 

WHITE  FANC.  Jack  London.  Macmillan  Co.,  1906.  [1924]. 
(U.S.V.B.)        One-side.       Vlll-X;       Adult.        12";     3     vols; 

313     pp 8.65 



WHJTE  HERON,  A.  Sara  Orne  jewett.  \ 
Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,  1914.  [1920].  I 
(A.L.A.)       One-side.       Adult.  \  Bound   together.    12"; 

OTHER  ROOM,  THE.     Mary  Heaton  Vorse.  fPamPhlet;  41    PP 75 

Small,  Maynard  &  Co.,  1920.   [1920].  \ 
(A.L.A.)       One-side.      Adult.  ) 

WHITE  INDIAN  BOY,  THE.  E.  N.  Wilson.  (Revised  and  Edited 
by  Howard  R.  Driggs)  .  World  Book  Co.,  1919.  [1920]. 
One-side.      VII-IX.       12";   2   vols;   232   pp 7.15 

WHITE  OAKS  OF  JALNA.  Mazo  de  la  Roche.  Little,  Brown 
&  Co.,  1929.  [1931].  (A.F.B.)  Interpoint.  Adult.  3 
vols;    777    pp 7.50 

WIDOW  LEROUCE,  THE.  Emile  Gaboriau.  Charles  Seribner's 
Sons.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Adult.  12";  5 
vols;    561     pp 15.20 

WILLIAM.       Emily    Hilda    Young.       Quinn    &    Boden    Co.,     1926. 

[1927].       (H.P.S.)      One-side.      Adult.      6  vols;   569   pp 13.25 

WILLIAM  THE  CONQUEROR  (from  "The  Day's  Work").  Rud- 
yard  Kipling.  Doubleday,  Page  &  Co.,  1898.  [1921]. 
(A.L.A.)      One-side.      IX-X.      6";    1    vol;    119   pp 2.30 

WIND  BOY,  THE.     Ethel  C.  Eliot.     Doubleday,  Page  &  Co.,  1923. 

[1927].      One-side.      V-VII.      3   vols;   327   pp 8.65 

WIND  THAT  DIDN'T  BLOW,  THE.  (Stories  of  the  Merry  Middle 
Kingdom  for  Children  and  Myself)  .  Arthur  B.  Chrisman. 
E.  P.  Dutton  &  Co.,  1927.  [1930].  One-side.  I  V-VII. 
3    vols;    344   pp 9.00 

WINNIE-THE-POOH.     A.  A.   Milne.     E.  P.   Dutton  &  Co.,   1927. 

[1928].      (H.P.S.)      One-side.      III-VI.    10";  2  vols;   1 58  pp. .    3.90 

WISP,  A  CIRL  OF   DUBLIN.     Katharine  Adams.      Macmillan   Co., 

1922.      [1928].     One-side.     VI-VIII.     4  vols;  446  pp 11.75 

WOLF.      Albert   Payson   Terhune.      Century   Co.,    1918.       [1920]. 

(A.L.A.)       One-side.      Vll-X.      6";    pamphlet;    56   pp 65 

WOMEN.       Booth    Tarkington.       Doubleday,    Page    &    Co.,    1925. 

[1926].      (U.S.V.B.)      One-side.     Adult.     4  vols;  496  pp. ...  10.85 

WONDER  CHILDREN,  THE.     Charles  J.   Bellamy.      Macmillan  Co., 

1906.      [1926].      One-side.      III-VI.      5   vols;   362   pp 10.60 

WONDER  CLOCK,   THE.      Howard   Pyle.      Harper   &   Bros.,    1915. 

[1927].     One-side.      IV-VI.      3  vols;  422  pp 10.60 

WONDERFUL    ADVENTURES    OF    NILS,    THE.      Selma    Lagerlof. 

(Translated  by  Velma  S.   Howard).      Doubleday,  Page  &  Co., 

1913.      [1928].     One-side.      IV-VI  1 1.     4  vols;  461    pp 12.10 


Browne.       D.    C.    Heath    Cr    Co.,    1900.       [1919].   One-side. 

IV- V.      12";  2  vols;   183  pp 6.00 

WONDERFUL  LOCOMOTIVE,  THE.  Cornelia  Meigs.  Macmillan 
Co.,  1928.  [1930].  Grade  1.  One-side.  1 1 -IV.  1  vol. 
76    pp 2.20 


WONDERFUL  YEAR,  THE.  William  Locke.  John  Lane  Co., 
1916.  [1924].  (U.S.V.B.)  One-side.  Adult.  12";  4 
vols;    473    pp 12.65 

YOUNG   LUCRETIA.      Mary   E.    Wilkins.      Harper   &    Bros.,    1920. 

[1928].     (H.P.S.)     One-side.     V-VI.     10";   2  vols;   211    pp...    4.80 

YOUNG  TRAILERS,  THE.  Joseph  Alexander  Altsheler.  D.  Apple- 
ton  &  Co.,  1907.  [1928].  One-side.  VI-VIII.  4  vols; 
438     pp 11.60 



CHURCH  HERALD  FOR  THE  BLIND — Published  for  the  National  Council 
of  the  Protestant  Episcopal  Church. 

THE  FREE  PRESS — Published  for  the  Wisconsin  School  for  the  Blind, 
Janesville,   Wisconsin. 

THE  MINNESOTAN — Published  for  The  Minnesota  State  Council  of 
Agencies  for  the   Blind. 

THE  READER'S  DIGEST — Published  by  the  American  Printing  House  for 
the  Blind,  Louisville,  Kentucky.  Pamphlet  form;  3  parts.  $10.00 
per  year,   including  postage. 

THE  TEXAS  METEOR — Published  for  the  Texas  School  for  the  Blind, 
Austin,   Texas. 

THE  GOODWILL  MAGAZINE  FOR  THE  BLIND — Published  for  the  Good- 
will Magazine  for  the  Blind,  Inc.,  4214  5th  Avenue  South,  Minn- 
eapolis,   Minn. 


Tangible  Apparatus 

APPLIANCES— Kindergarten 

HARDWOOD  PECS    (Size  of  Type).      Per    1000 $  4.00 



PARQUETRY   PAPER   WORK.      Each    02 


Each    2.50 


SCRIPT   LETTER   CARDS    (Sunk) .      Each    02 

SCRIPT  LETTER  SHEETS    (Raised).      Per    1 00 80 

SPELLING  FRAMES.      Per  dozen    5.50 


WRITING  CARDS;   NARROW,  WIDE  OR  BEVELED.      Per   100...    12.50 

SLATES — BRASS,  NICKEL  PLATED.  Prices  are  f.  o.  b.  Louisville. 
Consult  your  local  Postmaster  to  ascertain  amount  of  post- 
age to  include  with  your  remittance)  .  One  stylus  is 
included  with  each  slate. 

Braille  Slates — (.090x.090x.250x.400  spacing)  : 

*Desk  Slate,  4   line,   37  cell    (Packing  weight  2   lbs.)  ....  2.00 

Pocket  Slate,  4  line,  28  cell    (Packing  weight  6  oz.)  .  .  .  .  1.10 

Post  Card  Slate,  4  line,   19  cell    (Packing  weight  4  oz.)  .  .90 

New  York  Point  Slates: 

*Desk  Slate,  5   line,  42  cell    (Packing  weight  2   lbs.)  ....  2.00 

Pocket  Slate,  5  line,  31   cell    (Packing  weight  6  oz.)  .  .  .  .  1.10 

Pocket  Slate,  5  line,  38  cell    (Packing  weight  6  oz.)  ....  1.50 

Post  Card  Slate,  5  line,  23  cell    (Packing  weight  4  oz.)  .  .90 

STYLI:    (One  stylus   is   included   with   each   slate)  : 

Less  than   dozen    lots.      Each    10 

Dozen  lots  or  more.     Per  dozen 1.00 

The  desk  slate  is  mounted  on  a  substantial  board  with  a  clip  at  the 
top  which  holds  the  paper  in  place.  Each  slate  has  two  pins  at  each 
end  on  the  bottom  which  fit  into  corresponding  holes  on  either  side  of 
the  board  so  that  as  the  lines  of  writing  in  the  slate  are  filled  it  can  be 
lowered  to  the  next  series  of  holes,  and  so  on,  without  removing  the 



DISSECTED  WOODEN  RELIEF  MAPS;  states  or  countries  enameled 
in  various  colors;  large  cities  and  capitals  indicated  by  differ- 
ent kinds  of  nail   heads: 

Africa—  (38"x47")     $150.00 

Asia—  (42"x47")      200.00 

Australia  and  the   Philippines—  (38"x47")     125.00 

Europe —  (38"x42")      200.00 

North   America—  (38"x47")     150.00 

South    America—  (3 8"x51")      150.00 

United   States—  (38"x47")     200.00 

UNDISSECTED  WOODEN  RELIEF  MAPS;  states  or  countries  outlined 
with   tacks  and   enameled    in   various   colors;    large   cities   and 
capitals  indicated  by  different  kinds  of  nail  heads: 

Africa—  (3  8"x47")       $125.00 

Asia—  (42"x47")      175.00 

Australia    and    the    Philippines — (38"x47")      100.00 

Europe — (38"x47")       175.00 

North     America—  (38"x47")      125.00 

South     America — (38"x51")       125.00 

United    States —  (38"x47")     1 75.00 

DISSECTED  WOODEN  MAPS;  no  relief;  solid  colors.  (These  maps 
are  suggested  for  use  with  the  undissected  wooden  relief 
maps  and  as  puzzle  maps  for  recreation  and  general  school 
use)  : 

Africa — (38"x47")      $  25.00 

Asia —  (42"x47")      25.00 

Europe — (38"x47")       30.00 

North    America —  (38"x47") 25.00 

South    America — (38"x51")     25.00 

United   States — (38"x47")     30.00 


Subject  Index 


Alphabets   and    Braille    Primers    25 

Appliances,    Kindergarten     87 

Appliances,    Writing    87 

Arts,    Fine    13 

Arts,  Useful    14 

Astronomy,  see  Science    47 

Basketry,  See  Arts,  Useful    14 

Biology,   see   Science    47 

Biography      16 

Blindness,  see  Economics  and  Sociology 21 

Botany,  see  Science    47 

Business  Correspondence,   see  Arts,    Useful    14 

Catalogs      34 

Catechism,  see  Religion    45 

Chemistry,    see   Science    .  .  48 

Civics,  see  Economics  and  Sociology    22 

Commercial  Law,  see  Economics  and  Sociology    21 

Composition  and   Rhetoric,  see   English    29 

Cooking,    see   Arts,    Useful     15 

Description   and    Travel    19 

Drama  and   Poetry 37 

Economics     ._ 21 

Educational    Tests     42 

English      29 

Etiquette,   see   Economics   and   Sociology    21 

European    War,    see    History    25 

Fairy  Tales,  see  Fiction    51 

Fiction 51 

French    31 

Geography,  see  Description  and  Travel   and  Science    1 9,  47 

Geology,    see    Science     48 

German 32 

Grammar,   see   English    29 

History    _  ....  22 

Hygiene,   see   Arts,    Useful    and   Science    1 4,  47 

Hymns,   see   Religion    44 

Insurance,   see   Economics  and  Sociology    21 

Language    25 

Latin    33 

Law  and  Government,  see  Economics  and  Sociology    21 

Literature      ...  34 

Literature,   History  of,   see   Literature    35 


Maps     - 88 

Massage,  see  Arts,   Useful    15 

Mathematics      —  50 

Music,    see    Arts,    Fine     13 

Mythology     - 47 

Osteopathy,    see   Arts,    Useful     15 

Parliamentary  Practice,  see  Economics  and  Sociology 22 

Periodicals     85 

Philosophy       42 

Physics,    see    Science 48 

Physiology  and   Hygiene,  see  Arts,    Useful   and   Science    1  5,  49 

Piano  Tuning,  see  Arts,   Fine  and  Useful    13,14 

Poetry     37 

Poultry,    see    Arts,    Useful     14 

Primers   and    Readers    25 

Primers  for  Learning  Braille    26 

Psychology    42 

Readers    and    Primers     25 

Recreation,    see    Arts,    Fine     14 

Religion     44 

Salesmanship,   see   Arts,    Useful    14 

Science      47 

Social  Work,  see  Economics  and  Sociology 22 

Sociology     21 

Slates,    see   Appliances,    Writing    87 

Spanish      33 

Spelling,   see    English 30 

Tangible   Apparatus 87 

Travel       19 

Typewriting,   see  Arts,    Useful    15 

United  States,   History,  see   History    22 

United   States,   Travel,   see   Description   and   Travel    20 

Unity,    see    Religion     44 

Writing    Appliances     87 

Zoology,  see  Science    47 


Jiuthor  Index 



Adams,    Katharine.      Mehitable    68 

Midsummer      68 

Toto    and    the    Gift 79 

Wisp,  A  Girl  of  Dublin    82 

Addams,  Jane.      Second  Twenty  Years  at   Hull-House,   The 22 

Addison,  Joseph  and  Richard  Steele.      Sir  Roger  de  Coverley: 

Essays   from    "The   Spectator" 36 

Adelborg,   Ottilia.      Clean    Peter   and    the   Children    of   Grubbylea .  .  .  .  56 

de  Alarcon,  Antonio  Pedro.      El   Capitan  Veneno    33 

El  Sombrero  de  Tres  Picos 34 

Alcott,   Louisa   M.      Eight  Cousins    58 

Jo's   Boys    64 

Little   Women    66 

Old   Fashioned   Girl,   An    70 

Rose  in   Bloom    74 

Under  the   Lilacs    80 

Aldroch,  Bess  Streeter.     Cutters,  The 57 

Mother  Mason    69 

Aldrich,  Thomas  Bailey.     Story  of  a  Bad  Boy,  The 77 

Allen,  James  Lane.      Kentucky  Cardinal,   A    64 

Allen,  Nellie  B.     Geographical  and   Industrial   Readers: 

Asia:      China   and   the   Chinese    20,  48 

Asia:      India  and  Ceylon    20,  48 

New   Europe,   The    20,  48 

North  America 20,  48 

South  America:      Chile  and   Ecuador 20,  48 

Altsheler,  Joseph  Alexander.     Young  Trailers,  The    83 

Andersen,    Hans   Christian.      Andersen's    Fairy   Tales    51 

Marchen    (with   Vocabulary)     32 

Thumbelina       79 

Andress,  James  Mace  and  Annie  Turner  Andress.      Journey  to 

Health   Land,  A    1  5,  64 

Rosy   Cheeks   and   Strong   Heart,   The   Story   of    1  5,  74 

Andrews,  Jane.     Seven  Little  Sisters,  The 75 

Ten   Boys    78 

Andrews,   Mary  Raymond  Shipman.      Courage  of   the  Common- 
place,   The     56 

Good    Samaritan,    A    61 

His   Soul    Goes    Marching    On     62 

Perfect  Tribute,   The    71 

Three   Things,    The    78 

Arban,  Jeane  Baptiste  and   Herbert  L.  Clarke.     Arban-Clarke 
Method  for  Cornet  and  Trumpet: 

Part    I     13 

Part    II     13 

Arnold,   Emma  J.      Stories  of  Ancient  Peoples    25 

Arnold,   Mathew.      Sohrab  and   Rustum    41 

Ashley,  Roscoe,   L.      New  Civics,  The    22 

Atherton,  Gertrude.     Conqueror,  The 56 

Atkinson,  Alice  M.      European   Beginnings  of  American   History 23 

Atkinson,  Eleanor.     Greyfriars  Bobby 61 

Austen,  Jane.      Pride  and  Prejudice 72 


Authors  Not  Listed: 

Aesop    for    Children,    The     34 

Boy    Scouts    of    America     (Handbook    for    Blind    Boys)      13 

Braille  Alphabet  Cards,   Grade    1  Vi,   with    ink-print   explanations  26 

Braille  Alphabet  Sheets,  Grade   1  Vz    26 

Braille    Music    Chart     13 

Collects,  Epistles  and  Gospels  from  "The  Book  of  Common 

Prayer"     44 

Constitution   of   the   American    Association    of    Workers    for 

the   Blind    21 

Constitution  of  the  United  States,  The    23 

Declaration  of   Independence,  The    23 

Division   of  Words   into  Syllables  for  Writing   and    Emboss- 
ing  Braille  Grade    1  V2,    Leaflet   on    the    27 

Eleventh    Biennial    Convention    of    Arrrricrn    Association    of 

Workers  for   the    Blind,    June   22-26,    1925,    Report    of...  21 

Embossed   Braille  Catalogs  of  A.   P.    H 34 

Exercises  in  English  Grammar 30 

Holy    Bible,    Authorized    Version     44 

Holy    Bible,    Revised    Version,    American    Standard    Revised 

Version     44 

Hymns,   A   Selection   of    44 

Hymns,    A    Small    Collection    of    Standard     44 

In    due   season   we   shall    reap,    if    we    faint    not:    Gal.    6:9. 

Christ    Jesus    came    into    the    world    to    save    sinners: 

1    Tim;    1:15     44 

Key   to    Braille   for   reading   and   writing   grade    1  V2     28 

Litany,   The,   from    "The   Book   of   Common    Prayer"    45 

Little   Children's    Bible,    The    45 

Little  Goody  Two  Shoes,  The  History  of    66 

New  York  State  Fair  Spelling  Bee,   Syracuse,    1928    30 

Newark    Phonic    Drills     30 

Penitential   Office,   The,   from    "The   Book  of   Common 

Prayer"     45 

Primer  of  Braille  Music.    .Authorized   Edition: 

Embossed    14 

Ink-Print      14 

Principles   of    Player    Action    Operation     14 

Service  of   Holy  Communion  from    "The   Book  of   Common 

Prayer"     44 

Susanna's  Auction    77 

Twisted-in-wire    Brushes,    Dusters    and    Mops    and    How    to 

Make    Them     16 

Babbitt,    Ellen   C.      Jataka   Tales    64 

Bacon,   Frances.      Civil  and   Moral   Essays  of  Counsels  of   Francis 

Bacon,     The     34 

Bailey,  Carolyn  Sherrin.      Boys  and  Girls  of  Colonial   Days    17 

Baker,  Olaf.     Shasta  of  the  Wolves 75 

Third    Reader     27 

and and  Mildred   Batchelder.      Everyday 

Classics:    Second    Reader    27 

Baker,  Olaf.     Shasta  of  the  Wolves    76 

Baldwin,  James.     Fairy  Stories  and  Fables 59 

Fifty    Famous    Stories    Retold     23,  59 

Story  of   Roland,   The    77 

Story  of  Siegfried,   The    77 

Thirty   More   Famous   Stories   Retold    25,  78 



Baltzel'l,  Winton  James.     Complete  History  of  Music,  A 13 

Balzac,    Honore  de.      Eugenie   Crandet    (with   vocabulary)     31 

In  the  Time  of  the  Terror  and  Other  Stories  from    "Short 

Stories"      63 

Bangs,  John  Kendrick.      House-Boat  on  the  Styx,  The    35 

Little  Book  of  Christmas,  A    66 

Bannerman,    Helen.      Little   Black   Sambo,   The   Story  of    65 

Barbour,   Harriet   Buxton.      Old   English   Tales   Retold    70 

Barbour,  Ralph  Henry.     Crimson  Sweater,  The    57 

Barker,  Eugene  C.  and  Charles  Shirley  Potts  and   Charles  W. 

Ramsdell.     School   History  of  Texas,  A    25 

Barrie,  Sir  James  M.   .Courage 42 

Little    Minister,    The     66 

Peter   Pan    and   Wendy    71 

Sentimental  Tommy 75 

Barton,  Bruce.     What  Can  a  Man  Believe? 47 

Batchelder,    Mildred.       Peggy    Stories     71 

Baynes,    Ernest    Harold.      Polaris    71 

Bays,  Alfred  William.      Business   Law    21 

Beach,    Rex.      Flowing   Cold    59 

Pardners      70 

Spoilers,   The    76 

Bean,  B.  C.    (Ed.)       Business  Correspondence    14 

Beard,   Charles   Austin    and    William    C.    Bagley.      First    Book    in 

American    History,    A 23 

History   of   the  American    People,   The    23 

Beebe,  William,      jungle  Days 20 

Beith,  Ian  Hay.      Poor  Gentleman,  The    71 

Bellamy,  Charles  J.      Wonder  Children,  The    82 

Bennett,  Arnold.      Buried  Alive 54 

How  to  Live  on  Twenty-Four   Hours  a   Day    35 

and  Edward  Knoblauch.     Milestones 39 

Bennett,  Charles  E.     New  Latin  Composition,  A    (with  vocabulary)  .  .  33 

New    Latin    Grammar     33 

Bennett,   John.      Barnaby   Lee    52 

Master     Skylark      68 

Bergen,  Joseph  Y.  and  Otis  W.  Caldwell.      Practical   Botany 49 

Bergold,    Lillian    C.      Abraham    Lincoln    Centennial,    1809-1909. 

(For   Boys   and   Girls)     .  .. 16 

Bert,  Paul.      First  Steps  in  Scientific  Knowledge    . 48 

Bianco,   Margery    (Williams).      Little  Wooden   Doll,   The    66 

Velveteen  Rabbit  or  How  Toys  Became  Real,  The    80 

Biggers,   Earl   Derr.      Black  Camel,  The    53 

Bigham,  Madge  A.     Stories  of  Mother  Goose  Village    77 

Birmingham,  C.  A.,  Pseud. — See  Hanney,  j.  O. 

Blackmore,  Richard   Dodderidge.      Lorna   Doone    66 

Blackwelder,  Eliot  and  Harlan  H.  Barrows.     Elements  of  Geology.  ...  48 
Blaisdell,  Albert  Franklin  and  Francis  K.  Ball.     English  History 

Story    Book    23 

Blaisdell,  Mary  F.  Pretty  Polly  Flinders 72 

Tommy    Tinker's    Book    79 

Blanchard,  Mary  Miles.      Basketry  Book,  The    14 

Bojer,    Johan.      Emigrants     58 

Bok,  Edward.     Americanization  of  Edward   Bok,  The    16 

Bostock,  Frank  C.     Training  of  Wild  Animals,  The 50 

Boyd,    James.       Drums     58 

Marching    On     68 

Boynton,  Percy  H.     American  Literature 34 

Bradford,  Gamaliel.      Damaged  Souls 17 

Brant,  Ethel  Cushing.     Standard  Etiquette  for  All   Occasions 22 

Brete,   Jeane  de  la.      Mon  Oncle  et   Mon  Cure    32 

Brett,  Edna  Payson.      Merry  Scout  and  Other  Stories,  A 68 



Bronte,  Charlotte.      Jane  Eyre    63 

Brooks,  Charles  S.     Chimney  Pot  Papers 34 

Luca    Sarto     67 

W^opin'   Wharf  from    "Frightful    Plays"    41 

Brooks,  Dorothy.      Stories  of  the  Red  Children    77 

Brooks,  Rt.  Rev.  Phillip,  D.  D.     Seeking  Life  and  Other  Sermons.  ...  46 

Brown,  Abbie  F.      In   the  Days  of  the  Giants    63 

Lonesomest    Doll,    The     66 

Brown,  Joseph  C.  and  Albert  C.  Eldridge.      Brown-Eldridge 

Grade   VII     50 

Grade    VIII     50 

Brown,  Lela  T.     Stand  Concessions 16 

Browne,  Francis.      Wonderful  Chair  and  the  Tales  it  Told,  The    ....  82 
Bryce,  Catherine  T.      Aldine  Supplementary   Readers: 

Fables    from    Afar     26 

That's    Why    Stories     26 

and  Frank  E.  Spaulding.     Aldine  First  Language   Book: 

Part    I     29 

Part     II      29 

Aldine    Second    Language    Book     29 

Buchan,    John.      Prester    John    72 

Salute  to  Adventurers    74 

Bucholz,  Carl  Hermann,  M.  D.     Therapeutic  Exercises  and   Mas- 
sage,   Manual    of    16 

Buckley,  F.  R.     Gold  Mounted  Guns 70 

Bulfinch,  Thomas.     Age  of  Chivalry  or  Legends  of   King  Arthur,  The  51 

Golden  Age  of   Myth   and    Legend,   The    47 

Bunner,    Henry   Cuyler.      Seven    Old    Ladies    of    Lavender   Town, 

The,  from   "A  Treasury  of   Plays  for  Children" 40 

Zenobia's     Infidelity     76 

Buyan,  John.     Pilgrim's  Progress,  The    71 

Burdette,  Robert  Jones.      Rise  and  Fall  of  the  Mustache,  The 36 

Burgess,  G.      Have  You   an    Educated    Heart?    67 

Burgess,  Thornton  W.      Burgess  Bird   Book  for  Children,  The    48 

Old  Mother  West  Wind    70 

Burnett,  Frances  Hodgson.     A  Fair  Barbarian    59 

Little    Lord    Fauntleroy     66 

Little  Princess,  The,  from  "A  Treasury  of  Plays  for  Children".  .  39 

Secret    Garden,    The     74 

Burns,  Robert.     Cotter's  Saturday  Night  and  Other  Poems,  The....  38 

Selected   Poems  and  Songs  of    40 

Burroughs,  John.     Story  of  My  Boyhood,  The 18 

Burrowes,  Annesley.     What  it  is  Like  to  be   Blind    22 

Burt,  Mary  Elizabeth.      Poems  that  Every  Child  Should   Know 40 

Bush,  Bertha  E.     Prairie  Rose,  A 72 

Butler,   Ellis   Parker.      Goat   Feathers    60 

Pigs   is   Pigs    76 

Byrne,  Donn.     Brother  Saul    54 

Changeling,    The    .     55 

Byron,  Lord.     Prisoner  of  Chillon,  The    40 


Cabot,  Richard  Clarke,  M.  D.     Layman's  Handbook  of  Medicine,  A.  .  15 

Cady,  H.  Emilie.     Finding  the  Christ  in  Ourselves 44 

Lessons  in  Truth    44 

Caesar,  Julius.     Caesar's  Galic  Wars — Books   I -IV    (with  vocabulary)  33 
Caldwell,  Otis  W.and  William  L.   Eichenberry.      General   Science    ...  48 
Caldwell,  Otis  W.  and   Edwin   Emory  Slosson.      Science   Remak- 
ing   the    World 50 

Canfield,  Dorothy — See  Fisher,  Dorothy  Canfield. 



Carhart,  George  S.  and  Paul  A.  McChee.     Through  Magic  Casements  41 

Carlyle,  Thomas.      Essay  on  Burns 35 

Carnegie,  Andrew.     Autobiography  of  Andrew  Carnegie 16 

Carpenter,    Frank    C,    Lift.    D.      Around    the    World    with    the 

Children;  An   Introductory  Geography    19 

Carrion,     Miguel     Ramos     and     Vital     Axa.        Zaragueta      (with 

vocabulary   covering    "Fortuna"    also)     33 

Corroll,  Lewis.     Alice's  Adventures  in  Wonderland 51 

Cather,  Willa.     One  of  Ours 70 

Shadows  on   the   Rock    75 

Chamberlain,  James  Franklin.      Home  and  World  Series: 

How  We  are  Clothed    20 

How    We    are    Fed     20 

How  We  are  Sheltered    20 

How    We    Travel     20 

Chance,   Lula   Maude.      Little   Folks  of   Many  Lands    20 

Chancellor,  William  E.      History  and  Government  of  the   United 

States      24 

Chaplin,   Herman  White.      Five   Hundred   Dollars  and   Other  Stories.  .  59 

Chapman,   Joseph.      Uncle   Jed,   Caddie   Master    80 

Chapman,  Mrs.  Mariston.      Happy  Mountain,  The 61 

Chapman,  William  Gerard.      Green  Timber  Trails    61 

Chardenal,  C.  A.     Complete  French  Course    (French-English  and 

English-French   vocabulary)     31 

Chase,   Mary   Ellen.      Silver   Shell,    The    75 

Chaucer,   Geoffrey.      The  Canterbury  Tales    37 

Cheyney,   Edward   Potts.      Short   History  of   England,   A    (Revised 

Edition)       25 

Chiles,  James  A.     German  Prose  Composition    (with  vocabulary)  ....  32 

Chrisman,  Arthur  B.     Wind  That  Didn't   Blow,  The    82 

Churchill,    Winston.      Crisis     The     57 

Crossing,    The     57 

Cicero,  Marcus  Tullius.     Cicero's  Six  Orations    (with  special 

vocabulary)     33 

Clark,   Mary   E.   and   Margery  C.   Quigley.      Etiquette,    Jr 21 

Clemens,    Samuel    L.      Adventures    of    Huckleberry    Finn,    The 51 

Adventures  of  Tom  Sawyer,  The 51 

Connecticut  Yankee  at  King  Arthur's  Court,  A    56 

Danger  of  Lying  in  Bed,  The 78 

Esquimau's  Romance,  The    68 

jumping    Frog,    The     39 

LI  ,000,000    Bank-Note,    The 68 

Prince   and   the   Pauper,   The    72 

$30,000  Bequest,  The 78 

Cobb,  Bertha  B.  and  Ernest  Cobb.     Arlo 52 

Cobb,    Irvin    S.       Belled    Buzzard,    The,    from    'The    Escape    of 

Mr.    Trimm"     53 

Life  of  the  Party,  The 65 

Old  Judge   Priest    70 

Snake   Doctor,    The    76 

Speaking  of  Operations    36 

Cody,  Col.  William   F.      Adventures  of  Buffalo   Bill,  The 16 

Cohen,  S.  S.,    (Ed).     System  of  Physiologic  Therapeutics 16 

Coleman,  Bessie  B.  and  Willis  L.  Uhl  and  James  F.  Hosic.  Path- 
way to  Reading  Series: 

Primer 28 

First    Reader     28 

Second  Reader    28 

Third    Reader     28 

Fourth   Reader    28 

Fifth     Reader     28 

Sixth     Reader     28 



Coleridge,   Samuel   Taylor.      Rime   of    the   Ancient    Mariner,    The.  ...  40 

Collodi,  C.      Pinocchio    "71 

Colum,   Padraic    (Ed.)      Arabian   Nights,   The    52 

Children's    Homer,   The:    The   Adventures   of   Odysseus    and 

the   Tale   of   Troy    47 

Forge  in  the  Forest,  The 59 

Connelly,  J.  B.     Commandeering  of  the  Lucy  Foster 79 

Trawler,   The    79 

Conrad,  Joseph.     Arrow  of  Cold,  The    52 

Rescue,    The     73 

Secret  Sharer,  The,  from  "  Twixt  Land  and  Sea"    74 

Conwell1,   Russell    H.      Acres  of   Diamonds    34 

Cooke,   Flora  J.      Nature   Myths  and   Stories  for   Little   Children 47 

Cooper,  James  Fenimore.      Last  of  the   Mohicans,   The    65 

Spy,   The:  A  Tale  of   the   Neutral   Ground    76 

Couzens,  Reginald  C.     Stories  of  the  Months  and   Days,  The 36 

Cowper,  William.      John  Gilpin    38 

Craig,  John  Bradford.      Nature  Study: 

Book    I     49 

Book     II      49 

Book     III      49 

Craik,   Mrs.   Dinah   Maria    (Mulock).      Adventures  of   a    Brownie,   The  51 

Little   Lame   Prince,   The    66 

Crane,   Dr.  Frank.      If  You  are  Up  Against   It — Go  Around 42 

Crawford,    F.    Marion.      Man    Overboard     67 

Upper   Berth,   The    67 

Crawford,   J.   P.   Wickersham.      First   Book   in   Spanish,   A 33 

Spanish    Composition     (Text    only)      34 

Temas      Espanoles       34 

Crew,  Helen  Coale.     Saturday's  Children 74 

Crockett,  S.   R.      Red  Cap  Tales    73 

Crothers,  S.  McChord.     Children  of  Dickens,  The 55 

Cruse,   Amy.      Young   Folk's   Book  of   Myths,   The    47 

Cumnock,   Robert   McLean.      Choice   Readings    34 

Curry,  J.  S.      Curry  Touch  Typewriting 15 

Curwood,  James  Oliver.     Ancient  Highway,  The 51 

God's  Country  and  the  Woman    60 

Kazan     64 

Curtis,  George  William.      Prue  and   I    72 

Cushing,    Luther  S.    Manual   of    Parliamentary    Practice    22 

Dana,   Richard   H.,  Jr.      Two  Years  Before  "Se   Mast    21 

Daudet,  Alphonse.      Contes  Choisis    (with   vocabulary)     31 

Tartarin    de   Tarascon     (with    vocabulary)     32 

Davis,    Elmer.      Times    Have   Changed    79 

Davis,   Mary   Montague.      Dr.    Pete  of   the   Sierras    58 

Davis,   Richard   Harding.      Bar  Sinister,  The    52 

Boy  Scouts  and  Other  Stories,  The    54 

Gallegher    60' 

My  Disreputable  Friend,   Mr.   Raegan    60 

Soldiers   of    Fortune    IS 

Davis,   William   Stearns.      Gilman   of    Redford     60 

pondence      14,  29' 

Davis,  William  Stearns.     Gilman  of  Redford    60 

Defendall,  P.  H.     Actual  Business  English    29 

Defoe,    Daniel.      Robinson    Crusoe    73 



De  La   Mare,  Walter.      Child's  Day,   A    37 

Peacock    Pie     40 

Poems    for    Children     40 

De  La  Rammee,  Louisa.      Dog  of  Flanders,  A    58 

Depew,   Ollie.      Scientific   Course    in    Typewriting,    A    16 

Derieux,    Samuel    A.      Comet     76 

Dewey,  John.      Human   Nature  and  Conduct    42 

Dey,  F.  Van  Resselaer.      Magic  Story,  A    67 

Dickens,   Charles.      Christmas  Carol     A    56 

David    Copperfield     57 

Old  Curiosity  Shop,   The    70 

Pickwick    Papers,    The    36 

Tale  of  Two  Cities,  A 78 

Dix,    Beulah    Marie.      Merrylips    68 

Soldier  Rigdale 76 

Dodge,   Mary  Mapes.      Hans   Brinker  or  the  Silver  Skates    61 

Dombrowski,    Baroness.      Abdallah    and    the    Donkey    51 

Boga — The     Elephant     53 

D'Ooge,   Benjamin   L.      Elements  of   Latin    (with   vocabulary)     33 

Dootson,    Lily   Lee.      Riddle    Book  for   Silent    Reading,   A    29 

Dorsey,  George  A.,   LL.   D.      Why  We   Behave   Like   Human   Beings.  .  42 
Driggs,   Howard   R.      Live   Language   Lessons: 

First    Book     30 

Second    Book    30 

Third     Book     30 

Drinkwater,  John.     Abraham  Lincoln    (A  Play)     37 

Dryden,    John.      Alexander's    Feast    37 

DuChaillu,   Paul.      Wild   Life   Under  the   Equator    21 

Dumas,  Alexandre.      La  Tulipe  Noire    (with  exercises,   notes  and 

vocabulary)       32 

Duncan,   Francis.      My  Garden   Doctor    69 

Duncan,  Norman.     Adventures  of  Billy  Topsail,  The: 

Part    I     51 

Part   II    51 

Dunn,  Fannie  and  Franklin  T.  Baker  and  Ashley  H.  Thorndike. 
Everyday  Classics: 

Primer      27 

First    Reader     27 

DuPuy,  William   Atherton.      Our  Animal    Friends   and    Foes    49 

Durant,   Will,   Ph.    D.      Story  of   Philosophy,   The    42 

Durell,   Fletcher  and  E.   E.  Arnold.      Algebra,   A  Second   Book   in.  .  .  .  50 

Eastman,    Max.      Enjoyment   of    Poetry    35 

Eggleston,  Edward.      Hoosier  School   Boy,  The    62 

Hoosier   Schoolmaster,    The    62 

Stories  of  American   Life  and  Adventure    25 

Stories  of  Great  Americans    18 

Eliot,   Ethel   C.   Wind    Boy,   The    82 

Eliot,  George.     Adam   Bede    51 

Silas    Marner 75 

Elson,  William   H.  and  Lura  E.   Runkeland  William   S.   Gray. 

Elson  Basic  Reader    (Life-Reading  Service) — Primer    27 

Elson,   William    H.   and   William   S.   Gray.      Elson    Basic    Readers 
(Life-Reading   Service)  : 

Book   One    27 

Book  Two    27 

Book    Three     27 

Book    Four     27 

Book     Five     27 



Elson,  William   H.  and  Christine  M.  Keck.        Elson   Readers: 

Book    Six     27 

Book  Seven    27 

Emerson,  Ralph  Waldo.     Essay  on  Compensation 35 

Essay   on    History,    An    35 

Essay  on  Self-Reliance 35 

Ertz,   Susan.      Madame  Claire    67 

Esrich,  Enrich  Perez.      Fortuna    (with  vocabulary  covering 

"Zaragueta")       33 

Fairstair,  Mrs.    (Pseud)     (Ed).     Memoirs  of  a  London  Doll,  Written 

by    Herself     68 

Faris,   Lillie  A.      Standard   Bible  Story  Readers: 

Book   I — The   Primer    46 

Book   II — The  First  Reader    46 

Book    1 1 1 — The   Second    Reader    46 

Book    IV — The   Third    Reader    46 

Book   V — The   Fourth    Reader    46 

Book  VI — The   Fifth   Reader    46 

Farnol,  Jeffery.      Honorable  Mr.  Tawnish,  The 62 

Fassett,  James  H.      Beacon  Readers: 

Primer,  The 26 

First   Reader,   The    26 

Second    Reader,    The     26 

Third    Reader,    The    26 

Fourth    Reader,    The     26 

Fifth   Reader,   The    26 

Faulkner,  Georgene  and  Others.      Cap,   the  Red  Cross   Dog,   and 

Other  Stories    54 

Ferber,   Edna.      Fanny   Herself    59 

Frog  and  the  Puddle,  The    78 

Show  Boat    75 

That's    Marriage     78 

Fernald,  J.  C,   L.   H.   D.      Standard   Dictionary  of   the   English 

Language — Pocket    Edition     31 

Field,  Rachel*.     Taxies  and  Toadstools 41 

Finger,  Charles  J.     Tales  from  Silver  Lands 78 

Finley,  W.   L.  and    Irene  Finley.      Little   Bird    Blue    49,  65 

Firman,  Sidney  C.and  Ethel   H.   Maltby.     The  Winston   Readers: 

Primer,    The     29 

First   Reader,   The    29 

Second  Reader,  The 29 

Fisher,    Dorothy    (Canfield) .      Bent   Twig,   The    53 

Heyday  of  the  Blood    The,  from  "Hillsboro  People"    62 

Fitch,  George.     Sizing  up  Uncle  Sam    36 

Twenty-four,   The    79 

Fitzgerald,  S.  Scott.      Camel's   Back,  The    79 

Fletcher,   Mabel    Elizabeth.      Old   Settler   Stories    70 

Folsom,  Elizabeth.     Towers  of  Fame 70 

Foote,  John  Taintor.     Wedding  Gift:  A  Fishing  Story 81 

Foote,  Mary  Hallock.      Edith   Bonham    58 

Ford,   Julia   Ellsworth.      Pan   and   Santa  Claus    70 

Fox,  John  Jr.     Little  Shepherd  of  Kingdom  Come,  The 66 

France,  Anatole.      Le  Crime  de  Sylvestre   Bonnard    (with   vocabulary)  31 

Le  Livre  de  Mon  Ami — Le  Livre  de  Pierre    (with  vocabulary)  .  .  32 

French,  Henry  Williard    (Trans).      Lance  of   Kanana,   The,  Ardavan .  .  65 

Franklin,    Benjamin.      Autobiography  of    Benjamin    Franklin    17 

French,  Henry  Williard    (Trans).      Lance  of  Kanana,  The,  Ardavan..  66 


Fryer,  Jane  Eayre.     Young  American   Readers: 

Community    Interest   and    Public   Spirit    !.  Z2 

Our  Home  and  Personal   Duty 22 

Our  Town   and   Civic   Duty    22 

Fuentes,  V.  and  V.   E.   Francois.   Trip  to   Latin  America,   A 

(with    vocabulary)      34 

Fyteman,    Rose.      Fairies    and    Chimneys    38 


Gaboriau,   Emile.      Widow  Lerouge,  The    82 

Gailor,  Thomas  F.,   S.  T.    D.      Episcopal   Church,   The    44 

Gale,  Elizabeth.     How  the  Animals  Came  to  the  Circus 63 

Gale,  Zona.      Faint   Perfume 59 

Miss  Lulu  Bett 68 

Galsworthy,  John.      Indian  Summer  of  a  Forsyte  from   "The 

Forsyte    Saga"    63 

Quality 39 

Garland,   Hamlin.     Son  of  the  Middle  Border,  A 16 

Gaskell,    Mrs.   Elizabeth   C.      Cranford 57 

Gates,  Josephine  Scribner.      Little  Girl   Blue 66 

Story  of  Live   Dolls,   The    77 

Gemmill,   Elsie.      English   Grammar,    Essentials   of    30 

Gibbons,    Herbert  A.      Reconstruction   of   Northern    France,   The, 

from   "France   and  Ourselves"    24 

The  New  Map  of  Asia 24 

The   New   Map  of   Europe    24 

What  Confronts  France  from   "France  and  Ourselves"    24 

Gibbs,  A.   Hamilton.      Soundings    76 

Gifford,   Jane  Curtis  and   E.   G.   Payne.      Red    Feather's  Adventures.  .  73 

Glaskow,    Ellen      Romantic   Comedians,    The 73 

Glaspell,   Susan.      Suppressed    Desires;   A   Comedy   in   Two   Scenes.  .  .  41 

Glass,  Montague.     Object:  Matrimony 70 

Godfrey,  Hold's.     Elementary  Chemistry 48 

Goethe,  John  Wolfgang  von.      Das  Marchen    (with  vocabulary)     ....  32 

Goldsmith,  Oliver.      Deserted   Village,   The    38 

She  Stoops  to  Conquer    41 

Vicar  of  Wakefield,  The    80 

Gordon,   Elizabeth.      I    Wonder  Why? 38 

Gordon,  Emma   K.  and   Marietta  Stockard.      Gordon   Readers: 

First  Reader 28 

Second    Reader     28 

Gordy,  Wilbur  Fisk.      Stories  of   Later  American   History    25 

Graham,    John    Cameron    and    Fred    H.    Cockell.    Brooding    and 

Rearing    Chicks    14 

Grant,  Ulysses  S.      Personal   Memoirs  of  Ulysses  S.  Grant: 

Part    I 18 

Part    II     .  18 

Gray,  Thomas.      Elegy  Written  in  a  Country  Church-Yard    38 

Gray,  William  S.     Gray  Oral  Reading  Check  Tests: 

Sets  I,  II  and  III — Nos.  1,  2,  3,  4,  5  of  each 42 

Sets  II,  III  and  IV — Nos.  1,  2,  3,  4,  5  of  each 42 

Grayson,   David.      Friendly   Road,   The 60 

Green,  Anna  Katherine.      Leavenworth  Case,  The 65 

Greene,    Homer.      Flag,    The    59 

GrenfeH,  Wilfred  T.     Adrift  on  an  Ice  Pan 16 

Grey,   Edward,    1st  Viscount.      Recreation    (Address   Delivered   at 

the  Harvard   Union,    December   8,    1919)     J 4,  36 

Grey,  Zane.     Lone  Star  Ranger,  The 66 

Riders  of  the  Purple  Sage 73 

Wanderer  of   the   Wasteland,   The    81 

Crierson,  Elizabeth  W.     Heir  of  Linne  and  Other  Stories    The.  .....  62 



Griffith,   Eleanor  Clendower.      Cho-Cho  and   the    Health    Fairy 

(Six    Stories) 1  5,  55 

Grimm,  Jacob,  and  Ludwig  and  Karl    (Brothers  Grimm).     Grimm's 

Fairy    Tales     61 

Household    Stories    62 

Grimshaw,    Beatrice.      Conn   of   the  Coral    Seas    56 

Grishina,  N.  C.      Peter-Pea    71 

Guerber,    Helene    Adeline.       Marchen    und    Erzahlungen — Part    I 

with    vocabulary)      32 

Story  of  the  Greeks,   The    25 

Story  of  the  Thirteen  Colonies,  The    25 

Guest,   Edgar.      Selected   Poems  of   Edgar  Guest   from    "All    That 
Matters",    "Just    Folks",    "The    Path    to    Home"    and 

"A    Heap    O'Livin'  "     40 


Habberton,   John.      Helen's    Babies    62 

Haggard,   H.   Rider.      Cleopatra    56 

People  of  the  Mist,  The      71 

Hale,   Edward   Everett.      Man   Without   a   Country,    The    67 

My   Double   and    How   He   Undid    Me    77 

Susan's   Escort    77 

Hale,  Lucretia  P.      Last  of  the  Peterkins  With  Other  of   their 

Kin,   The    65 

Halevy,   Ludovic.      L'Abbe  Constantin    (with   vocabulary)     31 

Hall,  Holsworthy.     What  is  Wasted  Time?    69 

Hall,  Jennie.     Our  Ancestors  in  Europe 24 

Halleck,   Reuben   Post.      History  of  American   Literature    35 

New  English   Literature    36 

Halliburton,   Richard.      Royal   Road  to   Romance,   The    20 

Hamilton,   Clarence   Grant.      Outlines  of    Music    History    14 

Hancock,  Mary.     Children  of  History:   Later  Times,  The    17 

Hanney,   J.   O.      Spanish   Gold    76 

Hardy,    Marjorie.      Child's    Own    Way   Series:    Wag    and    Puff — 

A  Primer    26 

Harris,  Joel  Chandler.     Uncle  Remus    (His  Songs  and  His  Sayings)  ...  80 

Hart,  Frances  Noyes.     Bellamy  Trial,  The 52 

Hart,  Joseph  K.     Social   Life  and   Institutions    22 

Harte,   Bret.      Luck  of   Roaring  Camp,   and   Other   Stories,   The 67 

Tennessee's    Partner     78 

Haskell,    Helen    E.      Katrinka     64 

Hawes,  Charles  Boardman.      Dark  Frigate,   The    57 

Great  Quest,  The 61 

Hawkes,  Clarence.     Field  and  Forest  Friends 48 

Hitting    the    Dark    Trail     18 

Shaggycoat      50 

Wanted    a    Mother 81 

Hawthorne,   Julian.      Rumpty   Dudget's  Tower:   A    Fairy  Tale    74 

Hawthorne,    Nathaniel.      Great   Stone    Face   and    Other   Tales   of 

the  White  Mountains,  The    61 

House   of   Seven   Gables,   The    62 

Tanglewood   Tales    47 

Twice    Told    Tales    _ 80 

Hay,  Ian    (Pseud).     See  Beith,   Ian   Hay 

Hayes,  Carleton  Joseph   Huntley  and   Parker  T.   Moon.      Modern 

History 24 

Hayes,  Samuel  Perkins,  Ph.  D.     Test  Material   Included  in  "Self- 
Surveys  for  the  Blind,  A  Manual   for  the  Guidance  of 

Teachers"     43 



Hegan,  Alice  Caldwell — See  Rice,  Alice  Hegan. 

Hemon,    Louis.      Maria    Chapdelaine     (A    Tale    of    the    Lake    St. 

John    Country)      68 

Henderson,  William  James.     Art  of  the  Singer,  The 13 

Hendrick,  Burton  J.      Life  and   Letters  of  Walter  H.   Page: 

Part    I     18 

Part   I!    18 

Henry,  O.    (Pseud) — See  Porter,   Sidney. 

Hergesheimer,    Joseph.       Java    Head .  64 

Thrush    in   the   Hedge,   The,   from    "The   Happy   End"    79 

Herrick,    Robert.      Master   of    the    Inn,    The    68 

Hill,   Frederick  Trevor.      On   the  Trail  of  Washington    18 

Hill,   Helen  and  Violet  Maxwell.      Charlie  and   His  Coast  Guards    ...  55 

Charlie   and    His   Friends       55 

Charlie   and    His    Kitten  Topsy 55 

Charlie   and    His   Puppy     Bingo     55 

Charlie  and  the  Surprise  House 55 

Little    Tonino     66 

Hill,    Howard   C.      Community   Life   and   Civic    Problems    21 

Hillyer,  V.  M.    .Child's  History  of  the  World,  A    23 

Hines,  Jack.      Blue  Streak,   The 53 

One    Man    Dog,    The    53 

Hitchcock,  Alfred  M.     Composition  and  Rhetoric 29 

Hodgdon,  Jeannette  Rector.     First  Course  in  American  History: 

Book    I — Discoverers,    Explorers    and    Colonists    23 

Book  J I — The   National    Period    23 

Hodge,  Lamont  F.  and  Arthur  Lee.      Elementary  English,   Spoken 

and  Written — Book   II    30 

Holbrook,   Florence.      Book   of    Nature   Myths,   The    47 

Holland,  Rupert  S.      Historic  Adventures 23 

Historic    Inventions     15 

Holley,   Marietta.      Josiah   Allen's  Wife    35 

Holling,    Holling  Clancy.      Rocky   Billy 73 

Hollis,  Gertrude.     Our  Wonderful  Church 46 

Holmes,  Oliver  Wendell.     Autocrat  of  the   Breakfast  Table,   The.  ...  34 

Hope,  Anthony.      Prisoner  of   Zenda,  The    72 

Rupert   of    Hentzau    74 

Hopkins,   William   J.      Sandman,   The:    His   Farm   Stories    74 

Horn,   Ernest  and  Grace  Shields.      Learn   to  Study  Readers — Book    I  .  .  28 

Hough,   Emerson.     Covered  Wagon,  The    57 

54-40  or  Fight    59 

Hough,  Theadore  and  W.  T.  Sedgwick.      Human   Mechanism,  The.  .  1  5,  49 

Howard,  Alice  Woodbury.      Sokar  and   the   Crocodile    76 

Hubbard,   Elbert.      Message   to  Garcia,   A    35 

Hudson,  William   Henry.      Green   Mansions    61 

Little    Boy    Lost,    A     66 

Hughes,   Thomas.      Tom    Brown's   School    Days    79 

Hugo,    Victor.      Quatrevingt-Treize     (with    vocabulary)     32 

Hurst,   Fannie.      President   is   Born,   A    72 

Hutchison,  A.  S.  M.      If  Winter  Comes    63 

Irving,  Washington.      Alhambra,   The    19 

Conquest   of   Granada,   The    23 

Legend  of  Sleepy   Hollow,   The    35 

Sketch   Book,  The    36 



Jackson,    Helen    Hunt.      Ramona    72 

James,    William.      Selected    Papers   on    Philosophy..    Chapters    I, 

II,    III,    IV,   V  and   VII     42 

Talks  to  Students  on   Some  of   Life's   Ideals    42 

Jeans,   Sir  James.      Mysterious    Universe,    The    49 

Jewerr,   Frances  Culick.      Health   and   Safety    1  5,  48 

Physiology,    Hygiene   and   Sanitation    from    "Culick    Hygiene 

Series"      15,49 

Jewerr,   Sara  Arne.      White   Heron,   A    82 

Joan,    Natalie.      Cosy-Time    Tales    56 

Johnson,   Clifton.      John    Burroughs'   Talks    18 

Johnston,    Mary.       1 492     60 

To    Have    and    To    Hold     79 

Jonson,    Ben.      Alchemist,    The 37 

Epicoene:  or  The  Silent  Woman    38 

Jordon,    Elizabeth.      Blue   Circle,    The    53 

Judd,   Mary  Catherine    (Comp).      Wigwam   Stories    25 

Kellend,   Clarence    Budington.      Scattergood    Baines — Chapters    l-IV.  .  74 

Keller,  Helen.     Midstream :  My  Later  Life 18 

Kelley,  Truman   L.   and   Giles   M.    Ruch   and    Lewis   M.   Terman. 
Stanford   Achievement   Tests: 

Primary   Examination,   Form  A 43 

Primary   Examinations,    Form    B 43 

Advanced    Examination,    Form    A 43 

Advanced    Examination,    Form    B 43 

Kelly,   Eric  P.     Trumpeter  of   Krakow,   The    79 

Kennedy,  Isabel  W.     History  of  the  Pennsylvania  Home  Teaching 

Society  and    Free  Circulating   Library  for   the    Blind,    The 21 

Kennedy,    Robert    Kerr.      Diamonds   and    Diamonds    57 

Kensington,  J.  J.     Talking  with  Cod    46 

Kent,    Frances.       Puppy    Dogs'    Tales     72 

Kilbourne,  C.  E.      Baby  Elephant  and  the  Zoo   Man 52 

Baby    Kangaroo    and    Lilly    Lamb     52 

Bab'y   Lion   and   the   Bum-Head   Animal    52 

Baby   Monkey    and    the    Wily    Wolf     52 

Baby  Ostrich  and  Mr.  Wise  Owl    52 

King,   Basil.      Conquest  of  Fear,  The    42 

Kingsley,  Charles.      Heroes  or  Creek  Fairy  Tales  for  My  Children,  The  62 

Hypatia     62 

Water    Babies,    The    81 


Kipling,    Rudyard.      Brushwood    Boy,    The    54 

"Captains   Courageous"     55 

Jungle     Book,    The     64 

Just  So  Stories 64 

Kim      64 

Man  Who  Would   Be  King,  The    67 

Second  Jungle  Book,  The 74 

.007   from    "The    Day's   Work"    75 

Ship   that   Found   Herself,   The,   from   "The   Day's  Work"    75 

Wee   Willie    Winkie    and    Other    Stories    81 

William    the   Conqueror   from    "The    Day's   Work"     82 

Kirk,  John  C.  and  Mary  A.  Waesche.     Junior  Training  for  Modern 

Business      15 

Kitson,   Harry  D.,   Ph.   D.      How  to  Use  Your  Mind    42 



Knibbs,  Henry  H.      Ridin'   Kid  from  Powder  River,  The 73 

Knight,    WiiSiam   Allen.      Song   of   Our   Syrian   Guest,    The 76 

Knipe,   Emelie   Benson   and   Allen   A.    Knipe.      Lost — A    Brother    ....  67 
K.  O.  S.    (Pseud) — See   Baroness   Dombrowski. 

Krauskopf,  Rabbi  Joseph.      Loyalty  of  the  Jew,  The    46 

Wandering  Jew,  The    46 

Krehbeil,  Henry  Edward.      How  to  Listen  to  Music 13 

deKruif,   Paul.      Microbe    Hunters    1  5,  49 

Kyne,    Peter   B.      Go-Cetter,    The    60 

Kindred  of  the   Dust    65 

Never   the   Twain   Shall    Meet    69 

Valley   of   the   Giants,    The    80 

Lagerlbf,   Selma.      Christ   Legends    56 

Marbacka    18 

Wonderful  Adventures  of   Nils,   The    82 

Laidlaw,  R.  A.     Reason  Why,  The 46 

Lair,  Jack.      It  Wasn't  Honest,   But   It  Was  Sweet    65 

Lars,  the  Useless,  Was  a   Nuisance    65 

Lamb,  Charles  and   Mary  Lamb.      Tales  from  Shakespeare    36 

Lambert,  A.      Piano   Method    14 

LaMotte,   Ellen    N.      Peking    Dust    24 

Lamprey,   Louise.      In  the   Days  of   the  Guild    63 

Lane,  Franklin  K.      Letters  of  Franklin   K.   Lane,  The    18 

Lansing,    Marion    Florence.      Rhymes   and    Stories    73 

LaPrade,  Ernest.     Alice   in  Orchestralia    13 

LaRue,  Mabel  Cuinnip.      Under  the  Story  Tree    80 

Latane,   John    Holladay,   Ph.    D.,    LL.    D.      History  of   the    United 

States,    A     24 

Latimer,   H.   Randolph.      Braille  Contraction   Drill    26 

Braille    Letter    Drill     26 

Laughlin,    Clara    E.      Everybody's    Lonesome     58 

Leacock,   Stephen.      Soaked    in   Seaweed    76 

Lee,  Jeanette.      Chinese  Coat,  The    55 

Lefevere,  Felicite.     Cock,  The  Mouse  and  The  Little  Red  Hen,  The.  .  56 

LeCallienne,  Richard.     Pieces  of  Eight 71 

Leupp,    Francis   Ellington.      Day   With    Father,    A 57 

Man    Roosevelt,    The    18 

Lewis,  Harry  R.     Poultry  Keeping 15 

Lewis,  O.  F.     Old  Peter  Takes  an  Evening  Off 70 

Lewis,   William    Dodge,   and   Albert   Lindsay    Rowland   and    Ethel 

H.   Maltby  Cehres.      Third   Silent   Reader    29 

Lincoln,  Joseph  C.      Doctor   Nye    58 

Fair   Harbor    59 

Shavings      75 

Lindeman,   Frank   B.      Indian   Why  Stories    63 

Lindsay,  Maud.      Mother  Stories    69 

Lindsay,  Vachel1.     Johnny  Appleseed  and  Other  Poems    38 

Locke,  William.      Wonderful   Year,   The    83 

Lofting,    Hugh.      Story   of    Doctor    Doolittle,    The    77 

Voyages  of  Doctor  Doolittle,  The    81 

London,    Jack.      Love   of    Life    67 

Sea    Wolf,    The 74 

Valley  of  the  Moon,  The 80 

White    Fang     81 



Longfellow,   Henry  Wadsworth,    Evangeline    38 

Miles  Standish  and  Other  Selections    39 

Song    of    Hiawatha,    The     41 

Tales  of  a   Wayside    Inn    41 

Lovejoy,   Mary   i.      Selections   from    Nature   in   Verse,    Poetry   for 

Children      40 

Vol.    I — Songs   of   Spring. 
Vol.    II — Songs  of  Summer. 
Vol.    Ill — Songs  of  Autumn. 
Vol.    IV — Songs   of    Winter. 

Lowe!!,  James  Russell.      Essay  on   Chaucer    35 

Essay  on    Dryden    35 

Essay  on   Pope      35 

Essay  on   Shakespeare    Once    More     35 

Essay  on   Spencer     35 

Vision  of  Sir   Launful,   The    41 

Lucas,  Edward  Verrall.     Slowcoach,  The    16 

Luther,  Martin.     Luther's  Small  Catechism  and  a  few  Bible  Verses.  .  45 

Lytton,  Sir  Bulwer.     Last  Days  of  Pompeii,  The    65 

Mabie,   Hamilton   Wright.      Norse  Stories    47 

MacAfee,   Nellie  Elizabeth.      Massage    15 

Macartney,   C.   E.      Doctrine  of   the  Trinity,   The 45 

Everlasting  Yea,  The    45 

Cod's  Day  and  the  Soul  of  Man 45 

Mountain   Peaks  of  Old  Testament    Biography — III — Gideon...  45 

Three  Sermons:  How  Does  it  Stand  with  the  Bible? 45 

Life  So  Cruel,  So  False,  So  Great  a  Sham! 
It  Takes  Tribulation  to  Make  a  Man. 

Words    45 

Macauley,   Thomas    Babington,    1st   Baron.      Essay   on   Addison    17 

Essay   on    Milton    17 

McCarthy,   Justin.      If   I   Were   King    63 

McClure,  Marjorie  B.      High   Fires    62 

McConkey,   James   H.      Beauty  for  Ashes    45 

Believing    is   Seeing    45 

Blessed  Hope 45 

Blessing    of    Doing,    The     45 

Book  of  Revelation,  The    45 

Chastening 45 

Dedicated    Life,    The    45 

Eternal  Life,  The 45 

Faith     45 

Father's   House,   The    45 

Fifth   Sparrow,   The    45 

Fragments   of    the   Word    45 

Give  God  a  Chance    45 

God-Planned    Life.   The    45 

God's    jewel-Case     45 

Guidance    45 

Highway  of  Guidance,  The    45 

Holy   Ground 45 

If   We   Neglect    45 

In  and  Out    46 

Jacob's    Struggle     46 

Lame  Feet 46 



Law    and    Grace     46 

Ministry  of   Suffering,    The    46 

New  Commandment,   The    46 

Prayer    (Large   Edition)     46 

Prayer,    (Small   Edition)     46 

Spirit-Filled   Life,   The    46 

Sure  Shepherd,  The    46 

Surrendered    Life,   The    46 

Three-Fold  Secret  of  the  Holy  Spirit,  The 46 

Way  of   Victory,    The    46 

Word,  The:   How  to  Study   It — How  to  Teach    It    46 

McConnell,  Carl  P.    (Ed.)      Clinical  Osteopathy 15 

McCoy,  Neely.     Jupie  Follows  His  Tale 64 

McCutchen,    Ceorgs    Barr.       Blades     53 

MacDonald,   George.      At   the   Back  of   the   North   Wind    52 

Light   Princess,   The    65 

Princess   and   Curdie,    The    72 

Princess   and   the   Goblin,   The    "72 

McElroy,  Margaret  J.     Adventures  of  Johnny  T.   Bear,  The 51 

MacGrath,    Harold.      Changing   Road,   The    55 

McGraw,   John   J.      My  Thirty  Years   in    Baseball    1 4,  1  8 

MacHarg,    William   and    Edwin    Balmer.      Blind    Man's    Eyes,   The    ...  54 

Indian   Drum,   The    63 

Mackay,    Helen.      Selected    Stories    from    "Accidentals"     75 

McMurray,   Frank    M.   and   A.    E.   Parkins.      Advanced   Geography ...  1 9,  47 

Maguire,   Emma   M.      Two  Little   Indians 80 

Mahoney,  James.      Wilfred   Reginald  and   the  Dark   Horse    69 

Mais,    Catherine.      Ginger    Bread    House,    The    60 

Major,   Charles.      Bears  of   Blue   River,   The    52 

When    Knighthood   Was   in    Flower    (Marion    Davies    Edition)  ...  81 
Malory,  Sir  Thomas.      King  Arthur  and  His  Knights  of  the 

Round    Table 65 

Maltby,    Ethel    H.    and    Sidney   G.    Firman.      Winston    Companion 

Readers:      First    Reader    29 

Marquis,    Thomas    Guthrie.       King's    Wish,    The    66 

Marvel,  I.  K.    (Pseud) — See  Mitchell,   D.  G. 

Masefield,    John.      Jim    Davis    65 

Mason,  A.   E.   W.      Four   Feathers,   The    60 

Mattheson,   George,    D.    D.      Day   Unto   Day 44 

Maupassant,  Guy  de.      Huit  Contes  Choisis    (with  vocabulary)     32 

Odd    Number,    The     70 

Maurois,   Andre.      Disraeli    17 

Mayo,  Katherine  and   Harvey  J.  O'Higgins.      Israel   Drake  and 

Other  Stories    63 

Meadowcroft,    William    Henry.      Boys'    Life    of    Edison,    The    17 

Mearns,   Hughes.      Vinegar  Saint,  The 80 

Meigs,  Cornelia.     As  the  Crow  Flies 52 

Master   Simon's   Garden — Part    I     68 

New  Moon,   The    69 

Wonderful    Locomotive,    The 82 

Melville,   Herman.      Moby  Dick    69 

Meras,  B.  and  E.  Meras.      French  Verbs  and  Verbal    Idions    (with 

vocabulary)      31 

Milne,   A.   A.      Winne-the-Pooh    82 

Le   Second    Livre    (with    vocabulary)     32 

Millay,    Edna   St.   Vincent.      King's   Henchman,    The    39 

Miller,   R.   K.      Musical  Terms   in    Everyday   Use    13 

Outlines  of   Harmony — Part    I — Chords    14 

Millikan,  Robert  A.  and  Henry  C.  Gale.     First  Course  in  Physics,  A.  .  48 

Mills,  Enos  Abijah.     Wild  Life  on  the  Rockies 21 

Milne,  A.  A.      Winne-the-Pooh    82 



Milton,    John.      Arcades     37 

Comus    37 

II  Penseroso 39 

L'Allegro     39 

On  the  Morning  of  Christ's  Nativity 39 

Paradise  Lost — Books  l-IV 39 

Mitchell,    D.   C.      Dream    Life    34 

Reveries   of   a    Bachelor    36 

Mitchell,  John   R.   Principles.    Methods  and   Therapeuctics  of   Massage  16 

Mitchell,    S.    Weir.      Hugh    Wynne    63 

Molesworth,    Mrs.    Mary    Louisa     (Stewart).      Cuckoo    Clock,    The    ..  57 

Tapestry   Room,    The    78 

Monahan,   Maud.     Children's  Saint,  The:  The  Story  of  Saint 

Madeleine    Sophia 44 

Monroe.      Monroe's   New   Primer    28 

Monroe,   William   S.      Monroe's   Standardized    Silent    Reading   Tests.  .  43 
Test    1 — Form    1. 
Test   1 — Form   2. 
Test  2 — Form    1 . 
Test  2 — Form   2. 

Montague,   Margaret  Prescott.      Gift,   The    60 

Uncle  Sam  of   Freedom    Ridge    80 

Montgomery,    Lucy    Maud.      Anne   of    Green    Gables    51 

Moreley,    Christopher.      Haunted    Bookshop,    The     61 

Moreton,    Lady.       Perez    the    Mouse     71 

Morgan,  John   H.      John,  Viscount  Morley 18 

Morley,   Margaret  W.      Donkey  John  of  the  Toy  Valley 58 

Morrow,    Honore  Willsie.      Benefits   Forgot    (A   Story  of    Lincoln 

and    Mother    Love)      53 

Enchanted  Canyon,  The 58 

Forever  Free    (A   Novel   of  Abraham   Lincoln)     17,  59 

We  Must  March    (A  Novel  of  the  Winning  of  Oregan)     81 

Muir,   John.      Stickeen    76 

Story  of   My   Boyhood   and   Youth    19 

Mukerii,   Dhan   Copal.      Hari,    the   Jungle   Lad    61 

Kari    the    Elephant     64 

Mulford,   Clarence.      Hopalong   Cassidy    62 

Mulock,  Miss — See  Craik,   Mrs.  Dina   Maria    (Mulock). 

Murphy,    Elinor.       I'll    Try    38 

Muzzey,  David  Saville.     American   History,  An    22 

Myers,    Philip   VanNess.      Ancient    History    23 

Mediaeval  and   Modern   History    24 


Newton,  A.  Edward.     Dr.  Johnson    (A  Play)    38 

Nida,  William  Lewis.     Ab,  the  Cave  Man:  A  Story  of  the  Time 

of    the    Stone    Age     51 

Following  Columbus    (Stories  of  Exploration  and  Settlement)     .  .  23 

Following  the  Frontier    (Stories  of  the  Westward  Movement)     .  .  23 

Nordoff,   Charles.      Pearl    Lagoon,   The    71 

O'Brien,   Frederick.      White  Shadows   in   the  South   Seas    21 

Omeler,   Marie  Conway..    Sheaves    (A  Comedy  of   Manners)     75 

O'Higgins,  Harvey  J.     From  the  Life 60 

Ollivent,  Alfred.      Bob  Son  of  Battle    53 


Cimstead,   Everett  Ward  and  Francis  Brown   Barton.      Elementary 

French    Reader    (with    Exercises   and   Vobcabulary)     31 

Cimstead,    Everett    Ward    and    Edward    H.    Sirich     (Eds.)      .First 

Spanish    Reader    (with   notes,    vocabulary   and    exercises)  .  .  33 

Oppenheim,    E.    Phillips.      Great    Impersonation,    The    61 

Creat    Prince    Shan,    The    61 

Orem,   P.   W.      Harmony   Book   for   Beginners    13 

Orton,    Helen    Fuller.      Prince    and    Rover   of    Cloverf ield    Farm 72 

Otis,  James.     Toby  Tyler  or  Ten  Weeks  with  a  Circus    79 

Page,  Thomas  Nelson.      Burial  of  the  Guns,  The 54 

Red    Rock    73 

Two  Little  Confederates,  The    80 

Paine,  Ralph   Delhaye.      Call  of  the  Offshore  Wind,  The    54 

First  Down  Kentucky 59 

Palgrave,  Francis  Turner.     Children's  Treasury  of  Lyrical   Poetry,  The  37 
Golden  Treasury,   The — Selected   from   the   Best  Songs   and 
Lyrical    Poems   in   the   English   Language — Book    I    and 

Book    III     38 

Palmer,   George    Herbert.      Self-Cultivation    in    English    30 

Palmer,  Margaret  D.      Lessons  on   Massage    15 

Parker,   Cornelia   S.      American    Idyll,    An    16 

Parker,    Gilbert.      Power   and    the   Glory,    The    71 

Right  of  Way,   The    73 

Seats   of    the    Mighty,    The    74 

Parkman,  Mary  R.      Heroes  of  Today    18 

Parsons,  E.  L.     What  is  the  Christian  Religion?    47 

Paxson,  Frederic  Logan.      History  of  the  American   Frontier 23 

Payne,   Will.      Her  Secret    62 

Pearson,    Edmund     Lester.       Theodore    Roosevelt     (from     "True 

Stories    of    Great   Americans")      19 

Peary,   Josephine.      Snow   Baby,   The    20 

Pease,    Howard.      Tatooed    Man,   The    78 

Pelley,  William   Dudley.      Face  in  the  Window,  The 59 

Pendexter,    Hugh.      Red    Belts    73 

Peple,  Edward.      Night  Out,   A    69 

Perkins,  Frederick  O.    (Ed.)      Peter  Pan,  Retold  from  Sir  James 

Barrie's  Famous  Play 71 

Perkins,   Lucy  Fitch.      Dutch   Twins,   The    58 

Eskimo    Twins,    The     58 

Irish    Twins,    The 63 

Japanese  Twins,  The    64 

Peterson,    Mrs.    Frederick.      Child    Health    Alphabet    1 5,  55 

Rhymes  of  Cho-Cho's  Grandma    73 

Phillips,  Ethel'  Calvert.      Little  Sally  Waters 66 

Wee  Ann,  A  Story  for  Little  Girls 81 

Phillpotts,  Eden.     Voice  from  the  Dark,  A    81 

Pillsbury,  Albert  E.      Lincoln   and  Slavery    18 

Poe,  Edgar  Allen.     Descent  into  the  Maelstrom,  A 57 

Gold    Bug,    The 60 

Masque  of   the   Red   Death,   The    57 

Purloined   Letter,   The    57 

Pomeroy,   Vivian   T.      Enchanted   Children,    The    58 

Poole,   Ernest.      Beggars'   Gold    52 

Harbor,  The 61 



Porter,  Eleanor  H.      Just  David    64 

New  York  and  Return 69 

Pollyanna    71 

Tangled    Threads,    The     "78 

When    Father   and    Mother    Rebelled    81 

When  Polly  Ann   Played  Santa  Claus 81 

Porter,   F.  A.      New  England  Conservatory  Course  for  Pianoforte,   The  14 

Porter,    Jane.      Scottish    Chiefs,    The    74 

Porter,    Sidney.      Gentle    Grafter,    The     60 

Moment    of    Victory,    The    75 

Selections  from  O.  Henry  Memorial  Award  Prize  Stories,    1919.  .  75 

Shoes      75 

Post,   Melville   Davisson.      Devil's  Tools,  The    59 

Mystery  at  the  Blue  Villa,  The    69 

Potter,  Marian  Clark.     Giant  of  Apple  Pie  Hill  and  Other  Stories,  The  60 

Poulsson,  Emilie.     Through  the  Farmyard  Gate 41 

Pratt,  Mara  L.      Legends  of  the  Red  Children    28 

Stories    of   Colonial    Children     25 

Price,   Margaret  E.      Child's  Book  of  Myths,   A 47 

Prouty,  Olive  Higgins.      Good   Sports    61 

Pumphrey,  Margaret.     Stories  of  the  Pilgrims 25 

Pupin,  Michael.     From  Immigrant  to  Inventor 17 

Purvis,   Samuel,   D.    D.      Romance  of   the   Jews,   The    46 

Putnam,   David   Binney.      David  Goes  to  Greenland    19 

David  Goes  Voyaging 19 

Pyle,   Howard.     Garden   Behind  the  Moon,  The 60 

Men   of   Iron    68 

Merry  Adventures   of    Robin    Hood,   The    68 

Story  of   King  Arthur  and   His   Knights,   The    77 

Wonder   Clock,    The    82 

Quick,  Herbert.      Hawkeye,  The 61 

Vandemark's  Folly    80 

Quinn,    Vernon.       Beautiful    Mexico,    Its    Story,    Legends    and 

Scenic    Charm     19 

Rath,  E.  J.      Nervous  Wreck,  The 69 

Reade,  Charles.      Cloister  and   the   Hearth,   The    56 

Rhineheart,   Mary   Roberts.      Circular   Staircase,   The    56 

Love    Stories     67 

Rhodes,  John   Kidder.      Blind   Boy  Who   Became  a  Great   Physician.  .  .  17 

Rice,  Alice   Hegan.      Mrs.  Wiggs  of  the  Cabbage   Patch    69 

Phoebe      71 

Quin     72 

Rice,  Lucia  Webster.      Lost  Monkey,  The 67 

Rice,  William  Corham.     Carillon  Music  and  Singing  Towers  of  the 

Old   World   and    the    New    13 

Richmond,   Crace   S.      Mrs.    Red    Pepper    69 

Red   Pepper   Burns    73 

Richmond,  Mary  E.     What  is  Social  Case  Work?    22 

Rickert,    Edith.      Bojabi   Tree,   The 54 



Riis,  Jacob  A.      Making  of  an  American,  The    18 

Riley.  James  Whitcomb.      Book  of  Joyous  Children,  The    37 

Robbins,  L.  H.      Mr.   Downey  Sits  Down    69 

Robert    Henry   M.      Robert's   Rules   of   Order    22 

Roberts,  Charles  Ceorge  Douglas.      Hoof  and  Claw 48,  62 

Kings   in   Exile    49,  65 

Robertson,   Georgia.      Efficiency   in    Home-Making   and    First   Aid 

to  Good  Cooking    15 

Robertson,    Morgan.      Sinful    Peck    75 

Robertson,    W.    C.      Pinkie   and    the    Fairies     (from    "A   Treasury 

of    Plays    for    Children")      40 

Robinson,  James  Harvey.      Mind   in   the  Making,   The    42 

Robinson,    Mabel   L.      Sarah's    Dakin    74 

Robson,  Ethel  H.      Dramatic  Episodes  in  Congress  and   Parliament: 

A    Parliamentary    Reader     21 

del   la    Roche,    Mazo.      Whiteoaks   of   Jalna    82 

Rodenberg,  L.  W.      Key  to  Braille  Music  Notation: 

( Embossed )     13 

( Ink-print)     13 

Rblvagg,   O.   E.      Pure   Cold    72 

Romera-Navarro.      American-Espanola     (with    vocabulary)      33 

Roosevelt,    Theodore.      Theodore    Roosevelt's    Letters    to    His 

Children,    The    72 

and  Henry  Cabot  Lodge.      Hero  Tales  from  American 

History      17 

Rowe,    Dorothy.      Rabbit    Lantern    and   Other    Stories   of    Chinese 

Children,    The    72 

Ruskin,  John.      King  of  the  Golden  River,  The    65 

Sesame    and    Lillies    36 

Sabatini,    Rafael.      Captain    Blood    54 

Carolinian,     The     55 

Scaramouche,   The    74 

Sampson,   Emma   S.      Miss   Minerva    Broadcasts    Billy    68 

Sandburg,  Carl.     Abraham  Lincoln 16 

Sanford,  William  Phillips  and  William   Hayes  Yeager.      Success- 
ful   Speaking    31 

deSauze,   E.   B.    (Ed.)       Contes  Gais    (with   vocabulary) 31 

Cours     Pratique    de     Francaise     pour     Commencants      (with 

vocabulary)        31 

Scarborough,   Dorothy.      Famous   Modern  Ghost   Stories 59 

Schelling,  Felix  E.     Summer  Ghosts  and  Winter  Topics 36 

Schiller,  Johann  Christoph  Friedrick.      Der  Taucher    (with  vocabulary)  32 

Wilhelm   Tell    (with    Fragen,    notes   and   vocabulary)     32 

Scoville,   Samuel,   Jr.      Wild    Folk    50 

Scott,    Zenos    E.      and    Randolph    T.    Congdon,    Harriet    E.    Peet 
and   Laura   Frazee.      Open   Language   Series: 

First    Book     30 

Second   Book    30 

Third    Book    30 

Scott,    Sir    Walter.       Ivanhoe     63 

Kenilworth      64 

Lady  of  the  Lake,  The    (In  Six  Cantos)    39 

Tailsman,    The     78 

Scudder,   Horace  E.      Book  of  Fables  and   Folk  Stories,  The    54 

Seaman,  Augusta  Huiell.      Bluebonnet  Bend    53 

Jacquelline  of  the  Carrier  Pigeons 63 



Searing,  A.  E.  P.     When  Granny  Was  a  Little  Girl    81 

Sears,   Amelia.      Charity   Visitor,    The    21 

Seawell,   Molly  Elliott.      Sprightly   Romance  of   Marsac,   The    76 

Sedgwick,  Anne   Douglas.      Autumn   Crocuses    52 

Selected  Authors: 

Animal  Stories    51 

Biography  Stories  for  Boys 17 

Checkerboard  Square  and  Other  Stories,  The    55 

Christmas  Legends  and  Stories 56 

Colonial   Stories   Retold  from  St.   Nicholas    56 

Fairy     Tales      59 

Folk    Tales     59 

Holiday  in  Story  and  Verse    62 

Jack  the  Giant   Killer  and   Other  Stories    63 

Johnny    Bear    and    Other    Stories     64 

Magic  Feather  and  Other   Indian  Tales,  The    67 

Magic   Ferns   and   Other   Fairy  Tales,   The    67 

Miscellaneous    Selections    35 

More  Stories  for  Girls    69 

Older  Girls  Stories 70 

Patriotic    Stories    and    Poems     36 

Selected   Verse  for   School   Grades   Four   to   Seven    40 

Sir  Cleges  and  His  Gift  and  Other  Stories    75 

Stories   for   Girls — Book    I 77 

Book    II 77 

Stories  for  Holidays    77 

Stories  of  Great  Men  and   Deeds    77 

Seltzer,  Charles  Alden.      Boss  of  the  Lazy  Y,  The 54 

Service  for  the  Blind,  Library  of  Congress.      Catalogue  of   Publi- 
cations   in    Braille   Grade    1  V2     34 

Service,  Robert.     Spell  of  the  Yukon,  The 41 

Seton,   Ernest  Thompson.      Biography  of   a   Grizzly    48 

Wild    Animals    I    Have    Known     50 

Sewell,  Anna.      Black  Beauty 53 

Shakespeare,  William.      As  You   Like   It    37 

Hamlet     38 

Henry    the    Eighth    38 

Julius  Caesar    39 

Macbeth     39 

Merchant  of  Venice,   The    39 

Midsummer  Night's  Dream,  A 39 

Richard,    III    40 

Romeo   and    Juliet    40 

Sharp,    Dallas    Lore.      Beyond    the    Pasture    Bars    47,  53 

Shaw,  Edward  R.      Big  People  and  Little  People  of  Other  Lands.  ...  19 
Sheldon,    Arthur    Frederick    and    Gerald    R.    McDowell.      Art    of 

Selling,  The    14 

Shepherd,  W.  C.     Scar  that  Tripled,  The:  A  True  Story  of  the 

Great   War 53 

Shoemaker,  Blanche.     Colonial  Plays  for  the  School   Room    37 

Shetter,  Stella  C.     Early  Candlelight  Stories 58 

Sienkiewicz,  Henryk.     Quo  Vadis    (A  Tale  of  the  Time  of  Nero)  .  .36,  72 

Singmaster,    Elsie.      Emmeline    58 

Keller's  Anna   Ruth    64 

Skinner,   Eleanor   L.   and   Ada    M.   Skinner.      Nursery  Tales   from 

Many    Lands     70 

Slosson,    Edwin    Emory.      Creative   Chemistry    (Selected    Chapters 

from)      48 

Smallwood,  W.  M.  and  Ida  L.  Reveley  and  Guy  A.  Bailey.     New 

Biology     49 

Smith,  C.  Alphonso.      What  Can   Literature   Do  for   Me    37 

Smith,  Elva  S.    (Ed.)      Good  Old  Stories  for  Boys  and  Girls 61 



Smith,  F.  Hopkinson.     Caleb  West,  Master  Diver 54 

Smith,  J.   Russell.      Commerce  and    Industry    21 

Human  Geography: 

Book    One — Peoples    and    Countries     20,  48 

Book  Two — Regions  and  Trade 20,  48 

Smith,  Oliver  S.      Applied  Arithmetic    50 

Snaith,  John  Collins.     Time  Spirit,  The 79 

Snedden,   Cenevra   Sisson.      Docas,    the    Indian    Boy  of   Santa   Clara    .  .  57 
Spaulding,   Frank   E.   and  Catherine  T.    Bryce.      Aldine   Readers: 

Book    One    25 

Book  Two    25 

Book  Three    26 

Fairy  Wand,  The 27 

Page   Story   Book 28 

Spaulding,  Frank  E.  and  William  D.  Miller.     Crade  School  Speller: 

Part    I     30 

Part    II     30 

Speed,  James.      Billy  and  Jane:   Explorers. 

Book    I     47 

Book     II 47 

Spenser,  Edmund.      Faerie  Queene,  The    (Book    1  :   Canto   1  ) 38 

Spicer,  W.  A.      Hand  That    Intervenes,   The    44 

Spyri,    Johanna.       Heidi 62 

Little  Curly  Head,  the  Pet  Lamb 66 

St.    Francis   of   Assisi.      Canticle    of    the    Sun    of    St.    Francis    of 

Assisi,    The     37 

Stainer,  Sir  John.     The  Organ    (An  Organ   Instructor)     14 

Steiner,  Edward  Alfred.     Uncle  Joe's  Lincoln 80 

Stetson,   Harlan  True.      Man  and  the  Stars 49 

Stevenson,   Robert  Louis.      Child's  Garden  of  Verses,  A    37 

Kidnapped     64 

Strange  Case  of  Dr.  Jekyll  and  Mr.   Hyde 77 

Treasure     Island     79 

Stockton,    Frank    R.      Borrowed    Month,    A 54 

Casting  Away  of  Mrs.  Leeks  and  Mrs.  Alesine,  The 55 

Tale  of  Negative  Gravity,  A    78 

and  Others.     Old  Pipes  and  the  Dryad  and  Other  Stories.  .  70 

Stone,  John  C.     Child's  Book  of  Number,  A 50 

Storm,  Theodor.      Immensee    (with   vocabulary) 32 

Strachey,   Lytton.      End  of  General  Gordon,  The    (from  "Eminent 

Victorians" )       17 

Florence    Nightingale     (from    "Eminent    Victorians")      17 

Stratton,  C.      Miscellaneous   Poems    40 

Stratton-Porter,  Gene.      Keeper  of  the  Bees,  The    64 

Sublette,  Clifford  M.     Scarlet  Cockerel,  The 74 

Sugimoto,   Esther  Inagaki.      Daughter  of  the  Samurai,  A 19 

Suhrie,  Ambrose   L.  and   Robert  Philip   Koehler.      Spell-to-Write 
Spelling  Book,  The: 

Book    II    31 

Book  III    (Fifth  Year)     '.  31 

Book  III    (Sixth  Year)    31 

Sullivan,    Mark.      Our  Times: 

I.  The  Turn  of  the  Century    24 

II.  America  Finding  Herself 24 

III.  Pre-War  America    24 

Swift,    Jonathan.      Philosophy   of    Clothes,    The     (from    "A   Tale 

of  a  Tub" ) 36 




Tanner,  William  M.     Composition  and  Rhetoric    29 

Tappan,  Eva   March.     Golden  Goose  and  Other  Fairy  Tales,  The.  ...  60 

Tarbell,   Ida   M.      He   Knew   Lincoln    62 

Tarkington,  Booth.     Conquest  of  Canaan,  The 56 

Monsieur   Beaucaire    69 

Penrod    71 

Women     82 

Tarr,    Ralph    S.   and    Frank    M.    McMurry.      New   Geographies — 

First   Book    20,  49 

Tarr,  Ralph  S.  and  O.   D.  VonEnglen.      New  Physical  Geography 

(Revised   Edition)     20,  49 

Taylor,   Bayard.      Boys  of  Other  Countries 54 

Taylor,  H.  M.     Mathematical  and  Chemical  Notation    49 

Tennyson,  Alfred  Lord.     Enoch  Arden 38 

Idylls  of  the  King 38 

Princess,   The    (A   Medley)     40 

Shorter  Poems  of  Alfred  Tennyson,  The 41 

Terhune,  Albert  Payson.     Lad:  A  Dog 65 

Wolf    82 

Terry,  Arthur  Guy    (Ed.)       History  Stories  of  Other  Lands: 

Book  I — Tales  from  Far  and  Near 24 

Book  1 1 — Tales  of  Long  Ago 24 

Thackeray,  William  Makepeace.     Vanity  Fair 80 

Thomas,  Basil.     My  Experiences  at  Scotland  Yard 22 

Thomas,   Calvin.      German   Grammar    (with   vocabulary)     32 

Thomas,  Charles  Swain    (Ed.)       Lyrics  Selected  from   Wadsworth, 

Keats    and    Shelley     39 

Thomas,  Lowell.      India:  Land  of  the  Black  Pagoda    20 

Thompson,    Blanche  Jennings.      Silver   Pennies    (A   Collection   of 

Modern   Poems  for   Boys  and  Girls)     41 

Thompson,  Charles  Manfred,  Ph.  D.,  LL.  D.     Elementary 

Economics    (Revised    Edition)     21 

Thomson,  James  A.     Outline  of  Science,  The 49 

Thorne-Thomsen,  Mrs.  Cudrun.      East  O'   the  Sun  and  West  O' 

the  Moon  and  Other  Norwegian  Folk  Tales 58 

Thruston,    R.   C.    Ballard.      Origin   and    Evolution    of    the    United 

States   Flag,   The    24 

Thurston,   Katherine.      Masquerader,   The    68 

Titchener,    Edward    Bradford.      Primer  of    Psychology    42 

Tolstoi,  Count  Leo   Nikolaevich.      Captive   in   the   Caucasus,   A 55 

Where   Love    Is,   There  God    is  Also    55 

Tomkins,  Rev.  Floyd  W.    (Ed.)      Daily  Bible  Studies: 

Vol.    I 44 

Vol.  ,11    44 

Train,  Arthur.     As  It  Was  in   in  the  Beginning 52 

Treadwell,   Hariette  T.  and  Margaret  Free.      Reading-Literature: 

First    Reader    28 

Second  Reader 28 

Third  Reader 28 

Tufts,  James  H.      Real   Business  of  Living,  The    22 

Tumulty,  Joseph  P.     Woodrow  Wilson  as  I    Know  Him    19 

Turpin,  Edna   Henry  Lee.      Classic  Fables 27 

Twain,  Mark    (Pseud) — See  Clemens,  Samuel  L. 

Tyler,  Anna   Cogswell.      Christmas   Stories    (from    "Twenty-four 

Unusual   Stories   for    Boys   and   Girls")     56 

Untermeyer,  Louis    (Ed.)      This  Singing  World    41 

Usher,  Roland  C.     Story  of  the  Great  War,  The 25 



Van  Dyke,  Henry.      Lover  of  Music,  A 67 

Mansion,    The    68 

Story  of  the  Other  Wise   Man,  The 77 

Van  Loon,  Henrick  W.     Story  of  Mankind,  The 25 

Van  Sickle,  James   H.   and   Wilhelmina   Seegmiller    (Assisted    by 
Frances  Jenkins).      Riverside   Readers: 

Third  Reader    29 

Fourth     Reader     29 

Verne,  Jules.      Twenty  Thousand   Leagues   Under   the  Sea    80 

Virgil.      Aeneid,    The — Books    I -VI     (with    vocabulary)     33 

Vorse,   Mary   Heaton.      I've  Come  to  Stay    63 

Other   Room,   The    82 


Wade,  Mrs.  Mary  L.      Book  of  Potato  Cookery,  The    14 

Wade,  Robert.     Captain  Tristram's  Shipbuilding 76 

Walker,  Kenneth  M.  and  Geoffrey  M.  Boumphrey.     What  Happened 

in  the  Ark 81 

Wallace,  Lew.     Ben  Hur,  A  Tale  of  the  Christ 53 

Walton,   George.      Calm   Yourself    42 

Wanamaker,  John.     Wanamaker  Primer  on  Abraham  Lincoln,  The   .  .  19 

Ward,  C.   H.     Sentence  Book 30 

Sentence    and    Theme     30 

Washington,    George.      Farewell    Address    35 

Watson,   Bruce   M.   and   Charles   E.   White.      Modern   Arithmetic 
(with    Monroe's   Standardized   Tests)  : 

Primary      50 

Intermediate     50 

Watson,    Frank    D.    (Ed.    in   charge).      Social    Work    with    Families..  22 

Webster,  Daniel.      First  Bunker  Hill  Oration    35 

Webster,   Jean.      Dear   Enemy    57 

Welch,  Charles.      Book  of  Nursery  Rhymes,  A    54 

Wells,  Webster  and   Walter  W.   Hart.      Algebra,   First  Year    50 

Wendling,  George  Reuben.      Man  of  Galilee,  The — A  New   Inquiry.  .  46 
Wentworth,  George  and  David  Smith.      Essentials  of  Arithmetic: 

Primary    Book     50 

Intermediate  Book 50 

Advanced   Book    50 

- and    Plane  Geometry 50 

Werner,  Morris  Robert.     Barnum's  American  Museum  and  Travels 

with   a    Midget    (from    "Barnum")     17 

West,  Ruth  and  Willis  Mason  West.     Story  of  Our  Country,  The.  .  25 

Westcott,   Edward   Noyes.      David   Harum    57 

Wharton,  Edith.     Age  of  Innocence,  The 51 

Debt,    The     57 

White,  Eliza  Orne.     Little  Girl  of  Long  Ago,  A 66 

White,   Stewart   E.      Back   of    Beyond    52 

Blazed   Trail,    The    53 

Daniel   Boone:  Wilderness  Scout    17 

Magic    Forest,    The     67 

Riverman,    The     73 

Road  Agent,  The    (from  "The  Killer")     73 

Whiteman,  Edna.     Playmates  in  Print 71 

Whittier,   John   Greenleaf.      Child    Life    37 

Snow   Bound    (A  Winter    Idyl)     41 

Wiggin,  Kate  Douglas.      Birds'   Christmas  Carol,  The    53 

My  Garden  of   Memory    18 

Rebecca  of   Sunnybrook   Farm    72 

Timothy's     Quest      79 

and   Nora  A.  Smith    (Eds.)      Tales  of   Laughter    78 

Wilde,    Oscar.      Canterville,    Ghost,    The     54 

Happy  Prince,   and  Other  Tales,   The    61 



Wilder,  Thorton.      Bridget  of  San  Luis  Rey,  The 54 

Wilkins,   Mary  E.     Christmas  Masquerade  and  Other  Stories    56 

Young   Lucretia    83 

Williams,  Jesse  L.     Stolen  Story,  The 77 

Williams,   Margery — See  Bianco,   Margery    (Williams) . 
Willsie,  Honore — See  Morrow,  Honore  Willsie. 

Wilson,  E.  N.     White  Indian  Boy,  The 82 

Wilson,   Woodrow.      Three  Addresses:    37 

1.  The  Conditions  of  Peace. 

2.  Address  at  Washington's  Tomb,   July  4,    1918. 

3.  Extension  of  Suffrage  to  Women. 

Wister,   Owen.      Philosophy   Four    71 

Seven  Ages  of  Washington,  The 18 

Virginian,    The     80 

Withers,  Sarah  and  Hetty  S.   Browne  and  William   Knox  Tate. 
Child's  World  Series: 

Primer    26 

First    Reader    26 

Second    Reader     26 

Third    Reader     26 

Fourth     Reader     26 

Fifth    Reader    26 

Withers,  Sarah  and   Hetty  S.   Browne  and  John   Colvin   Metcalf. 
Literary  World  Series: 

Sixth    Reader    28 

Seventh    Reader     28 

Witwer,  H.  C.      From  Baseball  to  Boches 60 

Wood,  Carolyn  D.     Animals 47 

Wood,  Francis  Gilchrist.     Turkey  Red 79 

Woodburn,  James  Albert  and  Thomas  Francis  Moran.      American 

History,    Introduction    to    22 

Woodruff,  J.   D.      Plato's  American   Republic    36 

Work.  Milton  C.     Auction  Bridge  Complete 13 

Wright,   Harold   Bell.      Re-Creation  of   Brian   Kent,  The    73 

Wylie,   Elinor.      Orphan  Angel,   The    70 

Wyss,  Johann  David.     Swiss  Family  Robinson,  The 78 

Young,   General   Bennett   H.      Dr.    Cander   of   Youngland    57 

Young,   Emily   Hilda.      William    82 

Young,  S.  Hall.     Adventures  in  Alaska 19 

Zimmern,   Helen.      Epic  of   Kings,   The    (Retold   from    Firdusi's 

"Shahnameh")      58 

Zitkala-Sa.      Old    Indian    Legends    70 

Zwilgmeyer,   Dikken.      What  Happened  to    Inger  Johanne    81 


Title  Index 


Ab,  the  Cave  Man:  A  Story  of  the  Time  of  the  Stone  Age, 

William    Lewis    Nida     51 

Abdallah  and   the   Donkey.      Baroness   Dombrowski 51 

Abraham   Lincoln    (A  Play).      John   Drinkwater    37 

Abraham    Lincoln.      Carl    Sandburg    .     16 

Abraham  Lincoln  Centennial1,    1809-1909.      Lillian   C.    Bergold 16 

Acres  of   Diamonds.      Russell    H.    Conwell    34 

Actual   Business  English.      P.   H.   Defendall    29 

Adam   Bede.      George   Eliot    51 

Adrift  on  an   Ice-Pan.  Wilfred  T.   Crenfell    16 

Advanced   Geography.      Frank    M.    McMurry   and   A.    E.    Parkins.  ...  1 9,  17 

Adventures  in  Alaska.      S.   Hall   Young    19 

Adventures  of   Billy  Topsail,   The.      Norman   Duncan: 

Part    I     51 

Part    II     51 

Adventures  of  A   Brownie,   The      Mrs.    Dinah    Maria     (Mulock)    Craik  51 

Adventures  of  Buffalo  Bill,  The.      Col.  William   F.   Cody    16 

Adventures  of   Huckleberry   Finn,  The.      Samuel    L.   Clemens    51 

Adventures  of   Johnny  T.    Bear,   The.      Margaret   J.    McElroy 51 

Adventures  of  Tom   Sawyer,  The.      Samuel    L.   Clemens    51 

Aeneid,  The — Books  l-VI.       (with  vocabulary).      Virgil    33 

Aesop    for    Children,    The    34 

Age  of  Chivalry  or  Legends  of  King  Arthur,  The.     Thomas  Bulfinch.  .  51 

Age  of   Innocence,  The.      Edith   Wharton    81 

Alchemist,   The.      Ben   Jonson    37 

Alexander's   Feast.      John    Dryden    37 

Aldine  Language  Books.     Catherine  T.  Bryce  and  Frank  E.  Spaulding: 

First   Book — Part    I     29 

First  Book— Part  II    29 

Second    Book    29 

Aldine  Readers.      Frank  E.  Spaulding  and  Catherine  T.   Bryce: 

Book    I     25 

Book   II    25 

Book  Ml    .  .  26 

Algebra,   Firtt  Year.      Webster  Wells   and   Walter   W.    Hart    50 

Algebra,  A  Second  Book  in.      Fletcher  Durell  and   E.   E.  Arnold    ....  50 

Alhambra,   The.      Washington    Irving    19 

Alice   in   Orchestralia.      Ernest   LaPrade    18 

Alices  Adventures  in  Wonderland.      Lewis  Carroll    51 

America-Espanola    (with  vocabulary) .      Romera-Navarro 33 

American    History,   An.      David    Saville    Muzzey    22 

American   History,   Introduction   to.      James  Albert  Woodburn 

and  Thomas  Francis  Moran    22 

American   Idyll,  An    (Life  of  Carleton   H.  Parker).      Cornelia 

S.    Parker     16 

American  Literature.     Percy  H.  Boynton 34 

Americanization   of   Edward   Bok,  The.      Edward    Bok    16 

Ancient  Highway,  The.      James  Oliver  Curwood    51 

Ancient   History.      Philip  VanNess   Myers         23 

Andersen's   Fairy  Tales.      Hans   Christian    Andersen    51 

Animal    Stories.       Selected    Authors     51 

Animals.      Carolyn    D.    Wood     , 47 

Anne  of  Green  Cables.      Lucy  Maud   Montgomery    51 

Applied  Arithmetic.      Oliver  S.   Smith    50 

Arabian  Nights,  The.      Padraic  Colum    (edited  and  selected  by)  ...  .  52 


Arban-Clarke  Method  for  Cornet  and  Trumpet,     jeane  Baptiste 
Arban   and   Harold   L.   Clarke 

Part    I     .  13 

Part    II ...  1 3 

Arcades.     John  Milton 37 

Arlo.      Bertha  B.  Cobb  and  Ernest  Cobb    52 

Around  the  World  with  the  Children;  An   Introductory  Geography. 

Frank   C.    Carpenter,    Litt.    D 19 

Arrow  of  Cold,   The  Joseph   Conrad    52 

Art  of  Selling,  The.     Arthur  Frederick  Sheldon  and  Gerald  R. 

McDowell     14 

Art  of  the  Singer,   The.      Henderson,   William   James    13 

As  It  Was  in  the  Beginning.     Arthur  Train 52 

As   the   Crow    Flies.      Cornelia    Meigs    52 

As    You    Like    It.      William    Shakespeare 37 

At   the   Back   of  the    North    Wind.      George    Macdonald    52; 

Auction  Bridge  Complete.     Milton  C.  Work 13 

Autobiography   of   Andrew    Carnegie 16 

Autobiography   of    Benjamin    Franklin     17 

Autocrat   of   the    Breakfast   Table,    The.      Oliver   Wendell    Holmes.  .  .  34 

Autumn   Crocuses.      Anne   Douglas   Sedgwick    52 

Baby   Elephant   and   the   Zoo    Man.      C.    E.    Kilbourne    52 

Baby   Kangaroo   and    Lily   Lamb.      C.    E.    Kilbourne    52 

Baby   Lion   and   the   Bump-Head   Animal.      C.    E.    Kilbourne    52 

Baby   Monkey  and  the  Wily  Wolf.      C.    E.    Kilbourne    52 

Baby  Ostrich  and  Mr.  Wise  Owl.     C.   E.  Kilbourne 52 

Back  of  Beyond.      Stewart  E.   White 52 

Bar    Sinister,    The      Richard    Harding    Davis     52 

Barnaby    Lee.       John     Bennett     52 

Barnum's  American   Museum   and   Travels  with   a    Midget    (from 

"Barnum")..    Morris    Robert    Werner    17 

Basketry   Book,   The.      Mary   Miles    Blanchard    14 

Beacon  Readers,  The.     James  H.  Fassett: 

The    Primer    26 

The    First    Reader 26 

The    Second    Reader     26 

The  Third    Reader    26 

The    Fourth    Reader    26 

The    Fifth    Reader    26 

Bears  of  Blue  River,  The.     Charles  Major 52 

Beautiful    Mexico,    Its   Story,    Legends   and   Scenic    Charm. 

Vernon    Quinn    19 

Beauty  for  Ashes.      James    H.    McConkey    45 

Beggars'   Cold.      Ernest   Poole    52 

Believing  is  Seeing.      James   H.    McConkey    45 

Bellamy  Trial,  The.      Frances   Noyes   Hart    52 

Belled   Buzxard,  The    (from    "The   Escape  of   Mr.   Trim"). 

Irvin    S.   Cobb    53 

Ben   Hur,  A  Tale  of  the   Christ.      Lew  Wallace    53 

Benefits    Forgot.      Honore   Willsie    Morrow    53 

Bent  Twig,  The.     Dorothy  Canfield  Fisher 53 

Beyond  the  Pasture   Bars.      Dallas   Lore  Sharp    47,  53 

Big  People  and   Little   People  of  Other  Lands.      Edward   R.   Shaw.  ...  19 
Billy  and   Jane:   Explorers.      James   Speed: 

Book    I     47 

Book    II    47 



Biography  of  a  Grizzly.      Ernest  Thompson   Seton    48 

Biography  Stories  for  Boys.     Selected  Authors 17 

Birds'  Christmas  Carol,  The.      Kate   Douglas  Wiggin    53 

Black    Beauty.      Anna    Sewell     53 

Black  Camel1,  The.      Earl    Derr   Biggers    53 

Blades.      George   Barr   McCutcheon    53 

Blazed  Trail,  The.      Stewart   E.   White    53 

Blessed   Hope.      James   H.    McConkey    45 

Blessing  of  Doing,  The.     James  H.   McConkey    45 

Blind  Boy  who  Became  a  Great  Physician,  A.     John  Kidder  Rhodes.  .  17 

Blind  Man's  Eyes,  The.      William   MacHarg  and   Edwin   Balmer    ....  53 

Blue    Circle,    The.      Elizabeth    Jordon     53 

Blue  Streak,  The.     Jack   Hines    53 

Bluebonnet   Bend.      Augusto   Huiell   Seaman    53 

Bob  Son  of  Battle.      Alfred  Ollivant    53 

Boga — The    Elephant.       Baroness    Dombrowski     53 

Bojabi  Tree,  The.      Edith   Rickert    54 

Book  of  Fables  and   Folk  Stories,  The.      Horace  E.  Scudder    54 

Book   of   Joyous   Children,    The.      James   Whitcomb    Riley    37 

Book  of   Nature   Myths,  The.      Florence    Holbrook    47 

Book  of  Nursery  Rhymes,  A.      Charles  Welch    54 

Book  of  Potato  Cookery,  The.     Mrs.  Mary  L.  Wade 14 

Book   of    Revelation,   The.      James    H.    McConkey    45 

Borrowed   Month,   A.      Frank   R.    Stockton    54 

Boss  of  the  Lazy  Y,  The.     Charles  Alden  Seltzer 54 

Boy  Scouts  and  Other  Stories,  The.      Richard   Harding  Davis 54 

Boy  Scouts  of  America    (Handbook  for   Blind    Boys)     13 

Boys  and  Girls  of  Colonial   Days.      Carolyn  Sherrin    Bailey    17 

Boys'  Life  of  Edison,  The.     William  Henry  Meadowcroft 17 

Boys  of  Other  Countries.      Bayard  Taylor    54 

Braille  Alphabet  Cards,  Grade   1  Vz,  with   ink-print  explanations....  26 

Braille  Alphabet  Sheets,   Grade    1  Vz     26 

Braille  Contraction    Drill.      H.    Randolph    Latimer    26 

Braille   Letter  Drill.      H.   Randolph   Latimer 26 

Braille   Music  Chart,  The. 

Embossed      13 

Ink-Print    13 

Bridge  of  San   Luis  Rey,  The.      Thorton  Wilder 54 

Brooding  and   Rearing  Chicks.      John   Cameron   Graham   and 

Fred  H.  Cockell 14 

Brother  Saul.      Donn   Byrne    54 

Brushwood   Boy,  The.      Rudyard   Kipling    54 

Brown-Eldridge  Arithmetics.     Joseph  C.  Brown  and  Albert  C.  Eldrige: 

Grade   VII 50 

Grade    VIM     50 

Burgess  Bird  Book  for  Children,  The.      Thorton  W.    Burgess    48 

Burial  of  the  Guns,  The.      Thomas   Nelson   Page    54 

Buried    Alive.      Arnold    Bennett     54 

Business  Correspondence.      B.  C.   Bean    (Editor)     14 

Business  English  and  Correspondence.      Roy  Davis  and 

C.    H.    Lingham     1 4,  29 

Business   Law.      Alfred   William    Bays    21 

Caesar's  Gallic   Wars — Books    l-IV(with   vocabulary)..    Julius   Caesar  33 

Caleb  West,  Master  Diver.     F.  Hopkinson  Smith 54 

Call  of  the  Offshore  Wind.      Ralph   Delahye   Paine    54 

Calm  Yourself.      George  Walton    42 



Camel's   Back,  The.      S.   Scott   Fitzgerald    79 

Canterbury  Tales,  The    (omitting   the   two   prose   tales) . 

Ceoffrey    Chaucer     37 

Canterville  Ghost,   The.      Oscar  Wilde    54 

Canticle  of  the  Sun  of  St.   Francis  of  Assisi,  The    37 

Cap,  the  Red  Cross  Dog,  and  Other  Stories.      Georgene   Faulkner 

and     Others      54 

Captain    Blood.       Rafael    Sabatini     54 

Captain    Tristram's   Shipbuilding.      Robert    Wade    76 

"Captains  Courageous".      Rudyard    Kipling    55 

Captive  in  the  Caucasus,  A.     Count  Leo  Nikolaevitch  Tolstoi 55 

Carillon  Music  and  Singing  Towers  of  the  Old  World  and  the  New. 

William   Corham    Rice    13 

Carolinian,    The.       Rafael    Sabatini     55 

Casting  Away  of  Mrs.  Leeks  and   Mrs.  Aleshine,  The. 

Frank    R.    Stockton     55 

Catalogue  of  Publications  in  Braille,  Grade   1  Vz.      Service  for  the 

Blind,    Library   of   Congress    34 

Charity  Visitor,  The.     Amelia   Sears    21 

Changeling,    The.      Donn    Byrne    55 

Changing  Road,  The.      Harold  MacGrath    55 

Charlie  and  His  Coast  Guards.     Helen  Hill  and  Violet  Maxwell    ....  55 

Charlie  and  His  Friends.      Helen  Hill  and  Violet  Maxwell    55 

Charlie  and  His  Kitten  Topsy.      Helen  Hill  and  Violet  Maxwell 55 

Charlie  and  His  Puppy  Bingo.      Helen  Hill  and  Violet  Maxwell    ....  55 

Charlie  and  the  Surprise  House.     Helen  Hill  and  Violet  Maxwell.  ...  55 

Chastening.      James   H.    McConkey    45 

Checkerboard  Square  and  Other  Stories,  The.     Selected  Authors.  ...  55 

Child  Health  Alphabet.      Mrs.   Frederick  Peterson    1  5,  55 

Child  Life^    John  Creenleaf  Whittier    37 

Children  of  Dickens,  The.     S.   McChord  Crothers 55 

Children  of  History;  Later  Times,  The.      Mary  F.   Hancock 17 

Children's  Home,  The.     Padraic  Colum    47 

Children's  Saint,  The:  The  Story  of  Saint  Madeleine  Sophia. 

Maud    Monahan     44 

Children's  Treasury  of  Lyrical  Poetry,  The.      Francis  Turner 

Palgrave    (Selected  and  arrange  by)     37 

Child's  Book  of  Myths,  A.     Margaret  E.  Price 47 

Child's  Book  of  Number,  A.      John  C.   Stone    50 

Child's   Day,  A.      Walter   De   La    Mare    37 

Child's  Garden  of  Verses,  A.      Robert  Louis  Stevenson    37 

Child's  History  of  the  Word,  A.     V.  M.  Hillyer 28 

Child's  World,  The.      Sarah   Withers,   Hetty  S.   Browne  and 

William   Knox  Tate: 

Primer 26 

First  Reader 26 

Second    Reader     26 

Third    Reader    26 

Fourth    Reader    26 

Fifth    Reader    26 

Chimney   Pot  Papers.      Charles  S.    Brooks    34 

Chinese   Coat,   The.      Jeannette    Lee    55 

Cho-Cho   and   the   Health    Fairy.      Eleanor   Clendower   Griffith    ....  1 5,  55 

Choice   Readings.      Robert    McLean   Cumnock    34 

Christ    Legends.      Selma    Lagerlof     56 

Christmas  Carol,  A.     Charles  Dickens    56 

Christmas  Legends  and  Stories.      Selected   Authors    56 

Christmas  Masquerade  and  Other  Stories.      Mary   E.   Wilkins 56 

Christmas  Stories  (from   "Twenty-four  Unusual   Stories  for   Boys 

and   Girls")  .      Anna    Coggswell    Tyler    56 

Cicero,    Six   Orations.      Marcus    Tullius    Cicero     33 

Circular  Staircase,  The.      Mary  Roberts  Rhinehart    56 


Civil  and  Moral  Essays  or  Counsels  of  Francis  Bacon,  The. 

Francis     Bacon      34 

Classic   Fables.      Edna    Henry   Lee  Turpin    27 

Clean   Peter  and   the  Children   of  Crubbylea.      Otilia   Adelborg    56 

Cleopatra.      H.   Rider  Haggard    56 

Clinical   Osteopathy.      Carl    P.    McConnell,     (Editor)     15 

Cloister   and   the    Hearth,    The.      Charles    Reade    56 

Cock,  the  Mouse  and  the  Little  Red   Hen,  The.      Felicite   Lefevere 

(Retold    by) 56 

Collects,   Epistles  and   Gospels    (from    "The   Book  of  Common 

Prayer" )      .  .  .  .  A 44 

Colonial    Plays   for   the   School    Room.      Blanche    Shoemaker    37 

Colonial  Stories   Retold  from  St.    Nicholas.      Selected   Authors    56 

Comet.      Samuel  A.   Derieux    76 

Commandeering   of   the    Lucy    Foster.      J.    B.    Connelly    79 

Commerce  and   Industry.      J.    Russell   Smith    21 

Complete   French   Course    (with    French-English   and    English- 
French    Vocabulary)  .      C.    A.    Chardenal     31 

Complete   History  of   Music,   A.      Winton    James    Baltzell    13 

Composition   and    Rhetoric.      Alfred    M.    Hitchcock    29 

Composition    and    Rhetoric.      William    M.    Tanner    29 

Community   Life  and   Civic   Problems.      Howard   C.    Hill    21 

Comus.      John    Milton 37 

Conn   of   the   Coral   Seas.      Beatrice   Crimshaw    56 

Connecticut  Yankee  in  King  Arthur's  Court,  A.      Samuel   L.  Clemens  56 

Conqueror,   The.      Gertrude   Atherton     56 

Conquest  of  Canaan,  The.      Booth  Tarkington 56 

Conquest  of  Fear,  The.     Basil  King 42 

Conquest  of  Granada,  The.      Washington   Irving    23 

Constitution   of  the  American   Association   of  Workers  for  the 

Blind     21 

Constitution   of  the   United   States,   The    23 

Contes  Choisis    (with  vocabulary)  .      Alphonse  Daudet 31 

Contes  Gais    (with  vocabulary).      E.   B.  deSauze    (Editor)     31 

Cosy-Time  Tales.      Natalie   Joan .  .  56 

Cotter's  Saturday  Night  and  Other  Poems,  The.      Robert  Burns    ....  38 

Courage.      Sir    Jsmes    M.    Barrie    42 

Courage  of  the  Commonplace,  The.    Mary  Raymond  Shipman  Andrews  56 
Cours  Pratique  de  Francaise  pour  Commencants    (with  vocabulary)  . 

E.    B.    deSauze     31 

Covered    Wagon,    The.      Emerson    Hough    57 

Cranford.      Mrs.   Elizabeth  Caskell 57 

Creative  Chemistry    (Selected  Chapters  from).      Edwin   Emory  Slosson  48 

Crimson   Sweater,   The.      Ralph    Henry   Barbour    57 

Crisis,   The.      Winston   Churchill     57 

Crossing,    The.      Winston    Churchill     57 

Cuckoo   Clock,   The.      Mrs.    Mary   Louis    (Stewart)     Molesworth    ....  57 

Curry  Touch    Typewriting.      J.    S.   Curry    15 

Cutters,   The.      Bess   Streeter  Aldrich    57 

Daily  Bible  Studies.      Rev.   Floyd  W.  Tompkins    (Editor)  : 

Vol.    I    44 

Vol.   II    44 

Damaged   Souls.      Gamaliel    Bradford    17 

Danger  of  Lying  in  Bed,  The.      Samusl   L.  Clemens 78 

Daniel    Boone:   Wilderness  Scout.      Stewart   E.   White    17 

Dark  Frigate,  The.     Charles  Boardman   Hawes 57 



Das   Marchen    (with   vocabulary).      John   Wolfgang  von   Goethe 32 

Daughter  of  the  Samurai,  A.      Esther   Inagaki   Sugimoto    19 

David  Copperfield.     Charles  Dickens 57 

David  Goes  to  Greenland.      David    Binney   Putnam    19 

David   Goes  Voyaging.      David    Binney   Putnam    19 

David    Harum.      Edward    Noyes    Westcott    57 

Day  Unto  Day.     George  Mattheson,   D.   D.    44 

Day  with   Father,  A.      Francis   Ellington    Leupp 57 

Dear    Enemy.       Jean    Webster    57 

Debt,  The.      Edith   Wharton 57 

Declaration  of  Independence,  The    23 

Dedicated   Life,   The.      James   H.    McConkev 45 

Der  Taucher    (with  vocabulary)  .      Johann  Christoph   Friedrick 

Schiller     32 

Descent  into  the  Maelstrom,  A.      Edgar  Allen   Poe    57 

Deserted    Village,    The.      Oliver    Goldsmith     38 

Devil's   Tools,    The.      Melville    Davisson    Post 59 

Diamonds  and  Diamonds.     Robert  Kerr  Kennedy 57 

Disraeli.      Andre    Maurois 17 

Division   of  Words   into   Syllables   for   Writing   and    Embossing 

Braille  Grade   1  Vi,  Leaflet  on  the    27 

Docas,  the  Indian   Boy  of  Santa  Clara.      Genevra   Sisson   Snedden .  ...  57 

Dr.  Gander  of  Youngland.      General    Bennett   H.   Young    57 

Doctor  Johnson    (A  Play)  .     A.  Edward  Newton    38 

Doctor  Nye.     Joseph  C.  Lincoln 58 

Dr.  Pete  of  the  Sierras.      Mary  Montague   Davis    58 

Doctrine  of  the  Trinity,  The.     C.  E.  Macartney 45 

Dog  of   Flanders,   A.      Louisa    De    La    Ramee    58 

Donkey  John   of  the  Toy  Valley.      Margaret   W.    Morley 58 

Dramatic  Episodes  in  Congress  and  Parliament:  A  Parliamentary 

Reader.      Ethel    H.    Robson 21 

Dream   Life.      D.    G.    Mitchell    34 

Drums.       James    Boyd     , 58 

Dutch  Twins,  The.      Lucy  Fitch   Perkins 58 

Early   Candlelight   Stories.      Stella    C.    Shetter    58 

East  O*  the  Sun  and  West  O'  the  Moon  and  Other  Norwegian 

Folk    Tales.       Mrs.    Gudrun    Thorne-Thomsen     58 

Edith  Bonham.      Mary  Hallock  Foote 58 

Efficiency  in  Home-Making  and      First  Aid  to  Good  Cooking. 

Georgia     Robertson      15 

Eight  Cousins.     Louisa  M.  Alcott 58 

El1  Capitan  Veneno.      Antonio  Pedro  de  Alarcon 33 

El  Sombrero  de  tres  picos    (with  vocabulary)  .  Antonio  Pedro  de  Alarcon.  .34 

Elegy   Written    in   a    Country   Church-Yard.      Thomas   Gray    38 

Elementary    Chemistry.       Hollis    Godfrey     48 

Elementary  Economics.     Charles  Manfred  Thompson,   Ph.   D.,   L.   L.   D.  21 
Elementary   English,   Spoken    and   Written — Book    II. 

Lamont  F.   Hodge  and  Arthur  Lee    30 

Elementary  French   Reader    (with   vocabulary)  . .    Everett  Ward 

Olmsted  and  Francis   Brown   Barton    31 

Elements  of  Geology.      Eliot  Blackwelder  and   Harlan   H.    Barrows.  ...  48 

Elements    of    Latin     (with    vocabulary)  .       Benjamin    L.    D'Ooge     ....  33 
Eleventh   Biennial  Convention   of  American   Association   of  Workers 

for  the  Blind,   Report  of — June  22-26,    1925 21 

Elson    Basic   Reader    (Life-Reading   Service).      William    H.    Elson, 

Lura   E.   Runkel   and  William   S.  Gray: 

Primer      27 


Elson    Basic   Reader    (Life    Reading-Service).      William    H.    Elson 
and   William   S.   Cray: 

Book   One     27 

Book  Two    27 

Book  Three    27 

Book   Four    27 

Book   Five     27 

Elson  Readers.     William  H.  Elson  and  Christine  M.   Keck: 

Book  Six    27 

Book   Seven    27 

Embossed   Braille  Catalogs  of  the  American   Printing   House   for 
the  Blind: 

Literary    34 

Music      34 

Emigrants,      johan    Bojer    58 

EmmeHne.      Elsie  Singmaster    58 

Enchanted  Canyon,  The.     Honore  Willsie  Morrow 58 

Enchanted  Children,  The.     Vivian  T.  Pomeroy 58 

End  of  General  Cordon,  The    (from   "Eminent  Victorians"). 

Lytton  Strachey 17 

English   History  Story  Book.      Albert   Franklin    Blaisdell   and 

Francis    K.    Ball 23 

Enjoyment  of  Poetry.      Max   Eastman    35 

Enoch  Arden.     Alfred  Lord  Tennyson    38 

Epic  of  Kings,  The.     Helen  Zimmern    (Retold  by)    58 

Epicoene:  or  the  the  Silent  Woman.     Ben  Jonson 38 

Episcopal  Church.  The.     Thomas  F.  Cailor,  S.  T.   D 44 

Eskimo  Twins,  The.     Lucy  Fitch  Perkins 58 

Esquimau's   Romance.   The.      Samuel    L.   Clemens    68 

Essay  on  Addison.     Thomas  Babington  Macaulay,    1st   Baron    17 

Essay  on   Burns.      Thomas    Carlyle     35 

Essay  on   Chaucer.     James  Russell   Lowell ' 35 

Essay  on   Compensation.       Ralph    Waldo    Emerson     35 

Essay  on    Dryden.      James   Russell    Lowell    35 

Essay  on    History,   An.      Ralph   Waldo    Emerson    35 

Essay  on    Milton.      Thomas    Babington    Macaulay,    1st    Baron 17 

Essay  on   Pope.      James  Russell   Lowell    35 

Essay  on   Self-Reliance.      Ralph  Waldo  Emerson    35 

Essay  on   Shakespeare   Once    More.      James    Russell    Lowell     35 

Essay  on   Spenser.      James  Russell   Lowell    35 

Essentials  of  Arithmetic.     George  Wentworth  and  David  Smith: 

Primary    Book     50 

Intermediate    Book     50 

Advanced   Book    50 

Essentials  of  English  Grammar.      Elsie  Cemmill    30 

Eternal  Life,  The.      James  H.   McConkey 45 

Etiquette.  Jr.     Mary  E.  Clark  and  Margery  C.  Quigley 71 

Eugenie  Grandet    (with  vocabulary).      Honore  de   Balzac    31 

European    Beginnings   of   American    History.      Alice    M.    Atkinson    ...  23 

Evangeline.      Henry  Wadsworth   Longfellow 38 

Everlasting  Yea,  The.     C.   E.   Macartney    45 

Everybody's   Lonesome.      Clara   E.    Laughlin    58 

Everyday  Classics.      Fannie  W.   Dunn,   Franklin  T.   Baker  and 
Ashley   H.   Thorndike: 

Primer      27 

First    Reader     27 

Everyday  Classics.      Franklin  T.   Baker,  Ashley  H.   Thorndike 
and  Mildred  Batchelder: 

Second    Reader     27 

Everyday  Classics.      Franklin  T.   Baker  and  Ashley  H.  Thorndike: 

Third  Reader    27 

Exercises    in    English    Grammar     30 



Fables  from  Afar    (Aldine  Supplementary  Readers). 

Catherine  T.    Bryce    26 

Face  in  the  Window,  The.      William   Dudley  Pelley    59 

Faerie  Queen,  The — Book  I,  Canto   1.      Edmund  Spenser    38 

Faint   Perfume.      Zona   Gale    59 

Fair  Barbarian,  A.      Frances  Hodgson  Burnett    59 

Fair   Harbor.      Joseph    C.    Lincoln    59 

Fairies  and   Chimneys.      Rose   Fyleman    38 

Fairy  Stories  and    Fables.      James    Baldwin    59 

Fairy  Tales.     Selected  Authors 59 

Fairy  Wand,  The.      Frank  E.   Spaulding  and  Catherine  T.    Bryce.  ...  27 

Faith.      James  H.   McConkey 45 

Famous  Modern  Ghost  Stories.     Dorothy  Scarborough    59 

Fanny  Herself.      Edna  Ferber 59 

Farewell   Address.      George   Washington    35 

Father's  House,  The.      James  H.   McConkey    45 

Field    and    Forest    Friends.      Clarence    Hawkes    48 

Fifth   Sparrow,   The.      James   H.    McConkey    45 

Fifty   Famous   Stories   Retold.      James    Baldwin    23,  59 

54-40  or  Fight.      Emerson   Hough    59 

Finding  the  Christ  in  Ourselves.      H.   Emilie  Cady    44 

First  Book   in  American   History,  A.      Charles  Austin    Beard 

and   W.   C.    Bagley    23 

First   Book   in  Spanish,  A.      J.   P.   Wickersham   Crawford    33 

First   Bunker    Hill   Oration.      Daniel    Webster    35 

First  Course  in  American  History,  A.     Jeannette  Rector  Hodgdon: 

Book   I — Discovers,   Explorers  and   Colonists    23 

Book   II — The   National   Period    23 

First  Course  in  Physics,  A.     Robert  A.  Millikan  and  Henry  G.  Gale.  .  48 

First  Down,  Kentucky.      Ralph  xDelahaye  Paine    59 

First  Spanish   Reader    (with   vocabulary) .      Everett  Ward  Olmsted 

and   Edward   H.   Sirich    (Editors)     33 

First  Steps  in  Scientific  Knowledge.     Paul  Bert 48 

Five  Hundred   Dollars  and  Other  Stories.      Herman   White  Chaplin..  59 

Flag,  The.      Homer  Greene    59 

Florence   Nightingale    (from    "Eminent  Victorians"). 

Lytton  Strachey 17 

Flowing  Cold.      Rex   Beach    59 

Following  Columbus    (Stories  of  Exploration  and  Settlement). 

William    Lewis    Nida     23 

Following  the  Frontier    (Stories  of  the  Westward   Movement). 

William    Lewis   Nida    23 

Folk   Tales.      Selected   Authors    59 

Forever  Free.      Honore  Willsie   Morrow 1  7,  59 

Forge  in  the  Forest,  The.      Padraic  Colum    59 

Fortuna     (with    vocabulary)  .      Enrich    Perez    Escrich     33 

Four   Feathers,   The.      A.    E.   W.    Mason    60 

1492.      Mary   Johnston    60 

Fragments  of  the  Word.      James   H.    McConkey    45 

French  Verbs  and  Verbal  Idioms    (with  vocabulary).    B.  and  E.   Meras  31 

Friendly   Road,   The.      David   Grayson    60 

Frog  and  the  Puddle,  The.      Edna   Ferber    78 

From    Baseball   to   Boches.      H.   C.   Witwer    60 

From    Immigrant  to   Inventor.      Michael    Pupin    17 

From   the  Life.      Harvey   J.   O'Higgins    60 

Callegher.       Richard    Harding    Davis     60 

Garden  Behind  the  Moon,  The.      Howard  Pyle    60 



General    Science.      Otis   W.    Caldwell    and    William    L.    Eichenberry.  .  48 

Gentle  Grafter,  The.      Sidney  Porter    60 

Geographical  and   Industrial   Readers.      Nellie   B.   Allen: 

Asia:   China  and   the   Chinese 20,  48 

Asia:    India    and    Ceylon     20,  48 

New   Europe,   The    20,  48 

North    America     '. 20,  48 

South   America:   Chile  and   Ecuador    20,  48 

German    Grammar    (with    vocabulary)  .      Calvin    Thomas    32 

German   Prose  Composition    (with   vocabulary),      James  A.   Chiles...  32 

Giant  of  Apple  Pie  Hill  and  Other  Stories,  The.      Marian  Clark  Potter  60 

Gift,   The.      Margaret    Prescott    Montague 60 

Gilman  of   Redford.      William   Stearns   Davis    60 

Ginger    Bread    House,    The.      Catherine    Mais    60 

Give   God   a   Chance.      James    H.    McConkey    45 

Goat    Feathers.       Ellis    Parker    Butler 60 

God's   Country  and  the  Woman.      James  Oliver  Curwood    60 

God's   Day  and   the  Soul  of   Man.      C.   E.    Macartney    45 

God's   Jewel    Case.      James    H.    McConkey 45 

God-Planned   Life,  The.      James   H.    McConkey    .  .  .  . 45 

Go-Getter,  The.      Peter   B.    Kyne    60 

Gold  Bug,  The.      Edgar  Allen   Poe 6Q 

Gold   Mounted    Guns.      F.    R.    Buckley    70 

Golden   Age  of  Myth  and   Legend,  The.      Thomas   Bulfinch 47 

Golden   Goose  and  Other  Fairy  Tales,  The.      Eva   March   Tappan 

(Trans. )      60 

Golden   Treasury,  The — First  Book  and  Third   Book. 

Francis   Turner    Palgrave    38 

Good  Old  Stories  for  Boys  and  Girls.      Elva  S.  Smith    (Editor)     61 

Good   Samaritan,   A.      Mary    Raymond    Shipman   Andrews    61 

Good  Sports.     Olive  Higgins  Prouty 61 

Gordon   Readers.      Emma    K.   Gordon   and   Marietta   Stockard: 

First    Reader     28 

Second    Reader     28 

Graded  School  Speller.      Frank  E.  Spaulding  and  William   D.   Miller: 

Part     I      30 

Part    II     30 

Gray  Oral  Reading  Check  Tests.     William  S.  Cray: 

Sets  I,  II  and  III— Nos.  1,  2,  3,  4,  5  of  each    42 

Sets  II,  III  and  IV— Nos.  1,  2,  3,  4,  5  of  each    42 

Great    Impersonation,    The.      E.    Phillips   Oppenheim     61 

Great  Prince  Shan,  The.      E.    Phillips  Oppenheim    61 

Great  Quest,  The.     Charles  Boardman  Hawes    61 

Great  Stone  Face  and  Other  Tales  of  the  White  Mountains,  The. 

Nathaniel    Hawthorne     61 

Green  Mansions.     William  Henry  Hudson    .  . 61 

Green  Timber  Trails.     William  Gerard  Chapman    61 

Greyfriars    Bobby.      Eleanor   Atkinson     61 

Grimm's  Fairy  Tales.     The  Brothers  Grimm 61 

Guidance.      James    H.    McConkey    45 

Hamlet.      William   Shakespeare    38 

Hand  that  Intervenes,  The.     W.  A.  Spicer 44 

Hans   Brinker  or  the  Silver  Skates.      Mary   Mapes   Dodge    61 

Happy  Prince  and  Other  Tales,  The.      Oscar  Wilde    61 

Happy  Mountain,  The.      Mrs.    Mariston  Chapman    61 

Harbor,   The.      Ernest    Poole    61 



Hari,  the  Jungle  Lad.      Dhan  Gopal   Mukerji    61 

Harmony  Book  for  Beginners.      P.  W.  Orem    13 

Haunted  Bookshop,  The.     Christopher  Morley 61 

Have  You  an   Educated   Heart?      C.    Burgess    67 

Hawkeye,   The.      Herbert   Quick    61 

He  Knew  Lincoln.      Ida  M.  Tarbell 62 

Health   and  Safety.      Frances  Culick   Jewett 1  5,  48 

Heidi.      Johanna   Spyri 62 

Heir  of  Linne  and  Other  Stories,  The.      Elizabeth   W.   Crierson .  .     .  .  62 

Helen's   Babies.      John    Habberton    62 

Henry  the   Eighth.      William   Shakespeare    38 

Her  Secret.      Will   Payne    62 

Hero  Tales  from  American   History.     Theodore  Roosevelt  and 

Henry  Cabot  Lodge    17 

Heroes  of  Today.      Mary  R.    Parkman    18 

Heroes  or  Creek   Fairy  Tales  for   My  Children,   The. 

Charles    Kingsley 62 

Heydey  of  the  Blood,  The    (from  "Hillsboro  People"). 

Dorothy  Canfield  Fisher .- 62 

High    Fires.      Marjorie    B.   McClure    ■..- 62 

Highway  of  Guidance,  The.     James  H.  Conkey 45 

His  Soul  Goes  Marching  On.     Mary  Raymond  Shipman  Andrews    ....  62 

Historic  Adventures.      Rupert  S.   Holland    23 

Historic   Inventions.      Rupert  S.    Holland    15 

History   and  Government  of  the  United  States.  William   E.   Chancellor  24 

History  of  American   Literature.      Reuben    Post    Halleck    35 

History  of   the   American    Frontier.      Frederic    Logan    Paxson     23 

History   of  the  American  People,  The.     Charles  Austin   Beard 

and  William  JZ.   Bagley 23 

History  of  the  Pennsylvania  Home  Teaching  Society  and  Free 

Circulating  Library  for  the  Blind,  The.      Isabel  W.  Kennedy  21 
History  of  the  United  States,  A.      John   Holladay   Latane, 

Ph.  D.,  LL.  D 24 

History  Stories  of  Other  Lands.     Arthur  Guy  Terry    (Editor)  : 

Book  I — Tales  from   Far  and   Near 24 

Book   II — Tales  of   Long  Ago 24 

Hitting  the   Dark  Trail.      Clarence    Hawkes 18 

Holidays  in  Story  and  Verse.     Selected  Authors    62 

Holy  Bible,  Authorized  Version    44 

Holy  Bible,  Revised  Version,  American  Standard  Revised  Version    ...  44 

Holy  Ground.     James  H.  McConkey 45 

Home  and  World  Series.     James  Franklin  Chamberlain: 

How  We  Are    Clothed     20 

How  We  Are    Fed     20 

How  We  Are    Sheltered    20 

How  We  Travel      20 

Honorable   Mr.  Tawnish,  The.      Jeffrey   Farnol    62 

Hoof  and  Claw.     Charles  George  Douglas  Roberts    48 

Hoosier  School  Boy,  The.      Edward  Eggleston 62 

Hoosier  Schoolmaster,   The.      Edward    Eggleston 62 

Hopalong  Cassidy.     Clarence  Mulford    62 

House  of  the  Seven  Gables,  The.      Nathaniel   Hawthorne 62 

House-Boat  on  the  Styx,  The.     John  Kendrick  Bangs 35 

Household  Stories.      Jacob   Ludwig   Karl   Crimm    62 

How  the  Animals  Came  to  the  Circus.     Elizabeth  Gale 63 

•How  to  Listen  to  Music.      Henry  Edward  Krehbeil 13 

How  to  Live  on  Twenty-four  Hours  a  Day.     Arnold  Bennett 35 

How  to  Use  Your  Mind.     Harry  D.  Kitson,  Ph.  D 42 

Hugh    Wynne.      S.    Weir    Mitchell 63 

Huit  Contes  Choisis    (with   vocabulary).      Guy  de   Maupassant    ....  32 


Human  Geography,      j.   Russell  Smith: 

Book   One — Peoples  and   Countries    20,  48 

Book   Two— Regions   and   Trade    20,  48 

Human  Mechanism,  The.     Theodore  Hough  and  W.  T.  Sedgwick.  .  1  5,  49 

Human   Nature  and  Conduct.      John   Dewey    42 

Humanity  Uprooted.     Maurice  Hindus 20 

Hymns,  A  Selection  of 44 

Hymns,  A  Small  Collection  of  Standard 44 

Hypatia.      Charles    Kingsley     63 


I  Wonder  Why?      Elizabeth  Cordon    38 

Idylls  of   the   King.      Alfred,    Lord   Tennyson    38 

If  I  Were  King.      Justin  McCarthy    63 

If  We  Neglect.     James  H.  McConkey 45 

If  Winter  Comes.     A.  S.   M.   Hutchison    63 

If  You  are  Up  Against  It — Co  Around.      Dr.   Frank  Crane    42 

I'll    Try.      Elinor    Murphy    38 

II  Penseroso.      John   Milton    39 

Immensee    (with   vocabulary) .      Theodor   Storm    32 

In  and  Out.      James  H.   McConkey    46 

In  due  season  we  shall  reap,   if  we  faint  not:  Cal.   6;   9.      Christ 

Jesus  came  into  the  world  to  save  sinners:   1    Tim.   1:15.  .  44 

In   the   Days  of  the  Giants.      Abbie   F.    Brown    63 

In   the   Days  of  the  Guild.      Louise   Lamprey    63 

In  the  Time  of  the  Terror  and  Other  Stories    (from"Short 

Stories") .      Honore  de   Balzac    63 

India:  The   Land  of  the   Black   Pagoda.      Lowell   Thomas    20 

Indian    Drum,  The.      William    MacHarg  and    Edwin    Balmer    63 

Indian   Summer  of  a  Forsyte    (from   "The  Forsyte  Saga"). 

John     Galsworthy      63 

Indian   Why  Stories.     Frank  B.  Lindeman    63 

Irish   Twins,   The.      Lucy    Fitch    Perkins    63 

Israel  Drake  and  Other  Stories.      Katharine  Mayo  and 

Harvey  J.  O'Higgins 63 

It  Wasn't  Honest,  But  It  Was  Sweet.     Jack  Lait 65 

Ivanhoe.      Sir  Walter  Scott    63 

I've  Come  to  Stay.      Mary  Heaton  Vorse    63 


Jack  the  Giant  Killer  and  Other  Stories.      Selected  Authors 63 

Jacob's  Struggle.      James  H.   McConkey    46 

Jacqueline  of  the  Carrier  Pigeons.     Augusta   Huiell   Seaman    63 

Jane   Eyre.      Charlotte    Bronte    63 

Japanese  Twins,  The.      Lucy  Fitch   Perkins    64 

Jataka  Tales.      Ellen  C.    Babbitt    (Retold   by)     64 

Java    Head.      Joseph    Hergesheimer    64 

Jim    Davis.      John    Masefield    64 

John    Burroughs'   Talks.      Clifton   Johnson    18 

John   Gilpin.      William    Cowper    38 

John,   Viscount   Moreley.      John    H.    Morgan    18 

Johnny   Appleseed   and   Other   Poems.      Vachel    Lindsay    38 

Johnny  Bear  and  Other  Stories.     Selected  Authors 64 

Jo's   Boys.      Louisa   M.   Alcott    64 



Josiah    Allen's    Wife.      Marietta    Holley    35 

Journey  to  Health  Land,  A.     James  Mace  Andress  and 

Annie    Turner    Andress     1  5,  64 

Julius   Caesar.      William    Shakespeare    39 

Jumping  Frog,  The.      Samuel   L.   Clemens    39 

Jungle    Book,    The.       Rudyard    Kipling     .  64 

Jungle    Days.      William    Beebe     20 

Junior  Training  for  Modern   Business.      John  G.   Kirk  and 

Mary    A.     Waesche     15 

Jupie  Follows  His  Tale.      Neely  McCoy    64 

Just  David.      Eleanor  H.   Porter    64 

Just  So  Stories.      Rudyard   Kipling    64 

Kari,  the  Elephant.      Dhan   Copal    Mukerji    64 

Katrinka.      Helen    E.    Haskell     64 

Kazan.      James   Oliver   Curwood 64 

Keeper  of  the  Bees,  The.      Gene  Stratton-Porter    64 

Keller's  Anna  Ruth.     Elsie  Singmaster 64 

Kenilworth.      Sir   Walter   Scott    64 

Kentucky  Cardinal.     James  Lane  Allen    64 

Key  to  Braille  for  Reading  and  Writing  Grade   1  Vz    28 

Key  to   Braille   Music   Notation.      L.   W.    Rodenberg: 

Embossed    13 

Inkprint      13 

Kidnapped.      Robert    Louis   Stevenson    64 

Kim.      Rudyard    Kipling    64 

Kindred  of  the  Dust.      Peter  B.   Kyne    65 

King  Arthur  and   His  Knights  of  the   Round  Table. 

Sir  Thomas   Malory    65 

King  of  the  Golden  River,  The.      John   Ruskin    65 

King's  Henchman,  The.      Edna  St.  Vincent   Millay    39 

Kings  in  Exile.     Charles  George  Douglas  Roberts    49,  65 

King's  Wish,  The.     Thomas  Guthrie  Marquis    65 

La   Tulipe    Noire.      Alexandre    Dumas    32 

L'Abbe  Constantin    (with   vocabulary).      Ludovic   Halvey    31 

Lad:  A   Dog.      Albert   Payson   Terhune    65 

Lady  of  the  Lake,  The    (In  Six  Cantos).      Sir  Walter  Scott    39 

L'Allegro.      John    Milton    39 

Lame  Feet.     James  H.  McConkey 46 

Lance  of  Kanana,  The,  Ardavan.      Henry  Williard   French    (Trans.)  .  .  65 

Lars,  the  Useless,  Was  a  Nuisance.     Jack  Lait    65 

Last  Days  of  Pompeii,  The.      Sir   Bulwer   Lytton 65 

Last   of   the   Mohicans,   The.      James    Fenimore   Cooper    65 

Last  of  the  Peterkins  with  Other  of  their  Kin,  The. 

Lucretia   P.    Hale    65 

Law   and   Grace.      James    H.    McConkey    46 

Layman's  Handbook  of   Medicine,   A.      Richard   Clarke   Cabot,    M.    D.  15 

Le  Crime  de  Sylvestre  Bonnard  (with  vocabulary).  Anatole  France  31 
Le  Livre  de  Mon  Ami — Le  Livre  de  Pierre    (with  vocabulary). 

Anatole    France    32 

Le  Premier  Livre    (with  vocabulary).      A.  A.  and   B.   Meras    32 



Le  Second  Livre    (with  vocabulary).     A.  A.  and  B.   Meras 32 

Learn  to  Study  Readers,  The. — Book  One.     Ernest  Horn  and 

Grace    Shields     28 

Leavenworth  Case,  The.      Anna   Katharine  Green    65 

Legend  of  Sleepy  Hollow,  The.     Washington   Irving 35 

Legends  of  the  Red  Children.      Mara   L.   Pratt    28 

Lessons   in    Truth.      H.    Emilie   Cady    44 

Lessons  on    Massage.      Margaret    D.    Palmer .  15 

Letters  of  Franklin  K.  Lane,  The.      Franklin   K.  Lane    18 

Life  and   Letters  of  Walter   H.   Page.      Burton   J.   Hendrick: 

Part    I     18 

Part    II 18 

Life  of  the  Party,  The.      Irvin  S.  Cobb    65 

Light   Princess,  The.      George   Macdonald    65 

Lincoln  and  Slavery.     Albert  E.  Pillsbury 18 

Litany,  The    (from   "The  Book  of  Common   Prayer") 45 

Literary  World,  The.     Sarah  Witers,   Hetty  S.   Browne  and 
John    Colvin    Metcalf: 

Sixth     Reader 28 

Seventh    Reader    28 

Little   Bird  Blue.     W.   L.   and   Irene  Finley    . 49,  65 

Little   Black  Sambo,  The  Story  of.      Helen   Bannerman    65 

Little   Book  of  Christmas,  A.     John  Kendrick  Bangs 66 

Little   Boy  Lost,  A.     William  Henry  Hudson 66 

Little  Children's    Bible,    The 45 

Little  Curly    Head,    the    Pet    Lamb.      Johanna    Spyri     66 

Little  Girl    Blue.      Josephine   Scribner   Gates    66 

Little  Girl  of  Long  Ago,  A.      Eliza  Orne  White 66 

Little   Folks  of   Many   Lands.      Lula    Maude  Chance    20 

Little  Goody  Two  Shoes,  The   History  of    66 

Little   Lame  Prince,  The.      Mrs.   Dina   Maria    (Mullock)    Craik    66 

Little   Lord    Fauntleroy.      Frances    Hodgson    Burnett 66 

Little   Minister,  The.      Sir  James   M.    Barrie 66 

Little   Princess,  The    (from   "A  Treasury  of  Plays  for  Children"). 

Frances    Hodgson    Burnett    39 

Little  Sally  Waters.      Ethel   Calvert   Phillips .  66 

Little  Shepherd  of   Kingdom  Come,  The.      John   Fox,   Jr.       66 

Little  Tonino.      Helen    Hill    and    Violet    Maxwell     66 

Little  Women.      Louisa    M.   Alcott    66 

Little  Wooden    Doll,  The.      Margery    (Williams)     Bianco    66 

Live   Language   Lessons.      Howard    R.    Driggs: 

First   Book    30 

Second    Book    30 

Third    Book 30 

Lone  Star  Ranger,  The.      Zane  Grey 66 

Lonesomest  Doll,  The.     Abbie  F.   Brown 66 

Lorna   Doone.      Richard   Dodderidge   Blackmore    66 

Lost — A  Brother.     Emelie  Benson  Knipe  and  Alden  A.   Knipe 67 

Lost  Monkey,  The.     Lucia  Webster  Rice    67 

Love  of  Life.      Jack   London    67 

Love  Stories.      Mary   Roberts    Rhinehart    67 

Lover  of  Music,  A.     Henry  Van  Dyke 67 

Loyalty  of  the  Jew,  The.     Rabbi  Joseph  Krauskopf 46 

Luca  Sarto.     Charles  S.   Brooks 67 

Luck  of  Roaring  Camp  and  Other  Stories,  The.      Bret  Harte 67 

Luther's  Small  Catechism  and  a  Few  Bible  Verses.      Martin  Luther.  .  45 
Lyrics  Selected  from  Wordsworth,   Keats  and  Shelley. 

Charles  Swain  Thomas    (Editor)     39 




Macbeth.      William   Shakespeare    39 

Madame  Claire.     Susan  Ertz    67 

Magic   Feather  and  Other  Indian  Tales,  The.    Selected  Authors    ....  67 

Magic   Ferns  and  Other  Fairy  Tales,  The.     Selected  Authors 67 

Magic    Forest,  The.     Stewart  E.   White 67 

Magic  Story,   A.      F.    VanRensselaer    Dey    67 

Making  of  an  American,  The.     Jacob  A.   Riis    18 

Man   and  the  Stars.      Harlan  True  Stetson    49 

Man   of  Galilee,  The — A  New   Inquiry.      George   Reuben   Wendling.  .  46 

Man  Overboard.      F.   Marion   Crawford    67 

Man    Roosevelt,  The.      Francis  Ellington   Leupp    18 

Man   Who  Would  Be  King,  The.     Rudyard  Kipling 67 

Man  Without  a  Country,  The.     Edward  Everett  Hale 67 

Mansion,    The.      Henry   VanDyke    68 

Manual  of  Parliamentary  Practice.      Luther  S.  Cushing    22 

Marbacka.      Selma   Lagerlof    18 

Marchen    (with  vocabulary)  .      Hans  Christian  Andersen 32 

Marcher)  und  Erzahlungen — Part  I  (with  vocabulary) . 

Helene  Adeline  Cuerber 32 

Marching  On.     James  Boyd 68 

Maria   Chapdelaine.      Louis   Hemon    68 

Masque  of  the  Red  Death,  The.     Edgar  Allen  Poe 57 

Masquerader,  The.      Katherine  Thurston    68 

Massage.     Nellie  Elizabeth  MacAfee 15 

Master   of  the  Inn,  The.      Robert  Herrick    68 

Master  Simon's  Garden — Part   I.      Cornelia    Meigs    68 

Master  Skylark.     John  Bennett 68 

Mathematical  and  Chemical  Notation.      H.  M.  Taylor 49 

Mediaeval1  and  Modern  History.     Philip  VanNess  Myers    24 

Mehitable.       Katharine    Adams     68 

Memoirs   of  a    London    Doll,   Written    by    Herself. 

Mrs.  Fairstair   (Editor)    68 

Men  of  Iron.      Howard   Pyle    68 

Merchant  of  Venice,  The.     William  Shakespeare 39 

Merry   Adventures   of    Robin    Hood,    The.      Howard    Pyle    68 

Merry  Scout  and  Other  Stories,  A.     Edna  Payson  Brett 68 

Merrylips.      Beulah    Marie    Dix    68 

Message  to  Garcia,  A.      Elbert  Hubbard    35 

Microbe    Hunters.      Paul    deKruif    1 5,  49 

Midstream:  My  Later  Life.      Helen  Keller 18 

Midsummer.      Katharine    Adams    68 

Midsummer   Night's   Dream,   A.      William   Shakespeare    39 

Miles  Standish   and  Other   Selections.      Henry  Wadsworth    Longfellow  39 

Milestones.      Arnold   Bennett  and   Edward    Knoblauch    39 

LI, 000,000  Bank-Note.     Samuel  L.  Clemens    68 

Mind  in  the  Making,  The.     James  Harvey  Robinson 42 

Ministry  of  Suffering,  The.     James  H.  McConkey 46 

Miscellaneous  Selections.      Selected  Authors    35 

Miss  Lulu   Bett.      Zona  Gale    68 

Miss  Minerva   Broadcasts  Billy.      Emma   S.   Sampson    68 

Mr.  Downey  Sits  Down.     L.   H.   Robbins    69 

Mrs.  Red  Pepper.     Grace  S.  Richmond 69 

Mrs.  Wiggs  of  the  Cabbage  Patch.     Alice  Hegan  Rice 69 

Moby   Dick.      Herman    Melville    69 

Modern    Arithmetic    (with    Monroe's    Standardized    Tests). 

Bruce   M.   Watson   and   Charles   E.   White: 

Primary    Book     50 

Intermediate   Book    50 

Modern  History.     Carleton  Joseph  Huntley  Hayes  and  Parker  T.  Moon  24 

Moment  of  Victory,  The.      Sydney  Porter    75 

Mon  Oncle  et  Mon  Cure    (with  vocabulary)..    Jeane  de   la   Brete.  ...  32 



Monroe's    New    Primer     28 

Monroe's  Standardized  Silent  Reading  Tests.      W.   S.   Monroe 43 

Monsieur    Beaucaire.       Booth    Tarkington     69 

More  Stories   for   Girls.      Selected   Authors    69 

Mother  Mason.      Bess  Streeter  Aldrich    69 

Mother   Stories.      Maud    Lindsay    69 

Mountain   Peaks  of  Old   Testament   Biography — III — Gideon. 

C.    E.    Macartney    45 

Musical  Terms  in  Everyday  Use.      R.   K.  Miller 13 

My    Disreputable  Friend,   Mr.   Raegan.      Richard   Harding   Davis 60 

My    Double  and   How  He   Undid   Me.      Edward   Everett   Hale    77 

My   Experiences  at  Scotland  Yard.      Basil  Thomas    22 

My   Garden    Doctor.      Francis    Duncan    69 

My   Garden   of   Memory.      Kate   Douglas   Wiggin    18 

My   Thirty  Years  in   Baseball.      John   J.    McCraw    1 4,  1  8 

Mysterious   Universe,  The.      Sir  James   Jeans    49 

Mystery  at  the   Blue  Villa,  The.      Melville   Davisson    Post    69 


Nature  Myths  and  Stories  for  Little  Children.      Flora  J.  Cooke 47 

Nature  Study.     John  Bradford  Craig: 

Book  One     49 

Book   Two     49 

Book  Three    49 

Nervous  Wreck,  The.      E.  J.   Rath    69 

Never  the  Twain   Shall   Meet.      Peter   B.    Kyne    69 

New   Biology.     W.  M.  Smallwood,    Ida   L.   Reveley  and  Guy  A.   Bailey  49 

New   Civics,   The.      Roscoe    L.    Ashley    22 

New   Commandment,    The.      James    H.    McConkey    46 

New  England  Conservatory  Cause  for  Pianoforte,  The.     F.  A.   Porter    .  14 

New   English    Literature.      Reuben    Post    Halleck    36 

New   Geographies — First   Book.      Raiph   S.   Tarr  and 

Frank   M.    McMurry    20,  49 

New   Latin  Composition,  A.       (with  vocabulary)  .      Charles  E.    Bennett  33 

New    Latin    Grammar.      Charles    E.    Bennett     33 

New    Map   of   Asia,   The.      Herbert   Adams   Gibbons    24 

New    Map  of  Europe,  The.      Herbert  Adams  Gibbons    24 

New    Moon,   The.      Cornelia    Meigs    69 

New    Physical  Geography.      Ralph  S.  Tarr  and  O.   D.   VonEnglen.  .  .  .  20,  49 

New   York   and    Return.      Eleanor    H.    Porter    69 

New   York  State  Fair  Spelling  Bee,  Syracuse,   1928    30 

Newark    Phonic    Drills    30 

Night  Out,  A.      Edward    Peple    69 

Norse   Stories.      Hamilton    Wright    Mabie    47 

Nursery  Tales  from   Many  Lands.      Eleanor   L.   Skinner  and 

Ada    M.    Skinner    70 

Object:  Matrimony.      Montague  Glass 70 

Odd   Number,  The.     Guy  de  Maupassant 70 

Old   Curiosity  Shop,  The.     Charles  Dickens 70 

Old    English  Tales   Retold.      Harriet   Buxton    Barbour    70 

Old   Fashioned  Girl,  An.     Louisa  M.  Alcott 70 

Old    Indian    Legends.      Zitkala-Sa    70 



Old   Judge   Priest.      Irvin   S.   Cobb    70 

Old   Mother  West  Wind.     Thornton  W.   Burgess    70 

Old   Peter  Takes  an   Evening  Off.      O.    F.    Lewis    70 

Old    Pipes  and  the  Dryad  and  Other  Stories.     Frank  R.  Stockton 

and    Others     70 

Old   Settlers  Stories.     Mabel   Elizabeth   Fletcher 70 

Older  Girls   Stories.      Selected   Authors    70 

On    the  Morning  of  Christ's  Nativity.      John   Milton    39 

On   the  Trail  of  Washington.      Frederick  Trevor  Hill 18 

One   Man   Dog,  The.      Jack   Hines    53 

One  of  Ours.      Willa  Cather    70 

Open   Door  Language  Series,  The.      Zenos  E.   Scott,    Randolph  T. 
Congdon,  Harriet  E.  Peet  and  Laura  Frazee: 

First   Book    30 

Second    Book    30 

Third     Book     30 

Organ,   The.      Sir   John    Stainer    14 

Origin   and   Evolution   of  the   United   States   Flag,   The. 

R.  C.    Ballard  Thruston    24 

Orphan  Angel,  The.      Elinor  Wylie 70 

Other  Room,  The.      Mary  Heaton  Vorse    82 

Our  Ancestors  in   Europe.      Jennie   Hall    24 

Our   Animal    Friends   and    Foes.      William    Atherton    DuPuy    49 

Our  Times.      Mark  Sullivan: 

I.  The  Turn  of  the  Century    24 

II.  America    Finding    Herself     24 

III.  Pre-War  America 24 

Our   Wonderful    Church.      Gertrude    Hollis    46 

Outline  of  Science,  The.      James  A.  Thomson    49 

Outlines  of  Harmony — Part  I:  Chords.      R.   K.   Miller    14 

Outlines  of  Music  History.     Clarence  Grant  Hamilton 14 

Page  Story   Book,   The.      Frank   E.  Spauldinq   and 

Catherine    T.    Bryce     (Editors) 28 

Pan  and  Santa  Claus.     Julia  Ellsworth  Ford 70 

Paradise    Lost — Books    l-IV.      John    Milton     39 

Pardners.       Rex    Beach     70 

Pathway  to   Reading.      Bessie   B.   Coleman,   Willis   L.    Uhl,    and 
James  F.  Hosic: 

Primer    28 

First  Reader 28 

Second  Reader    28 

Third    Reader     28 

Fourth    Reader    28 

Fifth    Reader    28 

Sixth    Reader    28 

Patriotic  Stories  and  Poems.      Selectel   Authors    36 

Peacock   Pie.      Walter    DeLaMare    40 

Pearl    Lagoon,    The.      Charles    Nordhoff     71 

Peggy   Stories.      Mildred    Batchelder    71 

Peking  Dust.      Ellen  N.  LaMotte    24 

Penitential  OOffice,  The    (from  "The  Book  of  Common   Prayer")  ...  45 

Penrod.       Booth    Tarkington     7] 

People  of  the  Mist,  The.      H.   Rider  Haggard 71 

Perez   the   Mouse.      Lady   Moreton    7] 

Perfect   Tribute,    The.      Mary    Raymond    Shipman    Andrews    71 

Personal  Memoirs  of  Ulysses  S.  Grant.      Ulysses  S.  Grant- 

Part    I     1 8 

Part    II     18 


Peter  Pan,   Refold  from  Sir  James   Barrie's   Famous   Play. 

Frederick   O.    Perkins    (Edited    and    arranged    by)     71 

Peter  Pan  and  Wendy.     Sir  James  M.   Barrie    71 

Peter-Pea.      N.  G.   Crishina    71 

Philosophy    Four.      Owen    Wister     71 

Philosophy  of  Clothes,  The    (from   "A  Tale  of  a  Tub"). 

Jonathan    Swift     36 

Phoebe.     Alice  Hegan  Rice    71 

Physiology,    Hygiene   and   Sanitation.      Frances   Culick   Jewett    15,49 

Piano  Method.      A.   Lambert    14 

Pickwick    Papers,    The.      Charles    Dickens    36 

Pieces   of    Eight.      Richard    LeCallienne    71 

Pigs   is   Pigs.      Ellis   Parker    Butler    76 

Pilgrim's    Progress,    The.       John    Bunyan     71 

Pinkie  and   the   Fairies    (from   "A  Treasury  of   Plays   for   Children"). 

W.    C.    Robertson     40 

Pinocchio.      C.    Collodi     71 

Plane   Geometry.      George   Wentworth    and    David    Smith 50 

Plato's  American   Republic.      J.    D.   Woodruff    36 

Playmates   in   Print.      Edna   Whiteman    71 

Poems    (Miscellaneous).     C.  Stratton    (Selected  by)     40 

Poems        and  Songs   (Selected) .     Robert  Burns 40 

Poems  for    Children.      Walter    DeLaMare    40 

Poems   that  Every  Child  Should  Know.      Mary  Elizabeth   Burt 40 

Polaris.      Ernest   Harold    Baynes    71 

Pollyanna.      Eleanor  H.   Porter    71 

Poor   Gentleman,   The.      Ian    Hay    (Beith)     71 

Poultry  Keeping.     Harry  R.   Lewis 15 

Power  and   the  Glory,   The.      Gilbert   Parker    71 

Practical  Botany.     Joseph  Y.  Bergen  and  Otis  W.  Caldwell    49 

Prairie    Rose,    A.      Bertha    E.    Bush    72 

Prayer    (Large   Edition) .      James   H.    MvConkey    46 

Prayer   (Small  Edition) .     James  H.  McConkey 46 

President    is    Born,   A.      Fannie    Hurst    72 

Prester   John.      John    Buchan    72 

Pretty  Polly  Flinders.      Mary  F.   Blaisdell    72 

Pride  and  Prejudice.     Jane  Austen 72 

Primer  of  Braille  Music,  Authorized   Edition,    1930: 

Embossed      14 

Ink-print 14 

Primer    of    Psychology.      Edward    Bradford    Titchner     42 

Prince  and  Rover  of  Cloverfield   Farm.      Helen   Fuller  Orton 72 

Prince  and  the  Pauper,  The.      Samuel    L.   Clemens    72 

Princess,  The.     Alfred  Lord  Tennyson    40 

Princess  and   Curdie,   The.      George    Macdonald    72 

Princess  and  the  Goblin,  The.     George  Macdonald    72 

Principles,   Methods  and  Therapeutics  of  Massage. 

John    R.    Mitchell     16 

Principles   of    Player   Action    Operation    14 

Prisoner  of  Chillon,   The.      Lord    Byron       40 

Prisoner  of  Zenda,  The.      Anthony  Hope    72 

Prue  and  I.     George  William  Curtis    72 

Puppy   Dogs'  Tales.      Frances   Kent    72 

Pure  Gold.      O.   E.    Rolvaag    72 

Purloined   Letter,  The.      Edgar  Allen   Poe    57 


Quality.      John    Galsworthy    39 

Quatrevingt-Treize     (with    vocabulary) .       Victor    Hugo     32 

Quin.      Alice    Hegan    Rice    72 

Quo    Vadis.       Henryk    Sienkiewicz     36,  72 



Rabbit   Lantern   and   Other  Stories   of   Chinese   Children,   The. 

Dorothy   Rowe 72 

Ramona.      Helen    Hunt    Jackson     72 

Reading-Literature.      Hariette  T.  Treadwell  and   Margaret  Free. 

First    Reader 28 

Second   Reader 28 

•V     Third   Reader    28 

Real  Business  of  Living,  The.     James  H.  Tufts 22 

Reason  Why,  The.      R.  A.  Laidlaw 46 

Rebecca   of  Sunnybrook   Farm.      Kate    Douglas   Wiggin    72 

Reconstruction   of   Northern   France,  The    (from   "France  and 

Ourselves") .      Herbert   A.    Gibbons 24 

Recreation.      Edward,    1st   Viscount    Grey    14,  36 

Re-Creation  of  Brian  Kent,  The.     Harold  Bell  Wright 73 

Red  Belts.      Hugh  Pendexter    73 

Red   Cap   Tales.      S.    R.    Crockett 73 

Red  Feather's  Adventures.     Jane  Curtis  Gifford  and  E.  G.  Payne    ....  73 

Red  Pepper  Burns.     Grace  S.   Richmond    73 

Red    Rock.      Thomas    Nelson    Page    73 

Rescue,  The.      Joseph   Conrad    73 

Reveries  of  a   Bachelor.      D.   G.    Mitchell    36 

Rhymes    and    Stories.      Marion    Florence    Lansing     73 

Rhymes  of  Cho-Cho's  Grandma.     Mrs.  Frederick  Peterson 73 

Richard   III.      William   Shakespeare    40 

Riddle  Book  for  Silent  Reading,  A.      Lily  Lee   Dootson    29 

Riders  of  the  Purple  Sage.      Zane  Gray 73 

Ridin'   Kid   from    Powder   River,   The.      Henry   H.    Knibbs    73 

Right  of  Way,   The.      Gilbert   Parker    73 

Rime  of  the  Ancient   Mariner,   The.      Samuel    Taylor   Coleridge    ....  40 

Rise  and  Fall  of  the  Mustache,  The.     Robert  Jones  Burdette 36 

Rise  of  American   Civilization,   The.      Charles   A.    Beard 

and    Mary    R.    Beard     25 

Riverman,  The.      Stewart  F.  White    73 

Riverside  Readers.      James  H.  VanSickle  and  Wilhelmina   Seegmiller: 

Third  Reader .  29 

Fourth    Reader    29 

Road  Agent,  The    (from    "The   Killer").      Stewart    E.    White    73 

Robert's   Rules  of  Order.      Henry   M.    Robert    22 

Robinson    Crusoe.      Daniel    Defoe 73 

Rocky  Billy.      Holling  Clancy  Holling 73 

Romance  of  the  Jews,  The.     Samuel   Purvis,   D.   D 46 

Romantic  Comedians,  The.      Ellen  Glasgow    73 

Romeo  and  Juliet.      William  Shakespeare    40 

Rose  in  Bloom.      Louisa   M.  Alcott    74 

Rosy  Cheeks  and  Strong  Heart,  The  Story  of.      James  Mace  Andress 

and    Annie    Turner    Andress     1 5,  74 

Royal   Road   to   Romance,   The.      Richard    Halliburton    20 

Rumpty  Dudget's  Tower;  A  Fairy  Tale.      Julian   Hawthorne    74 

Rupert  of  Hentzau.     Anthony  Hope    74 

Salute  to  Adeventurers.      John   Buchan    74 

Sandman,  The:   His   Farm  Stories.      William   J.    Hopkins    74 

Sarah's   Dakin.      Mabel    L.    Robinson    74 

Saturday's   Children.      Helen    Coale    Crew    74 

Scar  that  Tripled,  The.      W.   G.   Shepherd    53 

Scaramouche.      Rafael    Sabatini     74 



Scarlet   Cockerel,   The.      Clifford    M.    Sublette    74 

Scartergood   Baines — Chapters  l-IV.      Clarence   Budington   Kellend    .  .  74 
School  History  of  Texas,  The.      Eugene  C.    Barker,   Charles  Shirley 

Potts   and   Charles   W.    Ransdell     25 

Science  Remaking  the  World.      Otis  W.  Caldwell  and 

Edwin    Emory    Slosson     50 

Scientific  Course  in  Typewriting,  A.     01  lie  Depew 16 

Scottish   Chiefs,   The.      Jane    Porter    74 

Sea  Wolf,  The.     Jack  London 74 

Seats  of  the   Mighty,   The.      Gilbert   Parker    74 

Second  jungle  Book,  The.      Rudyard  Kipling 74 

Second  Twenty  Years  at   Hull-House,   The.      Jane  Addams       22 

Secret  Garden,  The.      Frances  Hodgson   Burnett    74 

Secret  Sharer,  The    (from  "  Twixt  Land  and  Sea").  Joseph  Conrad.  .  74 

Seeking  Life  and  Other  Sermons.      Rt.   Rev.    Phillip   Brooks,   D.    D. .  .  46 
Selected   Papers  on    Philosophy,   Chapters   l-IV  and   VII. 

William    James     42 

Selected   Papers  on    Philosophy,   Chapters   l-IV   and   VII. 

Selected  Stories    (from   "Accidentals").      Helen   Mackay 75 

Selected   Verse  for  School   Grades    IV-VII.      Selected   Authors 40 

Selections  from   Nature   in   Verse;   Poetry  for  Children. 

Mary     I.     Lovejoy 40 

Selections  from   "O.   Henry  Memorial  Award   Prize   Stories,    1919." 

Sydney     Porter     75 

Self-Cultivation  in  English.     George  Herbert  Palmer 30 

Sentence  and  Theme.      C.   H.   Ward    30 

Sentence  Book.      C.   H.   Ward    30 

Sentimental    Tommy.      Sir    James    M.    Barrie    75 

Service  of  the  Holy  Communion    (from   "The  Book  of  Common 

Prayer" ) 44 

Sesame  and   Lillies.      John   Ruskin    36 

Seven  Ages  of  Washington,  The.      Owen  Wister    18 

Seven  Little  Sisters,  The.     Jane  Andrews 75 

Seven  Old  Ladies  of  Lavender  Town,  The.       (from   "A  Treasury 

of  Plays  for  Children").      Henry  Cuyler   Bunner    40 

.007    (from   "The   Day's  Work") .      Rudyard    Kipling    75 

Shadows  on   the   Rock.      Willa   Cather    75 

Shaggycoat.       Clarence     Hawkes      50 

Shasta    of    the   Wolves.      Olaf    Baker    72 

Shavings.      Joseph   C.    Lincoln    75 

She  Stoops  to  Conquer.      Oliver  Goldsmith    41 

Sheaves    (A  Comedy  of  Manners).      Marie  Conway  Oemler    75 

Ship   that   Found    Herself,   The    (from    "The   Day's   Work"). 

Rudyard     Kipling      75 

Shoes.       Sydney     Porter      75 

Short  History  of  England,  A.      Edward   Potts  Cheyney 26 

Shorter  Poems  of  Alfred  Tennyson.      Alfred   Potts  Cheyney    41 

Show    Boat.       Edna     Ferber     75 

Silas    Marner.      George    Eliot    75 

Silver  Pennies.      Blanche   Jennings  Thompson    41 

Silver  SheM,  The.     Mary  Ellen  Chase 75 

Sinful    Peck.      Morgan    Robertson    75 

Sir  Cleges  and   His  Gift  and  Other  Stories.      Selected   Authors    75 

Sir  Roger  de  Coverley:   Essays  from   "The  Spectator." 

Joseph   Addison    and    Richard    Steele    36 

Sizing  Up  Uncle  Sam.     George  Fitch 36 

Sketch    Book,    The.      Washington    Irving     36 

Slowcoach,    The.      Edward    Verrall    Lucas    76 

Snake    Doctor,   The.       Irvin    S.   Cobb    76 

Snow  Baby,  The.      Josephine   Peary    20 

Snow-Bound    (A   Winter   Idyll).      John   Greenleaf   Whittier    41 

Soaked  in  Seaweed.      Stephen   Leacock .  76 



Social   Life  and   Institutions.      Joseph    K.    Hart    22 

Social  Work  with  Families.      Frank  D.  Watson    (Editor   in  charge)  .  .  22 

Sohrab    and    Rustum.      Mathew   Arnold     41 

Sokar    and    the    Crocodile.       Alice    Woodbury    Howard     16 

Soldier    Rigdale.      Beulah    Marie    Dix     16 

Soldiers  of   Fortune.      Richard    Harding   Davis    76 

Son  of  the  Middle   Border,  A.      Hamlin  Garland    76 

Song  of  Hiawatha,  The.      Henry  Wadsworth   Longfellow    41 

Song  of  Our  Syrian   Cuest,  The.      William   Allen    Knight    76 

Soundings.       A.    Hamilton    Cibbs     76 

Spanish  Composition.     J.   P.  Wickersham  Crawford 34 

Spanish    Cold.      J.    O.    Hanney    76 

Speaking  of  Operations.      Irvin   S.   Cobb    36 

Spell   of  the   Yukon,   The.      Robert  Service 41 

Spell-to-Write  Spelling  Book,  The.      Ambrose   L.   Suhrie  and 
Robert   Philip    Koehler: 

Book   II    31 

Book    III     (Fifth    Year)     31 

Book   III    (Sixth   Year)     31 

Spirit-Filled  Life,  The.     James  H.   McConkey    46 

Sooilers,  The.     Rex  Beach    76 

Sprightly   Romance  of   Marsac,   The.      Molly   Elliott   Seawell    76 

Spy,  The:  A  Tale  of  the  Neutral  Ground.      James  Fenimore  Cooper.  .  76 

Stand  Concessions.     Lela  T.  Brown 16 

Standard    Bible  Story  Readers.      Lillie  A.    Faris: 

Book    I — The   Primer    46 

Book    II — The    First    Reader     46 

Book    III — The    Second    Reader     46 

Book   IV— The  Third  Reader 46 

Book   V — The    Fourth    Reader    46 

Book   VI — The    Fifth    Reader     46 

Standard    Dictionary    of    the    English    Language,    Pocket    Edition. 

J.  C.   Fernald,   L.   H.   D 31 

Standard   Etiquette   for  All   Occasions.      Ethel    Cushing    Brant    22 

Stanford    Achievement   Tests.      Truman    L.    Kelley,    Giles    M.    Ruch 
Lewis  M.  Terman: 

Primary   Examination — Form    A 43 

Primary     Examination — Form     B 43 

Advanced    Examination — Form    A 43 

Advanced    Examination — Form     B 43 

Stickeen.      John    Muir    76 

Stolen  Story,   The.      Jessie   L.   Williams    77 

Stories   for   Girls.      Selected   Authors: 

Book    I     77 

Book     II     77 

Stories   for    Holidays.      Selected   Authors    77 

Stories   of   American  Life  and  Adventure.      Edward   Eggleston 25 

Stories   of   Ancient  Peoples.      Emma  J.  Arnold 25 

Stories   of   Colonial   Children.      Mara    L.    Pratt    25 

Stories   of   Great    Americans.       Edward    Eggleston     18 

Stories   of   Great   Men  and   Deeds.      Selected  Authors .  77 

Stories   of    Later  American   History.      Wilbur  Fisk  Gordy 25 

Stories   of    Mother   Goose  Village.      Madge  A.    Bigham    77 

Stories   of   the   Months  and   Days,  The.      Reginald   C.   Couzens 36 

Stories   of   the    Pilgrims.      Margaret    Pumphrey    25 

Stories   of   the    Red    Children.      Dorothy    Brooks    77 

Story   of   a    Bad    Boy,   The.      Thomas    Bailey   Aldrich    77 

Story   of    Doctor    Doolittle,    The.       Hugh    Lofting     77 

Story   of   King  Arthur  and  His  Knz'ghts,  The.      Howard   Pyle    77 

Story   of    Live   Dolls,   The.      Josephine   S.   Gates    77 

Story   of    Mankind,  The.      Hendrick   W.  VanLoon    25 

Story   of    My    Boyhood,    The.      John    Burroughs    18 



Story   of    My   Boyhood   and   Youth,   The.      John    Muir    19 

Story   of   Our  Country,  The.      Ruth  West  and  Willis  Mason  West    .  .  25 

Story  of   Philosophy,  The.     Will   Durant,   Ph.   D.    42 

Story   of   Rowland,  The.     James  Baldwin 77 

Story   of   Siegfried,   The.      James    Baldwin 77 

Story  of  the  Great  War,  The.      Roland  C.   Usher    25 

Story   of   the  Greeks,   The.      Helene  Adeline   Guerber    25 

Story   of   the  Other  Wise  Man,  The.      Henry  Vandyke    77 

Story   of   the  Thirteen   Colonies,  The.      Helene  Adeline  Guerber    ....  25 

Strange  Case  of  Dr.  Jekyll  and  Mr.  Hyde.     Robert  Louis  Stevenson    .  .  77 
Succsesful   Speaking.      William    Phillips   Stanford   and    William 

Hayes  Yeager 31 

Summer  Ghosts  and   Winter  Topics.      Felix   E.    Schelling    36 

Suppressed   Desires;  A  Comedy  in  Two  Scenes.      Susan  Gaspell    ....  41 

Sure  Shepherd,  The.     James  H.  McConkey 46 

Surrendered  Life,  The.     James  H.   McConkey    46 

Susanna's  Auction    77 

Susan's  Escort.      Edward   Everett   Hale    77 

System   of   Physiologic  Therapeutics.      S.    S.    Cohen     (Editor)     16 

Swiss   Family   Robinson,   The.      Johann    David   Wyss    78 

Tale  of  Negative  Gravity,  A.      Frank  R.  Stockton    78 

Tale  of  Two  Cities,  A.      Charles   Dickens    78 

Tales   from    Shakespeare.      Charles    and    Mary    Lamb .  36 

Tales  from  Silver  Lands.      Charles  J.    Finger    78 

Tales  of  a  Wayside  Inn.      Henry  Wadsworth   Longfellow    41 

Tales   of   Laughter.      Kate    Douglas   Wiggin    and    Nora    A   Smith 

(Editors) 78 

Talisman,   The.      Sir   Walter   Scott    78 

Talking  with  God.      J.J.   Kensington    46 

Talks  to  Students  on  Some  of  Life's  Ideals.      William   James 42 

Tangled  Threads,  The.      Eleanor   H.   Porter    78 

Tanglewood   Tales.      Nathaniel    Hawthorne    47 

Tapestry  Room,  The.     Mrs.  Mary  Louisa    (Stewart)    Molesworth    ....  78 

Tartarin  de  Tarascon    (with  vocabulary) .      Alphonse   Daudet    32 

Tattooed    Man,   The.      Howard    Pyle    78 

Taxis  and  Toadstools.     Rachel  Field 41 

Temas   Espanoles.      J.   P.   Wickersham   Crawford    34 

Ten   Boys.      Jane  Andrews    78 

Tennessee's   Partner.      Bret   Harte    78 

Test  Material  Included  in  "Self-Surveys  for  the  Blind,  A  Manual 

for  the  Guidance  of  Teachers."      Samuel    Perkins 

Hayes,   Ph.    D 43 

That's   Marriage.      Edna   Ferber    78 

That's  Why  Stories    (Aldine  Supplementary   Readers).      Catherine 

T.    Bryce    26 

Theodore  Roosevelt    (from   "True  Stories  of  Great  Americans"). 

Edmund   Lester  Pearson    19 

Theodore  Roosevelt's  Letters  to  His  Children.  Theodore  Roosevelt.  .  19 
Therapeutic  Exercises  and   Massage,  A   Manual  of.      Carl   Hermann 

Bucholz,   M.   D 16 

Third  Silent  Reader.     William  Dodge  Lewis,  Albert  Lindsay  Rowland 

and    Ethel    Maltby   Gehres    29 

Thirty   More    Famous   Stories    Retold.      James    Baldwin    25,  78 

$30,000   Bequest,  The.      Samuel   L.   Clemens    78 

This  Singing  World.      Louis    Untermeyer     (Editor)     41 

Three   Addresses.      Woodrow   Wilson    37 



Three-Fold  Secret  of  the  Holy  Spirit,  The.     James  H.   McConkey. ..  .  .  46 

Three   Sermons.      C.    E.    Macartney 45 

Three   Things,   The.      Mary    Raymond    Shipman    Andrews    78 

Through   Magic  Casements.      George  S.  Carhart  and   Paul   A.    McChee  41 

Through  the  Farmyard  Gate.      Emilie   Poulsson    41 

Thrush  in  the  Hedge,  The    (from   "The   Happy  End"). 

Joseph     Hergesheimer 79 

Thumbelina.      Hans   Christian    Andersen 79 

Time   Spirit,   The.      John    Collins   Snaith 79 

Times  Have  Changed.      Elmer  Davis    79 

Timothy's  Quest.      Kate   Douglas   Wiggin 79 

To  Have  and  To  Hold.      Mary  Johnston    79 

Toby  Tyler  or  Ten  Weeks  with  a  Circus.     James  Otis    .  .  .• 79 

Tom  Brown's  School  Days.     Thomas  Hughes 79 

Tommy  Tinker's   Book.      Mary  F.   Blaisdell 79 

Toto  and  the  Gift.      Katharine  Adams    79 

Towers  of   Fame.      Elizabeth   Folsom 70 

Training  of  Wild  Animals,  The.      Frank  C.    Bostock    50 

Trawler,  The.     J.  B.  Connelly 79 

Treasure   Island.      Robert   Louis   Stevenson    '. 79 

Trip  to  Latin  America,  A.       (with  vocabulary)  .      V.    Fuentes  and 

V.    E.    Francois 34 

Trumpeter  of  Krakow,  The.     Eric  P.  Kelly 79 

Turkey  Red.      Francis  Gilchrist  Wood 79 

Twenty-four,  The.      George   Fitch    79 

Twenty  Thousand  Leagues  Under  the  Sea.      Jules  Verne    80 

Twice  Told  Tales.      Nathaniel   Hawthorne    80 

Twisted-in-Wire  Brushes,  Dusters  and  Mops  and  How  to  Make  Them  1  6 

Two  Little  Confederates,  The.     Thomas  Nelson  Page 80 

Two   Little   Indians.      Emma    M.    Maguire    80 

Two  Years  Before  the  Mast.      Richard  H.   Dana,  Jr 21 

Uncle  Jed,  Caddie  Master.     Joseph  Chapman    80 

Uncle  Joe's  Lincoln.      Edward  Alfred   Steiner    80 

Uncle   Remus.     Joel  Chandler  Harris 80 

Uncle   Sam   of   Freedom   Ridge.      Margaret   Prescott   Montague    80 

Under  the  Lilacs.     Louisa  M.  Alcott    80 

Under  the  Story  Tree.      Mabel  Guinnip  LaRue    80 

Upper  Berth,  The.      F.   Marion  Crawford 61 

Vagabond  Journey  Around  the  World,  A.      Harry  A.   Franck 21 

Valley  of  the  Giants,  The.      Peter   B.    Kyne    80 

Valley  of  the  Moon,  The.      Jack   London    80 

Vandemark's   Folly.      Herbert   Quick    80 

Vanity  Fair.     William  Makepeace  Thackeray 80 

Velveteen  Rabbit  or  How  Toys  Became  Real,  The. 

Margery    (Williams)     Bianco    80 

Vicar  of  Wakefield,  The.      Oliver  Goldsmith    80 

Vinegar  Saint,  The.     Hughes  Mearns 80 

Virginian,    The.      Owen    Wister     80 

Vision  of  Sir  Launful,  The.      James  Russell    Lowell    41 

Voice   from   the    Dark,   A.      Eden    Phillpotts    81 

Voyages  of  Doctor   Doolittle,  The.      Hugh   Lofting    81 



Wag  and  Puff — A  Primer    (from   "The  Child's  Own  Way  Series"). 

Marjorie    Hardy 26 

Wanamaker,  Primer  on  Abraham  Lincoln,  The.     John  Wanamaker    .  .  19 

Wanderer  of  the  Wasteland,  The.      Zane  Grey    81 

Wandering  Jew,  The.      Rabbi   Joseph   Krauskopf    46 

Wanted    a    Mother.      Clarence    Hawkes    81 

Wappin'  Wharf    (from   "Frightful   Plays").      Charles  S.    Brooks    41 

Water   Babies,  The.      Charles   Kingsley    81 

Way  of  Victory,  The.     James  H.  McConkey 46 

We   Must  March.      Honore  Willise   Morrow    81 

Wedding  Gift:  A  Fishing  Story.     John  Taintor  Foote 81 

Wee  Ann,  A  Story  for  Little  Girls.     Ethel  Calvert  Phillips    81 

Wee  Willie  Winkie  and  Other  Stories.      Rudyard   Kipling 81 

What  Can  a  Man  Believe?     Bruce  Barton    47 

What  Can  Literature  Do  for  Me?     C.  Alphonso  Smith    37 

What  Confronts   France    (from   "France   and   Ourselves"). 

Herbert  A.  Gibbons 24 

What  Happened  in  the  Ark.      Kenneth  M.  Walker  and 

Geoffrey   M.    Boumphrey    81 

What   Happened  to  Inger  Johanne.     Dikken  Zwilgmeyer 81 

What   is  Social  Case  Work.      Mary  E.   Richmond    22 

What   is  the  Christian  Religion?      E.   L.   Parsons,   Bishop  of  California  47 

What  is  Wasted  Time?     Holsworthy  Hall    69 

What   it  is  Like  to  be  Blind.     Annesley  Burrowes    22 

When  Father  and  Mother  Rebelled.     Eleanor  H.  Porter 81 

When  Granny  Was  a  Little  Girl.     A.   E.   P.   Searing    81 

When   Knighthood  Was  in   Flower.      Charles   Major    81 

When  Polly  Ann  Played  Santa  Claus.      Eleanor  H.   Porter    81 

Where  Love   Is,  There  God   Is  Also.      Count   Leo   Nikolaevich  Tolstoi  55 

White   Fang.     Jack  London    81 

White   Heron,   A.      Sara   Orne  Jewett    82 

White   Indian   Boy,  The.      E.   N.  Wilson    82 

White   Shadows  in  the  South  Seas.      Frederick   O'Brien    21 

Whiteoaks  of  Jalna.      Mazo  de   la   Roche    82 

Why  We  Behave  Like  Human  Beings.     George  A.   Dorsey,   LL.   D.   D.  42 

Widow    Lerouge,   The.      Emile   Gaboriau    82 

Wigwam   Stories.      Mary  Catherine   Judd    (Compiler)     25 

Wild   Animals   I    Have   Known.      Ernest  Thompson   Seton    50 

Wild  Folk.      Samuel  Scoville,   Jr 50 

Wild   Life  on   the   Rockies.      Enos  Abijah    Mills    21 

Wild  Life   Under  the  Equator.      Paul    DuChaillu    21 

Wilfred    Reginald   and    the    Dark    Horse.      James    Mahoney    69 

Wilhelm   Tell    (with   vocabulary)  .      Friedrich    Schiller    32 

William.       Emily    Hilda    Young     82 

William  the  Conqueror    (from  "The  Day's  Work").      Rudyard   Kipling  82 

Wind   Boy,  The.      Ethel  C.   Eliot    82 

Wind  That   Didn't   Blow,   The.      Arthur   B.    Chrisman    82 

Winnie-the-Pooh.     A.  A.   Milne    82 

Winston    Companion    Reader — First    Reader.      Ethel    H.    Maltby 

and   Sidney  G.    Firman    29 

Winston  Readers,  The.     Sidney  G.   Firman  and  Ethel   H.   Maltby: 

The    Primer    29 

The  First  Reader    29 

The  Second   Reader    29 

Wisp,  A  Girl  of   Dublin.      Katharine  Adams .  82 

Wolf.     Albert  Payson  Terhune    82 

Women.       Booth    Tarkington     82 

Wonder   Children,    The.      Charles    J.    Bellamy    82 

Wonder   Clock,   The.      Howard    Pyle    82 

Wonderful   Adventures  of   Nils,   The.      Selma    Lagerlof    82 

Wonderful  Chair  and  the  Tales  it  Told,  The.      Francis  Browne 82 



Wonderful  Locomotive,  The.     Cornelia   Meigs 82 

Wonderful  Year,   The.   William    Locke    83 

Woodrow  Wilson  as   I    Know   Him.      Joseph   P.   Tumulty    19 

Word,  The:  How  to  Study  it — How  to  Teach  it.     James  H.  McConkey.  .46 
Words.      C.    E.    Macartney    45 

Young  American   Readers.      Jane   Eayre   Fryer: 

Community  Interest  and  Public  Spirit 22 

Our  Home  and  Personal   Duty    22 

Our  Town  and  Civic  Duty 22 

Young  Folk's  Book  of  Myths,  The.     Amy  Cruse    47 

Young  Lucretia.      Mary  E.  Wilkins 83 

Young   Trailers,    The.      Joseph    Alexander    Altsheler    83 

Zaragiieta    (with  vocabulary).      Miguel  Ramos  Carrion  and  Vital  Aza        33 
Zenobia's   Infidelity.      Henry  Cuyler   Bunner    76 






American  Printing  Mouse  For  The  Blind 


5839  Frankfort  Avenue 
Louisville,  Kentucky 

Table  of  Contents 





A.  Non-Fiction:      ] 

Arts,    Fine     1 

Arts,   Useful      1 

Biography    1 

Description  and  Travel    13 

Economics  and  Sociology 13 

History    14 

Language     14 

Alphabets,  Primers  and  Readers 14 

English    15 

French     15 

Latin      15 

Spanish 15 

Literature    15 

Prose     15 

Drama  and  Poetry 16 

Science      16 

B.  Fiction      18 

Explanatory  Notes 

The  titles  have  been  classified  according  to  the  Dewey  Decimal 
System,  the  main  divisions  of  Non-Fiction  being  rearranged  in  alphabetical 
instead  of   numerical   order. 

Publishers  and  copyright  dates  are  indicated  in  bold  face.  (A  list 
of  publishers  with  their  addresses  appears  on  page  7) . 

The  date  of  our  first  edition  is  enclosed  in  brackets  following  the 
date  of  copyright. 

Initials  enclosed  in  parentheses  following  the  date  of  first  publication 
in  braille  indicate  by  whom  the  first  edition  was  paid  for  or  the  plates  loaned. 
(See  page  9  for  explanation  of  abbreviations). 

If  not  otherwise  indicated,  all  titles  are  understood  to  be  in  interpoint 
braille  grade  1  Vz.     All  pages  are  the  regulation  1  1"  x  11"  size. 

Reading  grades  for  each  title  are  indicated  by  Roman  numerals  for 
Grades   l-X,  or  as  Adult. 

A  complete  Catalog  of  Braille  Music  is  published  under  separate  cover. 

Books   may  neither   be   borrowed   nor  exchanged. 

When  payment  accompanies  order  always  include  postage.  Any 
differences  between  the  postage  sent  and  the  amount  actually  used  will  be 
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Be  sure  to  indicate  whether  you  wish  shipment  to  be  made  by 
express,  freight  or  parcel  post. 

No  funds  of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind  are  used  to 
emboss  religious  literature. 

Address  List  of  Publishers 

Allyn   and    Bacon,    Boston. 

American    Foundation   for   the    Blind,    New   York. 

American  Leather  Producers,   Inc.,   New  York. 

Bobbs-Merrill    Co.,    Indianapolis. 

Century  Co.,  New  York. 

Dodd,   Mead  Ox  Co.,   New  York. 

Doubleday,  Doran  Cr  Co.,  Garden  City,  New  York. 

Dutton — E.   P.   Dutton  &  Co.,   New  York. 

Farrar  and  Rinehart,  New  York. 

Cinn  £r  Co.,  Boston. 

Cray — H.   W.  Cray  &  Co.,    New  York. 

Harcourt,    Brace  Cr  Co.,    New   York. 

Harper  &  Bros.,  New  York. 

Heath — D.  C.   Heath  &  Co.,   New  York. 

Holt — Henry   Holt   &   Co.,    New   York. 

Houghton   Mifflin   Co.,    New  York. 

Knopf — Alfred  A.  Knopf,   Inc.,   New  York. 

Lippincott — j.    B.    Lippincott   Co.,    Philadelphia. 

Little,    Brown  &  Co.,   Boston. 

Liveright — Horace  Liveright,   Inc.,   New  York. 

McGraw-Hill  Book  Co.,  New  York. 

Macmillan  Co.,   New  York. 

National    Institute  for   the    Blind,    London,    England. 

New  York — University  of  the  State  of  New  York,  Albany. 

Norton — W.  W.  Norton  &  Co.,  New  York. 

Novello  £r  Co.,    Ltd.,    London,    England. 

Oxford    University   Press,    New   York. 

Revell — Fleming  H.   Revell   Co.,    New  York 

Sanborn — Benjamin  H.  Sanborn  &  Co.,  Chicago. 

Scott,   Foresman  &  Co.,  Chicago. 

Scribner's — Charles  Scribner's  Sons,   New  York. 

Simon   &  Schuster,    Inc.,    New   York. 

Sulley — George   Sulley   &   Co.,    New   York. 

World   Book   Co.,   Yonkers-on-Hudson,    New   York- 

World   Peace   Foundation,    Boston. 

Yale  University  Press,   New  Haven. 


Explanation  of  Abbreviations 

L.  of  C. — Library  of  Congress,   Washington,   D.    C. 

L.  S.  B. — Louisiana  School  for  the  Blind,  Baton  Rouge,  Louisiana. 

N.   C.  S.   B. — North   Carolina  School    for   the   Blind,    Raleigh,    North   Carolina. 

N.   Y.    I.    E.    B. — New   York    Institute   for   the   Education   of    the    Blind,    New 
York,    New   York. 

N.  Y.  S.  S.  B. — New  York  State  School  for  the  Blind,   Batavia,  New  York. 

P.   I.    I.   B.~ Pennsylvania    Institution   for   the    Instruction  of   the   Blind,   Over- 
brook,    Pennsylvania. 

P.    1.   M.   S.    B. — Perkins    Institution   and   Massachusetts   School   for  the   Blind, 
Watertown,    Massachusetts. 

List  of  Publications 

ARTS,  FINE  (Including  Recreation) 

Mason.  H.  W.  Cray  Co.,  1  910.  [1932].  (L.  of  C.)  X;  A^uli. 
2  vols;  356  pp $  4.50 

LISTENER'S  GUIDE  TO  MUSIC,  THE.  Percy  Alfred  Scholes.  Oxford 
University  Press.  [1932].  (L.  of  C.)  VU-X;  Adult.  2  vols; 
286  pp , 4.50 

LISTENING  TO  MUSIC.  Douglas  Moore.  W.  W.  Norton  &  Co., 
1932.  [1933].  <L.  of  C.)  Grade  2.  X;  Adult.  3  vo!s; 
approx.   496   pp 9.00 

1930  SUPPLEMENT  TO  "BRAILLE   MUSIC   NOTATION"    (Presenting 
signs  unfamiliar  in  the  United  States,  authorized  after  the  recom- 
mendations   of    the    Paris    Conference    on    Braille    Music,    April, 
1929.)       [1930]. 

Embossed-— One -side.      lOVi";  pamph;  5  pp. 15 

Ink-Prinfr — Pamph ;   5    pp. - - 25 

REGULATING   AND   ADJUSTING.      Cader   G.    Cox.      Manuscript. 

[1932].      IN.  C.  S.  B.)      X;  Adult.     Pamph;  31    pp 55 

Edward  Gladstone.  Novell©  &  Co.,  Ltd.  [1932].  (N.  Y.  I.  E. 
B.)       One-side.      Adult. 

PART   I.      2  vols;    1  90  pp 3.80 

PART   II.      1    vol;       71    pp. 1.45 


BUSINESS  ARITHMETIC.  George  Washington  Miner,  Fayette  Herbert 
Owe  1 1  and  Frank  Charles  Touton.  Ginn  &  Co.,  1928.  [1932]. 
One-side.      JX-X;    Adu£t.      8    vols;    1115    pp 32.00 

PRACTICAL  POULTRY-FARM&NG.      Louis  Merwin   Hurd.      Macmillan 

Co.,   1928.      [1932].      VII -X;  Adult.      4  vols;  729  pp 12.00 

ROMANCE   OF   LEATHER,    THE.      American    Leather    Producers,    Inc., 

1928.     [1932].      (L.  S.  B.)      Vlll-X;  Adult.       1  vol;  84  pp 75 


burg. Harcourt,  Btace  &  Co.,  1926.  [1932].  (L.  of  C.)  VIII- 
X;  Adult.     4  vo(s;  925  pp. .......  . 1 1 .00 



ALEXANDER  HAMILTON  (American  Statesmen  Series).  Henry  Cabot 
Lodge.  Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,  1910.  [1933].  (L.  of  C.)  Grade 
2.     X;  Adult.     2  vols;  431    pp $   5.00 

BEETHOVEN  THE  CREATOR.     Romain  Rolland.     Harper  &  Bros.,  1929. 

[1932].      (L.  of  C.)      X;  Adult.     3  vols;  592  pp 7.00 

BENJAMIN  FRANKLIN  (American  Statesmen  Series).  John  T.  Morse, 
Jr.  Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,  1917.  [1933].  (L.  of  C.)  Grade 
2.     X;  Adult.      3  vols;  626  pp 7.50 

CLASSIC  AMERICANS.      Henry  Seidel  Canby.      Harcourt,  Brace  &  Co., 

1931.      [1932].      (L.  of  C.)      Adult.     4  vols;  797  pp 10.00 

CRUCIBLES.     Bernard  Jaffe.     Simon  &  Schuster,  1930.      [1932].      (L. 

of  C.)      X;  Adult.     4  vols;  753  pp 10.00 

EDUCATORS  AND  BENEFACTORS  OF  THE  BLIND  (Selections  from  the 
"Outlook  for  the  Blind").  Edward  E.  Allen,  Richard  Slayton 
French,  and  Others.  American  Foundation  for  the  Blind.  [1930]. 
(P.  I.   I.  B.)      One-side.     X;  Adult.      lvol;86pp 2.50 

GEORGE  WASHINGTON:  VOLS.  I  AND  II.  (American  Statesmen 
Series).  Henry  Cabot  Lodge.  Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,  1917. 
[1933].  (L.  of  C.)  Grade  2.  X;  Adult.  5  vols;  approx. 
1038    pp 12.50 

HUNGER  FIGHTERS.  Paul  Henry  DeKruif.  Harcourt,  Brace  &  Co., 
1928.  [1933].  Grade  2.  X;  Adult.  4  vols;  approx. 
648  pp 12.00 

INDIAN   BOYHOOD,  AN.     Charles  Alexander  Eastman.      Little,  Brown 

&  Co.,   1902.      [1933].     Vl-X;  Adult.     2  vols;  326  pp 7.00 

LEADING  AMERICAN  INVENTORS.     George  lies.      Henry  Holt  &  Co., 

1912.     [1932].      (L.  ofC.)      Adult.     5  vols;  919  pp 12.00 

LEADING  AMERICAN  MEN  OF  SCIENCE.  David  Starr  Jordan,  Ed. 
Henry  Holt  &  Co.,  1910.  [1932].  (L.  of  C.)  Adult.  6 
vols;     1  1 27    pp 1 5.00 

LIFE  OF  JOHN   MARSHALL,  THE:  PARTS   l-IV.     Albert  Jeremiah   Beveridge. 
Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,  1916.      [1932].      (L.  of  C.)   Adult. 

PART  I.  5  vols;  1005  pp. 

PART  II.  5   vols;  1163  pp. 

PART  III.  7   vols;  1244  pp. 

PART  IV.  7   vols;  1233  pp. 

Total       24  vols;      4645   pp 54.00 

OUR  PRESIDENTS;  Brief  Biographies  of  Our  Chief  Magistrates.  James 
Morgan.  Macmillan  Co.,  1926.  [1933].  (L.  of  C.)  Grade  2. 
X;  Adult.      3  vols;  approx.  488  pp 9.00 

SAMUEL  ADAMS  (American  Statesmen  Series).  James  Kendall 
Hosmer.  Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,  1913.  [1933].  (L.  of  C.) 
Grade   2.      X;   Adult.      3   vols;   approx.    554   pp 7.50 



STORY  OF  A  PIONEER,  THE.     Anna  Howard  Shaw.     Harper  &  Bros., 

1915.      [1932].     One-side.     Vll-X.     4  vols;  522  pp $14.00 

STORY  OF  MY  LIFE,  THE.  Helen  Adams  Keller.  Doubleday,  Doran 
&  Co.,  1914.  [1933].  (L.  of  C.)  Crade  2.  Vll-X;  Adult. 
4  vols;  approx.  772  pp 1 2.00 

WHITE  HOUSE  GANG,  THE.  Earle  Looker.  Fleming  H.  Revell  Co., 
1929.  [1933].  (L.  of  C.)  Crade  2.  X;  Adult.  2  vols; 
315    pp 5.00 


ENGLAND  THE  UNKNOWN  ISLE.  Paul  Cohen-Portheim.  E.  P.  Dut- 
ton  &  Co.,  1931.  [1932].  (L.  of  C.)  Crade  2.  Adult.  2 
vols;   390  pp 5.50 

STATES.  Nellie  Burnham  Allen.  Ginn  &  Co.,  1925.  [1933] 
V-VIII.      3    vols;    481     pp 10.00 

OREGON  TRAIL,  THE.     Francis  Parkman.     Little,  Brown  &  Co.,  1920. 

[1933].      (L.  of  C.)      Grade  2.     VI -X;  Adult.     3  vols;  approx. 

600   pp 1 0.00 

RESTLESS    PACIFIC,    THE.       Nicholas    Roosevelt.      Charles    Scribner's 

Sons,   1928.      [1932].      (L.  of  C.)      Adult.     3  vols;  497  pp...      8.00 


AMERICAN  COMMONWEALTH,  THE  (Abridged  Edition).  James 
Bryce,  Viscount.  Macmillan  Co.,  1906.  [1932].  (L.  of  C.) 
X;  Adult.     7  vols;   1368  pp 16.00 

Irwin  and  Evelyn  C.  Mckay.     American  Foundation  for  the  Blind, 

1929.      [1932].      (P.   I.   I.  B.)      Adult.     2  vols;  279  pp 5.50 

and  George  Ray  Wicker.  Macmillan  Co.,  1926.  [1932].  (L. 
of  C.)      X;  Adult.      6  vols;    1094  pp 15.00 

FROM  HOMER  TO  HELEN  KELLER.  Richard  Slayton  French.  Ameri- 
can Foundation  for  the  Blind,  1932.  [1933].  (L.  of  C.)  Grade 
2.     Adult.      3   vols;   536   pp 9.00 

HISTORY   OF   ECONOMICS,   THE.      Othmar   Spann.      W.   W.    Norton 

&  Co.,  1930.     [1932].      (L.  of  C.)      Adult.     3  vols;  673  pp 7.50 

MAKING  OF  THE  CONSTITUTION,  THE.  Charles  Warren.  Little. 
Brown  &  Co.,  1928.  [1932].  (L.  of  C.)  Adult.  10  vols; 
1 927    pp 22.50 

NEW    WORLD,    THE.       Isaiah    Bowman.      World    Book    Co.,    1928. 

[1932].      (L.  of  C.)      X;  Adult.     8  vols;   1887  pp 20.00 

PACIFIC  AREA,  THE.  George  Hubbard  Blakeslee.  World  Peace 
Foundation,  1929.  [1932].  (L.  of  C.)  Adult.  3  vols; 
650    pp 8.00 



Taussig.  Macmillan  Co.,  1921.  [1933].  (L.  of  C.)  Grade 
2.      Adult.       1 2    vols;    2399    pp $28.00 

PROBLEM  OF  UNEMPLOYMENT,  THE.  Paul  Howard  Douglas  and 
Aaron  Director.  Macmillan  Co.,  1931.  [1933].  (L.  of  C.) 
Adult.      6    vols;    1220    pp 14.00 

STATE,  THE;  Elements  of  Historical  and  Practical  Politics.  Wood- 
row  Wilson.  D.  C.  Heath  &  Co.,  1918.  [1932].  (L.  of  C.) 
X;  Adult.      8  vols;   1405  pp 21.00 

Hadley.  Yale  University  Press,  1915.  [1932].  (L.  of  C.) 
X;   Adult.      1    vol;    255    pp 2.75 


ANCIENT   TIMES:     A    HISTORY    OF    THE    EARLY    WORLD.      James 

Henry  Breasted.     Cinn  &  Co.,  1916.      [1933].      (P.  I.  M.  S.  B.) 

Grade  2.      IX-X;  Adult.      7  vols;  approx.    1  1 20   pp 20.00 

Burke.  (Sidney  Carleton  Newsom,  Ed.)  Macmillan  Co.,  1899. 
[1933].      IX-X;   Adult.      1    vol;    217    pp 4.50 

CAN  AMERICA  STAY  AT  HOME?  Frank  Herbert  Simonds.  Harper 
&  Bros.,  1932.  [1933].  (L.  of  C.)  Grade  2.  X;  Adult.  3 
vols;   530   pp 9.00 


Francis   Parkman.      Little,    Brown    &    Co.,    1919.       [1933].       (L. 

of  C.)      Grade  2.      X;  Adult.      5  vols;  approx.   880  pp 17.00 

EUROPE   SINCE   WATERLOO.      William   Stearns   Davis.      Century   Co., 

1926.      [1932].      (L.  of  C.)      X;  Adult.      11    vols;  2505  pp...    30.00 

HALF  CENTURY  OF  CONFLICT,  A:  VOLS.  I  AND  II.  Francis  Park- 
man.  Little,  Brown  &  Co.,  1920.  [1933].  (L.  of  C.) 
Grade  2.      X;   Adult.      6   vols;   approx.    1062   pp 20.00 

Robinson  and  James  Henry  Breasted.  Cinn  &  Co.,  1929. 
[1932].      X;    Adult.      7    vols;     1410    pp 22.50 

1829-1925.      Arthur   Meier   Schlesinger.      Macmillan    Co.,    1925. 

[1932].       (L   of  C.)      X;   Adult.      7    vols;    1486   pp 18.00 

son.  Houghton  Mifflin  Co.,  1929.  [1932].  (L.  of  C.)  X; 
Adult.      7    vols;    1 673    pp 1 8.00 

Alphabets,  Primers  and  Readers 


Revised  and  Edited  jointly  by  the  British  National  Uniform  Type 
Committee  and  the  American  Committee  on  Grade  Two,  repre- 
senting the  A.  A.  I.  B.,  the  A.  A.  W.  B.,  and  the  American 
Foundation  for  the  Blind;  Braille  Edition  Authorized  by  the 
American  Committee.  National  Institute  for  the  Blind,  1932. 
[1933].     Grade  2.      1    vol;   52  pp 50 





Horn  and   Ernest  James  Ashbaugh.      J.    B.   Lippincott  Co.,    1928. 

[1932].     One-side.      I-VIII.      5  vols;  397   pp $11.00 

MASTERING  ENGLISH.  Frances  Clendening  and  Maude  Clendening 
Lower.  Macmillan  Co.,  1926.  [1933].  X;  Adult.  2  vols; 
approx.    376    pp 6.00 

SYNONYMS  AND  ANTONYMS.     Edith  Bertha  Ordway.     George  Sulley 

&  Co.,    1913.      [1932].      Vlll-X;   Adult.      4   vols;    1117    pp...    12.00 


FRANCAIS  ET  SA  PATRIE,  LE  (For  Elementary  Schools  and  Colleges). 
L.    Raymond    Talbut.       Benjamin     H.     Sanborn     &     Co.,      1912. 

[1932].      One-side.      5    vols;    664    pp 17.55 

VOYAGE  DE  MONSIEUR  PERRICHON,  LE.  Eugene  Labiche  and 
Edouard  Martin.  (Edited  with  Notes,  Exercises  and  Vocabulary 
by  Victor  E.  Francois.)  Allyn  &  Bacon.  Copyright  1919  by 
Victor  E.  Francois.      [1933].     One-side.     3  vols;  approx.  460  pp.    12.00 


ARGONAUTS,  THE    (from  "Latin  for  To-day").      Mason   D.  Gray  and 

Thornton    Jenkins.      Ginn    &    Co.,    1928.       [1932].       (N.    Y.    S. 

S.    B.)       One-side.       1     vol;    60    pp 2.50 

ROMAN  TALES  RETOLD.  Walter  Alison  Edwards.  Scott,  Fores- 
man  &  Co.,   1924.      [1933].     Grade   1.      1    vol;  approx.  220  pp.      5.00 


CORRESPONDENCIA  PRACTICA.  Medora  Loomis  Ray  and  Ruth  A. 
Bahret.  Ginn  &  Co.,  1923.  [1933].  One-side.  3  vols; 
429    pp 12.50 

FIRST  SPANISH  COURSE.  Elijah  Clarence  Hills  and  Jeremiah  Denis 
Mathias  Ford.  D.  C.  Heath  &  Co.,  1925.  [1933].  One-side. 
8    vols;    998    pp 32.50 


Macy,  Ed.  Horace  Liveright,  Inc.,  1931.  [1933].  (L.  of 
C.)      Grade  2.     Adult.      7   vols;    1238   pp 17.50 

RUSKIN.       (With    introductory    interpretations   and    annotations). 

John  Ruskin.       (Mrs.  Lois  G.   Hufford,   Ed.)      Ginn  &  Co.,    1905. 
[1932].     X;  Adult.      8   vols;    1007    pp 25.00 

HANDBOOK  ON  STORY  WRITING,  A.  Blanche  Colton  Williams. 
Dodd,  Mead  &  Co.,  1930.  [1933].  (L.  of  C.)  Adult.  4 
vols;   643   pp 9.00 



Lewis  Pattee.  Century  Co.,  1915.  [1933].  (L  of  C.) 
Grade  2.     X;  Adult.     6  vols;  approx.    1110  pp $15.00 

MODERN  FAMILIAR  ESSAYS.  William  Maddox  Tanner,  Ed.  Little, 
Brown  fir  Co.,  1927.  [1933].  Grade  2.  X;  Adult.  4  vols; 
637    pp 14.00 

NEW  AMERICAN  LITERATURE.  1890-1930,  THE.  Fred  Lewis 
Pattee.  Century  Co.,  1930.  [1933].  (L.  of  C.)  Grade  2. 
X;  Adult.      6  vols;  approx.    1 026  pp 1 5.00 

STORY  OF  ENGLISH  LITERATURE,  THE.  Edmund  Kemper  Broadus. 
Macmillan  Co.,  1931.  [1933].  (P.  I.  M.  S.  B.)  Grade  2. 
IX-X;  Adult.      7   vols;   approx.    1084   pp 21.00 

Drama  and  Poetry 

AMERICAN  POETS,  1630-1930.  Mark  VanDoren,  Ed.  Little, 
Brewn  &  Co.,  1932.  [1933].  (L.  of  C.)  Grade  2.  Adult. 
7    vols ;    approx.       1  366    pp 21 .00 

MODERN    BRITISH    POETRY,    Third    Revised    Edition.      Louis    Unter- 

meyer,    Comp.       Harcourt,    Brace    fir    Co.,    1930.       [1933].       (L. 

of  C.)      Grade  2.     X;  Adult.     6  vols;  approx.    1140  pp 15.00 

NEW  POETRY,  THE;  An  Anthology  of  Twentieth-Century  Verse  in 
English.  Harriet  Monroe  and  Mrs.  Alice  (Corbin)  Henderson, 
Eds.  Macmillan  Co.,  1932.  [1933].  (L.  of  C.)  Grade  2. 
X;  Adult.      8  vols;   approx.   1 390   pp 23.00 

OLD  ENGLISH  BALLADS  AND  FOLK  SONGS.  William  Dallam  Armes 
(Selected  and  Edited  by.)  Macmillan  Co.,  1904.  [1933]. 
Grade  2.     Adult.     3  vols;  approx.  468  pp 10.50 

ONE-ACT   PLAYS.      George   A.   Goldstone,    Comp.   and    Ed.      Allyn   fir 

Bacon,   1926.      [1933].     Vll-X.     4  vols;  625  pp 14.00 

OXFORD  BOOK  OF  AMERICAN  VERSE,  THE.  Bliss  Carman,  Comp. 
and  Ed.  Oxford  University  Press,  1927.  [1932].  (L.  of  C.) 
X;   Adult.      5   vols;    893    pp 12.50 

POETRY  CURE,  THE.     Robert  Haven  Schauffler,  Comp.      Dodd,  Mead 

&  Co.,  1925.     [1932].      (L.  of  C.)      X;  Adult.     3  vols;  668  pp..  .      7.00 


ASTRONOMY.     John  Charles  Duncan.    Harper  &  Bros.,  1930.    [1932]. 

(L.  of  C.)      Adult.      5  vols;    1155   pp 15.00 

BIRD  SONG  (New  York  State  Museum  Handbook  No.  7).  Aretas 
A.    Saunders.       University    of    the    State    of    New    York,     1929. 

[1932].      (L.  of  C.)      Adult.     2  vols;  291    pp 4.50 

FLIGHTS   FROM   CHAOS.      Harlow  Shaptey.      McGraw-Hill   Book   Co., 

1930.      [1932].     X;  Adult.      2  vols;  247   pp 7.00 

FRUIT  OF  THE  FAMILY  TREE,  THE.  Albert  Edward  Wiggam.  Bobbs- 
Merrill  Co.,  1925.  [1932].  (L.  of  C.)  Adult.  4  vols; 
748    pp 9.00 



MARVELS  OF  MODERN  CHEMISTRY.  Beverly  Leonidas  Clarke. 
Harper  &  Bros.,  1932.  [1933].  (L.  of  C.)  X;  Adult.  5 
vols;    752    pp $  9.00 

SHORT  HISTORY  OF  SCIENCE,  A.  William  Theodore  Sedgwick  and 
Harry  Walter  Tyler.  Macmillan  Co.,  1917.  [1933].  (L.  of 
C.)      X;   Adult.      6   vols;    1 1 69   pp 1 5.00 

SHORT  TALKS  ON   SCIENCE.      Edwin    Emery  Slosson.      Century   Co., 

1929.      [1932].      (L.  of  C.)      X;  Adult.     2  vols;  388  pp.    ...      4.50 

UNIVERSE   AROUND    US,    THE.      Sir    James    jeans.      Macmillan    Co., 

1931.     [1932].      (L.of  C.)      X;  Adult.     4  vols;  694  pp 10.00 



ADVENTURES  IN  SOLITUDE.  Ray  Stannard  Baker  (David  Grayson, 
pseud.)  Doubleday,  Doran  &  Co.,  1931.  [1932].  (L.  of  C.) 
Adult.       1    vol ;    1  59   pp $   2.25 

ALICE    OF    OLD    VINCENNES.       Maurice    Thompson.       Bobbs-MerriH 

Co.,   1900.      [1932].      Vlll-X.      3   vols;   671    pp 10.00 

ALL    PASSION    SPENT.      Victoria    Sackville-West.       Doubleday,    Doran 

fir  Co.,  1931.     [1932].      (L.  of  C.)      Adult.     2  vols;  342  pp..  .      4.50 

BASQUE  PEOPLE.  Dorothea  Frances  (Canfield)  Fisher.  Harcourt, 
Brace   &   Co.,    1931.       [1932].       (L.    of   C.)       Grade   2.      Adult. 

2  vols;    303    pp 5.00 

CARDIGAN.  Robert  William  Chambers.  Harper  &  Bros.,  1930. 
[1933].  (L.  of  C.)  Grade  2.  Vlll-X;  Adult.  3  vols;  approx. 
616    pp 9.50 

DIARY  OF  A  PROVINCIAL  LADY.  E.  M.  Delafield,  pseud.  Harper 
&  Bros.,  1931.  [1932].  (L.  of  C.)  X;  Adult.  2  vols; 
318    pp 4.50 

DIXIE   KITTEN.      Eva    March   Tappan.      Houghton    Mifflin   Co.,    1910. 

[1932].      One-side.      III-IV.      lvol;74pp 2.50 

GEORGIAN  HOUSE,  THE.  Frank  Arthur  Swinnerton.  Doubleday, 
Doran   &   Co.,    1932.      [1932].       (L.   of   C.)       Grade   2.      Adult. 

3  vols;   561    pp 7.50 

I,   JAMES   LEWIS.      Gilbert  Wolf   Gabriel.      Doubleday,    Doran    &   Co., 

1932.      [1932].      (L  of  C.)      Adult.     3  vols;  609  pp 6.75 

IN   DESERT  AND  WILDERNESS.      Henryk  Sienkiewicz.      Little,   Brown 

&  Co.,   1923.      [1933].     Vl-X;  Adult.     4  vols;  768  pp 14.50 

MAID    IN    WAITING.       John    Galsworthy.       Charles    Scribner's    Sons, 

1931.      [1932].      (L.  of  C.)      Adult.      3  vols;  657   pp 7.50 

MARY'S  NECK.      Booth  Tarkington.      Doubleday,   Doran  &  Co.,   1932. 

[1932].       (L.   of  C.)      X;  Adult.      3   vols;   568   pp 7.50 

MATRIARCH,  THE;  A  Chronicle.  Gladys  Brouwyn  Stern.  Alfred 
A.  Knopf,  1925.  [1932],  (L.  of  C.)  Grade  2.  Adult.  3 
vols;    546    pp 8.00 

MISS  PINKERTON.      Mrs.   Mary    (Roberts)    Rinehart.      Farrar  fir  Rine- 

hart,   1932.      [1932].      (L.  of  C.)      X;  Adult.     2  vols;  405  pp.      5.00 

MONI  THE  GOAT-BOY.  Frau  Johanna  (Heusser)  Spyri.  (Trans,  by 
Elisabeth  P.  Stork  with  an  introduction  by  Charles  Wharton 
Stork).  J.  B.  Lippincott  Co.,  1916.  [1932].  One-side.  IV-VI. 
1    vol ;   63   pp 1 .90 



OTTO  OF  THE  SILVER  HAND.     Howard  Pyle.     Charles  Scribner's  Sons, 

1916.      [1932].      One-side.      V-VII.      2   vols;    169   pp $   6.00 

ander Jessup,  Comp.  Allyn  &  Bacon,  1923.  [1933].  (L.  of 
C.)       Grade  2.      X;  Adult. 

PART   I.         6  vols;      1057   pp 15.00 

PART   II.        5   vols;        933   pp 12.50 

PART   III.      6  vols;      101  1    pp 15.00 

WANTON    MALLY.       Booth    Tarkington.       Doubleday,    Doran    &    Co., 

1932.      [1933].      (L.  of  C.)      Grade  2.     Adult.      1    vol;  249  pp.      2.50 


LEWIS    &    PAR  SONS 






American   Printing   House  For  The^Blind 


1839  Frankfort  Avenue 
Louisville,  Kentucky 

Table  of  Contents 








PIANO    MUSIC     5 

VOCAL    MUSIC    44 


ORGAN   MUSIC    54 

VIOLIN    MUSIC     58 

'CELLO    MUSIC    61 

CORNET    MUSIC    61 


1.  The  date  of  our  first  edition  is  enclosed  in  brackets  following  the  date 
of  copyright. 

2.  All  collections  of  pieces,  unless  otherwise  indicated,  may  be  had  un- 
bound at  three  cents  a  page  if  desired. 

3.  We  have  omitted  a  title  index,  since  the  selections  seem  to  be  suffi- 
ciently classified  alphabetically  by  author. 

4.  Music  cannot  be  lent,  nor  exchanged. 

5.  We  shall  be  glad  to  make  good  any  error  on  our  part. 

6.  When  payment  accompanies  order  always  include  postage,  and  if  the 
amount  so  included  is  appreciably  more  or  less  than  the  actual  postage,  the 
difference  will  be  returned  in  stamps  or  a  bill  rendered  for  further  remittance. 


L.  of  C. — Library  of  Congress,  Washington,   D.  C. 

N.  C.  S. — North  Carolina  School  for  the  Blind,   Raleigh,  N.  C. 

N.   Y.    I.   E.    B. — New  York    Institute   for   the    Education   of    the    Blind,    New 

York,  N.  Y. 
P.  I.  I.  B. — Pennsylvania  Institution  for  the  Instruction  of  the  Blind,  Overbrook, 

U.  S.  V.  B. — United  States  Veterans'   Bureau,  Washington,   D.  C. 


Outlines  of  Harmony — Part  One:  Chords,   by  R.    K.   Miller.      [1924]. 

(P.    I.    I.    B.). 

1  0-inch,   pp.   68    $    1 .05 

Harmony  Book  for  Beginners,  P.  W.  Orem.     Publishers,  T.  Presser  Co., 

Philadelphia.      Copyright    1916.      [1928]. 

10!/2-inch,   2  vols.;   pp.    108;    1 1  8— Total   226 5.80 


Alice  in  Orchestralia,  Ernest  LaPrade.  (Foreword  by  Walter  Dam- 
rosch.)  (Interpoint.)  Publishers,  Doubleday,  Page  &  Co., 
Garden  City,  N.  Y.  Copyright  1925.  [1926].  One-side. 
11x11    inches,   2  vols;   210   pp 5.60 

Art  of  the  Singer,  The,  W.  j.  Henderson.     Publishers,  Charles  Scribner's 
Sons,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1906.      [1930]. 
11x11    inches,  2  vols. ;  pp.   230    6.05 

Beethoven  the  Creator,  Romain  Rolland.  (Interpoint)  Publishers,  Harper 
and  Bros.,  N.  Y.  Copyright  1929.  [1932].  (L.  of  C.) 
11x11    inches,   3  vols.;  pp.    188;  200;  204 — Total   592...      7.00 

Carillon   Music  and   Singing  Towers  of  the  Old  World   and   the    New, 

W.  G.   Rice.      Publishers,   Dodd,   Mead  and  Co.,    Inc.,   N.  Y. 

Copyright    1925.      [1927]. 

11x11  inches,  3  vols.;  pp.  124;  124;  131— Total  379...  8.25 
Complete  History  of  Music,  A.     W.  j.  Baltzell.      Publishers,  T.  Presser 

Co.,    Philadelphia.      Copyright    1905.       [1928]. 

11x11   inches,  9  vols.;  pp.   123;  128;   137;  123;  118;   128; 

1 29;    1 23 ;    1 24 — Total    1  1  33    ! 29.20 

Guide  to  Music  for  Beginners  and  Others,  A,  D.  G.  Mason.    (Interpoint) 

Publishers,  H.  W.  Gray  Co.,  N.  Y.    Copyright  1910.    [1932]. 

(L.  of  C.) 

1  lxl  1    inches,  2  vols.;  pp.   172;   1  84— Total  356    4.50 

How  to  Listen  to  Music,  H.  E.  Krehbiel.     Publishers,  Charles  Scribner's 

Sons,    N.   Y.      Copyright    1923.      [1926].       (U.    S.   V.    B.) 

1  lxl  1   inches,  4  vols.;  pp.  126;  1  16;  91  ;  99— Total  432.  .      9.75 



Listener's  Guide  to  Music,  The,  P.  A.  Scholes.    (Interpoint)    Publishers, 

Oxford    University   Press,    N.   Y.       [1932].       (L.   of   C.) 

11x11    inches,   2  vols.;   pp.    136;    150 — Total   286    $  4.50 

Listening  to  Music,  Douglas  Moore.      (Grade  2,  interpoint.)      Publishers, 

W.   W.    Norton   &  Co.,    N.   Y.      Copyright    1932.      [1933]. 

1  lxl  1     inches,    3    vols.;    approx.    496    pp.- 9.00 

Musical  Terms  in  Everyday  Use,   R.   K.   Miller. 

lOVz-inch,    pp.    40     '. 65 

Notes  on  Piano  Tuning,   Regulating,   Repairing,   Player   Regulating  and 

Adjusting,   C.   C.   Cox.       (Interpoint)     [1932].       (N.   C.   S.) 


1  lxl  1     inches,    pp.    31 55 

Outlines  of  Music  History,  C.  H.  Hamilton,  A.  M.    Publishers,  O.  Ditson 

Co.,   N.  Y.      Copyright   1924.    [1927], 

11x11    inches,  6  vols.;  pp.   152;  127;  149;  127;  116;  67— 

Total    738     ' 19.10 

Principles    of    Player    Action    Operation.       Publishers,    Standard    Player 
Action  Co.,   New  York,   N.   Y.      [1927],      One-side. 
11x11     inches,    1    vol ;    1 25    pp 3.20 

Treatise  on   Strict  Counterpoint,   A,    Francis   Edward   Gladstone.      Pub- 
lishers,   Novello  and   Co.,    Ltd.,    London.       (N.    Y.    I.    E.    B.) 
11x11    inches,   3  vols. 
Part  I — 

2  vols.;  pp.  92;  98— Total   190    3.80 

Part  II— 

1    vol. ;   pp.    71     1 .45 


Key  to  Braille  Music  Notation,  L.   W.   Rodenberg.       (Embossed). 

lO'/z-inch,   2  vols.;   pp.    164;    148 — Total    312 -    5.00 

Key  to  Braille  Music  Notation,  L.  W.  Rodenberg.  (Ink,  for  the  See- 
ing) .      1    vol. ;    1 04   pp 5.00 

Primer  of  Braille  Music  (Authorized  Edition,  1930).  Compiled  by 
direction  of  the  Special  Committee  on  Braille  Music.  Ameri- 
can Foundation  for  the  Blind,  New  York,  November  1,  1929. 
Based  on  the  Braille  Music  Chart.  The  signs  internationally 
authorized.       (Embossed)    pamphlet,    10!/2-inch,    pp.    42...       1.25 

Primer  of   Braille   Music    (Authorized    Edition,    1930).       (Ink,   for   the 

seeing)    pamphlet,    pp.    76    2.00 

1930  Supplement  to  "Braille  Music  Notation."  Presenting  signs  un- 
familiar in  the  United  States,  authorized  after  the  recom- 
mendations of  the  Paris  Conference  on  Braille  Music,  April, 
1929.       (Embossed)    pamphlet,    lOVi-inch,    pp.    5 15 

1930   Supplement    to    "Braille    Music    Notation."        (Ink,    for    Seeing) 

pamphlet,    pp.    5 25 

Braille  Music  Chart — Compiled  by  direction  of  the  Special  Committee 
on  Braille  Music.  American  Foundation  for  the  Blind,  New 
York,  November  1,  1929.  Based  on  the  Notation  Musicale 
Internationale  Braille  as  recommended  by  the  Paris  Confer- 
ence on  Braille  Music,  April,  1929.  (Embossed)  pamphlet, 
lOVz-inch,   pp.    19    75 

Braille  Music  Chart    (Ink,  for  the  Seeing)    pamphlet,  pp.  24 50 


Lambert,   A — Piano    Method.      Publisher,    G.    Schirmer,    N.    Y.      Copy- 
right   1907.      [1926.] 
10^2 -inch,  pamphlets,  3  vols.;  pp.    149    2.70 



Porter,  F.  A. — The  New  England  Conservatory  Course  for  Pianoforte. 
Publisher,  N.  E.  Conservatory,  Boston.  Copyright  1916. 

10.16 -inch,    pp.     128    $3.30 

vSrainer,   Sir   J. — The   Organ,     (An   Organ    Instructor).      Publishers,    O. 
Ditson   Co.,   N.   Y.      Copyright    1910.      [1926]. 
10/2 -inch,  3  vols.,  pp.  335    8.85 


Separate   pieces  are   3c  a   page. 

6  Albeniz,  I. — Seguidillas.  Op.  232,  No.  5.  Publishers,  T.  Presser 
Co.,   Philadelphia    [1928]. 

10 1/2 -inch,  .pp.    11     35 


1  Alexander,  M. — Five  Easy  Pieces  for  Piano.  Publishers,  G. 
Schirmer,  N.  Y.  Copyright,  1920.  [1930].  10 1/2-inch, 
pp.     11      35 

1 .  Down  by  the  Pond,   Key  of   F. 

2.  Seeing  the  Pigs,  C. 

3.  Being   Naughty,   G. 

4.  Dolly  Goes  to  Sleep,  D. 

5.  Dressing  for  the  Party,  G. 

6  Andres,  H.  C. — Arabesque  (on  a  German  Air) ,  Key  of  G.  Pub- 
lisher, T.   Presser  Co.,   Philadelphia.      [1929]. 

10^2 -inch,    pp.    17    50 


4'  Arensky,  A.  S. — Impromptu  in  B.  Publishers,  O.  Ditson  Co., 
N.   Y.    [1928]. 

1014-inch,    pp.    8     .25 


5      Bach,   J.   S. — Album   for   Piano.      Publisher,   G;  Schirmer,    N.   Y. 
Copyright   1898.      [1926]. 
IOV2 -inch,    pp.     Ill      3.35 

1.  Gavotte    (from   5th   French  Suite)    G. 

2.  Menuet    (from    1st   Partita)     B   flat. 

3.  Passepied     (from    5th    English    Suite)     E    Minor. 

4.  Sarabanda     (from    5th    English    Suite)     E    minor. 

5.  Gavotte    (from  6th   English  Suite)    D  minor. 

6.  Sarabanda    (from   1st  French  Suite)    D  minor. 

7.  Bourree     (from    2nd    English    Suite)     A    minor. 

8.  Gigue    (from    1st  Partita)    B  flat. 

9.  Praeludium     (from    1st    Partita)     B    flat. 

10.  Menuet    (from   3rd   French   Suite)    B   minor. 

11.  Gavotte    (from    3rd    English    Suite)     E   minor. 

12.  Aria    (from   4th   Partita)    D   minor. 

13.  Bourree    (from   3rd   Suite   for   'Cello)    G. 

14.  Bourree    (from  Suite  for  Trumpet)    D. 

15.  Intrata     (from    5th   Suite   for   'Cello)    G   minor. 

16.  Bourree    (from   2nd  Violin   Sonata)    G   minor. 

17.  Rondo-Gavotte    (from   6th   Violin   Sonata)    E. 

18.  Preambule    (from    6th   Violin   Sonata)    E. 

19.  Menuet    (from    1st  Suite   'Cello)    D. 

20.  Aria   "My  Heart  Ever  Faithful"    (from   Pentecost  Can- 

21.  Gavotte    (from  6th  Suite  for  'Cello)    D. 




7      Bach,  J.  S. — Chromatic  Fantasy  and  Fugue.     Publisher,  C.  Schir- 
mer,  N.  Y.   [1928]. 
lOVi-inch,    pp.    39     $   1.20 


4  Bach,  j.  S. — Fifteen  Two  Part  Inventions.     Publishers,  B.  F.  Wood 

Co.,  N.  Y.      [1925]. 

lOVi-inch,   pp.   60    1.80 

1.  Allegro,    C. 

2.  Allegro    moderato,    C    minor. 

3.  Vivace,   D. 

4.  Allegro,    D   minor. 

5.  Allegro  moderato,    E  flat. 

6.  Allegretto,    E. 

7.  Allegro,   E   minor. 

8.  Vivace,   F. 

9.  Con   spirito,    F   minor. 

10.  Presto,  G. 

11.  Allegro  moderato,  G  minor. 

12.  Allegro  giocoso,  A. 

13.  Allegro   tranquillo,   A  minor. 

14.  Moderato,   B  flat. 

15.  Allegro  non  troppo,  B  minor. 


6      Bach,  J.  S. — French  Suite,  No.  5.     Publishers,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y. 

[1931].       lOVz-inch,    pp.    25    75 

4-5     Bach,  J.  S. — Twenty  Compositions  for  the  Pianoforte.     Selected, 
arranged  and  edited  by  A.  Foote.     Publishers,  A.  P.  Schmidt 
Co.,  N.  Y.     Copyright   1915.      [1924]. 
10y2-inch,    pp.    44     1.35 

1.  Intrata,  G.  11.      Song,   F. 

2.  Gavotte,  B  flat.  12.      Toccatina,  G. 

3.  Minuet,   G.  13.      Prelude,  G  minor. 

4.  Miniature   Prelude,   C.  14.      Minuet,    E   flat. 

5.  Rondo,    C   minor.  1 5.     Aria,   E  flat. 

6.  Polonaise,  G  minor.  16.      Tempo  di   minuetto,  G. 

7.  Minuet,   C   minor.  17.      Prelude,  C. 

8.  Little  Fantasia,   E  minor.  1 8.      March,  G. 

9.  March,    D.  1 9.      A  Stately  Dance,  F. 
10.      Tempo  di  minuetto,  D  minor.      20.      Aria,  G  minor. 


5  Balakireff,  M. — The  Lark.      (From  the  Song  by  Michael  Glinka). 

Publishers,  O.  Ditson  Co.,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1910.      [1928]. 
lOVi-inch,    pp.     13     40 


5      Beaumont,  P. — Caprice  Espagnol.     Publishers,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y. 
Copyright   1917.      [1928]. 
10V2-inch,   pp.    11     35 


3      Beaumont,     P. — Slumber    Sweetly     (Chanson     de     Noel)      Pub- 
lishers, O.   Ditson  Co.,  Boston.      [1930]. 
1 016 -inch,   pp.   8    25 




3      Beethoven,  L. — Albumblatt  "Fur  Elise."     Publisher,  C.  Schirmer, 
N.  Y.   [19251. 
10]/2-inch,   pp.   5    $      .15 


5      Beethoven,  L. — Contra  Dance.     Publishers,  T.  Presser  Co.,  Phila- 
delphia.     [1928]. 
10 '/2-inch,   pp.   7    20 


3  Beethoven,  L. — Fifth  Symphony  in  C  minor,  Op.  67.  Four  hands. 
Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.  Copyright  1909.  [1926]. 
10!/2-inch,  pamphlets,  2  vols.,  pp.    Ill    3.35 


3  Beethoven,  L. — Seven  Bagatelles,  Op.  33.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer, 

N.  Y.      [1926]. 

lOVz-inch,  pp.    48     1.45 

1.  Andante  grazioso,  quasi  allegretto,  E  flat. 

2.  Scherzo:   allegro,  C. 

3.  Allegretto,   F. 

4.  Andante,   A. 

5.  Allegro    ma    non    troppo,    C. 

6.  Allegretto,  quasi  andante,  D. 

7.  Presto,   A. 


5      Beethoven,  L. — Sonata,  Op.  2,   No.   1.     Publishers,   B.  F.  Wood 
Music  Co.,    N.   Y,     [1927]. 
10 1/2 -inch,    pp.    40     1.20 


5  Beethoven,   L. — Sonata,  Op.  2,   No.  2.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer, 

N.   Y.      Copyright    1894.      [1932]. 

101/2-inch,  pp.  54    1.65 


6  Beethoven,   L. — Sonata,  Op.  2,   No.  3.      Publisher,  G.  Schirmer, 

N.   Y.      Copyright    1894.      [1932]. 

101/2-inch,  pp.   63    1.90 


5      Beethoven,   L. — Sonata,  Op.   10,  No.   1.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer, 
N.   Y.      Copyright    1894.      [1932]. 
10V2-inch,    pp.    39     1.20 


5      Beethoven,   L. — Sonata,  Op.  10,  No.  2.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer, 
N.  Y.     [1928]. 
10!/2 -inch,    pp.    39     1.20 


5      Beethoven,   L. — Sonata,  Op.   14,  No.   1.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer, 
N.  Y.     Copyright   1894.      [1932]. 
10 1/2 -inch,    pp.    32     95 


4  Beethoven,  L. — Sonata,  Op.   14,  No.  2.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer, 

N.  Y.     Copyright   1894.      [1925]. 

10V2-inch,   pp.   47    1.40 




6      Beethoven,   L. — Sonata,  Op.   22.      Publisher,  C.  Schirmer,   N.  Y. 
Copyright    1894.       [1932]. 

10i/2-inch,    pp.    57    $    1.70 


6      Beethoven,  L. — Sonata  quasi  una  Fantasia,  Op.  27,  No.   1 .     Pub- 
lisher, G.  Schirmer,   N.  Y.     Copyright   1894.      [1929]. 

lOVz-inch,   pp.   44    1.35 


6      Beethoven,  L. — Sonata  quasi  una  Fantasia.     Op.  27,  No.  2.    Pub- 
lisher, G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright   1894.     [1928]. 

1  OVz -inch,    pp.   46    1.40 


6      Beethoven,   L. — Sonata,  Op.  28.      Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,   N.  Y. 
Copyright    1894.      [1928]. 

lO'/z-inch,    pp.   27    80 


6  Beethoven,   L. — Sonata,  Op.  31,  No.  2.      Publisher,  G.  Schirmer, 

N.  Y.      Copyright   1894.      [1932]. 

lOVz-inch,    pp.    53     1.60 


4  Beethoven,  L. — Sonata,  Op.  49,   No.    1.      Publisher,  G.  Schirmer, 

N.    Y.       [1926]. 

10y2-inch,    pamphlet,    pp.    29    90 


3      Beethoven,  L. — Sonata,  Op.  49,  No.  2.      Publisher,  G.  Schirmer, 

N.  Y.     [1926]. 

10V2-inch,    pamphlet,    pp.    21     65 


5  Beethoven,  L. — Sonate,  Op.  78.      [1930]. 

lOVz-inch,    pp.    19    60 


5      Beethoven,     L. — Sonata     Pathetique,     Op.     13.       Publishers,     G. 

Schirmer,    N.    Y.      Copyright    1894.       [1930]. 

1  OVz  -inch,   pp.    53    1.60 


7  Bende!,  F. — In  the  Gondola.      (Auf  der  Barke) .     Op.  103a.    Pub- 

lisher,   G.     Schirmer,     N.     Y.       Copyright     1881.      [1928], 
lOVz-inch,    pp.    8    25 

3-4      Berens,   H. — Newest  School  of  Velocity,  Op.   61,   Bk.    1.     Pub- 
lisher,    G.     Schirmer,     N.     Y.       Copyright     1894.        [1931]. 
lOVz-inch,    pp.    36    1.10 


2      Bertini,  H. — Etudes.     (Twenty-five  Studies) ,  Op.  1  00.    Publisher, 
B.   F.   Wood,   Boston.     [1924]. 
1  OVz -inch,    pp.   65    1.95 

1.  C.  9.      G.  18.      C. 

2.  G.  10.      D.  19.      C  minor 

3.  D.  11.      A.  20.      A  flat. 

4.  G.  12.      F.  21.      C. 

5.  E  minor.  13.      C.  22.      G. 

6.  C   minor.  14.      G.  23.      C. 

7.  F.  15.      G  minor.  24.      A  minor 

8.  C.  16.      G.  25.      A. 

17.      E  minor. 




2      Bertini,    H. — Twelve   Little   Preludes   and    Pieces.      Publisher,   C. 
Schirmer,    N.   Y.      Copyright    1892.     [1932]. 
lOVz-inch,    pp.   41     

$    1.25 


Bertini,  H. — Twenty-five  Etudes  for  Four  Hands,  Op.  97. 
lisher,   C.    F.    Peters,    Leipzig,   Germany.       [1928]. 
lOVz-inch,    pp.    115 



Bertini,  H. — Twenty-four  Melodious  Pieces,  Op.  101.     Publisher, 
G.   Schirmer,   N.   Y.      [1925]. 
lOVz-inch,    pp.    85     






















Marche  Funebre. 

1  1. 

Polacco   Militaire. 








Rondo  Valse. 

Danse  de  Montagnards. 







Children's   Round    Dance. 
Little  Tarantelle. 
The    Hunter's   Greeting. 
Homeward  Bound. 
Without   Rest. 

Publisher,   G.   Schirmer, 


2  Biehl,  A. — Twelve  Easy  and  Melodious  Studies,  Op.  174.  Pub- 
lishers, A.  P.  Schmidt  Co.,  N.  Y.  Copyright  1897.  [1925]. 
lO^-inch,    pp.   29    

1.  Rustic   Pleasures.  7.      Spring  Delight. 

2.  The  Skaters.  8 

3.  At    the    Spring.  9. 

4.  The  Merry  Party.  10 

5.  Perversity.  1  1 

6.  The  Postilion.  12 


1  Bilbro,  M. — Eight  Pieces  in  Easy  Keys. 

N.  Y.     Copyright   1925.      [1930]. 
1 0^2 -inch,    pp.     18     

1.  The  Whistling  Farm   Boy,  C. 

2.  By  the  Lakeside,   C. 

3.  The  Cottage  Fireside,  G. 

4.  The  Grist   Mill,    C. 

5.  The  Story   of   a   Witch,   A   minor, 

6.  Catch    Me    If   You   Can,    C. 

7.  Bedtime  Song,   F. 

8.  The  Doll's   Minuet,   C. 


2  Blanchard,    H.   L. — Rondeau   Provencal    (arr 

Quaile).      Publisher,    G.    Schirmer,    N. 


lOVz-inch,    pp.    3     



.   by  A.    Diller  and   E. 
Y.      Copyright    1925. 



Brahms,   J. — Capriccio   in   B   minor,   Op.   76,    No.   2.      Publishers, 
O.  Ditson  Co.,   Boston.     Copyright   1910.     [1928]. 
lOV^-inch,    pp.     12     





6      Brahms,   J. — Hungarian   Dance,    No.   6   in   D  flat.      Publisher,   C. 
Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1905.    [1927]. 
lOVz-inch,   pp.   9    $      .30 


5  Brahms,  J. — Hungarian  Dance,  No.  6  in  D  flat   (Duet).    (N.  Y.  I. 

E.   B.) 

lOVz-inch,   pp.    10    30 


6  Brahms,  J. — Intermezzo,  Op.  117,  No.  1.     Publishers,  T.  Presser 

Co.,  Philadelphia.      [1928]. 

101/2-inch,    pp.    8     25 


3  Brahms,   J. — Waltzes     for     the     Pianoforte     for     Four     Hands. 

(N.  Y.   I.  E.  B.) 
10^2 -inch. 

Op.   39,   No.      7,   pp.  4    15 

Op.   39,    No.    11,   pp.  4    - 15 


4  Burgmuller,    F. — Etude    in  C,   Op.    105,    No.    1.      Publishers,    T. 

Presser  Co.,  Philadelphia.     [1927]. 

lOVz-inch,    pp.    4     15 


2      Burgmuller,  F. — Twenty-five  Easy  and  Progressive  Studies  (Etudes 

Faciles),   Op.    100.      Publishers,  Evans   Publishing   Co.,    Bos- 
ton.     [1924]. 

lOVz-inch,   pp.  63    1.90 

1 .  La  Candeur,  C.  1 4.      La  Styrienne,  G. 

2.  L'Arabesque,  A  minor.  15.      Ballade,  C  minor. 

3.  La  Pastorale,  G.  16.      Douce   Plainte,   G  minor. 

4.  La   Petite  Reunion,  C.  17.      La  Babillarde,  F. 

5.  Innocence,  F.  18.      Inquietude,   E  minor. 

6.  Progres,  C.  19.      Ave  Maria,  A. 

7.  Le  Courant   Limpide,   G.  20.      La  Tarentelle,  D  minor. 

8.  La  Gracieuse,  F.  21.      L'Harmonie  des  Anges,  G. 

9.  La   Chasse,   C.  22.      Barcarolle,   A  flat. 

10.  Tendre  Fleur,   D.  23.  Le  Retour,  E  flat. 

11.  La   Bergeronnette,  C.  24.  L'Hirondelle,   G. 

12.  L' Adieu,  A  minor.  25.  La  Chevaleresque,  C. 
1  3.  Consolation,  C. 


5  Cadman,  C.  W. — Dawn,  Op.  21,  No.  1.     Publisher,  Willis  Music 

Co.,   Cincinnati,    Ohio.      Copyright    1923.     [1932]. 

101/2-inch,    pp.    6    20 


5      Chaminade,  C. — Serenade.      Publishers,   E.   B.   Marks  Music  Co., 
N.  Y.     Copyright   1921.     [1927]. 

lOVz-inch,    pp.     10     .30 


5      Chaminade,   C. — The   Flatterer.       (La   Lisonjera).      Publisher,   G. 
Schirmer,   N.  Y.      Copyright   1893.     [1928]. 

lO^-inch,   pp.   7    20 




7     Chopin,   F. — Berceuse,   Op.   57.      Publisher,   C.   Schirmer,   N.   Y. 
Copyright   1916.     [1928]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.     11     $      .35 


7      Chopin,  F. — £tude,  G  flat,  Op.   10,  No.  5.      Publisher,  G.  Schir- 
mer, N.  Y.     Copyright  1916.      [1928]. 

lOVz-inch,   pp.    10    30 


7      Chopin,  F. — Fantaisie- Impromptu,  Op.  66.     Publisher,  G.  Schir- 
mer,  N.  Y.     Copyright    1915.      [1928]. 
10!/2-inch,   pp.    13    40 


4      Chopin,  F. — Mazurka,  F  sharp  minor,  Op.  6,  No.   1 .     Publisher, 
G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright   1915.      [1926]. 

10!/2-inch,    pp.    5     15 

4a     Chopin,  F. — Mazurka,  B  flat,  Op.  7,  No.  1.     Publisher,  G.  Schir- 
mer, N.  Y.     Copyright  1915.     [1926]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.    6     20 


4      Chopin,  F. — Mazurka,  F  minor,  Op.  7,  No.  3.  Publisher,  G.  Schir- 
mer, N.  Y.     Copyright   1915.     [1926]. 
lO^-inch,    pp.    7     20 


4     Chopin,  F. — Mazurka,  G  minor,  Op.  24,   No.    1 .     Publisher,  G. 
Schirmer,   N.   Y.      Copyright   1915.     [1926]. 
10V2-inch,    pp.    6     20 


4     Chopin,   F. — Mazurka,   A   flat,   Op.   24,    No.   3.      Publisher,   G. 
Schirmer,   N.  Y.     Copyright   1915.      [1926]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.    4    15 


4      Chopin,  F. — Mazurka,  E  minor,  Op.    17,   No.  2.      Publisher,  G. 
Schirmer,   N.  Y.     Copyright   1915.      [1931]. 

10!/2-inch,    pp.    5     15 


4     Chopin,    F. — Nocturne,    E    flat,    Op.    9,    No.    2.      Publisher,    G. 
Schirmer,   N.  Y.     Copyright   1915.      [1926]. 
10!/2-inch,   pp.   7    20 


7      Chopin,  F. — Nocturne,  F  sharp,  Op.  15,  No.  2.     Publishers,  E.  B. 
Marks  Music  Co.,   N.  Y.     Copyright   1921.      [1928]. 
lOVi-inch,   pp.    10    30 


6  Chopin,  F. — Polonaise,  E  flat  minor,  Op.  26,  No.  2.     Publisher,  G. 

Schirmer,  N.  Y.      [1928]. 

10 1/2 -inch,    pp    12    35 


7  Chopin,   F. — Troisieme   Ballade,   A   flat,   Op.   47.      Publisher,   G. 

Schirmer,   N.   Y.      Copyright    1916.      [1928]. 

lOVz-inch,    pp.    26     80 



3-7     Chopin,  F. — Twenty-four  Preludes,  Op.  28.     Publisher,  C.  Schir- 
mer,   N.   Y.      Copyright    1915.     [1926]. 
lO^-inch,    pp.  .104 $   3.15 


4  Chopin,  F. — Valse  Brillante,  A  minor,  Op.  34,  No.  2.     Publisher, 

G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1915.      [1925]. 

10!/2-'nch,    pp.    7     , 20 


7      Chopin,  F. — Valse,  C  sharp  minor,  Op.  64,   No.  2.   Publisher,  G. 
Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright   1915.      [1927]. 
lOVz-inch,    pp.    7    20 


5  Chopin,  F. — Valse,  A  flat,  Op.  64,   No.   3.      Publisher,  G.  Schir- 

mer, N.  Y.     Copyright   1915.      [1925]. 

lOVi-inch,    pp.   9 30 


4  Chopin,  F. — Valse,  A  flat,  Op.  69,   No.    1 .      Publisher,  G.  Schir- 

mer,   N.    Y.      Copyright    1915.       [1925]. 

lOV^-inch,    pp.    6     20 


6  Chopin,  F. — Valse  in  G  flat,  Op.  70,  No.  1.     Publisher,  G.  Schir- 

mer,   N.    Y.      Copyright    1915.       [1927]. 

.       10V2-inch,    pp.    5     ..., 15 


6      Chopin,    F. — Scherzo,  B  minor,  Op.  20.      Publisher,  G.  Schirmer, 
N.  Y.     Copyright   1915.      [1931]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.     18   , 55 


5  Chopin-Liszt — Chant   Polonais    (My   Delights).      Publisher,    Carl 

Fischer,    N.   Y.      Copyright    1905.       [1931]. 

101/2-inch,    pp.     12     35 


3      Clementi,  M. — Sonatina,  C,  Op.  36,  No.  3.     Publisher,  G.  Schir- 
mer,  N.  Y.      [1926]. 
lO'/z-inch,    pp.     11      35 


3      Clementi,  M. — Sonatina,  F,  Op.  36,  No.  4.     Publisher,  G.  Schir- 
mer,   N.   Y.       [1926]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.     12     .35 


3      Clementi,  M. — Sonatina,  G,  Op.  36,  No.  5.     Publisher,  G.  Schir- 
mer, N.  Y.      [1926]. 
lO'/z-inch,    pp.     15     45 


3      Clementi,  M. — Sonatina,  D,  Op.  36,  No.  6.     Publisher,  G.  Schir- 
mer,  N.  Y.      [1926]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.     13     40 


5      Concone,  J. — Valse  Brillante  in  Octaves,  Op.   33.      Publisher,  G. 
Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1 902.      [1927]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.    9     30 




4  Cramer,  H. — The  Desire.  (II  Desiderio)  .  Op.  14.  Publishers, 
T.  Presser  Co.,  Philadelphia.  Copyright  1904.  [1927]. 
10 16 -inch,    pp.    7     $      .20 

3-5     Cramer,    J.    B. — Selected   Studies.      Vol.    1,    Nos.    1-12.      Pub- 
lisher, G.   Schirmer,    N.   Y.      Copyright    1899.      [1928]. 

10!&-inch,    pp.    61     1.85 


4      Czerny,  C. — Art  of  Finger  Dexterity,  Op.  740 — Nos.  1-2-3-4-5. 
Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,   N.  Y.      [1927]. 
1016 -inch,    pp.    212    2.00 


4      Czerny,  C. — 160  Eight-measure   Exercises,  Op.   821.      Publisher, 
G.  Schirmer,   N.  Y.     Copyright   1898.      [1925]. 
1016-inch,   pp.    212    6.35 


4      Czerny,   C. — The  School   of  Velocity,   Op.   299,   Vol.    1,    Bks.    1 
and    2.       Publisher,    G.    Schirmer,    N.    Y.       Copyright    1893. 
1016-inch,     pp.    77     2.30 


4  Czerny,   C. — School   of  Velocity,   Op.   299,   Vol.   2,    Bks.    3   and 

4.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1893.   [1930]. 
1016-inch,    pp.    84     2.55 

3-4   Czerny,    C. — Thirty    New    Studies    in    Technic,    Op.    849.       Pub- 
lisher,  G.  Schirmer,   N.   Y.      [1927]. 
1016-inch,    pp.    83     2.50 

3-5     Czerny,   C. — Twenty-four   Progressive  Studies,   Op.    636.      Pub- 
lisher, G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.  Copyright   1894.    [1927]. 
lOVz-inch,    pp.    58     1.75 

3a      Czerny,    C. — Twenty-five   Advanced    Exercises   for   Small    Hands, 
Op.  748.     Publisher,  C.  F.  Peters,  Leipzig,  Germany.   [1925]. 
10 16 -inch,    pp.    91      2.75 


5  Debussy,  C. — Deux  Arabesques.     Publishers,  A.  Durand  and  Fils, 

Paris.      Copyright    1904.      [1928]. 

1016-inch,     No.     1 — pp.    10     30 

No.   2 — pp.      9 30 


5  Debussy,  C. — En  Bateau.  Publishers,  A.  Durand  and  Fils,  Paris. 
Copyright    1906.      [1927]. 

1016  -inch,    pp.    8     25 


5      Dert,    R.    N. — Barcarolle.      Publisher,    Clayton    F.    Summy     Chi- 
cago.     Copyright   1913.      [1931]. 
10 16 -inch,    pp.     14     45 




1  Diller,  A.  (arr.  by) — Airs  and  Dances  of  the  Eighteenth  Century. 
Publisher,  C.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.  Copyright  1925.  [1930]. 
10/2 -inch. 

1.  March  of  the  Musketeers,  C  minor,     pp.   3 $      .10 

2.  Sir    Pantaloon,    C.      pp.    3     10 

3.  Danse    (Laujon) ,   C.      pp.    3    10 

4.  Exaudet's   Minuet,   G.      pp.   3    10 

5.  The  March   of   the  Three   Kings,   A   minor,      pp.    3 .  .         .10 

1      Diller,  A.,  and  Quaile,  E. — First  Solo  Book.     Publisher,  G.  Schir- 
mer,  N.  Y.     Copyright   1918.      [1924]. 
10/2 -inch,  pp.  35.    Bound  form  only 1.05 

1.  Fun,  Fun,  C.  31.      Hippity  Hop,  C. 

2.  Sister  Ann,   C.  32.      Christmas  Song,  C. 

3.  Up   in   the  Sky,   C.  33.      Little   Bo-Peep,    F. 

4.  Sing,  Sing,  C.  34.      Natural,  Harmonic  and  Melo- 

5.  Ride  a  Cock-Horse,  C.  die,  minor. 

6.  Baa,    Baa,    Black   Sheep,    C.        35.      Autumn  Song,   A  minor. 

7.  Harlequin,   C.  36.      Dame,     Get     Up     and     Bake 

8.  Study  in  G.  Your    Pies,    A    minor. 

9.  Marching  Song,  G.  37.      Irish    Tune,    A    minor. 

10.  Pierrot,   C.  38.  How    Should     I     Your    True 

1  1.  Sur  le  Pont  d'Avignon,  C.  Love   Know,   D  minor. 

12.  Sing  a   Song  o'   Sixpence,   C.  39.  Northern  Song,  A  minor. 

13.  Bohemian  Song,   F.  40.  The    Town    Clock,    G. 

14.  Over  the  Meadow,  C.  41.  Pussy-Cat,  G. 

1 5.  The    Disagreeable    Lover,    F.  42.  Cradle-Song,    F. 

16.  Good   King  John,  G.  43.  Folk-Song,   F. 

17.  If   I  were  a  Nightingale,  G.  44.  Soldiers'   Song,    D. 

18.  Study  in  F.  45.  The   Nightingale,   F. 

19.  Bohemian   Melody,   F.  46.  Going  to  the   Fair,   E  minor. 

20.  The  Vicar  of   Bray,  G.  47.  Lavender's   Blue,    F. 

21.  Evening,  G.  48.  Tramp,  Tramp,  Tramping,  G. 

22.  My  Country,  'tis  of  Thee,  C.  49.  Raindrops,  C. 

23.  Slumber-Song,  G.  50.  Planting  the  Cabbage,   F. 

24.  All    the   Birds   Have   Come  51.  Russian  Cradle  Song, 

Again,    F.  D  minor. 

25.  The   Fisherman's  Song,   D.  52.      Cock-a-doodle-doo,  G. 

26.  Hop,    Hop,    Hop,    D.  53.      Morning   Song,    F. 

27.  Rhythmic  Study,   C.  54.      The   Shepherdess,    D. 

28.  Rhythmic  Study,   F.  55.      O!  Little  Jack  Spratt,   F. 

29.  Rhythmic  Study,   G.  56.      Early  One    Morning,    F. 

30.  Skipping,    C. 

1       Diller,  A.,  and  Quaile,   E. — First  Solo   Book    (New  and  Enlarged 
Edition).      Publisher,   G.   Schirmer,    N.   Y.      Copyright    1928. 
lOVz-inch,   pp.   88    2.65 

1.  Fun,   Fun,  C.  11.      Sur  le  Pont  d'  Avignon,  C. 

2.  Sister   Ann,    C.  12.      Sing   a    Song   o'    Sixpence,    F. 

3.  Up   in  the  Sky,   C.  13.      Bohemian  Song,   F. 

4.  Sing,    Sing,    C.  14.      Over    the    Meadow,    C. 

5.  Ride  a  Cock-Horse,  C.  15.      The    Disagreeable    Lover,    F. 

6.  Baa,   baa,   Black  Sheep,   C.        16.      Good     King    John,    G. 

7.  Harlequin,    C.  17.      If   I   Were  a   Nightingale,   G. 

8.  Study   in   G.  18.      Study    in    F. 

9.  Marching  Song,  G.  19.      Bohemian     Melody,     F. 
10.      Pierrot,    C.                                     20.      The  Vicar  of   Bray,   G. 




Evening,   C. 



My  Country,  'tis  of  Thee,  C. 



Slumber-Song,  G. 



All    the   Birds   Have   Come 


Again,    F. 



The  Fisherman's  Song,  D. 



Hop,  Hop,  Hop,  D. 



Rhythmic   Study,   C. 



Rhythmic     Study,     F. 



Rhythmic  Study,  G. 



Skipping,   C. 



Hippity   Hop!,   C. 


Christmas  Song,  C. 



Little    Bo-peep,    F. 


Natural,   Harmonic  and 


Melodic,    Minor. 



Autumn  Song,  A  minor. 



Dame,  Get  Up  and  Bake  Your 
Pies,  A   minor. 



Irish  Tune,   A  minor. 



Jig,  D  minor. 



Cradle-Song,    F. 



Northern  Song,  A  minor. 



Hunting    Song,    F. 



Pussy-Cat,   G. 



The  Town  Clock,  G. 



Raindrops,  C. 



In  the  Summer  Time,  C. 



How  Should  1  Your  True  Love 
Know,  D  minor. 

Tramp,  Tramp,  Tramping,  G. 

Gathering   Mussels,   G. 

Rustic  Song,  C. 

The  Nightingale,   F. 

Melody,   F. 

Soldiers'  Song,  C. 

Folk-Song,    F. 

In  Springtime,  D. 

Going  to  the  Fair,  E  minor. 

Planting  the  Cabbage,  F. 

Russian  Cradle-Song, 

D    minor. 
The  Man  with  the  Bagpipes, 

Lavender's  Blue,  F. 
Berceuse,   D. 
Waltz,  A  minor. 
Bring  a  Torch,  Jeanette, 

Isabella,  F. 
Vesper  Song,  G. 
Cock-a-doodle-doo!,   G. 
Star  of  the  Sea,  C. 
The   Old   Chateau,    E   minor. 
Lament,   A   minor. 
Morning  Song,  F. 
The  Shepherdess,  D. 
O!   Little  Jack  Spratt,   F. 
Early  One  Morning,  F. 


2      Diller,  A.,   and   Quaile,    E. — Second    Solo    Book.      Publisher,    G. 
Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1  91  9.     [1924]. 

10!/2-inch,    pp.    53     

1.  St.  Paul's  Steeple,   English  Folk  Tune,   D. 

2.  I  Saw  Three  Ships,  English  Folk  Tune,  F. 

3.  Sleep,   Baby,  Sleep,  German   Folk  Tune,  G. 

4.  The  Shepherdess,   French   Folk  Tune,   F. 

5.  Christmas  Song,  Bohemian  Folk  Tune,  G. 

6.  The  Tiny  Man,    Dutch    Folk  Tune,    D. 

7.  Cradle-Song,    French   Folk  Tune,    D. 

8.  Two  Russian  Folk  Tunes,  G. 

9.  Willy,   Willy,   Will,   German   Folk  Tune,   G. 
1 0.      French    Song,    A. 
1  1 .      German  Folk  Tune,  A. 

12.  In   Holland  Stands  a   House,   Dutch   Folk  Tune,  A. 

13.  Flemish   Song,    E   minor. 

14.  Swabian    Folk   Song,    G. 

15.  Minuet,  Provencal  Melody,  G. 

16.  Song   of    the    Boatman,    Russian    Folk   Tune,    D. 

17.  Bergerette,  French  Melody,  A  minor. 

1 8.  Song    of    the    Shepherdess,    French    Melody,    G. 

19.  Melody   in  A   minor,    Russian   Folk  Tune. 

20.  Happy   New  Year,    French   Folk  Tune,    B  flat. 

21.  Old    French    Drinking  Song,   G   minor. 

22.  Gigue,  Adapted,  from  Corelli,   B  flat. 

23.  Minuet   in   F  major,   Mozart. 

24.  .  Gavoite  and  Musette,  Old  French,  G  minor. 

25.  Old  French  Air,  G. 


.$   1.60 





Musette,    Bach,    D. 
Minuet  in  G  major,   Mozart. 
Two  French   Folk  Tunes,   C. 
Soldiers'  March,  Schumann,  G. 
Two  Minuets,  Bach. 

1.  G. 

2.  G  minor. 

Bon  Voyage,   Dumolet,   French   Folk  Tune,   D. 
Allegro,    Mozart,    B   flat. 
Sonatina    in    G,    Beethoven. 


Diller,   A.,   and   Quaile,    E. — Third     Solo 
Schirmer,   N.   Y.      Copyright    1921. 
10V2-inch,    pp.    63     


My    Lady's    Garland,    G. 
Minuet   No.    1,    Handel,    F. 
Wait  Thou  Still!     D  minor. 
Ah,  Mon  Beau  Chateau, 

Quand    Biron   Voulut 

Danser,  G. 
Bergerette,    G. 
Minuet  in   B  flat. 
Oh,    No,    John!,    G. 
Sonatina    in   F,    Beethoven. 
II   Court,    II   Court,   Le   Foret, 

Ainsi,     Font,     Font,     Font!, 

B   flat. 
Swedish    Folk    Song,    F. 
Corrente,     Handel,    F. 
Sarabande,   Handel,   D  minor. 





Book.       Publisher,     G. 
$   1.90 

Minuet,  No.  2,  Handel,  F. 

La  Marechale,  G. 

Cradle  Song,  Schumann,  G. 

The    Wild    Horseman,    Schu- 
mann, A  minor. 

Allegretto,    Haydn,   C. 

La  Mere,  Michel — Dans 
I'jardin  d'mon  pere, 
A   minor. 

La  Bagatelle,  G. 

Allegro  in  F. 

Albumleaf,  E  minor. 

Scherzo,  Reinhold,  F. 

Study   in  C. 

Jig    (Martini),    B  flat. 

Solfeggietto,   Bach,  C  minor. 


DiHer,  A.,  and  Quaile,  E. — First  Duet 
mer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1918.      [ 

lOVz-inch,   pp.    101     

I.      London  Bridge  is  Falling 
Down,  G. 

2.  Now  the  Sun  is  Sinking,  G. 

3.  Now  the  Sun  is  Sinking,  G. 

4.  The  Rose  is  Red,  F. 

5.  Happy  New  Year,   F. 

6.  My  Country,  'tis  of  Thee,  G. 

7.  Cashmere  Song,  G. 

8.  Joseph  and  Mary,  G. 

9.  Nineteen  Birds,  G. 
10.  Old  French  Air,  F. 
1  1 .      Girofle,  Girofla,  C. 

12.  Bohemian  Song,  C. 

13.  Scale  of   D. 

14.  Luther's  Hymn,  D. 

15.  Plaisir  d'Amour,  G. 

16.  The   First   Noel,    D. 

17.  The  Cruel   Rose,  G. 

1 8.  Bohemian    Dance,     D. 

19.  Russian  Hymn,  C. 

20.  The  Sea  Gull,  P. 


Book.     Publisher,  G.  Schir- 


Frere  Jacques,  G. 

The  Ballad  of  King  Henry, 

E  minor. 
The  Wraggle-Taggle  Gipsies 

D  minor. 
Canon  in  A  Minor. 
Jock  o'Hazeldean,  G. 
Dutch  Tune,  E  minor. 
Bergerette,  G. 
Parting  Song,  A  minor. 
There  Was  an  Old  Woman, 

as  I've  Heard  Tell,  F. 
Winter  Farewell,  G. 
The  North  Wind  Doth  Blow, 

Hot  Cross  Buns,  G. 
Hippity  Hop,  G. 
Creole  Song,  E  minor. 
Leezie  Lindsay,  G. 
The  Chimes,  G. 
Polish    Dance,    D    minor. 








Irish  Tune,  D  minor. 



The  Day  of  Christmas,  A 





Sleep,   Beloved,  Sleep,   F. 



Exaudet's  Minuet,  C. 



Cradle-Song,  C. 


Holy   Night,    F. 



Christ  Was   Born   On 
Christmas   Day,   C. 

Schubert  Waltz,  D. 
Spring  Song,  C. 
Winter,  C. 
Austrian  Hymn,  G. 
Beside  Thy  Cradle  Here  I 

Stand,  C. 
What  Tongue  Can  Tell  Thy 

Greatness,  Lord?  D. 


1.      Diller,   A.,   and  Quaile,   E. — Second   Duet   Book.      Publisher,    G. 
Schirmer,   N.   Y.     Copyright   1919.      [1924]. 
lO^-inch,    pp.   93 $   2.80 

1 .  The  Poppies,  D. 

2.  Waltz,  Schubert,  C. 

3.  Polly  Oliver,   English   Folk  Tune,   F. 

4.  Polish   Song,   A   minor. 

5.  Chorale:   Liebster  Jean,  Ahle.      Harmonized  by  Bach,  G. 

6.  The  Foggy  Dew,  Irish  Tune,  D  minor. 

7.  Skye  Boat-Song,  Scotch  Tune,  F. 

8.  Newcastle,   English  Country  Dance,  G. 

9.  Lota   is   Dead,   Swedish   Folk   Dance,   G. 

10.  Here  We're  Skipping  Up  the  Scale,  C. 

11.  Chorale:   Lobt  Gott,   ihr  Christen,    Herman.      Harmonized   by 

Bach,   A. 

12.  Row  Well,  Ye  Mariners,   English  Country  Dance,  A. 

13.  The  Chimes  of  Dunkirk,  English  Folk  Tune,  G. 

14.  Singing  Game,  English  Folk  Tune,  C. 

15.  The  Oak  and  the  Ash,  Old  English  Song,  E  minor. 

16.  Boatman's  Song  of  the  Volga,  Russian  Folk  Tune,  A  minor. 

17.  The  Meeting  of  the  Water,  Irish  Tune,  G. 

18.  Haste  Thee,  Nymph — After  Dr.  Arnold,  A. 

19.  Van   Diemen's   Land,   Old   English   Ballad,    D  minor. 

20.  Hark,  the  Tiny  Cowslip  Bell,  English  Folk  Tune,  B  flat. 

21.  Amaryllis,  Old  French  Melody,  G  minor. 

22.  Pastorale,  Old  French  Melody,  G  minor. 

23.  Hark!  the  Summons,  Welsh  Folk  Tune,  B  flat. 

24.  Greensleeves,  Old   English  Tune,   G  minor. 

25.  The  Fiddler,  German  Melody,  G. 

26.  Flora's  Song,    French   Melody,   G. 

27.  Loch   Lomond,  Scotch  Air,   F. 

28.  Tambourin,  Old   French  Tune,  C. 

29.  The   Hawk  Swoops  on   High,    Highland   Tune,   G. 

30.  Chorale:  Nun  ruhen  alle,  B  flat,  Issac,  Harmonized  by  Bach. 

31.  Charlie  is  My  Darlin',  Scotch  Folk  Tune,  D  minor. 

32.  Aria  from  "The  Magic  Flute,"  Mozart,  G. 

33.  Valses  Nobles,  Schubert. 

I.      Allegro  con  spirito,   C. 

II.  Grazioso,  A. 

III.  Allegro,  A  minor. 

IV.  Andantino,  F. 

V.  Allegro  con  brio,  C. 







Diller,  A.,  and  Quaile,   E.,    (arr.   by) — Folk   Songs  and   Dances. 
Publisher,  Willis  Music  Co.,  Cincinnati.     [1931]. 

1 .  French   Folk  Tune,   C. 
Susa,  Little  Susa,  F. 

Copyright   1 920.     pp.  2 $      .05 

2.  Old  Maid's  Dance,  G. 

Copyright   1 920.      pp.   1    05 

3.  Lullaby,    D  minor. 

Copyright    1 921 .      pp.    2    05 

4.  The  Village  Fair,   G. 

Copyright    1  921 .      pp.    2    ; 05 

5.  La   Romanesca,   D  minor. 

Copyright    1 921 .      pp.   2    05 

6.  Cradle  Song,  F. 

Copyright    1921.      pp.   2 05 

Diller,  A.  (arr.  by) — In  Days  of  Old   (Ten  Folk  Tunes) .  Publisher 
G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1923.      [1930].      10]/2-inch. 

1 .  Gossip   Joan,    C.    pp.    3     10 

2.  Augustin,    G.     pp.    2 05 

3.  Morning  Song,   F.    pp.   3 10 

4.  The  Judge's  Dance,  F.    pp.  3 10 

5.  Come,   Sweet   Lass,    D.     pp.    3 10 

6.  Dumble-dum    Deary,    G.     pp.    3 10 

7.  Oh,    Dear   Sixpence,    E    minor,      pp.    3 10 

8.  Slumber-Song,   C.     pp.   2 05 

9.  The    Lazy   Man,    D   minor,      pp.    3 10 

1 0.      Reap  the  Flax,  G.    pp.  3 10 

Diller,  A.,  and  Quaile,  E. — Off  We  Go   (A  Book  of  Poetry-Pieces 
for  Piano).     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1928. 
lOVi-inch,    pp.    47     . 1.40 

1 .  Buy  a   Broom.  20.      Counting    Out. 

2.  The   Monkey.  21.      The  Bear. 

3.  Cobbler,     Cobbler.  22.      There   Was   an   Old    Soldier. 

4.  Currants.  23.      The  Weather. 

5.  Sulky  Sue.  24.      Jeremiah. 

6.  Daisies    So    Bright.  25.      Hickety,  Pickety. 

7.  Little    Gossip.  26.      Hark,   Hark,   the   Dogs   Do 

8.  A    Farmer   Went    Riding.  Bark. 

9.  Ding-Dong!  27.      Here    in    the    Manger. 

10.  A   Star.  28.  Where   do  all   the  Daisies 

1  1 .  Early  to  Bed,   and   Early  Go? 

to  Rise.  29.  Bill    of    Fare. 

12.  Crosspatch.  30.  See-saw  Sacradown. 

13.  Tom    Tinker's    Dog.  31.  The    Ride. 

14.  Hump,     Hump.  32.  Hickory,    Dickory,    Dock. 

15.  Tinker,    Tailor.  33.  This   is   the  Way  the   Ladies 

1 6.  Pease   Porridge   Hot.  Ride. 

17.  Good    Advice.  34.  Doodle,   Doodle,   Doo. 

18.  Queen,    Queen,    Caroline.  35.  The  Owl  and  the  Bumblebee. 
19  Old   Woman,   Old   Woman.  36.  Our  Defenders. 



3-4     D'Ourville,  L. — Soirees  Musicales   (Duets).     Eighteen  Four  Hand 
Pieces  in  Two  Books.    Publisher,  C.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.    [1926]. 
lOVi-inch.      Bound  form  only. 
Book  I    (Nos.   1-8),  pp.  84 ....$  2.55 

1.  Spring.  5.      Reaper's  Song. 

2.  Rustic    Dance.  6.      Condolina. 

3.  In    the   Garden.  7.     The  Lake. 

4.  Polonaise.  8.      Hunting  Song. 

■     Book  II    (Nos.  9-18),  pp.  93. 2.80 

9.      Slumber    Song.  14.      Spinning  Song. 

10.      Swing  Song.  15.     The  Mill. 

1  1 .      Gavotte.  1 6.      Styrienne. 

12.  Hungarian.  17.      The  Smithy. 

13.  Cavatine.  18.      Valse-  Impromptu. 


3  Durand,  A. — Chaconne,  Op.  62.    Publishers,  T.  Presser  Co.,  Phila- 

delphia.     Copyright    1902.      [1928]. 

101/2-inch,  pp.  6 20 


2      Duvernoy,  J.  B. — Twenty-five  Elementary  Studies,  Op.  1 76.  Pub- 
lisher, G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     [1924]. 

101/2-inch,  pp.  39 1.20 

1.  Allegro  moderato,   C.  14.  Allegro  moderato,  A. 

2.  Moderato,  C.  1 5.  Andantino,  A. 

3.  Moderato,  C.  16.  Allegretto,  G. 

4.  Moderato,  C.  17.  Tempo  di  valse,  F. 

5.  Allegro,   moderato,  G.  18.  Allegretto,  A  minor. 

6.  Andante,  G.  19.  Andante,  B  flat. 

7.  Moderato,  F.  20.  Allegro   commodo,    G. 

8.  Cantabile,   F.  21.  Moderato,    E   flat. 

9.  Allegro  moderato,   D.  22.  Allegro,  ma  non  troppo,  E 

10.  Andantino,   D.  flat. 

11.  Moderato,  G.  23.  Allegretto,  C. 

12.  Moderato,  G.  24.  Allegretto,  C. 

13.  Allegro,  commodo,  C.  25.  Fanfare,  F. 


4  Dvorak,  A. — Humoreske,  G  flat,  Op.   101,  No.  7.     Publisher,  G. 

Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1915.   [1925]. 

lOVz-inch,   pp.   6 20 


6      Faote,  A. — Revery,  Op.   60,   No.    1.      Publishers,  A.  P.  Schmidt 
Co.,  N.  Y.     Copyright   1907.      [1928]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.    8     25 


6      Foote,  A. — Whims,  Op.  62,   No.   1.     Publisher,  A.  P.  Schmidt, 
Boston.     Copyright    1907.     [1931]. 
1 0!/2-inch,   pp.   7    20 


5  Friml,  R. — Drifting,  Op.  67.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.  Copy- 

right 1912.     [1928]. 

lOVz-inch,   pp.    12    35 




5      Friml,    R. — Legende,    Op.    66.      Publisher,    C.    Schirmer,    N.    Y. 
Copyright   1910.      [1930]. 
lOVz-inch,    pp.    7     $      .20 


5      Friml,  R. — Pony  Race,    Op.  70.      Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,   N.  Y. 
Copyyright  1912.      [1927]. 
lOVz-inch,  pp.  8 25 


5      Friml,    R. — Russian    Romance.      Publisher,    G.    Schirmer,    N.   Y. 
Copyright   1907.      [1927]. 

lOl/z-inch,  pp.  5 15 


3      Friml,  R. — Valse  Cherie.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copy- 
right 1921.     [1927]. 
lO'/j-inch,   pp.   5    15 


3  Friml,  R. — Valse  Lente.    Publishers,  C.  F.  Summy  Co.,  Chicago. 

Copyright    1907.      [1927]. 

"  '   10 1/2-inch,  pp.  5 15 


4  Ciese,  T. — Flowret,   "Forget-Me-Not,"   Op.   270.      Publisher,   G. 

Schirmer,  N.  Y.      Copyright  1903.      [1927]. 

10]/2-inch,  pp.  6 20 

4-5   Cluck-Mortl — Ballet-Suite.      Four  Piano  Duets.      Publisher,  C.  F. 
Peters,   Leipzig,  Germany.      [1928]. 
lO^-inch,  pp.  44 , 1.35 


2.      Cnessina,  E. — Allegro   (arr.  by  A.  Diller  and  E.  Quaile).  Publisher 
G.   Schirmer,    N.   Y.      Copyright    1925.       [1930]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.    3    10 


4  Codard,  B. — Berceuse  from  "jocelyn."     Publishers,  O.  Ditson  Co., 

N.   Y.      Copyright    1905.      [1927]. 

10V2-inch,   pp.   7    20 


5  Codard,   B. — Second   Mazurka,  Op.   54.   Publishers,   B.   F.   Wood 

Music  Co.,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1893.      [1927], 

lO^-inch,  pp.  13 40 


4  Codard,    B. — Second    Valse    in    B    flat,    Op.    56.      Publisher,    G. 

Schirmer,   N.   Y.      Copyright    1893.      [1927]. 

101/2-inch,    pp.    3     10 


5  Codard,  B. — Venitienne    (Fourth  Barcarolle).     Publisher,  O.  Dit- 

son,  Boston.     Copyright    1918.      [1931]. 

lO'A-inch,   pp.   7 20 


6  Codowsky,  L. — A  Little  Tango  Rag.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y. 

Copyright   1920.      [1928]. 

10V2-inch,  pp.  4 15 




6      Codowsky,    L. — Alt-Wien.       (Triakontameron,    No.    11).      Pub- 
lisher, C.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1902.      [1928]. 
ICP/z-inch,    pp.   6    $      .20 


6      Codowsky,    L. — Yesteryear.        (Triakontameron,    No.    7).       Pub- 
lisher, G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright   1920.      [1928]. 
10V2-inch,    pp.   9    30 


5  Grainger,    P. — Shepherd's    Hey.      Publisher,    G.    Schirmer,    N.    Y. 

Copyright  1911.      [1928]. 

lOVz-inch,   pp.    12    40 


6  Granf-Schaefer — The  Humming  Bird.      Publishers,  A.  P.  Schmidt 

Co.,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1919.      [1928]. 

10'/2-inch,   pp.   9    30 

4-5     Grieg,  E. — First  Peer  Gynt  Suite,  Op.  46.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer, 
N.  Y.     Copyright  1899.      [1925]. 
lO^-inch,  pp.  27 80 

1.  Morning    Mood,    E.  3.      Dance   of   Anitra,   A   minor. 

2.  Ase's   Death,    B   minor.  4.      In   the    Hall   of   the   Mountain 

King,   B  minor. 


3-4    Greig,  E. — Lyrical  Pieces,  Op.   12.  Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y. 

lO'/z-inch,    pp.    21     65 

1.  Arietta,   E  flat.  5.      Folk  Song,  F  sharp  minor. 

2.  Waltz,  A  minor.  6.      Norwegian  Melody,  D. 

3.  Watchman's  Song,   E.  7.      Album-leaf,   E  minor. 

4.  Elfin   Dance,   E  minor.  8.      Patriotic  Song,  E  flat. 


5      Greig,  E. — Lyrical  Pieces,  Op.  43,  Book  3.      Publisher,  G.  Schir- 
mer,  N.  Y.      Copyright    1898.  [1925]. 
IOV2 -inch,    pp.    31     95 

1.  Butterfly,  A.  4.      Birdling,    D   minor. 

2.  Solitary  Wanderer,  B  minor.  5.      Love-Poem,  F. 

3.  At  Home,  F  sharp.  6.      To  Spring,  F  sharp. 


5      Grieg,    E. — Norwegian    Dance,    Op.    35,    No.    2.       Publisher,    G. 
Schirmer,  N.  Y.      [1927]. 
lOVz-inch,  pp.  4 15 


5  Grieg,    E. — Notturno,   Op.    54,    No.    4.      Publisher,    G.    Schirmer, 

N.  Y.      Copyright   1926.      [1931]. 

lOVz-inch,    pp.    8    25 


6  Grieg,   E. — Sonata,     E    minor,    Op.     7.      Publisher,    G.     Schirmer, 

N.  Y.     Copyright  1906.      [1931]. 

lOVz-inch,   pp.   55 1.65 



1-2    Gurlitt,  C. — Album  Leaves  for  the  Young,  Op.    101.   Publisher, 
G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright   1895.      [1924]. 
IQi/z-inch,   pp.  45    $   1.35 

1.  March,   D.  11.      Waltz,  C. 

2.  Morning  Prayer,  C.  12.      The  Little  Wanderer,  F. 

3.  The    Sunshiny    Morning,    G.         13.      Grandfather's  Birthday,  E 

4.  Northern   Strains,   A  minor.  flat. 

5.  By   the  Spring,   A.  14.      Valse  Noble,  E  flat. 

6.  Slumber  Song,  D.  1 5.      Loss,  E  minor. 

7.  Lament,  F  sharp  minor.  16.      Scherzo,    E   minor. 

8.  The  Fair,  C.  17.      Free  Fancies,  C. 

9.  Turkish  March,  E.  18.      Sunday,  F. 

10.      Song  without  Words,   G.  19.      Hunting  Song,  E  flat. 

20.      Salto  Mortale,  G  minor. 


1      Gurlitt,  C. — Festive  Dance,  Op.  140,  No.  7.     Publisher,  G.  Schir- 
mer, N.  Y.      [1930]. 
10!/2-inch,  pp.  2 05 


3      Gurlitt,    C. — Galop    Burlesque,    Op.    12,    No.    6.      Publisher,    G. 
Schirmer,   N.  Y.     Copyright  1905.      [1927]. 
10!/2-inch,  pp.  3 10 

3-4    Gurlitt,   C. — Tender   Blossoms,   Op.    178.       (Twenty   Pianoforte 
Duets) .  Publishers,  A.  P.  Schmidt  Co.,  N.  Y.  Copyright  1891. 

Book     I    [1927].      Nos.      1-12,   pp.   33 1.00 

Book    II    [1932].      Nos.    13-20,   pp.  40 1.20 


1  Gurlitt,  C. — The  First  Steps  of  the  Young  Pianist,  Op.  82.     Book 

I.  Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y. 

10y2-inch,    pp.    45     1.35 

2-3     Gurlitt,  C. — The  First  Steps  of  the  Young  Pianist,  Op.  82.  Book 

II.  Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y. 

lOVz-inch,   pp.   46    1.40 


2  Gurlitt,  C. — Twenty-four  Melodious  Studies,  Op.  50.     Publisher, 

G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.      [1924]. 

lOVz-inch,  pp.  50 1.50 

1.  Moderato,  C.  13.  Andante  grazioso,  B  flat. 

2.  Allegretto,  G.  14.  Con  moto,  F. 

3.  Moderato,   C.  1 5.  Moderato,  A  flat. 

4.  Molto  vivace,  A  minor.  16.  Moderato,  A. 

5.  Allegretto,  C.  17.  Allegro,    D. 

6.  Allegretto,  G.  18.  Moderato,  F. 

7.  Vivace  molto,  C.  19.  Allegretto,   F. 

8.  Andante,   D.  20.  Con  moto,  E. 

9.  Con  moto,  C.  21.  Con  moto,  E  minor. 

10.  Allegretto  scherzando,  A  22.  Allegro,  C. 

11.  Allegretto,  A  minor.  23.  Allegro  non  troppo,  F. 

12.  Moderato,  D.  24.  Allegro,   F. 




2b    Gurlitt,  C. — Twenty-four  Melodious  Studies  in  all  the  Major  and 
Minor    Keys,    Op.    201.       Publishers,    A.    P.    Schmidt    Co., 
N.  Y.        Copyright   1894.      10 16 -inch. 
Book    I.      [1925],   pp.   24 $     .75 

1.  Youthful  Joy,  C.  7.      Good  Courage,  D. 

2.  First  Grief,   A  minor.  8.      Valse  Noble,  B  minor. 

3.  Spring  Song,   G.  9.      Arietta,    B   flat. 

4.  In   Light   Mind,   E  minor.  10.      Elegie,    G   minor. 

5.  Impromptu,  F.  11.      Cradle  Song,   A. 

6.  Aspiration,    D   minor.  12.      Romance,  F  sharp  minor. 

Book   II.      [1932],   pp.  24 75 

13.  Hunting  Song,  E  flat.  19.  Reverie,   B. 

14.  Intermezzo,  C  minor.  20.  Longing,   G  sharp  minor. 

15.  Barcarole,   E.  21.  Hymns,    D  flat. 

16.  Capriccietto,  C  sharp  minor.        22.  Bagatelle,  B  flat  minor. 

17.  Scherzo,  A  flat.  23.  Nocturne,    G  flat. 

18.  Lament,  F  minor.  24.  Finale,  F  flat  minor. 


3  Handel,  C.   F. — Largo.      Publishers,    E.   Schuberth  &  Co.,   N.   Y. 

Copyright    1877.      [1925]. 

10!/2-inch,  pp.  7 20 


1       Handel,    C.    F. — Twelve  Compositions.      Selected,    arranged    and 

edited  by  A.   Foote.  Publishers,  A.    P.  Schmidt  Co.,    N.   Y. 
Copyright    1915.      [1924]. 

10V2-inch,   pp.   33    1.00 

1 .  Bouree,  F.  7.     Sarabande,    D   minor. 

2.  Gavotte,    C.  8.      Courante,  G. 

3.  Larghetto,  E  flat.  9.      Minuet,   F. 

4.  Minuet,   B  flat.  10.      Gavotte,  G. 

5.  Courante,    F.  11.      Arioso,  D. 

6.  Prelude,   G.  12.      Allegro,  G  minor. 


3-4-5    Hannon,  C.  L. — The  Virtuoso  Pianist.      (First  38  exercises  only) . 

Publisher,   G.   Schirmer,    N.   Y.      Copyright    1911.      [1927]. 

lO^-inch,  pp.  86 2.60 


6      Haydn,  J. — Sonata  in  C.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     [1928]. 

lO'/z-inch,  pp.  30 90 


4  Haydn,  J.  — Sonata   in  D.      Publishers,   B.   F.   Wood   Music  Co., 

N.  Y.      [1927]. 

lO^-inch,  pp.  12 35 

3-4     Haydn,  J. — Ten  Sonatas,  Book  I.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y. 
Copyright    1894.      [1929]. 

Vol.    !,    lOVi-inch,   pp.    168    (including   Biography  of  Com- 
poser)             5.05 

No.    1 .   E  flat. 

No.   2.   E   minor. 

No.   3.   E  flat. 

No.   4.  G  minor. 

No.   5.  C. 



Vol.   II,   lOl/z-inch,  pp.   136 $  4.10 

No.   6.   C  sharp   minor. 

No.   7.   D. 

No.   8.   A  flat. 

No.   9.   D. 

No.    10.   G. 

3      Heller,  S. — Cradle-Song,  Op.  73,  No.  3.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer, 
N.   Y.      Copyright    1882.      [1930]. 
lOVi-inch,  pp.  5 15 


3      Heller,  S. — Curious  Story,  Op.   138,  No.  9.     Publisher,  G.  Schir- 
mer, N.  Y.     Copyright  1882.      [19253. 
10^2 -inch,  pp.  4 15 


3      Heller,  S. — II  Penseroso,  Op.  45,   No.    16.      Publisher,  G.  Schir- 
mer, N.  Y.      [1925]. 
1  O'/z -inch,   pp.   4    15 


3  Heller,  S. — Petite  Tarantelle,  Op.  46,  No.  7.  Publisher,  G.  Schir- 

mer,  N.  Y.      [1925]. 

10^2 -inch,    pp.   4    15 


4  Heller,  S. — Tarantelle,  Op.   85,   No.  2.      Publisher,  G.   Schirmer, 

N.  Y.      [1925]. 

10^2 -inch,    pp.    9    30 


3      Heller,  S. — Thirty  Progressive  Studies,  Op.  46,   Bks.    1,    11,   111. 
Publisher,   G.    Schirmer,    N.    Y.      [1931]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.     134     4.05 

3-5     Heller,  S. — Twenty-Five  Etudes,  Op.  45.    Publishers,  B.  F.  Wood 
Music  Co.,   N.   Y.      [1928]. 
lO^-inch,   pp.    108    3.25 


3      Heller,  S. — Twenty-five  Studies,  Op.  47.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer, 
N.  Y.      [1925]. 
101/2-inch,  pp.  93 2.80 

Book    I. 

1.  Allegretto,  C.  7.  Vivace,    B    minor. 

2.  Andante,  C.  8.  Allegro  vivace,   A. 

3.  Allegretto  con  moto,  A  minor.  9.  Andantino,  F. 

4.  Andante  con  moto,  G.  10.  Moderato,  D  minor. 

5.  Allegretto    poco    agitato,    E  11.  Molto  vivo,    F. 

minor.  12.  Assai  vivo  e  giocoso,  D. 

6.  Allegro   moderato,   D.  13.  Allegretto,   B  flat. 

Book    II. 

14.  Allegretto  con   moto,  20.  Moderato,   C. 

G  minor.  21.  Andante  con  moto,  E  flat. 

15.  Adagio,    E   minor.  22.  Allegro  assai,  F  minor. 

16.  Andantino,    E.  23.  Andante,   A   flat. 

17.  Allegro  con  spirito,  A  minor.  24.  Allegretto  con  moto,  G. 

18.  Vivace,   B.  25.  Allegro  molto  vivace,  C. 

19.  Con    moto,   C. 







Hoffman,  H. — Leaves  from  My  journal,  Op.  46.      (Duets) .     Pub- 
lisher, G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright   1889.      [1928]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.    79    $   2.40 

Horvath,   C. — Twelve   Melodic   Octave   Studies,    Op.    43.  Pub- 
lisher, T.  Presser  Co.,  Philadelphia. 

Book     I.      Copyright    1901.    [1928].      10 14 -inch,   pp.  27..         .80 

Book    II.      Copyright   1903.    [1932].      lOVz-inch,   pp.  29..         .90 

Huerter,  C. — At  the  Show.  (Six  Pieces). 
N.  Y.  Copyright  1915.  [1927]. 
10V2-inch,  pp.  32 

1 .  Overture.  4. 

2.  The    Pretty    Ballad-Singer.  5. 

3.  On  the  High  Trapeze.  6. 

Publisher,  G.  Schirmer, 

The  juggler  Comedian. 
The  Toe- Dancer. 
Soldier  Song. 

Huerter,    C. — At   the   Toy-Shop. 
Publisher,    G.   Schirmer,    N.   Y. 
10^2 -inch.     pp.     31      

1 .  Rocking  Horse. 

2.  Little  Jumping-jack. 

3.  Tin    Soldiers'    Guard. 

(Six    Pieces    for    the    Piano). 
Copyright    1916.      [1927]. 

Punch  and  Judy. 
The    Story    Book. 
The  Clowns. 



Karganoff,  G. — Petite  Valse,  Op.   10,  No.  2.    Publisher,  G.  Schir- 
mer,  N.   Y.      Copyright    1901.      [1931]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.    4    

Kinscella,  H.  C. — My  Own  Little 
Little  People  who  Play  Piano) 
Copyright  1925.      [1930]. 
10^2 -inch,  pp.  38 

My  First  Piece,  C. 

Tick  Tock,  C. 

Tiny  Waltz    (A  Duet),  C. 

Tiny  Waltz    (Solo),    C. 

The   March   of   the  Goblins, 
A  minor. 

A   Little  Game,   C. 

Old    French    Folk-Song,    C. 

London  Bridge,  G. 

A  Rain  Song,  D. 

Evening  Bells,  C. 

Lullaby,   G. 

Twinkle.  Twinkle,  Little 
Star,    G. 

Music  Book   (A  Little  Book  for 
.  Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y. 











13.  A  Little  Study,  C. 

14.  The  Cuckoo,  D. 

fl5.  Silent  Night,  Holy  Night,  C. 

'16.  Old  Dutch  Folk-Dance, 
G  minor. 

17.  At  the  Merry-Go-Round,  D. 

18.  The  Toy  Soldiers'  March,  F. 

19.  The    Mulberry-Tree     (Duet), 


20.  A  Little  Melody,  F. 

21 .  Scottische,  G. 

22.  Minuet  in  F. 

23.  Musette    (Duet),  D. 


1      Kohler,   L. — Easiest  Studies,   Op.    151.      Publisher,   G.   Schirmer, 
N.  Y.      [1924]. 
IOV2  inch,    pamphlet,    pp.    32    95 


1      Kohler,  L. — Very  Easiest  Studies,  Op.   190.     Publisher,  G.  Schir- 
mer, N.  Y.     Copyright  1898.      [1924]. 
IOV2 -inch,    pamphlet,    pp.    29    90 





Krause,  A. — Ten  Trill  Studies  for  the  Piano,  Op.  2. 
C.   Schirmer,   N.   Y.      [1924]. 

lOVz-inch,   pp.   42    $    1.25 

1.      Allegro,  D.  6.      Allegretto  grazioso,  C. 

Allegretto,  G  minor.  7. 

Moderato,  G.  8. 

Vivace,    E   minor.  9. 

Vivace,  C. 


Scherzoso,  C. 
Moderato,  F. 

Allegro  ma  non  troppo,  A 

10.     Con  fuoco,  E. 





Kreutzer,    E. — Birthday    Waltz,    Op.    7,    No.    1.       Publisher,    T. 
Presser   Co.,    Philadelphia.      Copyright    1890.       [1932]. 
lOV^-inch,    pp.    3     

Krogmann,  C.  W. — Ten  Little  Morsels  of  Melody,  Op.  9.     Pub- 
lishers, O.  Ditson  Co.,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1911.      [1925]. 
10V2-inch,    pp.   27    




Bo-Peep    (Polka), 
Fairy   Lullaby,   C. 
Little  Soldier,    (March),  C. 
Merry  Butterflies    (Waltz),   F. 
Over  the  Ocean  Wave    (Bar- 
carolle) ,  G. 


6.  Snowflake  Dance  (Waltz)  G. 

7.  Spider  and  the  Fly,  F. 

8.  Sunbeam  Dance, 

(Mazurka) ,  C. 

9.  A  Twilight  Song,  C. 

1  0.      The  Violets'  Story,  C. 










Krogmann,  C.  W. — The  Robin's  Lullaby,  Op.   15,  No.   12.     Pub- 
lishers,   B.    F.    Wood    Music   Co.,    N.    Y.      Copyright    1893. 
lOVz-inch,    pp.    2 05 

Kuhlau,   F. — Sonatina,   Op.   20,   No.    1.      Publisher,   G.   Schirmer, 
N.  Y.     Copyright   1893.      [1928]. 
10!/2-inch,   pp.    14    45 

Kuhlau,   F. — Sonatina,   Op.   20,    No.   2.      Publisher,   G.   Schirmer, 
N.  Y.     Copyright  1893.     [1928]. 
lOVz-inch,    pp.    25     75 

Kuhlau,  F. — Sonatina,  Op.  20,   No.   3.      Publisher,  G.  Schirmer, 
N.  Y.     Copyright  1893.      [1928]. 
lO'/i-inch,    pp.    23     70 

Kuhlau,  F. — Sonatinas,   Op.   44  and  Op.   66    (for  Four  Hands). 
Peters  Edition,   N.  Y.      [1929]. 
lOVz-inch,  pp.  159 4.80 

Op.   44,   No.    1    in  G.  Op.   66,   No.    1    in   F. 

Op.   44,   No.   2   in  C.  Op.   66,   No.   2   in  G. 

Op.   44,   No.   3   in   F.  Op.   66,   No.   3   in  G. 

Kuhlau,  F. — Sonatina,  Op.   55,   No.   1.      Publisher,   G.  Schirmer, 
N.  Y.     Copyright  1893.      [1925]. 
lO^-inch,   pp.   9    30 

Kuhlau,  F. — Sonatina,  Op.   55,   No.  2.      Publisher,  G.   Schirmer, 
N.  Y.     Copyright  1893.      [1932]. 
10!/2-inch,   pp.    12    35 




3      Kuhlau,   F. — Sonatina,  Op.   55,   No.  4.      Publisher,  C.  Schirmer, 
N.  Y.     Copyright  1893.     [1925]. 
lOVz-inch,    pp.     14     $      .45 


3      Kuhlau,   F. — Sonatina,  Op.   55,   No.   5.      Publisher,   G.   Schirmer, 
N.  Y.     Copyright  1893.      [1925]. 
lOVz-inch,   pp.    1  1     35 


3  Kuhlau,  F. — Sonatina,  Op.  55,  No.  6. 
N.  Y.  Copyright  1893.  [1925]. 
10]/2-inch,    pp.    17    

Publisher,   G.   Schirmer, 


2-3    Kullak,  T. — Scenes   from   Childhood,   Op.    62    (Bk.    I),   and   Op. 
81    (Bk.  II).     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1880. 
ICP/z-inch,   pp.   77    2.30 

Op.  62,  Bk.  I 

1.  Once  Upon  a  Time,  F.  7. 

2.  The  Clock,  B  flat.  8. 

3.  Sunday  Morning,  C.  9. 

4.  On  the  Playground,  G.  10. 

5.  Little  Cradle  Song,  F.  11. 

6.  Dance  on  the  Lawn,  G.  1 2. 

Op.  81,  Bk.   II 

1.  Child's  Prayer,  E  flat.  7. 

2.  The  Little  Wanderer,  A. 

3.  Grandmother  Tells  a   Ghost  8. 

Story,   D  minor.  9. 

4.  Opening  of  the  Children's  10. 

Party,    F. 

5.  Loving  Soul  and  Pure  11. 

Heart,   F.  12. 

6.  The  Race,  E  flat. 

Barcarolle,  E. 

Grand  Parade,   E  flat. 

The  Birdie's  Death,  F  minor. 

The  Mill  at  the  Pond,  A. 

Skating,   E. 

Evening   Bell,    E  flat. 

The  Angels  in  the  Dream, 

A  flat. 
The   Nightingale,    B  flat. 
Spinning  Song,  F. 
The  Ghost  in  the  Chimney, 

A  minor. 
The   Little   Hunters,   E. 
The  Little  Rope  Dancer,  D. 


4  Lack,  T. — Cabaletta. 
1892.  [1927]. 
10 1/2- inch,  pp.  5 

Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,   N.  Y.     Copyright 



Lang,    E. — A   Crystal    Stream   of    Folk-Lore.      Publishers,    Boston 
Music  Co.,   Boston.      Copyright   1916.      [1924]. 
10V2-inch,  pp.  58.    Bound  form  only. .  .  .  .       1.75 

1.  The  Bee,  C.  12. 

2.  The  '  Little     Ducks,     C. 

3.  Winter,    Adieu!    F.  13. 

4.  Christmas    Eve,    G.  14. 

5.  Run,    Pony,    Run,   C.  15. 

6.  Sleep,   Baby,  Sleep!  G  16. 

7.  Where  Are  You  Going  To?  G  17; 

8.  When    Rover  Was  a   Puppy  1 8. 

Dog,    C.  19. 

9.  Were  I  a  Birdling,  F.  20. 
10.  Long,  Long  Ago,  D  .  21. 
1  1 .  Hans    and    His    Sisters,    F.  22. 


The  Cuckoo  and  the  Donkey, 

The  Robin,  C. 
Little    War-Children,    G. 
The    First    Noel,    D. 
The   Nightingale,   C. 
The  Merry  Sportsman,  C 
The  Little  Dustman,  F. 
Winter  Night,   D. 
The  Messenger,,  G. 
The   Nut  Tree,   C. 
May-time,    F. 


The  Golden  Rule,  C.  28. 

Silent    Night,    C.  29. 

The  Elf-man,  F. 
All  the  Birds  are  Here  30. 

Again!   D. 
In   the  Woods,  C.  31. 


4  Lavallee,  C. — Le  Papillon  (The  Butterfly), 
mer,  N.  Y.  Copyright  1925.  [1931]'. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.    9    



Susa,    Little   Susa,   F. 

A  Frog  He  Would  A-wooing 

Go!  C 
With  Your  Head  Co  Nick, 

Nick,  Nick!  F. 
Hunter's  Song,  C. 

Publisher,  C.  Schir- 

.$     .30 


5  Leybach,  J. — Fifth  Nocturne,  Op.  52. 
N.  Y.  Copyright  1887.  [1927]. 
10^2 -inch,  pp.   12 

Publisher,    G.   Schirmer, 


1-2     Le  Couppey,  F. — Alphabet,  The,  Op.   17. 
mer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1893.      [1924]. 
10 1/2 -inch,    pamphlet,    pp.    57.     Bound 

Publisher,  C.   Schir- 














Allegro  moderato,  C. 
Andantino,  A. 
Allegretto,  G. 
Andantino,   C. 
Allegro,  G. 
Allegretto,    C. 
Andantino,  A. 
Moderato,  F. 
Moderato,  C. 
Andantino,  F. 
Andante  religioso,  G. 
Allegretto,  E. 
Moderato,    C. 


i    form    only 1 .70 


Allegretto    moderato,    G. 


Moderato,   F. 


Andante  con  moto,  C. 


Moderato,    F. 


Moderato,   C. 


Moderato,   F. 


Andantino,    E. 


Allegro,    A. 


Andantino,   G. 


Allegretto,   F. 


Allegretto,   G. 


Allegro,   E  flat. 



Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y. 


Allegro,  C. 


Allegretto,  E  flat. 


Allegro,  G. 


Allegro,   F. 


Allegro,   G. 


Allegro,    E. 


Allegro  moderato,  G. 


Allegro,  F. 

:.                22. 

Allegro,  A  flat. 


Tempo  giusto,  F. 


Allegretto,  G. 


Allegretto,  F. 

(Nocturne  1  in 

A  flat) .     Publisher,  G. 


Le  Couppey,  F. — L'Agilite,  Op.  20 
10V2-inch,    pp.    70 

1 .  Allegro,  C. 

2.  Allegro,  C. 

3.  Allegro  moderato,  F 

4.  Allegro  moderato,  G 

5.  Allegretto,  C. 

6.  Allegro,  G. 

7.  Allegretto,  C. 

8.  Allegro,  D. 

9.  Allegro  moderato,   C. 

10.  Allegro,  A. 

1 1 .  Allegretto,  F. 

12.  Allegro,  C. 

13.  Allegro,   B  flat. 


7      Liszt,  F. — Liebestraum. 

Schirmer,  N.  Y.      [1928]. 

lOVz-inch,  pp.  15 45 


7      Liszt,    F. — Liebestraum.      (Nocturne    II    in    E) .      Publisher,    G. 
Schirmer,  N.  Y.      [1929]. 
lOVi-inch,  pp.  9 30 




7      Liszt,  F. — Liebestraum.      (Nocturne  III  in  A  flat).     Publisher,  C. 
Schirmer,  N.  Y.      [1928]. 

10V2-inch,   pp.    12    $      .35 


5      Liszt,   F. — Sonetto    123   del    Petrarca.      Publisher,    Carl    Fischer, 
N.  Y.     Copyright    1905.      [1932]. 

10/2 -inch,  pp.  13 40 

3-4   Loeschhorn,  A. — Childhood's  Hours,  Op.  96.    Publisher,  G.  Schir- 
mer, N.Y.     Copyright  1908.     [1928]. 

1016-inch,  pp.  39    1.20 

4-5   Loeschhorn,    A. — Childhood's    Hours,    Op.     100.      Publisher,    G. 
Schirmer,  N.  Y.  Copyright  1908.      [1928]. 

lOVz-inch,   pp.   45    1.35 

2-3   Loeschhorn,  A. — Studies  for   the   Pianoforte,   Op.   65,    Book   III. 
Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y. 
10'/2-inch,  pamphlet,   pp.  35    1.05 

1.  Andante  cantabile,  B  flat.  9.      Allegro  moderato,  D  minor. 

2.  Allegretto,    B   flat.  10.      Andantino.  E  minor. 

3.  Allegro  ma  non  troppo,  B  flat.       1  1.      Allegro,   E  minor. 

4.  Preparatory  Exercise  on  the         12.      Allegretto,  A. 

Trill,   B  flat.  13.     Allegretto  con   moto,   A. 

5.  Allegro,  B  flat.  14.     Allegro  vivo,  A. 

6.  Allegretto,  A  minor.  15.     Andante  cantabile,  E  flat. 

7.  Alia  Polacca,  A  minor.  16.      Tempo  di  Marcia,  E  flat. 

8.  Allegro,  D  minor.  Laa^ 

3      Loth,  J.  L. — Intermezzo.     Publishers,  C.  F.  Summy  Co.,  Chicago. 
Copyright    1916.      [1927]. 

10V2-inch,   pp.   3    10 

1-2   Low,   J. — Favorite   Melodies,   arranged   for   Duets,   Vol.    I.      Pub- 
lishers, B.  F.  Wood  Music  Co.,  N.  Y.     [1925]. 

lOVz-inch,  pp.    103    3.10 

1-6.      Exercises   in   Counting,  26.      Redowak,    Bohemian 

(C,   G  Cr   F).  Dance,  C. 

7.  Hunter's  Song,  C.  27.     Chorus  of  Huntsmen,  D. 

8.  Evening,   G.  28.      Aria  from  Don  juan,   B  flat. 

9.  Good  Humor,  C.  29.      God  Save  the  King,  C. 
10.      Festival  March,  F.  30.      Russian  Dance,  D  minor. 
1  1 .     Scherzo,   G.  31.     Chorus   from    the   Magic 

12.  Choral    Song,    C.  Flute,  G. 

1 3.  Bohemian   Song,    F.  32.  German  Popular  Song,  F. 

14.  Morning    Song,    F.  33.  Montferrine,    Italian    Dance, 

1 5.  Russian    Hymn,    F.  C. 

16.  Bohemian  Song,  G.  34.  March  Impromptu,  B  flat. 

17.  Aria  from  L'Elisir  D'Amore,  35.  Mermaid's  Song  from 

C.  Oberon,  F. 

18.  Servian    Dance,    Melody,    G.      36.      German  Waltz,  D. 

19.  Bohemian  Polka,   D.  37.      Cossack  Dance,  D. 

20.  Te  Deum   Laudamus,  F.  38.     Aria  from  Freischutz,  G. 

21.  Waltz,    D.  39.      Fandango,  Spanish   Dance, 

22.  In  Spring,  G.  A  minor. 

23.  Prayer  from  Freischutz,  F.  40.      Duet  from  the  Merry  Wives, 

24.  Air  from  Don  Juan,  G.  F. 

25.  Hungarian  Dance,   C. 



2-3    Low,  J. — Favorite   Melodies,   arranged  for  Duets, 
lisher,  C.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1893. 
10!/2-inch,   pp.    112    

Vol.   II.     Pub- 




Mazurka  Melody,  F. 

Scotch  Melody,  A. 

Italian  Song,  C. 

Menuet,    Beethoven,    F. 

Czardas,  Hungarian  Dance,  C. 

Chorus  from  Das  Nachtlager, 

Duet  from  Norma,  C. 

Polonaise,  D. 

Rule  Britannia,  C. 

Romance  from  Das  Nacht- 
lager, D  minor. 

Chanson  Napolitaine,  D. 

Song,   Schubert,    B   flat. 

Italian  Cavatine,  C. 

.$  3.35 

54.  Quintet   from    La    Sonnam- 

bula,   F. 

55.  Gavotte  D'Armide,  C. 

56.  Andante,  Beethoven,  F. 

57.  Cavatine  from   Figaro,   F. 

58.  A  la  Tarantelle,  G. 

59.  Andante,  Haydn,  E  flat. 

60.  Krakowiak,  Polish  Dance,  D. 

61.  Cavatine  from  Norma,  F. 

62.  Cavatine   from    Euryanthe, 


63.  Barcarolle,  G. 

64.  La  Marseillaise,  C. 

65.  Aria  from  Figaro,   B  flat. 


7  MacDowell,  E. — A  Scotch  Poem,  Op.  31,  No.  2. 
Wood  Music  Co.,  N.  Y.  Copyright  1921. 
10!/2-inch,  pp.  7 

Publishers,  B.  F. 



4      MacDowell,  E. — Idyl,  Op.  28,  No.  4.     Publisher,  A.  P.  Schmidt, 
Boston.     Copyright  1923.     [1932]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.   7    



4      MacDowell,  E. — Sea  Pieces,  Op.  55.     Publishers,  A.  P.  Schmidt 
Co.,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1899.     [1926]. 


To  the  Sea,  D  flat. 


Song,  D. 


From  a  Wandering  Iceberg, 


From  the  Depth,  B  flat 




A.  D.  1  620,  C. 


Nautilus,   A   flat. 


Starlight,  A. 


In  Mid-Ocean,  B  flat  minor. 

3-4-5    MacDowell,    E. — Twelve    lEtudes,    Op.    39.       Publisher,    A.    P.. 
Schmidt  Co.,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1918.      [1926]. 


Hunting  Song    (Jadglin). 


Idylle  (Idyl). 


rAlla   Tarantella. 


Shadow  Dance 


Romance    (Romanza). 

(Schattentanz) . 


Arabeske— Wrist 


Intermezzo.    . 



Melodie- — 2,  3,  4  Fingers. 


In  the  Forest    (Waldfahrt) . 




Dance  of  the  Gnomes. 





3-5   MacDowell,  E. — Woodland  Sketches,  Op.  51.    Ten  Piano  Pieces. 
Publishers,  A.  P.  Schmidt  Co.,  N.  Y.  Copyright  1899.  [1926]. 
101/2 -inch,   pp.   43    $    1.30 

1.  To  a  Wild  Rose,  A.  6.     To  a  Water-lily,  F  sharp. 

2.  Will  o'  the  Wisp,  F  sharp  7.      From  Uncle  Remus,  F. 

minor.  8.      A  Deserted  Farm,  F  sharp 

3.  At  an  Old  Trysting  Place,  A  minor. 

flat.  9.      By  a  Meadow  Brook,  A  flat. 

4.  In  Autumn,  F  sharp  minor.  10.      Told  at  Sunset,  F  minor. 

5.  From   an    Indian   Lodge,   C 



3  Martin,  C.   D. — Eros.       (Scherzo-Valse) .      Publishers,  T.   Presser 

Co.,  Philadelphia.     Copyright  1909.      [1927]. 

10V2-inch,   pp.   6 20 


4  Massenet,    J. — Aragonaise    from    "Ballet    Du    Cid."       Publishers, 

O.   Ditson   Co.,   Boston.     Copyright    1896.      [1927]. 

lOVi-inch,   pp.   7    20 


6      Mendelssohn,  F. — Rondo  Capriccioso,  Op.    14.      Publishers,  E.  B. 
Marks  Music  Co.,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1921.     [1927]. 
lOVi-inch,   pp.   24    75 


6      Mendelssohn,  F. — Scherzo,  in  E  minor,  Op.  16,  No.  2.     Publisher, 
G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1904.     [1927]. 
lOVz-inch,   pp.   8    25 


3      Mendelssohn,  F. — Six  Pieces  for  Children,  Op.  72.     Publisher,  G. 
Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1893.      [1930]. 
lO'/z-inch,   pp.   24    75 

1.  Allegro    non    troppo,    G.  4.      Andante  con  moto,  D. 

2.  Andante  sostenuto,  E  flat.  5.      Allegro  assai,  G  minor. 

3.  Allegretto,    G.  6.      Vivace,  F. 

3-5     Mendelssohn,  F. — Songs  Without  Words.      49  Piano  Solos.      By 
Permission  of  the  B.   F.  Wood   Music  Co.,   N.  Y. 

101/2-inch,   vol.    I,   pp.    109    3.30 

vol.   II,  pp.   127    3.80 

vol.    Ill,   pp.   97    2.90 

Vol.   I. 

1.  Sweet  Remembrance,  Op.    19,   No.    1,  E. 

2.  Regrets,  Op.   1  9,  No.  2,  A  minor. 

3.  Hunting  Song,  Op.   19,  No.  3,  A. 

4.  Confidence,  Op.   19,  No.  4,  A. 

5.  Restlessness,  Op.   19,  No.  5,   F  sharp  minor. 

6.  Venetian  Gondola  Song,  No.  1,  Op.  19,  No.  6,  G  minor. 

7.  Contemplation,  Op.  30,  No.   1,  E  flat. 

8.  Unrest,  Op.  30,   No.  2,   B  flat  minor. 

9.  Consolation,  Op.  30,   No.  3,  E. 

10.  The  Wanderer,  Op.  30,  No.  4,  B  minor. 

11.  The  Brook,  Op.  30,  No.  5,  D. 



12.  Venetian  Gondola  Song,  No.  2,  Op.  30,  No.  6,  F  sharp  minor. 

13.  The  Evening  Star,  Op.  38,   No.    1,   E  flat. 

14.  Lost   Happiness,   Op.   38,   No.   2,  C  minor. 

15.  The  Poet's  Harp,  Op.  38,  No.  3,  E. 

16.  Hope,  Op.  38,  No.  4,  A. 

Vol.    II. 

17.  Passion,  Op.  38,  No.  5,  A  minor. 

18.  Duet,  Op.  38,  No.  6,  Aflat 

19.  On   the  Sea  Shore,  Op.   53,   No.    1,  A  fiat. 

20.  The  Fleecy  Cloud,  Op.   53,   No.  2,   E  flat. 

21.  Agitation,  Op.   53,   No.  3,  C  minor. 

22.  Sadness  of  Soul,  Op.   53,   No.  4,   F. 

23.  Folk  Song,  Op.   53,   No.   5,  A  minor. 

24.  The  Flight,  Op.  53,  No.  6,  A. 

25.  May  Breezes,   Op.   62,   No.    1,   C. 

26.  The  Departure,  Op.  62,  No.  2,  B  flat. 

27.  Funeral  March,  Op.  62,  No.  3,  E  minor. 

28.  Morning    Song,    Op.    62,    No.    4,    C. 

29.  Venetian  Gondola  Song,  No.  3,  Op.  62,  No.  5,  A  mmor. 

30.  Spring    Song,    Op.    62,    No.    6,    A. 

31.  Meditation,  Op.  67,   No.    1,  E  flat. 

32.  Lost  Illusions,  Op.  67,  No.  2,  F  sharp  minor. 

Vol.    III. 

33.  Song  of  the  Pilgrim,  Op.  67,   No.   3,   B  flat. 

34.  Spinning  Song   (Bee's  Wedding),  Op.  67,  No.  4,  C. 

35.  The  Shepherd's  Complaint,  Op.  67,  No.  5,  B  minor. 

36.  Lullaby,  Op.  67,  No.  6,  E. 

37.  Reverie,  Op.  85,  No.  1,  F. 

38.  The  Adieu,  Op.  85,  No.  2,  A  minor. 

39.  Delirium,  Op.  85,  No.  3,  E  flat. 

40.  Elegy,  Op.  85,  No.  4,  D. 

41.  The  Return,  Op.  85,  No.  5,  A. 

42.  Song  of  the  Traveller,  Op.  85,   No.  6,  B  flat. 

43.  Homeless,   Op.    102,    No.    1,    E   minor. 

44.  Retrospection,  Op.   102,  No.  2,   D. 

45.  Tarantella,  Op.    102,   No.  3,  C. 

46.  The  Sighing  Wind,  Op.    102,    No.   4,   G  minor. 

47.  The  Joyous  Peasant,  Op.   102,   No.   5,  A. 

48.  Faith,  Op.   102,  No.  6,  C. 

49.  Barcarolle,  A. 


5      Merkel,  C. — Butterfly.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer.  N.  Y.     Copyright 
1905.      [1927]. 
lOVz-inch,   pp.   5    $     .15 

3-4   Meyer,    F. — The   Pupil's   First    Etude   Album.      Publishers,    A.    P. 
Schmidt,   Co.,   N.   Y.      [19251. 
lOVz-inch,   pp.    106 3.20 

1.  Same  Notes  in  Two  Hands,  Gurlitt,  C. 

2.  Different   Notes   in   Two   Hands,   Sartorio,   C. 

3.  The  Dot,  Dana,  C. 

4.  Two  Melodies  at  the  Same  Time,   Meyer,  C. 

5.  The  Tie,  Dana,  C. 

6.  Swinging  Rhythm,  Shackley,  C. 

7.  March   Rhythm,  Shackley,   F. 

8.  Five  Finger  Study,  Krause,  C. 

9.  First  Scale  Study,   Lynes,   C. 
10.      Melodious  Study,  Gurlitt,  C. 



1  1 .  Second  Scale  Study,   Le  Couppey,  C. 

12.  Arpeggio,   Study   in  G,   Czerny-Faelten. 

1 3.  Melody  Playing,   Croisez,   C. 

14.  Velocity  Etude,  Gurlitt,  C. 

1 5.  Playing  Two  Parts  with  the  Same   Hand,   Croisez,    F. 
1  6.  Quiet  Hand  Study,  Sartorio,  C. 

17.  Study  in  Lightness  and  Grace,  Sartorio,  F. 

18.  Study    in    Arpeggio   Connection,    Hoffman,    F. 

19.  Two-Part  Study  in  the  Classic  Style,   Bach-Faelten,  F. 

20.  Repeated  Notes,  Croisez,  G. 

21.  Etude  for  Keeping  the  Hand  in  Proper  Position,  Lynes,  G. 

22.  Study  in  Speed  and  Clearness,  Gurlitt,  C. 

23.  The  Turn,  Maylath,  C. 

.24.  Arpeggio  Study  in  C,   Kohler-Faelten. 

25.  Use  of  the  Triplet,  Concone,  F. 

26.  Grace  Notes,  Le  Couppey,  G. 

27.  Broken  Chords,  Biehl,  C. 

28.  Scale  Study  for  the  Left  Hand,  Krause,  C. 

.  ,    29.  Trill  Study  of  the  Right  Hand,  Spindler,  C. 

30.  Trill  Study  in  Left  Hand  Spindler,  C. 

31.  Wrist  Movement,   Mayer,  G. 

32.  Weak   Finger  Study,    Biehl,   C. 

33.  Wrist  Exercise,  Scott,  C. 
*                  34.  Octave  Study,  Mozart,  C. 

35.  Broken  Octaves,  Scott,  C. 

36.  Octave  Study,  Mozart,  C. 

37.  Study   in   Thirds,    Ehmant,   C. 

38.  Finger  Substitution,  Concone,  F. 

39.  Rhythmical  Precision,  Concone,  C. 

40.  Melody   and   Accompaniment    in    the    Same    Hand,    Foote, 

A  minor. 

41.  Staccato  Chords,  Stamaty,  C. 
.    42..     Delicate  Phrasing,  Mayer,  C. 

43.  Study  in  Broken  Thirds,  Le  Couppey,  C. 

44.  Velocity   Study,    Gurlitt,    C. 

45.  Hand  Contraction,   Lynes,  C. 

46.  Hand  Expansion,  Maylath,  F. 

47.  Contrast  of  Legato  and  Staccato,   Maylath,  C. 
-  -48.  Staccato    Etude,    Spindler,    E    flat. 

49.  Grand  Arpeggios,   Maylath,   F. 

50.  Study  in  Style,  Schytte,  C. 

51.  Study    in    Expression,    Strong,    A    minor. 

52.  Scales  and  Chords  in  All  the  Major  and  Minor  Keys. 

1      Morse,  C. — A  Musical  Alphabet  (Of  Tunes  Old  and  New) .     Pub- 
lisher,  G.  Schirmer,   N.  Y.      Copyright    1929.      [1931]. 
10V2-inch,    pp.    34     $   1.05 

A.  American  Soldiers.  O.      Old   King  Cole. 

B.  Baa,   Baa,   Black  Sheep.  P.       Pussy  Cat. 

C.  Curly   Locks.  Q.      Queen  of  Hearts. 

D.  Dickory,   Dickory  Dock.  R.      Ride  a  Cock  Horse. 

E.  Evening  Prayer.  S.       Susie,    Little   Susie. 

F.  Froggy  Would  a-Wooing  Go.        T.       Three    Blind    Mice. 

G.  Goodnight  Song.  U.      Upon  Paul's  Steeple. 
H.      Hey  Diddle   Diddle.                         V.      Valentines. 

I.  It's  a   Fine   Hunting  Day.  W.     Where  Are  You  Going,   My 

J.  Jack  and  Jill.  Pretty  Maid? 

K.  Knight's   Song.  X.      Xmas    Song. 

L.  Lavenler's  Blue.  Y.      Yankee    Doodle. 

M.  Mistress    Mary.  Z.      Zoo   Days. 

N.  Needles  and  Pins. 




3  Moszkowski,   M. — Melodie   in  F,   Op.   18,   No.    1.    Publisher,  C. 

Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1896.      [1925]. 

lOVi-inch,   pp.   5    $     .15 


4  Moszkowski,    M. — Serenata,    Op.     15,    No.     1.       Publishers,    O. 

Ditson  Co.,   Boston.      Copyright   1899.      [1927]. 

lOVz-inch,   pp.   5    15 


4      Moszkowski,    M. — Spanish    Dances,    Op.    12.       (Duets).      Pub- 
lisher, G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1893.     [1928]. 
10/2-inch,  pp.  48 1.45 


4      Moszkowski,  M. — Spanish  Dances,  Op.  12,  Nos.  1-5.     Publisher, 
G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright   1894.      [1931]. 

101/2 -inch,   No.   1— pp.  4 .15 

No.  2— pp.  7 20 

No.  3— pp.  9 30 

No.  4 — pp.  6 20 

No.  5— pp.  8 25 


4      Moszkowski,   M. — Valse  D  flat,  Op.    15,   No.   5.      Publisher,  G. 
Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1884.     [1925]. 
101/2-inch,  pp.  5 15 


4  Moszkowski,  M. — Valse  in  E,  Op.  34,  No.  1.     Publisher,  G.  Schir- 

mer,  N.  Y.     Copyright   1906.      [1929]. 

10V2-inch,  pp.  31    95 


1      Mozart,  W.  A. — First  Year,  Fifteen  Compositions.     Adapted,  ar- 
ranged and  edited  by  R.  Krentzlin.     Publishers,  A.  P.  Schmidt 
Co.,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1916.      [1924]. 
lOVz-inch,  pp.  40 1.20 

1.  Introduction,   C.  9.      Toccatina,  D. 

2.  Allegro,  B  flat.  10.      Minuet  and  Trio,  C. 

3.  Scherzino,  F.  11.      Andantino  in  E  flat. 

4.  Classic    Waltz,    F.  12.      Variations  on  a  French 

5.  Prelude   in   F.  Melody,  C. 

6.  Landler,  G.  13.      Minuet   in   F. 

7.  Rondoletto,    C.  14.      Romanza,  B  flat. 

8.  Viennese  Waltz,  F.  1 5.      Andante   with   variations,    C. 


6      Mozart,  W.  A. — Menuet  Favori,  Op.   14,   No.  2.     Publisher,  G. 
Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1897.      [1927]. 
10!/2-inch,   pp.    12    35 


5  Mozart,  W.  A. — Sonata  in  A,  No.    16.      Publisher,  G.  Schirmer, 

N.  Y.     Copyright  1918.      [1928]. 

10!/2-inch,  pp.   35    1.05 


4      Mozart,  W.  A. — Sonata   in   F,   No.   13.      Publisher,  G.  Schirmer, 
N.  Y.     Copyright  1918.      [1925]. 
1  OVz-inch,   pp.  22 65 




4      Mozart,  W.  A. — Sonata   in  C,   No.   5.      Publisher,  C.  Schirmer, 
N.  Y.     Copyright  1918.      [1928]. 
lOVi-inch,   pp.   34    , $   1.05 


4        Mozart,  W.  A. — Sonata   in  F,   No.  2.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer, 
N.    Y.      Copyright    1918.       [1928]. 
lOVz-inch,  pp.  28  .  .  . 85 


3  Mozart,  W.  A. — Sonata   in  C,   No.   3.      Publisher,   G.   Schirmer, 

N.  Y.     Copyright  1918.     [1928]. 

lOVi-inch    pp.  20 60 


4  Mozart,   W.  A. — Sonata    in   F,    No.   4.      Publisher,   G.   Schirmer, 

N.  Y.     Copyright  1918.      [1928]. 

10/2-inch,  pp.  52 1.55 

4-5     Nevin,  E. — A  Day  in  Venice,  Op.  25.     Publisher,  J.  Church  Co., 
N.  Y.     Copyright   1898.      [1925]. 
lOVfc-inch,  pp.  20 60 

1.  Dawn,    F.  3.      Venetian   Love  Song,   A  flat. 

2.  Gondoliers,   E.  4.      Good    Night,   A   flat. 


3  Nevin,  E. — A  Shepherd's  Tale,  Op.   16.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer, 

N.  Y.     Copyright   1892.      [1927]. 

10!/2-inch,    pp.    4    15 


5  Nevin,   E. — Barchetta,  Op.  21,   No.  3.      Publisher,  G.   Schirmer, 

N.  Y.     Copyright  1896.      [1927]. 

lOVi-inch,  pp.  3 10 


4  Nevin,   E. — Narcissus,   Op.    13,    No.   4.      Publisher,   G.   Schirmer, 

N.  Y.     Copyright  1899.      [1927]. 

lOVz-inch,  pp.  5 15 


6  Nicode,  J.   L. — Elfin   Dance.      Publisher,   Augener,   Ltd.,   London, 


lOVz-inch,   pp.    8    25 

1-2    Oesterle,    L. —  (Edited    and    Fingered    by).      The    Pianist's    First 
and  Second  Years.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright 
1926.      [1931]. 
10 1/2 -inch,  pp.  136 4.10 

1.  Child's  Song,   F.   Behr,   Op.   575,    No.    1,   C. 

2.  In  the  Month  of  May,  F.  Behr,  Op.  575,  No.  2,  C. 

3.  Child's  Play,  F.  Behr,  Op.  575,   No.  3,  C. 

4.  Shepherd's  Song,  F.  Behr,  Op.  575,  No.  6,  C. 

5.  Spring   Flowers,  ,A.   J.    Biedermann,    C. 

6.  The  Tin  Soldier,  O.  Hackh,  Op.  230,  No.  2,  C. 

7.  The  Old  Man   in  Leather,  arr,  by  Biedermann,  Op.   91,  G. 

8.  At  Sunset,  C.  Reinecke,  Op.  107,  No.  14,  F. 

9.  On  the  Sea,  O.  Hackh,  Op.  230,   No.  5,  A  minor. 

10.  Tyrolienne,  J.   Rummel,  C. 

11.  Harvest-tide,  G.  Lange,  Op.  243,  No.  4,  G. 



12.  Rondino  Galop,  j.   Rummel,  C. 

13.  A  Short  Story,  H.  Lichner,  C. 

14.  The  Festive  Dance,  C.  Curlitt,  Op.  140,  No.  7,  F. 

15.  Melodie,  F.  Thome,  C. 

16.  Forget  Me  Not,  W.  Meister,  D. 

17.  Marionettes,  E.  Rohde,  C. 

18.  Children   at   Play,    B.   Wolff,   Op.   44,    No.    6,    B   flat. 
1  9.  Two  Sonatinas,  No.   1 ,  L.  van  Beethoven,  C. 

20.  General  Boom  Boom,  E.  Poldini,  G. 

21.  In  the  Twilight,  A.  Loeschhorn,  Op.    138,  No.  7,  B  flat. 

22.  Andantino,  un  poco  Allegretto,  J.  Haydn,  E  flat. 

23.  Remembrance,   F.  Thome,  C. 

24.  Going  to  Church,  L.   Kohler,  Op.  243,  C. 

25.  Sonatina,  W.  A.  Mozart,  C. 

26.  Rondo,    Mozart,    C.  , 

27.  Trumpeter's  Serenade,  F.  Spindler,  C. 

28.  Rondo,    B.   Wolff    Op.   50,    No.    1,   G. 

29.  Grandfather's  Dance,  A.  Karganoff,  Op.  25,  No.  4,  F. 

30.  German  Song,  P.  Tschaikowsky,   E  flat. 

31.  Dolly's   Funeral,   P.  Tschaikowsky,   Op.   39,   C  minor. 

32.  Prelude,  J.  S.   Bach,  C. 

33.  Polonaise,  A.  Schmoll,  Op.   50,   No.  23,   D. 

34.  Butterfly-chase,  P.  Hiller,  Op.  61,  No.   10,  D. 

35.  Mazurka,  N.  von  Wilm,  Op.  81,  No.   16,  B  flat. 

36.  Farewell,  Dear  Home,  P.  Hiller,  Op.  61,  No.   11,  D. 

37.  Serenade,   F.   Hiller,  Op.    117,   No.    13,  G. 

38.  Wandering,   F.    Mendelssohn,   D  minor. 

39.  Cavatina,   J.   Low,   B  flat. 

40.  The  Prayer  of  the  King's  Daughter,  P.  A.  D.  Steenfeldt,  A. 

41.  Cymbals  and  Castanets,  A.  Schmoll,  Op.  50,  No.  24,  G  minor. 

42.  Gavotte,   N.  von  Wilm,  Op.   81,   No.    10,   D. 

43.  Menuet,   L  von  Beethoven,  C. 

44.  Hungarian  Dance,  H.  Reinhold,  Op.  39,  No.  9,  D  minor. 

45.  Flattery,   H.   Ravina,  Op.   86,  A  minor. 

46.  Fairy-Tale,    H.    Reinhold,   Op.    39,    No.   2,   G. 

47.  Scherzo.  J.  N.  Hummel,  A. 

2-3     Oesterle,   L. —  ( Edited  and   Fingered  by).      The  Pianist's  Second 

and  Third  Years.      Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,   N.  Y.      Copyright 
1901.      [1931]. 

10y2-inch,    pp.     176     $  5.30 

1.  Nocturne,  J.  Vogt,  Op.    121,   No.   1,   F. 

2.  At  the  Mill,  N.  von  Wilm,  Op.   16,  No.  8,  G. 

3.  Pearly  Dew,  G.   Reynald,  Op.  6,   No.   3,  C. 

4.  Rondo,  J.   Low,  Op.  303,  No.  5,   B  flat. 

5.  Album-leaf,   F.   Behr,   Op.   300,   No.   2,   D. 

6.  Witches'  Dance,  L.  Schytte,  Op.  74,  B  minor. 

7.  Soldiers*   Patrol,   L.  Schytte,  F. 

8.  Sorrow  and  Consolation,  A.   Ellemenreich,  Op.    14, 

No.  2,  B  minor. 

9.  Spanish   Danza,  T.  H.   Northrup,  Op.    109,  C  minor. 

10.  Innocence,   F.   Maxson,  Op.   7,   E  flat. 

11.  Walzer  No.    1,  A.  Jensen,  Op.  33,   No.  7,  G. 

12.  Walzer  No.  2,  A.   Jensen,  Op.   33,   No.   8,  G. 

13.  Landler,  G.  Karganoff,  Op.  21,  No.  5,  G. 

14.  Sunrise,  J.  P.  E.  Hartmann,  C. 

15.  By  the  Cradle,  F.  Mendelssohn,  B  flat. 

16.  Old  Vienna,  W.  Kienzl,   B  flat. 

17.  Styrian    Dance,    W.    Kienzl,   G. 

18.  Barcarolle,  X.  Scharwenka,  Op.   62,   No.  4,   E  minor. 



19.  Norse  Song,   R.  Schumann,  D  minor. 

20.  Fleurette,  J.  Raff,  Op.  75,  No.   1,  C. 

21.  At  the  Brook,  J.  Low,  Op.  228,  D  flat. 

22.  At  Play  on  the  Meadow,  A.  Forster,  Op.   12, 

No.    11,    E  flat.  ,      , 

23.  Delights  of  May,  C.   Merkel,  Op.   81,   No.   3,  G.  - 

24.  At  the  Wedding,   H.  Reinhold,  Op.   53,   No.  9,  D. 

25.  Quietude,  L.  Cregh,  Op.  53,  F. 

26.  Allemande,   L.  van   Beethoven,  A. 

27.  Gavotte,  J.   Exaudet,  G  minor. 

28.  Allegretto,  F.  Schubert,  C  minor. 

29.  Petite  Valse,   G.    Karganoff,   Op.    10,   No.   2,   E. 

30.  Sonatina,  C.  M.  von  Weber,  C. 

31.  Tarantella,  C.  Mayer,  Op.   121.  No.  2,  A  minor. 

32.  Hungarian  Albumleaf,    H.   Stiehl,   Op.   79,    No.   2,  , •> 

A  minor. 

33.  Ever    Near,    Schubert-Heller,    G   flat. 

34.  Mazurka,   F.  Chopin,  Op.  68,   No.  2,  A  minor. 

35.  Prelude,    F.    Chopin,   Op.   28,    No.    7,   A. 

36.  Prelude,  F.  Chopin,  Op.  28,  No.  20,  C  minor. 

37.  Cavatina,   "Reviens,  Reviens!"  J.  Field,  E. 

38.  Bagatelle  Italienne,  C.  Cui,   B  flat. 

39.  Allegro,  C.   Ph.   E.   Bach,   F  minor. 

40.  The  Lute,  J.  S.  Bach,  C  minor. 

41.  Air,   G.   Handel,   G. 


8      Orem,  P.  W. — American  Indian  Rhapsody.     T.  Presser  Co.,  Phil- 
adelphia.     Copyright    1918.       [1929]. 
lOVz-inch,    pp.    23     $      .70 

2-3      Orth,   L. — Twelve  Etude   Pieces,   Op.   22.      Publisher,   G.   Schir- 
mer,  N.  Y.     Copyright   1903.      [1925]. 
lOVz-inch,    pp.    40     1.20 

1 .  Little  Waves,  C.  7.      Sweetly   Singing,    F. 

2.  At  the  Farm,   F.  8.      To  and   Fro,   A  flat. 

3.  Little  joker,  C.  9.      Whirligig,   C. 

4.  Hand   Over    Hand,    F.  10.      Finger  Chase,  A  flat. 

5.  Finger  Tips,   B  flat.  1  1 .      The   Haymakers,  G. 

6.  Hey  Day,   G.  12.      Brilliants,  C. 


5      Paderewski,    I.    J. — At    Evening.       (Au    Soir) .    Op.    10,    No.    1. 
Publishers,    T.    Presser   Co.,    Philadelphia.      Copyright    1898. 
10  Mi-inch,    pp.    10    30 


4  Paderewski,   I.   j. — Melodie   in   B,   Op.   8,   No.    3.      Publisher,   G. 

Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1916.      [1925]. 

lOVz-inch,    pp.    7     20 


5  Paderewski,   I.   J. — Menuet  in  G,  Op.    14,   No.    1.     Publisher,   G. 

Schirmer,    N.   Y.      Copyright    1899.      [1925]. 

10V2-inch,    pp.    6     20 


5      Palmgren,  S. — May  Night.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copy- 
right   1916.      [1927]. 
lOVz-inch,    pp.    5     15 




5  Pfefferkorn,  O. — Kindergarten  March.     Publishers,  C.  F.  Summy 

Co.,   Chicago.      [1927]. 

lCP/2-inch,   pp.  4    $     .15 


1       Poldini,    E. — The    Music    Box.       Publisher,    G.    Schirmer,    N.    Y. 
Copyright  1918.      [1930]. 
10!/2-inch,   pp.   4    15 


3  Poldini,  E. — Waltzing  Doll    (Poupee  Valsante)    in  D.      Publisher, 

G.  Schirmer,   N.  Y.     Copyright   1903.      [1925]. 

lOVz-inch,    pp.    6     20 

3-4     Presser,    T. — First    Studies    in    Octave    Playing.       Publisher,    T. 
Presser  Co.,   Philadelphia.      Copyright   1917.      [1928]. 
lO^z-inch,    pp.    38     1.15 


4  Rachmaninoff,   S. — Humoreske,    Op.    10,    No.    5.      Publisher,    G. 

Schirmer,   N.  Y.      Copyright   1910.      [1928]. 

10!/2-inch,    pp.     13     40 


6  Rachmaninoff,    S. — Prelude,    Op.    3,    No.    2.      Publishers,    E.    B. 

Marks  Music  Co.,    N.   Y.      Copyright    1921.      [1927]. 

10!/z-inch,    pp.    9     30 


5  Raff,   J.— La   Fileuse,   Op.    157.      Publisher,   G.   Schirmer,   N.   Y. 

Copyright   1896.      [1928]. 

10V2-inch,    pp.     14 45 

1-2     Reinhold,    H. — Album    for   the   Young,    Op.    27.      Publisher,    G. 
Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1902.      [1924]. 
lOVz-inch,    pp.    31      95 

1.  Bagatelle,   C.  6.      Birdling  in  the  Forest,  D. 

2.  Mazurka,   C.  7.      Wanderer,  G    minor. 

3.  Pastorale,  F.  8.      Idylle,   B  flat. 

4.  Miniature,    B    flat.  9.      Sad  Story,  E  flat  minor. 

5.  Hunter's    Call,    D    minor.  10.      Folk  Song,  G. 

2  Reinhold,  H. — Miniatures  (Miniaturbilder) ,  Op.  39.  Pub- 
lisher, G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.  Copyright,  1902.  [1931]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.    64     1.95 

1.  March,  C.  13.      Gypsy-song,  G  minor. 

2.  Fairy  Tale,   G.  14.      Hunter's  Call,  E  flat. 

3.  Etude,    C.  15.      Arietta,  C  minor. 

4.  Waltz,    G.  16.      Slumber-song,  A  flat. 

5.  Savoyard  Boy,  E  minor.  17.      War-song,  F-minor. 

6.  Scherzo,  D  minor.  1 8.      Confession,   F. 

7.  The   Bagpipe,  A.  19.      Gondoliera,    A. 

8.  Serenade,    F.  20.      Nocturne,  D  minor. 

9.  Hungarian  Dance,  D  <ninor.  21.      Intermezzo,    B   flat. 
10.      At  School,   G.  22.      Melancholy,  G  minor. 
1  1 .      Humoreske,   F.                                  23.      Butterfly,   D. 

12.      Silhouette,   B  flat.  24.      Russian  Dance,  D  minor. 




1  Ring,  R.  J. — The  Little  Hanon.      Publishers,  C.   F.  Summy  Co., 

Chicago.     Copyright  1922.      [1925]. 

lOVi-inch,    pamphlet,    pp.    32    $      .95 


4      Rubinstein,  A. — Melody  in  F,  Od.  3,  No.  1.     Publisher,  C.  Schir- 
mer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1905.      [19251. 
lOVz-inch,   pp.   4    15 


4  Rubinstein,  A. — Romance  in   F,  Op.  26,   No.    1.      Publishers,  O. 

Ditson  Co.,  N.  Y.      [19251. 

10!/2-inch,   pp.   4    15 


5  Rubinstein,  A. — Romance,  Op.  44,  No.    1.      Publisher,  G.  Schir- 

mer,   N.  Y.     Copyright   1879.      [19311. 

lO^-inch,   pp.   5    15 


5      Saint-Saens,  C. — First  Mazurka  in  G  minor,  Op.  21.      Publisher, 
G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright   1912.      [19281. 
lO'/z-inch,   pp.    10 30 


2  Sartorio,  A. — Twelve  Very   Easy  Lessons,  Op.    394.      Publishers, 

A.  P.  Schmidt  Co.,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1899.      [19251. 

lO'/z-inch,    pp.    29     90 


3  Scharwenka,  X.— Album  for  Young  Pianists,  Op.  62.     Publisher, 

G.  Schirmer,   N.  Y.      Copyright   1898.    [19251. 

lO^-inch,  pp.  47 1.40 

1.  Marsch.  7.      Lied  ohne  worte   (Song 

2.  Im  Volkston    (Like  a   Folk-  Without  Words). 

song).  8.  Praeludium. 

3.  Erzahlung    (Tale).  9.  Eutschwundenes  Gluck 

4.  Barcarolle.  (Lost  Happiness) . 

5.  Minuetto.  10.  Scherzino. 

6.  Gavotte.  1  1 .  Andante. 

12.      Tarentelle. 


1      Schelling,  E.,  Haake,  G.  M.,  Haake,  C.  J.,  McConathy,  O. — Sing- 
ing and  Playing    (The  Beginners'   Book  of  The  Oxford  Piano 
Course).      Publisher,  Oxford  University  Press,   N.  Y.      Copy- 
right  1928.      [19311. 
10!/2-inch,  pp.  36 1.10 

1 .  Robin.  1  1 .      The  Birthday  Party. 

2.  The  Traffic  Cop.  12.      Dancing  Lesson. 

3.  The  Wishing  Star.  13.      Mouse!  Mouse! 

4.  Autumn.  14.      Follow  the  Leader. 

5.  The  River.  1 5.      The  Candy  Shop. 

6.  The  Little  Clock.  16.      Peas  Porridge. 

7.  Indians.  17.      Hop-Scotch. 

8.  Noel.  18.      Lullaby. 

9.  The  Big  Drum.  19.      At    the   Zoo. 
10.      Fairies  and  Brownies.                     20.      On  My  Pony. 




2  SchmoM,  A. — March  of  the  Crusaders, 
Presser  Co.,  Philadelphia.  [1927]. 
101/2-inch,    pp.    5     

Op.   54.      Publishers,  T. 

$     .15 


Schmoll,    A. — Melody    Pictures    for    the    Piano.       Publishers,    T. 
Presser  Co.,  Philadelphia.     Copyright  1 905.     [1927]. 
1014-inch,  pp.  58 1.75 

1.  A    Merry    Heart. 

2.  The  Song  of  the  Cavalier. 

3.  Song  Without   Words. 

4.  The  Wish. 

5.  A  Little  Song. 

6.  The  Song  of  the  Hunter. 

7.  Bolero. 

8.  The  Courier. 

9.  Rippling  Waves. 
10.  The   Reveille. 

11.  The  Mill   in  the  Valley. 

12.  The   North   Wind. 

13.  A   Morning  Walk. 

14.  The    Valiant    Cavalier. 

15.  Hope. 

16.  Evening  Song. 

17.  The   Little   Mill. 

18.  The  Captive  Swallow. 

19.  The  Storm. 

20.  Daisies  Waltz. 


4     Schubert,  F. — Menuetto.     Publisher, 
right    1891.      [1930]. 
10V2-inch,    pp.    6     

G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copy- 



5      Schubert,   F. — Moment   Musical,   Op.   94,    No.    3.      Publisher,   G. 
Schirmer,   N.  Y.      Copyright   1897.      [1927]. 
lOI/z-inch,  pp.  4 15 


5      Schubert   F. — Moment  Musical,   Op.   94,   No.   2.      Publisher,  T. 
Presser,  Philadelphia.     [1932]. 
10 '/z-inch,  pp.  12 35 


5      Schubert,   F. — Moment  Musical,   Op.   94,   No.   6.      Publisher,  T. 
Presser,  Philadelphia.      [1932]. 
10!/2-inch,  pp.  7 20 

2-4    Schumann,    R. — Album   for   the   Young,    Op.    68.    Publisher,   G. 
Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1  893. 

lOVi-inch,   pp.    141     4.25 

The  Reaper's  Song,  C. 

Little   Romance,   A   minor. 

Rustic  Song,   A. 


Roundelay,  A. 

The  Rider's  Story,  D  minor. 

Harvest  Song,   A. 

Echoes  from  the  Theatre, 

A   minor. 
Little  Song   in   Canon 

Form,  A  minor. 
In  Memoriam,  A  minor. 
The  Strange  Man,  D  minor. 

War  Song,   D. 
Sheherazade,  A  minor. 
Vintage-Time,    E. 



Melody,  C. 



Soldier's  March,  G. 



Ditty,   C. 



Choral,    G. 



Bagatelle,  C. 



The  Poor  Orphan,  A  minor. 



Hunting  Song,   F. 



The  Wild  Horseman,  A 



Folk-Song,  D  minor. 



The    Merry    Farmer,    F. 



Sicilienne,  A  minor. 


Knight  Rupert,  A  minor. 



Maying,  E. 



Little    Study,    G. 



Spring   Song,    E. 



First  Loss,  E  minor. 



Roaming  in  the  Morning,  A. 



34.  Theme,  C.  39.      Winter-Time   II,  C  minor. 

35.  Mignon,  E  flat.  40.      Little   Fugue,   A. 

36.  Italian  Sailors'  Song,  C  41.      Norse  Song,  F. 

minor.  42.      Figured    Choral,    F. 

37.  Sailors'  Song,  C  minor.  43.      New  Year's   Eve,  A. 

38.  Winter-Time   I,   C  minor. 


4-5-6-7  Schumann,    R. — Carnaval,  Op.    9.       Publisher,    C.    Schirmer, 

N.   Y.      Copyright    1893.  [1929]. 

10!/2-inch,    pp.    77     $  2.30 

1.  Preambule,  A  flat.  11.  Chirarina,    C   minor. 

2.  Pierrot,  E  flat.  12.  Chopin,  A  flat. 

3.  Arlequin,    B   flat.  13.  Estrella,  A  flat. 

4.  Valse    Noble,    B    flat.  14.  Reconnaissance,    A   flat. 

5.  Eusebius,   E  flat.  .15.  Pantalon  et  Colombine,  A. 

6.  Florestan,  C  minor.  16.  Valse  Allemande,  A  flat. 

7.  Coquette,    B   flat.  17.  Aveu,   A  flat. 

8.  Replique,  G  minor.  H8.  Promenade,   D  flat. 

9.  Papillons,  B  flat.  19.  Pause,   A  flat. 

10.      A.  S.  C.  H. — S.  C.  H.  A.  20.      Marche  des  "Davidsbundler" 

(Letteres    Dansantes)     C  contre  les  Philistins,  A  flat, 

Grade  . 

5  Schumann,   R. — Forest  Scenes,  Op.  82.      Publisher.  G.  Schirmer, 

N.   Y.      Copyright    1895.      [1928]. 

10V2-inch,  pp.  46 1.40 

4-5     Schumann,    R. — Nocturne    in    F,    Op.    23,    No.    4.    Publisher,    G. 
Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1881.      [1925]. 
10!/2-inch,  pp.  6 20 

4-6    Schumann,    R. — Scenes   from    Childhood,    Op.    15,    Nos.    1-2-3- 
4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13.     Publishers,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y. 
Copyright  1893.      [1928]. 
lOVz-inch,  pp.  34 1.05 


6  Schumann,  R. — Three  Romances,  in  F  sharp,  Op.  28,  No.  2.     Pub- 

lisher,  C.   Schirmer,    N.   Y.      Copyright    1895.      [1928]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.   7    20 


3  Schumann,  R. — Traumerei,  Op.   15,  No.  7.    Publishers,  O.  Ditson 

Co.,  Boston.     [1927]. 

10!/2-inch,    pp.    3    10 

3-5    Schumann,  R. — Twelve  Four-Hand  Piano  Pieces,  Op.  85.      Pub- 
lisher, G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1905.      [1928]. 
lOVz-inch,  pp.  99    3.00 

4-5-6   Schumann,  R. — Vienna  Carnival  Scene.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer, 
N.  Y.     Copyright  1897.      [1926]. 
lOVz-inch,  pp.  77 2.30 


4  Schutt,   E. — Gavotte    Humoresque,   Op.    17,    No.    1.      Publishers, 

T.   Presser  Co.,   Philadelphia.      Copyright   1896.      [1925]. 
10!/2-inch,  pp.  10 30 



3-4    Schytte,  L. — Miniaturen.     Twelve  Melodic  Pieces,  Op.  79.     Pub- 
lisher, N.  Simrock,  Berlin,  Germany.  Copyright  1895.  [1925]. 
10i/2-inch,    pp.    75     $  2.25 

1.  Norwegiacher  Bauerntanz,  7.      Marchen,  No.  7. 

No.    1.  8.      Valse  Mignonne,   No.  8. 

2.  Ein  Traum,    No.  2.  9.      Abenddammerung,  No.  9. 

3.  Im    Fasching,    No.    3.  10.      Was  die  Quelle  Singt,  No.  1 0 

4.  Der   Troubadour,    No.    4.  11.      Aus  Alter  Zeit,    No.    11. 

5.  Elfenspiel,    No.   5.  12.      Soldatenmarsch,   No.    12. 

6.  Der    Flotenspieler,    No.    6. 


7      Sibelius,  J. — Romance,  Op.  24,  No.  9.     Publishers,  T.  Presser  Co., 
Philadelphia.      Copyright    1910.      [1927]. 
10!/2-inch,   pp.    8    25 


5  Sinding,  C. — Rustle  of  Spring,  Op.   32,   No.   3.      Publishers,   0. 

Ditson  Co.,  Boston.     Copyright  1  903.     -[1927]. 

10!/2-inch,   pp.    10 30 


4  Smith,   H. — Solos  from   a   collection   "Storiettes,"   Op.    18,    Nos. 

1-6.       Publisher,     G.     Schirmer,     N.     Y.       Copyright     1906. 

[1925].      [1932]. 

10!/2-inch,  pp.   12 35 

1.  Grandmother's  Story.  4.      Told  at  Twilight. 

2.  Farewell,  My  Dear,  We  Now        5.      All  on  a  Summer's  Day. 

Must   Part.  6.      Funeral   of   the  Tin   Soldiers. 

3.  The  Gollywog. 


1      Smith,   H. — The  Little   Pianist,  Part   I.  Publisher,   G.   Schirmer, 

N.   Y.      Copyright    1922.  [1931]. 

lOVz-inch,  pp.  24 75 

1 .  A  Little  Story.  11.  A  Morning  Ride. 

2.  Little  Cradle-Song.  12.  A   Musical   Joke. 

3.  The  Gollywog.  13.  Follow  the  Leader. 

4.  Two  Little   Kittens.  14.  Darkey  Dance. 

5.  Pretty  Little  Birdie.  15.  A  Winter  Frolic. 

6.  Mother's    Bedtime    Story.  16.  Once  Upon  a  Time. 

7.  See-saw.  17.  The   Aeroplane. 

8.  Lullaby.  18.  The  Little  Canoe. 

9.  Little  Tom  Tucker.  19.  A  Spring  Song. 
10.      A  Strange  Tale. 


6  Spindler,   F. — Springtime   in  the   Forest,   Op.   391,    No.   6.      Pub- 

lishers, A.  P.  Schmidt  Co.,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1922.      [1927]. 
lO^-inch,   pp.   5    15 


6     Strakosch,  M. — Tremolo  in  Octaves.     Publishers,  O.  Ditson  Co., 
10V2-inch,  pp.  7 20 


5  Staub,  V. — Sous   Bois,   Op.   6.      Publishers,   A.    Durand  and   Fils, 

Paris,   France.      Copyright   1902.      [1927]. 

lOVz-inch,    pp.    11     35 




4  Thoma,  R. — Polish  Dance,  Op.  52.     Publisher,  C.  Schirmer,  N.  Y. 

Copyright  1888.      [1927]. 

lOVz-inch,    pp.    7     $      .20 


3      Tourbie,  R. — Amor,  Gavotte.     Publishers,  T.  Presser  Co.,  Phila- 
delphia.    Copyright  1904.      [1927]. 

.      10!/2-inch,    pp.    5     15 


3  Tschaikowsky,   P.   I. — Album   for  the  Young,   Op.   39,    No.   22, 

"Song  of  the  Lark."       (N.  Y.    I.   E.   B.) 

lOte -inch,  pp.  3 10 


5  Tschaikowsky,  P.  I. — Chanson  Triste,  Op.  40,  No.  2.     Publishers, 

O.  Ditson  Co.,  Boston.      [1927]. 

10/2-inch,    pp.    4     15 


4  Tschaikowsky,   P.   I. — Chant  Sans   Paroles   in   F,    (Song  Without 

Words) ,  Op.  2,  No.  3.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copy- 
right 1889.     [1925]. 
lCH/2-inch,  pp.  5 15 


6  Virgil,  Mrs.  A.  M. — The  Conquered  Warrior,  Op.  45.  Publishers, 

The  Virgil  Piano  School  Co.,  N.  Y.  Copyright  1914.    [1927]. 
10!/2-inch,   pp.   7    20 


2-2 Vz   Wachs,    P. — Etudes    Mignonnes.  Publishers,    T.    Presser   Co., 

Philadelphia.    Copyright  1 907.  [1927]. 

lOVz-inch,   pp.   23    70 

1.  On  the  Wing.  8.      The   Brook. 

2.  The  Scissors  Grinder.  9.      Limpid   Stream. 

3.  Flexibility.  10.      Shooting  Stars. 

4.  Melody.  11.      Sleight  O'  Hand. 

5.  The  Pursuit.  12.      jugglery. 

6.  On  the  Way.  13.      Short  Skips. 

7.  Little  Trill   Study.  14.      Aeolian   Harp. 


4      Wachs,  P. — Rose  and  Butterfly.      (Rose  et  Papillon) .     Publishers, 
T.   Presser  Co.,  Philadelphia.     Copyright   1911.      [1927]. 
10!/2-inch,  pp.  9 30 


4      Waldreufel,    E. — Les    Patineurs.       (Die    Schlittschuhlaufer)     Op. 
183.      A     Duet.       Publishers,     Henry     Litolff's,     Verlag     in 
Braunschweig.     [1933].      (N.  Y.  I.  E.  B.) 
lOVz-inch,    pp.    21     65 


4  Wolff,  B. — The  Flute  Player,  Op.  141.  Publishers,  T.  Presser   Co., 

Philadelphia.      Copyright    1900.       [1927]. 

lOVz-inch,   pp.   7    20 


5  Wollenhaupt,  H.  A. — La  Gazelle.      (Polka  de  Salon.)      Publisher, 

G.  Schirmer,   N.  Y.     Copyright   1886.      [1927]. 

lOVz-inch,  pp.  10 30 




7      WoMenhaupr,  H.  A. — Valse  Styrienne  in  B.     Publisher,  C.  Schir- 
mer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1886.      [1927]. 

lO'/z-inch,   pp.    10    $      .30 


6      Wollenhaupf,  H.  A. — L'Hirondelle,  Op.  23,  No.  1.     Publisher,  G. 
Schirmer,  N.  Y.     [1927]. 
.     1  0  Vz-inch,    pp.    12    35 


4      Zitterbart,    F. — Romance,    D    flat.      Publishers,    T.    Presser    Co., 
Philadelphia.      Copyright   1902.      [1925]. 
10  Vz-inch,    pp.    7    20 


Ashford,  E.  L. — He  Leadeth  Me.     Solo  for  Contralto  or  Bass  in 
A.     Publisher,  Lorenz  Publishing  Co:,  N.  Y.  Copyright  1904. 
10  Vz-inch,  pp.  7 20 

Baldwin,  R.  L. — Progressive  Melodies  for  Sight  Singing.  Pub- 
lishers, Ginn  &  Co.,   Boston.      Copyright   1910.      [1925]. 

•  •  -1  OVz-inch,  pamphlets,  2  vols.,  pp.   102    3.05 

Beach,  H.  H.  A. — The  Year's  at  the  Spring,  Op.  44,  No.  1. 
Solo.  High  Voice  in  D  flat.  Low  Voice  in  B  flat.  Publishers, 
A.    P.   Schmidt,    Boston.      Copyright    1900.      [1930]. 

.      10  Vz-inch. 

High  Voice,  pp.  6 20 

Low  Voice,  pp.  6 20 

Bizet,    C. — Chanson    du    Toreador     (from     "Carmen").       Solo. 
Baritone  in  A  flat.     Mezzo-Soprano  in  G  minor.     French  and 
English    Texts.      Publisher,    G.    Schirmer,    N.    Y.      Copyright 
1910.      [1928]. 
1  OVz-inch,    pp.     17 50 

Bohm,  C. — Calm  as  the  Night.     Solo.     Alto  in  B  flat.     Soprano 
in     E    flat.       German    and     English    Texts.       Publisher,     G. 
Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright   1891.      [1927]. 
1  OVz-inch,  pp.  8 25 

Bond,  C.  J. — A  Perfect  Day.  Solo.  Soprano  in  C.  Alto  in  F. 
Publisher,  C.  j.  Bond.  Copyright  1910.  [1927].  (Alto 
in  F  has  'Cello  Obligato). 

•  -    1  OVz-inch.      Soprano,  pp.  8 25 

Alto,  pp.  9 30 

Brahms,     J. — Lullaby     (Wiegenlied) ,     Op.     49,     No.     4.      Solo. 
Soprano    in    F.      German    and    English   Texts.      Publisher,    C. 
Fischer,  N.  Y.     Copyright   1915.      [1925]. 
lOVz-inch,  pp.  5 15 

Brahms,  J. — Sapphic  Ode.      Solo.      Soprano   in   F.      German  and 
English    Texts.      Publishers,    C.    Fischer,    N.    Y.      Copyright 
1905.     [1925]. 
10  Vz-inch,   pp.   7 20 

Brahms,  J. — The  Little  Sandman.  Solo.  Alto  in  E.  With 
German  and  English  versions.  Publishers,  O.  Ditson  Co.,  N.  Y. 

.  .  .lOl/z-inch,   pp.   7    20 



Buck,    D. — Sunset,    Op.    76,    No.    4.      Solo.      Medium    or   Low 
Voice  in  D  flat.      Publishers,  C.  Schirmer,   N.  Y.     Copyright 
1905,  by  Dudley  Buck.      [1930]. 
.    10!/2-inch,    pp.    10 $      .30 

Cadman,  C.  W. — As  in  a  Rose  jar,  Op.  33,  No.  2.  Solo. 
Soprano  in  F.  Cerman  and  English  Texts.  Publishers,  White- 
Smith  Music  Publishing  Co.,  N.  Y.  Copyright  1916.  [1925]. 
lOVi-inch,   pp.   7 20 

Cadman,  C.  W. — At  Dawning.       ("I    Love  You.")      Solo.      Alto 
in  E.     Soprano  in  A  flat.      Publishers,  O.  Ditson  Co.,   N.  Y. 
Copyright    1906.      [1927]. 
(Soprano  in  A  flat  has  'Cello  Obligato). 

lOVz-inch.      Alto,  pp.  4 15 

Soprano,  pp.   5 15 

Cadman,  C.  W. — From  the  Land  of  the  Sky-blue  Water.      Solo. 
Alto  in  E  flat.     Soprano  in  B  flat.     Publishers,  White-Smith 
Music  Publishing  Co.,   N.  Y.     Copyright   1919.      [1927]. 
lOVz-inch,  pp.  5 15 

Campbell-Tipton — A   Spirit    Flower.      Solo.      Medium    Voice,    E. 
Low  Voice,    D.      Publisher,    C.    Schirmer,    N.    Y.      Copyright 
.      1908.      [1930]. 

10V2-inch.      Medium  Voice,  pp.  9 30 

Low  Voice,  pp.  9 30 

Campbell-Tipton — The    Crying   of    Water.      Solo.       High    Voice 
in    B.      English   and   French   Texts.      Publisher,    G.   Schirmer, 
N.  Y.     Copyright  1912.     [1930]. 
10!/2-inch,  pp.  8 25 

Cohan,  George  M. — Father  of  the  Land  We  Love.      (Song) .      (To 
commemorate  the  two-hundredth  anniversary  of  the  birth  of 
George    Washington).       Copyright     1931,     by    Sol     Bloom. 
lO'/j-inch,  pp.  6 20 

DeKoven,  R. — Recessional.  Solo.  Alto  in  D.  Soprano  in  F. 
Publishers,  J.  Church  Co.,  N.  Y.  Copyright  1898.  [1927]. 
1014-inch.  pp.  10 30 

Dvorak,  A. — Coin'   Home.       (Negro  Spiritual.)       Solo.      Medium 
in   D  flat.      Soprano  in    E  flat.      Publishers,    O.    Ditson   Co., 
N.  Y.     Copyright  1922.      [1927]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.    9    30 

Dvorak,    A. — Songs    My    Mother    Taugh    Me,    Op.    55,    No.    4. 
Solo.      Soprano    in    D.       (From    a    collection    called    "Famous 
Songs.")       Publishers,   J.  Church   Co.,    N.   Y. 
10!/2-inch,  pp.  6 20 

Dvorak,    A. — Songs    My    Mother    Taught    Me,    Op.    55,    No.    4. 
Solo.     Alto  in  B.     German  and  English  Texts.      (From  a  Col- 
lection    called     "Famous  Songs.")        Publishers,     J.     Church 
Co.,  N.  Y. 
10V2-inch,  pp.  6 20 

Faure,   J. — -Palm    Branches.      Solo.      Soprano    in    C.      Alto    in    A 
flat.      French  and  English  Texts.      Publishers,  O.   Ditson  Co., 
Boston.      [1928]. 
10V2-inch,  pp.  10 30 



Flegier,  A. — The  Horn.     Solo.     Baritone  in  F.     Bass  in  D.     French 
and   English   Texts.      Publisher,   C.   Schirmer,    N.   Y.      Copy- 
right 1898.      [1928]. 
101/z-inch,   pp.    13 $     .40 

Flotow,    F.    Von. — Ah!   so    Pure;    Like    a    Dream;    How   so   Fair. 
Solo    (from    the   Opera,    "Martha.")       Alto    in    D.      Soprano 
in  F.      Italian  and  English  Texts.   Publishers,  O.   Ditson  Co., 
N.  Y.      [1927]. 
10V2-inch,   pp.    10    30 

Foote,  A. — An  Irish  Folk-Song.     Solo.     Mezzo-Soprano  or  Bari- 
tone in  F  minor.     Publishers,  A.  P.  Schmidt  Co.     Copyright 
1898.      [1926]. 
lOl/z-inch,   pp.   8    25 

Franz,  R. — Mother,  O  Sing  Me  to  Rest,  Op.   10,   No.   3.     Solo. 
Soprano    in    A    minor.       Publishers,    O.    Ditson    Co.,     N.    Y. 
10!/2-inch,  pp.  6 20 

Franz,    R. — The    Sun's    Bright    Rays,    Op.    42,    No.    2.       Solo. 
Soprano  in  F  sharp.     Publishers,  O.  Ditson  Co.,  N.  Y.     Copy- 
right  1903.      [1925]. 
lOVz-inch.  pp.  5 15 

Caul,  A.  R. — These  Are  They  Which  Came.     Solo    (from  "The 
Holy   City.")       Soprano    in   A.      Publishers,    O.    Ditson    Co., 
N.  Y.      [1927]. 
101/2 -inch,  pp.  9 ,  .  .         .30 

Giordani. — Caro  Mio  Ben.       (Dearest,   Believe.)      Solo.      Soprano 
in    E   flat.      Mezzo-Soprano   or    Baritone    in    D.      Publisher, 
G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1898.      [1927]. 
lOMz-inch,   pp.   5    15 

Codard,    B. — Lullaby    (from    "Jocelyn.")       Solo.      Soprano    in    C. 
Alto   in   A   flat.      French   and    English   Texts.      Publisher,   C. 
Schirmer.   N.  Y.     Copyright   1891.      [1928]. 
lOVz-inch,   pp.    8    25 

Gounod,   C. — Ave   Maria.      Solo.      Sacred   Melody,   Original   in   C 
adapted    to    the    First    Prelude    of    Bach,    Piano    Accompani- 
ment.     English    and    Latin    Texts.      Publisher,    C.    Schirmer, 
N.  Y.      [1925]. 
IOV2 -inch,   pp.    6    20 

Gounod,  C. — La  Sera   (Evening).     Solo.     Soprano  in  E  flat.     Pub- 
lisher,  C.   Schirmer,   N.   Y.      [1925]. 
!0V2-inch,  pp.  9 30 

Grieg,  E. — Sunshine  Song.     Solo.     Soprano  in  A  minor.      Mezzo- 
Soprano  in  F  sharp  minor.     German  and  English  Texts.     Pub- 
lisher, G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.  Copyright   1902.      [1928]. 
lOVz-inch,  pp.  9 30 

Handel,    G.    F. — Care   Selve     (Come    Beloved).      Solo.      Soprano 
in  A.  Italian  and  English  Texts.  Publishers,  Boosey  Co.,  N.  Y. 
Copyright    1900.       [1926]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.    7    20 

Handel,  C.   F. — He  Shall   Feed   His   Flock.    Alto  solo    (from    the 
"Messiah.")       Publisher,    G.    Schirmer,    N.    Y.       [1928]. 
lO^-inch.  pp.   1  1    35 



Handel,  C.  F. — O  Sleep!     Why  Dost  Thou  Leave  Me?     Solo   (from 
the    opera,    "Semele.")       Soprano    in    E.       (Edited    by    Max 
Heinrich.)       Publisher,    C.    Fischer,    N.    Y.      Copyright    1919. 
101/2-inch,   pp.   6    $      .20 

Handel,    C.    F. — Ombra    Mai    Fu,     (from    the    opera    "Xerxes.") 
Solo.    Soprano   in  C.     Mezzo-Soprano   in   E  flat.     Italian  and 
English    Texts.       Publisher,    C.    Schirmer,    N.    Y.      Copyright 
1923.      [1928]. 
1  OVi -inch,  pp.  6 20 

Handel,  C.  F. — Where'er  You  Walk.  Solo.  Tenor  in  B  flat. 
Publishers,  O.  Ditson  Co.,  N.  Y.  Copyright  1905.  [1926]. 
101/2 -inch,  pp.  6 20 

Haywood,   F.   H. — Universal   Song,   Vol.    1.      Publisher,    Haywood 
Institute     of     Universal     Song,       Publication     Dept.,     N.     Y. 
Copyright    1923.      [1926]. 
10!/2-inch,   pamphlet,   pp.  68    2.05 

Haywood,    F.    H. — Universal    Song,    Vol.    2.    Publisher,    Haywood 
Institute     of     Universal     Song,       Publication     Dept.,     N.     Y. 
Copyright    1919.      [1928]. 
10V2-inch,   pamphlet,   pp.   63    1.90 

Haywood,   F.    H. — Universal   Song,   Vol.    3.      Publisher,    Haywooa 
Institute     of     Universal     Song,       Publication     Dept.,     N.     Y. 
Copyright   1921.      [1932]. 
10 1/2 -inch,  pp.  68 2.05 

Homer,   S. — Requiem,    Op.    15,    No.   2.      Solo.      Alto    in   C   flat. 
Soprano  in  A.     Publisher,  C.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.  Copyright  1904. 
10 1/2 -inch,    pp.    3    10 

La    Forge,    F. — O    Ask    of    the    Stars    Beloved.     (Mexican    Song). 
Soprano  in   F.      Alto  in   E  flat.      English   and   Mexican  Texts. 
Publishers,    C.    Ricordi    and    Co.,    N.    Y.       Copyright    1922. 
101/2-inch,  pp.  8 25 

Lieurance,  T. — By  the  Waters  of  Minnetonka.      (An   Indian  Love 
Song).     Solo,    (with  Violin  Obligato)  .     Concert  Edition.    Alto 
in  C  flat.      Publishers,   T.    Presser  Co.,    Philadelphia.      Copy- 
right   1914.      [1925]. 
10'/2-inch,  pp.  7 20 

Loewe,  C. — Phosphorescence.      Solo.      Bass   in    E.      Publisher,   C. 

Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright   1888.      [1928]. 

10 1/2 -inch,  pp.  5 15 

Logan,     F.     K. — Pale     Moon.       (An     Indian     Love     Song).      Solo. 

Medium    in   A  flat.      Soprano   in    B  flat.      Publishers,    Forster 

Music  Publishing  Co.,  Chicago.      Copyright    1920.      [1927]. 

10 1/2 -inch,  pp.  10 30 

MacDowell,   E. — Six  Selected   Songs.      Publisher,  A.   P.   Schmidt, 
N.  Y.     Copyright  1912.      [1932]. 
10V2-inch.      High  Voice,   pp.    31     95 

1.  Thy  Beaming  Eyes,  Op.  40,   No.   3,   F. 

2.  A   Maid  Sings   Light,   Op.    56,    No.    3,    F. 

3.  To  a  Wild  Rose,  Op.  51,  No.   1,  G  flat. 

4.  Deserted,    Op.    9,    No.    1,    F. 

5.  Fair  Springtide,  Op.  60,  No.  2,  D  minor 

6.  Menie,  Op.   34,   No.    1,   D  minor. 



Low  Voice,   pp.   30    $      .90 

1 .  Thy  Beaming  Eyes,  Op.  40.  No.  3,  E  flat. 

2.  The  Swan  Bent  Low,  Op.  56,  No.  2  B  flat. 

3.  To  a  Wild  Rose,  Op.  51,  No.   1,  E. 

4.  Deserted,  Op.  9,   No.   1 ,  E  flat. 

5.  To  the  Golden  Rod,  Op.  60,  No.  3,  A  flat. 

6.  My  Jean,  Op.   34,   No.   2,  A. 

Marshall,  C. — I  Hear  You  Calling  Me.    Solo.    Alto  in  C.    Soprano 
in  C.     Publishers,    Boosey  and   Co.,    N.   Y.     Copyright    1908. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.    8 25 

Massanet,  J. — Elegie.      Solo.      Alto   in   E   minor.      Soprano   in   F 
minor.      French  and   English  Texts.      Publisher,   C.   Schirmer, 
N.  Y.     Copyright   1884.      [1927]. 
10i/2-inch,  pp.  5 15 

McGill,    J. — Duna.      Solo.      Alto    in   E   flat.      Soprano    in    B   flat. 

Publishers,  Boosey  and  Co.,  N.  Y.    Copyright  1914.    [1927]. 

lOVz-inch,    pp.    5    15 

Mendelssohn,  F. — "But  the  Lord  is  Mindful  of  His  Own."    Alto 

solo  (from  "St.  Paul.")   Publisher,  C.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.  [1928]. 

10 1/2 -inch,   pp.   7    20 

Mendelssohn,  F. — If  With  All  Your  Heart.  Solo   (from  "Elijah.") 
Tenor  in  F.      Publisher,  C.  Schirmer,   N.  Y.      [1927]. 
1 0^2 -inch,    pp.    7     20 

Mendelssohn,  F. — O  Rest  in  the  Lord.    Alto  solo   (from  "Elijah.") 

Publisher,  C.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.      [1928]. 

10V2-inch,  pp.  7 20 

Metcalf,  J.  W. — Absent.  Solo.  Soprano  or  Tenor  in  A.  Pub- 
lisher, A.  P.  Schmidt,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1899.      [1932]. 

10!/2-inch,  pp.  5 15 

Mozart,    W.   A. — Lord,    We   Pray   Thee.      Solo.      Soprano    in    F. 

English  Text  only  (from  a  Collection  called  "Famous  Songs.") 

Publishers,  J.  Church  Co.,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1903.      [1925]. 

1  0  V2 -inch,    pp.    7     20 

Nevin,    E. — Jesu,    Jesu,    Miserere.      Solo.      Soprano    in    F.      Alto 

in  E  flat.      Publisher,  C.  Schirmer,   N.  Y.      Copyright   1890. 


1  0y2-inch,  pp.  6 20 

Nevin,  E. — The  Rosary.     Solo.     Alto  in   B  flat.     Soprano  in  F. 

French,  Cerman  and  English  Texts.  Publisher,  G.  Schir- 
mer, N.  Y.     Copyright  1898.     [1927]. 

1  0 Vi -inch,  pp.  7 20 

Olcott,   C.   and    Ball,   E.   R. — Mother   Machree.      Solo.      Soprano 

in  F.      Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,   N.  Y.      [1928]. 

lOVi-inch,   pp.   5    15 

Olcott,  C. — Mother  Machree.     Solo.     Alto  in  B  flat.      Publisher, 

G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1881.      [1927]. 

10!/2-inch,  pp.  5 15 

Puccini,    C. — They    Call    Me    Mimi.       ("La    Boheme.")       Solo. 

Soprano   in   D.      Alto   in   B  flat.      Italian   and   English  Texts. 

Publishers,  G.  Ricordi  and  Co.,   N.  Y.      [1928]. 

10!/2-inch,    pp.     14     45 

Rasbach,   O. — Trees.      Solo.      High   Voice    in    E.      Publisher,    G. 

Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright   1922.      [1930]. 

10^2 -inch,  pp.  5 15 



Reichardt,   L. — When   the   Roses   Bloom.      Solo.      Soprano   in   G. 
German    and    English    Texts.      Publisher,    C.    Fischer,    N.    Y. 
lOVz-inch,  pp.  4    .  .  , $     .15 

Rimsky-Korsakow,    N. — A   Song   of    India.       (Chanson    Indoue). 
Solo.     Soprano  in  G.      French  and  English  Texts.      Publisher, 
G.   Schirmer,    N.   Y.      Copyright    1912.      [1928]. 
10V2-inch,    pp.    7     20 

Rimsky-Korsakow,    N. — A    Song    of    India.      Solo.      Alto    in    E 
flat.     French  and  English  Texts.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y. 
Copyright    1912.      [1927]. 
10!/2-inch,   pp.   7    20 

Rogers,  J.  H. — Love  Has  Wings.  Solo.  Publisher,  G.  Schir- 
mer, N.  Y.     Copyright  1901.     [1932]. 

101/2 -inch.      High  Voice  in  A,  pp.  7 20 

Medium  Voice  in  G,  pp.  7 20 

Rubinstein,  A. — "To  Me  Thou  Art  a  Flower."  (Du  bist  wie  eine 
Blume),  Op.  32,  No.  5.  Solo.  High  Voice,  F.  Low 
Voice,  E  flat.  German  and  English  Texts.  Publishers,  G. 
Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1912.      [1930]. 

10!/2-inch.      High  Voice,   pp.   6 20 

Low  Voice,  pp.  6 20 

Saint-Saens,  C. — Mon  coeur  s'ouvre  a  ta  voix.  (My  Heart  at 
Thy  Sweet  Voice).  Solo  (from  "Samson  and  Dalila.") 
Mezzo-Soprano  in  D  flat.  Alto  in  C.  French  and  English 
Texts.  Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.  Copyright  1911. 
lOl/2-inch,   pp.    15    45 

Saint-Saens,  C. — Since  Every  Soul.      Solo.      Medium  in  E.      Pub- 
lisher,  G.    Schirmer,    N.   Y.      Copyright    1887.       [1925]. 
lOVi-inch,    pp.    9     30 

Sehubert,    F. — Ave   Maria.      Solo.      Soprano   in    B   flat.      German 
and  English  Texts.      Publisher,  C.  Fischer,   N.  Y.     Copyright 
1911.       [1926]. 
lOMz-inch,  pp.  1  1 35 

Schubert,  F. — Cradle  Song   (Wiegenlied) ,  Op.  98.    Solo.    Soprano 
in  A  flat.    German  and  English  Texts.    Publisher,  C.  Fischer, 
N.  Y.     Copyright   1921.      [1925]. 
lO'/z-inch,  pp.  5 15 

Schubert,  F. — Faith  in  Spring.    Solo.    Soprano  in  A  flat.    German 
and  English  Texts.      Publisher,  C.   Fischer,   N.  Y.     Copyright 
1911.      [1925]. 
lOl/2-inch,  pp.  8 25 

Schubert,  F. — Hark!  Hark!  the  Lark.  Solo.  Soprano  in  C. 
German  and  English  Texts.  Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y. 
lOVz-inch,   pp.   5    15 

Schubert,  F. — Hedge  Roses  (Haidenroslein) .  Solo.  High  Voice, 
G.  Medium  Voice,  E.  Low  Voice,  D.  English  and  German 
Texts.     Publishers,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     [1930]. 

10V2-inch.      High  Voice,  pp.   5 15 

Medium  Voice,  pp.  5 15 

Low  Voice,   pp.    5    15 



Schubert,    F. — Litany     (All    Soul's    Day) .      Solo.      Soprano    in    E 
flat.     German  and  English  Texts.     Publisher,  C.  Fischer,  N.  Y. 
Copyright   1921.      [19251. 
101/2-inch,  pp.   6    $     .20 

Schubert,  F. — My  Sweet  Repose,  Op.   59.     Solo.     Soprano  in  E 
flat.       German    and    English    Texts.       Publisher,    C.    Fischer, 
N.  Y.     Copyright  1921.     [1925]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.    9     30 

Schubert,    F. — Praise   of   Tears,    Op.    13.      Solo.      Soprano    in    D. 
German    and    English    Texts.      Publisher,    C.    Fischer,    N.    Y. 
Copyright    1921.       [1925]. 
10!/2-inch,  pp.  9 30 

Schubert,  F. — Serenade.     Solo.     Soprano  in  D  minor.      Publisher, 
C.  Fischer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1911.      [1925]. 
10 V2 -inch,    pp.    10    30 

Schubert,  F. — The  Carrier  Dove.     Solo.     Soprano  in  G.     German 
and    English    Texts.       Publisher,    C.    Fischer,    N.    Y.      Copy- 
right   1911.      [1926]. 
10V2-inch,  pp.  14 45 

Schubert,  F. — The  Erl-King  (Erlkonig),  Op.  1.  Solo.  High 
Voice,  G  minor.  Medium!  Voice,  F  minor.  Low  Voice,  E 
minor.  German  and  English  Texts.  Publishers,  G.  Schirmer, 
N.  Y.      Copyright    1902.      [1930]. 

101/2 -inch.      High  Voice,  pp.   1  5 45 

Medium  Voice,  pp.   15 45 

Low  Voice,  pp.   15 45 

Schubert,  F. — The  Trout.    Solo.    Soprano  in  D  flat.    Publisher,  C. 
Fischer,   N.  Y.      Copyright   1911.      [1926]. 
10!/2-inch,  pp.  9 30 

Schubert,  F. — The  Wanderer  (Der  Wanderer),  Op.  4.  Solo. 
High  or  Medium  Voice  in  C  sharp  minor,  English,  German 
and  French  Texts.  Low  Voice,  B  minor,  English  and 
German  Texts.      Publisher,  G.   Schirmer,   N.  Y.      [1930]. 

10 1/2 -inch.      High  or  Medium  Voice,  pp.  12 35 

Low  Voice,  pp.   10 30 

Schubert,    F. — To   be   Sung   on    the    Water.      Solo.      Soprano    in 
A  flat.      German   and   English  Texts.      Publisher,    C.    Fischer, 
N.  Y.      Copyright   1911.      [1926]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.     11      35 

Schubert,  F. — Who  is  Sylvia?  (Was  ist  Sylvia?)  Solo.  High 
Voice,  A.  Low  Voice,  F.  English  and  German  Texts.  Pub- 
lisher, G.   Schirmer,    N.   Y.      [1930]. 

10!/2-inch.      High   Voice,    pp.    7 20 

Low  Voice,  pp.  7 20 

Schumann,   R. — A   Flower  to  Me  Thou  Seemest.      Solo,   Op.   25. 
Soprano  in  A  flat.     German  and  English  Texts.      Publisher,  C. 
Fischer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1913.      [1925]. 
10y2-inch,  pp.  6 20 

Schumann,   R. — Dedication.      Solo.      Soprano  in  A  flat.      German 
and    English    Texts.      Publisher,    C.    Fischer,    N.    Y.      Copy- 
right   1913.      [1926]. 
lOVi-inch,    pp.     10     30 



Schumann,  R. — I'll  not  Complain.     Solo.     Alto  in  B  flat.     German 
and   English  Texts.      [1926]. 
1016-inch,   pp.  7    $     .20 

Schumann,    R. — Lady-Bird,    Op.    79,    No.    14.       Solo.      Soprano 
in    F.      German    and    English    Texts.       Publisher,    C.    Fischer, 
N.  Y.     Copyright  1913.      [1925]. 
lOVz-inch,    pp.    7     20 

Schumann,   R. — Moonlight,   Op.    39,    No.   5.      Solo.      Soprano   in 
E.     German  and  English  Texts.     Publisher,  C.  Fischer,  N.  Y. 
Copyright  1913.     [1925]. 
10!/2-inch,   pp.   8    25 

Schumann,  R. — The  Lotus  Flower,  Op.  25,  No.  7.    Solo.    Soprano 
in    F.      German    and    English    Texts.      Publisher,    C.    Fischer, 
N.   Y.      Copyright    1913.      [1925]. 
lCPA-inch,   pp.   6    20 

Schumann,  R. — The  Two  Grenadiers.     Solo.     Soprano  in  B  minor. 
German    and    English    Texts.      Publisher,    C.    Fischer,    N.    Y. 
Copyright   1913.      [1926]. 
10!/2-inch,  pp.  13 40 

Schumann,  R. — Thine   Image,  Op.    127,   No.  2.     Solo.      Soprano 
in   E  flat.      Publisher,    C.    Fischer,    N.    Y.      Copyright    1913. 
1 0!/2-inch,   pp.   7    20 

Schumann,  R. — Woman's  Life  and  Love,  Op.  42,  Nos.  1  -8 
(Eight  Songs).  High  Voice.  German  and  English  Tests. 
Publishers,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.  Copyright  1918.  [1930]. 
lO'/z-inch,    pp.    63     1.90 

23.  Since  mine  eyes  have  seen  him. 

(Seit  ich  ihn  gesehen). 

24.  He,  the  best  of  all. 

(Er,  der  Herrlichste  von  Allen). 

25.  I  can  not,  dare  not  believe  it. 

(Ich  kann's  nicht  fassen,  nicht  glauben). 

26.  The  Ring    (Der  Ring). 

27.  Help  me,   oh   sisters. 

(Helft  mir,    ihr  Schwestern) . 

28.  Sweet  my  friend,   thou  viewest. 

(Siisser    Freund,    du    blickest). 

29.  Here   on   my   bosom,    here   on    my   heart. 

(An  meinem  Herzen,  an  meiner  Brust) . 

30.  Now  for  the  first  time  thou  has  giv'n  me  pain. 

(Nun  hast  du  mir  den  ersten  Schmerz  gethan). 

Sieber,  F. — Universal  Song  Edition.  Forty  Eight -Measure 
Vocalises  for  Female  Voices.  Arranged  by  F.  H.  Haywood. 
Selected  from  Op.  92  and  93.  Publishers,  Haywood  Institute 
of  Universal  Song,  Publication  Dept.,  N.  Y.  Copyright 
1921.  [1925]. 
10'/2-inch,  pamphlet,  pp.   53    1.60 

Sieber,  F. — Thirty-Six  Eight-Measure  Elementary  Vocalises.  Pub- 
lishers, O.  Ditson  Co.,  Boston.   (N.  Y.  I.  E.  B.).    9x12  inches. 

Op.   92 — Soprano,    pp.    51      1 .55 

Op.  93 — Mezzo-Soprano,  pp.   51     1.55 



Op.  94 — Alto,   pp.   50    $   1.50 

Op.  95 — Tenor,   pp.   50 1.50 

Op.   96 — Baritone,    pp.    45     1 .35 

Op.   97— Bass,    pp.    51     1.55 

Spohr,  L. — Rose  Softly  Blooming.      Solo.     Soprano  in  F.      (From 
a  collection  called  "Famous  Songs.")       Publishers,  J.  Church 
Co.,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1902.     [1925]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.    6     20 

Strauss,  R. — Night.     Solo.     Alto  in  B  flat.     German  and  English 
Texts.      Publishers,  O.   Ditson  Co.,   N.  Y.     Copyright    1905. 
10V2-inch,    pp.    8     25 

Strauss,  R. — Serenade  (Standchen).  Solo.  High  Voice,  F  sharp. 
Medium  Voice,  D.  English  and  German  Texts.  Publisher, 
G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1892.     [1930]. 

High   Voice,   pp.   9    30 

Medium    Voice,    pp.    10 .30 

Thayer,  W.  A. — My  Laddie   (A  Scotch  Love  Song) .     Solo.     High 
Voice,  G.     Low  Voice,  E  flat.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y. 
Copyright    1906.      [1930]. 
10 1/2 -inch. 

High  Voice,  pp.  6 20 

Low   Voice,    pp.    6    .............  . 20 

Thomas,  A. — Dost  Thou   Know?      (Connais  tu   le  pays?).      Solo 
(from    "Mignon.")       Soprano   in    E   flat.      Alto   in   C.      Ital- 
ian, French  and  English  Texts.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y. 
Copyright   1913.      [1928]. 
lOVz-inch,    pp.     13 40 

Tosti,  F.  P. — Beauty's  Eyes.  Solo.  High  Voice,  G.  Medium 
Voice,  E  flat.  Low  Voice,  C.  Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y. 
[1930].      10i/2-inch. 

High   Voice,    pp.    7 20 

Medium    Voice,    pp.    8 25 

Low   Voice,    pp.    7 .20 

Tosri,  F.  P. — Good- Bye.     Solo.     Alto  in  E  flat.     Soprano  in  G. 
Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,   N.  Y.      Copyright   1881.      [1927]. 
10i/2-inch,    pp    11 35 

Wagner,  R. — To  the  Evening  Star.     Solo    (from  "Tannhauser.") 
Tenor   in   A.    Bass    in    E   flat.      German,    Italian    and    English 
Texts.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.      [1928]. 
10i/2-inch,    pp    1  1     35 

Ward,  J. — Gregorian  Chant.  Music  Fourth  Year.  (Catholic). 
By  Permission  of  the  Catholic  Education  Press,  Washington, 
D.  C.      In  three  volumes. 

10i/2-inch,   Vol.    1— pp.    140    4.20 

Vol.   2— pp.    110     3.30 

Vol.   3— pp.    1 02 3.05 

Woodman,  R.  H. — An  Open  Secret  (A  Spring  Song) .     Solo.     High 
Voice,   D  flat.      Low  Voice,    B  flat.      Publisher,  G.  Schirmer, 
N.  Y.     Copyright   1925.      [1930]. 
10 1/2 -inch. 

High   Voice,   pp.    8 .         .25 

,   Low   Voice,    pp.    8 25 



Young,  A. — Phyllis  Has  Such  Charming  Graces.  (Arr.  by 
H.  L.  Wilson).  Soprano  in  B  flat  minor.  Alto  in  C  minor. 
Publishers,  Boosey  and  Co.,  N.  Y.  Copyright  1899.  [1928]. 
10V2-inch,   pp.   7. .... $      .20 


Beethoven,   L. — "Hallelujah."      (From  the  "Mount  of  Olives.") 
With  piano  accompaniment.      Publisher,  C.  Schirmer,   N.  Y. 
10!/2-inch,    pamphlet,    pp.    27    80 

Cadman,  C.  W. — At  Dawning.    (I    Love  You).     With  piano  ac- 
companiment.     Publishers,  0.   Ditson  Co.,   N.  Y.      Copyright 
1924.      [1927]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.    8     25 

Chant. — The  Lord's  Prayer.     With  piano  accompaniment. 

1  0^2 -inch,    pp.   2    05 

Cowen,  F.  H. — Bridal  Chorus  (from  "The  Rose  Maiden").  With 
piano  accompaniment.  Publisher,  C.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.  [1931]. 
lOI/z-inch,    pp.    26     80 

Faning,  E. — Song  of  the  Vikings.      With   piano  accompaniment. 
Publisher,   C.   Schirmer,    N.   Y.      [1931]. 
1  (m-inch,   pp.   28 85 

Faning,  E. — The  Miller's  Wooing.     With  piano  accompaniment. 
Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.      [1931]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.    24     75 

Friml,    R. — In    Sapphire    Seas.       (From    "The    Firefly).       Mixed 
Chorus   with   Soprano   Solo.      Publisher,   G.    Schirmer,    N.   Y. 
Copyright   1912.      [1931]. 
1016-inch,   pp.    10    30 

Handel,  C.  F. — Hallelujah  Chorus.  (From  "The  Messiah.") 
Publishers,  Waller  Music  Company,  Cincinnati.  [1926]. 
10 Vz -inch,    pamphlet,    pp.    21     65 

Molloy,  J.  H. — Love's  Old  Sweet  Song.        (just  a  Song  at  Twi- 
light).      Arranged   by   N.   C.    Page.      With   piano  accompani- 
ment.     Publishers,  O.   Ditson  Co.,  Boston.     Copyright   1906. 
lOVi-inch,   pp.    15    45 

Noble,  T.  T. — Souls  of  the  Righteous.     With  piano  accompani- 
ment.      Publisher,    G.    Schirmer,    N.    Y.       Copyright     1909. 
10i/2-inch,   pp.    12    35 

Stainer,  J. — God  so  Loved  the  World.  (From  the  "Crucifixion.") 
With  piano  accompaniment.  Publishers,  H.  W.  Gray  Co., 
N.  Y.      [1931]. 

lOVz-incb,  pp.    11    35 



Strauss,  J. — Greeting  to  Spring.     (Blue  Danube  Waltz),  Op.  314. 
With    piano    accompaniment.       Publishers,    O.     Ditson    Co., 
Boston.     Copyright  1903.      [1931]. 
lOVi-inch,   pp.   36    $   1.10 

Sullivan,    A. — Madrigal,     (from    "The    Mikado.")       With    piano 
accompaniment.      Publishers,  Wm.  A.   Pond  and  Co.,   N.   Y. 
Copyright    1885.      [1931]. 
10V2-inch,    pp.     12     35 

Wagner,    R. — Pilgrim's    Chorus     (from    "Tannhauser.")        With 
piano    accompaniment.       Publishers,    O.    Ditson    Co.,    N.    Y. 
Copyright    1907.      [1927]. 
lOVz-inch,    pp.     12     35 

Wilson,    H.    L. — Carmena.       Vocal    Waltz    for    Mixed    Voices. 
(Arr.   by  N.   C.   Page).      Publishers,   O.   Ditson  Co.,   Boston. 
Copyright   1907.      [1931]. 
lOVz-inch,    pp.    25     75 


Bach,   J.   S. — Eight   Little   Preludes  and   Fugues.      Publishers,   O. 
Ditson  Co.,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1922.      [1927]. 
lOVi-inch,    pp.    85     2.55 

Bach,  J.  S.— New  Year's  Day  (In  dir  ist  Freude) .    (N.  Y.  I.  E.  B) . 

PP.    5    15 

Bach,   ).   S. — Praeludium    et   Fuga,    Book   3,    No.   4.      Publisher, 
C.   F.   Peters,   Leipzig,  Germany.      [1928]. 
lOVz-inch,   pp.    15    45 

Bach,  J.  S. — Praeludium  et  Fuga,  Book  3,  No.  5.     C.  F.  Peters, 
Leipzig,   Germany.      [1931]. 
lOVi-inch,    pp.     13     40 

Bach,   J.   S. — Praeludium   et   Fuga,    Book   3,    No.    10.    Publisher, 
C.   F.   Peters,   Leipzig,   Germany.      [1928]. 
lOVi-inch,   pp.   7    20 

Bach,   J.   S. — Trio  Sonatas    I    and    III.      Publisher,   C.    F.    Peters, 
Leipzig,    Germany. 
10^2 -inch,   pamphlet,   pp.   39    1.20 

Beethoven,  L. — Andante  con  moto.  (From  "The  Fifth  Sym- 
phony.") Publishers,  T.  Presser  Co.,  Philadelphia.  [1926]. 
lOVi-inch,   pp.   9    30 

Borowski,  F. — Sonata,  No.  1 .     Publishers,  Laudy  and  Co.,  London, 
W,   England.      Copyright   1904.      [1928]. 
10'/2-inch,    pp.    40     1.20 

Buck,   D. — At  Evening,   "Idylle,"  Op.   52.      Publisher,  G.  Schir- 
mer,  N.  Y.      [1927]. 
10'/2-inch,    pp.     13     40 

Buck,  D. — Studies  in  Pedal  Phrasing,  Op.  28.  Publisher,  G. 
Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright   1922.      [1926]. 

10!/2-inch,    pp.    62     1.85 



Derhier,  C.  M. — Gavotte.     Publisher,  C.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copy- 
right   1910.      [1927]. 
10'/2-inch,   pp.   7    $      .20 

Dethier,   C.    M. — Lied.      Publishers,    j.    Fischer   and    Bro.,    N.   Y. 
Copyright    1900.      [1926]. 
10!/2-inch,  pamphlet,  pp.    11 35 

Dubois,  T. — Twelve  Pieces  for  the  Organ.      Edited  for  American 
Organs  by  C.  H.  Morse.     Publisher,  C.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.    Copy- 
right  1901.    [1927]. 
lO'/z-inch,  pp.   55    1.65 

3.      Toccata  in  C. 

6.      Choral-Prelude  in  A  minor. 

9..     March  of  the   Magi   Kings  in  E. 

10.  Offertoire   in   E  flat. 

11.  Catilene  Nuptiale,  Nuptial  Song  in  A  flat. 

12.  Grand  Chorus  in   B  flat. 

Dvorak,  A. — Largo    (from  "The  New  World  Symphony.")      Pub- 
lishers, O.  Ditson  Co.,   N.  Y.    Copyright   1925.     [1927]. 
1014-inch,    pp.    12    35 

Faulkes,  W. — Scherzo  in  D  minor,  Op.   155,  No.  3.     Publishers, 
O.  Ditson  Co.,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1913.      [1926]. 
lOVi-inch,    pp.    8     25 

Foore,   A. — Cantilena    in   G,   Op.   71,    No.    1.      Publisher,   A.    P. 
Schmidt,    Boston.      Copyright    1910.      [1932]. 
10/2-inch,    pp.    6     20 

Foore,     A. — Nocturne.      Op.     50,     No.     6.      Publishers,     A.     P. 
Schmidt  Co.,   N.   Y.     Copyright   1902.      [1926]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.    8    25 

Franck,  C. — Andantino,  in  G  minor.      Publishers,  O.  Ditson  Co., 
N.  Y.      [1927]. 
lOVi-inch,    pp.    13     40 

Guilmanr,  A. — Allegretto  in  B  minor,  Op.   19,  No.  1.     Publisher, 
G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.      [1927]. 
10!/2-inch,   pp.    17    50 

Guilmanr,  A. — Caprice.     Op.  20,  No.  3.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer, 
N.  Y.     [1927]. 
lOVfc-.inch,    pp.    20    60 

Guilmanr,    A. — First    Sonata,    Op.    42.      Publisher,    G.    Schirmer, 
N.  Y.     Copyright   1876.      [1930], 
lOVz-inch,   pp.   58    1.75 

Guilmanr,   A. — Funeral   March,   Op.    17,   No.   2.      Key  of  C  and 
C  minor.      Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,   N.  Y.      [1927]. 
lOVi-inch,  pp.  26    80 

Guilmanr,    A. — Grand    Chorus,    Op.    18,    No.    1.      Publisher,    G. 
Schirmer,   N.  Y.      [1927], 

lOVz-inch,    pp.    20     60 



Guilmant,   A. — Marche    Religieuse,   Op.    15,    No.    2,    Key   of    F. 
Publisher,   G.  Schirmer,   N.  Y.      [1926]. 
lOVz-inch,   pp.    17 $     .50 

Guilmant-,    A. — Scherzo    in    F,    Op.    16,    No.    4.      Publisher,    G. 
Schirmer,   N.  Y.      [1927]. 
lO'/z-inch,    pp.     13     40 

Guilmant,  A. — Second    Meditation,    Op.    20,    No.    2,    Key   of    F 
sharp   minor.      Publisher,   G.    Schirmer,    N.   Y.      [1927]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.    9     30 

Guilmant,  A. — Sonata,   No.   5,  Op.   80,   in  C  minor    (1st  move- 
ment) .       Publisher,      B.      Schott's      Sohne,      Mainz-Leipzig, 
Germany.      Copyright    1913.      [1929]. 
lOVfe-inch,    pp.    16 50 

Guilmant,  A. — The  Fourth  Sonata  in  D  minor,  Op.  61.    Publisher, 
G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1886.     [1927]. 
1014-inch,    pp.    53     1.60 

Handel,  G.  F. — Largo    (from  "Xerxes.")      Publishers,  T.  Presser 
Co.,  Philadelphia.     Copyright   1904.      [1928]. 
10V2-inch,   pp.   8    25 

Harker,  F.  F. — In  the  Twilight,  Op.  43.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer, 
N.  Y.     Copyright   1909.      [1927]. 
1072-inch,    pp.    11     35 

Jenkins,  C. — Dawn.  Publishers,  J.  Fischer  and  Bro.,  N.  Y.  Copy- 
right   1922.      [1932]. 
10y2-inch,    pp.     11     35 

Kinder,  R. — Arietta.    Publishers,  J.  Fischer  and  Bro.,  N.  Y.    Copy- 
right  1923.      [1932]. 
lOVz-inch,    pp.     11 35 

Kinder,    R. — Berceuse.      Publisher,   G.    Schirmer,    N.   Y.      Copy- 
right   1904.      [1926]. 
lOVi-inch,    pp.    7 20 

Kinder,  R. — Grand  Choeur  in  "A."     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y. 
Copyright   1909.      [1927]. 
10l/2-inch,    pp.    22     65 

Kinder,  R. — Idyll.    Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.   Copyright  1907. 
10V2-inch,    pp.     13     40 

Kinder,  R. — In  Moonlight.     Publishers,  J.  Fischer  and  Bro.,  N.  Y. 
Copyright  1913.     [1927]. 
10V2-inch,    pp    5    15 

Kinder,  R. — Tocatta  in  D.     Publishers,  J.  Fischer  and  Bro.,  N.  Y. 
Copyright   1912.      [1927]. 
lOVz-inch,   pp.   21     65 

Macfarlane,   W.   C. — Adoration.       (By   permission   of   the   Com- 
poser).     (Published  in  Braille  only.)       (N.  Y.   I.  E.  B.) 

10!/2-inch,    pp.     10 30 



Mendelssohn,  F. — Sonatas  I  and  II.     Publisher,  C.  Schirmer,  N.  Y. 
Copyright   1924.      [1927]. 

Sonata   I,  Op.  65,  pp.  44    $    1 .35 

Sonata  II,  Op.  65,  pp.  25 75 

Mendelssohn,   F. — Sonata,  Op.   65,   No.   3.      Publisher,  C.  Schir- 
mer, N.  Y.     Copyright  1924.     [1931]. 
lOVz-inch,    pp.    25     75 

Mendelssohn,  F.  — Wedding  March    (from  "Midsummer  Night's 
Dream.")      Publisher,  C.  Schirmer,   N.  Y.      Copyright   1906. 
10/2-inch,   pp.    12    35 

Meyerbeer,  C. — Coronation  March   (from  "The  Prophet.")      Pub- 
lishers, O.  Ditson  Co.,  N.  Y.     [1927]. 
10/2 -inch,    pp.     10     30 

Miller,  R.  K. — Epilogue,  Op.  No.  2.     Publisher,  C.  Schirmer,  N.  Y. 
Copyright   1897.      [1927]. 
101/2-inch,    pp.     15 45 

Miller,    R.    K. — Nocturne,   Op.   6,    No.    1.      Publisher,   C.   Schir- 
mer, N.  Y.     Copyright   1924.      [1932]. 
lOli-inch,    pp.    10     .30 

Nevin,  C.  B. — Will-o'-the-Wisp.      Publisher,  C.   F.  Summy  Co., 
Chicago      Copyright    1914.      [1932]. 
1014-inch,    pp.    6    20 

Raff,   J. — Cavatina.      Publisher,   C.    Schirmer,    N.   Y.      Copyright 
1882.      [1932]. 
lOVz-inch,    pp.    9     30 

Rheinberger,    J. — Pastoral    Sonata     in    C,    Op.     88.       Publisher, 
C.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1909.     [1926]. 
10/2-inch,    pamphlet,    pp.    38 1.15 

Rogers,  J.  H. — Christmas  Pastorale.     Publisher,  C.  Schirmer,  N.  Y. 
Copyright   1908.      [1926]. 
10V2-inch,   pp.   9    .  . 30 

Rogers,   J.    H. — Grand   Choeur.      Publisher,    C.    Schirmer,    N.    Y. 
Copyright  1908.      [1926]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.     10     .30 

Rogers,  J.  H. — Suite  for  Organ.      Publisher,  C.  Schirmer,   N.  Y. 
Copyright   1905.      [1932]. 

10/2-inch,    pp.    41 1.25 

Prologue — C  minor. 
March — E   flat. 
Intermezzo — C. 
Toccato — C  minor. 

Sainr-Saens,   C. — Rhapsodie   No.    1 ,   on   Breton   Melodies.      Pub- 
lisher, C.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     [1927]. 

10!/2-inch,    pp.     12 35 



Schubert,    F. — Marche    Heroique,    No.    1,    Op.    27.       Publishers, 
Ricault  and  Co.,  Paris,   France.      [1928]. 
lOVi-inch,   pp.    11 $      .35 

Schumann,    R. — Evening   Song.      Publisher,    C.    Schirmer,    N.    Y. 
Copyright  1924.    [1932]. 
lOVz-inch,    pp.    4     15 

Schumann,    R. — Traumerei.      Arr.    for    Pipe   Organ    by   A.    Guil- 
mant.      Publishers,    J.    Fischer   and    Bro.,    N.    Y.      Copyright 
1898.      [1927]. 
101/2-inch,   pp.   5    15 

Sroughron,  R.  S. — Dreams.     Publishers,  White-Smith  Music  Pub- 
lishing Co.,  Chicago.     Copyright  1917.      [1927]. 
1014-inch,  pp.    10    30 

Sroughron,  R.  S. — Within  a  Chinese  Garden.     Publishers,  White- 
Smith    Music    Publishing    Co.,    Chicago.       Copyright     1917. 
lOVi-inch,    pp.    6    20 

Svendsen,  J.  S. — Coronation  March.     Arr.  by  N.  H.  Allen.     Pub- 
lisher, C.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1890.     [1927]. 
10/2-inch,    pp.    17     50 

Thomas,  A. — Entr'acte  Gavotte  de  Mignon.     Publisher,  G.  Schir- 
mer,  N.   Y.      Copyright    1888.      [1932]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.    6     20 

Verdi,  C. — Grand   March    (from   "Aida.")      Arr.  for  Pipe  Organ 
by    H.    R.    Shelley.      Publisher,    G.    Schirmer,    N.    Y.    1885. 
lOVi-inch,    pp.     16     50 

Wagner,     R. — Bridal     March     (from     "Lohengrin.")        Arr.    for 
Pipe  Organ   by  E.   Douglas.      Publisher,   G.   Schirmer,   N.   Y. 
Copyright   1906.      [1927]. 
10!/2-inch,   pp.   8    25 

Wagner,    R. — Pilgrim's     Chorus      (from     "Tannhauser.")        Arr. 
for  Pipe  Organ  by  P.  W.  Orem.      Publishers,  T.  Presser  Co., 
Philadelphia.      Copyright   1904.      [1928]. 
10!/2-inch,   pp.   8 25 

Wagner,  R. — March    (from  "Tanhauser")   Arr.  for  Pipe  Organ  by 
T.  Dubois.     Publishers,  T.  Presser  Co.,  Philadelphia.     Copy- 
right  1904.      [1928]. 
10i/2-inch,   pp.    15    45 

Wood,   W.   C. — Original   Composition   for  the   Organ,   No.    108, 
"Toccata     in     D     minor."        Publishers,     Novello     and     Co., 
Ltd.,  London,  England.      (N.  Y.   I.  E.  B.) 
10i/2-inch,    pp.     17     50 


Hofmann,  R. — First  Studies  for  Violin  in  First  Position,  Op.  25, 
Book    I.      Publisher,   G.   Schirmer,    N.    Y.      Copyright    1906. 
10i/2-inch,    pp.    44     80 



Kayser,  H.  E. — The  Study  of  the  Position  for  the  Violin,  Op.  67. 
Publisher,  C.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.  Copyright  1906.  [1927]. 
1014-inch,   pp.  42    $     .75 

Kayser,   H.   E. — Thirty-Six    Elementary   and    Progressive    Studies, 
Op.   20.      Publisher,    C.    Schirmer,    N.   Y.      Copyright    1915. 
101/2-inch,    pp.    99     2.65 

Kayser,    H.    E. — Violin     II;    Second    Violin    Accompaniment    to 
"The  Study  of  the  Positions  for  the  Violin,"  Op.  67.      Pub- 
lisher, C.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1906.      [1927]. 
lOVz-inch,    pp.    23     45 

Mazas,  F. — Thirty  Special  Studies  for  the  Violin,  Op.  36,   Book 

I.  Publisher,  C.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright  1  898.     [1927]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.    81      2.30 

Mazas,  F. — Twenty-seven  Brilliant  Studies  for  the  Violin,  Op.  36, 
Book    II.      Publisher,   C.   Schirmer,    N.   Y.      Copyright    1898. 
10!/2-inch,   pp.   84    2.35 

Mirrell,    P.— Popular   Graded   Course,    Book    1     (29    pieces),    for 
Violin   and    Piano.      Publishers,    C.    Schirmer,    N.    Y.      Copy- 
right   1908.      [1929]. 
10!/2-inch,    pp.     132     3.95 

1.  Historiette    (A   Story),    Bloch,    C. 

2.  Romance,    Bloch,    C. 

3.  Valsette     (Short    Waltz),    Bloch,    C. 

4.  Marche    (March),    Bloch,   C. 

5.  Souvenir     (Remembrance),    Bloch,    G. 

6.  Pastorale,  Sitt,  Op.  26,   No.  2,  G. 

7.  Zurl  Guitarre    (For  Guitar),   Reinecke,  Op.    122a,    D. 

8.  Reverie    (Revery),    Fauchcux,    G. 

9.  Der  Kukuk  and  der  Wandersmann    (The  Cuckoo  and  the  Wan- 

derer) ,   Vilkmann,  Op.    11,    No.   5,    F. 
10.      Priere    du    matin     (Morning    Prayer),    Tschaikowsky,    Op.    39, 
No.  1 ,  G. 

II.  La  nouvelle  poupee    (The  New  Doll),  Tschaikowsky,  Op.   39, 

No.  9,  B  flat. 

12.  Andante,   Ehrhardt,  Op.   20,    No.    1,   C. 

13.  Valse    (Waltz),    Dancla,   Op.    123,    No.    2,    C. 

14.  Le   petit  Tambourin    (The   Little   Drummer),    Pappini,   Op. 

83,   No.    1,   D. 

15.  Landlicher   Tanz     (Slow    Waltz),    Reinecke,    G. 

16.  Hochzeitsmarsch     (Wedding   March),    Moffat,    F. 

17.  In  der  Muhle    (In  the  Mill),  Volkmann,  Op.   11,  No.    1,   F. 

18.  Le  premier  sourire    (The  First  Smile),  Lagye,  Op.  34,  F. 

19.  Minuet,    Eichhorn,    Op.    17,    No.    6,    G. 

20.  Romance,   Lagye,  Op.  20,   F. 

21.  Gavotte,  Sitt,  Op.  26,   No.  4,  G  minor. 

22.  Cavatina,  Schmidt,  Op.  41,  D. 

23.  Serenade,   Eberhardt,  Op.   86,    No.  4,   D. 

24.  Polka,  Dancla,  Op.   123,  No.  6,  F. 

25.  Tarantella,  Sitt,  Op.   26,   No.    12,  A  minor. 

26.  Kleine  Suite    (Little  Suite),   Reinecke,  Op.    174a,   No.    10, 

E  minor. 



27.  Derniere  Pensee  de  Weber    (Weber's  Last  Thought) ,  Dancla, 

Op.  86,  No.  6,  B  flat. 

28.  Variations  on  the  Russian  Folksong,    (The  Red  Sarafan) ,  Weiss, 

Op.  38,  No.  40,  E. 

29.  Variations  on  the  Austrian  Folksong,  Weiss,  Op.  38,  No.  36,  A. 

Mittell,   P. — Popular  Graded   Course,    Book   II     (21    pieces),   for 
Violin  and  Piano.      Publisher,  C.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.     Copyright 
1909.      [1929]. 
lOVz-inch,    pp.     120     $   3.60 

1.  Schifferlied    (Boatman's  Song),   Hauser,  Op.    16,   No.    1,   F. 

2.  Dorflied     (Village    Song),    Hauser,    Op.    29,    No.    5,    F. 

3.  Le  Reve  d'un  Ange    (The  Angel's  Dream),  Lagye,  Op.    18,  C. 

4.  Saeterjentens  Sondag  (The  Alpine  Maid's  Sunday) ,  Ole  Bull,  D. 

5.  Melodie,   Moszkowski,   Op.    18,   No.    1,   F. 

6.  Barcarolle,    Dancla,    Op.    187,    No.    12,   C. 

7.  Minuet,    Dancla,    Op.    187,    No.    8,    C. 

8.  Meditation  sur  le  l-er  Prelude  de  J.  S.  Bach,    (Ave  Maria), 

Gounod,    C. 

9.  Traumerei    (Dreaming),  Schumann,  F. 

10.  Zarte  Melodie   (Suave  Melody),  Huber,  Op.  99,  No.  2,  D. 

11.  Romance,    Dancla,   Op.    187,   No.    10,  A. 

12.  Chant  sans   Paroles,  Tschaikowsky,   Op.  2,   No.   3,   F. 

13.  Berceuse  slave,    (Slavonic  Cradle  Song),  Neruda,  Op.   11,  D 


14.  Melodie,    Bloch,   Op.   7,    No.   2,   G. 

15.  Berceuse    (Cradle  Song),   Reber,  G. 

16.  Elegie  des  Erinnyes    (Melody),  Massenet,  Op.   10,  No.  5,  E 


17.  Air  Varie  No.   14,  Beriot,  G. 

18.  Spanischer  Tanz    (Spanish  Dance),  Moszkowski,  Op.   12,   No. 

1,  C. 

19.  Plaisir  d'Amour  (Delight  of  Love),  Dancla,  Op.  86,  No.  12,  D. 

20.  Gavotte,  Popper,  Op.  23,   D. 

21.  Landler,   Bohm,  Op.    187,   No.  6,  G. 

Mittell,   P. — Violin   Classics,   for  Violin   and    Piano.      Publishers, 
G.   Schirmer     N.   Y.      Copyright    1898      [1929]. 
Book   I    (17   pieces),    lOVi-inch,   pp.    115 3.45 

1.  Petite  Valse  Lente,   Danbe,   D. 

2.  Serenade,    Haydn,   C. 

3.  March  and  Chorus  from  "Tannhauser,"  arr.  by  Ferdinand  Hull- 

week,  B  flat. 

4.  Le  Cygne   (The  Swan),  Saint-Saens,  G. 

5.  Cantilena,  Bohm,  F. 

6.  Canzonetta,  Herbert,  B  flat. 

7.  Alia  Zingaresca,  Tschetschulin,   D  minor. 

8.  Spinning   Song  from    "The   Flying   Dutchman,"    arr.   by   Hull- 

week,  A. 

9.  Andante  con  moto,  from  Symphony  No.   1 ,   Beethoven,  F. 
10.      Loin  du  Bal,  Gillet,  B  flat. 

1  1 .  Waltz  from   Gounod's   "Faust,"   Wichtl,   D. 

12.  La  Serenata    (Angels'  Serenade),  Braga,  G. 

13.  Berceuse,  Greig,  Op.  38,  G. 

14.  Entr'   Acte-Gavotte   from    "Mignon,"   Thomas,   A. 

15.  La  Cinguantaine,   Gabriel-Marie,   A  minor. 



16.  Nocturne,  Field,   B  flat. 

17.  Menuet  from  Quintet  in  E,  Boccherini,  A. 

Book  II     (13   pieces),    10/2-inch,    pp.    Ill $   3.35 

1 .  Hungarian   Dance,    No.    6,   Brahms,   D. 

2.  Slumber  Song,  Schumann,  E  flat. 

3.  Air  and  Gavotte    (from  Suite  for  Orchestra),   Bach,   D. 

4.  L'Abeille    (The  Bee),  Schubert,  E  minor. 

5.  Melody,    Paderewski,   C. 

6.  Fruhlings    Erwachen     (Spring's   Awakening)  ,    Bach,    E. 

7.  Barcarolle,  Fischer,  C. 

8.  Spinnerlied     (Spinning    Song)  ,     Hollander,     B    flat. 

9.  Canzonetta,  Op.  35,   No.  3,  Codard,   B  flat. 

10.  Gavotte,  Op.  314,  No.  3,  Bohm,  G. 

11.  Gondoliera  from  Suite   III,  Op.   34,   No.   4,   Ries,   B  flat. 

12.  Romanza,  Becker,  E  flat. 

13.  Canzona,  Op.  85,  No.  5,  Raff,  E. 


Coltermann,  C. — Cantilena.     Publisher,  G.  Schirmer,  N.  Y.  Copy- 
right 1900.     [1929]. 
10!/2-inch,  pp.  2 05 


Arban -Clarke  Method  for  Cornet  and  Trumpet,  Jean  Baptiste 
Arban  and  Herbert  L.  Clarke.  Publishers,  Cundy-Bettoney 
Co.,   Boston,   Mass.      Copyright   1930.      [1931].      One-side. 

Part      I,    10V2-inch,    3    vols.;    309    pp 9.00 

Part     II,    lO^-inch,    4    vols.;    422    pp 12.00 





of  the 


of  the 

American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind 


Louisville      ♦      Kentucky 


The  Congress   of  the    United    States, 
The  General  Assembly  of  Kentucky 


The  Governors  of  the  States  of  the   Union 

For  the  Year  Ending  June  30,  1934 

Published  January,   1935 

Lewis  &  Parsons  Co. 
Louisville,   Ky. 


July  1,  1933 — June  30,   1934 


JOHN  W.   BARR,   Jr. 



Secretary  and  Superintendent 

A.  C.  ELLIS 



Publications   Committee 


Advisory  Committee  to  Act  in  Cooperation  with 
Publications   Committee 








And,  ex-officio,  every  Superintendent  or  Principal  of  a  Public  Institution 
for  the  Education  of  the  Blind  in  the  United  States. 




The  number  of  pupils,  and  the  amount  of  the  quota  of  each  for  the  year 

ending  June  30,  1934,  according  to  the  law  of  Congress  approved  March  3, 
1879,  June  25,  1906,  August  4,  1919,  and  December  22,  1927,  entitled  "An 
Act  to  promote  the  Education  of  the  Blind": 

No.  of  Amount 

Pupils  of  Quota 

Alabama  School  for  the  Blind,  White  Dept.,  Talladega,  Ala.  170  $2,022.52 
Alabama  School  for  the  Negro  Deaf  and  Blind,  Talladega, 

Ala 42  499.68 

Arizona  School  for  the  Deaf  and  Blind,  Tucson,  Ariz 27  321.22 

Arkansas  School   for  the   Blind,  Little  Rock,  Ark 128  1,522.84 

Atlanta  Public  Schools,  Dept.  for  the  Blind,  Atlanta,  Ga 7  83.28 

Buffalo  Board  of  Education,  Classes  for  the  Blind,  Elementary 

School  No.  24,  Buffalo,  N.  Y 17  202.25 

California  School  for  the  Blind,  Berkeley,  Calif 114  1,356.28 

Chicago  Public  Schools,  Dept.  for  the  Blind,  Chicago,  111 74  880.39 

Cincinnati  Public  Schools,  Classes  for  the  Blind,  Cincinnati, 

Ohio  12  142.77 

Cleveland  Public  Schools,  Dept.  for  the  Blind,  Cleveland,  Ohio  31  368.81 
Colorado    School    for    the    Deaf    and    the    Blind,    Colorado 

Springs,   Colo 57  678.14 

Connecticut  School  for  the  Blind,  Hartford,  Conn 61  725.73 

Connecticut  Nursery  for  the  Blind,  Farmington,  Conn 4  47.59 

Detroit   Public   Schools,    Braille   and    Sight    Saving,    Detroit, 

Mich 49  582.94 

Duluth  Public  Schools,  Classes  for  the  Blind,  Duluth,  Minn.  2  23.80 

Eklutna  Industrial  School  for  the  Blind,  Eklutna,  Alaska 16  190.36 

Elizabeth  Public  Schools,  Class  for  the  Blind,  Wm.  Livingston 

School  No.  10,  Elizabeth,  N.  J 3  35.69 

Florida  School  for  the  Blind,  St.  Augustine,  Fla 83  987.47 

Georgia  Academy  for  the  Blind,  Macon,  Ga 109  1,296.80 

Idaho  State  School  for  the  Deaf  and  Blind,  Gooding,  Idaho  24  285.53 

Illinois  School  for  the  Blind,  Jacksonville,  111 240  2,855.32 

Instituto   Puertorriqueno  De  Ninos   Ciegos,   Santurce,   P.   R.  50  594.86 

Iowa  School  for  the  Blind,  Vinton,  Iowa 174  2,070.11 

Indiana  School  for  the  Blind,  Indianapolis,  Ind 153  1,820.27 

Jersey  City  Public  Schools,  Classes  for  the  Blind,  School  No. 

30,  Jersey  City,  N.  J 13  154.66 

Johnstown  Public  Schools,  Dept.  for  the  Blind,  Johnstown, 

Pa.    15  178.46 

Kentucky  School  for  the  Blind,  Louisville,  Ky 170  2,022.53 

Kansas  School  for  the  Blind,  Kansas  City,  Kans 119  1,415.77 

Long    Beach    Public    Schools,    Classes    for    the    Blind,    Long 

Beach,    Calif 2  23.80 

Los  Angeles  Public   Schools,  Dept.  for  the  Blind,  Los  An' 

geles,   Calif 59  701.94 

Louisiana  State  School  for  the  Blind,  Baton  Rouge,  La 84  999.37 

Louisiana  State  School  for  Negro  Blind,  Scotlandville,  La 43  511.58 

Maryland  School  for  the  Blind,  Overlea,  Md 101  1,201.62 

Michigan    Employment    Institution    for    the    Blind,    Saginaw, 

W.  S.,  Mich 27  321.22 

Michigan  School  for  the  Blind,  Lansing,  Mich 196  2,331.85 

Milwaukee  Public  Schools,  Dept.  for  the  Blind,  Milwaukee, 

Wis 8  95.18 

Minneapolis  Public  Schools,  Dept.   for  the  Blind,  Minneap' 

ohs,  Minn 50  594.86 

Minnesota  School  for  the  Blind,  Faribault,  Minn 119  1,415.77 

Mississippi  School  for  the  Blind,  Jackson,  Miss 75  892.29 

Missouri  School  for  the  Blind,  St.  Louis,  Mo 105  1,249.21 

Montana  School  for  the  Blind,  Boulder,  Mont 21  249.84 

Nebraska  School  for  the  Blind,  Nebraska  City,  Nebr 50  594.86 

Newark  Public  Schools,  Dept.  for  the  Blind,  Newark,  N.  J.  16  190.36 

New  Mexico  School  for  the  Blind,  Alamogordo,  N.  M 90  1,070.75 

New   Orleans    Public    Schools,    Classes    for   the    Blind,    John 

Dibert    School,   New   Orleans,   La 9  107.08 

New   York    Institute    for   the    Education    of   the    Blind,    999 

Pelham   Parkway,  New  York  City 161  1,915.45 

New  York  State  School  for  the  Blind,  Batavia,  N.  Y 144  1,713.20 

New  York  City  Public  Schools,  Dept.  for  Blind,  New  York 

City,  N.   Y 88  1,046.95 

North  Carolina  School  for  the  Blind,  Raleigh,  N.  C 251  2,986.20 

North  Dakota  School  for  the  Blind,  Bathgate,  N.  D 37  440.20 

Ohio  State  School  for  the  Blind,  Columbus,  Ohio 225  2,676.87 

Oklahoma  School  for  the  Blind,  Muskogee,  Okla 137  1,629.92 

Oklahoma  Deaf,  Blind  and  Orphan's  Home  for  Colored  Chih 

dren,  Taft,  Okla 12  142.77 

Oregon  School  for  the  Blind,  Salem,  Oregon 63  749.52 

Paterson  Public  Schools,  Dept.  for  the  Blind,  Paterson,  N.  J.  14  166.56 
Pennsylvania    Institution    for    the    Instruction    of   the    Blind, 

Overbrook,  Pa 224  2,664.97 

Perkins  Institution   and  Massachusetts  School  for  the  Blind, 

Watertown,  Mass 273  3,247.94 

Piney  Woods  Country  Life  School,  Piney  Woods,  Miss 18  214.15 

Royer-Greaves  School  for  the  Blind,  King  of  Prussia,  Pa 19  226.05 

School  for  the  Deaf  and  Blind,  Pasay  Risal,  P.  1 25  297.43 

South   Carolina   School  for  the   Deaf  and   the   Blind,   Cedar 

Spring,  S.  C 93  1,106.44 

South  Dakota  School  for  the  Blind,  Gary,  S.  D 45  535.38 

St.    Cloud   School   District,   Dept.   for  the   Blind,   St.   Cloud, 

Minn 12  142.77 

Tennessee  School  for  the  Blind,  Nashville,  Tenn 222  2,641.18 

Territorial  School  for  the  Deaf  and  Blind,  Honolulu,  T.  H.  25  297.43 

Toledo  Public  Schools,  Dept.  for  the  Blind,  Toledo,  Ohio....  6  71.38 

Texas  School  for  the  Blind,  Austin,  Texas 216  2,569.80 


Texas    Deaf    and    Dumb    and    Blind    Institute    for    Colored 

Youths,  Austin,  Texas  142  1,689.40 

Utah  School  for  the  Blind,  Ogden,  Utah 23  273.64 

Virginia  School  for  the  Deaf  and  the  Blind,  Staunton,  Va.  104  1,237.31 
Virginia  School  for  the  Colored   Deaf  and   Blind,  Newport 

News,   Va 36  428.30 

Washington  School  for  the  Blind,  Vancouver,  Wash 95  1,130.24 

Western  Pennsylvania  School  for  the  Blind,  Pittsburgh,  Pa 166  1,974.94 

West  Virginia  School  for  the  Deaf  and  the  Blind,  Romney, 

W.  Va 115  1,368.18 

West  Virginia  School  for  the  Colored  Deaf  and  Blind,  Insti' 

tute,  W.  Va 18  214.15 

Wisconsin  School  for  the  Blind,  Janesville,  Wis 264  3,140.86 

Youngstown   Public   Schools,  Dept.   for  Blind,  Youngstown, 

Ohio 12  142.77 

Total 6,304     $75,000.00 

Per  Capita— $11.8972 



July  1,  1933.  to  June  30,  1934 

No.  of 

For  What 

Date    Voucher 

To  Whom  Paid 






Payroll  for  July,  1933 






The  Holliston  Mills 

Bindery  Materials 





Revere  Copper  &  Brass  Co. 

Brass  Plate  Blanks 





American  Zinc  Products  Co. 

Zinc  Plate  Blanks 





U.  S.  Rubber  Products 

Rubber  Blankets 





Seaman  Paper  Co. 






Louisville  Paper  Co. 






Queen  City  Paper  Co. 

Bindery  Materials 





Miller  Paper  Co. 






Payroll  for  August,  1933 






American  Zinc  Products  Co. 

Zinc  Plate  Blanks 





Miller  Paper  Co. 






L.  J.  Hoelscher  6?  Co. 






Payroll  for  September,  1933 






Payroll  for  October,  1933 






Payroll  for  November,  1933 






Payroll  for  November,  1933 







Pay-roll  for  January,  1934 






The  Holliston  Mills 

Bindery  Materials 





U.  S.  Rubber  Products 

Rubber  Blankets 





Queen  City  Paper  Co. 

Bindery  Materials 





Miller  Paper  Co. 






Payroll  for  February,  1934 






American  Brass  Co. 

Brass  Plate  Blanks 





Swift  &  Co. 

Bindery  Materials 





Miller  Paper  Co. 






Seaman  Paper  Co. 






The  Holliston  Mills 

Bindery  Materials 





Payroll  for  March,  1934 






Payroll  for  April,  1934 






Louis  Dejonge  &  Co. 

Bindery  Materials 





Miller  Paper  Co. 






Swift  &  Co. 

Bindery  Materials 





The  Holliston  Mills 

Bindery  Materials 





American  Zinc  Products  Co. 

Zinc  Plate  Blanks 





Louisville  Paper  Co. 






Miller  Paper  Co. 






The  Holliston  Mills 

Bindery  Materials 





Seaman  Paper  Co. 






Crystal  Springs  Bleachery 

Bindery  Materials 





American  Printing  House  for 

the  Blind 






Payroll  for  May,  1934 






Payroll  for  June,  1934 






Payroll  for  June,  1934 




Federal  Taxes  on  Checks 





July  1,  1933    to  June  30,  1934 


Trade  Customers  $54,551.50 

Quota  Institutions  3,794.11 

Scrap  Material  Sales  188.91 

Interest  9.25 

United  States  Government  75,000.00 

Refunds    195.42 

TOTAL  RECEIPTS   $133,739.19 

CASH  BALANCE  JULY  1,  1933 20,842.20 

TOTAL  CASH  TO  ACCOUNT  FOR  154,581.39 


Material    $30,321.10 

Payrolls   72,874.79 

Manufacturing    Exnense    3,918.24 

Freight  and  Drayage  2,905.68 

Insurance    1,347.83 

Repairs  1,992.45 

Postage  2,998.67 

Traveling   Expense    463.31 

Miscellaneous  Expense   3,776.97 

Machinery  and  Equipment  3,880.79 

New  Store  Room  6,312.89 

Refunds  Accounts  Receivable  153.94 


CASH  BALANCE  JUNE  30,  1934 23,634.73 



July  2,  1934 

Minutes  of  the  Special  Meeting  of  the  Board  of  Trustees 

At  the  Annual  Meeting  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  of  the  American  Printing 
House  for  the  Blind  held  July  3,  1933,  the  following  action  was  taken: 

"Upon  motion,  it  was  ordered  that  the  Secretary,  not  later  than 
November  1,  1933,  send  out  mimeographed  copies  of  the  rough  draft  of 
the  compilation  of  By-Laws,  with  the  request  that  the  superintendents  send 
in  by  January  1,  1934,  any  suggestions  or  additions  to  be  incorporated  in 
a  second  draft.  It  was  further  directed  that  the  second  draft  embodying 
all  suggestions  be  codified  and  a  copy  of  same  mailed  to  each  member  of 
the  Board  of  Trustees  not  later  than  April  1,  1934.  The  Secretary  was 
also  directed  to  issue  a  call,  under  date  of  April  1,  1934,  for  a  special 
meeting  of  the  Board  of  Trustees,  to  be  held  immediately  preceding  the 
next  Annual  Meeting  of  the  Board,  for  the  specific  purpose  of  approving 
the   proposed   codification   of  the   By-Laws." 

Pursuant  to  the  above  motion,  a  Special  Meeting  of  the  Board  of  Trustees 
was  held  July  2,  1934,  at  the  Pendennis  Club,  Louisville,  Kentucky,  with  the 
following  members  present: 

Mr.  John  W.  Barr,  Jr.,  President,  Louisville,  Kentucky. 

Mr.  Edward  M.  Van  Cleve,  Vice-President;  Principal,  New  York  Institute 
for  the  Education  of  the  Blind,  New  York,  New  York. 

Mr.  William  E.  Allen,  Superintendent,,  Texas  School  for  the  Blind,  Austin, 

Mr.  John  F.  Bledsoe,  Superintendent,  Maryland  School  for  the  Blind,  Over- 
lea,  Maryland. 

Dr.  Olin  H.  Burritt,  Principal,  Pennsylvania  Institution  for  the  Instruction 
of  the  Blind,  Overbrook,  Pennsylvania. 

Mr.  Frank  M.  Driggs,  Superintendent,  Utah  School  for  the  Blind,  Ogden, 

Mr.  Harry  Dumesnil,  Louisville,  Kentucky. 

Mr.  Stuart  Duncan,  Louisville,  Kentucky. 

Mr.  Charles  A.  Hamilton,  Superintendent,  New  York  State  School  for  the 
Blind,  Batavia,  New  York. 

Mr.  B.  S.  Joice,  Superintendent,  Western  Pennsylvania  School  for  the 
Blind,  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania. 

Dr.  R.  A.  Kent,  Louisville,  Kentucky. 

Mr.  G.  E.  Lineberry,  Superintendent,  North  Carolina  School  for  the  Blind 
and  the  Deaf,  Raleigh,  North  Carolina. 

Mr.  Clarence  J.  Settles,  President,  Florida  School  for  the  Blind,  St.  Augus- 
tine, Florida. 

Miss  Olive  I.  Thompson,  Superintendent,  Kansas  School  for  the  Blind,  Kan- 
sas City,  Kansas. 

Mr.  R.  C  Ballard  Thruston,  Louisville,  Kentucky. 

Mr.  Mendus  R.  Vevle,  Superintendent,  Minnesota  School  for  the  Blind, 
Faribault,  Minnesota. 

Mr.  R.  W.  Woolston,  Superintendent,  Illinois  School  for  the  Blind,  Jack- 
sonville,  Illinois. 

The  President,  Mr.  John  W.  Barr,  Jr.,  presented  to  each  member  present  a 
copy  of  the  proposed  codification  of  the  By-Laws.  The  provisions  of  the 
proposed  ByLaws  were  read  and  discussed  article  by  article.  After  a  full 
discussion  of  several  points  these  ByLaws  were  unanimously  adopted  in  the 
following  form: 


of  the 

American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind 


1839  Frankfort  Avenue 
Louisville,  Kentucky 

The  Seal 

The  common  seal  of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  Inc., 
shall  have  inscribed  thereon  the  full  name  of  the  institution,  and  the  year  of  its 

Board  of  Trustees 

The  members  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  shall  be  those  provided  for  in  the 
State  and  Federal  enactments  affecting  the  Printing  House,  and  shall  hold  their 
offices  subject  to  the  provisions  of  said  enactments. 


Meetings  of  the  Board  of  Trustees 

The  Annual  Meeting  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  of  the  American  Printing 
House  for  the  Blind,  for  the  election  of  officers  and  other  business,  shall  be  held 
in  Louisville,  Kentucky,  in  the  month  of  July  or  in  the  month  of  August,  and 
special  meetings  may  be  called  at  any  time  by  the  President,  and  shall  be  called 
on  the  request  of  five  Trustees,  presented  in  writing  to  the  President  of  the 
Board.  Special  meetings  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  may  be  held  in  the  City  of 
Louisville,  Kentucky,  or  at  such  other  places  as  may  be  agreed  upon  by  the 
President  and  five  or  more  Trustees.  Due  notice  of  the  date  and  place  of  holding 
the  Annual  Meeting  shall  be  sent  in  writing  to  each  Trustee  by  the  Secretary  at 
least  thirty  days  before  the  time  of  holding  said  meeting;  and  the  time  and 
place  of  holding  any  special  meeting  shall  be  sent  in  writing  or  by  telegraph 
to  each  Trustee  by  the  Secretary  at  least  five  days  before  the  time  of  holding  such 
meeting.  The  Secretary  shall  also  keep  a  summary  record  of  the  Minutes,  in- 
cluding a  file  of  the  reports  made  at  all  meetings,  and  shall  keep  these  in  a 
bound  volume  provided  for  the  purpose. 


Order  of  Business  of  Meetings 

The  order  of  business  of  the  Annual  Meetings,  and  of  all  special  meetings, 
in  so  far  as  consistent  with  the  business  at  hand,  shall  be  as  follows: 

1.  Reading  the  Minutes  of  the  previous  meeting    (and  their  approval). 

2.  Reports  of  the  President,  Superintendent  and  standing  and  temporary 

3.  Special  Orders. 

4.  Unfinished  Business  and  General  Orders. 

5.  New  Business. 

6.  Election  of  Officers  for  the  coming  year. 

7.  Election  of  Committees. 

8.  Adjournment. 

Fiscal  Year  and  Annual  Reports 

The  fiscal  year  of  the  institution  shall  close  on  June  30th  of  each  year, 
and  within  three  months  thereafter  there  shall  be  published  an  Annual  Report 
of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind  containing  a  classified  statement 
of  all  receipts  and  expenditures,  a  balance  sheet  showing  the  value  of  all  proper- 
ties of  the  institution,  the  disbursements  for  the  year  from  the  United  States 
Government  account,  a  list  of  the  public  institutions  for  the  education  of  the 
blind  in  the  United  States  with  their  enrollments  and  quota  allotments,  together 
with  a  statement  of  any  change  of  policy  in  the  management  of  the  institution 
and  such  other  data  regarding  the  Printing  House  as  may  be  deemed  interesting 
or  necessary  by  the  members  of  the  Board  of  Trustees. 

Quorum  and  Amendments 

Five  members  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  shall  constitute  a  quorum  for  the 
transaction  of  business  at  any  Annual  or  special  meeting;  provided,  that  these 
By-Laws  shall  not  be  altered,  amended,  or  repealed  except  by  a  majority  vote 
at  a  meeting  called  for  that  purpose;  provided,  also,  that  a  written  or  printed 
notice  shall  be  sent  to  each  Trustee  at  least  sixty  days  before  the  time  fixed  for 
holding  such  meeting,  which  notice  shall  set  forth  the  proposed  alterations;  and, 
provided  further,  that  no  amendments,  alteration  or  repeal  of  any  By-Law  shall 
be  made  at  any  meeting  at  which  less  than  fifteen  Trustees  are  present. 


The  officers  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  shall  consist  of  a  President,  Vice- 
President,  Secretary  and  Treasurer,  who  shall  be  elected  at  the  Annual  Meetings 
and  who  shall  hold  their  offices  for  one  year  or  until  their  successors  are  duly 
elected  and  qualified.  Any  vacancy  occurring  shall  be  filled  by  the  Executive 
Committee  pending  action  of  the  Board  of  Trustees.  Their  powers  and  duties 
shall  be  as  follows: 

a.  The  PRESIDENT  shall  exercise  general  supervision  and  administration 
over  all  the  affairs  of  the  Printing  House.  He  shall,  when  present,  preside  at  all 
meetings  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  or  the  Executive  Committee,  and  shall  appoint 
such  temporary  committees  not  herein  provided  for  as  may  be  deemed  necessary. 
He  shall,  subject  to  the  provisions  of  the  Charter,  sign  all  bonds  and  notes  per- 
taining to  the  business  and  affairs  of  the  institution,  and  all  contracts,  deeds, 
liens  and  other  instruments  of  a  special  nature.  He  shall  be  ex-ofRcio  a  member 
of  all  committees. 

b.  The  VICE-PRESIDENT  of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind 
shall,  in  the  absence,  inability  or  refusal  to  act  of  the  President,  be  vested  with 
all  of  the  powers  of  the  President  and  may  be  required  to  perform  all  his  duties. 
He  shall  perform  such  other  duties  as  may  be  prescribed  by  the  Board  of  Trustees. 


c.  The  SECRETARY  shall  keep  Minutes  of  all  the  meetings  of  the  Board 
of  Trustees  and  of  the  Executive  Committee.  Under  the  direction  of  the 
President,  he  shall  issue,  or  cause  to  be  issued,  all  calls  for  meetings  of  the  Board 
of  Trustees,  and  of  the  Executive  Committee,  and  shall  notify  all  officers,  Trustees 
and  members  of  committees  of  their  election  or  appointment  to  office.  He  shall 
have  the  custody  of  the  seal  of  the  institution,  and  shall  affix  the  same  to  such 
instruments  as  shall  require  it.  He  shall  have  charge  of  the  books  and  records 
of  the  Board  of  Trustees  and  of  the  institution,  and  shall  make  reports  to  the 
Trustees  from  time  to  time  as  required.  He  shall  be  especially  responsible  for 
the  preparation  and  preservation  of  the  following: 

1.  Books  of  Minutes. 

2.  Files  of  reports  of  committees. 

3.  Bound  copies  of  the  Annual  Reports. 

4.  Bound  copies  of  the  Annual  Audits  prepared  under  the  direction  of 
the  Executive  Committee. 

5.  Annual  inventories. 

6.  Catalogs  of  publications. 

7.  Acts  of  legislation  and  special  Government  reports  affecting  the  Amer- 
ican Printing  House  for  the  Blind. 

8.  Books  of  account  of  the  institution. 

The  above  records  shall  be  open  to  the  inspection  of  any  member  of  the 
Board  of  Trustees  and  to  any  other  person  legally  entitled  to  examine  the  records 
of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind. 

d.  The  TREASURER  shall  be  the  custodian  of  all  the  funds  and  securities 
of  the  Printing  House  and  shall  keep  full  and  accurate  records  and  accounts  in 
books  provided  for  such  purpose  of  all  receipts,  disbursements,  credits,  assets, 
liabilities  and  financial  transactions  of  the  institution,  and  shall  keep  a  separate 
account  of  all  funds  received  from  the  United  States  Treasury.  He  shall  endorse 
for  collection  and  deposit  to  the  credit  of  the  Printing  House  all  notes,  checks 
and  other  negotiable  instruments  of  the  institution  coming  into  his  hands  in  such 
depositories  or  safe  deposits  as  may  be  designated  by  the  Board  of  Trustees.  He 
shall  disburse  the  funds  of  the  institution,  all  expenditures  being  made  upon 
itemized  vouchers  duly  verified  and  audited  and  approved  by  not  less  than  three 
members  of  the  Executive  Committee,  or  by  a  duly  certified  public  accountant 
named  by  the  Executive  Committee.  All  vouchers  covering  expenditures  of 
moneys  derived  from  the  United  States  Treasury  shall  constitute  a  separate 
series,  and  shall  be  executed  in  duplicate,  the  duplicates  of  which  shall  belong 
to  the  files  of  the  institution,  and  the  originals  shall  be  filed  with  the  United 
States  Treasury  Department.  Checks  for  the  withdrawal  of  the  funds  of  the 
institution  from  bank  or  other  depository  shall  be  signed  by  such  persons  as 
shall  be  authorized  by  resolution  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  or  of  the  Executive 
Committee  acting  under  the  authority  of  the  Board.  The  Treasurer  may  be 
either  an  individual,  or  a  bank  or  trust  company  authorized  to  do  business  in 
Louisville,  Kentucky,  and  having  a  paid  up  capital  stock  of  $500,000,  or  more, 
which  capital  stock  may  be  accepted  as  surety  on  the  bond  of  such  bank  or  trust 
company  as  Treasurer,  except  as  otherwise  required  by  the  United  States 
Government  in  regard  to  United  States  funds. 


Executive  Committee 

The  members  of  the  Board  of  Trustees,  who  are  or  shall  be  residents  of 
the  State  of  Kentucky  elected  to  membership  as  successors  of  the  original  incor- 
porators, are  hereby  constituted  an  Executive  Committee  of  seven  to  have,  under 
the  authority  of  the  Board  of  Trustees,  the  care  and  management  of  all  property 
belonging  to  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  and  the  management 


of  the  business  of  said  institution.  During  the  interims  between  the  Annual 
Meetings  the  Executive  Committee  shall  act  for  the  Board  of  Trustees,  except 
as  otherwise  provided  in  the  Charter  of  the  institution  or  in  these  By-Laws. 



A  Superintendent  of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind  shall  be 
elected  by  the  Trustees,  at  a  salary  to  be  fixed  by  the  Board,  who  shall  hold  his 
office  for  the  term  of  two  years,  or  until  his  successor  is  elected,  unless  sooner 
removed.  He  shall  be  general  manager  of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the 
Blind  and  exercise  supervision  and  administration  thereof,  and  shall  perform 
such  other  duties  as  shall  be  assigned  him  by  the  Board  of  Trustees  or  by  the 
Executive  Committee;  provided,  also,  that  the  power  is  hereby  conferred,  by  the 
Board  of  Trustees,  upon  the  Executive  Committee,  to  remove  for  cause  deemed 
sufficient  to  them,  this  Superintendent,  and  to  select  a  superintendent  to  fill  the 
vacancy  thus  occurring,  until  the  next  regular  meeting  of  the  Board  of  Trustees; 
and  the  same  power  is  hereby  given  the  Executive  Committee,  in  case  of  the 
death  or  resignation  of  the  Superintendent.  Full  report  of  cause  in  case  of 
removal  of  the  Superintendent  by  the  Executive  Committee  shall  be  made  to 
the  Board  of  Trustees  at  their  meeting  subsequent  to  the  removal.  The  Superin- 
tendent, with  the  approval  of  the  Executive  Committee,  shall  appoint  such 
subordinates  as  may  be  deemed  necessary  to  the  proper  conduct  of  the  affairs  of 
the  institution  and  shall  fix  their  salaries  or  compensation. 


Publications  Committee 

A  Committee  on  Publications,  composed  of  five  Trustees,  shall  be  elected 
by  the  Board  of  Trustees,  who  shall  serve  for  the  period  of  two  years  and  until 
their  successors  are  elected,  who  shall  within  six  months  thereafter  select  for 
recommendation  to  the  superintendents  of  the  institutions  for  the  education  of 
the  blind  the  books  to  be  printed  under  the  Government  appropriation.  Said 
Publications  Committee  shall  also  have  the  authority  to  divide  itself  into  sub- 
committees, such  as  the  Music  Committee  and  the  Committee  on  Literary  Pub- 
lications, and  to  coopt  up  to  the  limit  of  four  any  members  of  the  Board  of 
Trustees  to  act  in  advisory  capacity.  The  Publications  Committee  shall  also 
have  the  authority  to  determine  the  type  and  fashion  of  printing  a  particular 
title,  the  general  policies  of  the  Printing  House  having  previously  been  settled 
upon  by  the  Board  of  Trustees.  It  is  further  provided,  that  the  Publications 
Committee  may,  from  time  to  time,  approve  lists  of  books,  to  be  printed  at  the 
Printing  House,  for  which  sufficient  orders  have  been  previously,  or  which  may 
be,  obtained  to  justify  embossing  the  plates  and  printing  first  editions. 


Tangible  Apparatus 

The  term  "tangible  apparatus"  shall  include  only  such  articles  as  are 
especially  adapted  to  the  use  of  blind  students  as  such.  The  selection,  manu- 
facture and  distribution  of  tangible  apparatus  may  be  authorized  by  the  Board 
of  Trustees.  Such  apparatus  when  so  selected  may  be  listed  in  the  General 
Catalog  of  Publications  and  Appliances  of  the  American  Printing  House  for 
the  Blind. 

Federal  Quota  Allotments 

The  superintendent  of  any  institution  for  the  education  of  the  blind  may 

authorize  the  expenditure  of  all  or  any  part  of  the  Federal  quota  allotment  of 
his  school,  as  provided  in  "An  Act  to  promote  the  Education  of  the  Blind" 
approved  by  Congress  March  3,  1879,  and  its  subsequent  amendments,  to  the 
publication  of  any  title  or  the  manufacture  of  any  tangible  apparatus  selected 
by  him. 


Resolutions,  which  are  not  in  conflict  with  these  By-Laws,  may  be  passed 
by  the  Board  of  Trustees  at  a  regular  or  special  meeting,  and  shall  be  in  full 
force  and  operative  until  such  resolutions  are  amended  or  repealed  by  a  majority 
vote  at  a  regular  or  special  meeting  of  the  Board  of  Trustees. 



These  By-Laws  shall  be  in  effect,  and  supersede  all  By-Laws  now  in  force, 
upon  adoption  by  the  requisite  number  of  Trustees  present  at  a  meeting  called 
for  the  purpose,  in  accordance  with  the  By-Laws  adopted  July  12,  1888,  and  to 
remain  in  effect  until  altered  in  accordance  with  the   By-Laws   herein   enacted. 

Thereupon,  the  special  meeting  was  adjourned. 

JOHN  W.  BARR,  JR.,  President 
A.  C.  ELLIS,  Secretary 



July  2,  1934 

Minutes  of  the  Annual  Meeting 

The  Annual  Meeting  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  of  the  American  Printing 
House  for  the  Blind  was  held  at  the  Pendennis  Club,  Louisville,  Kentucky, 
July   2,    1934,    at   three   p.m.,   with   the   following   members  present: 

Mr.  John  W.  Barr,  Jr.,  President,  Louisville,  Kentucky. 

Mr.  Edward  M.  Van  Cleve,  Vice-President;  Principal,  New  York  Institute 
for  the  Education  of  the  Blind,  New  York,  New  York. 

Mr.  William  E.  Allen,  Superintendent,  Texas  School  for  the  Blind,  Austin, 

Mr.  John  F.  Bledsoe,  Superintendent,  Maryland  School  for  the  Blind,  Over' 
lea,  Maryland. 

Dr.  Olin  H.  Burritt,  Principal,  Pennsylvania  Institution  for  the  Instruction 
of  the  Blind,  Overbrook,  Pennsylvania. 

Mr.  Frank  M.  Driggs,  Superintendent,  Utah  School  for  the  Blind,  Ogden, 

Mr.  Harry  Dumesnil,  Louisville,  Kentucky. 

Mr.  Stuart  Duncan,  Louisville,  Kentucky. 

Mr.  Charles  A.  Hamilton,  Superintendent,  New  York  State  School  for 
the  Blind,  Batavia,  New  York. 

Mr.  B.  S.  Joice,  Superintendent,  Western  Pennsylvania  School  for  the 
Blind,  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania. 

Dr.  R.  A.  Kent,  Louisville,  Kentucky. 

Mr.  G.  E.  Lineberry,  Superintendent,  North  Carolina  School  for  the  Blind 
and  the  Deaf,  Raleigh,  North  Carolina. 

Mr.  Clarence  J.  Settles,  President,  Florida  School  for  the  Blind,  St.  Augus- 
tine, Florida. 

Miss  Olive  I.  Thompson,  Superintendent,  Kansas  School  for  the  Blind, 
Kansas  City,  Kansas. 

Mr.  R.  C.  Ballard  Thruston,  Louisville,  Kentucky. 

Mr.  Mendus  R.  Vevle,  Superintendent,  Minnesota  School  for  the  Blind, 
Faribault,  Minnesota. 

Mr.  R.  W.  Woolston,  Superintendent,  Illinois  School  for  the  Blind,  Jack' 
sonville,   Illinois. 

The  Minutes'  of  the  Annual  Meeting  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  held  July  3, 
1933,  were  approved  as  published  in  the  "Sixty-Fifth  Report  of  the  Board  of 
Trustees  of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind." 

Next  in  order  of  business  was  the  reading  of  the  Annual  Reports  of  the 
officers  and  standing  committees.  In  each  case,  upon  motion,  the  reports  were 
accepted  and   ordered  recorded  in  the  Minutes. 






The  1933-1934  fiscal  year  of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind 
has  been  marked  by  further  improvements,  which  in  brief  terms  may  be  stated 
as  follows: 

1.  The  erection  of  a  plate-storage  room  in  accordance  with  the 
action  of  the  Executive  Committee,  March  19,  1934.  This  improvement 
adds  greatly  to  the  convenience  of  working  operation  and  is  of  great 
benefit  in  the  preservation  and  safety  of  valuable  plates. 

2.  In  order  that  the  members  of  the  Executive  Committee  may  be 
in  closer  touch  with  the  operation  of  the  institution,  and  also  to  give  our 
Superintendent  more  frequent  opportunities  to  confer  with  the  local  Board, 
it  has  been  decided  that  the  Executive  Committee  shall  hold  its  meetings 
at  stated  quarterly  periods.  It  has  also  been  decided  that  a  given  number 
of  the  regular  meetings  shall  be  held  in  the  building  of  the  American 
Printing  House  for  the  Blind  in  order  that  the  Superintendent  may  be  able 
to  explain  to  the  Board  the  needs  of  the  institution  through  this  form  of 
personal  contact.  Other  meetings  will  be  held  in  the  business  district  in 
the  office  of  the  President,  where  a  fuller  attendance  of  the  Board  may 
be  anticipated. 

3.  Early  in  September,  1933,  our  institution  signed  the  President's 
Reemployment  Agreement,  and  during  the  month  of  September  we  became 
a  member  of  the  National  Association  of  Printers  for  the  Blind,  which 
organization  was  created  for  the  purpose  of  dealing  with  the  National 
Recovery  Administration,  to  the  end  that  a  code  of  fair  competition  for 
the   braille  printers  might  be  adopted. 

4.  After  serious  consideration,  and  an  explanation  by  the  Superin- 
tendent,  the  Board  adopted  the  policy  of  reducing  the  surplus  stock  of 
bound  and  unbound  books,  and  the  Executive  Committee  approved  the 
recommendation  to  allocate  $25,000  worth  of  this  material  to  the  various 
schools  and  classes  for  the  blind.  A  total  valuation  of  $24,621.53  of  this 
stock  was  distributed  to  the  schools  upon  the  order  of  their  respective 
superintendents.  The  effect  of  this  allocation  is  a  gift  from  the  Printing 
House  to  the  schools  for  the  blind  in  the  various  states.  The  distribution 
also  gives  us  additional  room  for  future  storage,  and  gives  the  various 
schools  the  benefit  of  the  accumulated  surplus. 

5.  Progress  has  been  made  in  the  installation  of  new  equipment, 
which  adds  greatly  to  the  convenience  of  operation.  The  new  equipment 
installed   includes: 

a.  A    modern    Kelly   Press    unit   which    will    print   both    braille    and 
letterpress  materials. 

b.  A    Remington    Rand    Bookkeeping    Machine    for   the    accounting 

c.  A  slitting  machine  for  the  bindery  department. 

d.  An  automatic  push-button  control  on  the  elevator. 

6.  More  adequate  and  attractive  office  space  has  been  provided  for 
the  clerical  department.  By  reason  of  this  arrangement  a  centralization 
of  records  has  been  made  possible  which,  to  a  considerable  degree,  will 
eliminate  duplication  of  effort,  with  the  result  that  the  efficiency  of  the 
department  will  be  increased. 

The  development  in  the  field  of  usefulness  of  the  institution  has  in  a  very 
large   degree  been   due  to  the  intelligent  and  untiring   efforts  in  its  behalf  of 


our  Superintendent.  Personally,  I  feel  that  it  is  proper  to  acknowledge  the 
deep  interest  which  he  has  shown  for  the  welfare  of  the  institution  and  the 
success  which  has  attended  his  efforts. 

Respectfully   submitted, 

JOHN  W.  BARR,  JR.,  President. 





The  policy  adopted  some  years  ago  of  embossing  additional  music  only 
as  assurance  was  given  that  it  would  be  used  by  the  schools  has  been  followed. 
A  few  titles  have  been  added  in  the  year  under  report  through  gifts. 

The  necessary  dies  and  materials  have  been  purchased  and  the  work  is 
well  under  way  on  the  first  100  sets  of  the  Notation-Graph.  It  is  planned  to 
have  this  device  ready  for  delivery  early  in  September,  1934. 

Mr.  John  Meldrum,  of  the  Oklahoma  School  for  the  Blind,  and  Mr.  L. 
W.  Rodenberg,  of  the  Illinois  School  for  the  Blind,  upon  the  request  of  the 
Superintendent,  have  compiled  lists  of  titles  from  the  N.  I.  B.  Music  Catalogs. 
It  is  suggested  that  these  compilations  be  used  in  making  up  the  first  list  of 
music  plates  to  be  borrowed  from  the  N.  I.  B. 

The  1933  Catalog  of  Braille  Music  Publications  of  the  American  Printing 
House  for  the  Blind  has  been  printed  in  braille  for  the  benefit  of  sightless  music 
teachers  and  musicians.    This  publication  has  been  enthusiastically  received. 

Several  valuable  books  and  texts  on  music  appreciation  have  been  embossed 
at  the  Printing  House  to  the  order  of  the  Library  of  Congress.  These  include 
the  following: 

ROMANTIC  COMPOSERS,  THE.     Daniel  Gregory  Mason.     Macmillan 
Company,  1906. 

STORY  OF  MUSIC,  THE.   William  James  Henderson.    Longmans,  Green 
6?   Company,   1912. 

WHAT  IS  GOOD  MUSIC?     William  James  Henderson.     Charles  Scrib- 
ner's   Sons,   1926. 

Through  an  arrangement  with  the  Library  of  Congress,  two  hymnals, 
HYMNS  OF  PRAISE  AND  SERVICE  (Non-denominational)  and  THE  ST. 
at  the  Illinois  School  for  the  Blind  under  the  direction  of  Mr.  L.  W.  Roden- 
berg. The  actual  stereotyping  of  the  plates  was  accomplished  by  a  stereotypist. 
loaned  to  the  Illinois  School  by  the  Printing  House.  When  the  plates  were 
completed,  the  Printing  House,  through  a  contract  with  the  Library  of  Con- 
gress, printed  the  first  edition  of  the  hymnals.  Both  hymnals  were  carefully 
advertised  to  the  schools,  and  first-edition  notices  were  published  in  nearly  all 
of  the  leading  braille  magazines.  As  a  result,  an  unusually  large  first  edition 
was  disposed  of.  A  small  number  of  copies  of  the  hymnals  were  placed  in 
stock  in  anticipation  of  future  orders. 

Since  the  proposed  new  By-Laws  of  the  Printing  House  have  been  adopted, 
the  Music  Committee  is  now  merged  with  the  Publications  Committee.  It  should 
be  noted  that  the  provision  in  the  new  By-Laws  governing  the  Publications  Com- 
mittee provides  for  sub-committees  with  authority  to  co-opt  additional  mem- 
bers. It  might  be  well  for  the  Music  Sub-Committee,  if  such  is  appointed,  to 
include  in  its  members  at  least  two  who  will  have  in  their  faculties  sightless 


musicians  who  are  actively  engaged  in  teaching  or  embossing  braille  music  in 
the  schools  for  the  blind. 

Respectfully   submitted, 

EDWARD  M.  VAN  CLEVE,  Chairman, 


(On  behalf  of  the  Publications  Committee,  Mr.  G.  E.  Lineberry,  Chair' 
man,  gave  a  brief  oral  report  in  which  he  submitted  the  following  memoranda 
on  finished  and   projected  publications   of  the  Printing   House): 

A.  Some  noteworthy  publications  put  into  braille  during  the  fiscal  year 

BOOKS  MV,  by  Frances  Carpenter,  Albert  Perry  Brigham  and  Charles 
T.  McFarlane  (American  Book  Company,  1933),  including  maps,  atlases 
and  special  editing.  State  supplements  for  individual  states  will  be  em' 
bossed  upon  request. 

Supplementary  reading  material  has  also  been  brailled,  such  as  Isaiah 
Bowman's  SOUTH  AMERICA  (Rand-McNally  6?  Company,  1915,  1928) 
and  Ray  Hughes  Whitbeck's  INDUSTRIAL  GEOGRAPHY  (American 
Book  Company,  1933),  and  is  now  available. 

GIENE AND  CARE  OF  THE  SICK  (Revised)  by  Jane  A.  Delano  (P. 
Blakiston's  Son  6?  Company,  1933). 

3.  A  physiology  and  hygiene  series  for  elementary  grades  III-VIII, 
including  the  following: 

THE  PLAYROAD  TO  HEALTH  by  S.  Weir  Newmayer  and  Edwin 
C.   Broome.      (American   Book  Company,   1928). 

A  JOURNEY  TO  MANY  LANDS  by  Williedell  Schawe.  (World 
Book  Company,  1932). 

THE  GAME  OF  HEALTHY  LIVING  by  Charles-Edward  Amory 
Winslow  and  Mary  L.  Hahn.  (Charles  E.  Merrill  Company, 

THE  HABITS  OF  HEALTHY  LIVING  by  Charles-Edward  Amory 
Winslow  and  Mary  L.  Hahn.  (Charles  E.  Merrill  Company, 

THE  LAWS  OF  HEALTHY  LIVING  by  Charles-Edward  Amory 
Winslow  and  Mary  L.  Hahn.  (Charles  E.  Merrill  Company, 

THE  HEALTHY  COMMUNITY  by  Charles-Edward  Amory  Win- 
slow  and  Mary  L.  Hahn.      (Charles  E.  Merrill  Company,  1932). 

4.  HANDBOOK  FOR  BOYS  (Revised  for  blind  boys)  by  the  Boy 
Scouts  of  America,  Inc.   (1932)   and  published  in  seven  braille  volumes. 

5.  A  new  first-year  algebra— ALGEBRA  FOR  TODAY,  FIRST 
COURSE  by  William  Bet?.      (Ginn  6?  Company,   1929). 

6.  The  new  general  science  textbook  INTRODUCTION  TO 
SCIENCE  by  Otis  William  Caldwell  and  Francis  Day  Curtis  (Ginn  6? 
Company,  1930),  which  was  specially  edited  and  adapted  for  use  by  the 
blind  by  the  General  Science  Committee  of  the  A.  A.  I.  B.     In  addition 


to  this  text,  the  syllabus  compiled  by  the  same  Committee  and  entitled 
GENERAL  SCIENCE;  a  One- Year  Course  of  Study  Adapted  for  Use 
in  Schools  for  the  Blind  (American  Foundation  for  the  Blind,  1933)  was 

7.  A  new  text  in  civics— THE  CITIZEN  AND  THE  REPUBLIC 
(new  revised  edition)  by  James  Albert  Woodburn  and  Thomas  Francis 
Moran  (Longmans,  Green  e?  Company,  1933),  and  a  new  text  in  sociology 
—CIVIC  SOCIOLOGY  by  Edward  Alsworth  Ross  (World  Book  Com- 
pany, 1932)  were  embossed  and  are  now  available. 

8.  THE  NEW  SILENT  READERS;  a  Basal  Activity  Series:  PRE- 
PRIMER-BOOK  VIII,  by  William  Dodge  Lewis,  Albert  Lindsay  Rowland 
and  Ethel  Maltly  Gehres  (John  C.  Winston  Company,  1930-1931)  includ- 
ing ten  books.  This  series  has  been  embossed  in  accordance  with  an 
advancing  scale  of  difficulty  of  braille  and  line-spacing,  beginning  with 
the  Pre-Primer  in  grade  1,  one-side,  every  other  line,  on  through  the 
Primer,  Book  I,  Book  II  (which  introduces  contractions  gradually)  to 
Book  III  which  is  entirely  in  braille  grade  Wz  interpoint.  This  early 
introduction  of  grade  \xk  and  interpointing  has  been  made  in  response 
to  the  excellent .  reception  given  the  three-book  NATURE  ACTIVITY 
SERIES  by  Paul  Grey  Edwards  and  James  Woodward  Sherman  (Little, 
Brown  6?  Company,  19.31)  which  we  published  last  summer,  and  to  the 
numerous  requests  from  the  many  teachers  who  prefer  to  teach  interpoint 
braille  grade   lVz   in  the  upper  primary  grades. 

The  eighth  grade  reader  was  embossed  in  response  to  the  many 
requests  for  a  reader  of  this  grade. 

C.  Woolley,  Franklin  W.  Scott  and  J.  C.  Tressler  (D.  C.  Heath  &?  Com- 
pany,   1931). 

10.  Two  texts  in  French,  i.e.,  LE  VOYAGE  DE  MONSIEUR 
PERRICHON  by  Eugene  Labiche  and  Edouard  Martin  (Allyn  6?  Bacon, 
COMPOSITION  BOOK  by  David  Hobart  Carnahan  (D.  C.  Heath  S» 
Company,  1924);  two  texts  in  German,  i.e.,  HERMANN  UND  DORO- 
THEA by  Johann  Wolfgang  von  Goethe  (Henry  Holt  &  Company,  1915), 
and  JUNGFRAU  VON  ORLEANS  by  Johann  Christoph  Friedrich  von 
Schiller  (D.  C.  Heath  £■?  Company,  1901);  and  two  Spanish  texts,  i.e., 
CORRESPONDENCIA  PRACTICA  by  Medora  Loomis  Ray  and  Ruth 
A.  Bahret  (Ginn  &  Company,  1923)  and  FIRST  SPANISH  COURSE 
by  Elijah  Clarence  Hills  and  Jeremiah  Denis  Mathias  Ford  (D.  C.  Heath 
6?  Company,   1925). 

POULTRY  HUSBANDRY  SERIES,  by  Thomas  F.  McGrew  and  the  I.  C. 
S.  Staff  (International  Textbook  Company)  including  fourteen  one-volume 
books  and  pamphlets. 

B.     Projected  list  of  Publications  for  1934-1935: 

INTERMEDIATE  and  ADVANCED,  by  John  C.  Stone  and  Clifford  N. 
Mills  (Benjamin  H.  Sanborn  &?  Company,  1932)  for  the  elementary  grades. 

2.  A  new  textbook  in  plane  geometry. 

3.  A  first  and  second-year  Latin  series. 

4.  A  world  history— MAN'S  GREAT  ADVENTURE  by  Edwin 
W.  Pahlow  (Ginn  fc?  Company,  1932). 

5.  An  American  history  series  for  the  elementary  grades. 

6.  New  texts  in  high  school  English. 

7.  THE  HANDBOOK  OF  NATURE  STUDY  by  Anna  Botsford 
Comstock  (Comstock  Publishing  Company,  1911,  1932),  which  is  a  com- 


plete  and  excellent  reference  work  for  the  natural  and  physical  sciences. 

8.  Textbooks  for  home  economics  classes. 

ART  (new  edition,  revised  and  enlarged)  edited  by  Charles  Mills  Gayley 
(Ginn  6?  Company,  1911). 

10.  A  few  classics,  such  as  some  of  the  works  of  Plato  and  of 

11.  Fifteen  or  twenty  titles  of  juvenile  literature  of  interest  to  very 
young  readers. 





During  the  past  fiscal  year  serious  attention  has  been  given  to  the  im- 
provement  of  the  plant  and  personnel  of  the  institution.  Instead  of  trying 
to  enlarge  and  expand  our  facilities  an  effort  has  been  made  to  conserve  and 
improve  what  we  already  have.  Less  attention  has  been  given  to  growth  and 
more  to  well'planned  service  to  the  schools  and  libraries.  Recent  changes  in 
the  form  of  type  and  in  the  methods  of  braille  printing  have  rendered  obsolete 
large  stocks  of  plates,  bound  books,  and  printing  equipment.  Pursuant  to  a 
motion  passed  at  the  last  Annual  Meeting  of  the  Board  of  Trustees,  the  Auditors 
and  the  Superintendent  have  used  their  judgment  in  a  revaluation  of  stereotyped 
plates.  A  commercial  appraisal  company  was  employed  to  appraise  the  plant 
and  equipment.  The  result  of  these  detailed  appraisals  is  that  the  properties 
of  the  institution  have  been  reduced  to  conservative  present  values. 

A  thorough  study  of  the  accounting  methods  of  the  Printing  House  has 
been  made;  a  new  and  more  comprehensive  set  of  records  has  been  installed, 
and  a  desirable  degree  of  departmentalization  has  been  established.  Hereafter, 
detailed  quarterly  statements  will  be  sent  promptly  to  each  school  and  class  for 
the  blind.  It  will  be  possible  to  show  at  all  times  not  only  the  status  of  a 
school's  account,  but  also  to  show  the  amount  of  unfilled  orders.  This  should 
prove  helpful  to  those  superintendents  who  do  not  wish  to  overdraw  their 

Looking  always  to  an  improvement  in  methods  and  equipment,  a  reason- 
able amount  of  experimentation  has  been  carried  out  this  year.  Possibly  one 
of  the  most  noteworthy  achievements  in  the  recent  history  of  the  Printing 
House  has  been  accomplished.  I  refer  to  the  adaptation  of  a  modern  Kelly 
Press  unit  to  the  printing  of  braille.  Our  own  machinist  designed  and  made 
certain  attachments  for  this  press  which  make  possible  its  use  for  both  braille 
printing  and  ordinary,  ink  printing.  To  change  from  one  method  of  printing 
to  another  requires  but  a  few  minutes.  It  is  possible  to  print  an  issue  of  a 
braille  magazine  in  the  morning  and  in  the  afternoon  of  the  same  day  to  use 
the  press  for  printing  an  ink  edition  of  a  catalog  or  annual  report.  To  my 
knowledge,  this  is  the  first  time  a  press  has  been  adapted  for  the  dual  purposes 
of  printing  both  braille  and  ink  print. 

Much  has  been  said  during  the  past  two  years  about  exchanging  embossed 
plates  between  representative  presses  in  this  country  and  in  England.  The 
American  Printing  House  and  the  National  Institute,  on  April  25,  1933,  entered 
into  an  agreement  whereby  these  institutions  would  loan  plates  to  each  other. 
From  the  very  beginning  it  has  been  apparent  that  the  plan  has  one  serious  weak' 
ness,  for  it  is  most  unsatisfactory  to  borrow  plates,  print  a  first  edition  and  return 
the  plates  to  the  owner.  Always,  there  will  be  sufficient  demand  for  any  good 


book  to  justify  one  reprinting,  and  sometimes  several.  It  is  obvious  that  bor' 
rowed  plates  may  not  be  retained  for  sufficient  time  to  'permit  the  necessary 

A  rational  and  successful  plan  for  making  available  braille  books  published 
in  the  English  language  to  the  readers  in  both  countries  depends  largely  upon 
the  joint  publication  of  these  books  by  representative  presses  in  both  countries. 
This  cannot  be  accomplished  except  by  the  use  of  duplicate  sets  of  plates. 
To  solve  this  problem,  a  duplicate  plate-making  machine  has  been  designed  and 
a  model  is  nearing  completion.  It  is  hoped  to  have  this  machine  in  successful 
operation  by  January  1,  1935.  Using  these  machines,  here  and  in  England, 
duplicate  sets  of  plates  may  be  made  of  all  books  considered  suitable  for  the 
readers  of  both  countries.  Such  an  arrangement  would  necessitate  a  high 
degree  of  co-ordination  of  effort,  which  would  inevitably  result  in  a  most 
desirable  degree  of  uniformity  in  the  use  of  the  braille  system. 

There  are  four  other  projects  which  should  be  carried  out  as  soon  as 
time   and  funds  will  permit: 

1.  The    adaptation    of    a    commercial    folding    machine    for    folding 
braille  magazines. 

2.  The  development  of  a  light,  durable,  inexpensive  and  satisfactory 
braille  writer  for  school  use. 

3.  The   perfecting    of   a   correcting    device   which   will   make   possible 
greater  speed  and  accuracy  in  the  correction  of  braille  plates. 

4.  The  development  of  a  process  of  braille  printing  which  will  not 
require  the   use   of  metal  plates. 

Much  thought  and  planning  has  already  been  given  to  these  projects,  and 
it  is  hoped  that  a  more  detailed  report  may  be  made  concerning  them  at  the 
next  Annual  Meeting. 

The  public  is  much  impressed  with  the  possibilities  for  the  blind  in  certain 
mechanical  reading  devices.  It  is  thought  by  some  that  the  day  is  near  when 
a  blind  man,  instead  of  reading  with  his  fingers,  will  listen  to  a  mechanical  sound 
transcription  of  his  favorite  book.  One  such  device  has  been  perfected  to  the 
point  where  its  sponsors  claim  that  it  will  revolutionise  publishing  for  the  blind. 
If  this  claim  is  valid,  braille  publishers  will  have  to  give  serious  thought  to  this 
new   device. 

Anticipating  that  the  time  might  come  when  it  would  be  advisable  for  our 
Board  of  Trustees  to  consider  recording  certain  books  on  phonograph  records 
for  use  in  the  schools  for  the  blind,  the  Superintendent,  upon  his  own  respon- 
sibility, has  held  conferences  with  a  number  of  the  leaders  interested  in  this 
new  field  of  literature  for  the  blind.  As  a  result  of  these  conferences,  I  am 
able  to  report  that  the  textbook  publishers,  as  a  rule,  are  willing  to  grant  per- 
mission for  the  free  use  of  their  copyrighted  materials  for  sound  recording 
purposes  for  the  blind.  The  American  Foundation  for  the  Blind,  and  other 
agencies  and  individuals,  give  assurance  that  the  results  of  extensive  research 
will  be  made  available  to  the  Printing  House  if  the  time  ever  comes  when  it  is 
deemed  advisable  to  record  books  for  use  in  the  education  of  the  blind. 

It  is  recommended  that  the  development  of  mechanical  reading  devices  for 
the  blind  be  carefully  studied  so  that  a  constructive  policy  may  be  formulated 
at  the  proper  time.  Results  so  far  obtained  would  scarcely  warrant  the  expendi- 
ture of  money  in  experimentation  and  research  beyond  that  being  conducted 
by  the  American  Foundation  for  the  Blind.  However,  the  management  of  the 
Printing  House  should  be  alert  to  evaluate  new  developments  and  not  permit 
changing  conditions  to  wrest  from  it  a  leadership  which  it  has  held  for  more 
than  three  quarters  of  a  century  in  the  field  of  providing  literature  for  the  blind. 

In  conclusion,  I  wish  to  acknowledge  that  whatever  success  has  attended 
my  efforts  at  the  Printing  House  is  due  in  a  large  measure  to  the  co-operation 
of  the  superintendents,  to  the  loyal  support  of  the  Executive  Committee,  and 
to  the  never-failing  sympathy,  encouragement  and  sound  advice  of  our 

Respectfully  submitted, 

A.    C.    ELLIS,    Superintendent. 

Mr.  Ellis  explained  that  there  is  a  growing  demand  for  the  'publication  in 
braille  of  school  periodicals.  Already  five  schools  have  arranged  for  the  Print- 
ing House  to  publish  such  magazines.  The  schools  and  their  publications  are 
as  follows: 

THE  FREE  PRESS— Published  monthly  in  braille  grade  V&  by  the  Wis- 
consin   School   for   the   Blind,   Janesville,  Wisconsin. 

THE  ILLUMINATOR — Published  quarterly  in  braille  grade  IV2  by  the 
Western  Pennsylvania  School  for  the  Blind,  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania. 

THE  MARYLAND  ORIOLE— Published  quarterly  in  braille  grade  IV2  by 
the  Maryland  School  for  the  Blind,  Overlea,  Maryland. 

THE  RED  AND  WHITE— Published  quarterly  in  braille  grade  IV2  by 
the  Pennsylvania  Institution  for  the  Instruction  of  the  Blind,  Over- 
brook,  Pennsylvania. 

THE  TEXAS  METEOR— Published  monthly  during  the  school  year  in 
braille  grade  1%  by  the  Texas  School  for  the  Blind,  Austin,  Texas. 

Several  other  schools  have  similar  publications  under  consideration. 

Mr.  Ellis  stated  that  he  could  see  no  objection  to  charging  the  expenses 
of  such  publications  against  the  quota  accounts  of  the  several  schools  concerned, 
provided  the  braille  materials  so  furnished  were  utilized  by  the  students  regularly 
enrolled  in  these  particular  schools.  He  further  pointed  out  that  in  some  cases 
copies  of  the  publications  were  sent  free  of  charge  to  ex-students  who  were 
no  longer  in  attendance  at  the  schools.  Some  doubt  was  expressed  as  to  the 
legality  of  this  procedure.  Several  members  expressed  the  opinion  that  it  was 
very  beneficial  for  ex-students  to  receive  copies  of  their  school  publications  in 
order  to  keep  in  touch  with  their  schools,  and  they  ventured  the  hope  that 
some  way  could  be  found  whereby  the  cost  of  such  school  publications  might 
be  charged  against  quota  accounts.  As  an  alternative,  it  was  suggested  that  all 
copies  of  such  publications  utilized  by  students  be  made  chargeable  to  quota 
accounts,  and  that  all  copies  sent  to  ex-students  be  made  cash  transactions. 

Finally,  the  Superintendent  was  instructed  to  consider  the  various  sugges- 
tions made  and  bring  before  the  Board  of  Trustees  at  its  next  Annual  Meeting 
an   opinion   on  the  legal   point  involved. 

Mr.  Van  Cleve  read  a  telegram  addressed  to  the  Board  of  Trustees  of  the 
American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind  from  Mr.  L.  W.  Rodenberg,  Illinois 
School  for  the  Blind,  Jacksonville,  Illinois.  Upon  motion,  Mr.  Van  Cleve  was 
authorized  to  answer  the  telegram. 

The  next  order  of  business  was  the  election  of  officers  and  standing  com- 
mittees. Upon  motion,  the  following  were  unanimously  elected  for  the  fiscal 
year  July  1,  1934-June  30,  1935: 

Mr.  John  W.  Barr,  Jr.,  President. 
Mr.  Edward  M.  Van  Cleve,  Vice-President. 
Citizens  Union  National  Bank,  Treasurer. 
Mr.  A.  C.  Ellis,  Secretary. 


Pursuant  to  the  ByLaws  recently  adopted  the  following  members  of  the 
Publications  Committee  were  elected  for  the  term  of  two  years  from  July  1, 
1934,  to  June  30,  1936: 

Mr.  G.  E.  Lineberry,  Chairman. 

Mr.  William  E.  Allen. 

Mr.  A.  J.  Caldwell. 

Mr.  B.  S.  Joice. 

Mr.  R.  W.  Woolston. 

Upon  motion,  Mr.  A.  C.  Ellis  was  unanimously  elected  as  Superintendent 
of  the  Printing  House  for  the  period  of  two  years,  or  from  July  1,  1934,  to 
June  30,  1936. 

The  advisability  of  raising  an  endowment  fund  for  the  American  Printing 
House  for  the  Blind  was  fully  discussed.  It  was  pointed  out  that  an  increasing 
number  of  requests  are  being  received  each  year  from  blind  individuals  for  books 
and  tangible  apparatus  for  which  they  are  unable  to  pay.  These  requests  come 
principally  from  the  United  States  and  its  territories.  However,  it  is  not  unusual 
for  letters  to  be  received  at  the  Printing  House  from  remote  parts  of  the  world 
asking  for  donations  of  books  and  apparatus.  In  most  cases  it  is  apparent  that 
the  applicants  are  worthy  and  that  their  needs  are  genuine. 

Several  members  expressed  themselves  as  being  in  favor  of  raising  a  fund 
sufficiently  large  to  enable  the  Board  of  Trustees  of  the  Printing  House  to  fur' 
nish,  at  its  discretion,  books  and  apparatus  to  the  blind  who  are  unable  to  get 
such  materials  through  other  sources. 

Mr.  Barr  announced  that  several  persons  have  expressed  the  intention  of 
making  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind  a  beneficiary  under  their 
wills.  In  this  connection,  Mr.  R.  C.  Ballard  Thruston  stated  that  in  the  prepara- 
tion  of  his  will  he  had  designated  that  a  $1,000  bond  be  left  to  the  Printing 
House,  but  as  a  beginning  for  the  endowment  fund  he  would  be  willing  to  turn 
the  bond  over  to  the  Printing  House  at  once.  The  members  present  expressed 
their  deep  appreciation  of  Mr.  Thruston's  generosity,  thoughtfulness  and  loyalty 
to  the  Printing  House  in  taking  the  first  step  towards  the  establishment  of  an 
endowment  for  the  institution. 

Upon  motion,  Mr.  Barr,  Mr.  Van  Cleve  and  Mr.  Ellis  were  authorized  to 
appoint  a  committee  >of  five  to  further  consider  the  matter  of  an  endowment,  it 
being  understood  that  this  committee  would  make  definite  recommendations  to 
the  Annual  Meeting  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  in  July,  1935. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  adjourned. 

JOHN  W.  BARR,  JR.,  President 
A.  C.  ELLIS,  Secretary 














FOR  THE  FISCAL  YEARS  1932-1934 


Number  of  Plates  Stereographed....  52,484 

Number  of  Pages  Printed 9,363,597 

Number  of  Volumes  Bound 36,197 

Number  of  Titles  Published  95 

Number  of  Pamphlets  and   Maga' 

zines  Published   58,646                71,026                79,883 

Tangible  Apparatus  Shipped: 

Maps     (wood,    dissected    and 

relief)    22                        33                          9 

Slates    1,468 

Styluses    4,282 

Valuations  of  Shipments: 

To   Schools   $  84,326.67 

To    Libraries    53,104.18 

Cash   Sales  1,115.89 

Total    $138,546.74       $154,265.23       $118,486.50 

Total  Operating  Cost  $123,025.70       $140,618.98       $141,283.72 

Total  Amount  iof  Pay-Rolls  $  64,637.68       $  73,386.92       $  68,954.74 





$  77,641.25 

$  64,015.65 








June  30,   1934 

Alabama  School  for  the  Blind,  Talladega,  Ala. — J.  S.  Ganey,  Prin. 

Alabama  School  for  Negro  Deaf  and  Blind,   Talladega,  Ala. — Charles  E. 
Jones,  Prin. 

Arizona    School    for    the    Deaf    and    Blind,    Tucson,    Arizona — Robert    D. 
Morrow,  Supt. 

Arkansas  School  for  the  Blind,  Little  Rock,  Ark. — W.  M.  Brown,  Supt. 

Atlanta    Public    Schools,    Department    for    the    Blind,    Atlanta,    Ga. — J.    J. 
Childs,  Teacher. 

Buffalo    Board    of    Education,    Classes    for    the    Blind,    Elementary    School 
No.  24,  Buffalo,  N.  Y.— Frederick  Schultz,  Prin. 

California  School  for  the  Blind,  Berkeley,  Calif. — R.  S.  French,  Prin. 

Chicago    Public   Schools,    Department    for   the    Blind,    Chicago,    111. — John 
B.  Curtis,  Supervisor. 

Cincinnati  Public  Schools,  Classes  for  the  Blind,  Cincinnati,  Ohio — Estella 
Lawes,  Director. 

Cleveland   Public  Schools,   Department   for   the   Blind,    Cleveland,   Ohio — 
Helen  J.  Coffin,  Supervisor. 

Colorado  School  for  the  Deaf  and  Blind,  Colorado  Springs,  Colo. — A.  L. 
Brown,  Supt. 

Connecticut  School  for  the  Blind,  Hartford,  Conn. — Gordon  Hicks,  Supt. 

Connecticut  Nursery  for  the  Blind,  Farmington,  Conn. — Lillian  M.  Russell, 

Detroit  Public  Schools,  Braille  and  Sight-Saving  Department,  Detroit,  Mich. 
— Mrs.   Gladys  Dunlop  Matlock,  Supervisor. 

Duluth   Public   Schools,   Classes   for  the   Blind,   Duluth,   Minn. — Nellie  L. 
Feetham,  Supervisor. 

Eklutna  Industrial  School  for  the  Blind,   Eklutna,  Alaska — W.  N.   Neely, 

Elizabeth    Public    Schools,    Class    for    the    Blind,    Wm.    Livingston    School 
No.   10,  Elizabeth,  N.  J.— Alma  B.  Stursberg,  Teacher. 

Florida    School    for    the    Blind,    St.    Augustine,    Fla. — Clarence    J.    Settles, 

Georgia  Academy  for  the  Blind,  Macon,  Ga. — G.  F.  Oliphant,  Prin. 

Idaho  State  School  for  the  Deaf  and  Blind,  Gooding,  Idaho — P.  C.  Potts, 

Illinois  School  for  the  Blind,  Jacksonville,  111. — R.  W.  Woolston,  Supt. 

Indiana  School  for  the  Blind,  Indianapolis,  Ind. — Robert  Lambert,  Supt. 


Institute*    Puertorriqueno    De    Ninos    Ciegos,    Departmento    De    Samdad, 
Santurce,  P.  R. — Loaiza  Cordero,  Director. 

Iowa  School  for  the  Blind,  Vinton,  Iowa — Francis  Eber  Palmer,  Supt. 

Jersey  City  Public  Schools,  Classes  for  the  Blind,  Public  School  No.  30, 
Jersey  City,  N.  J. — Anna  Mahlenbrock,  Teacher  in  Charge. 

Johnstown    Public    Schools,    Department   for   the    Blind,   Johnstown,    Pa. — 
Jean  Porterfield,  Teacher. 

Kansas  School  for  the  Blind,  Kansas  City,  Kan. — Olive  I.  Thompson,  Supt. 

Kentucky  School  for  the  Blind,  Louisville,  Ky. — Catherine  Moriarty,  Supt. 

Long  Beach   Public  Schools,   Classes   for  the   Blind,  Long   Beach,    Calif. — 
Mary  E.  Tate,  Teacher. 

Los  Angeles  Public  Schools,  Department  for  the  Blind,  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 
— Frances  Blend,  Supervisor. 

Louisiana  State  School  for  the  Blind,  Baton  Rouge,  La. — A.  J.  Caldwell, 

Louisiana  State  School  for  Negro  Blind,  Scotlandville,  La. — A.  J.  Caldwell, 

Maryland  School  for  the  Blind,  Overlea,  Md. — John  F.  Bledsoe,  Supt. 

Michigan  Employment  Institution  for  the  Blind,  Saginaw,  W.  S.,  Mich. — 
John  F.  Hill,  Supt. 

Michigan  School   for  the  Blind,   Lansing,  Mich. — Joseph   Cauffman,   Supt. 

Milwaukee  Public  Schools,   Department  for  the   Blind,  Milwaukee,  Wis. — 
Carrie  B.   Levy,   Supervisor. 

Minneapolis  Public  Schools,  Department  for  the  Blind,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 
• — George  F.  Meyer,  Supervisor. 

Minnesota  School  for  the  Blind,  Faribault,  Minn. — Mendus  R.  Vevle,  Supt. 

Mississippi   School   for  the   Blind,   Jackson,   Miss. — M.   L.   Batson,   M.   D., 

Missouri  School  for  the  Blind,  St.  Louis,  Mo. — S.  M.  Green,  Supt. 

Montana  School  for  the  Deaf  and  Blind,  Boulder,  Mont. — Howard  Griffin, 

Nebraska  School  for  the  Blind,  Nebraska  City,  Nebr. — N.  C.  Abbott,  Supt. 

Newark  Public  Schools,  Department  for  the  Blind,  Newark,  N.  J. — Janet 
G.  Paterson,  Supervisor. 

New  Mexico  Institute  for  the  Blind,  Alamogordo,  N.   M. — P.  A.  Smoll, 

New   Orleans   Public   Schools,    Classes   for  the   Blind,  John   Dibert  School, 
New  Orleans,  La. — Elfrieda  Dieck,  Prin. 

New  York  Institute  for  the  Education  of  the  Blind,  999  Pelham  Parkway, 
New  York,  N.  Y. — Edward  M.  Van  Cleve,  Prin. 

New  York  State  School  for  the  Blind,  Batavia,  New  York — C.  A.  Hamilton, 

New  York  City  Public  Schools,  Department  for  the  Blind,  131  Livingston 
Street,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. — Frances  E.  Moscrip,  Inspector. 


North  Carolina  School  for  the  Blind  and  the  Deaf,  Raleigh,  N.  C. — G.  E. 
Lineberry,  Supt. 

North  Dakota  School  for  the  Blind,  Bathgate,  N.  D. — B.  P.  Chappie,  Supt. 

Ohio  State  School  for  the  Blind,  Columbus,  Ohio — W.  G.  Scarberry,  Supt. 

Oklahoma  School  for  the  Blind,  Muskogee,  Okla. — Mrs.  O.  W.  Stewart, 

Oklahoma  Deaf,   Blind  and  Orphan's  Home  for  Colored  Children,  Taft, 
Okla.— N.  J.  Caesar,  Supt. 

Oregon  State  School  for  the  Blind,  Salem,  Ore. — Walter  R.  Dry,  Supt. 

Paterson    Public    Schools,    Department    for    the    Blind,    Paterson,    N.    J. — 
Katherine  Taylor,  Teacher. 

Pennsylvania  Institution  for  the  Instruction  of  the  Blind,  Overbrook,  Pa. — ■ 
O.  H.  Burritt,  Prin. 

Perkins   Institution    and   Massachusetts    School    for   the   Blind,    Watertown, 
Mass. — Gabriel  Farrell,  Director. 

Piney    Woods    Country    Life    School,    Piney    Woods,    Miss. — Laurence    C. 
Jones,  Supt. 

Royer-Greaves  School  for  the  Blind,  King  of  Prussia,  Pa. — Mrs.  Jessie  R. 
Greaves,  Prin. 

School  for  Deaf  and  Blind,  Pasay  Rizal,  P.  I. — Julia  Hayes,  Prin. 

South   Carolina   School    for   the    Deaf   and    Blind,    Cedar    Spring,    S.    C. — 
Laurens  Walker,  Supt. 

South  Dakota  School  for  the  Blind,  Gary,  S.  D. — Otis  O.  Rule,  Supt. 

St.   Cloud  Public  Schools,   Department  for  the   Blind,   St.   Cloud,  Minn. — 
H.  B.  Gough,  Supt. 

Tennessee  School  for  the  Blind,  Nashville,  Tenn. — I.  S.  Wampler,  Supt. 

Tentorial  School  for  Deaf  and  Blind,   Honolulu,  T.   H. — Mabel  V.  Lacy, 

Texas  School  for  the  Blind,  Austin,  Texas — W.  E.  Allen,  Supt. 

Texas  Deaf  and  Dumb   and  Blind  Institute   for  Colored  Youths,   Austin, 
Texas — J.  D.  Martin,  Supt. 

Toledo  Public  Schools,   Classes  for  the  Blind,  Toledo,  Ohio — Gertrude  F. 
Kanney,   Teacher. 

Utah  School  for  the  Blind,  Ogden,  Utah — Frank  M.  Driggs,  Supt. 

Virginia    School    for    the    Deaf    and    the    Blind,    Staunton,    Va. — H.    M. 
McManaway,  Supt. 

Virginia  School  for  Colored  Deaf  and  Blind,  Newport  News,  Va. — Wm.  C. 
Ritter,  Supt. 

Washington  State  School  for  the  Blind,  Vancouver,  Wash. — Mrs.  Jeanne 
E.  Chapman,  Supt. 


Western  Pennsylvania  School  for  the  Blind,   Pittsburgh,  Pa. — B.  S.  Joice, 

West  Virginia  Schools  for  the  Deaf  and  the   Blind,   Romney,  W.   Va. — 
A.  E.  Krause,  Supt. 

West  Virginia  State  Schools  for  Colored  Deaf  and  Blind,  Institute,  W.  Va. 
— H.  C.  Abbott,  Acting  Superintendent. 

Wisconsin  School  for  the  Blind,  Janesville,  Wis. — Frank  M.  Longanecker, 

Youngstown  Public  Schools,  Department  for  the  Blind,  Youngstown,  Ohio 
— S.  P.  Creps,  Director. 


Acts  of  Legislation 

Affecting  the 

American  Printing  House 
for  the  Blind 

Passed  by 

The  General  Assembly  of  Kentucky  and  by  the 
Congress  of  the  United  States 

Together  with  the 

By-Laws  Adopted  by  the  Trustees 

American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind 


1839  Frankfort  Avenue 
Louisville,  Kentucky 

DECEMBER,  1934 


of  the 

American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind 


1839  Frankfort  Avenue 
Louisville,  Kentucky 

As   Enacted   by    the   General   Assembly   of   Kentucky,    January    23,    1858;    and 

Amended:  February  25,  1860;  April  3,  1861  ;  June  3,  1865; 

and  February  28,  1880. 

Section  1 

That  an  Institution  under  the  name  of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the 
Blind,  shall  be  established  in  Louisville,  Kentucky,  or  its  vicinity,  and  that  James 
Guthrie,  William  F.  Bullock,  Theodore  S.  Bell,  Bryce  M.  Patten,  William 
Kendrick,  John  G.  Barret,  and  A.  O.  Brannin,  and  their  successors,  be  and  they 
are  hereby  declared  a  body  corporate,  under  the  name  and  style  of  the  Trustees 
of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  with  the  right  as  such  to  use  a 
common  seal,  to  sue  and  be  sued,  to  plead  and  be  impleaded,  in  all  courts  of 
justice  and  in  all  cases  in  which  the  interests  of  the  institution  are  involved; 
and  in  addition  to  the  trustees  named  in  this  section,  the  Superintendents  of 
Public  Institutions  for  the  Education  of  the  Blind  in  the  United  States,  the 
Territories,  and  the  District  of  Columbia,  be,  and  hereby  are,  constituted 
ex-officio  members  of  the  Board  of  Trustees.  The  said  trustees  are  hereby  fully 
empowered  to  receive  by  legacies,  conveyances,  or  otherwise,  lands,  money,  and 
other  property,  and  the  same  to  retain,  use  and  apply  to  the  publishing  of  books 
in  raised  letters  for  the  blind;  and  they  are  authorized  to  purchase  land,  and 
erect,  purchase,  or  rent  buildings,  for  the  use  of  said  institution,  and  to  make  all 
such  contracts  as  may  be  necessary  to  accomplish  the  purposes  of  their  incorpora- 
tion. They  may  appoint  such  officers  and  agents  as  may  be  necessary;  may 
prescribe  their  duties,  and  fix  the  term  of  their  offices  and  the  amount  of  their 
compensation;  Provided,  however,  That  no  contract  entered  into  by  any  officer 
or  agent  involving  the  payment  of  money  shall  be  binding  until  ratified  by  the 
trustees.  The  said  trustees  are  hereby  invested  with  the  same  powers  and 
privileges  in  regard  to  the  copyright  of  books  published  by  them  as  are  enjoyed 
by  natural  persons.  The  trustees  may  adopt  from  time  to  time,  such  by-laws, 
rules,  and  regulations  as  may  be  legal  and  proper. 

Section  2 

The  trustees  shall  elect  annually  a  president,  a  treasurer,  and  a  secretary,  who 
shall  hold  their  offices  until  their  successors  shall  be  elected  and  duly  qualified. 
Said  trustees  may  prescribe  the  duties  and  fix  the  compensation  of  said  officers. 

Section  3 

It  shall  be  the  duty  of  said  trustees  to  hold  an  annual  meeting,  and  other 
stated  meetings,  at  such  times  as  they  may  appoint,  and  such  special  meetings  as 
may  be  called  by  the  president  or  secretary. 

Section  4 

The  trustees  shall  require  from  the  treasurer,  before  he  enters  upon  the 
duties  of  his  office,  his  bond,  with  satisfactory  security,  that  he  will  take  care 
of  and  account  for  all  money  and  other  property  of  the  institution  that  may  be 
intrusted  to  him,  and  that  he  will  faithfully  perform  all  the  duties  of  his  office. 

Section  5 

The  said  trustees  shall  have  power  to  invest  any  money  in  the  hands  of  the 
tteasurer,  when  to  them  it  shall  seem  expedient,  by  way  of  loan,  at  any  legal 
rate  of  interest,  to  be  secured  by  mortgage  on  real  estate  unincumbered,  and  of 
double  the  value  of  the  amount  loaned;  the  interest  in  all  cases  to  be  payable 

Section  6 

It  shall  be  the  duty  of  the  board  of  trustees,  before  commencing  the  publica- 
tion of  any  book,  to  request  the  superintendent  of  every  Institution  for  the 
Education  of  the  Blind  in  North  America,  to  make  out  and  send  to  the  trustees 
of  the  Printing  House,  a  list  of  such  books  as  he  may  deem  most  desirable  for 
the  use  of  the  blind:  and  said  trustees  shall  select  for  publication  the  book  that 
shall  have  received  the  greatest  number  of  superintendents'  votes  in  its  favor. 
This  mode  of  selecting  books  for  publication  shall  be  repeated  at  least  once 
every  year. 

Section  7 

Every  school  for  the  blind,  located  in  a  State  whose  Legislature  or  citizens 
contribute  to  the  funds  of  the  American  Printing  House,  shall,  in  proportion  to 
the  funds  contributed,  be  entitled  to  copies  of  every  book  published  by  said 
house,  to  be  distributed  gratuitously  to  such  blind  persons  as  are  unable  to  pur- 
chase them.  And  the  superintendents  of  said  schools  shall  be  required  to  report 
to  the  trustees  of  said  House  the  names  and  residences  of  all  persons  to  whom 
books  may  be  thus  distributed.  The  prices  of  books  published  by  this  institution 
shall  be  made  so  low  as  merely  to  cover  the  cost  of  publication  and  other  incidental 
expenses  of  the  Institution. 

Section  8 

It  shall  be  the  duty  of  the  board  of  trustees  to  make  an  annual  report  of 
their  proceedings,  which  shall  embrace  a  full  account  of  the  receipts  and  dis- 
bursements, the  funds  on  hand,  the  number  of  books  sold,  and  the  number  dis- 
tributed gratuitously;  and  a  general  statement  of  the  condition  of  the  institu- 
tion; and  they  shall  transmit  copies  of  said  reports  to  the  General  Assembly  of 
Kentucky,  to  the  Governors  of  the  States  in  North  America,  to  the  President 
of  each  State  Board  of  Trustees,  to  the  Superintendent  of  every  American 
Institution  for  the  Education  of  the  Blind,  and  to  every  person  who  shall  have 
made  to  the  institution  a  donation  of  five  dollars  the  previous  year. 

Section  9 

The  superintendents  of  State  institutions  devoted  exclusively  to  the  educa- 
tion of  the  blind,  and  the  Governors  of  the  States  that  aid  in  sustaining  the 
American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  and  the  presidents  of  the  State  auxiliary 
boards  of  trustees,  shall  ex-ofhcio,  constitute  a  board  of  visitors,  each  member  of 
which  shall  be  at  all  times  authorized  to  visit  the  Printing  House,  examine  the 
books,  and  investigate  the  proceedings  of  the  trustees;  and  the  president  of  any 
State  board  may,  at  the  written  request  of  a  majority  of  the  visitors,  call  a 
meeting  of  the  board  of  visitors,  who  shall  be  fully  empowered  to  investigate 
the  proceedings  of  the  trustees  of  the  institution;  and  in  case  they  shall  find 
that  said  board,  or  any  member  thereof,  has  mismanaged  the  affairs  of  said 
institution  by  malfeasance  in  office,  or  neglect  of  duty,  they  may,  a  majority  of 
three  fourths  of  all  the  members  present  concurring,  declare  the  offices  or  office 
of  said  trustees  or  trustee  vacant,  and  proceed  to  fill  the  vacancy  by  election  from 
the  citizens  of  Louisville  or  its  vicinity. 

Representatives  from  a  majority  of  the  States  that  contribute  to  the  support 
of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind  shall  constitute  a  quorum  of  the 
board  of  visitors,  and  each  State  represented  shall  be  allowed  one  vote  in  the 
action  of  the  board.  Notice  of  every  meeting  of  the  board  of  visitors  shall  be 
sent  by  mail  to  all  the  members  of  the  board,  and  to  the  trustees  of  the  American 
Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  at  least  one  month  before  the  time  appointed  for 
the  meeting. 

Section  10 

The  trustees  of  said  printing  house  shall  continue  in  office  until  their  offices 
shall  become  vacant  by  resignation,  neglect  to  act,  death,  removal  from  the  State, 
or  removal  from  office,  as  hereinbefore  provided  for;  all  vacancies  caused  by 
resignation,  neglect  to  act,  death,  or  removal  from  the  State,  shall  be  filled  by 
the  remaining  members  of  the  board. 


of  the 

American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind 


1839   Frankfort  Avenue 
Louisville,  Kentucky- 
Approved  by  the  Board  of  Trustees  at  a  special 
meeting  called   for  the  purpose,    July    2,    1934, 
in  Louisviile,  Kentucky. 

The  Seal 

The  common  seal  of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  Inc., 
shall  have  inscribed  thereon  the  full  name  of  the  institution,  and  the  year  of  its 


Board  of  Trustees 

The  members  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  shall  be  those  provided  for  in  the 
State  and  Federal  enactments  affecting  the  Printing  House,  and  shall  hold  their 
offices  subject  to  the  provisions  of  said  enactments. 

Meetings  of  the  Board  of  Trustees 

The  Annual  Meeting  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  of  the  American  Printing 
House  for  the  Blind,  for  the  election  of  officers  and  other  business,  shall  be  held 
in  Louisville,  Kentucky,  in  the  month  of  July  or  in  the  month  of  August,  and 
special  meetings  may  be  called  at  any  time  by  the  President,  and  shall  be  called 
on  the  request  of  five  trustees,  presented  in  writing  to  the  President  of  the 
Board.  Special  meetings  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  may  be  held  in  the  City  of 
Louisville,  Kentucky,  or  at  such  other  places  as  may  be  agreed  upon  by  the 
President  and  five  or  more  Trustees.  Due  notice  of  the  date  and  place  of  holding 
the  Annual  Meeting  shall  be  sent  in  writing  to  each  Trustee  by  the  Secretary  at 
least  thirty  days  before  the  time  of  holding  said  meeting;  and  the  time  and 
place  of  holding  any  special  meeting  shall  be  sent  in  writing  or  by  telegraph 
to  each  Trustee  by  the  Secretary  at  least  five  days  before  the  time  of  holding  such 
meeting.  The  Secretary  shall  also  keep  a  summary  record  of  the  Minutes,  in- 
cluding a  file  of  the  reports  made  at  all  meetings,  and  shall  keep  these  in  a 
bound  volume  provided  for  the  purpose. 


Order  of  Business  of  Meetings 

The  order  of  business  of  the  Annual  Meetings,  and  of  all  special  meetings, 
in  so  far  as  consistent  with  the  business  at  hand,  shall  be  as  follows: 

1.  Reading   the  Minutes   of  the   previous   meeting    (and   their  approval). 

2.  Reports  of  the  President,  Superintendent  and  standing  and  temporary 

3.  Special  Orders. 

4.  Unfinished  Business   and   General  Orders. 

5.  New  Business. 

6.  Election  of  Officers  for  the  coming  year. 

7.  Election  of  Committees. 

8.  Adjournment. 


Fiscal  Year  and  Annual  Reports 

The  fiscal  year  of  the  institut'on  shall  close  on  June  30th  of  each  year, 
and  within  three  months  thereafter  there  shall  be  published  an  Annual  Report 
of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind  containing  a  classified  statement 
of  all  receipts  and  expenditures,  a  balance  sheet  showing  the  value  of  all  proper- 
ties of  the  institution,  the  disbursements  for  the  year  from  the  United  States 
Government  account,  a  list  of  the  public  institutions  for  the  education  of  the 
blind  in  the  United  States  with  their  enrollments  and  quota  allotments,  together 
with  a  statement  of  any  change  of  policy  in  the  management  of  the  institution 
and  such  other  data  regarding  the  Printing  House  as  may  be  deemed  interesting 
or  necessary  by  the  members  of  the  Board  of  Trustees. 


Quorum  and  Amendments 

Five  members  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  shall  constitute  a  quorum  for  the 
transaction  of  business  at  any  Annual  or  special  meeting;  provided,  that  these 
By-Laws  shall  not  be  altered,  amended,  or  repealed  except  by  a  majority  vote 
at  a  meeting  called  for  that  purpose;  provided,  also,  that  a  written  or  printed 
notice  shall  be  sent  to  each  Trustee  at  least  sixty  days  before  the  time  fixed  for 
holding  such  meeting,  which  notice  shall  set  forth  the  proposed  alterations;  and, 
provided  further,  that  no  amendments,  alteration  or  repeal  of  any  By-Law  shall 
be  made  at  any  meeting  at  which  less  than  fifteen  Trustees  are  present. 


The  officers  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  shall  consist  o.f  a  President,  Vice- 
President,  Secretary  and  Treasurer,  who  shall  be  elected  at  the  Annual  Meetings 
and  who  shall  hold  their  offices  for  one  year  or  until  their  successors  are  duly 
elected  and  qualified.  Any  vacancy  occurring  shall  be  filled  by  the  Executive 
Committee  pending  action  of  the  Board  of  Trustees.  Their  powers  and  duties 
shall  be  as   follows: 

a.  The  PRESIDENT  shall  exercise  general  supervision  and  administration 
over  all  the  affairs  of  the  Printing  House.  He  shall,  when  present,  preside  at  all 
meetings  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  or  the  Executive  Committee,  and  shall  appoint 
such  temporary  committees  not  herein  provided  for  as  may  be  deemed  necessary. 
He  shall,  subject  to  the  provisions  of  the  Charter,  sign  all  bonds  and  notes  per- 
taining to  the  business  and  affairs  of  the  institution,  and  all  contracts,  deeds, 
liens  and  other  instruments  of  a  special  nature.  He  shall  be  ex-ofhcio  a  member 
of  all  committees. 

b.  The  VICE-PRESIDENT  of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind 
shall,  in  the  absence,  inability  or  refusal  to  act  of  the  President,  be  vested  with 
all  of  the  powers  of  the  President  and  may  be  required  to  perform  all  his  duties. 
He  shall  perform  such  other  duties  as  may  be  prescribed  by  the  Board  of  Trustees. 

c.  The  SECRETARY  shall  keep  Minutes  of  all  the  meetings  of  the  Board 
of  Trustees  and  of  the  Executive  Committee.  Under  the  direction  of  the 
President,  he  shall  issue,  or  cause  to  be  issued,  all  calls  for  meetings  of  the  Board 
of  Trustees,  and  of  the  Executive  Committee,  and  shall  notify  all  officers,  Trustees 
and  members  of  committees  of  their  election  or  appointment  to  office.  He  shall 
have  the  custody  of  the  seal  of  the  institution,  and  shall  affix  the  same  to  such 
instruments  as  shall  require  it.  He  shall  have  charge  of  the  books  and  records 
of  the  Board  of  Trustees  and  of  the  institution,  and  shall  make  reports  to  the 
Trustees  from  time  to  time  as  required.  He  shall  be  especially  responsible  for 
the  preparation  and  preservation  of  the  following; 

1 .  Books  of  Minutes. 

2.  Files  of  reports  of  committees. 

3.  Bound  copies  of  the  Annual  Reports. 

4.  Bound  copies  of  the  Annual  Audits  prepared   under  the  direction  of 

the  Executive  Committee. 

5.  Annual  inventories. 

6.  Catalogs   of  publications. 

7.  Acts  of  legislation  and  special  Government  reports  affecting  the  Amer- 
ican Printing  House  for  the  Blind. 

8.  Books  of  account  of  the  institution. 

The  above  records  shall  be  open  to  the  inspection  of  any  member  of  the 
Board  of  Trustees  and  to  any  other  person  legally  entitled  to  examine  the  records 
of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind. 

d.  The  TREASURER  shall  be  the  custodian  of  all  the  funds  and  securities 
of  the  Printing  House  and  shall  keep  full  and  accurate  records  and  accounts  in 
books  provided  for  such  purpose  of  all  receipts,  disbursements,  credits,  assets, 
liabilities  and  financial  transactions  of  the  institution,  and  shall  keep  a  separate 
account  of  all  funds  received  from  the  United  States  Treasury.  He  shall  endorse 
for  collection  and  deposit  to  the  credit  of  the  Printing  House  all  notes,  checks 
and  other  negotiable  instruments  of  the  institution  coming  into  his  hands  in  such 
depositories  or  safe  deposits  as  may  be  designated  by  the  Board  of  Trustees.  He 
shall  disburse  the  funds  of  the  institution,  all  expenditures  being  made  upon 
itemized  vouchers  duly  verified  and  audited  and  approved  by  not  less  than  three 
members  of  the  Executive  Committee,  or  by  a  duly  certified  public  accountant 
named  by  the  Executive  Committee.  All  vouchers  covering  expenditures  of 
moneys  derived  from  the  United  States  Treasury  shall  constitute  a  separate 
series,  and  shall  be  executed  in  duplicate,  the  duplicates  of  which  shall  belong 
to  the  files  of  the  institution,  and  the  originals  shall  be  filed  with  the  United 
States  Treasury  Department.  Checks  for  the  withdrawal  of  the  funds  of  the 
institution  from  bank  or  other  depository  shall  be  signed  by  such  persons  as 
shall  be  authorized  by  resolution  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  or  of  the  Executive 
Committee  acting  under  the  authority  of  the  Board.  The  Treasurer  may  be 
either  an  individual,  or  a  bank  or  trust  company  authorized  to  do  business  in 
Louisville,  Kentucky,  and  having  a  paid  up  capital  stock  of  $500,000,  or  more, 
which  capital  stock  may  be  accepted  as  surety  on  the  bond  of  such  bank  or  trust 
company  as  Treasurer,  except  as  otherwise  required  by  the  United  States 
Government  in  regard  to  United  States  funds. 

Executive  Committee 

The  members  of  the  Board  of  Trustees,  who  are  or  shall  be  residents  of 
the  State  of  Kentucky  elected  to  membership  as  successors  of  the  original  incor- 
porators, are  hereby  constituted  an  Executive  Committee  of  seven  to  have,  under 
the  authority  of  the  Board  of  Trustees,  the  care  and  management  of  all  property 
belonging  to  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  and  the  management 
of  the  business  of  said  institution.  During  the  interims  between  the  Annual 
Meetings  the  Executive  Committee  shall  act  for  the  Board  of  Trustees,  except 
as  otherwise  provided  in  the  Charter  of  the  institution  or  in  these  By-Laws. 


A  Superintendent  of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind  shall  be 
elected  by  the  Trustees,  at  a  salary  to  be  fixed  by  the  Board,  who  shall  hold  his 
office  for  the  term  of  two  years,  or  until  his  successor  is  elected,  unless  sooner 
removed.  He  shall  be  general  manager  of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the 
Blind  and  exercise  supervision  and  administration  thereof,  and  shall  perform 
such  other  duties  as  shall  be  assigned  him  by  the  Board  of  Trustees  or  by  the 
Executive  Committee;  provided,  also,  that  the  power  is  hereby  conferred,  by  the 
Board  of  Trustees,  upon  the  Executive  Committee,  to  remove  for  cause  deemed 
sufficient  to  them,  this  Superintendent,  and  to  select  a  superintendent  to  fill  the 
vacancy  thus  occurring,  until  the  next  regular  meeting  of  the  Board  of  Trustees; 
and  the  same  power  is  hereby  given  the  Executive  Committee,  in  case  of  the 
death   or   resignation   of   the   Superintendent.      Full   report   of  cause    in   case   of 

removal  of  the  Superintendent  by  the  Executive  Committee  shall  be  made  to 
the  Board  of  Trustees  at  their  meeting  subsequent  to  the  removal.  The  Superin- 
tendent, with  the  approval  of  the  Executive  Committee,  shall  appoint  such 
subordinates  as  may  be  deemed  necessary  to  the  proper  conduct  of  the  affairs  of 
the  institution  and  shall  fix   their  salaries   or  compensation. 


Publications  Committee 

A  Committee  on  Publications,  composed  of  five  Trustees,  shall  be  elected 
by  the  Board  of  Trustees,  who  shall  serve  for  the  period  of  two  years  and  until 
their  successors  are  elected,  who  shall  within  six  months  thereafter  select  for 
recommendation  to  the  superintendents  of  the  institutions  for  the  education  of 
the  blind  the  books  to  be  printed  under  the  Government  appropriation.  Said 
Publications  Committee  shall  also  have  the  authority  to  divide  itself  into  sub- 
committees, such  as  the  Music  Committee  and  the  Committee  on  Literary  Pub- 
lications, and  to  coopt  up  to  the  limit  of  four  any  members  of  the  Board  of 
Trustees  to  act  in  advisory  capacity.  The  Publications  Committee  shall  also 
have  the  authority  to  determine  the  type  and  fashion  of  printing  a  particular 
title,  the  general  policies  of  the  Printing  House  having  previously  been  settled 
upon  by  the  Board  of  Trustees.  It  is  further  provided,  that  the  Publications 
Committee  may,  from  time  to  time,  approve  lists  of  books,  to  be  printed  at  the 
Printing  House,  for  which  sufficient  orders  have  been  previously,  or  which  may 
be,  obtained  to  justify  embossing  the  plates  and  printing  first  editions. 

Tangible  Apparatus 

The  term  "tangible  apparatus"  shall  include  only  such  articles  as  are 
especially  adapted  to  the  use  of  blind  students  as  such.  The  selection,  manu- 
facture and  distribution  of  tangible  apparatus  may  be  authorized  by  the  Board 
of  Trustees.  Such  apparatus  when  so  selected  may  be  listed  in  the  General 
Catalog  of  Publications  and  Appliances  of  the  American  Printing  House  for 
the  Blind. 

Federal  Quota  Allotments 

The  superintendent  of  any  institution  for  the  education  of  the  blind  may 
authorize  the  expenditure  of  all  or  any  part  of  the  Federal  quota  allotment  of 
his  school,  as  provided  in  "An  Act  to  promote  the  Education  of  the  Blind" 
approved  by  Congress  March  3,  1879.  and  its  subsequent  amendments,  to  the 
publication  of  any  title  or  the  manufacture  of  any  tangible  apparatus  selected 
by  him. 



Resolutions,  which  are  not  in  conflict  with  these  By-Laws,  may  be  passed 
by  the  Board  of  Trustees  at  a  regular  or  special  meeting,  and  shall  be  in  full 
force  and  operative  until  such  resolutions  are  amended  or  repealed  by  a  majority 
vote  at  a  regular  or  special  meeting  of  the  Board  of  Trustees. 



These  By-Laws  shall  be  in  effect,  and  supersede  all  By-Laws  now  in  force, 
upon  adoption  by  the  requisite  number  of  Trustees  present  at  a  meeting  called 
for  the  purpose,  in  accordance  with  the  By-Laws  adopted  July  12,  1888,  and  to 
remain   in   effect   until   altered   in   accordance   with   the    By-Laws    herein   enacted. 

State  and  Federal  Acts  of  Legislation 

affecting  the 

American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind 


1839  Frankfort  Avenue 
Louisville,  Kentucky 

On  January  23,  1858,  there  was  approved  the  following  act 
entitled  "AN  ACT  to  establish  the  American  Printing  House  for 
the  Blind": 

WHEREAS,  the  State  of  Mississippi  has,  by  law,  made  an  appropriation 
of  two  thousand  dollars  to  aid  in  establishing  in  Kentucky,  a  National  Insti- 
tution, to  print  and  circulate  books  in  raised  letters  for  the  blind;  and  whereas, 
said  State  has  incorporated  a  Board  of  Trustees  to  receive  said  money  and 
twelve  thousand  dollars,  which  have  been  subscribed  for  the  aforesaid  purpose 
by  citizens  of  Mississippi,  and  to  transfer  said  funds  to  said  institution  in 
Kentucky;  and  whereas,  it  is  anticipated  that  other  states  will  make  donations 
and  incorporate  Trustees  to  this  enterprise; 

Be  it  enacted  by  the  General  Assembly  of  the  Commonwealth  of  Kentucky: 

SECTION  1.  That  an  Institution,  under  the  name  of  the  American  Printing 
House  for  the  Blind,  shall  be  established  in  Louisville,  Kentucky,  or  its  vicinity; 
and  that  James  Guthrie,  William  F.  Bullock,  Theodore  S.  Bell,  Bryce  M.  Patten, 
John  Milton,  H.  T.  Curd,  and  A.  O.  Brannin,  and  their  successors,  be  and  they 
are  hereby  declared  a  body  corporate,  under  the  name  and  style  of  the  Trustees 
of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  with  the  right,  as  such,  to  use 
a  common  seal,  to  sue  and  be  sued,  to  plead  and  be  impleded,  in  all  courts  of 
justice,  and  in  all  cases  in  which  the  interests  of  the  institution  are  involved. 
The  said  Trustees  are  hereby  fully  empowered  to  receive,  by  legacies,  conveyances, 
or  otherwise,  lands,  money,  and  other  property,  and  the  same  to  retain,  use,  and 
apply  to  the  publishing  of  books  in  raised  letters,  for  the  blind  in  the  United 
States.  Said  Trustees  are  authorized  to  purchase  land,  and  erect,  purchase,  or 
rent  buildings  for  the  use  of  said  institution,  and  to  make  all  such  contracts 
as  may  be  necessary  to  accomplish  the  purposes  of  their  incorporaron.  They 
are  hereby  invested  with  the  same  privileges,  in  regard  to  the  copy  right  of  books 
published  by  them,  as  are  enjoyed  by  natural  persons.  Said  Trustees  shall 
appoint  a  Superintendent,  or  General  Agent,  and  such  other  agents  as  may  be 
necessary;  may  prescribe  their  duties,  fix  the  term  of  their  offices,  and  the  amount 
of  their  compensation;  Provided,  however.  That  no  contract  entered  into  by  any 
such  officer,  where  money  is  to  be  paid  out,  shall  be  binding  until  ratified  by  the 
Trustees.  The  Trustees  may  adopt,  from  time  to  time,  such  by-laws,  rules, 
and  regulations,  as  they  may  deem  necessary,  provided  they  are  not  inconsistent 
with  the  constitution  and  laws  of  the  United  States  or  of  this  State. 

SECTION  2.  The  Trustees  shall  elect,  annually,  a  President,  a  Treasurer, 
and  a  Secretary,  who  shall  hold  their  offices  until  their  successors  shall  be  elected 
and  duly  qualified.  Said  Trustees  may  prescribed  the  duties  and  fix  the  com- 
pensation of  said  officers. 

SECTION  3.  It  shall  be  the  duty  of  said  Trustees  to  hold  an  annual 
meeting,  and  other  stated  meetings,  at  such  times  as  they  may  appoint,  and  such 
special  meetings  as  may  be  called  by  the  President.  It  shall  be  the  duty  of  the 
Trustee  first  named  in  this  act,  to  call  the  first  meeting  of  the  board,  within 
twenty  days  from  and  after  the  approval  of  this  act. 

SECTION  4.  The  Trustees  shall  require  from  the  Treasurer,  before  he 
enters  upon  the  duties  of  his  office,  his  bond  in  the  penalty  of  not  less  than 
twenty  thousand  dollars,  payable  to  the  President,  or  his  successors  in  office, 
of  the  board;  conditioned,  that  he  will  take  care  of  and  account  for  all  money 
and  other  property  of  the  board  that  may  be  intrusted  to  him,  and  that  he  will 
well  and  truly  perform  all  the  duties  of  his  office. 

SECTION  5.  The  said  Trustees  shall  have  power  to  invest  any  money  in 
the  hands  of  the  Treasurer,  when  to  them  it  shall  seem  expedient,  by  way  of 
loan,  at  any  legal  rate  of  interest,  to  be  secured  by  mortgage  on  real  estate,  un- 
incumbered and  of  double  the  value  of  the  amount  loaned,  the  interest  in  all 
cases  to  be  payable  semi-annually. 

SECTION  6.  It  shall  be  the  duty  of  the  Board  of  Trustees,  before  com- 
mencing the  publication  of  any  book,  to  request  the  Superintendent  of  every 
institution  for  the  Education  of  the  Blind  in  the  United  States,  to  make  out 
and  send  to  the  Trustees  of  the  Printing  House,  a  list  of  such  books  as  he  may 
deem  most  desirable  for  the  use  of  the  blind;  and  said  Trustees  shall  select  for 
publication  the  book  that  shall  have  received  the  greatest  number  of  Superin- 
tendent's votes  in  its  favor.  This  mode  of  selecting  books  for  publication  shall 
be  repeated  at  least  once  every  year. 

SECTION  7.  Every  school  for  the  blind  located  in  a  State  whose  Legisla- 
ture or  citizens  contribute  to  the  funds  of  the  American  Printing  House,  shall, 
in  proportion  to  the  funds  contributed,  be  entitled  to  copies  of  every  book 
published  by  said  house,  to  be  distributed  gratuitously  to  such  blind  persons  as 
are  unable  to  purchase  them.  And  the  Superintendents  of  said  schools  shall  be 
required  to  report  to  the  Trustees  of  said  house,  the  names  and  residences  of  all 
persons  to  whom  books  may  be  thus  distributed.  The  prices  of  books  published 
by  this  institution  shall  be  made  so  low  as  merely  to  cover  the  cost  of  publication 
and  other  incidental  expenses  of  the  institution. 

SECTION  8.  It  shall  be  the  duty  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  to  make  an 
annual  report  of  their  proceedings,  which  shall  embrace  a  full  account  of  the 
receipts  and  disbursements,  the  funds  on  hand,  the  number  of  books  sold,  and 
the  number  distributed  gratuitously;  and  a  general  statement  of  the  condition  of 
the  institution;  and  they  shall  transmit  copies  of  said  reports  to  the  General 
Assembly  of  Kentucky,  to  the  Governors  of  the  several  States  of  the  Union,  to 
the  President  of  each  State  Board  of  Trustees,  to  the  Superintendent  of  every 
Institution  of  the  Blind  in  the  United  States,  and  to  every  person  who  shall  have 
made  to  the  institution  a  donation  of  more  than  five  dollars  the  previous  year. 

SECTION  9.  The  donation  of  five  hundred  dollars  by  one  person,  shall 
constitute  him  a  patron  of  the  institution,  and  his  name  shall  be  so  published 
in  the  annual  reports.  Any  person  who  shall  make  a  donation  of  more  than 
five  hundred  dollars,  shall  also  be  entitled  to  embossed  books  equal  in  value  to 
the  excess  of  his  donation  over  and  above  five  hundred  dollars. 

SECTION  10.  The  Presidents  of  the  State  Boards  of  Trustees,  shall, 
ex-ofhcio,  constitute  a  Board  of  Visitors,  each  member  of  which  shall,  at  all 
times,  be  authorized  to  visit  the  Printing  House,  examine  the  books,  and  in- 
vestigate the  proceedings  of  the  Trustees;  and  the  president  of  the  oldest  State 
Board  of  Trustees  shall,  at  the  written  request  of  a  majority  of  the  Visitors,  call 
a  meeting  of  the  Board  of  Visitors,  who  shall  be  fully  empowered  to  investigate 
the  proceedings  of  the  Trustees  of  the  institution;  and  in  case  they  shall  find 
that  said  board,  or  any  member  thereof,  has  mismanaged  the  affairs  of  said 
institution  by  malfeasance  in  office,  or  neglect  of  duty,  they  may,  a  majority 
of  three-fourths  of  all  the  members  concurring,  declare  the  office  or  offices  of  said 
Trustee  or  Trustees  vacant,  and  proceed  to  fill  the  vacancy,  by  election  from  the 
citizens  of  Louisville  or  its  vicinity.  Notice  of  all  meetings  of  the  Board  of 
Visitors  shall  be  sent  by  mail  to  all  the  Presidents  of  the  State  Boards,  and  to 
all  the  Trustees  of  the  Printing  House,  at  least  one  month  before  the  time 
appointed  for  said  meetings. 


SECTION  1  1.  The  Trustees  of  said  Printing  House  shall  continue  in  office 
until  their  offices  shall  become  vacant  by  resignation,  death,  or  removal  from 
office,  as  herein  before  provided  for.  All  vacancies  caused  by  resignation  or 
death,  shall  be  filled  by  the  remaining  members  of  the  board. 

SECTION  12.  That  each  donor  shall  be  entitled  to  his  donation,  with  the 
interest,  after  the  deduction  of  the  necessary  expenses  are  paid,  provided  said 
publishing  house  is  not  established  within  nine  years  from  the  passage  of  this 
act;  and  should  the  board  refuse  to  make  said  distribution  among  the  donors, 
according  to  their  respective  interests,  then  and  in  that  event,  said  donors  may 
have  the  right  to  proceed  to  recover  the  same  by  legal  proceedings,  instituted  in 
any  of  the  courts  of  this  Commonwealth  having  jurisdiction  thereof. 

(Acts  of  the  General  Assembly  of  the  Commonwealth  of  Kentucky,  1857- 
1858,  Volume  I,  Chapter  115,  page  192.) 

The  following  act  entitled  "AN  ACT  to  amend  the  charter 
of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind"  was  approved 
February  25,    1860: 

Be  it  enacted  by  the  General  Assembly  of  the  Commonwealth  of  Kentucky: 

That  the  first  and  tenth  sections  of  an  act,  entitled  "An  act  to  establish 
the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind,"  approved  January  23d,  185  8, 
be  so  amended  as  to  read  as  follows: 

SECTION  1.  That  an  institution,  under  the  name  of  the  American  Printing 
House  for  the  Blind,  shall  be  established  in  Louisville,  Kentucky,  or  its  vicinity; 
and  that  James  Guthrie,  William  F.  Bullock,  Theodore  S.  Bell,  Bryce  M.  Patten, 
John  Milton,  H.  T.  Curd,  and  A.  O.  Brannin,  and  their  successors,  be,  and 
they  are  hereby,  declared  a  body  corporate,  under  the  name  and  style  of  the 
Trustees  of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  with  the  right  as  such 
to  use  a  common  seal;  to  sue  and  be  sued,  to  plead  and  be  impleaded  in  all 
courts  of  justice,  and  in  all  cases  in  which  the  interests  of  the  institution  are 
involved.  The  said  trustees  are  hereby  fully  empowered  to  receive  by  legacies, 
conveyances,  or  otherwise,  lands,  money,  and  other  property;  and  the  same  to 
retain,  use,  and  apply  to  the  publishing  of  books,  in  raised  letters,  for  the  blind 
in  the  United  States;  and  they  are  authorized  to  purchase  land,  and  erect, 
purchase,  or  rent  buildings  for  the  use  of  said  institution:  and  to  make  all  such 
contracts  as  may  be  necessary  to  accomplish  the  purposes  of  their  incorporation; 
they  may  appoint  such  officers  and  agents  as  may  be  necessary;  may  prescribe 
their  duties  and  fix  the  term  of  their  offices,  and  the  amount  of  their  com- 
pensation: Provided,  however,  That  no  contract  entered  into  by  any  officer  or 
agent,  involving  the  payment  of  money,  shall  be  binding  until  ratified  by  the 
trustees.  The  said  trustees  are  hereby  invested  with  the  same  powers  and  privi- 
leges, in  regard  to  the  copyright  of  books  published  by  them,  as  are  enjoyed 
by  natural  persons;  the  trustees  may  adopt,  from  time  to  time,  such  by-laws, 
rules,  and  regulations  as  they  may  deem  necessary:  Provided,  They  are  not 
inconsistent  with  the  constitution  and  laws  of  the  United  States  or  of  this  State. 

SECTION  2.  The  superintendents  of  State  institutions  devoted  exclusively 
to  the  education  of  the  blind,  the  governors  of  the  States  that  aid  in  sustaining 
the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  and  the  presidents  of  the  State 
auxiliary  boards  of  trustees,  shall,  ex-ofhcio,  constitute  a  board  of  visitors,  each 
member  of  which  shall  be,  at  all  times,  authorized  to  visit  the  Printing  House, 
examine  the  books,  and  investigate  the  proceedings  of  the  trustees;  and  the 
president  of  any  State  board  may,  at  the  written  request  of  a  majority  of  the 
visitors,  call  a  meeting  of  the  board  of  visitors,  who  shall  be  fully  empowered  to 
investigate  the  proceedings  of  the  trustees  of  the  institution;  and  in  case  they 
shall  find  that  said  board,  or  any  member  thereof,  has  mismanaged  the  affairs  of 
said  institution,  by  malfeasance  in  office  or  neglect  of  duty,  they  may,  a  majority 


of  three  fourths  of  all  the  members  present  concurring,  declare  the  offices  or 
office  of  said  trustees  or  trustee  vacant,  and  proceed  to  fill  the  vacancy  by  election 
from  the  citizens  of  Louisville  or  its  vicinity.  Representatives  from  a  majority 
of  the  States  that  contribute  to  the  support  of  the  American  Printing  House  for 
the  Blind,  shall  constitute  a  quorum  of  the  board  of  visitors;  and  each  State 
represented  shall  be  allowed  one  vote  in  the  action  of  the  board.  Notice  of  every 
meeting  of  the  board  of  visitors  shall  be  sent  by  mail  to  all  members  of  the 
board,  and  to  the  trustees  of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  at  least 
one  month  before  the  time  appointed  for  the  meeting. 

SECTION   3.      The  ninth  and  twelfth  sections  of  the   act   to   establish   the 
American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  are  hereby  repealed. 

(Acts  of  the  General  Assembly  of  the  Commonwealth  of  Kentucky,  1859- 
1860,  Volume  II,  Chapter  560,  page  247.) 

On  April  3,  1861,  the  following  act,  entitled  "AN  ACT  to 
amend  the  Charter  of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the 
Blind,"  was  approved: 

WHEREAS,  The  State  of  Mississippi  has,  by  law,  made  an  appropriation 
of  two  thousand  dollars  to  aid  in  establishing  in  Kentucky,  a  national  institution 
to  print  and  circulate  books  in  raised  letters  for  the  blind;  and  whereas,  said 
State  has  incorporated  a  board  of  trustees  to  receive  said  money,  and  twelve 
thousand  dollars  which  have  been  subscribed  for  the  aforesaid  purpose  by  citizens 
of  Mississippi,  and  to  transfer  said  funds  to  said  institution  in  Kentucky;  and 
whereas,  it  is  anticipated  that  other  States  will  make  donations  and  incorporate 
trustees  to  this  enterprise, 

Be  it  enacted  by  the  General  Assembly  of  the  Commonwealth  of  Kentucky: 

SECTION  1.  That  the  charter  of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the 
Blind  shall  be,  and  is  hereby,  so  amended  as  to  read  as  follows:  That  an  institu- 
tion under  the  name  of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  shall  be 
established  in  Louisville,  Kentucky,  or  its  vicinity,  and  that  James  Guthrie, 
William  F.  Bullock,  Theodore  S.  Bell,  Bryce  M.  Patten,  William  Kendrick,  John 
G.  Barret,  and  A.  O.  Brannin,  and  their  successors,  be,  and  they  are  hereby, 
declared  a  body  corporate,  under  the  name  and  style  of  the  Trustees  of  the 
American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  with  the  right  as  such  to  use  a  common 
seal,  to  sue  and  be  sued,  to  plead  and  be  impleaded,  in  all  courts  of  justice,  and 
in  all  cases  in  which  the  interest  of  the  institution  are  involved.  The  said  trustees 
are  hereby  fully  empowered  to  receive  by  legacies,  conveyances,  or  otherwise, 
lands,  money,  and  other  property,  and  the  same  to  retain,  use,  and  apply  to  the 
publishing  of  books  in  raised  letters  for  the  blind;  and  they  are  authorized  to 
purchase  land  and  erect,  purchase,  or  rent  buildings,  for  the  use  of  said  insti- 
tution, and  to  make  all  such  contracts  as  may  be  necessary  to  accomplish  the 
purposes  of  their  incorporation.  They  may  appoint  such  officers  and  agents 
as  may  be  necessary;  may  prescribe  their  duties,  and  fix  the  term  of  their  offices, 
and  the  amount  of  their  compensation:  Provided,  however,  That  no  contract 
entered  into  by  any  officer  or  agent,  involving  the  payment  of  money,  shall  be 
binding  until  ratified  by  the  trustees.  The  said  trustees  are  hereby  invested  with 
the  same  powers  and  privileges  in  regard  to  the  copyright  of  books  published  by 
them  as  are  enjoyed  by  natural  persons.  The  trustees  may  adopt,  from  time 
to  time,  such  by-laws,  rules,  and  regulations  as  may  be  legal  and  proper. 

SECTION  2.  The  trustees  shall  elect  annually  a  president,  a  treasurer,  and 
a  secretary,  who  shall  hold  their  offices  until  their  successors  shall  be  elected  and 
duly  qualified.  Said  trustees  may  prescribe  the  duties  and  fix  the  compensation 
of  said  officers. 

SECTION  3.  It  shall  be  the  duty  of  said  trustees  to  hold  an  annual  meet- 
ing, and  other  stated  meetings,  at  such  times  as  they  may  appoint,  and  such 
special  meetings  as  may  be  called  by  the  president. 


SECTION  4.  The  trustees  shall  require  from  the  treasurer,  before  he  enters 
upon  the  duties  of  his  office,  his  bond,  with  satisfactory  security,  that  he  will 
take  care  of  and  account  for  all  money  and  other  property  of  the  institution 
that  may  be  intrusted  to  him,  and  that  he  will  faithfully  perform  all  the  duties 
of  his  office. 

SECTION  5.  The  said  trustees  shall  have  power  to  invest  any  money  in 
the  hands  of  the  treasurer,  when  to  them  it  shall  seem  expedient,  by  way  of  loan, 
at  any  legal  rate  of  interest,  to  be  secured  by  mortgage  on  real  estate  unincum- 
bered, and  of  double  the  value  of  the  amount  loaned;  the  interest  in  all  cases 
to  be  payable  semi-annually. 

SECTION  6.  It  shall  be  the  duty  of  the  board  of  trustees,  before  com- 
mencing the  publication  of  any  book,  to  request  the  superintendent  of  every 
Institution  for  the  Education  of  the  Blind  in  North  America,  to  make  out  and 
send  to  the  trustees  of  the  Printing  House,  a  list  of  such  books  as  he  may  deem 
most  desirable  for  the  use  of  the  blind;  and  said  trustees  shall  select  for  publica- 
tion the  book  that  shall  have  received  the  greatest  number  of  superintendent's 
votes  in  its  favor.  This  mode  of  selecting  books  for  publication  shall  be  repeated 
at  least  once  every  year. 

SECTION  7.  Every  school  for  the  blind,  located  in  a  State  whose  Legisla- 
ture or  citizens  contribute  to  the  funds  of  the  American  Printing  House,  shall, 
in  proportion  to  the  funds  contributed,  be  entitled  to  copies  of  every  book 
published  by  said  House,  to  be  distributed  gratuitously  to  such  blind  persons 
as  are  unable  to  purchase  them.  And  the  superintendents  of  said  schools  shall 
be  required  to  report  to  the  trustees  of  said  House,  the  names  and  residences  of  all 
persons  to  whom  books  may  be  thus  distributed.  The  prices  of  books  published 
by  this  institution  shall  be  made  so  low  as  merely  to  cover  the  cost  of  publication, 
and  other  incidental  expenses  of  the  Institution. 

SECTION  8.  It  shall  be  the  duty  of  the  board  of  trustees  to  make  an 
annual  report  of  their  proceedings,  which  shall  embrace  a  full  account  of  the 
receipts  and  disbursements,  the  funds  on  hand,  the  number  of  books  sold,  and 
the  number  distributed  gratuitously;  and  a  general  statement  of  the  condition  of 
the  institution;  and  they  shall  transmit  copies  of  said  reports  to  the  General 
Assembly  of  Kentucky,  to  the  Governors  of  the  States  in  North  America,  to  the 
President  of  each  State  Board  of  Trustees,  to  the  Superintendent  of  every  Amer- 
ican Institution  for  the  Education  of  the  Blind,  and  to  every  person  who  shall 
have  made  to  the  institution  a  donation  of  five  dollars  the  previous  year. 

SECTION  9.  The  superintendents  of  State  institutions  devoted  exclusively 
to  the  education  of  the  blind,  and  the  Governors  of  the  States  that  aid  in  sus- 
taining the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  and  the  presidents  of  the 
State  auxiliary  boards  of  trustees  shall,  ex-ofhcio,  constitute  a  board  of  visitors, 
each  member  of  which  shall  be  at  all  times  authorized  to  visit  the  Printing 
House,  examine  the  books,  and  investigate  the  proceedings  of  the  trustees;  and 
the  president  of  any  State  board  may,  at  the  written  request  of  a  majority  of  the 
visitors,  call  a  meeting  of  the  board  of  visitors,  who  shall  be  fully  empowered 
to  investigate  the  proceedings  of  the  trustees  of  the  institution;  and  in  case  they 
shall  find  that  said  board,  or  any  member  thereof,  has  mismanaged  the  affairs 
of  said  institution  by  malfeasance  in  office,  or  neglect  of  duty,  they  may,  a 
majority  of  three  fourths  of  all  the  members  present  concurring,  declare  the 
offices  or  office  of  said  trustees  or  trustee  vacant,  and  proceed  to  fill  the  vacancy 
by  election  from  the  citizens  of  Louisville  or  its  vicinity. 

Representatives  from  a  majority  of  the  States  that  contribute  to  the  support 
of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind  shall  constitute  a  quorum  of  the 
board  of  visitors,  and  each  State  represented  shall  be  allowed  one  vote  in  the 
action  of  the  board.  Notice  of  every  meeting  of  the  board  of  visitors  shall  be 
sent  by  mail  to  all  the  members  of  the  board,  and  to  the  trustees  of  the  American 
Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  at  least  one  month  before  the  time  appointed 
for  the  meeting. 


SECTION  10.  The  Trustees  of  said  Printing  House  shall  continue  in 
office  until  their  offices  shall  become  vacant  by  resignation,  death,  or  removal 
from  office,  as  herein  before  provided  for.  All  vacancies  caused  by  resignation  or 
removal  shall  be  filled  by  the  remaining  members  of  the  board. 

SECTION  11.  All  acts  or  parts  of  acts  inconsistent  with  this  act  are 
hereby  repealed. 

(Acts  of  the  General  Assembly  of  the  Commonwealth  of  Kentucky;  1861, 
Chapter  299,  page  168.) 

The  following  act,  entitled  "AN  ACT  for  the  Benefit  of  the 
American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind,''  was  approved  June  3, 

Be  it  enacted  by  the  General  Assembly  of  the  Commonwealth  of  Kentucky: 

SECTION  1 .  That  there  shall  be,  and  is  hereby  appropriated  to  the  Amer- 
ican Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  located  in  Jefferson  County,  Kentucky,  five 
dollars  annually,  for  every  blind  person  in  the  State  of  Kentucky,  according  to 
the  census  of  the  United  States,  to  aid  the  institution  in  printing  books  in  raised 
letters  for  the  blind,  and  in  furnishing  the  same  gratuitously  to  the  indigent 
blind,  and  at  cost  to  others,  in  accordance  with  provisions  of  the  charter  of  said 
Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  granted  by  the  Legislature  of  Kentucky. 

SECTION  2.  That  the  third  section  of  the  amended  charter  of  the  Amer- 
ican Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  approved  April  3,  1861,  be  so  amended 
as  to  read  as  follows,  viz:  It  shall  be  the  duty  of  said  trustees  to  hold  an  annual 
meeting  and  other  stated  meetings,  at  such  times  as  they  may  appoint,  and  such 
special  meetings  as  may  be  called  by  the  president  or  secretary. 

SECTION  3.  That  the  tenth  section  of  said  amended  charter  of  said 
Printing  House  for  the  Blind  be  so  amended  as  to  read  as  follows,  viz:  The 
trustees  of  said  printing  house  shall  continue  in  office,  until  their  offices  shall 
become  vacant  by  resignation,  neglect  to  act,  death,  removal  from  the  State,  or 
removal  from  office,  as  hereinbefore  provided  for;  all  vacancies  caused  by  resig- 
nation, neglect  to  act,  death,  or  removal  from  the  State,  shall  be  filled  by  the 
remaining  members  of  the  board. 

SECTION  4.  That  the  Auditor  is  directed  to  draw  his  order  on  the 
Treasurer,  in  favor  of  the  superintendent  of  the  institution,  for  the  sum  appro- 
priated by  this  act. 

SECTION  5.      That  this  act  shall  take  effect  from  its  passage. 

(Acts  of  the  General  Assembly  of  the  Commonwealth  of  Kentucky,  1865, 
Volume  I,  Chapter   1801,  page   140.) 

The  following  is  the  act  of  Congress,  approved  March  3, 
1879,  entitled  "An  Act  to  promote  the  Education  of  the  Blind": 

Whereas,  the  trustees,  superintendents,  and  teachers  of  the  various  State 
and  public  institutions  for  the  instruction  of  the  blind,  representing  the  interests 
of  over  thirty  thousand  blind  persons  in  the  United  States,  have  united  in  a 
petition  to  Congress  to  take  into  consideration  the  needs  of  the  blind  in  the 
United  States;  and 

Whereas  the  Association  of  the  American  Instructors  of  the  Blind,  at  their 
session  in  Philadelphia,  in  August,  eighteen  hundred  and  seventy-six,  representing 
twenty-six  State  and  public  institutions  for  the  instruction  of  the  blind,  have 
set  forth  in  a  series  of  resolutions  that  the  especial  needs  of  the  blind  are  embossed 
books  and  tangible  apparatus,  and  have  recommended  that  if  any  aid  should  be 
given  by  Congress  it  would  most  efficiently  come  through  increasing  the  means 


of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  located  in  Louisville,  Kentucky; 

Whereas  it  appears  that  the  Kentucky  legislature  in  eighteen  hundred  and 
fifty-eight,  by  an  act  of  special  legislation,  declared  James  Guthrie,  W.  F. 
Bullock,  Theodore  S.  Bell,  Bryce  M.  Patten,  John  Milton,  H.  T.  Curd,  and  A.  O. 
Brannin,  and  their  successors,  a  body  corporate,  under  the  name  and  style  of  the 
Trustees  of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  with  the  avowed  purpose 
of  printing  books  and  making  apparatus  for  the  Instruction  of  the  Blind  of  the 
United  States,  for  general  distribution,  and  for  the  sake  of  philanthropy,  and 
with  no  desire  for  pecuniary  gain;   and 

Whereas  the  States  of  Louisiana,  Mississippi,  Tennessee,  Kentucky,  New 
Jersey,  and  Delaware  have  made  appropriations  for  the  aid  of  said  American 
Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  of  which,  on  account  of  the  outbreak  of  the  civil 
war,  only  a  small  part  of  the  money  appropriated  by  the  first  three  named  States 
was  ever  available;  and 

Whereas  by  the  money  from  the  States  of  Kentucky,  New  Jersey,  and  Dela- 
ware a  printing  house  for  the  blind  was  established,  and  is  now  supplied  with 
presses,  type,  stereotype  foundry,  steam-engine,  a  well-equipped  bindery,  and  all 
of  the  appliances  necessary  for  the  manufacture  of  embossed  books,  and  has  for 
the  last  ten  years  been  manufacturing  embossed  books  superior  in  every  way 
to  any  manufactured  elsewhere,  which  have  been  distributed  gratuitously  to  the 
blind  in  the  States  of  Kentucky,  New  Jersey,  and  Delaware,  by  which  the  blind 
in  those  states  have  been  very  much  benefited;   and 

Whereas  it  is  desirable  that  the  blind  of  the  whole  country  should  be  equally 
benefited,  and  the  intentions  of  the  trustees  to  establish  an  educational  institution 
of  the  most  practical  beneficence  and  wisest  philanthropy  upon  a  national  basis, 
should  be  accomplished,  inasmuch  as  the  Education  of  the  Blind  is  a  subject  of 
national  importance;    Therefore, 

Be  it  enacted  by  the  Senate  and  House  of  Representatives  of  the  United 
States  of  America  in  Congress  assembled, 

That  the  sum  of  two  hundred  and  fifty  thousand  dollars,  out  of  money  in 
the  United  States  Treasury  not  otherwise  appropriated,  be,  and  hereby  is,  set 
apart  as  a  perpetual  fund  for  the  purpose  of  aiding  the  education  of  the  blind 
in  the  United  States  of  America,  through  the  American  Printing  House  for 
the  Blind. 

SECTION  2.  That  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  of  the  United  States  is 
hereby  directed  to  hold  said  sum  in  trust  for  the  purpose  aforesaid;  and  it  shall 
be  his  duty,  upon  the  passage  of  this  act,  to  invest  said  sum  in  United  States 
interest-bearing  bonds,  bearing  interest  at  four  per  centum,  of  the  issue  of  July, 
eighteen  hundred  and  seventy,  and  upon  their  maturity  to  reinvest  their  proceeds 
in  other  United  States  interest-bearing  bonds,  and  so  on  forever. 

SECTION  3.  That  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  of  the  United  States  is 
hereby  authorized  to  pay  over,  semi-annually,  to  the  trustees  of  the  American 
Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  located  in  Louisville,  Kentucky,  and  chartered  in 
eighteen  hundred  and  fifty-eight  by  the  legislature  of  Kentucky,  upon  the  requi- 
sition of  their  president,  countersigned  by  their  treasurer,  the  semi-annual  interest 
upon  the  said  bonds,   upon  the  following  conditions: 

First.  The  income  upon  the  bonds  thus  held  in  trust  for  the  education 
of  the  blind  shall  be  expended  by  the  trustees  of  the  American  Printing  House 
each  year  in  manufacturing  and  furnishing  embossed  books  for  the  blind  and 
tangible  apparatus  for  their  instruction;  and  the  total  amount  of  such  books 
and  apparatus  so  manufactured  and  furnished  by  this  income  shall  each  year  be 
distributed  among  all  the  public  institutions  for  the  education  of  the  blind  in 
the  States  and  Territories  of  the  United  States  and  the  District  of  Columbia, 
upon  the  requisition  of  the  superintendent  of  each,  duly  certified  by  its  board 
of  trustees.  The  basis  of  such  distribution  shall  be  the  total  number  of  pupils 
in  all  the  public  institutions  for  the  education  of  the  blind,  to  be  authenticated 
in  such  manner  and  as  often  as  the  trustees  of  the  said  American  Printing  House 


shall  require:  and  each  institution  shall  receive,  in  books  and  apparatus,  that 
portion  of  the  total  income  of  said  bonds  held  by  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury 
of  the  United  States  in  trust  for  the  education  of  the  blind,  as  is  shown  by  the 
rat'o  between  the  number  of  pupils  in  that  institution  for  the  education  of  the 
blind  and  the  total  number  of  pupils  in  all  the  public  institutions  for  the  educa- 
tion of  the  blind,  which  ratio  shall  be  computed  upon  the  first  Monday  in 
January  of  each  year. 

Second.  No  part  of  the  income  from  said  bonds  shall  be  expended  in  the 
erection  or  leasing  of  buildings. 

Third.  No  profit  shall  be  put  on  any  books  or  tangible  apparatus  for  the 
instruction  of  the  blind  manufactured  or  furnished  by  the  trustees  of  said 
American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  located  in  Louisville,  Kentucky;  and 
the  price  put  upon  each  article  so  manufactured  or  furnished  shall  only  be  its 
actual  cost. 

Fourth.  The  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  of  the  United  States  shall  have 
the  authority  to  withhold  the  income  arising  from  said  bonds  thus  set  apart  for 
the  education  of  the  blind  of  the  United  States  whenever  he  shall  receive  satis- 
factory proof  that  the  trustees  of  said  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind, 
located  in  Louisville,  Kentucky,  are  not  using  the  income  from  these  bonds  for 
the  benefit  of  the  blind  in  the  public  institutions  for  the  education  of  the  Blind 
cf  the  United  States. 

Fifth.  Before  any  money  be  paid  to  the  treasurer  of  the  American  Printing 
House  for  the  Blind  by  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  of  the  United  States,  the 
treasurer  of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind  shall  execute  a  bond, 
with  two  approved  sureties,  to  the  amount  of  twenty  thousand  dollars,  condi- 
tioned that  the  interest  so  received  shall  be  expended  according  to  this  law  and 
all  amendments  thereto,  which  shall  be  held  by  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  of 
the  United  States,  and  shall  be  renewed  every  two  years. 

Sixth.  The  superintendents  of  the  various  public  institutions  for  the 
education  of  the  blind  in  the  United  States  shall  each,  ex  officio,  be  a  member  of 
the  Board  of  Trustees  of  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  located  in 
the  city  of  Louisville,  Kentucky. 

SECTION  4.  That  the  trustees  of  said  American  Printing  House  for  the 
Blind  shall  annually  make  to  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  of  the  United  States 
a  report  of  the  items  of  their  expenditure  of  the  income  of  said  bonds  during  the 
year  preceding  their  report,  and  shall  annually  furnish  him  with  a  voucher  from 
each  public  institution  for  the  education  of  the  blind,  showing  that  the  amount 
of  books  and  tangible  apparatus  due  has   been   received. 

SECTION  5.      That  this  act  shall  take  effect  from  and  after  its  passage. 

(United  States  Statutes  at  Large,  45th  Congress,  1879 ,  Session  III,  Chapter 
186,  page  467.) 

The  following  act,  entitled  "An  Act  to  amend  an  act  to 
establish  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  and  the 
amendments  thereto,"  was  approved  February  28,   1880: 

Be  it  enacted  by  the  General  Assembly  of  the  Commonwealth  of  Kentucky: 

SECTION  1.  That  the  first  section  of  the  amended  charter  of  the  American 
Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  approved  April  3d,  1861,  be,  and  is  hereby,  so 
amended  as  to  read  as  follows,  viz:  And  in  addition  to  the  trustees  named  in 
this  section,  the  Superintendents  of  Public  Institutions  for  the  Education  of  the 
Blind  in  the  United  States,  the  Territories,  and  the  District  of  Columbia,  be,  and 
hereby  are,  constituted  ex  officio  members  of  the  board  of  trustees. 

SECTION  2.  That  the  annual  subsidy  of  five  dollars  for  each  blind  person 
in   the  State  of  Kentucky,   now   paid   to  the  American  Printing  House   for  the 


Blind,  by  virtue  of  an  act  of  tbz  General  Assembly  of  the  Commonwealth  of 
Kentucky,  approved  June  3d,  1865,  shall  cease  from  and  after  the  date  of  the 
payment  by  the  Auditor  of  the  Commonwealth  to  the  treasurer  of  the  American 
Printing  House  for  the  Blind,  of  all  arrearages  due  under  the  provisions  of  an 
act  entitled  "An  act  to  benefit  the  American  Printing  House  for  the  Blind," 
approved  June  3d,  1865. 

SECTION  3.      That  this  act  shall  take  effect  from  its  passage. 

(Acts  of  the  General  Assembly  of  the  Commonwealth  of  Kentucky,   1879- 
1880,  Chapter  326,  page  286.) 

On  June  25,  1906,  the  following  act,  entitled  "An  Act  To 
modify  the  requirements  of  the  Act  entitled,  'An  Act  to  promote 
the  Education  of  the  Blind,'  approved  March  third,  eighteen  hun- 
dred and  seventy-nine,"  having  passed  both  Houses  of  Congress 
and  been  signed  by  the  President,  became  a  law: 

Be  it  enacted  by  the  Senate  and  House  of  Representatives  of  the  United 
States  of  America  in  Congress  assembled, 

That  the  sum  of  two  hundred  and  fifty  thousand  dollars  heretofore  invested 
in  United  States  registered  four  per  centum  bonds,  funded  loan  of  nineteen  hun- 
dred and  seven,  inscribed  "Secretary  of  the  Treasury,  trustee — interest  to  the 
Treasurer  of  the  United  States  for  credit  of  appropriation  'To  promote  the  edu- 
cation of  the  blind,'  "  shall  upon  maturity  and  redemption  of  said  bonds  on  the 
first  day  of  July,  nineteen  hundred  and  seven,  in  lieu  of  reinvestment  in  other 
Government  bonds,  be  set  apart  and  credited  on  the  books  of  the  Treasury  De- 
partment as  a  perpetual  trust  fund;  and  the  sum  of  ten  thousand  dollars,  being 
equivalent  to  four  per  centum  on  the  principal  of  said  trust  fund,  be,  and  the 
same  is  hereby,  appropriated,  out  of  any  moneys  in  the  Treasury  not  otherwise 
appropriated,  and  such  appropriations  shall  be  deemed  a  permanent  annual  ap- 
propriation and  shall  be  expended  in  the  manner  and  for  the  purposes  analysed 
by  the  Act  approved  March  third,  eighteen  hundred  and  seventy-nine,  entitled 
"An  Act  to  promote  the  Education  of  the  Blind"  approved  March  third,  eighteen 
hundred  and  seventy-nine. 

(United  States  Statutes  at  Large,  59th  Congress,  1906,  Session  I,  Part  1, 
Chapter  3536,  page  46  0.) 

On  August  4,  1919,  the  following  act,  entitled  "An  Act 
Providing  additional  aid  for  the  American  Printing  House  for 
the  Blind,"  was  approved: 

Be  it  enacted  by  the  Senate  and  House  of  Representatives  of  the  United 
States  of  America  in  Congress  assembled, 

That  for  the  purpose  of  enabling  the  American  Printing  House  for  the 
Blind  more  adequately  to  provide  books  and  apparatus  for  the  education  of  the 
blind  there  is  hereby  authorized  to  be  appropriated  annually  to  it  in  addition  to 
the  permanent  appropriation  of  $10,000  made  in  the  Act  entitled  "An  Act  to 
promote  the  education  of  the  blind,"  approved  March  3,  1879,  as  amended,  the 
sum  of  $40,000,  which  sum  shall  be  expended  in  accordance  with  the  require- 
ments of  said  act  to  promote  the  education  of  the  blind. 

(United  Slates  Statutes  at  Large,  66th  Congress,  1919,  Session  I,  Part  1, 
Chapter  31,  page  272.) 


The  following  act,  entitled  "An  Act  To  amend  the  Act  provid- 
ing additional  aid  for  the  American  Printing  House  for  the 
Blind,"  was  approved  February  8,    1927: 

Be  it  enacted  by  the  Senate  and  House  of  Representatives  of  the  United 
States  of  America  in  Congress  assembled, 

That  the  Act  entitled  "An  Act  providing  additional  aid  for  the  American 
Printing  House  for  the  Blind,"  approved  August  4,  1919,  is  hereby  amended 
to  read  as  follows : 

"That  for  the  purpose  of  enabling  the  American  Printing  House  for  the 
Blind  more  adequately  to  provide  books  and  apparatus  for  the  education  of  the 
blind,  there  is  hereby  authorized  to  be  appropriated  annually  to  it,  in  addition 
to  the  permanent  appropriation  of  $10,000  made  in  the  Act  entitled  'An  Act 
to  promote  the  education  of  the  blind,'  approved  March  3,  1879,  as  amended, 
the  sum  of  $65,000,  which  sum  shall  be  expended  in  accordance  with  the  re- 
quirements of  said  Act  to  promote  the  education  of  the  blind." 

(United  States  Statutes  at  Large,  69th  Congress,  1927 ,  Session  II,  Part  2, 
Chapter  76,  page  1060.) 

On  June  26,  1934,  an  act  known  as  the  "Permanent  Ap- 
propriation Repeal  Act,  1934"  was  approved.  Section  20, 
Clausei  75  and  82,  exempts  from  the  provisions  of  this  act  the 
funds  appropriated  "To  Promote  the  Education  of  the  Blind" 
under  the  act  of  March  3,   1879. 

Be  it  enacted  by  the  Senate  and  House  of  Representatives  of  the  United 
States  of  America  in  Congress  assembled, 

(a)  That  effective  July  1,  1935,  such  portions  of  any  Acts  as  provide 
permanent  or  continuing  appropriations  from  the  general  fund  of  the  Treasury 
to  be  disbursed  under  the  appropriation  accounts  appearing  on  the  books  of  the 
Government,  and  listed  in  sub-section  (b)  of  this  section,  are  hereby  repealed, 
and  any  unobligated  balances  under  such  accounts  as  of  June  30,  1935,  shall  be 
covered  into  the  surplus  fund  of  the  Treasury. 

Section  20.  (a)  The  funds  appearing  on  the  books  of  the  Government 
and  listed  in  sub-sections  (b)  and  (c)  of  this  section  shall  be  classified  on  the 
books  of  the  Treasury  as  trust  funds.  All  moneys  accruing  to  these  funds  are 
hereby  appropriated,  and  shall  be  disbursed  in  compliance  with  the  terms  of  the 


(75).    To  promote  the  Education  of  the  Blind   (principal)    (2t092). 

(82)  .    To  promote  the  Education  of  the  Blind   (interest)    (2x093)  . 
(United  States  Statutes  at  Large  73rd  Congress,   1934,  Session  II,  Part  1, 

Chapter  756,  page  1224.) 
